Releases: superdesk/superdesk-belga
Releases · superdesk/superdesk-belga
- [SDBELGA-274] Export
in administrative metadata - [SDBELGA-278] Author initials should be exported to NewsML instead of full names
- [SDBELGA-279] Published Belga NewsML should contain all objects in the update chain
- [SDBELGA-298] Fix Belga image auth for complex queries
- [SDBELGA-282] Combine metadata of picture/video in 'Description' metadata field
- [SDBELGA-312] Cannot publish a story with not fetchable related item
- [SDBELGA-307] Added a configuration for allowing updates of scheduled items
- [SDBELGA-300] Add mark_for_user privilege
- Load Belga remote parser
- Fix ingest routing does not display desk for Belga NewsML 1.2
- [SDBELGA-263] Fix ingest error on importing AFP without a headline
- [SDBELGA-283] Change profile from ALERT to TEXT on update
- [SDBELGA-299] Add timestamp to celery logs
- [SDBELGA-280] Setup profile for video/picture items and populate default values using client extension
- [SDBELGA-304] 'TIPS ingest macro' should also change the content profile
- [SDBELGA-267] Related images from the Belga Image database shouldn't be editable for the users
- [SDBELGA-201] Autopublish after 30 minutes if not opened for editing in the meantime
- [FIX] Fix planning and client core versions
- [FIX] Fix translate sports country codes macro
- Bug fix for Belga newsml 1.2 publisher
- Change 'country' CV display name
- Set colours for 'urgency'
- [SDBELGA-258] Support for a standalone video item in BelgaNewsML12Formatter
- Fix bug about NEWS/SPORT. It should be NEWS/SPORTS
- [SDBELGA-273] Create macro to add 'TIP' to headline and change urgency
- [SDBELGA-273] Rename macro to 'TIPS ingest macro'
- [SDBELGA-262] Add endpoints for event files and event history to the production API
- [SDBELGA-262] Add fs.files info to events files
- [SDBELGA-262] Add events files and events history endpoints to the docs
- [SDBELGA-230] Change metadata on profile change based on the config
- [SDBELGA-264] Removed 'Mark and Send' option for published and archived items from the action menu
- [SDBELGA-206] User activity widget
- [SDBELGA-255] More visual indication when items are marked for me
- [SDBELGA-256] Publish/send button not always visible
- [SDBELGA-270] Fix fields to work on dark themes
- [SDBELGA-254] Display duplicates for published items
- [SDBELGA-269] Improve the print preview
- New related items view
- Improve the visibility of "Hide Media" button
- Metadata field->value now occupies one line instead of two
- [SDBELGA-251] Set slugline and keywords to be empty for all ingest sources except "belganewsml12"
- [SDBELGA-229] Ability to start updating an update before it's published
- [SDBELGA-252] Set 'editFeaturedImage' config to true, but make all belga search items not fetchable.
- [SDBELGA-242] Add slugline for Belga 360 search item
- [SDBELGA-261] Review and update belga newsml format
- Avoid error during getting size in bytes
- Use profile label as a Role in the output except for belga_text. belga_text reflected as "Text" in Role.
- Update "KeywordLine" part.
- Production API
- [SDBELGA-262] Add endpoints for event files and event history to the production API
- OAuth server
- Integrate OAuth with production API
- [SDBELGA-143 SDBELGA-232] Fix macro to modify metadata during internal routing.
- [SDBELGA-238] Update the mapping of services and products in ingest (services-products CV).
- [SDBELGA-228] Mark for user option in preview mode.
- [SDBELGA-236]Remove translations when an article is spiked.
- Updated list view config.
- [SDBELGA-247] Added config for search.
- [MACROS][SET_DEFAULT_METADATA] copy "services-products" + added test
- [SDBELGA-234] Created a common macro that runs two macros as an incoming rule for a desk stage.
- Added default source for manually created items.
- Enable datetime field.
- [SDBELGA-239] Update mapping of services and products for Belga NewsML.
This release does not use stable Superdesk cores!
- [SDBELGA-221] The metadata of the DPA ingest is not mapped correctly.
- [SDBELGA-222] Metadata fields of AFP ingest not correct.
- [SDBELGA-223] Metadata fields of ANP ingest not correct.
- Fix TASS, EFE metadata mapping during ingest.
- Sync vocabularies.
- Update "Country" CV.
- [SDBELGA-240] Add a new CV for Services and Products.
- [SDBELGA-246] Added config to hide package creation.
This release does not use stable Superdesk cores!
- [SDBELGA-142][MACRO][SET_DEFAULT_METADATA] find default content template when desk is specified in kwargs.
This case is happening when the macro is used in desk's incoming stage. - [SDBELGA-196] Create macro to add prefix BELG to headline.
This release does not use stable Superdesk cores!