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Thank you for your interest to Survey Solutions. If you are seeing this page, you've followed an outdated link to the service that is no longer provided.
Our team no longer provides cloud-based servers for data collection (since April 09, 2020).
The corresponding announcement of the change and some possible alternatives have been posted online.
If you wish to set up your own server for data collection with Survey Solutions, please follow to this instructions page. Please, contact your local technical support or network administrator for any required assistance.
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+Powered by Michael Lokshin
Survey Solutions software is produced by a large team of dedicated programmers, data scientists, statisticians, economists and other specialists. Yet our vision is coming from the idea set forth by Michael (Misha) Lokshin in 2011 that survey data collection must be accessible, reliable, prompt, and yet yield high quality data. Misha has realized that to make a difference it is not enough to deliver advice and recommendation, but to create a working tool that can extend the accumulated experience to the wider audience of survey practitioners.
At first, it was hard to see in the initial clumsy version of our software, humbly blinking the cursor on a single tablet in our office, anything that would be attractive or promising. Yet the idea brought its fruit: today, the software is used around the World in more than 150 countries and not only successfully competes with long established market products, but takes the lead bringing to our users the power of the tools and methods not accessible before.
Misha believed that the only way to convince the sceptics is a delivery of the working product, and demonstration of the solution. While setting an ambitious goal of rapid and agile software development Misha has challenged all of us to still maintain the high quality of work that would benefit our users.
Misha was building our team, leading by own example of caring of every user and getting into every problem report, often responding to user requests in the middle of the night or while on vacation with his family.
Over the years we’ve seen our ups and downs, yet the confidence was always with us that we are making steps in the right direction.
As Misha is moving forward to a new phase in his career, we are grateful for his leadership and commit to continue the development and support of the Survey Solutions platform in the principles that he has established.
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+Adding new question type
Adding a new question type requires changes in all existing applications in survey solutions.
When implementing it think about an answers to the following questions:
What CLR type can be used to represent an answer to your question type. Consider existing types
How do you see this question to be represented in export
+– Is answer should be presented differently during preloading of assignments
How will it be represented on UI for interviewer, headquarters (answered read-only state)
Entry point is enum QuestionType. To add new entry here or not depends on how much your new question type is different from any of the existing types.
+In order to be able to use answer to a question in questionnaire expressions implement a type conversion in QuestionTypeToCSharpTypeMapper. You should always choose a type that can have a null value in it.
Extend QuestionnaireInfoFactory. This class is responsible to generate classes provided to a javascript view from QuestionnaireDocument object.
Implement needed UI to edit question details on designer. To do it introduce changes in src\UI\WB.UI.Designer\questionnaire folder. Start at views/question.html, controllers/question.js this is code that is generic to all question types. There you’ll be able to find how customizations per type can be implemented. Client javascript application sends commands to CommandController so check if you need to introduce changes there.
If you need to store custom properties for your question type create new command that is going to be used in update operations. Find implementation of UpdateTextQuestion class as an example
Implement needed new verifications to be used during questionnaire compilation. QuestionnaireVerifier class is an entry point for all checks that are executed, check QuestionVerifications class for examples. Verifications are separated into 3 levels (VerificationMessageLevel enum) - Critical, Error and Warning.
Critical errors are first to be checked by verifier. If any critical error found in questionnaire its likely to break the entire questionnaire structure and will lead to more and more errors. So if any critical error is found further lower level checks are not executed.
Error is regular error
Warning is shows in separate list and not prevents user from importing questionnaire to headquarters application
Once question can be saved on designer and verified implement its representation for PDF Export. PdfFactory class is responsible for preparing data to render document, views to render UI can be found in src\UI\WB.UI.Designer\Areas\Pdf folder. PDF file is generated from html with wkhtmltopdf tool.
In order to prevent older Headquarters applications from importing questionnaires that are using new question type extend DesignerEngineVersionService class with check for existence of a new type. Assign current ApiVersion.MaxQuestionnaireVersion to existing last check, increment later constant by 1 and use it to assign content version in your new check.
Do not forget to write unit test for all introduced changes.
Headquarters application should be able to display added question type during interview review and give an ability to give answers when web mode is used.
At this point you’ll need to implement an ability for interview to receive answers for that new question type.
+Interview represents itself as a tree inside (InterviewTree). Each question has own type that stores answer and state if its disabled, valid, etc. You need to create a representation of your question type, create a new class, take a InterviewTreeGpsQuestion as an example. While adding question type for a tree you’ll also create a type to store answer to your question type.
+Now you should be able to add a new command, example can found at AnswerGeographyQuestionCommand.cs. After new class for command is created add a new method that will accept answer in Interview.cs file, take AnswerAreaQuestion(AnswerGeographyQuestionCommand command) as an example.
+When that done you should be able to implement answering command. You’ll need to extend ApplyUpdateAnswerEvents method in the Interview class to raise new event type for your question.
When interview is accepting answer and is raising proper event, implement UI for web mode. Extend class that converts interview entities into UI dtos - WebInterviewInterviewEntityFactory. Specifically GetEntityDetails method. Create needed dto classes for it.
+Open src/UI/WB.UI.Frontend in visual studio code, create a new vue component in src\webinterview\components\questions folder. Existing convention maps component to a type declared in WB.Enumerator.Native.WebInterview.Models.InterviewEntityType enumeration. So extend it with new type and add appropriate .vue component (Integer.vue can be an example).
Implement preloading for new question type. Its done in 2 phases:
parsing and validating raw csv file for validity
verifying interview specific rules, question types and questions existence
Code is located in AssignmentsImportService.VerifySimpleAndSaveIfNoErrors method. It checks file and stores it in rows to database for background process to pickup and create assignments.
+When file is uploaded and stored AssignmentsVerificationJob validates it for interview specific rules, if needed extend it.
+After validation assignment is created in AssignmentsImportJob. To parse string value into a proper answer value extend AssignmentsImportService.ToInterviewAnswer method.
Web tester
If implemented properly should be working already since its using same code as web interview does.
Start implementation from extending of InterviewViewModelFactory. Method GetEntityModelType converts questionnaire question type to question type that is mapped to a specific viewmodel (GetEntityModelType). Extend InterviewEntityType enum, EntityTypeToViewModelMap method and create new viewmodel type for new question.
+Each question has generic functionalities like title, instructions, validations, warnings, comments etc. They are added by composition in parent viewmodel. Look for TextQuestionViewModel as an example of implementation.
+Viewmodel should implement multiple interfaces to be fully supported by interviewer application:
IInterviewEntityViewModel - makes it possible for section viewmodel to track individual entities
IViewModelEventHandler<TextQuestionAnswered> - viewmodel should update own ui when Interview accepted answer and pushed event about it back to interview
IViewModelEventHandler<AnswersRemoved> - same as answered
ICompositeQuestion - in order to achieve smooth scrolling each question is spitted into small rows. This interface allows for parent viewmodel to get a plain list of entities that question is composed of
IDisposable - called when user leaves section to clear all managed resources, unsubscribe from evets.
Export development is done in separate solution - src/Services/WB.Services.sln. Extend QuestionType enum and add a type that will represent new question type in questionnaire document (same was as it was implemented in designer).
+Extend QuestionnaireSchemaGenerator.GetSqlTypeForQuestion method that maps question type to PostgreSQL column type. If your question spans across multiple export columns (as multi option does for example) extend implementation of QuestionnaireExportStructureFactory.FillHeaderWithQuestionsInsideGroup method.
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+Communication between system components
Survey Solutions has several components that communicate with each other at different stages of the survey lifecycle.
See glossary for interpretation of some of the terms, which may have different meaning in other systems.
Survey Solutions Components:
Interviewer (Android application)
Supervisor (Android application)
Tester (Android application)
Headquarters (HQ) (Web application)
WebTester (Web application)
Designer (Web application)
These components may communicate with other components of the system.
In the regular data collection flow these are common steps:
A new Questionnaire is created on Designer.
The questionnaire is tested using Android Tester and Web-Tester. Both apps communicate with the Designer.
+3.The Headquarters application connects to Designer and downloads a questionnaire.
New assignments are created at Headquarters.
The Interviewer and Supervisor apps synchronize with Headquarters, send and receive data (multiple occurrences).
The Interviewer App synchronizes with the Supervisor App.
Note that not all surveys rely on supervisors using Supervisor App on a mobile
+device, correspondingly it is common for the interviewers to synchronize directly
+with the server.
I. Interviewer and Headquarters (HQ)
A. Initial step after clean installation
After installation user inputs synchronization endpoint (server URL), login name and password.
The Interviewer App sends request to Headquarters with login and password provided by user.
In case if user was not found in the system, password didn’t match the user, or the user was locked the Headquarters returns Unauthorized response.
If user’s credentials were successfully validated the server generates a new Token and returns it to the Interviewer App.
This Token is used for further authorization with Headquarters.
The Interviewer App requests the list of Workspaces from HQ and selects the first one in the received list.
The Interviewer App requests Headquarters to check if current user has a registered device.
If device is not linked (registered) to user the Interviewer App registers the current one.
The Interviewer App checks compatibility with Headquarters, providing device ID and communication protocol version of the application.
The Interviewer App also supplies application version in header as agent identifier.
The Headquarters validates all parameters and replies to the Interviewer whether synchronization is permitted.
Reasons that don’t allow to continue include:
user has a different device, linked to profile;
application should be updated to the latest version;
the Interviewer application has a later version than the server and cannot be synchronized.
If compatibility check is successful the Interviewer App saves the list of workspaces.
The Interviewer App requests details about the interviewer and Headquarterstenant Id and saves details.
B. Routine synchronization
After login to the Interviewer App, the dashboard is displayed for the selected workspace. On pressing the Sync button the synchronization starts, which includes the following steps:
The Interviewer App checks the login information sending request to the server
User details are requested and updated;
Application sends request to the server to verify that sync is permitted;
Current supervisor is requested from server and updated;
Application sends statistics to Headquarters.
The Interviewer App requests public encryption key if doesn’t not exist in the storage
The Interviewer App requests mobile device settings from the server and updates values for:
partial synchronization,
web interview URL template,
parameters for automatic location capture (period and accuracy).
If partial synchronization is enabled, the Interviewer App updates interviews with changes from Headquarters.
The Interviewer App uploads calendar events created or updated locally (on this mobile device).
The Interviewer App starts to uploads interviews to the Headquarters: those that are in the status Completed, those switched by the interviewer to CAWI mode, those unsynced yet if partial synchronization is enabled.
+For each interview the following items are sent in this order:
image files;
audio files;
audio audit files;
interview data.
The Interviewer App synchronizes assignments:
The list of assignments is requested from the Headquarters. For each of the assignments to be downloaded the application checks if a local copy of the questionnaire is present and downloads it if necessary.
The Interviewer App downloads assignments, updates and created new assignments if needed.
Downloading Interviews:
The Interviewer App gets the list of interviews from the HQ. Then checks the local list of interviews, removes and creates interviews one by one as necessary.
For every interview the questionnaire is downloaded if it doesn’t exist and then the interview data.
Questionnaires synchronization. The list of questionnaires is retrieved from the server. Local questionnaires (stored on the mobile device) are updated according to the list received from the Headquarters. This may involve local data deletion and updates as required.
The Interviewer App downloads calendar events.
The company logo is updated (if it was changed).
The audit log is sent to the Headquarters.
Application sends statistics to Headquarters.
II. Interviewer and Supervisor
Routine synchronization
III. Interviewer and Supervisor
IV. Headquarters and Designer
The Headquarters provides UI to enter login and password to connect to Designer and validates them by calling the Designer API. If validation succeeded, it then calls the Designer API to get the list of the questionnaires that this user has access to. Once a particular questionnaire is selected to be imported and import is requested, the following actions are performed:
The user’s credentials to access the Designer are validated.
The Headquarters prepares to import questionnaire in exclusive mode (note that the same questionnaire cannot be imported simultaneously).
The Headquarters requests the Designer API to get questionnaire providing information about what version of the questionnaire it supports. If the questionnaire in the Designer is erroneous (has errors) or the version of questionnaire on Designer is higher that Hadquarters supports error will be returned. The following results could be returned:
Unauthorized (401) - User is not authorized to perform this action any more. Might be locked by admin during the import.
Forbidden (403) - User has no access rights to this questionnaire. Shared status was revoked by owner.
Upgrade required (426) - The Designer doesn’t support old version of Headquarters.
ExpectationFailed (417) - Questionnaire contains new features not supported by the Headquarters.
NotFound (404) - Questionnaire not found. Might be deleted from the server.
ServiceUnavailable (503) - Server error occurred.
RequestTimeout (408) - Response was not received within defined timeframe.
If the previous step succeeded Headquarters requests backup archive and questionnaire preview files for the questionnaire (in every translation).
Headquarters starts assignments migration if the corresponding option for assignments migration was requested during the questionnaire import.
V. WebTester and Designer
VI. Tester and Designer
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+Development environment
In order to be able to buld Survey Solutions locally, you will need to install several prerequesties fist:
Install PostgreSQL.
Install LTS version of node JS (we currently use version 12).
Install yarn package manager.
Install latest version of asp.net core SDK.
Install Xamarin build tools for your platform.
Running locally
First you need to build javascript UI. It Can be done by running either .build.ps1, build.all.deps.bat or build_deps.sh scripts. This will build frontend components for Designer, Headquarters and Web Tester applications.
By default web applications use a locally installed PostgreSQL database. Review connection strings in appsettings.ini files to be able to run applications properly.
+Each web application supports configuration override for development purposes. Add appsettings.DEV_DEFAULTS.ini with required configuration.
To run Designer application execute:
dotnet run --project src/UI/WB.UI.Designer/WB.UI.Designer.csproj
To run Web tester execute:
dotnet run --project src/UI/WB.UI.Designer/WB.UI.Designer.csproj
To run Headquarters application execute:
dotnet run --project src/UI/WB.UI.Headquarters.Core/WB.UI.Headquarters.csproj
to run Export service execute:
dotnet run --project src/Services/Export/WB.Services.Export.Host/WB.Services.Export.Host.csproj
In order to build android applications you can use following command:
in the log there will be the location of compiled apks. However, in order to go to production you may need to create your own signature to sign apks.
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+Headquarters application overview
Headquarters web application uses CQRS with event sourcing based architecture.
At a high level a change to the state of the system is done in the following sequence:
Client creates a command that describes what kind of change is needed
Infrastructure restores aggregate root from its event stream
Aggregate root checks if command execution is allowed and executes it
Events produced by aggregate root are published to denormalizers to build reports, lists and any other representations for end user
Sections below describe major aspects of Headquarters application that developers need to know about.
Web request lifecycle
Each request in system passes a set of steps that developer should know about:
Determine target workspace
WorkspaceMiddleware check web request URL and list of created workspaces. If rules match it wraps web request into an inner Autofac scope where IWorkspaceContextAccessor can be resolved and client code knows workspace details that its working inside.
+When workspace middleware sets asp.net HttpContext.Request.Path and HttpContext.Request.PathBase. This allows for all other infrastructure like routing and link builders not to think about prefix for workspace name in the URL.
+In order to make all database queries to be executed in proper workspace set of NHibernate ISessionFactory objects is stored in HqSessionFactoryFactory class. Each has its connection string SearchPath property configured to match workspace.
+To have access to workspace information in all views global action filter (WorkspaceInfoFilter) sets it into ViewData dictionary.
Request transaction
UnitOfWorkActionFilter class begins transaction and commits it if no exception occurred during request execution. This transaction wraps calls that are made to data that is stored in IPlainStorage and IPlainKeyValueStorage.
Command execution
Command that is sent into CommandService to be handled by aggregate root. Each command is handled inside its own scope so that events and denormalized data is stored in one transaction and either committed fully or rolled back.
Command is executed by CommandExecutor class and can be of two types - regular and stateless. Difference between the two is that stateless command does not restore aggregate root state from events. Example of stateless command is interview deletion that occurs when questionnaire is deleted. In such case reading each interview events and restore state would be a waste of resources.
AggregateRoot state is restored from events by calling Apply methods one by one in sequence recorded in eventsequence column. Method mapped as a command handler (see usages of CommandRegistry class to see the mapping) is called on AggregateRoot.
Events produced by aggregate are published to denormalizers (good example of such is InterviewSummaryDenormalizer). If non of raised an exception during event handling command transaction is committed (UnitOfWorkInScopeExecutor is responsible for wrapping command in transaction).
Public API
Public api is the one that is intended to be used by any other software that should be integrated with survey solutions. This means that developer should not introduce breaking changes without necessity. Code that relates to public api located in WB.UI.Headquarters/Api/PublicApi folder. It consists of 2 parts, regular api controllers that are documented with swagger and graphql.
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Survey solutions currently has 2 solution files - one for build UI projects (src/WB.sln) and one for services (src/Services/WB.Services.sln).
Project dependency diagram for WB.sln:
From top to bottom:
Project contains code that is common to the entire survey solutions. This is an assembly that is referenced from compiled assembly that contains enabling conditions and validation expressions. So for example if you need to add a reusable function to extend existing set this an assembly to extend.
In order to be able to buld Survey Solutions locally, you will need to install several prerequesties fist:
Install PostgreSQL.
Install LTS version of node JS (we currently use version 12).
Install yarn package manager.
Install latest version of asp.net core SDK.
Install Xamarin build tools for your platform.
Running locally
First you need to build javascript UI. It Can be done by running either .build.ps1, build.all.deps.bat or build_deps.sh scripts. This will build frontend components for Designer, Headquarters and Web Tester applications.
Adding a new question type requires changes in all existing applications in survey solutions.
When implementing it think about an answers to the following questions:
What CLR type can be used to represent an answer to your question type. Consider existing types
How do you see this question to be represented in export
+– Is answer should be presented differently during preloading of assignments
How will it be represented on UI for interviewer, headquarters (answered read-only state)
Entry point is enum QuestionType. To add new entry here or not depends on how much your new question type is different from any of the existing types.
+In order to be able to use answer to a question in questionnaire expressions implement a type conversion in QuestionTypeToCSharpTypeMapper. You should always choose a type that can have a null value in it.
July 1, 2021
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+Project overview
Survey solutions currently has 2 solution files - one for build UI projects (src/WB.sln) and one for services (src/Services/WB.Services.sln).
Project dependency diagram for WB.sln:
From top to bottom:
Project contains code that is common to the entire survey solutions. This is an assembly that is referenced from compiled assembly that contains enabling conditions and validation expressions. So for example if you need to add a reusable function to extend existing set this an assembly to extend.
Since questionnaire structure is reused throughout all of the applications in the system this is also a core component that is referenced from all other applications. Bare questionnaire is stored in it. QuestionnaireDocument class is the one that specifies JSON structure of questionnaire.
Survey solutions uses CQRS based architecture. This project has helper classes to support this in all other applications.
Module contains common code that relates to actual data collection process that is the same for web and tablet. Interview and StatefulInterview entities are located in this project that implement the interview logic. Historically Interview was restored from event stream for each answer, but once stream sizes got bigger StatefulInterview took its place. Its kept in memory between requests and can quickly return current interview state.
Infrastructure code that is dedicated to handling asp.net web site related tasks. For example generic classes for monitoring implementation that is common for Designer and Headquarters applications is located here.
All not related to UI logic of designer application is here. Templates that are implementing classes for validation conditions and enabling conditions, questionnaire validation logic (QuestionnaireVerifier) located in this assembly.
Assembly to store all survey management related logic. Workspace management, user access, questionnaire import from designer etc.
Shared code for Interviewer and Supervisor android applications. Mostly contains view models for interview handling. Also contains DTOs for synchronization between applications using Google Nearby Communications
WB.UI.Interviewer, WB.UI.Supervisor, WB.UI.Tester
Xamarin.Android applications that are built using MvvmCross library.
establish connection for synchronization between the Interviewer and Supervisor apps.
The apps generally request the permissions when they are about to execute the
+action, for which the permission is needed. For example, a camera permission
+may be requested when the user wishes to answer a picture question.
Depending on the version and configuration of your OS the exact request for
+permissions and possible answer options may vary. For example, they may include
+a “allow only once” option, or simply include “always allow” and
+“always deny” options or their equivalents.
If the user does not grant the permission request made by Survey Solutions,
+then certain functionality will not be available.
If the app is not used for a long time Android OS may revoke the permissions
+granted to the App earlier.
If you want to revise your preferences regarding the permissions granted to
+Survey Solutions Apps (Interviewer App, Supervisor App, Tester App), meaning
+revoke the permission granted earlier, or grant the permission denied earlier,
+then you can change them in that App’s properties. See the following Google’s
+article for details: Change app permissions on your Android
Depending on the locally applicable laws and regulations you may be legally
+obligated to explain and announce the fact of the recording, and obtain
+consent prior to capturing audio recordings, photographic images, location
+data, or other privacy-related information:
from your interviewers;
from your respondents;
from others present during interviews.
Local regulations may prohibit taking photographs in the vicinity of military
+bases, airports, or government facilities. Use of Survey Solutions doesn’t
+free the user from the obligation to comply with such regulations.
Survey coordinators are encouraged to have a review of the planned activity
+with privacy, ethics, and legal experts to determine it’s feasibility and
+proper implementation details.
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+Browser requirements
The online components of Survey Solutions software (Designer, Web Tester, Headquarters, Web Interviewer) work with any modern web browser: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Microsoft Edge.
Microsoft Internet Explorer of any version is neither recommended nor supported at this time.
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+Can data collected with Survey Solutions be saved/backed up on a USB stick or micro-SD card?
Can data collected with Survey Solutions be saved/backed up on a USB stick or micro-SD card?
September 7, 2016
No, we do not support such functionality. This feature will unavoidably
+lead to data losses and increases in survey management costs. Saving
+data to UBS generates multiple versions of data that is very difficult
+to maintain without overriding the useful data. To avoid duplication,
+Survey Solutions imposes a rule where a particular questionnaire can be
+only with one agent in the system.
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+Where is My Interview?
This page is summarizing information that may help resolve the issue of the user not being able to find interviews. All of the below situations were encountered in practice while troubleshooting users’ reports of “Data loss” (no matter how absurd they may sound).
None of the situations described below constitutes a defect or a bug, as in these cases data is not lost by the system itself, but rather it is erased as a result of a specific and predictable action by the user.
Inspecting the situations together with the HQ staff and the interviewer involved often allows determining what exactly has happened, so please, do this before requesting support on the ‘data loss’ issues.
The developers are not aware of any reproducible scenario where the data loss occurs from the defects of the design of Survey Solutions. If you become aware of such a scenario, please raise an issue with a sufficient description.
The Data is being Collected with the Tester App.
The Tester App should not be used for data collection because it doesn’t save or send the data anywhere. Some facilitators inappropriately conduct training with the Tester App, thus creating a confusion which App should be used for data collection.
Recommendation: Actual interviewers should not be exposed to the Tester App, only the Interviewer App. The Tester App is a tool for questionnaire designers and QAs.
The Data is being Collected and Sent to a Different Server
If the training and actual fieldwork are taking place on different servers some interviewers may fail to receive, understand, or perform the instructions to switch the server, and if their application was configured to use the training server, they may be sending the data there.
If the training and actual data collection is done in different servers, after the training is completed, the training server should be disposed of. If it is still needed (e.g. for training of other groups of interviewers) then the accounts of the interviewers that have completed training should be locked or archived. This will make the problem apparent.
To confirm the issue the troubleshooter should inspect the synchronization point as saved in the Interviewer App’s settings for that interviewer.
When troubleshooting remotely, check if the interviewer has connected to the new server. If not, this is evidence that he/she is probably sending data elsewhere. If yes, it may be inconclusive, as the synchronization point can be manipulated afterwards.
The Questionnaire has been Deleted on the Server
If the questionnaire is deleted on the server all the data in that survey is deleted with it. Including any and all data on any mobile devices whether it was or was not sent to the server before such deletion. The deletion is only available to the administrator user, and an adequate warning and precaution is taken no to allow this to be clicked accidentally.
Recommendation: Only delete the surveys when you are absolutely sure that no new data can be sent from any of the mobile devices or web-respondents, and when the data has been properly downloaded and securely stored.
The Interviewer App has been Uninstalled
Uninstalling the Interviewer App automatically erases all the data associated with this app (this is a standard Android behavior). The App itself can’t resist from being uninstalled.
Explain to the interviewers that uninstalling the Interviewer App will erase all unsynchronized interviews.
Explain to the interviewers that when they need to update the Interviewer App, they need to install the new version on top of the existing version, rather than uninstall the previous version and install the newer one.
Block the possibility for the interviewers to uninstall Apps in Android (this may require restricting the user account and/or installation of third-party Apps delivering such specialized functionality).
The Interviewer App’s Data Cleared
Android OS allows an App’s data to be cleared. In the user selects this action all the data of that App is erazed, resulting in the deletion and loss of any interviews that haven’t been yet sent to the server.
Explain to the interviewers that clearing the Interviewer App’s data will erase all unsynchronized interviews.
Explain to the interviewers that when they need to update the Interviewer App, they need to install the new version on top of the existing version, rather than clear the data for the previous version and install the newer one.
Block the possibility for the interviewers to clear Apps’s data in Android (this may require restricting the user account and/or installation of third-party Apps delivering such specialized functionality).
The interviewer’s Mobile Device has been Re-Linked
When the interviewer links a new device to his/her account on the server, no data from the old device will be received by the server anymore. Correspondingly the old device should not be used for any data collection. But if it is not actully lost, stolen, or damaged, the interviewer may be tempted to continue using it (and may do so for a considerable time without realizing that she will not be able to send that data anywhere).
The Interviewer App issues a prominent warning about this including the warning of the data loss, which happens only when the interviewer confirms.
There are many different variations when this may occur even without the interviewer doing anything wrong, but they mostly depend on the interviewer’s login/password made known to other users.
Follow best practices: do not make passwords same for all the users, do not make passwords, which are predictable for the users (e.g. password same as the user name), and other bad practices.
Keep track on which accounts have been issued to real persons (such as when you are distributing generic accounts interviewer1, interviewer2, etc). This is best done by populating the full name of the user in the account properties.
Make sure the old device is successfully synchronized before re-linking to the new device! Remember that not every synchronization session is successful!
The Interviewer is ‘No Longer Responsible’
An interview is rejected to an interviewer X, and then after that interviewer synchronizes and receives the rejected interview, it is reassigned to another interviewer Y.
The person performing such reassingment receives a prominent warning from Survey Solutions that this action may result in such an undesirable result.
When interviewer X tries to submit the interview to the server, it is accepted by the server, is erased on the tablet, and the supervisor/HQ do not see the changes made by interviewer X when they review the interview.
This happens because the interview was already reassigned to interviewer Y. Correspondingly receiving it from interviewer X is not expected by the system and that data is discarded (technically it is stored in the broken packages, but it is irrecoverable for users’ purposes).
Only reassign if you know that original responsible will not be able to work on the interview.
Notify the original responsible about the reassignment asap using other means (email, phone, messenger) that he/she is no longer responsible for the interview and request to synchronize asap, in that case the rejected interview card will be removed from the dashboard of that interviewer and he/she will not be able to work on that interview.
The Mobile Device of the Supervisor is Lost
When interviewers are synchronizing with the supervisor’s mobile device, rather than with the server directly, the supervisor’s device stores the data collected by all the interviewers of his/her team. If the supervisor’s device is lost, stolen, or damaged before the synchronization is performed, that destroys all of these interviews as well.
Synchronize the supervisor’s device as frequently as possible.
Protect the supervisor’s device with extra care. This includes all sort of protection from damage (water damage, breaking damage, electric shock, battery overcharge/burn/explosion, etc) and theft. The survey coordinator must give explicit instructions to the field staff on what their behavior should be in case of physical threat to balance personal safety and safety of the data.
The Interviewer Discards the Data
The interviewer has the possibility to discard an interview (started or completed) in the Interviewer App. This functionality is available before the interview has been sent upstream (to the supervisor or to the server) at least once.
The interviewer gets a prominent warning that he/she is erasing the data and this can’t be undone, and the interview is discarded only when the interviewer confirms.
Explain to the interviewer that discarding an interview is an irreversible action.
Evidence that an interview was discarded can be found in the detailed actions log for that interviewer’s account (after synchronization with the server).
The Headquarters Database was Restored from a Backup
Restoring the database from a backup reinstates it in that volume as it was backed up. Thus any interviews sent by the interviewers after the backup was done will be discarded when the database is restored from the backup.
If you are aware of any other situations where the data may appear to be ’lost’ purely because of the actions of the user, please, discuss in the users’ forum to append to this list.
The Interviewer App contains several tools in the Diagnostics menu, among which is Collect and send to HQ all tablet information, Send trace logs, and Generate support package. None of these tools was designed as a data backup/restore feature, nor should the end users attempt to use this functionality for this purpose. Even in cases when these files may contain the data of the interviews that the survey coordinator may wish to restore, the software developers have no capacity to assist with these matters.
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+Survey Solutions Server Hosting
for new surveys setup a server as described in
+Survey Solutions Server using any of
+the following hosting options (any service providers below are mentioned as
+examples and should not be interpreted as a recommendation):
Request a server from a local cloud server provider or a telecom company (discuss in this forum thread);
Set up a server in your organization by either establishing a new or
+repurposing an existing server. See more information
When deciding on the proper server hosting, please:
consult all applicable laws and regulations of your country regarding
+data storage, transfer and processing, especially when the service provider
+indicates that the servers are physically located in a different country or
+does not disclose their location.
note that your organization (educational, governmental, non-profit, etc)
+may have rates and pricing different from the generic pricing conditions
+that the cloud providers publish. Inquire directly with the cloud server
+providers to get the most accurate information on the costs.
note that the costs may (and often do) vary by region.
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+Comparing floating point numbers and precision problems
Comparing floating point numbers and precision problems
February 6, 2017
Our development team often receives reports on suspected bugs in Survey
+Solutions on the grounds of a situation similar to the one described
+below. These reports stem from misunderstanding of some fundamental
+concepts of how computations are done by a computer, and not due to an
+actual defect of the software.
Problem description
Suppose you have a questionnaire containing two numeric questions X and
+Y, and a third question Z with an enabling condition (X*Y) == 21.6.
Some of the users report that the question Z doesn’t get enabled even
+for the values where it seems to hold when checked manually, e.g. for
+values X=18 and Y=1.2
The problem is that of comparing two floating point numbers, which is never
+exact. This is not a Survey Solutions problem, this is how computers
+work in general. One will have exactly the same situation in
The problem is not only of division or multiplication operations, but
+also of addition and subtraction:
display 0.1+0.1+0.1==0.3
As the value 21.6 can’t be stored in computer’s memory exactly, it is
+rounded, and it is rounded to a different value when it is obtained as a
+result of a mathematical operation or entered directly. Same applies to
+almost any programming language.
In most cases ask yourself first, whether you need an exact comparison.
+In many cases exact comparison is not required. Where it is required,
+ask yourself whether the values should indeed be represented as floating
+point numbers, or perhaps they are integers by nature. When there is no
+other way, compare the floating point numbers x and y as
where you define a macro $epsilon as a sufficiently small number, for
+example 0.00000001.
It is also possible to instruct C# to conduct the comparison as
+integers, where you know you indeed intend to compare integers:
You can find more about C# data types and their use in Survey Solutions
+by reading the article on data types.
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+Date and Time formats
This document uses the following notation to describe the date and time
Y - year
M - month
D - day
h - hour
m - minute
s - second
T - exactly letter T
{AM|PM} - one of the two time specifications AM or PM.
Mon - month abbreviated to 3 letters
Month - full month name.
DOW - day of week (such as Monday, Tuesday, etc).
TZ - timezone
Exported data
Survey Solutions writes date and time as strings in exported data files.
+Here is how:
In the main data file:
Date questions: YYYY-MM-DD
Timestamp (date question with the current time option):
+YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss in the device timezone.
Timestamp in GPS location question: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss in UTC
Calculated variable of type DateTime: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss without
+timezone adjustment.
In the interview_actions file:
Time: hh:mm:ss in UTC time zone
In the interview_comments file:
Time: hh:mm:ss in UTC time zone
In the survey paradata file:
Event timestamp: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss based on the server or tablet
+clock (as applicable*), adjusted for UTC time zone
Answer to the date question: YYYY-MM-DD
Answer to the date question with the current time option: YYYY-MM-DD
+hh:mm:ss based on the server or tablet clock (as applicable*) no
+adjustment for time zone.
Variable of DateTime type recalculated: M/D/YYYY h:m:s{AM|PM}, no
+adjustment for time zone.
In export__readme.txt file
In interviews.tab file (web links for assignments):
Date questions: YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00
Timestamp (date question with the current time option):
Tablet clock is used for events registered on the tablet, such as
+answering an interviewer’s question in CAPI mode interviews. Server
+clock is used for events registered on the server, such as rejection of
+interview by a supervisor.
Survey Solutions displays date and time information in various places in
+the interface. Here is how:
In the Questionnaires list (imported on, modified on, and created on
+fields) and Assignments list (updated on and created on fields): Mon
+DD, YYYY hh:mm in the current user timezone.
In the Interview status history dialog accessed from interview
+details: Mon DD, YYYY hh:mm in the UTC timezone.
In the Interview status history dialog accessed from interview
+context menu: Mon DD, YYYY hh:mm in the current user timezone.
Timestamp in identifying questions: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss recorded in
+the current user timezone; displayed without further timezone
+adjustment for users in other timezones.
Timestamp in interviewer’s questions: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss recorded
+and displayed in the current user’s timezone. Other users will see
+it adjusted for their timezones.
On completion of web interviews: M/D/YYYY h:m:s{AM|PM}
In audit log: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss -TZ timestamp of the server event
+using server clock in server time zone with explicit specification
+of time difference vs UTC time.
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+Deleting a survey
Survey deletion is possible, but as a dangerous operation is made
+available only to server administrators. When a survey is deleted all
+data collected as part of that survey is irretrievably and irreversibly
+lost. Hence the same steps should be applied as described in actions
+after the end of the
Make sure you backup your data before deleting a survey! Even if this
+was training, pre-test, or a field test. In some cases even data
+collected as part of such exercises can be invaluable for improving the
+questionnaire, estimating the performance of interviewers, or duration
+of the survey.
There is rarely any need to delete a survey. Deleting a questionnaire
+will delete the whole survey with all data associated with it.
Any interviews data received at the server from any tablet after the
+corresponding questionnaire has been deleted will also be
+automatically deleted from the tablets and not retained at the server!
Make sure you synchronize the tablets before exporting the data and
+deleting the survey questionnaire from the server.
Deleting a questionnaire may take a considerable time depending on the
+size of the survey and server performance. While the survey is being
+deleted its questionnaire still appears in the list of imported
+questionnaires in the disabled state, such as ‘Census 2020 v2’ in the
+following illustration. The questionnaire is automatically removed from
+the list when the deletion process completes.
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+Does obtaining a GPS signal require an internet connection?
Does obtaining a GPS signal require an internet connection?
September 7, 2016
No, GPS receiver in the tablets relies on satellites to obtain
+coordinates. So, no internet (3G or WiFi connection) is required.
+However, you can improve accuracy of GPS signal by pairing the satellite
+signals with the coordinates obtained from mobile networks.
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+Does Survey Solutions require constant internet connection to collect data?
Does Survey Solutions require constant internet connection to collect data?
September 7, 2016
No, Survey Solutions does not require constant internet connection. The
+data collection on tablet can be conducted offline. The internet
+connectivity, either 3G/4G or WiFi, is required to synchronize tablet
+with the server to send completed assignments and to receive new
+assignments. In some cases, i.e., remote Pacific islands, interviewers
+go without connection for several weeks. While it is possible not to
+synchronize for an extended period of time, we recommend to synchronise
+tablets as often as possible, preferably after each interview, if the
+connectivity allows.
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+Does Survey Solutions support data exchange from one tablet to another with Bluetooth, Point-to-Point or USB connection?
Does Survey Solutions support data exchange from one tablet to another with Bluetooth, Point-to-Point or USB connection?
September 7, 2016
No, current version of Survey Solutions does not support such data
+exchange. We see no reliable way to maintain and manage multiple copies
+of the same questionnaire on several tablets. While we realize the
+benefits of such transfer protocols in certain situations, the risk of
+data losses is too high for us to implement this feature.
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+Excessive interviews
Every interview in Survey Solutions is created based on an assignment,
+which dictates how many interviews (often just one) must be
In some cases users receive more interviews at the server then the
+assignment required.
This corresponds to values in the column “Count” are bigger than in the
+column “Size” in the table showing assignments.
The reason for this is the following scenario:
Supervisor gives assignment A to interviewer X;
Interviewer X picks assignment A (synchronizes) and proceeds to the
+enumeration area;
The supervisor changes her mind and re-assigns assignment A to
+interviewer Y;
Interviewer Y picks assignment A (synchronizes) and proceeds to the
+enumeration area;
At this moment both interviewers X and Y have assignment A on their
+tablet and have the possibility to start an interview from it; note that
+neither X nor Y know anything about the parallel copy of the assignment,
+at should normally proceed to fulfill it because it appears on their
Interviewers X and Y complete their copy of the interview (in any
Interviewers X and Y send completed interviews to the server
+(synchronize in any order);
At this moment excessive interviews are visible in the server.
Minimize re-assignments. It is better to give smaller portions of
+work to interviewers and give more as they complete, rather then
+give everything and re-assign later. Assignments that interviewers
+have never received can be safely assigned to any other interviewer.
If re-assignment is unavoidable, then before making a re-assignment
+check if the assignment has been received. If it has been already
+received by the interviewer X then re-assignment can potentially
+result in excessive interviews.
Make the interviewer X synchronize after step #3 in the above
+sequence. This will withdraw the assignment A from his dashboard,
+and when Interviewer Y picks it at step #4 no other copy of the
+assignment will exist in the system.
If synchronization of the Survey Solutions system is not possible
+(for no network connection in the area reasons), the supervisor must
+notify the interviewer X using other means not to start the
+assignment A that he has received and specify the assignment number.
+This not started assignment A will disappear from his dashboard at
+the next successful synchronization.
Instruct the interviewers to listen to what the respondents are
+telling them. If they insist that they have already responded to
+this survey, it may very well be true.
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+FAQ for email support
Before writing your request, study the documentation
+online, read the FAQ, and browse our users’ forum.
+Don’t neglect Google or other search
+engines. This is
+usually the fastest way to get your issue resolved. It will also
+help you to use the right terminology when asking a question.
All of the questions of the kind
+“Is it possible to do X in Survey Solutions?”
+or “How do I do X in Survey Solutions?”
+should not be sent to the support team directly, but rather be posted
+to the user forum as public
Write your request clearly. If we don’t understand it, we will not
+be able to help and it will take multiple rounds of emails to obtain
+clarification, ultimately resulting in a slower resolution.
+Messages simply reporting “X doesn’t work”
+or “X is not working” without steps to
+reproduce the problem will be immediately returned to sender for
+clarification without further investigation. Most of the reports of
+the type “X doesn’t work” are
+because X never existed or never intended to work the way you imagined
+it. While describing the issue refer to the documentation
+and indicate which instruction you’ve followed, and what was the specific
+problem (which error message you received exactly, whether the program
+has frozen, computer rebooted, etc).
Introduce yourself, your survey and your questionnaire. Do not assume
+we or other users know what BTLDMS or KVZTS/D is. If you experience a
+compatibility issue (device related) introduce your device (brand,
+model number, manufacturing year, OS version).
Questions of the type
+“What is the best way to do X?” typically
+can’t be considered without a context. Make sure you include your
+project description, any alternatives you are considering and associated
+costs, risks, and benefits.
Do not CC (copy) any other address in your request. Once you receive
+the answer to your request, you can forward it to your partners/co-authors.
Confirm promptly if the issue is resolved once you receive the answer. We
+will not be able to address your case until all previous support cases are closed.
Once the issue is resolved and you have a new issue, start a new request,
+do not answer to the old thread of the resolved issue. Do not write
+“Thank you for resolving issue A, and I have two
+more questions B and C”. Instead close the thread of issue A
+confirming it is resolved, start a new request for issue B and start
+another for issue C.
Urgent requests: all requests are urgent. Consequently all requests will be
+served in the order they arrive.
Use attachments to supplement your case description:
place screenshots for interface issues;
place long error messages verbatim in a separate text file;
include preloading files in text format; explain which tool was used to produce these files;
include PDF version of the questionnaire if necessary.
If the issue is related to a particular questionnaire, copy the link
+to it from the list of your questionnaires in the Designer.
In general requests for server maintenance, such as erasing a survey,
+resetting credentials, upgrading the version of the server
+component, etc are expected from the person designated as
+responsible for the server. We reserve the possibility to deny the
+requests from other persons if we can’t reliably establish their
+relationship to the data server in question.
Check the support address. This is the support line for the Survey
+Solutions software. If you are experiencing a device issue, perhaps
+you should contact the device manufacturer? If your issue is related
+to a statistical package, refer to the corresponding forum for that
Give each question you submit a meaningful title that explains in short
+what the issue is about. Here are the top ten worse titles for the
+questions we received: “Question”, “Request”,
+“Inquiry”, “Survey Solutions”, “Server”, “Urgent”, “Hello!”,
+“Need help!” , “Support”, “SOS”. Instead write
+“Error 601 during download of binary data file”,
+“Assignment appears on the dashboard of supervisor without a number”,
This is not a private email. Do not expect the same agent to
+respond to your every request; “How are things?”
+is not a support question.
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The following is a brief overview of the specialized terms used in Survey
+Solutions. The meaning of these terms may be different from what you may
+have experienced in other systems. Follow the links inside for more detailed
+explanations in the support site articles.
(aka Two-factor authentication)
Security-enhancing feature requiring authentication of users with
+two different procedures. In Survey Solutions the two factors are:
time-sensitive token (number) generated using an authenticator app
+(typically installed on the user’s smartphone).
A request/order to conduct one or more interviews as part of a
+certain survey to a specific user of the Survey Solutions system.
+Typically contains answers to one or more identifying fields that specify
+where the data must be collected. (typically 1 document per unit of survey).
Calculated variable
Element of a questionnaire document, which defines a calculated result based on
+questions and/or other variables using a pre-defined syntax.
+Variables may be intermediate or final, becoming part of the exported
+survey data.
Calendar event
An attribute of an assignment and interview, which consists of a message,
+date, and time components, typically used by interviewers to schedule
+upcoming visits.
Categories filtering
An efficiency technique that reduces the number of choices in categorical
+questions by removing the a priori invalid choices based on known information
+(answers to earlier questions) and a pre-defined syntax expression, which is
+evaluated for each option of a choice.
For example, a person who is 5 years old may not be related to the household
+head as father or grandfather, so these categories may be removed from
+the choices for this question. Yet these categories may be retained for a
+person who is 60 years old.
Cloud server
A Survey Solutions data server that stores the user data, but is located not
+in premises of the said user and is accessed not physically, but remotely
+through communication means. Cf. local server.
Compilation error
An error reported by the Designer while compiling a
+questionnaire. Questionnaires containing
+compilation errors may not be imported to a data server and
+the errors need to be fixed before a survey based on such a
+questionnaire may start.
Data server
A server that stores the data and hosts the Survey Solutions server component
+for managing the survey, controlling user accounts, exporting data and other
+key tasks. Can be set up on a cloud server or a
+local server.
An online tool (website) to develop electronic questionnaires
+to be used by the Survey Solutions data servers.
Also, a person who is using this tool to design questionnaires.
Email service provider
An online service providing the capability to send large number of emails.
+more info
An interview flow control technique in which questions in an
+interview are shown to the interviewer/respondent
+("asked") or not shown ("skipped") depending on the answers
+to earlier questions, preloaded information, calculated results, etc.
An electronic record of answers and comments to the questionnaire questions
+delivered in fulfillment of an assignment. (typically 1 or
+more documents per each assignment of survey).
Interviewing process
The process of filling out an interview by the interviewer (in
+the CAPI, CATI modes) or respondent (in the CAWI mode).
A particular numeric value, specifying the bounds within which the developers
+have implemented the functionality of the product. All limits chosen by the
+developers are listed in the
+following table.
A special kind of categorical question, the categories of which are not
+defined during the design of the questionnaire, but are
+defined during the interview when answering certain earlier questions in
+the questionnaire. Typically replacing the questions “Who…?”
+or “What is the line number of…?” in the paper-based surveys.
Local server
(aka: Standalone server)
+A Survey Solutions data server that stores the user data and is located
+on premises of the same user so that it can be accessed both physically
+and through communication means. Cf. cloud server.
A downloadable data file containing information about the survey, such as
+which questions were posed or what options were given, but not individual
+responses. Cf. paradata, survey data.
Multilingual questionnaire
A questionnaire that contains embedded translations of
+questions, options and other text into 2 or more languages, and can be
+switched between them during the interviewing process.
A downloadable data file containing information on the progress of
+interviews, which includes the actions by the interviewer
+(such as answering the question) and the responses of the program (such as
+indication of an error in response to an invalid answer). Cf.
+metadata, survey data.
Including information known at the start of the survey into
+assignments to pre-populate interviews with
+answers to questions already established in earlier waves of the same survey
+or from other relevant data sources. Typically used in panel surveys, where
+some attributes, such as date of birth of household members may be preloaded.
An electronic equivalent of a blank questionnaire form containing questions,
+skips and validation logic, images, lookup tables and other information
+universally available in all interviews of the survey.
+(typically 1 document per survey).
In CAPI surveys it is the person answering the questions of the interviewer.
In CAWI surveys is the person completing the web form with answers to the
+survey questions. Respondents typically know nothing about the working of
+the Survey Solutions, don’t have any specialized training and treat the
+interface as a common web page.
A set of permissions, responsibilities and tools that are available to a
+certain user. For example, HQ users may upload a
+sample file, or export the survey data, but
+can’t modify individual answers or complete interviews.
In Survey Solutions the roles are the following:
Designer, and Tester.
API user.
A special kind of subsection, which repeats its questions
+multiple times. For example, a demographic section of a typical household
+survey is a roster repeating questions on name, age, gender and education
+for every household member. A roster typically appears as a table in
+paper-based surveys. Some rosters have fixed dimensions (for example, if
+questions have to be repeated for each of the 7 days of week), while others
+may change their dimensions depending on the value of the roster trigger.
NB: roaster and rooster are incorrect spellings of roster that
+sometimes occur in our users’ forum discussions.
Roster item
An element of a roster, part of a collection of items, over which
+the questions are repeated. A roster item typically corresponds to a row in
+a table in paper-based surveys.
An input to the sample-based survey, which contains identifying information for
+all the units being surveyed. This file is used by Survey
+Solutions to automatically create individual assignments for these units.
A group of questions, subsections, static texts or other
+elements of a questionnaire. Typically equivalent to a
+chapter or module of a paper-based survey.
A group of questions smaller than a section. May include other
+subsections. Typically correspond to a smaller topic or a sub-topic of a survey.
Survey data
A downloadable data file containing answers to survey questions in a format
+accessible by other systems. Cf.
+metadata, paradata.
Survey unit
Units corresponding to the main level of the interview. Typically
+these are:
facilities, etc.
But could be more specialized:
measurements, etc.
A process of information exchange between two devices, in which they are
+actualized to make sure each device has necessary information about the
+activities that occurred on the other device.
A compilation error caused by invalid syntax
+specification. A questionnaire free of syntax errors is not
+necessarily correct (may still contain limit errors or implement invalid logic).
All interviewers having a common supervisor. In some reports may include the
+supervisor himself/herself. (In different arrangements the team may or may not
+be travelling together, and the supervisor may or may not be joining the
+interviewers in the travel).
Tester App
An Android-based app implementing the functionality for testing questionnaires
+during their development and utilized by questionnaire designers and testers.
+The Tester App is available from the
+Google Play.
A registered and authenticated person that is using the Survey Solutions
+system to perform a certain role in the survey data collection.
+Users are different from respondents, which usually are
+not registered.
A process of detecting problems with the responses to questions of an
+interview. Involves using the responses (answers to questions)
+as inputs in logically formulated expressions, the result of which determines
+whether certain responses are acceptable or not. Validation may produce
+validation errors.
Validation errors
Error messages issued as a result of the validation, indicating
+that a certain answer or answers are not acceptable based on the logic of the
+questionnaire developed by its author.
A named logical compartment on the server containing
+questionnaires, assignments,
+interviews, and other information. Users may be given
+permissions to access information in one or multiple workspaces by the
+administrator. more info
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+How can I request localization for the Interviewer and Tester in a new language?
How can I request localization for the Interviewer and Tester in a new language?
September 7, 2016
Please contact our developer team and
+request the localization. We will review your request and, if approved,
+we will send you Excel files with strings to translate. Once we receive
+the files with translation from you, we will try integrating the new
+translation into the next release.
However, you should realise that the initial translation is just part of
+the localisation work. The most time consuming task is to support the
+localization for the new versions. The localization files need to be
+updated/expanded every time we add or change features in Survey
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+How can I try out Survey Solutions?
Step 2: Explore the survey management system by following the
+instructions in the Setting Up a Test Survey video tutorial.
Step 3: Should you have any further questions, please contact us.
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+How much does Survey Solutions cost?
The Survey Solutions software (both the server and the tablet components
+that are necessary to conduct a survey) are available as a download from
+our server for free.
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+How secure is the World Bank Cloud?
The World Bank Cloud is doubly secure.
+First, by relying on Amazon AWS, it provides best-in-class protections
+for even the most security-sensitive organizations and their data.
+External certifying bodies and independent security auditors have
+awarded Amazon AWS the long list of security accreditations listed
+below. Please visit AWS compliance resource
+page for more
Second, on top of Amazon AWS’ security protocols, the World Bank
+provides an additional layer of protection through its own additional
+security measures. Because its own data resides on its Cloud, the World
+Bank provides its Cloud the highest level of protection.
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+How to cite Survey Solutions in a publication?
Survey Solutions software works with Android tablets with the following
Version of Android OS:
Android 7.0 or better is required;
All versions of Android below 9.0 are
+no longer supported
+by the manufacturers and correspondingly tablets that can’t be updated to
+Android 9.0 or above should be considered unsafe for the World Bank projects.
Server requirements are periodically revised. The characteristics below are outlined for a server facilitating a survey of no more than 100,000 interviews. You may need a more powerful server if:
your survey is larger, or
you plan to host several surveys, or
if you plan to collect any multimedia data (photos, audio recordings, etc), or
there are other non-standard circumstances.
Requirements for the server depend on the use and the type of the survey. Below is a minimal configuration. Better hardware allows better performance.
This article describes who can change passwords and for whom in the hierarchy of Survey Solutions users.
In the following table users assuming the role mentioned in the rows can change passwords of users mentioned in the columns.
only own password
only own password
only if controlling this supervisor in all workspaces, to which the supervisor has access
only if controlling this interviewer in all workspaces, to which the interviewer has access
only own password
only own password
Note also:
To change own password the user needs to enter the old password in addition to the new password. To change the password of another user (when permitted) there is no need to enter the value of the old password.
This article describes the features of Survey Solutions related to guiding the
+field workforce (interviewers and supervisors) to the particular destinations
+(typically dwellings/households).
This is especially useful when the target location for interview is known
+(coordinates known), which helps finding the proper way to the destination in
+the situations of:
panel surveys (coordinates are known from previous wave of the survey);
cross-sectional surveys on geo-coded frames (households comprising the
+sampling frame are recorded with their coordinates during the precedeing
+listing or census enumeration);
cross-sectional multi-visit survey (coordinates are recorded during the
+first visit, then re-used for subsequent visits);
audit survey (coordinates are recorded by the interviewers during the main
+survey, then reused by auditors during the audit survey).
While we are mainly thinking of the location of the household or dwelling, it
+is not essential for Survey Solutions, and the destination can equally be the
+location of an enterprise, farm, plot, school, hospital, a generic facility,
+a landmark, a water source, etc.
establish connection for synchronization between the Interviewer and Supervisor apps.
The apps generally request the permissions when they are about to execute the
+action, for which the permission is needed. For example, a camera permission
+may be requested when the user wishes to answer a picture question.
This page is summarizing information that may help resolve the issue of the user not being able to find interviews. All of the below situations were encountered in practice while troubleshooting users’ reports of “Data loss” (no matter how absurd they may sound).
None of the situations described below constitutes a defect or a bug, as in these cases data is not lost by the system itself, but rather it is erased as a result of a specific and predictable action by the user.
March 28, 2023
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+Instructions for the Translators of the Survey Solutions Interface
Instructions for the Translators of the Survey Solutions Interface
August 20, 2021
You receive a single Excel file and these instructions. You deliver just the translated Excel file.
Do not rename the spreadsheet. Do not convert to any other file format.
Translate text from column E (titled INVARIANT) to column F (titled with your language).
If you can’t translate the original text for any reason, the translation should be left blank (do not copy text from column E to column F in this case).
Do not modify any other text/cells anywhere else in the spreadsheet, even if there is a typo in
+the original text (feel free to notify about any discovered typos or problems in your email message, but not in this file).
Do not add or remove any lines.
Do not distort the HTML tags, such as: <br/>
Do not touch anything inside the curly brackets {}, for example "{value}" must remain "{value}" , do
+not translate the word “value” inside the curly brackets.
Some texts may contain terms in dual curly brackets {{}}, for example "{{count}} interviews will be approved.". Maintain the nesting in the translation. Do not reduce to {}.
The translation MUST HAVE all the same entries {0}, {1}, … as the
+original! (If there were three in the original, must be the same three mentioned
+in the translation). The order of mentioning may be changed, however, for example:
+“File {0} may not be sent to {1}” –> “May not sent to {1} the following file {0}”
The meaning of placeholders {0}, {1} may only be guessed from the texts. The same
+placeholder may be mentioned several times in the message, for example:
+"{0} is wrong, enter any other value than {0}!".
+In which case {0} means the same thing and it must be mentioned AT LEAST ONCE in the
+message, but for convenience MAY BE mentioned more than once.
Messages may contain text that shouldn’t be translated, for example:
+“Optionally can specify the following columns:<br/>
+_responsible - username of a headquarters, supervisor or an
+interviewer who will be responsible for the assignment;”
+In this case the text "_responsible" is a specific column name and must remain the same word
+in any translation. Same applies to:
terms that are internationally known under English abbreviation GPS, UTF-8, Unicode,
You may decide to translate units Kb, MB, GB, or keep them in English, whichever is more
Pay attention to details. There may be very similar terms with minute differences.
The terms questionnaire, interview, and assignment mean different documents in
+Survey Solutions and the difference must be maintained in the translation.
The terms interviewer and enumerator mean the same thing in Survey Solutions.
+Translators may opt to use a single term do denote either.
You may want to refer to the glossary online to double check the meaning of some of the terms as we apply them.
Use of quotes: different languages have different conventions to quote the text. In some places (such as in HTML tags: <font color=“red”>No internet connection</font>
+) specifically the unicode quotation mark character is expected (") (Unicode number
+U+0022) and should not be replaced with any other type of quotes, such as («) („) etc.
Copy/Pasting from other software may result in insertion of invisible control
+characters, which may result in an unpredictable behavior or prevent integration
+of the translation file. Hence it is recommended typing-in the translation
+directly into the Excel spreadsheet.
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+Is Internet access required during interviews?
No. Internet access is only required to synchronize data and case
+assignments, and is not needed during interviews. In some cases the
+interviewers might go without connection for weeks (for example, remote
+islands in the Pacific). They synchronize with the server when they
+reach the location with 3G of WiFi internet coverage.
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+Is the Designer tool online now?
The Survey Solutions Designer tool is a web-based tool and is accessible
+over the Internet. As with any website, when you can’t use the site, it
+could be:
a problem with the site,
a problem with connection, or
a problem with your own device.
In order to identify if the problem is with the site or related
+specifically to you, other devices can be used to try accessing the same
+site. There are many services of this kind in the Internet, which by
+probing from multiple IPs can conclude whether the site is up and
+running, experiencing significant delays, or is working fine.
Before reporting that any of the sites (Survey Solutions cloud server or
+Designer, etc) are “not working” verify it with one or more of the
+tools below.
We watch the report generated by UptimeRobot here for our main sites.
Other tools may be used to check if the site is available, for example,
+from your region. Please note that neither the World Bank Group, nor the
+Survey Solutions developers are in any way affiliated with these
Or use other tools of this kind that can provide an objective measure of
+the availability of the resource. If the tools above indicate that the
+site is available, but you still can’t reach it, please contact your
+system or network administrator who will be able to help resolve the
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+Is there an offline version of the questionnaire designer?
Is there an offline version of the questionnaire designer?
September 7, 2016
No. The Questionnaire Designer can only be used online. Survey Solutions
+evolves very rapidly and we are introducing new features with each
+monthly release. An online designer allows us to maintain the version
+compatibility. Another argument in favor of online designer is that in
+order to use any CAPI software a tablet has to communicate to a server.
+So, the internet connection is necessary for data collection and thus
+should also be available for Questionnaire Designer.
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+Support checklists
When reporting a technical problem in Survey Solutions, you may be requested by
+our team member to collect the information based on one of the following lists.
Orange list
information item
Full server name. Please, do not write 'my server', 'our server', 'one of our servers'.
Exact date and time when you tried to access the server, specify
+your time zone.
Aug 7, 2019 at 16:34 UTC+2:00 or Aug 1, 2019 at 06:59 Pacific Standard Time
Include your IP address from which you tried to access the server.
+To determine it, type my ip in the Google search
A screenshot with the report of the tools listed here
A screenshot with the server response (what you are seeing
+when you are trying to access the server).
Red list
information item
Full server name. Please, do not write 'my server', 'our server', 'one of our servers'.
User name (login) of the user(s) experiencing the problem
Date and time when the problem was last experienced, (if known, also when the problem was first experienced)
Aug 7, 2019 at 16:34 Pacific Standard Time.
Blue list
information item
Full server name. Please, do not write 'my server', 'our server', 'one of our servers'.
User name (login) of the user(s) experiencing the problem
Date and time when the problem was last experienced, (if known, also when the problem was first experienced)
Aug 7, 2019 at 16:34 Pacific Standard Time.
Version of the Android operating system on the tablet of the affected interviewer
Android 6.0.1.
Survey Solutions Interviewer App version on the tablet of the affected interviewer
19.07.5 (build 25531).
Send tablet information: on the tablet of the affected interviewer go to the MENU --> Diagnostics --> 'Collect and send to HQ all tablet information'.
Date and time when the support package was sent by that interviewer to the HQ (step #6)
Aug 7, 2019 18:39 Pacific Standard Time.
Green list
information item
Full server name. Please, do not write 'my server', 'our server', 'one of our servers'.
User name (login) of the user(s) experiencing the problem
Date and time when the problem was last experienced, (if known, also when the problem was first experienced)
Aug 7, 2019 at 16:34 Pacific Standard Time.
Version of the Android operating system on the tablet of the affected interviewer
Android 6.0.1.
Survey Solutions Interviewer App version on the tablet of the affected interviewer
19.07.5 (build 25531).
Send tablet information: on the tablet of the affected interviewer go to the MENU --> Diagnostics --> 'Collect and send to HQ all tablet information'.
Date and time when the support package was sent by that interviewer to the HQ (step #6)
Aug 7, 2019 18:39 Pacific Standard Time.
Assignment number and/or the interview key and status with which the user is experiencing the problem
interview 32-64-12-90 from assignment nr. 2317.
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+Local Installation: Interviewer App cannot connect to the server over HTTPS
Local Installation: Interviewer App cannot connect to the server over HTTPS
January 9, 2018
This issue has been resolved in version 18.12 (23416).
Symptoms: When Interviewer app is trying to connect to the Headquarters
+application on a local server over the secure http (https) protocol
+synchronization process fails with an error “NO CONNECTION TO THE SURVEY
The Headquarters application is setup correctly, with a valid security
+certificate, and in the mobile browser on the Android device users can
+successfully access it without any errors or warnings.
The Headquarters application is hosted on a server running Windows 2016.
Explanation: Communication fails due to a bug in one of the external libraries used
+in Interviewer app. That library breaks when trying to setup a secure
+connection over http/2 - version 2 of the http protocol.
The error doesn’t happen on 1.1 version, neither when using unsecured
Starting from Windows 10 desktop and Windows 2016, IIS started
+supporting (and using by default) http/2 and that is the reason why the
+users who use this combination secured connection with the application
+on Windows 2016 encounter the failed communication error.
Solution: We are working on introducing changes in our code that would remedy this
+error and once those changes are out, we will update this article and
+consider the problem resolved.
Meanwhile, workarounds to this problem include:
Use Windows 2012.
Use http protocol (not recommended for real data-collection but
+may be a quick solution during initial testing).
Disable http/2 in Windows 2016 and use http/1.1 instead.
You can disable using http/2 for https connections by adding DWORD
+value with name EnableHttp2Tls to
+and setting it to 0.
The changes will take effect after server is restarted.
Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry
+incorrectly so only attempt to do above if you are comfortable with
+manually editing registry have a backup of the registry and/or whole
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+My questionnaire is not as fast as it used to be. Why?
My questionnaire is not as fast as it used to be. Why?
December 13, 2017
The Survey Solutions software is being very actively developed and every
+new release adds new features, optimizations and efficiency
+improvements. However, sometimes the support team receives inquiries
+regarding the decrease of performance of the interviewer’s app, perhaps
+after an update. Here it is important to make sure that a valid
+comparison is made. A few common explanations to consider: �
1. The questionnaire has changed
This is by far the most common reason. The user tests a version of the questionnaire, then sends it to partners for feedback, then incorporates "the finishing touches": add two checks here, two checks there, two hundred checks over there. By the time all of these changes are made the questionnaire may not even resemble the original version before the pilot. Comparisons are valid provided that the questionnaire is invariant!
2. Different testing scenario.
The amount of checks performed by the device is data dependent. If the tests were done for "a family of two" the responsiveness may be very different when you redo it for "a family of twelve".
3. The tablet could have changed.
The user tests the questionnaire using a tablet specifically purchased for the development team. But for the data collection team, a cheaper model questionnaire is purchased. It is expected the hardware will affect the performance. Test the questionnaire performs responsively on the model that you will be using for data collection!
4. The performance affected by 3rd party apps.
Check if there are any other apps running on the tablet that may affect the performance. Remember that they may update themselves even without your involvement if application auto update is activated. They may compete for resources with Survey Solutions and decrease the performance. Install only what you need. Uninstall everything you don't. Restrict interviewers' accounts to eliminate possibility of installing unwanted apps.
5. Imperfect measurement.
User tested the "speed of the questionnaire" by measuring the total time it takes to enter some values. In the field the time became longer. This can be due to any of the reasons related to the real communication between two people (need to repeat questions, revise earlier answers, think about what is being asked, what are the answers, how to record them into the questionnaire, etc) compared to a rehearsed procedure of entering a specific test example.
6. Comparing apples with oranges.
"The questionnaire used to work faster before! Yes, before it was not in Survey Solutions, and not on an Android tablet, but on a Windows server, and we didn't have any validation checks or calculated expressions, but it was faster". No comment.
7. Wishful thinking.
No objective measurement was taken to measure the performance of the questionnaire during testing, then when the survey started and things start to matter, the questionnaire performance is deemed inadequate. Test during preparation.
Survey Solutions has very flexible and powerful language and multiple
+strategies for questionnaire implementation. Copying paper
+questionnaires is usually a common mistake that leads to inefficient
+questionnaires and inadequate responsiveness. A second opinion of a
+reviewer helps identify these inefficiencies and get an advice on how to
+improve the questionnaire.
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+My Survey Solutions server is not the latest version. Can I still use it with new surveys?
My Survey Solutions server is not the latest version. Can I still use it with new surveys?
September 7, 2016
It is recommended that you upgrade your server to the latest version, but
+as long as you use only features that were available on your version of
+the server the new survey should work on the older server. Please note
+that you will not be able to import to the server questionnaires with
+features introduced in versions that are later than the version of your
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+Navigation to Destination
This article describes the features of Survey Solutions related to guiding the
+field workforce (interviewers and supervisors) to the particular destinations
+(typically dwellings/households).
This is especially useful when the target location for interview is known
+(coordinates known), which helps finding the proper way to the destination in
+the situations of:
panel surveys (coordinates are known from previous wave of the survey);
cross-sectional surveys on geo-coded frames (households comprising the
+sampling frame are recorded with their coordinates during the precedeing
+listing or census enumeration);
cross-sectional multi-visit survey (coordinates are recorded during the
+first visit, then re-used for subsequent visits);
audit survey (coordinates are recorded by the interviewers during the main
+survey, then reused by auditors during the audit survey).
While we are mainly thinking of the location of the household or dwelling, it
+is not essential for Survey Solutions, and the destination can equally be the
+location of an enterprise, farm, plot, school, hospital, a generic facility,
+a landmark, a water source, etc.
In the specific case of spatial sampling, the coordinates may be those ones of
+an imaginary grid cell’s center, which have no recognizable mark on the ground,
+yet each interviewer may need to arrive to the spot from which they can explore.
One should remember that due to accuracy of the technology the location
+coordinates may not be sufficient to identify the exact target and the
+coordinates should be supplemented with other identification variables, which
+vary by context of the survey, but commonly include the street address,
+company name, or textual description of the destination.
Having the coordinates of the targeted households greately simplifies the
+navigation of interviewers, who may need to return to the same location for
+example, to finish the started interviews, that were postponed. But they are
+even more important when the interviewers need to arrive to a particular
+location, which they have not visited before, such as the location of the
+households sampled from the list of the households in a particular area
+enumerated during the census.
When the target coordinates are preloaded for the interviewers, they are
+typically included in a question at the cover page, and thus are protected
+from the interviewer’s modification (the interviewers can only see where the
+household is located, but can’t change it). In other cases, the cover page
+variable may be left blank, in which case the interviewer needs to fill it out
+himself/herself, and which can be used subsequently for verification by the
+supervisor or auditing interviewer.
Identify one of the cards, corresponding to the household the
+interviewer wishes to proceed next. Here we will try to reach
+the household corresponding to assignment #19.
Click on the three dots (horizontal) icon to unfold the card revealing the
Select which external App will be used for navigation. Your mobile device may
+sugget multiple choices from the Apps already installed (such as Google maps
+or Uber) and you can extend these choices by adding another App from the
+Google Play. These maps are mostly the Apps that handle maps or
+transportation-related, such as various taxi apps.
Warning: some of these apps may cost you money! Check before downloading and
+using! There is usually plenty of free alternatives, though they vary by
+country, version of Android, and other factors.
Here we chose between Google Maps, Maps.Me, and Waze:
We can also specify whether the selected App should be used just once (for
+this target only) or always (for this and all future ones).
After we selected the App, it will start and receive the target coordinates
+from the Survey Solutions Interviewer App, which can then be used to plan the
+travel to the destination:
Depending on the App and connectivity status it may provide all or some of
+the following:
indication of the current position on the map;
indication of the target position the map;
selection of various map layers (satellite, terrain, etc);
selection of labels (street names, etc);
position of visible landmarks;
calculation of distance from current location to target;
calculation of time needed to get from the current location to target;
correction of optimal route and time to travel depending on the preferred
+mode of transportation (on foot, by bike, by car, using public transportation);
turn-by-turn navigation;
bus transfers, train transfers, etc;
traffic conjestion areas;
cost estimates;
street view photography.
Some of these apps support storing the data needed for their work on the
+user’s device to allow working while disconnected, which may require setting up
+while connected to the Internet (for example, cacheing of the map data by
+Google Maps). Some functionality may not be available while disconnected (for
+example, pedestrian navigation for Google Maps) where it requires processing on
+that App’s server.
Users should realize that the accuracy of the maps, routing, timing and cost
+estimates produced by these Apps are the responsibility of the corresponding
+App’s authors and maintainers. Survey Solutions Interviewer App installed on a
+mobile device collaborates with them by:
providing the destination coordinates only;
doing this only on demand of the interviewer (supervisor) that presses the
+corresponding button;
installing of these Apps and usage of this service is optional.
Storing the data offline (mostly the map tiles/satellite photography) takes
+considerable space on the mobile device and must be factored in when estimating
+the required storage space needed for data collection/device procurement.
Some apps include additional restrictions on the use of the stored maps data.
+For example, limiting the download and storage of a country’s map data only for
+devices that are already located in that country, and not permitting storing it
+for devices located abroad. Consult the individual App’s policies and support
+to find out more details about the possible limitations.
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+Notes on Compatibility with version 5.21
With version 5.21, we are making a big change by replacing census and
+sample mode with assignments. Previously when importing a questionnaire,
+users had to decide between sample mode (with a quantity of 1 interview
+per case) and census mode (with an unlimited quantity of interviews).
+With version 5.21, users will simply import the questionnaire and then
+proceed to making assignments with the imported template. Assignments
+will give headquarters users more flexibility because they can now
+specify the quantity of interviews they want when they generate each
What’s New with Assignments
Users will no longer be asked to specify census mode or sample mode
+when importing a questionnaire
Headquarters/admin can now specify the quantity of interviews they
+would like an interviewer to perform for each assignment.
+Headquarters/admin users will still be able to o specify an
+unlimited number of interviews per assignment (previously known as
+census mode). To specify an unlimited quantity when creating
+assignments one at a time, leave the *Quantity *field blank when
+creating the assignment. To add quantity in batch uploads for
+assignments, add a column titled _quantity to your tab delimited
+file to specify the quantity for each assignment. To specify an
+unlimited quantity, put ‘-1’ in the _quantity column for that
Assignments can now be made to either supervisors or interviewers.
+Previously, assignments could only be made to supervisors.
Headquarter/admin users are no longer required to to fill out all
+the identifying variables when making an assignment.
Interviewers can fill in any identifying information that was left
+blank by the headquarters/admin users when the assignment was
Interviewers can discard incomplete interviews that are made
+accidentally or are no longer valid.
Compatibility with older versions
If you currently have a survey in the field and the tablets have the
+Interviewer application of versions earlier than 5.21, it is not
+necessary to update the interviewer application on the tablets to
+proceed with fieldwork. To prevent disruption to your fieldwork, version
+5.21 on the server will be backwards compatible with previous versions
+of the Interviewer application. Below are important information on
Synchronization to the server: Synchronization of completed and
+rejected interviews on tablets with Interviewer application versions
+earlier than 5.21 will work the same as before.
Making assignments with a template imported in an older version:
+Assignments can still be made to supervisors/interviewers with
+templates imported on versions older than 5.21. The interviewer
+application does not need to be updated to 5.21 to receive these
+assignments made with questionnaires imported in an older version.
+Similar to previous versions, interviewers will see one card per
+interview. Additionally, assignments can be made using templates
+imported in older versions to tablets running version 5.21 of
+Interviewer applications. The cards for the assignments will look
+the same as an assignment created with a template imported in
+version 5.21.
Making assignments with a newly imported template to an older
+version of the Interviewer application: If you make any
+assignments with a questionnaire template imported after your server
+has been updated to version 5.21, then the interviewers will have to
+update their Interviewer applications to version 5.21 in order to
+receive any assignments made with those templates. Interviewers will
+see an error when they try to login prompting them to update their
+Interviewer application. Interviewers can update in the Interviewer
+application by going to the link in the Diagnostics screen.
Interviews created in previous versions: You will still be able
+to see and complete interviews created with earlier versions after
+updating the Interviewer application to version 5.21. However, these
+interviews cannot be discarded.
Census mode questionnaires: Questionnaires imported as census
+mode will have the same functionality as before. It will have the
+added feature of being able to discard an interview that has been
Batch upload of assignments: Users can continue to use the same
+batch upload tab files that they used in previous versions. If the
+tab file has no quantity column (column title: _quantity) or the
+quantity is left blank, then one interview will automatically be
+created for each assignment.
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The online components of Survey Solutions software (Designer, Web Tester, Headquarters, Web Interviewer) work with any modern web browser: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Microsoft Edge.
Microsoft Internet Explorer of any version is neither recommended nor supported at this time.
We are constantly on the lookout for new threats and periodically issue patches
+for any detected vulnerabilities that have a proven potential to be exploited
+to intercept data or intervene into the operation of the system, notably, our
+recent release 21.06.
Our security policy is located
+The inventory of currently reported security advisories is published
You receive a single Excel file and these instructions. You deliver just the translated Excel file.
Do not rename the spreadsheet. Do not convert to any other file format.
Translate text from column E (titled INVARIANT) to column F (titled with your language).
If you can’t translate the original text for any reason, the translation should be left blank (do not copy text from column E to column F in this case).
Do not modify any other text/cells anywhere else in the spreadsheet, even if there is a typo in
+the original text (feel free to notify about any discovered typos or problems in your email message, but not in this file).
Do not add or remove any lines.
Do not distort the HTML tags, such as: <br/>
Do not touch anything inside the curly brackets {}, for example "{value}" must remain "{value}" , do
+not translate the word “value” inside the curly brackets.
Some texts may contain terms in dual curly brackets {{}}, for example "{{count}} interviews will be approved.". Maintain the nesting in the translation. Do not reduce to {}.
The translation MUST HAVE all the same entries {0}, {1}, … as the
+original! (If there were three in the original, must be the same three mentioned
+in the translation). The order of mentioning may be changed, however, for example:
+“File {0} may not be sent to {1}” –> “May not sent to {1} the following file {0}”
The meaning of placeholders {0}, {1} may only be guessed from the texts. The same
+placeholder may be mentioned several times in the message, for example:
+"{0} is wrong, enter any other value than {0}!".
+In which case {0} means the same thing and it must be mentioned AT LEAST ONCE in the
+message, but for convenience MAY BE mentioned more than once.
Messages may contain text that shouldn’t be translated, for example:
+“Optionally can specify the following columns:<br/>
+_responsible - username of a headquarters, supervisor or an
+interviewer who will be responsible for the assignment;”
+In this case the text "_responsible" is a specific column name and must remain the same word
+in any translation. Same applies to:
terms that are internationally known under English abbreviation GPS, UTF-8, Unicode,
You may decide to translate units Kb, MB, GB, or keep them in English, whichever is more
Pay attention to details. There may be very similar terms with minute differences.
The terms questionnaire, interview, and assignment mean different documents in
+Survey Solutions and the difference must be maintained in the translation.
The terms interviewer and enumerator mean the same thing in Survey Solutions.
+Translators may opt to use a single term do denote either.
You may want to refer to the glossary online to double check the meaning of some of the terms as we apply them.
Use of quotes: different languages have different conventions to quote the text. In some places (such as in HTML tags: <font color=“red”>No internet connection</font>
+) specifically the unicode quotation mark character is expected (") (Unicode number
+U+0022) and should not be replaced with any other type of quotes, such as («) („) etc.
Copy/Pasting from other software may result in insertion of invisible control
+characters, which may result in an unpredictable behavior or prevent integration
+of the translation file. Hence it is recommended typing-in the translation
+directly into the Excel spreadsheet.
The following is a brief overview of the specialized terms used in Survey
+Solutions. The meaning of these terms may be different from what you may
+have experienced in other systems. Follow the links inside for more detailed
+explanations in the support site articles.
(aka Two-factor authentication)
Security-enhancing feature requiring authentication of users with
+two different procedures. In Survey Solutions the two factors are:
time-sensitive token (number) generated using an authenticator app
+(typically installed on the user’s smartphone).
A request/order to conduct one or more interviews as part of a
+certain survey to a specific user of the Survey Solutions system.
+Typically contains answers to one or more identifying fields that specify
+where the data must be collected. (typically 1 document per unit of survey).
When reporting a technical problem in Survey Solutions, you may be requested by
+our team member to collect the information based on one of the following lists.
Orange list
information item
Full server name. Please, do not write 'my server', 'our server', 'one of our servers'.
Exact date and time when you tried to access the server, specify
+your time zone.
Aug 7, 2019 at 16:34 UTC+2:00 or Aug 1, 2019 at 06:59 Pacific Standard Time
Include your IP address from which you tried to access the server.
+To determine it, type my ip in the Google search
A screenshot with the report of the tools listed here
A screenshot with the server response (what you are seeing
+when you are trying to access the server).
Red list
information item
Full server name. Please, do not write 'my server', 'our server', 'one of our servers'.
User name (login) of the user(s) experiencing the problem
Date and time when the problem was last experienced, (if known, also when the problem was first experienced)
Aug 7, 2019 at 16:34 Pacific Standard Time.
Blue list
information item
Full server name. Please, do not write 'my server', 'our server', 'one of our servers'.
User name (login) of the user(s) experiencing the problem
Date and time when the problem was last experienced, (if known, also when the problem was first experienced)
Aug 7, 2019 at 16:34 Pacific Standard Time.
Version of the Android operating system on the tablet of the affected interviewer
Android 6.0.1.
Survey Solutions Interviewer App version on the tablet of the affected interviewer
19.07.5 (build 25531).
Send tablet information: on the tablet of the affected interviewer go to the MENU --> Diagnostics --> 'Collect and send to HQ all tablet information'.
Date and time when the support package was sent by that interviewer to the HQ (step #6)
Aug 7, 2019 18:39 Pacific Standard Time.
Green list
information item
Full server name. Please, do not write 'my server', 'our server', 'one of our servers'.
User name (login) of the user(s) experiencing the problem
Date and time when the problem was last experienced, (if known, also when the problem was first experienced)
Aug 7, 2019 at 16:34 Pacific Standard Time.
Version of the Android operating system on the tablet of the affected interviewer
Android 6.0.1.
Survey Solutions Interviewer App version on the tablet of the affected interviewer
19.07.5 (build 25531).
Send tablet information: on the tablet of the affected interviewer go to the MENU --> Diagnostics --> 'Collect and send to HQ all tablet information'.
Date and time when the support package was sent by that interviewer to the HQ (step #6)
Aug 7, 2019 18:39 Pacific Standard Time.
Assignment number and/or the interview key and status with which the user is experiencing the problem
Use the instructions below to diagnose tablets’ performance issues, which can manifest themselves as:
slowness (occasional or permanent) while working with the Interviewer App;
freezes for a considerable period of time;
crashes and restarts of the application;
or a combination of the above.
NB: For troubleshooting the synchronization errors, refer to the synchronization problems article.
Check that the tablet is not in the low-power mode. If in the low-power mode, change to normal mode and retry (some tablets may need to restart, or sleep and wake up for the mode switch to become effective).
The Survey Solutions supports horizontal scaling and may be
+deployed as a web-farm for servicing a large number of
+client connections.
This is especially important for operations like population
+censuses and large national surveys.
A web-farm installation is implemented on multiple systems
+(called nodes) working in concert to service the received
+requests. Increasing the number of nodes in the farm allows
+to improve the overall performance: the responsiveness of
+the system and number of users working simultaneously.
Survey deletion is possible, but as a dangerous operation is made
+available only to server administrators. When a survey is deleted all
+data collected as part of that survey is irretrievably and irreversibly
+lost. Hence the same steps should be applied as described in actions
+after the end of the
Make sure you backup your data before deleting a survey! Even if this
+was training, pre-test, or a field test. In some cases even data
+collected as part of such exercises can be invaluable for improving the
+questionnaire, estimating the performance of interviewers, or duration
+of the survey.
Before writing your request, study the documentation
+online, read the FAQ, and browse our users’ forum.
+Don’t neglect Google or other search
+engines. This is
+usually the fastest way to get your issue resolved. It will also
+help you to use the right terminology when asking a question.
All of the questions of the kind
+“Is it possible to do X in Survey Solutions?”
+or “How do I do X in Survey Solutions?”
+should not be sent to the support team directly, but rather be posted
+to the user forum as public
The Survey Solutions Designer tool is a web-based tool and is accessible
+over the Internet. As with any website, when you can’t use the site, it
+could be:
a problem with the site,
a problem with connection, or
a problem with your own device.
In order to identify if the problem is with the site or related
+specifically to you, other devices can be used to try accessing the same
+site. There are many services of this kind in the Internet, which by
+probing from multiple IPs can conclude whether the site is up and
+running, experiencing significant delays, or is working fine.
September 30, 2019
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Occasionally our users receive messages from their interviewers
+that a certain server “…is not working”. In most cases this
+is a problem with the user’s equipment used to access the server,
+rather than the server itself.
The following tools may be helpful in determining whether it is
+indeed a problem with the server or with a specific user’s device
+trying to access that server:
The questionnaire instrument (questions, options, section names, error and warning messages, etc)
+can be designed in any language supported in
+Unicode. Survey Solutions allows text entry in Unicode
+and the entered values will be preserved in the exported data (UTF-8).
If you need to get device-specific information or solve a hardware issue,
+contact your tablet manufacturer for support or consult other users in
+manufacturer-specific forums. Here are a few community forums lead by
+the respective manufacturers:
This issue has been resolved in version 18.12 (23416).
Symptoms: When Interviewer app is trying to connect to the Headquarters
+application on a local server over the secure http (https) protocol
+synchronization process fails with an error “NO CONNECTION TO THE SURVEY
The Survey Solutions software is being very actively developed and every
+new release adds new features, optimizations and efficiency
+improvements. However, sometimes the support team receives inquiries
+regarding the decrease of performance of the interviewer’s app, perhaps
+after an update. Here it is important to make sure that a valid
+comparison is made. A few common explanations to consider: �
1. The questionnaire has changed
This is by far the most common reason. The user tests a version of the questionnaire, then sends it to partners for feedback, then incorporates "the finishing touches": add two checks here, two checks there, two hundred checks over there. By the time all of these changes are made the questionnaire may not even resemble the original version before the pilot. Comparisons are valid provided that the questionnaire is invariant!
2. Different testing scenario.
The amount of checks performed by the device is data dependent. If the tests were done for "a family of two" the responsiveness may be very different when you redo it for "a family of twelve".
3. The tablet could have changed.
The user tests the questionnaire using a tablet specifically purchased for the development team. But for the data collection team, a cheaper model questionnaire is purchased. It is expected the hardware will affect the performance. Test the questionnaire performs responsively on the model that you will be using for data collection!
4. The performance affected by 3rd party apps.
Check if there are any other apps running on the tablet that may affect the performance. Remember that they may update themselves even without your involvement if application auto update is activated. They may compete for resources with Survey Solutions and decrease the performance. Install only what you need. Uninstall everything you don't. Restrict interviewers' accounts to eliminate possibility of installing unwanted apps.
5. Imperfect measurement.
User tested the "speed of the questionnaire" by measuring the total time it takes to enter some values. In the field the time became longer. This can be due to any of the reasons related to the real communication between two people (need to repeat questions, revise earlier answers, think about what is being asked, what are the answers, how to record them into the questionnaire, etc) compared to a rehearsed procedure of entering a specific test example.
6. Comparing apples with oranges.
"The questionnaire used to work faster before! Yes, before it was not in Survey Solutions, and not on an Android tablet, but on a Windows server, and we didn't have any validation checks or calculated expressions, but it was faster". No comment.
7. Wishful thinking.
No objective measurement was taken to measure the performance of the questionnaire during testing, then when the survey started and things start to matter, the questionnaire performance is deemed inadequate. Test during preparation.
Survey Solutions has very flexible and powerful language and multiple
+strategies for questionnaire implementation. Copying paper
+questionnaires is usually a common mistake that leads to inefficient
+questionnaires and inadequate responsiveness. A second opinion of a
+reviewer helps identify these inefficiencies and get an advice on how to
+improve the questionnaire.
With version 5.21, we are making a big change by replacing census and
+sample mode with assignments. Previously when importing a questionnaire,
+users had to decide between sample mode (with a quantity of 1 interview
+per case) and census mode (with an unlimited quantity of interviews).
+With version 5.21, users will simply import the questionnaire and then
+proceed to making assignments with the imported template. Assignments
+will give headquarters users more flexibility because they can now
+specify the quantity of interviews they want when they generate each
The World Bank Cloud is doubly secure.
+First, by relying on Amazon AWS, it provides best-in-class protections
+for even the most security-sensitive organizations and their data.
+External certifying bodies and independent security auditors have
+awarded Amazon AWS the long list of security accreditations listed
+below. Please visit AWS compliance resource
+page for more
Second, on top of Amazon AWS’ security protocols, the World Bank
+provides an additional layer of protection through its own additional
+security measures. Because its own data resides on its Cloud, the World
+Bank provides its Cloud the highest level of protection.
June 7, 2017
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Our development team often receives reports on suspected bugs in Survey
+Solutions on the grounds of a situation similar to the one described
+below. These reports stem from misunderstanding of some fundamental
+concepts of how computations are done by a computer, and not due to an
+actual defect of the software.
Problem description
Suppose you have a questionnaire containing two numeric questions X and
+Y, and a third question Z with an enabling condition (X*Y) == 21.6.
The tablets used for data collection may get damaged or broken during
+the field work. If this happens:
interviewer should immediately report this to his/her supervisor;
supervisor should inspect the tablet and confirm the damage (often
+interviewers report tablets as broken when the tablets completely
+discharge and require long-press for power button to power up);
supervisor should record the loss of a tablet and issue a
+replacement (possibly taking notes on the specifics of the devices
+lost and issued: model, serial number, date, interviewer name and
+login, circumstances of the loss, etc).
interviewer should login to the new tablet issued, synchronize, and
+continue working.
Consequences The following information is lost: data
+stored on the tablet that hasn’t been synchronized to the data server.
You could modify your questionnaire when the survey is already in the
+field. Survey Solutions treats any modifications of a questionnaire as a
+new survey. Even if the changes are minor, the modified questionnaire
+will be shown as a new survey both on tablets and in the HQ/Supervisor
In general, we strongly advise against making changes in the
+questionnaire after the survey goes to the field. We do advise to plan
+extensive pre-testing and piloting survey prior to the field. You want
+to eliminate as many problems with the questionnaire and the survey
+design at the stage of piloting, so that when the survey goes to the
+field, no changes are necessary. Modifying questionnaires during the
+field work might result in incompatible data generated by the different
+versions of the same questionnaire. Even minor changes in the validation
+or enablement conditions might lead to disablement of the whole sections
+and an rerouting of the questionnaire flow.
Our users often ask us about the minimal specification for the tablets
+to be used with Survey Solutions. While we understand the desire to cut
+costs of conducting surveys, we recommend purchasing the most powerful
+tablets you can afford. With a very few exceptions, the total survey
+budget is much larger compared to the budget you spend even on the most
+powerful tablets. Modern tablets provide much better interviewer
+experience: they are more responsive and have longer battery life. What
+is more important, such tablets have lower per survey costs on the long
+run - you will be able to use them for the next two or three years in
+multiple surveys.
An Android tablet has its internal clock. That clock is set based on
+specifications of the tablet manufacturer and on the user settings. For
+example, the tablet clock can be synchronized to the network time, or
+can be set by tablet users manually.
The time reported in GPS question comes from the GPS signal provider. We
+recommend acquiring the GPS signal through satellites disabling the wifi
+coordinate services. However, geographic coordinates might be acquired
+through wifi. Survey Solutions records satellite time for the GPS
+coordinates received through satellites. When coordinates come from wifi
+or 3G, the time of the wifi router will be recorded as a time when GPS
+coordinate was acquired.
It is recommended that you upgrade your server to the latest version, but
+as long as you use only features that were available on your version of
+the server the new survey should work on the older server. Please note
+that you will not be able to import to the server questionnaires with
+features introduced in versions that are later than the version of your
No, Survey Solutions does not require constant internet connection. The
+data collection on tablet can be conducted offline. The internet
+connectivity, either 3G/4G or WiFi, is required to synchronize tablet
+with the server to send completed assignments and to receive new
+assignments. In some cases, i.e., remote Pacific islands, interviewers
+go without connection for several weeks. While it is possible not to
+synchronize for an extended period of time, we recommend to synchronise
+tablets as often as possible, preferably after each interview, if the
+connectivity allows.
Please contact our developer team and
+request the localization. We will review your request and, if approved,
+we will send you Excel files with strings to translate. Once we receive
+the files with translation from you, we will try integrating the new
+translation into the next release.
However, you should realise that the initial translation is just part of
+the localisation work. The most time consuming task is to support the
+localization for the new versions. The localization files need to be
+updated/expanded every time we add or change features in Survey
No. Internet access is only required to synchronize data and case
+assignments, and is not needed during interviews. In some cases the
+interviewers might go without connection for weeks (for example, remote
+islands in the Pacific). They synchronize with the server when they
+reach the location with 3G of WiFi internet coverage.
No. The Questionnaire Designer can only be used online. Survey Solutions
+evolves very rapidly and we are introducing new features with each
+monthly release. An online designer allows us to maintain the version
+compatibility. Another argument in favor of online designer is that in
+order to use any CAPI software a tablet has to communicate to a server.
+So, the internet connection is necessary for data collection and thus
+should also be available for Questionnaire Designer.
September 7, 2016
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No, GPS receiver in the tablets relies on satellites to obtain
+coordinates. So, no internet (3G or WiFi connection) is required.
+However, you can improve accuracy of GPS signal by pairing the satellite
+signals with the coordinates obtained from mobile networks.
No, we do not support such functionality. This feature will unavoidably
+lead to data losses and increases in survey management costs. Saving
+data to UBS generates multiple versions of data that is very difficult
+to maintain without overriding the useful data. To avoid duplication,
+Survey Solutions imposes a rule where a particular questionnaire can be
+only with one agent in the system.
Survey Solutions is designed to work on Android tablets. The interface
+is optimized to work on tablets with a screen of 7-inch or larger.
+Survey Solutions will work on devices with smaller screens (5-inch) but
+some users might experience difficulties in reading small fonts.
Survey Solutions is free software distributed under a Global Public
+Goods licence. The licence agreement puts no restrictions on the use of
+Survey Solutions by either public or private companies. However, to use
+Survey Solutions you will need to purchase tablets and arrange space of
+a server to run the Survey Solutions HQ application.
No, current version of Survey Solutions does not support such data
+exchange. We see no reliable way to maintain and manage multiple copies
+of the same questionnaire on several tablets. While we realize the
+benefits of such transfer protocols in certain situations, the risk of
+data losses is too high for us to implement this feature.
The Survey Solutions software (both the server and the tablet components
+that are necessary to conduct a survey) are available as a download from
+our server for free.
July 22, 2016
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+Changing password
This article describes who can change passwords and for whom in the hierarchy of Survey Solutions users.
In the following table users assuming the role mentioned in the rows can change passwords of users mentioned in the columns.
only own password
only own password
only if controlling this supervisor in all workspaces, to which the supervisor has access
only if controlling this interviewer in all workspaces, to which the interviewer has access
only own password
only own password
Note also:
To change own password the user needs to enter the old password in addition to the new password. To change the password of another user (when permitted) there is no need to enter the value of the old password.
There is no functionality to reveal own password (or the password of another user) in clear text after that password is set. If the user forgets the password, the password for that account needs to be reset. See also Password issues.
If the password for a user account has been assigned by a user other than the owner of that account that password must be changed on first login by the account owner (own password enforcement). For interviewers and supervisors that can be done from the tablet application or by logging in to the server, for other user accounts only by logging in to the server. Own password enforcement does not apply to accounts in API and administrator roles.
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+Password issues
Enter your login (account name) or email address into the form field and click RESTORE.
Check your email inbox for a new message with a password reset link.
IMPORTANT: The email address here is always the same email address that you’ve used to register.
2. Forgot your username for the Designer tool?
You can login with the email address that you’ve submitted during registration. Just specify your email address instead of the login in the same field.
3. Forgot your email address in the Designer tool?
You can login with the account name instead, then check with which email address you’ve registered by selecting MANAGE ACCOUNT menu.
4. Changed your email address? Update your account information in the Designer tool.
You can update the email address associated with your account:
It uses the same accounts as the Designer, so follow the steps for resetting the password in the Designer if you’ve lost access to the users’ forum.
6. Forgot password and/or username for the Android Tester App?
The Android Tester App imports questionnaires from the Designer, so it is using the same accounts as the Designer. Hence, follow the steps for resetting the password in the Designer if you can’t log in to the Tester App.
7. Forgot password for your PDS server? (your role was Administrator at that PDS server)
8. Forgot password for an account on a PDS server? (your role is any other than Administrator at that PDS server).
Contact the administrator of that PDS server for assistance. If you don't know who the administrator is, contact the person who has issued you the account credentials in the first place. The new password assigned to the user by the Administrator will need to be reset by that user after the first successful login.
A headquarters user may perform the password reset operation for user accounts of interviewers and supervisors only if that headquarters user is controlling that interviewer (resp. supervisor) in all workspaces that that interviewer (resp. supervisor) has access to. Otherwise only the server administrator may do the password reset for that user.
9. Forgot password for an account on a data collection server? (your role is any other than Administrator at that server).
Contact the administrator of that data collection server for assistance. If you don't know who the administrator is, contact the person who has issued you the account credentials in the first place. The new password assigned to the user by the Administrator will need to be reset by that user after the first successful login.
A headquarters user may perform the password reset operation for user accounts of interviewers and supervisors only if that headquarters user is controlling that interviewer (resp. supervisor) in all workspaces that that interviewer (resp. supervisor) has access to. Otherwise only the server administrator may do the password reset for that user.
10. Forgot password for an account on a data collection server? (Your role is Administrator on that server).
Use the command line support tool as described here.
Using this tool requires file-level access to the server. If you don’t have access to the server at the file level (no access to the command-line) contact the person who does. (Typically this is the person who assisted you in installing the Survey Solutions server).
11. Forgot the password for the export data archive?
Export data archive password is set up by the server administrator (separately for each workspace). If you are the user of exported data and can’t unpack the data because it requires the password that you don’t know, or the password that you know does not allow the data to be unpacked you need to contact your Survey Solutions Administrator, this must be the person who created an account for you.
12. Assignment
In case when you’ve sent an invitation for a respondent to participate in a web-survey and that respondent has accidentally deleted that email:
seek through the assignments for mentioning of the respondent’s email address;
If the assignment with this email is located, click on the assignment number and in the assignment details you will find both the link (URL) to the assignment page and the password to start it.
Note, that there may exist multiple assignments to the same email address, for example if you are running multiple surveys and the same respondent is a participant in 2 or more of them.
Make sure you are responding to the same email to which the original invitation has been sent or have otherwise reliably identified that the person requesting this password is the intended original respondent.
13. Can't login to the Interviewer App on the tablet?
Ask your server’s administrator to reset your account’s password.
Verify that it was reset by signing in online. If it is, then you will be asked to create a new password for your account (your own password, different from the one issued to you by the administrator).
On the tablet when logging in login with the new password that you’ve selected. Do this for at least 5 times and the login form will display an additional button TRY TO SIGN IN ONLINE. Use this button to let the tablet connect to the server and get updated information on the changed password. The tablet must be connected to the internet at this step.
14. Survey Solutions database restored from backup
The account password information is stored in the database on the server. If this database is restored from a backup then the passwords effective at the moment of the backup will be restored as current. Users not remembering their old passwords will need to utilize the above-listed procedures as appropriate for their role.
15. Interviewer can sign in to the account online, but can't sign in to the tablet.
A firewall between your tablet and server may be preventing successful communication of the Interviewer App with the server. This has been experienced by several users, see e.g. here.
The recommendations vary by situation, but the general advice is to work with the network administrator to identify the device/program responding instead of Survey Solutions, which happens to be the underlying reason for this problem.
Administrators of the servers in the WB can contact the WB LBADMIN to help detect and troubleshoot this issue.
Instruction to the Survey Solutions administrators on how to reset user passwords.
Login to the data server under your administrative account.
Click on the gear-icon in the top-right of the screen.
Click on the Users in the menu that appears.
In the users’ click on the user account for the user requesting the password reset.
Select the Change password tab.
Enter the new password twice and confirm the change by clicking UPDATE.
If necessary reset the 2FA for the user (see below).
Note that the user will have to select a new password the first time he or she logs into the system after such a password reset.
Instruction to the Survey Solutions administrators on how to reset user two factor authentication (2FA)
Users that have lost the possibility to login to their accounts e.g. due to a loss of the authenticating device have to ask the Survey Solutions data server administrator to reset the 2FA for them.
As the administrator you:
Login to the data server under your administrative account.
Click on the gear-icon in the top-right of the screen.
Click on the Users in the menu that appears.
In the list of the users find and click on the user account for the user requesting the password reset.
Select the Two factor authentication tab.
Click the RESET AUTHENTICATOR button and follow the instructions.
If the 2FA must be reset for a user in the Administrator role, then it must be done with the support tool.
There are multiple other possible reasons why a user is not able to login:
the user attempts to log in to an incorrect synchronization point: check the synchronization point address (the address of the server the user connects to);
account has been locked by a superior user: users in the Administrator role can unlock it;
account has been archived: users in the Administrator role can un-archive the user; more;
account in the disabled workspace: users in the Administrator role can enable or disable workspaces; more;
account is locked-out by the system: this happens when there are too many unsuccessful login attempts, this issue will resolve itself after a cooling-off period; more;
account has been deleted as part of the workspace that has been deleted: this account access is not recoverable.
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+Security review results
We are constantly on the lookout for new threats and periodically issue patches
+for any detected vulnerabilities that have a proven potential to be exploited
+to intercept data or intervene into the operation of the system, notably, our
+recent release 21.06.
Our security policy is located
+The inventory of currently reported security advisories is published
Users may conduct their own security analysis and share with us. We do not
+provide these reports on request of third parties.
Should you conduct such a security analysis, please do this on your own
+server/installation of Survey Solutions. Specifically, do not conduct
+security analysis on the PDS servers or any other servers hosted by the
+World Bank as this will negatively affect other users.
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+Server Not Working
Occasionally our users receive messages from their interviewers
+that a certain server “…is not working”. In most cases this
+is a problem with the user’s equipment used to access the server,
+rather than the server itself.
The following tools may be helpful in determining whether it is
+indeed a problem with the server or with a specific user’s device
+trying to access that server:
These are the third-party tools and we neither produce, nor provide
+any training or support related to these tools.
If the above tools indicate that the server is functional, then the
+problem is likely in the device (physical or software configuration,
+settings) or the connectivity (reliability of the connection lines,
+signal strength or security mechanisms and protocols present in your
If you are reporting a problem with a demo server or a personal demo
+server (PDS) please include into your report the information according to the ORANGE checklist.
Specifying all of this information will expedite the handling of
+the issue. If any of this information is missing, we may need to contact
+you to obtain it, which will delay the troubleshooting.
Occasionally we perform servers maintenance, which may involve
+rebooting the server(s) and hence a brief interruption in service. These
+operations are rare and usually completed within a 15-minute period. If
+you are experiencing a server access issue, kindly make sure you have
+allowed at least 20 minutes to elapse, and retried before submitting the
+server access problem report.
If the problem is related to the server that is not managed by our team,
+please contact the corresponding server administrator. Correspondingly,
+if the server is hosted in a cloud, contact the corresponding cloud
+provider, who will be able to assist you further.
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+Server Requirements
Server requirements are periodically revised. The characteristics below are outlined for a server facilitating a survey of no more than 100,000 interviews. You may need a more powerful server if:
your survey is larger, or
you plan to host several surveys, or
if you plan to collect any multimedia data (photos, audio recordings, etc), or
there are other non-standard circumstances.
Requirements for the server depend on the use and the type of the survey. Below is a minimal configuration. Better hardware allows better performance.
CPU: 4 physical cores, 64-bit
If you are planning to purchase new hardware and wish for the server to be operational over the next few years, it is recommended to double the minimal specifications above.
When installing on Windows, the edition must be specifically Windows Server (not a desktop edition like Windows Home, Windows Professional, or Windows Enterprise). Survey Solutions will not install on non-server editions of Windows because they are specifically restricted from such use by the manufacturer. For example, see Can I use Windows Pro or Enterprise like a “server” to host applications?in the product licensing FAQ.
Latest version of PostgreSQL (see instructions for installing PostgreSQL in server installation).
During the installation, the Survey Solutions installer will examine the presence of necessary libraries and if any of them is missing, will attempt to download and install them from their distribution sites.
On Microsoft Windows Survey Solutions is working under Microsoft IIS which is built-in into the OS.
Server environment:
The server must be:
properly cooled;
physically secured;
reliably powered 24/7;
reliably connected to the network/internet with appropriate bandwidth;
protected from the elements (flooding, fire, etc).
See also:
You may find other useful information and advice in:
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+Should and could I modify my questionnaire when the survey is in the field?
Should and could I modify my questionnaire when the survey is in the field?
October 21, 2016
You could modify your questionnaire when the survey is already in the
+field. Survey Solutions treats any modifications of a questionnaire as a
+new survey. Even if the changes are minor, the modified questionnaire
+will be shown as a new survey both on tablets and in the HQ/Supervisor
In general, we strongly advise against making changes in the
+questionnaire after the survey goes to the field. We do advise to plan
+extensive pre-testing and piloting survey prior to the field. You want
+to eliminate as many problems with the questionnaire and the survey
+design at the stage of piloting, so that when the survey goes to the
+field, no changes are necessary. Modifying questionnaires during the
+field work might result in incompatible data generated by the different
+versions of the same questionnaire. Even minor changes in the validation
+or enablement conditions might lead to disablement of the whole sections
+and an rerouting of the questionnaire flow.
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+Should I buy cheap tablets?
Our users often ask us about the minimal specification for the tablets
+to be used with Survey Solutions. While we understand the desire to cut
+costs of conducting surveys, we recommend purchasing the most powerful
+tablets you can afford. With a very few exceptions, the total survey
+budget is much larger compared to the budget you spend even on the most
+powerful tablets. Modern tablets provide much better interviewer
+experience: they are more responsive and have longer battery life. What
+is more important, such tablets have lower per survey costs on the long
+run - you will be able to use them for the next two or three years in
+multiple surveys.
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+Slow Tablets
Use the instructions below to diagnose tablets’ performance issues, which can manifest themselves as:
slowness (occasional or permanent) while working with the Interviewer App;
freezes for a considerable period of time;
crashes and restarts of the application;
or a combination of the above.
NB: For troubleshooting the synchronization errors, refer to the synchronization problems article.
Check that the tablet is not in the low-power mode. If in the low-power mode, change to normal mode and retry (some tablets may need to restart, or sleep and wake up for the mode switch to become effective).
Check that the tablets are using an up-to-date version of Survey Solutions and update if necessary. (versions are important for troubleshooting and we need to know that the newest version is still affected, or else this is the solution.). Confirm the latest version is used.
Check whether there is a similar case reported in the users’ forum. If yes, indicate which thread/threads are mentioning the same symptoms.
Check whether the issue occurs on a new tablet that is not part of the interviewers’ stock. Interviewers are people and can do many bad things to the tablets intentionally or unintentionally, so we need to exclude this factor. Use a factory reset if there is no other tablet to try. (any unsynchronized data will be lost as a result of the factory reset or uninstall). Clearly report the tablet brand, model, model number if the issue persists.
Check whether the problem occurs on all, some or one tablet only. Describe in detail:
what is common between the tablets in ‘working’ group, and similarly
what is common for the tablets in the ‘non-working group’, and
what is different between the ‘working’ and ’non-working’ groups.
+For example: “the issue occurs with Survey Solutions v24.09 on all Samsung SMT-9399 tablets running Android 12.7 and doesn’t occur on Samsung SMT-9897 tablets running Android 12.7 nor in Dell PowerTab-3000 running Android 18.0. The characteristics of these devices are as follows (indicate memory, storage, available storage, CPU type)…”
refer to the diagnostics dialog to obtain the descriptive information of the tablet and Interviewer App.
Check whether there were any OS-updates (or third party software updates) installed recently on the tablets in the ’non-working’ group. Clearly state what version and update of the Android OS is set up on the affected device(s).
Have a security check (antivirus, antimalware) of the affected tablets, especially when there is no systematic difference between the ‘working’ and ’non-working’ groups in hardware characteristics or OS version and configuration.
Check tablets for presence of any other applications that may be competing for the resources with the Interviewer App (social networks, games, messengers, unknown applications). Uninstall everything that is not needed for the normal work of an interviewer.
Try a different questionnaire: create a simple questionnaire of a handful of questions and see if the issue occurs there too. Exercise your judgement as to how big this should be and what questions to include. When in doubt use 10 questions of different types or model the section of your actual questionnaire where the slowness appears. For a quick check use a public questionnaire ‘ServiceB2’ from the ‘Service and maintenance’ folder. If the benchmark questionnaire is responsive the problem is likely related to your particular questionnaire. If not responsive, then this benchmark questionnaire can be used in all subsequent steps/tests.
If the benchmark/example questionnaire does not exhibit the issue, start reducing your questionnaire by cutting off some of the pieces of it (work on a copy, of course). Delete sections, individual questions or their conditions. And periodically retest the questionnaire. Once it becomes responsive again, review the recent deletions to identify which one has caused the performance to improve.
Note that the size of a syntax condition (in characters or lines) is not necessarily a good predictor for the time that will be needed to execute it.
Even a one-liner can freeze a powerful computer with a slow loop-like code structure.
Slowness may occur due to entirely not obvious things, such as usage of text substitutions in questions, not related to syntax at all.
The issue may be data related: the checks in a 20-person household are going to be slower than in a 10-person household, and much slower than in a 1-person household. See whether the issue is sensitive to the amount of data being preloaded by varying the input data volume. Include your findings in your report.
Use the Tester App to measure the actual response time in milliseconds. If the issue occurs only in some sections/rosters/etc which is not immediately obvious, include instructions on what input must be entered (which values and in which sequence).
+If the slowness is observed in an up-to-date version of Survey Solutions Interviewer/Tester with a benchmark questionnaire this could very well be its actual performance. Explain why the observed values are considered by you as ‘abnormal/slow’.
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+Solutions website
Some older presentations or instructions guides may still refer to the older
+address if they were not updated in the meanwhile.
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+Tablet manufacturers
If you need to get device-specific information or solve a hardware issue,
+contact your tablet manufacturer for support or consult other users in
+manufacturer-specific forums. Here are a few community forums lead by
+the respective manufacturers:
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+Scalability of Survey Solutions
The Survey Solutions supports horizontal scaling and may be
+deployed as a web-farm for servicing a large number of
+client connections.
This is especially important for operations like population
+censuses and large national surveys.
A web-farm installation is implemented on multiple systems
+(called nodes) working in concert to service the received
+requests. Increasing the number of nodes in the farm allows
+to improve the overall performance: the responsiveness of
+the system and number of users working simultaneously.
The number of nodes in the farm may be dynamically changed
+(new nodes introduced or existing nodes shut down) without
+the interruption of work of the other nodes.
The overall performance of the web-farm is determined by
+the performance of individual nodes (higher processing
+power, memory, and drive speed will positively affect the
+overall performance).
The exact moment when a web-farm must be introduced depends
+on multiple factors, including the desired responsiveness,
+number of simultaneous users, performance of the nodes, size
+and complexity of the questionnaire.
Even a very powerful web-farm may still be limited by the
+bandwidth of the internet connection, which must be taken
+into account when the Survey Solutions deployment is being
Deployment scheme
For Web Farm mode Survey Solutions Headquarters should run behing load balancer or reverse proxy with load balancing capabilities. Load Balancer should support Web Sockets and sticky sessions. Modern reverse proxy servers are already support this.
Survey Solutions require that both WebSockets and StickySessions are enabled for all survey modes.
Survey Solutions Configuration
For Survey Solutions Headquarters configuration following settings should be enabled for ALL instances of HQ in [Scheduler] settings
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+What are the costs associated with using Survey Solutions?
What are the costs associated with using Survey Solutions?
September 7, 2016
Survey Solutions is free software distributed under a Global Public
+Goods licence. The licence agreement puts no restrictions on the use of
+Survey Solutions by either public or private companies. However, to use
+Survey Solutions you will need to purchase tablets and arrange space of
+a server to run the Survey Solutions HQ application.
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+What kind of support does the Survey Solutions team provide to the users.
What kind of support does the Survey Solutions team provide to the users.
September 7, 2016
Basic remote support (FREE)
Extended remote support (Skype, email)
On site support (missions of Survey Solutions staff to the country)
Training and capacity building.
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+What kind of tablets should we purchase to use with Survey Solutions?
What kind of tablets should we purchase to use with Survey Solutions?
September 7, 2016
Survey Solutions is designed to work on Android tablets. The interface
+is optimized to work on tablets with a screen of 7-inch or larger.
+Survey Solutions will work on devices with smaller screens (5-inch) but
+some users might experience difficulties in reading small fonts.
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+What tablets should I buy?
Survey Solutions software works with Android tablets with the following
Version of Android OS:
Android 7.0 or better is required;
All versions of Android below 9.0 are
+no longer supported
+by the manufacturers and correspondingly tablets that can’t be updated to
+Android 9.0 or above should be considered unsafe for the World Bank projects.
RAM: Minimum 1.5GB
Storage: 8GB of flash memory storage. At least 1GB of available
+space must be available for Survey Solutions’ use. The Survey Solutions
+software installation package (.apk) is less than 200MB, but more space
+will be required during the operation of the software. The ultimate
+requirements for space depend on the kind of survey (questionnaire) and
+the mode of use of the tablet (number of assignments, simultaneously
+started interviews, rejections, use of offline maps, audio recording, etc.
WiFi module, which can be used for software setup, upgrades, and
+synchronization while in the office.
3G/4G connectivity module is required for synchronization from
+the field.
Hardware architecture: Survey Solutions Interviewer will not be
+able to display maps on
+devices based on x86 architecture, for example, on devices based on
+the Intel Atom Z3745 chip. This incompatibility is known and will
+not be fixed. Users installing the Interviewer App on such devices
+must opt for the version without the maps.
Minimal requirements are not necessarily going to be optimal for a
+particular application. Better technical characteristics will improve
+responsiveness of the program and the user experience. Conduct your
+independent testing before volume purchases of tablets.
Screen size 7-8-inch screens are often chosen. Bigger screens
+consume more power and reduce autonomous work. The choice of the
+screen depends on the convenience of use with the software and is
+usually determined experimentally.
Android 8.0 or higher is recommended because of
+Project Treble,
+which should make it easier for the manufacturers to update produced
Testing Devices
We conduct periodic tests of the software and use a range of devices with
+different characteristics. The objective of this testing is to make sure
+each of our releases continues to work on the declared platform.
+Availability, prices and support by manufacturers of these devices vary
We recommend conducting your own independent testing especially before
+purchasing of tablets in bulk.
The World Bank-Survey Solutions team is not in the position of recommending
+specific devices, brands, or vendors.
Share your experience
Survey Solutions users’ forum is an
+excellent place to share your feedback about particular devices (tablets,
+phones) that you’ve tried. Most readers will be interested in compatibility,
+performance and usability details that you can provide.
Whether you are providing positive or negative feedback, please, try to
+stay objective and keep it informative and supplemented with useful data.
+Please, mention the device brand, model number, version of Android, and
+version of the Survey Solutions Interviewer app that you’ve tried, and
+any other details you think may be helpful.
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+What to do in case a tablet gets broken, damaged, or destroyed.
What to do in case a tablet gets broken, damaged, or destroyed.
January 23, 2017
The tablets used for data collection may get damaged or broken during
+the field work. If this happens:
interviewer should immediately report this to his/her supervisor;
supervisor should inspect the tablet and confirm the damage (often
+interviewers report tablets as broken when the tablets completely
+discharge and require long-press for power button to power up);
supervisor should record the loss of a tablet and issue a
+replacement (possibly taking notes on the specifics of the devices
+lost and issued: model, serial number, date, interviewer name and
+login, circumstances of the loss, etc).
interviewer should login to the new tablet issued, synchronize, and
+continue working.
Consequences The following information is lost: data
+stored on the tablet that hasn’t been synchronized to the data server.
The following information survives:
+survey assignments created at HQ and data that has been previously
+synchronized from the tablet, including assignments previously
+synchronized and rejected back to the interviewer.
If the supervisor fails to inspect the tablet and confirm the damage and
+the tablet is later found to be working while the replacement tablet has
+been already introduced to the stock, the data from the old tablet will not be accepted by the system. See
+warnings illustrated in this
To minimize damages from the physical damage:
issue appropriate protection for the tablets (cases, bags, screen
+covers, etc);
explain to the interviewers during training that the tablets are
+fragile, explain how to handle them, what to do and what not to do;
synchronize tablets as often as possible to minimize the amount of
+data stored on the tablet that is not also sent to the server.
Alternatives: Tablets usually contain few parts and are not easy to repair, especially
+in the field conditions. In some cases if the battery fails the tablet
+could still be powered up from an external battery or an external power
+source. This could help prevent loss of data on the tablet by letting it
+to synchronize one last time (in that case all started assignments must
+be declared as completed so that they are transferred to the server). Some tablets allow replacements of the screen when it is damaged.
Such alternatives are usually expensive, require careful planning and
+can’t be conducted in the field. It is universally cheaper to repeat the
+interviews than to attempt a forensic recovery of the remnants of the
+data from a damaged tablet.
The developers of the Survey Solutions software can not provide such
+services of data recovery from damaged tablets.
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+Which languages can be used in Survey Solutions questionnaires?
The questionnaire instrument (questions, options, section names, error and warning messages, etc)
+can be designed in any language supported in
+Unicode. Survey Solutions allows text entry in Unicode
+and the entered values will be preserved in the exported data (UTF-8).
The variable names utilized in the questionnaire must be written strictly using English
+alphabet (AB..Zab..z), digits and the underscore character. For complete set of rules for variable names see the
+variable names article.
Some scripts may require an update of the operating system to a version that
+supports it. For example, Thaana
+characters are supported by OS Android 6.0 and higher. So even though
+Survey Solutions can be started on a lower version of Android OS, the Thaana
+characters may appear incorrectly rendered or not appear at all. Update your
+Android OS if necessary.
The following public questionnaire demonstrates various text messages written in different languages:
Figure 1 : text rendered in various left-to-right languages.
Figure 2 : text rendered in various right-to-left languages.
Figure 3 : free text entry.
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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Why does the time recorded through date/time question is different from the time reported in GPS question?
Why does the time recorded through date/time question is different from the time reported in GPS question?
September 9, 2016
An Android tablet has its internal clock. That clock is set based on
+specifications of the tablet manufacturer and on the user settings. For
+example, the tablet clock can be synchronized to the network time, or
+can be set by tablet users manually.
The time reported in GPS question comes from the GPS signal provider. We
+recommend acquiring the GPS signal through satellites disabling the wifi
+coordinate services. However, geographic coordinates might be acquired
+through wifi. Survey Solutions records satellite time for the GPS
+coordinates received through satellites. When coordinates come from wifi
+or 3G, the time of the wifi router will be recorded as a time when GPS
+coordinate was acquired.
In general, we cannot guarantee that the time recorded through data/time
+question will coincide with the time recorded while getting a GPS
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@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
Survey Solutions system is based on the hierarchy of users which perform
+their responsibilities based on the commands of superior users.
Every survey starts by a headquarters user deciding on the questionnaire
+(importing the questionnaire from the Designer to the data server) and
+making assignments to supervisors, which can in turn assign to
+individual interviewers.
Assignment are orders to subordinate users to take part in the survey.
+Not only they are directed at a particular user, but most importantly
+the assignments determine the area of responsibility of that user. So
+that in the system it is clear that not only interviewers A and B are
+collecting, say census data, but also that interviewer A is responsible
+for enumeration areas 1,2,3 and interviewer B for 4,5,6. Of course the
+responsibilities can be divided not by enumeration areas, but by some
+other attributes or address components: streets or villages for
+household surveys, facilities for patient surveys, markets for price
+surveys, etc.
An assignment is thus comprised of several obligatory components:
survey questionnaire - which survey must be conducted, which
+questionnaire to be used?
responsible person - who must perform this task?
identifying information - where the interviewers should collect the
number of interviews - how many interviews must be collected?
The first attribute, survey name never changes: from the time the
+assignment is created for a particular survey, it stays unchanged
+throughout the circulation of it in the system.
The person responsible for an assignment may change. The original
+responsible may be changed to a different person, for example the
+supervisor may pass an assignment to one of her interviewers, or
+re-assign an assignment to a different interviewer.
With regards to the third attribute, the identifying information, we can
+think of assignments as precise or imprecise. Precise assignments have
+all their identifying questions answered, while imprecise assignments
+have only some, but not all identifying questions answered. It is
+typical for an imprecise assignment to result in multiple interviews. In
+fact this is very natural for survey planners to think in these
+categories: how many individual households to interview in a particular
+enumeration area, or how many patients in a particular health facility,
+etc. This number (capacity, quota) may be known, such as 12 households
+from enumeration area, or unknown, such as all households located
+between N.Lincoln Ave, N.Halstedt St, and W.Webster Ave in Chicago,
Of course, the addressing system is different in different countries and
+for different contexts. But once the questionnaire is designed, it does
+have one or more identifying questions. When an assignment is made, the
+headquarters user decides, which questions he can answer, and which ones
+he leaves unanswered. It becomes the responsibility of the interviewer
+to fill out all the identifying questions that were not assigned values
+by the headquarters user that has created the assignment.
For example, if the assignment is to interview 16 households in the city
+block located between N.Lincoln Ave, N.Halstedt St, and W.Webster Ave in
+Chicago, IL, then the interviewer may be expected to fill out the fields
+of the street number, floor, and apartment number as well as the name of
+the household head. Once this information is entered by an interviewer,
+it can no longer be changed.
For scenarios where the number of interviews is unknown, an infinite
+limit may be imposed by setting the number of interviews to -1 (negative
+one). In this case the interviewer will be able to create as many new
+interviews as necessary. Both the number of conducted interviews and the
+number of remaining interviews in an assignment are displayed at
+interviewer’s dashboard. The limit can be revised (increased or
+decreased) by the headquarters users. During batch upload of interviews,
+this limit is placed into the variable _quantity. If this variable is
+not specified, 1 is assumed. The person responsible for the assignment
+may be specified in the variable _responsible (accepts login names of
+supervisors or interviewers).
Other attributes of an assignment I addition to the above attributes, Survey Solutions assigns a unique
+identifier to each assignment, tracks the date of the creation and last
+modification of an assignment. The progress of completion is reflected
number of submitted interviews and total interviews for the
+supervisors/headquarters users, and
number of created interviews and number of remaining interviews for
+the interviewers.
Difference between an assignment and interview. It is important to recognize the difference between an assignment and an
+interview. An assignment is a different entity, and is being tracked in
+Survey Solutions separately from interviews data. An assignment is thus
+a permission to instantiate interviews, all of them will be marked by
+the identifying information contained in the original assignment.
Recall from the basic description of the work of a supervisor is that
+his two main tasks are managing of the work load of his interviewers and
+performing quality control of collected interviews. The supervisor is
+doing them by distributing the assignments (obtained from Headquarters)
+and by doing quality control (verifying answers, exchanging comments) of
+the interviews.
Note that assignments are not reflected in the reports on interviews,
+and they may not be opened for inspection. An assignment may be deleted
+by the headquarters users, in which case the corresponding card will be
+removed from the interviewer’s dashboard after synchronization. For any
+incompleted assignments,any interviews that have been already sent to
+the server by an interviewer are not deleted when an incompleted
+assignment is deleted, but after synchronization the interviewer will no
+longer have a possibility to collect data based on such assignment.
Transition notes Earlier versions of Survey Solutions had two distinct modes of data
+collection: Sample mode and Census mode.
For users that conducted their surveys in the sample mode, there is
+little to no distinction with the earlier operation. The same sample
+preloading files may be used with newer versions, but there is no need
+(or in fact a possibility) to specify any mode during the questionnaire
For users that conducted their surveys in the census mode, there is a
+change. The change is that the interviewers cannot start working without
+prior having an assignment, and hence a headquarters user must upload an
+assignments file with two columns _responsible and _quantity , where
+_responsible contains names of all interviewers and _quantity is set
+to -1 (negative one) for each of them. This completely replicates the
+earlier mode, but the survey planner may decide to involve only part of
+the interviewers in a particular survey, give them some quotas or
+partial identifying information for their targets, or otherwise make use
+of the new powerful assignments management features of Survey Solutions.
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+FAQ for IT personnel
The recommended minimal hardware specifications required for Survey
+Solutions to function properly for a questionnaire of about 500
+questions and for the survey of about 10,000 respondents. The minimal
+requirements represent the specifications for the oldest tablets that can
+run Survey Solutions. We advise to procure newest devices with the
+latest version of Android for the projects that expect to run for two or
+three years. Please refer to google.com for the
+information on the latest version of Android OS and for the list of
+devices supporting this latest version.
Contact support for a consultation prior to setup if your survey is 100,000 interviews or more, or if you are collecting any multimedia data.
1. What are the requirements for the server?
Server requirements are periodically revised as the Survey Solutions program evolves hence we've created the following pages on:
2. Is it possible to use our existing server for Survey Solutions?
It depends: If the hardware requirements are met, and the software prerequisites are available, there might be a possibility to reuse the existing server.
Note that in that case existing services will compete with Survey Solutions for resources. So this solution is possible only with a very powerful server, or non-demanding other services.
The maintenance of the other software should not affect availability, integrity and security of Survey Solutions service.
3. How do we configure our security software to collaborate with Survey Solutions?
Firewalls, anti-virus, and integrated security packages need to be configured to permit Survey Solutions server component to communicate with other devices exchanging data with it. Consult your security software manual and network administrator for specific instructions.
5. We don’t have a proper server. Is a server necessary for Survey Solutions, or can we use the software with the tablets only?
A server provides essential functionality and is absolutely required for data collection with Survey Solutions.
6. We don’t have a proper server. Are there any alternatives?
You can install Survey Solutions using major cloud server providers: Amazon, Google, Microsoft and others. The software and functionality is the same regardless whether it is installed in the cloud or on a local machine.
7. How many servers will we need?
One server can handle hundreds of interviewers and supervisors, and is sufficient for a typical household survey with tens of thousands households.
In some situations multiple servers may present additional convenience, or even be required.
8. Does the World Bank Group provide connectivity devices and cover connection charges for Survey Solutions?
No. It is up to the client to arrange proper network infrastructure, purchase any necessary devices, obtain SIM-cards (if necessary), and cover the traffic usage fees.
9. Is it possible to ”synchronize” the server periodically or do I need a constant connection?
The interviewers and supervisors will attempt to connect to the server at their convenience, so the server must be reachable at all times when the interviewers may decide to synchronize.
The server connection to Internet must hence be fast and reliable.
10. Should my server be connected to Internet?
The tablets will need to send data to the server, so it must be visible and reachable.
In most cases this means the tablets and the server are communicating over the Internet.
For physical installations it is possible to send the data through a LAN without sending the data over the Internet, but the tablets must also be connected to the same LAN. Usually this means the tablets must be within the WiFi range from the server (up to about 20-30 meters away). Since the tablets are expected to synchronize frequently, this is an inconvenient and rare scenario.
11. Do the tablets need a network connection during an interview?
No. The interviews are conducted while the tablets are not connected.
Internet connection is not required and 3G/4G or WiFi traffic is not consumed during interviews.
Survey Solutions accumulates collected data on the tablet and sends it to the server during synchronization.
12. 3G/4G coverage is rather spotty in our country. Is it still possible to use Survey Solutions?
Connection can be utilized when available, but spotty coverage would imply more travelling to the areas where signal is available for synchronizations.
13. How often should the tablets synchronize?
This depends on the protocol of a particular survey.
For example: every day; or twice a day.
More frequent synchronizations allow faster turnaround.
14. We don’t want to send our data over the air. Is it possible to avoid using WiFi?
Modern Android-based tablets usually do not have an Ethernet socket for wired connection and provide exclusively WiFi, and (for some models) 3G/4G connectivity.
This is the limitation of the devices, not the Survey Solutions software.
15. Is the communication over the Internet secure?
Survey Solutions uses password protection and authorization procedures to authenticate all users and communications.
Installing an SSL certificate for the server allows additional encryption of all data.
Our experts are available to discuss particular risks and other specific security concerns.
16. Which brand and model of tablets should I buy?
The World Bank is not in the position to point to a particular brand and model as ”the tablet” for Survey Solutions.
The choice depends on multiple different characteristics and the decision on the model depends on the client, subject to the technical requirements and market availability.
The characteristics to evaluate are usually: performance, memory, storage, connectivity, screen, battery, price, convenience and ergonomics. Other characteristics may affect the decision if used in the data collection: GPS sensor, optical camera, etc.
17. What requirements does Survey Solutions have for the tablets?
18. What screen size is best for Survey Solutions?
7-8-inch screens are often picked as suitable in typical operations. Bigger screens consume more power and reduce autonomous work.
The choice of the screen should depend on the convenience of use with the software and is usually determined experimentally.
19. Will we need additional batteries?
Modern tablets have battery life typically ranging from 6 to 12 hours, which is usually sufficient for a day of work of an interviewer.
If the interviewers remain in a remote area without access to power grid for a prolonged period, they may need additional sources of power.
External batteries of various capacities can provide a quick solution. Other things being equal it is useful to have a charge indicator on a battery.
Charging from car batteries or portable generators may also bepossible depending on the survey situation.
20. Can autonomous life of a tablet be extended without any additional equipment?
It is possible to use the device settings to minimize power consumption:
adjust screen brightness;
switch off bluetooth;
switch off GPS if not used;
switch off WiFi when not in use, etc;
21. Should we buy new tablets specifically for Survey Solutions or is it possible to use our existing stock of tablets?
If the tablets you have satisfy the hardware and software requirements, they usually can be used with the Survey Solutions.
Note that the capacity of the batteries found in most tablets reduces sharply after about 1.5-2 years. Older tablets might thus still be used but may require more maintenance and power backup options.
If the tablets are still in use for other purposes, other software installed on them will be competing for the resources (memory and CPU). Make sure there is sufficient storage space available to install and operate Survey Solutions.
22. Should all the tablets used in the survey be identical brand and model?
No. Different tablet models may be used as long as they satisfy the minimal requirements. Typical situations are:
Note that 3G/4G connectivity adds to the cost of the device. If the interviewers in a particular region are expected to be always covered by WiFi connectivity, for example if they are coming to the office daily, they might use a tablet without 3G/4G connectivity.
Another situation is when the operations are scaled up from a smaller survey or pilot to a full size survey, or a larger survey, and the original model is no longer available on the market. In that case a new model can be used alongside the older ones, as long as they are still functioning.
Using the same model usually simplifies the support. If there is a problem or an advisory, the survey administrator knows that it affects all the eqipment in a similar fashion.
23. How many tablets will we need to purchase?
One per interviewer. Have some spares in case a tablet gets lost, stolen, or damaged.
Number of spares depends on the particular situation. Reserving 1 spare tablet for every 20 active interviewers is indicative.
24. We plan to start fieldwork on May 1 and the supplier promised to deliver the tablets by April 30. That’s ok, right?
Entirely up to you, but someone will need to check and register all the devices, charge them, install the software, create user accounts, verify everything is in order and fix what’s not.
The training for use of the tablets as instruments of data collection is essential, and it is only successful if it includes practice with the actual devices. Thus the devices should arrive before the interviewers’ training.
25. How many tablets will we need to purchase for the supervisors?
None. Supervisors work with computers, not tablets.
If the supervisors travel with the interviewers, they should be equipped with a laptop to work in the field.
If the supervisors stay in the office, they may use a laptop or a desktop computer.
26. What are the requirements for a supervisor’s computer?
Windows-based computer, OS Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10;
4GB RAM, 120GB hard drive space (SSD drive is preferable);
If the supervisor is working in the field, then connectivity from the field via 3G or 4G, (built-in, USB, or external wireless modem, or a similar device).
27. What database does Survey Solutions use to store data? How can we access it from our system?
Survey Solutions uses a PostgreSQL system to store and retrieve the data. If in the future, the DB engine is changed in favor of a different database management system, the installation instruction and requirements will be updated.
The exact database structure is changing frequently between the versions and it should be assumed that there will be more changes in the future. For that reason, the data in the Survey Solutions database should not be accessed directly by any other software the client might use for other operations.
The data is exported by the Survey Solutions server on demand in the form of a downloadable file.
28. What is the format of the exported file? Is it suitable for our software X?
The software exports the data as an archive containing multiple files in tab-delimited unicode text format. Binary files (images) are downloaded separately. Survey Solutions documentation explains the particulars on how questions of different types (numeric, text, choice, etc) are saved in the data file.
Tab-delimited text format is a popular data interchange format suitable for import for many modern databases, spreadsheets, and statistical packages.
Consult your software operating manual on the support of tab-delimited (also known as tab-separated) data.
Additionally, the survey data may be exported in the binary formats of Stata or SPSS statistical packages.
29. Our system is set up and running. Should we change anything?
Installing updates is one of the most common tasks to be performed.
Install the updates and especially security updates for the server as recommended by the OS provider.
For tablets there is usually no additional benefit to install further OS updates if the Survey Solutions is already working smoothly.
There is a need to periodically update Survey Solutions as well. The most convenient time for this is in between the surveys.
30. If we host Survey Solutions on our own server, how do we make sure that we get the updates?
Notifications about new version releases are routinely posted as: Release notes
The update of the server component of Survey Solutions is not automatic and should be undertaken by the server administrator after careful consideration of the new features and current data collection situation.
The updates procedure depends both on the most recent and the installed version of Survey Solutions.
Lagging behind for several versions is not recommended as this means you are not getting the bugfixes and access to the new features.
If you are reporting a bug, our first recommendation is usually to catch up with the currently released version.
31. Can we restrict the tablets so that no other software can be used on the tablets?
Survey Solutions generally doesn’t mind presence of other software as long as it is not demanding too much of the tablet’s resources. But in some cases the survey administrators restrict the use of other software, for example, to reduce wireless bills due to unwanted communications.
Depending on your choice of the tablet and desired functionality, this possibility may be provided by the operating system (restricted account), third party software, or a combination of both.
32. If a tablet is lost or damaged before synchronizing, is there any way to retrieve the data that has not yet been synchronized?
If a tablet is lost, the unsynchronized data is lost with it.
If a tablet is damaged, sometimes data can be recovered from it (depends on the damage). For example, if only the tablet’s battery fails, the data could be recovered by connecting the tablet to an external power source, replacing the battery, or using other similar techniques. The World Bank does not provide technicians for this kind of recovery operations.
In some cases, if a tablet is damaged, the data cannot be recovered (memory damage, etc).
Data recovery from a damaged device is usually a costly operation. In practice it may be more cost-efficient to collect a number of replacement observations instead of trying to recover a handful of observations from a damaged device.
To minimize the risks of data loss, synchronize tablets often and protect the tablet (cover case, rugged jacket, carrying bag, etc).
33. If an interviewer is assigned a new tablet during the field work can she use the same log in information on the new tablet to retrieve the surveys she needs to complete?
Starting from version 4.1 of Survey Solutions each interviewer can work only on one device tracked by the system.
In case of tablet’s loss or damage the interviewer can switch to using a replacement tablet.
Depending on the circumstances of loss or damage the change of credentials may be recommended as well.
After logging in from the new device the interviewer has to confirm the switch of the device.
Old device is automatically excluded and no data from it will ever be accepted.
The interviewer can continue her work on the new replacement device from the point consistent with the last synchronization.
34. We want to host Survey Solutions on our own server. Can we back up it’s database?
Yes. When Survey Solutions stores data on your server you have a possibility to do data backups, including automatic/scheduled backups with your desired frequency.
35. If I have to make changes to the questionnaire during the field work, for example I want to add response options to a question, how do I get these changes to the interviewers?
Any changes to questionnaires are not automatically delivered to interviewers.
Each Survey Solutions server contains a copy of the questionnaire used for data collection, which is imported by the headquarter user.
Importing a new version of the questionnaire to the Survey Solutions server does not affect existing assignments for that survey, but defines the questionnaire that will be used for future assignments.
To update the questionnaire for existing assignments, they must be deleted (technically archived) and recreated using the newly imported version of the questionnaire. Survey Solutions provides an "assignments upgrade" feature to do this automatically when a questionnaire is imported. This is only possible for new assignments and not for started / completed / rejected / approved interviews.
Updating questionnaire after the fieldwork has started is not recommended.
36. Is the data on the Designer site shared between the users?
The Designer site http://designer.mysurvey.solutions/ is intended for designing the survey questionnaires. It does not store or share the data collected during surveys using those questionnaires, but stores blank forms only.
Multiple users can collaborate and work on developing questionnaire forms together.
37. Can we use tablets or Apple computers to design a survey using the online designer tool?
The implementation of browser functionality differs between different browsers and different platforms.
Survey Solutions Designer does not explicitly rule out the use of any particular browser or platform. However, the use of anything else beyond the current Windows versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge is not tested, not supported, and not guaranteed.
The use of Microsoft Internet Explorer has been deprecated.
To download a compatible browser visit links below:
Demo Headquarter server is set up for demonstration purposes so that anyone can try how the Survey Solutions program works and evaluate its functionality and suitability for their survey.
For that reason, the access to the headquarter server is not restricted and anyone can login there.
The Demo server is not intended for any real data collection.
Read more about the use of the demo server (including login and password to access it) in this article.
39. We like your system and we want to change it (improve it, modify it, customize it). How should we start?
We listen to the suggestions of our users. If there is a useful feature that is missing from our functionality, please let us know in the forum.
We do not distribute the source code of Survey Solutions.
Survey Solutions' code is published in GitHub in the following public repository: Survey Solutions.
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+Getting Started Checklist
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+Implementing a CAPI survey with Survey Solutions
The decision to use computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) instead of paper
+and pencil (PAPI) is an important one and should not be taken lightly. It is a step into
+modern technology that may be more expensive for the first one or two surveys, but
+subsequent surveys will be far less expensive, will provide much higher data quality,
+and the data will be available for analysis much faster than when using PAPI. The staff
+members who implement a CAPI survey will gain experience in a technology that is
+rapidly becoming the standard throughout the world of data collection, so your entire
+organization will be more competitive.
The decision to use CAPI should go hand-in-hand with the choice of data entry and
+management software that is used. Many factors should be considered when making
+these decisions:
Should CAPI be considered at all? For example, will a paper trail be required,
+or will a statistical database be sufficient? Do local laws and regulations
+permit the electronic storage and transmission of survey data?
Will the fieldwork require constant or frequent monitoring? For some software
+this would suggest the need for widely available cell phone or Internet service.
Will the interviews be conducted in multiple languages?1
Does the questionnaire include more than one respondent?
Are you willing and able to pay the initial costs of tablets and training for the
+long-term benefits of CAPI?
Will the listing be conducted prior to or during the interviewing process?
The answers to these questions will help to guide the decision whether to use CAPI,
+and if so, which software to use. Every CAPI software package has strengths and
+weaknesses, and they should be taken into account during this decision-making
+process. For a comparison of the different CAPI packages (except Survey Solutions)
+see this World Bank-funded [report from 2011]
Direct Costs
One component of CAPI costs is for the tablets on which the data are collected. The
+most popular of these devices, and at present the least expensive, run on the Android
+operating system. Each interviewer must have her or his own tablet computer for data
+collection, so this can represent a substantial initial investment. Fortunately these
+devices can be reused on future surveys, so after this initial investment the only
+costs will be for replacements of lost or damaged units.
As of the spring of 2015, an Android tablet powerful enough to run Survey
+Solutions cost at about US$150-$250 in the USA. A list of tablet computers
+that have been tested for use with Survey Solutions can be found
Cost should not be the only consideration when selecting the appropriate tablet for
+data collection. The operating system should be the first consideration, since most
+data entry packages run on either Windows or Android tablets, although some run on
+both. These considerations include battery life, charging time, screen size and
+resolution, connectivity options (such as cell phone, Bluetooth, USB, wifi, and
+connectivity between tablets), and durability under harsh environmental conditions
+(such as hot and code temperatures, rain, and sand storms). Note that prices of both
+Windows and Android tablets have been dropping dramatically over the past several
+years and there is every reason to believe they will continue to do so.
Another cost of CAPI surveys is for training of interviewers. Interviewer training is also
+required for PAPI surveys, but CAPI interviewers must also be trained on the use of
+the tablets. Field supervisors and headquarters staff will also need to be trained on
+the use of these devices, as well as the differences in the way CAPI surveys are
+managed. These differences typically result in a more streamlined process which
+provides field teams with faster, more targeted feedback than with PAPI surveys, and
+that provides higher data quality.
Another cost relates to communications and connectivity. Depending on availability,
+the data and quality control information must be exchanged between the field teams
+and headquarters using either cell phone or Internet connectivity. Whichever is used,
+additional user accounts will likely be required.
Most CAPI systems now rely on case and data management systems that reside on local,
+remote, or cloud-based servers. If the server is local this will include the cost of
+the server hardware and software as well as server maintenance. If the server is
+hosted remotely or in the cloud, monthly costs may amount to US$150 per server. Each
+server may host multiple surveys.
Survey Solutions offers many options for configuring servers. These options are
+described here.
Indirect Costs
Technical support is the major cost to consider when deciding whether to switch to
+CAPI. Depending on the CAPI system these costs can total several hundred thousand US
+dollars and might completely overshadow the direct costs of CAPI equipment and training.
Survey Solutions is designed to minimize indirect costs. Still, there is likely
+to be the need for some technical assistance for the first one or two surveys.
+The extent of this TA will depend on the specific requirements in each country
+and will be determined after discussions with the Survey Solutions team.
There are many benefits to using CAPI to replace PAPI data collection. First and
+foremost is the improvement of data quality. When data are rapidly available for
+assessment after they are collected, errors in fieldwork can be corrected and
+changes in procedures, if needed, can be implemented quickly.
Another benefit is the elimination of paper questionnaires, reducing printing costs and
+reducing the burden on field teams to ensure they have sufficient numbers of blank
+forms. Transmission of the results of the interviews is done electronically so a
+package delivery network is no longer needed.
The day that fieldwork is completed the data are immediately available for review and
+cleaning without the need to finish entering data from the remaining paper forms. This
+means that analysis can begin sooner and results will be available earlier.
An advantage of Survey Solutions is that it does not require extensive programming; it
+can be implemented by survey research organizations with no or minimal need for outside
CAPI Scheduling
A typical CAPI survey requires at least 3 months for fieldwork preparation. This is
+somewhat longer than for PAPI surveys, due to the need for tablet procurement for
+initial surveys, and the need for additional staff training. However, this schedule should
+be reduced after the first or second CAPI survey since most of the tablets will still be
+available and most of the staff will already be trained. Also, the data will be available
+for analysis earlier than they would be for a PAPI survey.
An example of a typical CAPI survey is shown in Figure 1. While the schedule of a
+specific survey may be somewhat different from this example, it will not vary
+substantially based on the size of the sample. The length of fieldwork may vary
+considerably based on the ratio of size of the fieldwork team to the size of the sample,
+and whether listing efforts will take place before or during fieldwork. The example in
+Figure 1 does not include listing and assumes it is undertaken as a separate task.
Obtain coverage maps for Internet access and from cellular providers:
+If you are planning to transmit data and monitor fieldwork directly from the data
+entry tablets, than widely available cellular and/or Internet coverage is essential.
+On the other hand, if frequent data transmission is not critical, or if fieldwork
+monitoring is available in the field, the need for widespread connectivity can be
+somewhat relaxed.
Survey Solutions provides the option for field supervisors to manage and
+monitor data collection with infrequent cell phone or Internet connections.
Select sample PSUs and compare with coverage maps: Once the sample
+PSUs are selected, coverage maps will help determine the best provider and
+routing of interviewer teams to optimize their opportunities to transfer data. If
+necessary use a combination of providers to increase coverage of selected
+PSUs or develop field work routines to cope with uncovered locations.
Decision to use CAPI: This should be done in consultation with all
+stakeholders and with a clear understanding of this new technology. A major
+part of this decision includes the data network to use, whether it uses the
+Internet or cell phone infrastructure, or a combination of both. A comparison
+should be made between the selected primary sampling units (PSUs) and the
+availability of cell phone and/or Internet connectivity along with the anticipated
+frequency of remote fieldwork monitoring.
Android tablet procurement: Procurement of the tablets should be started
+at an early stage. Check whether they are available in the country, and re-
+confirm their compatibility with the selected data entry software.
Questionnaire implementation on tablets: Ideally training on the process
+of loading your questionnaire onto the interviewers’ tablets should
+only be required the first time the software is used. Some data entry
+software requires the use of programming languages, and provides
+extensive flexibility and power for large, complex questionnaires.
+These packages generally require substantial training of technical staff or the
+extensive reliance on consulting assistance. Other software packages require
+little or no programming but are appropriate only for use with simple
+questionnaires and sample designs. Therefore the selection of survey
+processing software should take into account the types of surveys that are
+expected in the future.
Learning to use the Survey Solutions questionnaire designer will enable your staff
+to create a data entry system for your current and future surveys regardless of their
+complexity. The trainees are not required to have programming skills, and after a brief
+training period should be able to create data entry systems for complex surveys with little
+or no additional outside assistance.
In-house questionnaire testing. An initial test of the tablet data entry system
+should be conducted within your office, ideally by staff members who are familiar
+with the questionnaire and subject matter. This will help to resolve the most
+obvious errors prior to the field pre-test. Survey Solutions provides an easy-
+to-use questionnaire tester that enables any staff member with a user name,
+password, and tablet to test your questionnaire.
Supervisor and Interviewer training:
+Supervisors should participate in the
+same training as interviewers to provide them with a clear understanding of
+the questionnaire and the use of the tablets.
Field pre-test: This is the first opportunity to test the tablet-based data entry
+system under realistic conditions. Locations should be identified that are not
+included in the survey sample, and interviewers and supervisors should
+conduct realistic interviews with real households. This provides both a training
+experience for the field staff and a test of the data entry system.
Modifications to questionnaire based on pre-test: Based on observations
+from the pre-test, problems with field procedures and the tablet questionnaire
+must be resolved. If necessary, changes should be made to the data entry
+system on the tablets. The result of this task is the final version of the data
+entry system.
Pilot test: After the questionnaire is finalized in the previous task, the pilot will
+test the final questionnaire as it is implemented on the tablets, and will also
+focus on connectivity and communications. This will test your network
+infrastructure and ensure that interviewers and supervisors are familiar with
+data transfer procedures. This will ensure that all of the changes based on the
+first pre-test have been properly implemented and that the data can be
+transferred when needed. It will also ensure that all supervisors are able to
+provide the necessary support to their teams in the event of a technical failure
+in the field.
Supervisor training: This training should clearly define the role of the field
+supervisors, and enable them to use the data and case management tools they
+will be using in the field. This will enable the supervisors to take advantage of CAPI by
+checking the quality and completeness of the data as they are collected. In most
+data collection software, this is done by visually checking the data on the
+tablets or using separate management software.
Fieldwork: When considering the trade-off between a larger field team and
+an extended period of fieldwork, it is generally preferable to have a longer
+period of fieldwork. This provides the survey team with more time to learn
+about and respond to problems in the field.
Training on data export, import, and analysis: This training should only be
+required the first time Survey Solutions is used. Survey Solutions provides a
+straightforward method for exporting its data to tab-delimited files. These files
+are organized as a relational database, with the ability to easily import and
+merge them into files that can be used for statistical analysis. We provide the
+training to export, import, and analyse the Survey Solutions data.
Data cleaning and analysis: This is the final step in the primary use of the
+survey data. With Survey Solutions, data cleaning should be minimal since
+the data entry and built-in case management systems check for most of the
+fieldwork problems encountered with other data entry systems.
A manual for field supervisors using Survey Solutions can be found here.
+Survey Solutions has data and case management tools built in, as the
+Headquarters Guide. Training on this component will only be
+needed for the first survey using Survey Solutions. It will enable the supervisors
+to check questionnaires, communicate with the field teams and headquarters, and to
+generate and interpret reports.
Figure 1 : CAPI Survey Schedule Example
All languages supported by Microsoft Windows are available in Survey Solutions. ↩︎
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+Getting Started
An overview booklet about Survey Solutions can be downloaded here as
+printable PDF in English
+and French languages
+(16 pages, less than 1MB).
An older overview flyer is also downloadable (in English only, 2 pages, less than 2MB).
The Statistics Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
+has published overview booklets in English
+and French (8 pages, less than 1MB).
(Their GSARS.ORG website is no longer accessible, but the preserved copies are linked here.)
The recommended minimal hardware specifications required for Survey
+Solutions to function properly for a questionnaire of about 500
+questions and for the survey of about 10,000 respondents. The minimal
+requirements represent the specifications for the oldest tablets that can
+run Survey Solutions. We advise to procure newest devices with the
+latest version of Android for the projects that expect to run for two or
+three years. Please refer to google.com for the
+information on the latest version of Android OS and for the list of
+devices supporting this latest version.
The decision to use computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) instead of paper
+and pencil (PAPI) is an important one and should not be taken lightly. It is a step into
+modern technology that may be more expensive for the first one or two surveys, but
+subsequent surveys will be far less expensive, will provide much higher data quality,
+and the data will be available for analysis much faster than when using PAPI. The staff
+members who implement a CAPI survey will gain experience in a technology that is
+rapidly becoming the standard throughout the world of data collection, so your entire
+organization will be more competitive.
Survey Solutions system is based on the hierarchy of users which perform
+their responsibilities based on the commands of superior users.
Every survey starts by a headquarters user deciding on the questionnaire
+(importing the questionnaire from the Designer to the data server) and
+making assignments to supervisors, which can in turn assign to
+individual interviewers.
Assignment are orders to subordinate users to take part in the survey.
+Not only they are directed at a particular user, but most importantly
+the assignments determine the area of responsibility of that user. So
+that in the system it is clear that not only interviewers A and B are
+collecting, say census data, but also that interviewer A is responsible
+for enumeration areas 1,2,3 and interviewer B for 4,5,6. Of course the
+responsibilities can be divided not by enumeration areas, but by some
+other attributes or address components: streets or villages for
+household surveys, facilities for patient surveys, markets for price
+surveys, etc.
An overview booklet about Survey Solutions can be downloaded here as
+printable PDF in English
+and French languages
+(16 pages, less than 1MB).
An older overview flyer is also downloadable (in English only, 2 pages, less than 2MB).
The Statistics Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
+has published overview booklets in English
+and French (8 pages, less than 1MB).
(Their GSARS.ORG website is no longer accessible, but the preserved copies are linked here.)
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UN FAO) and Asian Development Bank (ADB) have compiled a handbook "Conducting Tablet-Based Field Data Collection with Survey Solutions: A Handbook (2020)" (81 pages, 16MB) which will be useful for beginners to familiarize with the components of the system and its functionality as it was around 2018-2019.
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+Instructions for respondents to Web Surveys with Survey Solutions
Instructions for respondents to Web Surveys with Survey Solutions
March 3, 2019
This document provides necessary instructions for respondents to the Web Surveys with Survey Solutions.
The rest of this site describes the Survey Solutions software for survey managers and developers and is of little relevance to the respondents.
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+google-site-verification: google4f10625726abf154.html
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+Survey Solutions Account Types
API user - user account for user-written extensions accessing the server.
The Survey Solutions Designer site account may not be used to log in to the data server.
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+Adding Users to Workspaces
Some users (Headquarters, API users) may be granted access to more than 1
+workspace. This access is granted by the server administrator at the Server Administration –> User Management page.
To give access to a certain workspace, the administrator selects the user
+account(s) from the list of all user accounts on the server, then selects
+Add to Workspaces.
In the dialog window that appear, administrator should select the names
+of the workspaces that the user should be granted access to, and confirm
+the changes. As a result, the selected users are granted access to the
+workspaces, which are selected in the dialog. Any other workspaces that
+they had access to previously will be still accessible.
To remove access to a certain workspace, the administrator selects the
+user account(s) from the list of all user accounts on the server, then
+selects Remove from Workspaces.
In the dialog window that appear, administrator should select the names
+of the workspaces that the user should be eliminated from, and confirm
+the changes. As a result, the selected users are denied access to the
+workspaces, which are selected in the dialog. Any other workspaces that
+they had access to previously will be still accessible.
Alternatively, for a single user the administrator can access the account
+profile in the server and select the workspaces tab.
The checkmarks in this dialog indicate the workspaces that the selected
+user currently has access to. The administrator can add or remove access
+to any workspaces by adding and removing the appropriate checkboxes. Any
+such changes are applied immediately on pressing the Update button.
Note also that a user may be left without access to any workspace. In this
+case when that user tries to log in, he or she will be denied access to the
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@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
To protect the safety of the data and prevent disruptions to the operations due
+to hacker attacks, the system responds to attempts to guess a user’s password.
In the normal state, the user needs to enter just the login name and password to
+access the system. If, however, she makes multiple attempts to log in with an
+incorrect password, the system raises to the elevated state.
To log in in the elevated state the user needs to supply her login name,
+password, and additionally solve a CAPTCHA challenge.
+Read more about CAPTCHAs.
If the user enters multiple wrong combinations of user names and passwords in
+the elevated state, the system passes to the locked state, where the user
+with this name cannot log in for the predefined duration of time.
The parameters of this defensive strategy are:
the number of attempts before transition from normal to elevated state
+is fixed at 5;
the number of attempts before transition from elevated to locked state
+is defined in MaxFailedAccessAttemptsBeforeLockout parameter in the
+Authentication section of appsettings.production.ini file;
duration of the locked state, as defined in the parameter LockoutDuration
+in the following format d.hh:mm:ss, where:
d is days (assumed 0 if omitted);
hh two digits for hours (mandatory);
mm two digits for minutes (mandatory);
ss two digits for seconds (mandatory).
The exact values of these parameters are up to the security expert to determine.
Note that the counters of incorrect login attempts and locking are on the
+per user basis. For example, if the accounts of users John and Mary are
+locked, users Peter and Irene may still be able to log in.
Note also that when autolock gets activated, this doesn’t disable the user that
+has already logged in.
System administrators should not rely solely on these CAPTCHA and autolock
+features to ensure the safety of their data. They should use the time of the
+automatic lockout to trace the IP addresses from which the attack is being
+staged to disable further communication with them, and apply all other tools
+available to them to prevent unauthorized access to the collected data.
Releasing the autolock by the administrators using the UI
The Survey Solutions administrator can release the autolock that has been
+engaged from the user’s profile by pressing the UNLOCK button.
Administrator's view of the autolocked account.
The users in HQ role can see the status of the account, but can not remove
+the autolock: HQ-user's view of the autolocked account.
Releasing the autolock from console
To release the autolock that has already engaged before it expires automatically
+requires OS-access to the server where Survey Solutions is installed. This
+maintenance can be performed by the person who installed Survey Solutions.
We will need to run the command: releaselock with parameters
+--username or --login. For example:
You need to run this command while in the directory where the file
+WB.UI.Headquarters.exe is located.
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@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+Batch User Upload
Up to 10,000 user accounts can be created from a single tab-delimited
+file, which must include the login, password, and role
+of the user, and may include additional attributes, like email or
Batch creation of user accounts comes handy when:
the same accounts need to be replicated on a different server;
migrating from a different CAPI system with established accounts;
the survey is so huge that manual creation of accounts via a web
+interface would take a significant amount of time.
Creating user accounts in batch mode is available to both the
+administrator and the headquarter users. For new supervisor accounts the
+role must be specified as Supervisor (case-sensitive). For
+interviewer accounts the role must be specified as Interviewer
+(case-sensitive), and in addition the login of the supervisor must be
+specified, which determines the team where the interviewer account will
+be added. Interviewers may be added to existing supervisors, or to new
+supervisors mentioned anywhere in the users list.
To upload the list of users in batch mode select: Menu →
+Teams and Roles → Batch User Upload.
Survey Solutions will request a file with the user accounts to be created,
+validate the uploaded file, and create the user accounts. If any problems or
+inconsistencies are found in the uploaded file, they will be reported and
+accounts not created.
Depending on the number of users and server performance this process may
+take a few minutes.
File format
The file with user accounts to be created must be prepared as a tab-delimited
+text file, with the first line listing the column names and subsequent lines
+(up to 10,000) listing user accounts (one account per each line).
The column names (case-insensitive) are as following:
Column name
Column meaning
Mandatory fields
The login name of the user to be created. Note that the
+spelling (capitalization) of the user name will be retained in the reports and
+selections in the HQ. Note also, that the specified login name for an account
+may not be changed in the future (though the whole account may be locked).
The login name must be between 3 and 15 characters long, and may contain only
+letters, digits and the underscore symbol. The letters must be from Latin
+(English) alphabet only: 'A'..'Z' or 'a'..'z'. Other letters (Cyrillic, Arabic,
+etc.) are not valid for usage in login names.
The password to the user account. The password is
An account password must satisfy the following complexity requirements:
be at least 10 characters long, letters from non-Latin alphabets (Cyrillic,
+Arabic, etc.) may be included in the password,
include at least one digit ('0'-'9'),
include at least one uppercase ('A'-'Z') letter,
include at least one lowercase ('a'-'z') letter.
The Survey Solutions user role assigned to the newly created
+user account. It is one of the following words: Supervisor,
+Interviewer. The spelling of the role is case-insensitive.
This value must only be specified for interviewer
+accounts and denotes the login-name of the supervisor, to whose team this
+interviewer account is added. The spelling of the supervisor's login-name
+is case-insensitive.
Optional fields
Real full name of the user that receives this account.
Person's name must be no longer than 100 characters and may only consist of
+letters, dots, spaces, and apostrophes.
Email address of the user that receives this account.
An email address must conform to the rules of email addresses. Invalid email
+addresses may not be stored.
Phone number of the user that receives this account.
The phone number must be numeric and no longer than 15 digits.
Note that the fields login, password and role are mandatory, and
+must be filled out for every user in the list. The supervisor field must
+be specified for the interviewers’ accounts only.
Example file
Here is an example file, which creates a new team of supervisor
+Heidy Jones, and adds two new interviewer accounts for
+Mary Smith and John Smith to this team.
Do not use this file to create actual interviewer accounts as it shows the
+passwords publicly in clear text.
Possible problems that may be reported
Survey Solutions will validate the uploaded list of the users report if
+any problems are found:
empty required fields (login, password, role);
duplicate user accounts;
passwords not conforming to the security requirements (too short,
unknown supervisors (all interviewers created must become part of
+the team of a supervisor known to the system);
and other checks as described in the fields’ descriptions above.
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diff --git a/headquarters/accounts/batch-user-upload/users.tab b/headquarters/accounts/batch-user-upload/users.tab
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eadc9902
--- /dev/null
+++ b/headquarters/accounts/batch-user-upload/users.tab
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+login password role supervisor fullname email phonenumber
+IntJohnSmith Secret989898 interviewer SupHeidyJones John Smith johnsmith@myorganization.org 12025554321
+IntMarySmith Secret887766 interviewer SupHeidyJones Mary Smith marysmith@myorganization.org 12025551234
+SupHeidyJones Secret323288 supervisor Heidy Jones heidyjones@myorganization.org
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Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/accounts/captcha/images/captcha_default.png differ
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
A brute-force attack
+(aka BF-attack) is an attack on the system by probing of all possible
+combinations of inputs to the login forms (user names, passwords, and any
+other information there).
If a system is able to tell humans from computers apart, it can defend itself
+from mechanical guesses.
A CAPTCHA is a challenge that humans
+can solve easily, while computers have difficulties with. Thus a CAPTCHA
+serves as an effective, (though not completely bullet-proof) mechanism for
+protecting a system from brute-force attacks.
When a certain number of incorrect login attempts occur, the Survey Solutions
+login form will start asking a CAPTCHA challenge:
If the user continues to enter incorrect combinations of login/password even
+with the CAPTCHA, an autolock will
+eventually engage.
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@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Deleting accounts
An account that is created in Survey Solutions can not be deleted. Ever. This is because the account is mentioned in the history of the events that were originated by that user (such as created or completed an interview).
Yet an account can be archived, which is the closest thing to deleting it.
This action is available to an administrator only, which can (1) select the interviewer account to be archived and (2) click the Archive button to perform the action:
Only interviewer and supervisors accounts may be archived.
+A confirmation will be required to make sure you don’t disable an account by mistake.
An account that is archived:
may not be used to log in to the system through the web interface;
will not be accepted for synchronization;
will not be available as a selection in drop-down selections for responsible for interviews and assignments, and be similarly suppressed from other dialogs in the system which imply an active account;
any web interviews or web assignments for which the archived
+interviewer was responsible will stay open and valid.
Accounts that are archived may be subsequently un-archived. To do this, as an administrator proceed to the interviewers page, select “Archived interviewers” instead of the default “Active interviewers” in the filter. Then select the account and click Unarchive.
The procedure for the supervisors is exactly the same. Take a note, then when a supervisor account is archived, all of its interviewers’ accounts are also archived.
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+++ b/headquarters/accounts/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+Managing User Accounts
Every Survey Solutions server has an administrator. This is the first user
+account created after Survey Solutions is installed, typically by the same
+person who performed the installation.
Administrator is a privileged account and can do important actions which
+may result in damage to data. Assign a responsible and informed person
+as an administrator! We recommend that the administrator has attended a comprehensive
+Survey Solutions training.
An administrator can do (almost) everything an HQ user can do plus some
+exclusive actions:
Workspaces allow partitioning of a single server into multiple compartments that have limited impact on each other.
The following are the rules guiding the use and functioning of the workspaces:
An administrator has access to all workspaces.
A user with an HQ and observer accounts may belong to one, some, or all workspaces, as designated by the administrator.
Each interviewer and supervisor account may log in to a single workspace.
User names are unique across all workspaces.
Questionnaires are imported into workspaces. Same questionnaire may be imported into different workspaces if necessary and their version numbering is independent.
Workspaces may be created, disabled, and deleted.
Disabling a workspace locks all activity in the workspace (stops web interviews, does not allow any user to log in). Users attempting to access a disabled workspace will receive a “Workspace Disabled” error page and must contact their survey coordinator for further instructions.
A workspace may be deleted only if it doesn’t have any surveys/questionnaires.
Deleting a workspace actually deletes (not archives) all the user accounts (interviewer/ supervisor) and all the maps that were part of that workspace.
Deletion of a workspace is irreversible.
Administrator configures each workspace settings separately (logo, global message, export password, email providers, etc).
The troubleshooting tools available for administrator (audit log, device logs, tablet information packages, etc) are separated by workspaces.
Users having access to multiple workspaces may switch between them using a workspace selector without the need to log in to each workspace separately.
Reports are built based on the content of a single workspace.
A special workspace named ‘primary’ is always defined and can not be disabled or deleted. Any server updated from earlier Survey Solutions versions will place all the earlier entered data (including survey data, user accounts, maps, etc) into the primary workspace.
An observer may observe only in the workspaces in which he is permitted by the administrator, even if impersonating users that have access to other workspaces.
Each workspace is assigned an identifier name and a text label display name. The text label is shown to the users when they switch between the workspaces, while the identifier is used for forming the URLs in API calls. See more in the Workspace attributes section below.
To manage workspaces, the menu item server administration (available for administrators only) now leads to the list of the workspaces defined on the server. The settings and troubleshooting tools collected in the context menu were previously relevant for the whole server, but now are attributable to a particular workspace. For each enabled workspace the following actions are provided in the workspace context menu:
Survey Solutions supports two methods of authentication for API queries: Basic (a combination of the login and password) and Bearer (using a system-generated token) also known as JSON Web Token (JWT).
Activation of the token-based authentication for the server
By default token-based authentication is switched off. To activate it, the server configuration file must be modified to include the following section:
A brute-force attack
+(aka BF-attack) is an attack on the system by probing of all possible
+combinations of inputs to the login forms (user names, passwords, and any
+other information there).
If a system is able to tell humans from computers apart, it can defend itself
+from mechanical guesses.
A CAPTCHA is a challenge that humans
+can solve easily, while computers have difficulties with. Thus a CAPTCHA
+serves as an effective, (though not completely bullet-proof) mechanism for
+protecting a system from brute-force attacks.
To protect the safety of the data and prevent disruptions to the operations due
+to hacker attacks, the system responds to attempts to guess a user’s password.
In the normal state, the user needs to enter just the login name and password to
+access the system. If, however, she makes multiple attempts to log in with an
+incorrect password, the system raises to the elevated state.
Up to 10,000 user accounts can be created from a single tab-delimited
+file, which must include the login, password, and role
+of the user, and may include additional attributes, like email or
Batch creation of user accounts comes handy when:
the same accounts need to be replicated on a different server;
migrating from a different CAPI system with established accounts;
the survey is so huge that manual creation of accounts via a web
+interface would take a significant amount of time.
Creating user accounts in batch mode is available to both the
+administrator and the headquarter users. For new supervisor accounts the
+role must be specified as Supervisor (case-sensitive). For
+interviewer accounts the role must be specified as Interviewer
+(case-sensitive), and in addition the login of the supervisor must be
+specified, which determines the team where the interviewer account will
+be added. Interviewers may be added to existing supervisors, or to new
+supervisors mentioned anywhere in the users list.
Some users (Headquarters, API users) may be granted access to more than 1
+workspace. This access is granted by the server administrator at the Server Administration –> User Management page.
To give access to a certain workspace, the administrator selects the user
+account(s) from the list of all user accounts on the server, then selects
+Add to Workspaces.
In the dialog window that appear, administrator should select the names
+of the workspaces that the user should be granted access to, and confirm
+the changes. As a result, the selected users are granted access to the
+workspaces, which are selected in the dialog. Any other workspaces that
+they had access to previously will be still accessible.
Management of the user accounts is performed from the Users page, which
+is accessible for Headquarters or Administrator users by clicking the
+Cog-wheel icon in the menu bar (Administration) and then selecting Users.
Creating accounts
To add a supervisor, we click the ADD USER button. We then need to fill out
+the following form (the full name, contact email and phone number fields are optional):
July 28, 2020
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+Managing User Accounts
An account that is created in Survey Solutions can not be deleted. Ever. This is because the account is mentioned in the history of the events that were originated by that user (such as created or completed an interview).
Yet an account can be archived, which is the closest thing to deleting it.
This action is available to an administrator only, which can (1) select the interviewer account to be archived and (2) click the Archive button to perform the action:
login to the server using your login and password;
navigate to your account settings (for interviewers:
+Interviewer profile –> Edit personal info);
click the Two factor authentication tab;
click the Setup authenticator button;
You will be presented with the Configure authenticator app form showing a QR-code.
Now take your Android, IOS or Windows phone or tablet and set up
+any of the following applications: Google Authenticator, Microsoft
+Authenticator, or another authenticator as designated by the survey
Observer is an optional account, kind of an HQ user with a limited
+functionality, to passively monitor a survey. Observer accesses
+information through impersonation, looking through the eyes of a
+different user.
An observer can do:
Read individual interviews including any comments left;
See reports;
See lists of users and their profiles.
An observer can not do:
approve/reject interviews;
create/delete assignments.
any other change-state operations;
download data.
An observer account is created for a server, not for a survey! Hence
+an observer user may monitor the activity in all surveys that are
+running on the server.
October 6, 2017
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+Restricted user accounts
associated user details: full name, contact phone number, and email address.
When an account is restricted, the corresponding message “This account is restricted” can be seen by the user when she selects Manage account menu item.
The restriction is applicable to any user role and is given a priority over the “Enable profile editing” setting in the workspace settings.
User account can not be made restricted from the web-interface of the Survey Solutions software. To make an account restricted it must be mentioned in a specific setting of the application configuration file: appsettings.production.ini. In particular, a section titled AccountManagement must be added (if doesn’t exist already), and accounts that should be restricted must be enumerated there (starting with 0 and have no gaps in enumeration), like the following example shows:
The settings file must be saved, and the changes will take effect after the next server restart.
Restricted users can still see the properties that they cannot change - full name, phone number, email address, presence of 2FA, but they cannot see the properties which are secret: the current password, account token, and the 2FA backup keys.
The support tool can be used to reset the password or 2FA of any user, regardless of whether the corresponding account was marked as restricted.
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+Survey Solutions Server Administrator
Every Survey Solutions server has an administrator. This is the first user
+account created after Survey Solutions is installed, typically by the same
+person who performed the installation.
Administrator is a privileged account and can do important actions which
+may result in damage to data. Assign a responsible and informed person
+as an administrator! We recommend that the administrator has attended a comprehensive
+Survey Solutions training.
An administrator can do (almost) everything an HQ user can do plus some
+exclusive actions:
create HQ
+user accounts,
+user accounts and
+user accounts (in addition to supervisors and interviewers as an HQ
+user can do), change passwords for these users;
Create accounts
+for one or more headquarter users (including one for yourself).
Log out from the administrator account. For your own safety do not
+use administrative account for day-to-day operations. Use
+administrative account exclusively to perform the tasks that HQ
+users can’t perform, such as adjusting the server’s
+admin settings or
+deleting a survey.
Do communicate the credentials for the accounts you create on your
+server with the corresponding users (supervisors, interviewers,
+etc). These users do not receive their credentials per email, even if an
+email is specified at the time the user account is created.
Actions during the survey
Monitor the functioning of the server. Analyze any crashes, faults,
+overloads or abnormal behavior.
Address user requests, such as password reset for HQ users, and other
+tasks that can’t be performed by HQs.
Collect and analyze user problem reports. Attempt to address them to
+the extent possible. Refer the users to the corresponding sections
+of the manuals and for non-described situations to the Survey Solutions users’ forum.
Preserve the copies of the uploaded sample files and split-key
Periodically download, back up, and securely store the export data.
Promptly respond to the notifications of the network administrator.
Monitor the progress of the survey.
Monitor and install the updates to the Survey Solutions software (!).
Monitor and install updates to other software and OS installed on
+the server to maintain safe and secure environment(!).
(!) requires access to the server’s operating system GUI or command line.
Actions after the end of the survey
At the end of your survey you need to secure the collected data, to avoid it being irreversibly lost. You may need to repeat the following actions for every workspace (if there are multiple workspaces set up on the server).
Instruct the interviewers to stop conducting interviews, mark them
+as completed.
Synchronize all the interviews data from the tablets to the server.
+Make sure that the synchronizations complete successfully. (If a
+synchronization is finished with an error, the server may not have
+received the data from the tablet!)
Do the final approvals/rejections of the submitted interviews.
In HQ proceed to the data export screen.
Download ALL data in all formats (tab-delimited and Stata and SPSS).
+Download data even in formats which you don’t immediately plan to
Repeat for every version of the questionnaire (if the questionnaire
+was ever updated on the server).
Repeat for other statuses (approved by headquarter, etc) as
If you collected any multimedia data (images, audio,..) you need to
+download the binary files too. This can often be a lengthy download.
Count the files and make sure you have downloaded all of them.
Test every downloaded archive to make sure there is no data transfer
Open every archive and visually inspect downloaded files. Do not
+delete the survey from the server if you notice any irregularities
+in the downloaded data.
Store your downloads on a secure media
Immediately make a secondary backup copy of the downloads,
+preferably on a non-eraseable media (CD/DVD).
Clearly mark each backup copy. Indicate the user who created the
+backup, date, survey name, and other information. If you are
+uploading your backup to the file storage create an accompanying
+readme file.
Do not transform, convert, or otherwise process the data downloaded
+from Survey Solutions server before securing the downloaded files.
Review and save/print any reports you may need from the server.
+Reports are not part of data export.
Only delete a survey or dispose of the
+server once you complete all the procedures in this list.
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+Survey Solutions Server Observer
Observer is an optional account, kind of an HQ user with a limited
+functionality, to passively monitor a survey. Observer accesses
+information through impersonation, looking through the eyes of a
+different user.
An observer can do:
Read individual interviews including any comments left;
See reports;
See lists of users and their profiles.
An observer can not do:
approve/reject interviews;
create/delete assignments.
any other change-state operations;
download data.
An observer account is created for a server, not for a survey! Hence
+an observer user may monitor the activity in all surveys that are
+running on the server.
An observer account can be
+by a Survey Solutions server
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+Creating User Accounts
Management of the user accounts is performed from the Users page, which
+is accessible for Headquarters or Administrator users by clicking the
+Cog-wheel icon in the menu bar (Administration) and then selecting Users.
Creating accounts
To add a supervisor, we click the ADD USER button. We then need to fill out
+the following form (the full name, contact email and phone number fields are optional):
Administrators can similarly create headquarters,
+observer and API
+accounts filling out exactly the same forms.
Survey Solutions does not utilize the contact information (specified in the
+full name, contact email and phone number fields) to make automatic
+notifications or robocalls. Instead this information is stored for convenience
+of the survey managers (HQ and team supervisors) if they need to reach, for
+example, a particular interviewer.
When creating interviewer accounts, one must additionally specify to
+which team the interviewer is assigned by selecting the appropriate supervisor’s
+name. Correspondingly, to create a team, first create the supervisor, then
+the interviewers of the team, not other way around.
An account can not be renamed. If you make a typo in the account name, you will need to create another one.
Interviewer accounts may not be created by supervisors,
+but may be edited by their supervisors, see the next section.
Users in the role Administrator can create accounts in the following roles:
observers, and
API accounts.
Users in the role Headquarters can create accounts in the following roles:
interviewer, and
Uploading accounts.
The Users page also provides access to the batch user upload
+feature via the UPLOAD USERS button. In
+this case up to 10,000 user accounts can be created from a single
+tab-delimited file that is prepared and uploaded to Survey Solutions data
+server. To learn more about batch user upload, please refer to
+this article.
Editing accounts.
To modify the details of an existing account, click on the
+account’s username listed in the Name column of the corresponding
+list (interviewers, supervisors, headquarters, etc). This will take you
+to the user’s profile where you can:
update the name/email/phone associated with an account, or
change the password for the account, (available to administrator users only) or
change the two-factor authentication for an account (available to administrator users only) or
set/reset locks associated with the account (available to administrator users only).
Transferring interviewers
Interviewers may be transferred from one team to another by
+a Headquarters or an administrator user. This operation is
+not done in the interviewer’s profile, but on the list of
Interviewers may update their contact information if permitted
+by the server administrator, see user profile settings in
+admin settings.
In addition to password protection, since version 20.05 of
+Survey Solutions, any user may set up a 2-factor authentication for using the server accounts.
The Teams and Roles menu provides lists of supervisors and interviewers to
+provide access to their profiles (for the supervisors only the list of
+interviewers of their own team is accessible).
The Interviewers list shows the list of the interviewer accounts in the current workspace with their attributes:
Login name;
Full name;
Date the account was created;
Email address;
Date of last login;
Supervisor name (aka team name);
Interviewer App version;
Total traffic used.
The list of interviewers may be filtered by:
supervisor - to show the list of interviewers in a specific team (reporting to a specific supervisor within the current workspace);
common interivewer issue:
no issue,
never connected,
no assignments received,
never uploaded,
tablet reassigned,
old version,
less than 100MB free space.
archival status (active or archived).
The Supervisors list shows the list of the supervisor accounts in the current workspace with their attributes:
Login name;
Date the account was created;
Email address;
Archival status (no=active, yes=archived).
The supervisors list doesn’t have filters.
Both interviewers and supervisors lists provide a search functionality where the list is reduced to accounts mentioning a particular substring, which allows locating a particular account by login name when the list of the corresponding users is long to avoid navigation through multiple pages (each page shows up to 20 accounts only).
Lists of accounts with their attributes can be exported from these pages to a downloadable file in XLSX, CSV, or TAB formats by clicking the corresponding link in the page footer.
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+Token-based authentication
Survey Solutions supports two methods of authentication for API queries: Basic (a combination of the login and password) and Bearer (using a system-generated token) also known as JSON Web Token (JWT).
Activation of the token-based authentication for the server
By default token-based authentication is switched off. To activate it, the server configuration file must be modified to include the following section:
For the SecretKey specify any alphanumeric key of at least 16 digits/characters long. Save the settings file and restart the server.
Activation of the token-based authentication for an account
After the restart it will be possible to enable token-based authentication for a particular account:
Once the ENABLE button is pressed, the software will generate a new token for this account and display it:
At this time copy the token that can be seen in this window to a secure file from which you can later consume it using your API queries.
+If you disable token-based authentication and then re-enable it again, the software will generate a different access token and invalidate the earlier generated one.
Use of token-based authentication
To authenticate your queries, add the following to its HTTP-headers:
“Authorization: Bearer TOKEN”
For example, if using the Requests module in python, then write:
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+Two factor authentication (2FA) for user accounts
login to the server using your login and password;
navigate to your account settings (for interviewers:
+Interviewer profile –> Edit personal info);
click the Two factor authentication tab;
click the Setup authenticator button;
You will be presented with the Configure authenticator app form showing a QR-code.
Now take your Android, IOS or Windows phone or tablet and set up
+any of the following applications: Google Authenticator, Microsoft
+Authenticator, or another authenticator as designated by the survey
Scan the QR-code from step #5 with this app.
The authenticator app will display a verification code. Enter
+this code into the field Verification code in the Survey
+Solutions form showing the QR-code.
By entering the correct verification code you are activating the
+two factor authentication. The program will display 10 single use
+recovery codes that can be used to access your account if the
+device that was set up with the authenticator app is lost, damaged,
+stolen, or otherwise not accessible. Take a note of these codes and
+store them in a secure location.
Accessing your account with two factor authentication
Login to the server using your login and password;
If the two factor authentication was set up correctly using the
+above instructions, you will be then challenged to enter the
+authenticator code - the code that is currently displayed in the
+authenticator app installed on your mobile device.
Once a correct code is entered, you will be taken to the default
+page of the site corresponding to your user role.
If you no longer have access to authentication codes generated
+by the authenticator app, you may employ the single use recovery
+code. To do this select the link log in with a recovery code.
Enter the recovery code in the next form and mark it as used. Each
+code may be used only once:
Generating additional recovery codes
At any time when two factor authentication has been set up and you
+are logged in, you can request a new batch of 10 recovery codes to
+be generated by clicking the Reset Recovery Codes button. The
+previous (used and unused) recovery codes will no longer be acceptable.
Store the recovery codes in a safe place for emergency cases. Do not
+store them on the same device where you’ve installed the authenticator
When you’ve used 7 or more of the codes (when 3 or less remain
+available) you will get a warning about this. At this time consider
+generating a new batch of the recovery codes.
Resetting authenticator
Resetting authenticator allows to regenerate the private secret value
+associated with the user account. As a consequence, any codes that
+are generated by the authenticator app(s) that were earlier set up
+with this account will no longer be valid, and these apps will need
+to be re-configured again using the newly displayed QR-code.
If you chose to reset the authenticator, but do not enter the new
+verification code, your account will be left without the two factor
Resetting the authenticator does not disable the recovery codes. A
+batch of new recovery codes may be generated if necessary using the
+procedure outlined above.
Resetting two factor authentication
Any user that has his access lost because of the two factor
+authentication must refer to a higher positioned user: interviewers
+to supervisor, supervisor to headquarters, headquarters to admin.
+That user will be able to turn off the two factor authentication or
+reset it to be used with a different device.
If this reset is done remotely the QR-code may not be used, and the
+user should enter into the Authenticator App the shared key that is
+displayed directly above the QR-code.
The admin user that has lost the possibility to enter the site
+because of the two factor authentication (e.g. the phone lost and
+recovery codes exhausted) will need to directly access the server
+to reset his two factor authentication settings.
Selecting authenticator app
You can use one or multiple authenticator apps for the same account,
+for example, if you need to set up on Android and Windows phones.
+The apps may be from different manufacturers as long as they conform
+to the standard described here:
Your organization may create its own application conforming to the
+above mentioned algorithm to be independent of the vendors and
+fully control the source code.
The authenticator app’s functionality depends on the accuracy
+of the clock settings of the device on which it is installed.
To prevent unauthorized access to the authenticator app, make sure
+that the mobile devices where it is used are locked with a PIN,
+password, fingerprint or other similar technology.
Authenticator code - the code displayed by the authenticator app;
Recovery code - one of a set of 10 single use codes generated for
+the account to gain access to it when the mobile device with the
+authenticator app is no longer accessible (lost, stolen, damaged,
Shared key - a string value generated by the Survey Solutions
+application to initialize the authenticator app.
Verification code - the first authenticator code used to confirm
+the correctness of the setup and verified by the Survey Solutions HQ.
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Workspaces allow partitioning of a single server into multiple compartments that have limited impact on each other.
The following are the rules guiding the use and functioning of the workspaces:
An administrator has access to all workspaces.
A user with an HQ and observer accounts may belong to one, some, or all workspaces, as designated by the administrator.
Each interviewer and supervisor account may log in to a single workspace.
User names are unique across all workspaces.
Questionnaires are imported into workspaces. Same questionnaire may be imported into different workspaces if necessary and their version numbering is independent.
Workspaces may be created, disabled, and deleted.
Disabling a workspace locks all activity in the workspace (stops web interviews, does not allow any user to log in). Users attempting to access a disabled workspace will receive a “Workspace Disabled” error page and must contact their survey coordinator for further instructions.
A workspace may be deleted only if it doesn’t have any surveys/questionnaires.
Deleting a workspace actually deletes (not archives) all the user accounts (interviewer/ supervisor) and all the maps that were part of that workspace.
Deletion of a workspace is irreversible.
Administrator configures each workspace settings separately (logo, global message, export password, email providers, etc).
The troubleshooting tools available for administrator (audit log, device logs, tablet information packages, etc) are separated by workspaces.
Users having access to multiple workspaces may switch between them using a workspace selector without the need to log in to each workspace separately.
Reports are built based on the content of a single workspace.
A special workspace named ‘primary’ is always defined and can not be disabled or deleted. Any server updated from earlier Survey Solutions versions will place all the earlier entered data (including survey data, user accounts, maps, etc) into the primary workspace.
An observer may observe only in the workspaces in which he is permitted by the administrator, even if impersonating users that have access to other workspaces.
Each workspace is assigned an identifier name and a text label display name. The text label is shown to the users when they switch between the workspaces, while the identifier is used for forming the URLs in API calls. See more in the Workspace attributes section below.
To manage workspaces, the menu item server administration (available for administrators only) now leads to the list of the workspaces defined on the server. The settings and troubleshooting tools collected in the context menu were previously relevant for the whole server, but now are attributable to a particular workspace. For each enabled workspace the following actions are provided in the workspace context menu:
Email providers,
Device logs,
Audit log,
Tablet information packages,
*) The actions to disable and delete a workspace do not apply to the primary workspace.
Disabled workspaces may only be turned back on or deleted, so their context menu is smaller:
List of users on the server
Users on the server are distinguished by the accounts and the full list of all
+accounts on the server is available by accessing the Server administration –>
+Users Management page.
The list supports filtering by workspace and role of the user, as well as
+narrowing down the users to a particular group:
‘missing workspaces’ - users not assigned to any workspace.
‘with disabled workspaces only’ - users that don’t have access to any enabled workspace.
‘locked users’ - users with an account lock placed on them.
‘archived users’ - users that have been archived.
A search box allows to seek the list for a user with a particular account
+name or a full name.
Workspace attributes
Every workspace has the following attributes:
display name.
Workspace name attribute
The attribute name is an alphanumeric identifier of the workspace, a combination of digits 0..9 and small Latin letters a..z from 1 to 12 characters long. No spaces are permitted in the name of a workspace. The name is used to form the URLs to the resources located in this workspace (such as the links to the web-interviews, for example).
The name of each workspace must be distinct from the name of any other workspace on the server, and cannot be changed once the workspace is created.
Examples of the name attribute include: “lfs2024”, “census2025”, “monitoring”, “2026”.
+Note that name may start with a digit or consist solely of digits (in contrast to variable names).
Reserved names: the system excludes some names as reserved. Users can create workspaces with any other names except the following: “account”, “administration”, “api”, “apidocs”, “graphql”, “metrics”, “users”.
Workspace display name attribute
The attribute display name is a human-readable title assigned to a workspace to be displayed wherever a choice must be made between multiple workspaces or to identify the currently selected workspace. It can be typed in any language and may include spaces (multiple words). It must be anywhere from 1 to 300 characters long. If it includes multiple whitespace characters sequentially, they will be replaced with a single space character.
NB: the system technically allows one to create two or more workspaces with the same display name, but this is not recommended in practice.
Examples of display name may be “Labour force survey”, “Перепис населення 2025”, “Price survey”, “The United States of America”.
The display name of a workspace can be changed after the workspace is created if necessary (click on the workspace name and select Edit from the context menu that appears).
Default workspace
When a new Survey Solutions server is created the first workspace is created automatically and is given name="primary" and display name="Default workspace". The workspace can be given a different display name if necessary, but the automatically created workspace with name primary may not be deleted or disabled.
If the Survey Solutions server is upgraded from a version before the workspaces were introduced (from version before v21.01) then all the previously arranged data (questionnaires, assignments, interviews, maps, etc) will be automatically placed into the Default workspace.
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+API interactive description
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+API: R-package
Introduction to the Survey Solutions API R-package
Why this package
The World Bank’s Computer Assisted Survey System (CASS) Survey Solutions is a powerful tool for high quality data collection and used in many statistical offices around the world. Besides the standard GUI, it also comes with a powerful REST API. For details see https://docs.mysurvey.solutions/
To further facilitate its integration in a fully automated workflow we have developed this R package, which covers almost all of the available API calls. With this vignette you get a first overview on the different functions, further vignettes are available on survey management, paradata analysis and shiny integration.
The package can be considered as being a API “bare bone”, as it implements the basic Survey Solutions API calls without substantial modification. However, this is not true for the data export function as well as for the
+paradata. Modification was necessary to facilitate workflow integration. See the details in the corresponding documentation.
Please be aware, that this package makes heavy use of data.table, and this is also continued in this vignette. In case you are not familiar with it yet, you should probably have a look a this introduction.
API credentials
To use the API you first need to set-up the API user on your Survey Solutions server. See here for details. After this done, you can use the suso_set_key() function, to provide your credentials.
After this is done, there is no need to provide the credentials for every API call again. They are stored until the end of your current session. There is also a function to check if your credentials work.
In case no workspace is provided, this call (like all the other calls) will default to the primary workspace. However if a workspace is provided, then the check will be performed on the provided workspace.
It calls the supervisor API, and returns the response. If the return value is 200, then your connection and credentials are OK. For further information on API response status codes have a look here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status.
Workspace Management
You can also manage your workspaces through the API. In particular, you can
request a list of all workspaces the API user has access to, as well as
create new workspaces
and assign users to a particular workspace.
However for the latter two operations you require ADMIN credentials. Standard API user credentials would not work.
To receive a list of workspaces to which the current API user has access to, you can just run:
ws <- suso_getWorkspace()
+#> Name DisplayName DisabledAtUtc
+#> 1: primary Default Workspace NA
+#> 2: test test NA
+#> 3: test2 test2 NA
To receive a list of all workspaces in the system (even those to which the current API user does not have access to) you can do the same, and use the ADMIN password:
ws <- suso_getWorkspace(apiUser = adminUser, apiPass = adminPass)
+#> Error in stopifnot(is.character(user), length(user) == 1): object 'adminUser' not found
+#> Name DisplayName DisabledAtUtc
+#> 1: primary Default Workspace NA
+#> 2: test test NA
+#> 3: test2 test2 NA
For the next two operations, the use of admin credentials is mandatory, they will not work with a standard API user. The first one of these two is the creation of a new workspace:
ws <- suso_createWorkspace(apiUser = adminUser, apiPass = adminPass, your_workspace = "test", new_workspace = "test11", displayName = "ExtraExtraWorkspace")
+#> Error in stopifnot(is.character(user), length(user) == 1): object 'adminUser' not found
+#> Name DisplayName DisabledAtUtc
+#> 1: primary Default Workspace NA
+#> 2: test test NA
+#> 3: test2 test2 NA
The return value from the function already tells you, that the new workspace has been successfully created, however to double check, you can also get the full list again:
ws <- suso_getWorkspace(apiUser = adminUser, apiPass = adminPass)
+#> Error in stopifnot(is.character(user), length(user) == 1): object 'adminUser' not found
+#> Name DisplayName DisabledAtUtc
+#> 1: primary Default Workspace NA
+#> 2: test test NA
+#> 3: test2 test2 NA
Finally you can also assign a new user to this workspace by using the suso_assignWorkspace function.
ws <- suso_assignWorkspace(your_workspace = "test", assign_workspace = "test11", apiUser = adminUser, apiPass = adminPass, uid = "34c2bc7b-ec33-473b-875b-dc06d269fced", sv_id = "34c2bc7b-ec33-473b-875b-dc06d269fced")
+#> Error in stopifnot(is.character(user), length(user) == 1): object 'adminUser' not found
+#> Name DisplayName DisabledAtUtc
+#> 1: primary Default Workspace NA
+#> 2: test test NA
+#> 3: test2 test2 NA
Further details on workspaces can be found in the dedicated vignette on user management.
User Management
These functions are particularly useful for survey management, and more details can be found in the corresponding vignette on survey management. Lets start with getting a list of all supervisors on the server.
Your will receive a list of supervisors currently active (not archived) on the server. If you take one of the supervisor’s id and use the suso_getINT function, you will receive all the interviewers in the team.
By taking a particular QuestionnaireId and specifying the *operation.type *you can execute further requests. For example,
questionnaire <- suso_getQuestDetails(operation.type = "structure", workspace = "test", quid = questlist[1, QuestionnaireId], version = questlist[1, Version])
+questionnaire <- questionnaire[, .(VariableName, type, QuestionText, Featured, PublicKey)]
+#> Error in .(VariableName, type, QuestionText, Featured, PublicKey): could not find function "."
+questionnaire <- questionnaire[!is.na(QuestionText)]
+#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'QuestionText' not found
+head(questionnaire$q, 19L)
+#> Id LastEntryDate L0 type PublicKey Title L1 VariableName QuestionScope
+#> 1: dee7705fd6114b129b972b8e5b80c4ea 2022-07-15T17:56:56.4811273 1 Group c46ee895-0e6e-4063-8136-31e6bfa7c3f8 COVER NA <NA> NA
+#> 2: dee7705fd6114b129b972b8e5b80c4ea 2022-07-15T17:56:56.4811273 2 Group fdeaf889-ba80-89c5-6d60-8c1b1196ebe5 DWELLING NA <NA> NA
+#> 3: dee7705fd6114b129b972b8e5b80c4ea 2022-07-15T17:56:56.4811273 3 Group 1f949736-beb1-dd10-6451-561b7799c99c RESULTS AND CONCLUSION NA <NA> NA
+#> 4: <NA> <NA> 1 TextQuestion 59e2b882-0b67-78cf-d08a-0760e98d5157 <NA> 1 q01 0
+#> 5: <NA> <NA> 1 TextQuestion 95c9e53e-6603-a96e-0dee-ce0584076a16 <NA> 2 q02 0
+#> 6: <NA> <NA> 1 TextQuestion 4af6c880-658a-b610-53fc-4a2bdd5cfe2c <NA> 3 q03 0
+#> 7: <NA> <NA> 1 TextQuestion 0dd2cbb5-1617-fb3b-1494-394ec4aceb4c <NA> 4 q04 0
+#> 8: <NA> <NA> 1 TextQuestion 4c20c6f7-ff1b-8884-3b7b-cb7c42f23396 <NA> 5 q05 0
+#> 9: <NA> <NA> 1 SingleQuestion 3870444e-932a-676b-c109-7cb8b22e1520 <NA> 6 q06 0
+#> 10: <NA> <NA> 1 TextQuestion 1f328d26-2264-f86a-bd62-9d69ed0e6010 <NA> 7 q07 0
+#> 11: <NA> <NA> 1 TextQuestion 426d51a2-4ecb-9256-4074-2d711a8ff273 <NA> 8 q08 0
+#> 12: <NA> <NA> 1 TextQuestion 60068eee-c5c6-738c-235d-d0d540bebf8a <NA> 9 q09 0
+#> 13: <NA> <NA> 1 GpsCoordinateQuestion 09024983-6bc6-9ad7-bdc7-cdb6864d1292 <NA> 10 q10 0
+#> 14: <NA> <NA> 2 StaticText 4d34d956-8a7a-eb0b-a0e8-00a9648a6cc0 <NA> 1 NA
+#> 15: <NA> <NA> 2 NumericQuestion 1d4e607d-50fb-4d3e-20c6-b4a35a3f5bc8 <NA> 2 northBound 3
+#> 16: <NA> <NA> 2 NumericQuestion 256085f2-2725-e8d2-2475-14e4a9c6cc62 <NA> 3 southBound 3
+#> 17: <NA> <NA> 2 NumericQuestion 2ca4ef6b-46db-6f89-0527-98fb5605c6d3 <NA> 4 eastBound 3
+#> 18: <NA> <NA> 2 NumericQuestion 0df2ac09-c7d2-e1d6-3b5c-0beadf69e218 <NA> 5 westBound 3
+#> 19: <NA> <NA> 2 NumericQuestion fbbaad6d-c38e-8bf1-56e9-f325ff37d6ae <NA> 6 subCellsDivisor 3
+#> QuestionText Featured L2 ..JSON intID
+#> 1: <NA> NA NA <list[16]> 01NANA
+#> 2: <NA> NA NA <list[16]> 02NANA
+#> 3: <NA> NA NA <list[16]> 03NANA
+#> 4: *1.Province TRUE NA <list[17]> 0101NA
+#> 5: *2. Territory/City TRUE NA <list[17]> 0102NA
+#> 6: *3. Health zone TRUE NA <list[17]> 0103NA
+#> 7: 4. Health area TRUE NA <list[17]> 0104NA
+#> 8: *5. Grid cell number TRUE NA <list[18]> 0105NA
+#> 9: 6. Sub cell number TRUE NA <list[19]> 0106NA
+#> 10: 7. Urban commune/ Rural commune/ Sector/ Chiefdom TRUE NA <list[17]> 0107NA
+#> 11: 8. Grouping TRUE NA <list[17]> 0108NA
+#> 12: 9. Village/Quarter TRUE NA <list[17]> 0109NA
+#> 13: *10. GPS Coordinates of the Grid Cell TRUE NA <list[17]> 0110NA
+#> 14: <NA> NA NA <list[9]> 0201NA
+#> 15: *~ North boundary FALSE NA <list[20]> 0202NA
+#> 16: *~ South boundary FALSE NA <list[20]> 0203NA
+#> 17: *~ East boundary FALSE NA <list[20]> 0204NA
+#> 18: *~ West boundary FALSE NA <list[20]> 0205NA
+#> 19: *~ Sub-cell divider FALSE NA <list[19]> 0206NA
Gives you a data.table which contains all the questions, question texts, etc. which you can use for further processing i.e to render a user manual with rmarkdown. Find details in the manual on questionnaire creation.
You can also get a list of all interviews done for the specific questionnaire.
This will return a list of data.tables, separated by events. Please bear in mind, that paradata files can be fairly big, and processing it may require a large working memory. To decrease the load there are also 3 parameters you can change, these are:
onlyActiveEvents, if TRUE it processes only the active events initiated by users.
allResponses, if FALSE, does not process all response values, nevertheless they are still included in a single column. Otherwise, they are separated by column.
Running the same call again without passive events and without all responses processed, reduces processing time significantly.
As you see from the system timings, changing these parameters reduces processing time significantly. More details on how to work with paradata can be found in the corresponding vignette. The paradata export is returned as a list, with the following elements:
We hope that gave you a short overview on the available functions. For more details on how to use the output, please read the specific vignettes.
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+API: .NET package
Introduction to the Survey Solutions .NET API Client package
There is a client library aviable to be used in .NET runtime to execute API methods of Survey Solutions software. In order to get started install dotnet SDK.
+After done that you will be able to use included in SDK CLI to create a new project, execute the following command:
dotnet new console
This will create a sample console application. To add Survey solutions client library execute following command:
dotnet add package SurveySolutionsClient
Now open Program.cs file and replace contents with the following:
using System;
+using System.Net.Http;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using SurveySolutionsClient;
+using SurveySolutionsClient.Apis;
+using SurveySolutionsClient.Models;
+namespace sample
+ {
+staticasync Task Main(string[] args)
+ {
+// API user login and password. If you need to execute action
+// from the name of interviewer, supervisor or headquarters its possible to provide those also
+ Credentials creds = new Credentials("csapidemo", "");
+// Url of the Survey Solutions
+string surveySolutionsUrl = "https://demo.mysurvey.solutions";
+var surveySolutionsApiConfiguration = new SurveySolutionsApiConfiguration(creds, surveySolutionsUrl,
+ workSpace: null// If API user is created within workspace provide its name here
+ );
+var client = new SurveySolutionsApi(new HttpClient(), surveySolutionsApiConfiguration);
+// Get list of created assignments
+var assignmentsList = await client.Assignments.ListAsync(new AssignmentsListFilter());
+foreach(var a in assignmentsList.Assignments)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Loaded assignment with id =" + a.Id);
+ }
+ }
+ }
In order to execute console application the following command can be used:
dotnet run
It print ids of assignments that are created on a targeted server. To get more examples on usage of api methods you can find in related repository
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+Application Programming Interface (API)
Introduction to the Survey Solutions API R-package
Why this package
The World Bank’s Computer Assisted Survey System (CASS) Survey Solutions is a powerful tool for high quality data collection and used in many statistical offices around the world. Besides the standard GUI, it also comes with a powerful REST API. For details see https://docs.mysurvey.solutions/
To further facilitate its integration in a fully automated workflow we have developed this R package, which covers almost all of the available API calls. With this vignette you get a first overview on the different functions, further vignettes are available on survey management, paradata analysis and shiny integration.
Survey Solutions includes a powerful and flexible API which allows
+automating some tasks and allows our users to build larger systems,
+which may compliment Survey Solutions to achieve larger goals.
Some examples of use could be:
schedule periodic export of collected data
an external dashboard or monitoring and reporting system, which
+updates some indicators every night and publishes them to a website,
an external checking and validation system which verifies collected
+data against some external sources of information and rejects
+automatically the incorrect interviews, or
an integrated system, which utilizes Survey Solutions for data
+collections tasks and a statistical package for continuous analysis,
facility management, inventory and price monitoring systems, etc,
It is up to our users to decide on the particular scenario of use taking
+into account their needs and existing legacy systems already in place.
+The integration mode is usually dictated by the external system, which
+may determine, for example, in which language the system is implemented
+or to which storage the data is transferred from Survey Solutions.
Introduction to the Survey Solutions .NET API Client package
There is a client library aviable to be used in .NET runtime to execute API methods of Survey Solutions software. In order to get started install dotnet SDK.
+After done that you will be able to use included in SDK CLI to create a new project, execute the following command:
SSAW PowerShell module contains cmdlets wrapping Survey Solutions API to abstract away from some of the HTTP details.
+As PowerShell command-line shell is already present and all Windows machines, users can start automating their interaction
+with Survey Solutions application without any additional software development. PowerShell can be installed on Mac and Linux
+computers as well, but you may prefer to use the Python client insted.
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+API: Powershell Module
SSAW PowerShell module contains cmdlets wrapping Survey Solutions API to abstract away from some of the HTTP details.
+As PowerShell command-line shell is already present and all Windows machines, users can start automating their interaction
+with Survey Solutions application without any additional software development. PowerShell can be installed on Mac and Linux
+computers as well, but you may prefer to use the Python client insted.
Open PowerShell shell and type:
PS> Install-Module -Name SSAW
Configure Server Connection
PS> $conf = Get-SSAWConfiguration
+PS> conf['BaseUrl'] = 'https://demo.mysurvey.solutions'
+PS> $conf['Username'] = 'api_user'
+PS> $conf['Password'] = 'password'# not an actual password!
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+Survey Solutions API
Survey Solutions includes a powerful and flexible API which allows
+automating some tasks and allows our users to build larger systems,
+which may compliment Survey Solutions to achieve larger goals.
Some examples of use could be:
schedule periodic export of collected data
an external dashboard or monitoring and reporting system, which
+updates some indicators every night and publishes them to a website,
an external checking and validation system which verifies collected
+data against some external sources of information and rejects
+automatically the incorrect interviews, or
an integrated system, which utilizes Survey Solutions for data
+collections tasks and a statistical package for continuous analysis,
facility management, inventory and price monitoring systems, etc,
It is up to our users to decide on the particular scenario of use taking
+into account their needs and existing legacy systems already in place.
+The integration mode is usually dictated by the external system, which
+may determine, for example, in which language the system is implemented
+or to which storage the data is transferred from Survey Solutions.
To utilize an API in your application an API user account must be
+created by the server administrator.
What Survey Solutions is making available to external
+applications/systems is a set of levers, which allow performing the same
+tasks performed by the actual users of the software. This functionality
+is implemented through a set of standardized web requests which are implemented following the REST and GraphQL standards and are
+documented in the following:
Every Survey Solutions server provides an API. It is important to verify
+the reference against the exact version contained in your server to make
+sure the correct syntax for API calls is being used. This syntax may be
+expanded or revised in future releases.
API Clients
The API clients listed below provide convenient access to the API functionality for developers in the corresponding environments/languages.
Users of other languages can develop their applications by calling the API points directly, or by developing own API client for their specific programming language. If you do so, please share a notice in the users’ forum.
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+Customize web interview messages
Web interviews conducted with Survey Solutions contain reasonable
+default messages suitable for many surveys. But if the default messages
+are not suitable for a certain purpose, they can be customized in the
+web survey setup dialog at the Survey Solutions Headquarters:
For every parameter select if you wish to display a built-in default
+message, or a custom one, and if so, provide your custom (formatted)
+text of such a message. You can use the formatting toolbar provided in
+the editor to adjust the font color and font attributes, include
+numbered and bullet lists, and include hyperlinks.
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+Configuring Amazon SES as an email service provider
Configuring Amazon SES as an email service provider
May 24, 2021
Amazon provides a number of services (free and paid) that may
+be of interest to the application developer. Here we are specifically
+interested in utilizing the Simple Email Service (SES) from within Survey
+Solutions for mass email sending.
Usage of this service may cost you money.
+Make sure you understand all charges, limits and policies before
+utilizing this service.
If you are already an Amazon AWS user, you can login to your
+Management Console right away. Otherwise you will need to create
+a new AWS account.
A valid credit card is required to create this account. Amazon plans
+and regulations determine when, how and how much you will be charged
+for these services. The below instructions are applicable to personal
+accounts. Your organization may have a corporate or other kind of
+account with preferential treatment, different billing arrangements,
+or simplified configuration process.
Once a new account is created login to the Management Console.
+Select Services→Customer Engagement→SES.
Verify the address that you will be using for sending out the messages.
+This is done by clicking the link that you receive from
+the Amazon Web Services no-reply-aws@amazon.com.
Next, utilize the Add user wizard to create a new user and assign this
+user appropriate permissions, group membership and policies.
Once the user is created, proceed to Security Credentials and Create
+Access Key. You will be issued an Access Key and you will obtain the
+Secret as a downloadable file. You have only one chance to preserve
+this pair (though you can issue another Key + Secret pair later).
In the email service provider dialog of the Survey Solutions you will
+need to enter these SES-specific items:
Access Key;
Secret Access Key;
If you’ve just created your AWS account it is likely in the sandbox mode
+and it will only permit you to send the notifications to the emails that
+you yourself have confirmed. To reach real survey respondents you will need
+to Request Increased Sending Limits, where you submit (to Amazon) the
+information about your intents.
Note that when you fill out the Survey Solutions email provider settings, you
+need to specify the region, with exactly the same value as selected when setting
+uo your SES account, for example, “US East (Northern Virginia)" aka
On the basis of the information you provide you will be assigned various
+limits on number of emails that may be sent per second, per 24-hour period
+and per month. Depending on the limit, email requests above those limits
+may cost more or be disregarded.
The approval of the request is not instantaneous, and may take days. Plan
+your operations accordingly.
The above process may sound confusing at first, but numerous tutorials
+online from Amazon and other sites explain more details of this process.
+See for example:
+SES pricing: https://aws.amazon.com/ses/pricing/
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+Configuring Sendgrid as an email service provider
SendGrid is a bulk email service provider that can be used in Survey
+Solutions for delivering invitations for CAWI surveys as an alternative
+to Amazon SES:
Usage of this service may cost you money.
+Make sure you understand all charges, limits and policies before
+utilizing this service.
SendGrid reqires you to have a domain and confirm yourself
+as a domain owner. The sending address must belong to this
+domain. For example, if you want to send emails from name@site.com
+you must confirm yourself as the owner of the site.com.
You will need to confirm the account by clicking the link in the email
+that the service will send you.
Start by going to https://sendgrid.com page and picking your plan, and
+filling out the account properties as requested by the service. Once
+confirmed you can login to your account, click API keys, and create a
+(named) API key. The API key is exactly what Survey Solutions is
+expecting from you to be entered in the Email Provider Settings dialog.
+The API key will only be displayed once, you can delete an existing and
+create a new API key at any time.
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+Configuring SMTP server as an email service provider
Configuring SMTP server as an email service provider
July 29, 2024
Servers providing Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) service can be used to send out messages from Survey Solutions. The technical description for the SMTP has passed several revisions and users may refer to e.g. RFC 8314 for details.
The settings specific to using SMTP are described below, while the other settings common to other service providers are described in the article Bulk email service providers.
Host - the address of the server (may also be referred to as the SMTP server, or outgoing mail server, etc. in your provider’s documentation).
Port - the port number that the host monitors to receive message submissions.
Use TLS encryption - flag whether Transport Layer Security (TLS) must be used to encrypt the data transmitted between this server and the SMTP host.
Use authentication - flag indicating whether the identity of the sender must be confirmed to the SMTP server using the username and password specified below.
Username - user name passed to the SMTP host to establish the identity of the sender (this field is only accessible when use authentication checkbox is checked).
Password - password used to confirm the identity of the specified user (this field is only accessible when use authentication checkbox is checked).
SAVE - press the SAVE button to preserve the changes you’ve made to these settings. If you leave the page without saving the changes, they do not take effect.
The SMTP server may be set up as part of your organization, or can be provided by a third-party, in which case the corresponding information (host, port, username, password) will be provided by that party. In general, use of TLS is recommended, and authentication with name and password is mandatory for most cases when the server is accessible from the Internet, (though corporate servers may utilize another access control mechanism).
Please take note that:
it is common for SMTP servers to have quotas implemented for the amount of submissions for each account, and sending may be disabled if the number of requests is above the permitted rate. Survey Solutions is not aware of such rate controls.
your server or network may impose restrictions on the connections to certain ports and you may need to clear/whitelist them so that Survey Solutions may send out the messages (or else it may not be able to reach the SMTP server and establish a connection).
Sending a test email
Once you save the settings of the SMTP server, check that everything is working fine by sending a test email to yourself (any email account for which you can check the incoming mail) by typing that address in the Send test email dialog that appears below. If you don’t receive the test message within a few minutes (and you’ve checked your spam folder or its equivalent), that is usually indicative of some of the settings specified incorrectly, or the SMTP-server being not reachable or not functioning.
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+Bulk email service providers
Bulk email service providers solve the task of sending out a
+massive amount of emails. Survey Solutions may utilize such a
+service provider to deliver email invitations for CAWI surveys
+to the respondents. At the moment the following providers are supported:
Amazon SES;
Twilio SendGrid;
Other senders that support Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).
You don’t have to use the above services to conduct a CAWI
+survey, but in that case (just as it was in versions prior
+to 19.04) it will be your responsibility to deliver the links
+for the interviews to individual respondents. The use of the
+bulk email service providers streamlines this process.
Use of the bulk email service
+providers may (and likely will) cost you money. It is important
+to familiarize yourself with the pricing, plans, charges and
+limits as applicable for the specific provider. These conditions
+may be changed by the provider, possibly even without prior notice.
+Pricing and billing conditions may depend on whether the user is a private user
+or an organization. All of the billing for this service occurs between you and
+the corresponding provider, the Survey Solutions developers
+are not charging you for this service.
The configuration of the Bulk Email Service provider occurs at
+the corresponding page (accessible to the administrator only)
+of the Survey Solutions Headquarters,
+which contains service-specific access parameters, and at the
+management console of the corresponding service.
The following parameters must be specified regardless of which
+service you plan to use for sending out the emails:
Sender email address - Email address of the sender that will appear in the FROM field of the incoming messages.
Reply address - Email address where the replies from the invitees may be sent (default is the sender email address.)
Sender name - Name of the sender that will appear in the FROM field of the incoming messages.
Sender postal address - Current postal address of the sender.
The following articles will help you in configuring and entering
+the parameters specific to service providers:
Once you configure the service, be sure to send a test email to make sure that
+everything is setup correctly.
Be forewarned that the emails delivered through the bulk senders
+may have non-trivial chances of being classified as spam by
+various email services used by the recipients (Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, Outlook, etc).
Different providers may be configured for different workspaces, but each
+workspace may be configured with no more than one provider at any time.
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+Email Templates
Survey Solutions can send email notifications to the respondents to the web
+surveys (CAWI). These notifications can be configured at the web interview
+setup page: Menu → Survey Setup → Questionnaires →
+YourQuestionnaire → Web interview setup.
Survey Solutions server automatically determines, which notifications need to be
+sent out to the respondents. Every hour the notifications of the type marked
+with ^ in the table below are sent out, if a
+bulk email service provider has been set
Notification emails may mention some of the text substitutions, which will be
+replaced with appropriate texts by Survey Solutions. They are mentioned in the
+descriptions below.
Notification message
Message description
An invitation message is sent to invite a respondent to participate in the
+survey. It contains a link that the respondent will follow to start an
The invitation message may mention %SURVEYNAME%, which will be automatically
+replaced with the name of the survey.
The invitation message is sent out when the HQ chooses to Send invitations.
+(Click on the survey, select Send invitations from the context menu).
If the bulk email service provider is not set, the links to web interviews
+can be downloaded in a form of a file from the Survey Solutions server, and
+custom invitations generated and send in an external system.
A resume message is sent to the respondents to deliver a message
+containing a link that the respondent will follow to resume an
+interview if his/her session is disrupted for any reason.
The message may mention %SURVEYNAME%, which will be automatically
+replaced with the name of the survey.
The resume message is sent out when the respondent specifies his/her email and
+a bulk email sender is configured, and the admin of the Survey Solutions
+server opts to allow such messages by setting the Web Interview Email
+Notifications flag in the server settings.
No response^
A no response message is sent to the respondents if they haven't started
+a survey interview. This reminder message is sent after a certain period of
+time after the invitation was sent out if the respondent hasn't started the
+interview yet. The exact duration of time for the reminder is regulated by the
+Send reminder to people with no response parameter at the web
+interview setup page.
The message may mention %SURVEYNAME%, which will be automatically
+replaced with the name of the survey.
The message is sent automatically if the bulk email sender has been
Partial response^
This notification message is sent to the respondents that have started
+but haven't completed a survey interview yet after a certain period of
+time. The exact duration of time for the reminder is regulated by the
+Send reminder to people with a partial response parameter at the web
+interview setup page.
The message may mention %SURVEYNAME%, which will be automatically
+replaced with the name of the survey.
The message is sent automatically if the bulk email sender has been
This notification message is sent to the respondents whos interviews have
+been rejected by survey supervisors. The respondent is invited to make
+corrections based on the supervisor's comments/feedback.
The message may mention %SURVEYNAME%, which will be automatically
+replaced with the name of the survey.
The message is sent automatically if the bulk email sender has been
This notification message is sent to the respondents who has completed
+an interview immediately when they complete it.
The message may mention %SURVEYNAME%, which will be automatically
+replaced with the name of the survey. It may also mention in %-% signs any
+variable name from the main interview level (not inside of any roster) of a type
+supported in text substitutions, such as for example, %address% the value of which will
+be automatically substituted with a value entered by the respondent in the
+interview. For the categorical single select questions the default survey
+language is used for the text label corresponding to the selected answer
+regardless which language was used by the respondent at the time of the
+interview. The date and timestamp answers are written using an invariant date
In the rare occasion when a question with variable name specifically
+SURVEYNAME is defined in an interview, the text substitution %SURVEYNAME% is
+resolved to the name of the survey, not the value of this variable.
Optionally, the variable name may be suffixed with :barcode or
+:qrcode, such as for example: %product:barcode% or %checksum:qrcode%.
+Then the value of the corresponding variable will be rendered as a barcode or
+a qrcode respectively. For linear barcodes the
+code 128 standard is used.
+For 2-dimensional qrcodes the QR-code standard is used.
The message is sent automatically on completion of an interview if the bulk
+email sender has been configured and the flag Send email after web
+interview completion has been set. Otherwise it is not sent.
Optionally, a transcript of answers to interview questions can
+be attached to this message if the flag Attach Pdf transcript is set.
The templates for each survey can be specified in only one language. If
+invitations/notifications for a survey need to be sent out in different
+languages, such survey must be split into two (or more) Survey Solutions surveys
+and email templates for them configured separately.
Notification message structure
Each notification message consists of multiple blocks:
Message block
Block description
- Subject
This is the email subject line that the respondent will see in his/her inbox
+when the notification message arrives.
- Main text
This is the notification's message main text that the respondent will see
+when he/she opens the notification message.
- Description for password
Block describing to the participant that a password must be used to access
+the interview. This block is only utilized if the access to interview is
+protected with a password.
- Start interview button
Specific text appearing on the button to start the interview.
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+Computer Assisted Web Interviewing (CAWI)
Bulk email service providers solve the task of sending out a
+massive amount of emails. Survey Solutions may utilize such a
+service provider to deliver email invitations for CAWI surveys
+to the respondents. At the moment the following providers are supported:
Amazon SES;
Twilio SendGrid;
Other senders that support Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).
You don’t have to use the above services to conduct a CAWI
+survey, but in that case (just as it was in versions prior
+to 19.04) it will be your responsibility to deliver the links
+for the interviews to individual respondents. The use of the
+bulk email service providers streamlines this process.
Servers providing Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) service can be used to send out messages from Survey Solutions. The technical description for the SMTP has passed several revisions and users may refer to e.g. RFC 8314 for details.
The settings specific to using SMTP are described below, while the other settings common to other service providers are described in the article Bulk email service providers.
Amazon provides a number of services (free and paid) that may
+be of interest to the application developer. Here we are specifically
+interested in utilizing the Simple Email Service (SES) from within Survey
+Solutions for mass email sending.
Usage of this service may cost you money.
+Make sure you understand all charges, limits and policies before
+utilizing this service.
Survey Solutions presents several web pages to the respondents to the web
+surveys (CAWI). These pages may need to be customized at the web interview
+setup page: Menu → Survey Setup → Questionnaires →
+YourQuestionnaire → Web interview setup.
Changes made to these templates take immediate effect: any new page of the
+corresponding type will be shown using the most recently saved template.
Web page
Welcome page
This page is shown to the respondent opening the link to a web interview.
The content of this page will usually contain description of the survey,
+its purposes and objectives, motivation for participation, and other
The page consists of three user-editable elements:
description, and
the text on
+the button to start a new interview.
Survey coordinator may apply formatting to the description part of this
+web page.
Resume Page
A resume page is shown to the respondents when they resume an
+interrupted interview (started, but not completed).
The page consists of three user-editable elements:
description, and
the text on
+the button to resume the interview.
Survey coordinator may apply formatting to the description part of this
+web page.
The description may mention %QUESTIONNAIRE%, which will be automatically
+replaced with the name of the survey.
Provides a possibility to customize texts utilized at the
+system-generated Complete page of a web-interview.
The page consists of two user-editable elements:
Note for supervisor, and
Survey coordinator may not apply formatting in any of the elements of this
+web page.
Finish page
Provides a possibility to customize texts utilized at the
+page displayed after a web-interview is completed.
The page consists of two user-editable elements:
title, and
Survey coordinator may apply formatting to the description part of this
+web page.
Text formatting
Where formatting is supported it is entered using the following toolbar:
Survey Solutions can send email notifications to the respondents to the web
+surveys (CAWI). These notifications can be configured at the web interview
+setup page: Menu → Survey Setup → Questionnaires →
+YourQuestionnaire → Web interview setup.
Survey Solutions server automatically determines, which notifications need to be
+sent out to the respondents. Every hour the notifications of the type marked
+with ^ in the table below are sent out, if a
+bulk email service provider has been set
In addition to CAPI surveys on Android tablets, Survey Solutions
+provides two distinct possibilities:
Interviewing: Interviewers conduct interviews using the
+web interface (without a tablet);
Self-enumeration: Respondents fill out interviews in the browser.
The difference is essential:
In the first case the person filling out the interview is a known
+member of the team, has an account created in the system, assigned
+to a team of a certain supervisor and so on. We use this mode when
+e.g. we set up a call centre and our interviewers don’t physically
+travel to the respondent, so don’t need a mobile device (tablet)
+or to work offline (disconnected), but collect multiple interviews
+and report to a certain supervisor;
SendGrid is a bulk email service provider that can be used in Survey
+Solutions for delivering invitations for CAWI surveys as an alternative
+to Amazon SES:
Usage of this service may cost you money.
+Make sure you understand all charges, limits and policies before
+utilizing this service.
SendGrid reqires you to have a domain and confirm yourself
+as a domain owner. The sending address must belong to this
+domain. For example, if you want to send emails from name@site.com
+you must confirm yourself as the owner of the site.com.
Web interviews conducted with Survey Solutions contain reasonable
+default messages suitable for many surveys. But if the default messages
+are not suitable for a certain purpose, they can be customized in the
+web survey setup dialog at the Survey Solutions Headquarters:
For every parameter select if you wish to display a built-in default
+message, or a custom one, and if so, provide your custom (formatted)
+text of such a message. You can use the formatting toolbar provided in
+the editor to adjust the font color and font attributes, include
+numbered and bullet lists, and include hyperlinks.
April 2, 2018
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+Web Interviewing
In addition to CAPI surveys on Android tablets, Survey Solutions
+provides two distinct possibilities:
Interviewing: Interviewers conduct interviews using the
+web interface (without a tablet);
Self-enumeration: Respondents fill out interviews in the browser.
The difference is essential:
In the first case the person filling out the interview is a known
+member of the team, has an account created in the system, assigned
+to a team of a certain supervisor and so on. We use this mode when
+e.g. we set up a call centre and our interviewers don’t physically
+travel to the respondent, so don’t need a mobile device (tablet)
+or to work offline (disconnected), but collect multiple interviews
+and report to a certain supervisor;
In the second case, the respondent doesn’t have an account in the
+system, and could in general be anonymous, and typically only one
+interview in the survey is filled out by each respondent.
This article is dedicated to the discussion of the second case,
+the setup of the web survey for self-enumeration. The first case
+is described in details in the topic dedicated to the
Advantages and disadvantages
Web enumeration has numerous advantages to the face-to-face interviewing:
doesn’t require interviewers, their training and travel time;
doesn’t require interviewer equipment (tablets) as data entry
+will be performed by the respondent using his/her device;
the whole survey can be faster (theoretically can be completed within a day);
some sensitive questions may be easier to answer in the absence of interviewer;
it may be possible to reach respondents, which would otherwise be not reachable
+(for example, those living in remote places, or conflict areas).
There are equally-important concerns:
it may be difficult for a respondent to fully understand the
+survey and complete a complex questionnaire without guidance of
+an interviewer, who has had some training on the topic;
survey coordinator must be able to contact respondents to
+invite them to take a survey (for example, per email);
respondents must have access to and be able to use a device
+(computer/tablet/smartphone) with internet access.
A survey coordinator should carefully weight the costs and
+the benefits, as well as estimate the impact of the mode of
+collection on the quality of data. Web-interviewing may
+introduce an essential bias into the data stemming from
+self-selection on the basis of age, literacy, IT-literacy,
+income, etc.
In many cases the self-enumeration is used as a supplementary
+tool to face-to-face interviewing in an attempt to reach the
+representative audience in a cost-effective manner.
Setting up a CAWI survey
Conducting a CAWI survey requires the following:
Compose the questionnaire.
Import the questionnaire to the data server.
Make web-assignments for the survey.
Activate the web-survey mode.
Distribute the links.
Review incoming data/follow up with the respondents if necessary.
De-activate the web-survey mode.
Below we discuss these steps in more detail.
1. Composing the questionnaire
There is hardly any difference in the questionnaire for the
+web interviews. You can generally use the same questionnaire
+that you use for the face-to-face interviews also for the web
+interviews, but it is worth to:
Explain the structure of the questionnaire to the respondent
+and give an idea about how to navigate through the modules;
Check the wording of the questions - without the interviewers
+some things may be not clear, explain them in the instructions;
Check the error messages - they must be clear to the respondent.
+Remember that the respondent wouldn’t have the training session
+that the interviewers typically get before the survey, so the
+questionnaire must be more ‘user-friendly’.
2. Importing the questionnaire
There is no difference of this step relative to importing the
+questionnaire for a face-to-face interviewing. Note that if
+you import a different version of the same questionnaire to the
+data server, the web mode for it (step #4) will need to be
+activated again, specifically for each version.
3. Make web-assignments
Once you import the questionnaire, you will need to create
+web-assignments. They are just like the regular assignments,
+but the following properties are important or exist only for
Preloading column
Web mode
A simple boolean flag that is raised if the assignment is
+intended to be completed directly by the respondent. In the
+preloading file 1 corresponds to web mode, and zero or not
+specified value corresponds to no web mode for the assignment.
Email address of the respondent (optional)
if a password (optional) is specified, interviews based
+on this assignment will be protected by the password, which
+also needs to be communicated to the prospective respondents
+of the survey. See below on password rules.
Responsible person
Account of the person responsible for the assignment.
Number of interviews that may be generated from this
+assignment; -1 corresponds to unlimited amount.
In addition to the above properties, the web assignments have
+all the properties of the regular assignments. So that we can,
+for example, specify the values for identifying questions (fields).
+The email and password only make sense for the web mode
+assignments and are not effective for the regular assignments.
+The values of all of these properties can be seen in the
+corresponding columns of the table showing the assignments
+(Menu → Survey Setup → Assignments).
For a CAWI survey, set the value of _webmode to 1 for all
+assignments. For a mixed survey, only for those assignments that
+must be filled out by the respondents through the web.
Even though the CAWI survey is done through a self-enumeration
+(by the respondent) the person responsible for the assignment
+must be specified and be in the role of interviewer. A web
+assignment will not be created if it is made in the name of a
+user in a different role and you will get a corresponding error
The combination of the assignment’s quantity, email and
+password will determine the overall protocol of the survey.
When the email is specified during the assignment creation, the
+Survey Solutions can utilize one of the bulk email delivery
+to deliver the invitations for the survey. If these services
+have not been configured yet, the headquarters user must contact
+the server administrator, as such configuration requires
+administrator’s access level.
Typical setup for a public opinion survey - one link is made public
+through any media (newspaper, TV, website). All visitors of the link
+will have an opportunity to fill out an interview.
If the bulk email delivery service has been set up, at the start of
+the interview they will have a possibility to enter their email, so
+that they will receive a link to follow in case their session is
+interrupted and they need to continue the started interview.
There is no limit to the number of interviews to be collected.
Typical setup for a non-public survey of unknown audience, for example,
+visitors to a conference. The password must be made available to them
+(e.g. written on the board, or announced to them). The role of the
+password is to separate this group from all the other people who are
+not exposed and not the focus of the study. There is no limit to the
+number of interviews to be collected.
Typical for monitoring surveys - the same respondent must authenticate
+himself/herself with the password, and can submit an unlimited number
+of interviews (presumably regulated by the established protocol:
+daily, weekly, monthly, etc, or when a particular event happens, such
+as a patient arrives with a particular symptom).
Typical for private opinion surveys - the respondents are invited directly
+and can submit only one interview. To start the interview they must
+follow the link and confirm their access with the issued password.
The interview may be completed in multiple seatings. If the respondent
+interrupts the interview, he/she can continue by clicking the same link
+received in the original invitation.
Similar to the above, but the respondents do not need to enter the
+password to start their interviews, just click on their personalized links.
Typical for private opinion surveys - the respondents can submit only
+one interview. To start the interview they must follow the link and
+confirm their access with the issued password.
The interview may be completed in multiple seatings. If the respondent
+interrupts the interview, he/she can continue by clicking the original
+link. The passwords must be unique in this case, and the link distributed
+using alternative means.
This combination is not acceptable.
Same as the case above where quantity is -1, except that the number of
+responses is not infinite, but is limited to N interviews.
First N respondents will start the interviews, other respondents
+will get a message indicating their participation is no longer needed.
4. Activate the web-survey mode.
Once the assignments are created the survey coordinator needs to set up and
+activate the web mode of data collection for the survey. This is available
+by calling the context menu for the questionnaire in the Survey Setup:
+Menu → Survey Setup → Web interview setup.
Depending on the objectives and implementation of the survey you may need to
+adjust the:
At the next page the template messages for invitations/reminders/notifications
+may be edited and the web mode activated (the green START button) or
+deactivated (the red STOP WEB INTERVIEW button). Any generated links remain
+ineffective when the survey is not in the web mode even if the link has been
+already sent to the respondent.
5. Deliver links
Depending on the scenario of the survey as outlined by the table in step #3,
+you will have one or multiple links to be delivered to the respondents.
+Note that in any of the cases, Survey Solutions doesn’t send the
+invitations/notifications directly, but utilizes a special bulk email delivery
+to deliver the corresponding messages. Refer to the corresponding article on
+how to set it up. Once it is set up, one can go to Menu → Survey Setup
+→ your questionnaire name → Send invitations to send out
+the invitation emails.
If this service is not set up by the server administrator, then it is
+his/her responsibility to distribute the appropriate messages among the
+respondents using any alternative tools. The links can be downloaded by going
+to Menu → Survey Setup → your questionnaire name →
+Download web links.
After the links have been sent to the respondents it is important not to change
+the responsible person for an assignment to anyone except an interviewer as
+this will invalidate it (you will get a warning if you try). Note that this may
+be an unintended indirect consequence of your actions, such as relocating an
+interviewer to another team leaving his assignments in the original team.
6. Review incoming data
Once a CAWI survey is running, the interviews will appear in the list as soon
+as they are started. The respondents may still be working at them and their
+status will be InterviewerAssigned. This status is only attributable to CAWI
+interviews. Any interviews received from tablets will show up on the server
+already in the Completed status.
The supervisors are expected to review as soon as possible the interviews in
+the status Completed, and either to approve or reject them.
Note that even though there is a rejection notification template in the set of
+user-configurable notification templates for a survey, rejection notifications
+are NOT sent out at all, and the supervisor will need to manually reallocate
+the rejected interview to a real interviewer to follow up with the respondent
+by using phone (see CATI)
+or other communication.
7. De-activate the web survey mode.
When all the web assignments are completed or you’ve acquired the minimal
+desired number of responses, you can stop the web survey. When the web survey
+is stopped no changes will be permitted by the respondents visiting any links,
+whether to create new or finish started interviews.
This setting is shared by all CAWI surveys on the same server.
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..80420838
--- /dev/null
+++ b/headquarters/cawi/webpage-templates/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+Webpage Templates
Survey Solutions presents several web pages to the respondents to the web
+surveys (CAWI). These pages may need to be customized at the web interview
+setup page: Menu → Survey Setup → Questionnaires →
+YourQuestionnaire → Web interview setup.
Changes made to these templates take immediate effect: any new page of the
+corresponding type will be shown using the most recently saved template.
Web page
Welcome page
This page is shown to the respondent opening the link to a web interview.
The content of this page will usually contain description of the survey,
+its purposes and objectives, motivation for participation, and other
The page consists of three user-editable elements:
description, and
the text on
+the button to start a new interview.
Survey coordinator may apply formatting to the description part of this
+web page.
Resume Page
A resume page is shown to the respondents when they resume an
+interrupted interview (started, but not completed).
The page consists of three user-editable elements:
description, and
the text on
+the button to resume the interview.
Survey coordinator may apply formatting to the description part of this
+web page.
The description may mention %QUESTIONNAIRE%, which will be automatically
+replaced with the name of the survey.
Provides a possibility to customize texts utilized at the
+system-generated Complete page of a web-interview.
The page consists of two user-editable elements:
Note for supervisor, and
Survey coordinator may not apply formatting in any of the elements of this
+web page.
Finish page
Provides a possibility to customize texts utilized at the
+page displayed after a web-interview is completed.
The page consists of two user-editable elements:
title, and
Survey coordinator may apply formatting to the description part of this
+web page.
Text formatting
Where formatting is supported it is entered using the following toolbar:
where the meaning of the icons is as follows:
Header selection - select a font to enter heading text;
Bold - make some text appear in bold font;
Italics - make some text appear in italics font;
List - make a list item (unordered/bulleted);
Ordered list - make a list item in an ordered list;
Image - add image (can upload a file or specify an URL of a
+published image);
Link - insert a link (provide an URL and a corresponding link text).
The formatting is implemented using
+Markdown and users familiar with its
+notation can enter the corresponding keystrokes directly without using the
+toolbar if so desired.
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index 00000000..d867cea3
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+++ b/headquarters/changing-the-interface-language/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
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+++ b/headquarters/components-of-the-headquarters-software/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a246b97
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/config/admin-settings/images/773026.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..76ea1ae7
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/config/admin-settings/images/773027.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..808cb0e2
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/config/admin-settings/images/773028.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cd6b2d75
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/config/admin-settings/images/852912.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..10f5737f
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/config/admin-settings/images/852913.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..326366de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/headquarters/config/admin-settings/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+Workspace Settings
Survey Solutions server administrator
+may adjust the workspace settings. These settings affect simultaneously all
+surveys and all users in a particular workspace on the server and have the effect
+immediately when applied.
These settings are visible only to the user logged in in an administrative role
+and can be accessed from:
for the current workspace: Menu → Settings → Workspace settings.
for any other workspace: Menu → Administration → click particular workspace name → Settings.
Export Encryption
This group of settings contains settings that control the encryption of the data
+archive produced when exporting the data from Survey Solutions.
When enable encryption checkbox is checked, the produced data zip-archive will
+be encrypted with a password that the administrator sees in the settings. To
+ensure high level of security the password can’t be typed in, but is generated
+using a random password generation algorithm to make sure the password is
+sufficiently complex. The administrator may request a different password to be
+generated by pressing the circular arrows button. There is no way of setting a
+specific password in this field.
Default = disabled
The field password must be populated with a valid password for encryption to
+take effect. There is no default password. To ensure the password is strong,
+the program generates one automatically. A new password can be generated by
+clicking on the refresh button.
Global Note
This group of settings contains only one setting that controls the server global
+note. When specified, the global note will be shown at every page for every user
+logged into the Survey Solutions Server.
Default = empty
To specify the global note - specify a new note and click save.
To change the global note - specify a new note and click save.
To remove a global note - click the delete button.
You will see a message Note saved on successful update or deletion of the
+global note.
User Profile Settings
This group contains a single setting that controls whether the interviewers may
+update their contact information.
default = off
By default the interviewers may not update their contact information (such as
+email address or phone number).
To allow interviewers to update their contact information - set the checkbox
+to checked state.
To disallow interviewers to update their contact information - set the
+checkbox to unchecked state.
Interviewer/Supervisor application settings
This group contains the Interviewer/Supervisor application settings
+centrally controlled from the server by the administrator.
Enable automatic updates determines whether only the most recent
+version of the App (as installed on the server) may be utilized by
+the workforce to exchange data with the server.
default = on
By default only the most recent version of the app is permitted to
+exchange the data with the server. Users of all earlier versions are
+required to update to permit synchronization.
To always require the tablets to update to version of Survey
+Solutions as installed on the server, set the checkbox to checked
To permit the tablets to exchange the data with the server from
+earlier versions of Survey Solutions, set the checkbox to unchecked
This setting is only a recommendation. If Survey Solutions determines
+that e.g. the newly imported questionnaire has features not supported
+by the version installed on the interviewer’s tablet, it will still
+require to update.
The checkbox Enable notifications on device controls whether the
+notifications will be issued
+for interviewers during their work on the tablets.
default = on
To show the notifications to interviewers set the checkbox to checked state.
To not show the notifications to interviewers set the checkbox to unchecked
The checkbox Enable partial synchronization controls whether partial
+synchronization will be performed during synchronization with the server.
default = off
To enable partial synchronization set the checkbox to checked state.
To disable partial synchronization set the checkbox to unchecked state.
Numeric parameter Geography question accuracy sets the requested accuracy
+(in meters) for geography-type questions with automatic and semi-automatic
+measurement. It accepts integer values from 1m to 1,000m.
default = 10
Numeric parameter Geography question period regulates how frequently the
+points will be recorded in a geography-type question by setting up the period
+between the recordings of the points. The period is measured in seconds. Any
+value from 5 to 1,000 may be specified.
default = 10
Textual parameter ESRI API key is the key that the user needs to obtain from
+Esri to utilize online source of tiles for
+the base map layer when using the map dashboard or answering geography type
+questions in Interviewer and Supervisor apps. Additional details are in the
+online maps key topic.
Usage of the
+ESRI API key may (and likely will) cost you money. It is important to
+familiarize yourself with the pricing, plans, charges and limits as applicable.
+These conditions may be changed, possibly even without prior notice. Pricing
+and billing conditions may depend on whether the user is a private user or an
+organization. All of the billing for this service occurs between you and the
+corresponding provider, the Survey Solutions developers are not charging you
+for this service.
By default the API key is blank (not specified) and the online maps are not
default = “”
Web interview settings
The checkbox Web interview email notifications controls whether respondents
+to web surveys may request an email with a link to resume the interview if the
+interview session gets interrupted.
The email with the resume link is only sent when a
+bulk email service provider
+is set up, otherwise it is not sent out even if this checkbox is checked.
default = off
To allow respondents to request an email with a resume link set the checkbox
+to checked state.
To not allow respondents to request an email with a resume link set the
+checkbox to unchecked state.
Company logo
Here one can customize the logo that is displayed when the user logs
+into the Survey Solutions data server or the Interviewer App.
default = neutral themed image
Survey Solutions is deployed with a neutral image that may be customized
+to the organization’s or survey’s logo.
To change the logo, click on Choose File button and select an image
+from the local machine. Image will be displayed on the settings page.
+Click Save when ready to use this image on all the login screens.
To remove the logo, click the Remove logo button.
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index 00000000..ed0be0f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/headquarters/config/alternative-maps-for-servers-in-china/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+Alternative maps for servers in China
Survey Solutions map reports at the data server utilize maps provided by Google
+through their online service. The installation sets the parameters regulating
+access to this service with the parameters applicable to the majority of users,
+but these servers are known to be inaccessible from the networks in China.
To enable access to Google maps from China, a different server, specific to
+China, must be used. The following two parameters should be changed in the
+GoogleMap section in appsettings.Production.ini configuration file of the
+Survey Solutions server:
+# write your API key (that you receive from Google) instead of ... below:
This will replace the common Google maps engine used by all countries
+with the maps server that is specific for China. A restart of the web server may be
+required for the new settings to take effect.
These map server settings apply to all the map reports on the Survey Solutions
+data server. Hence if you are planning multiple surveys with access inside and
+outside of China you will need to have two separate servers with different
The default values of BaseUrl and ApiBaseUrl in this section (for all
+users outside of China):
It is recommended that the users do not change any other settings or
+parameters in this file without prior consultation with the support
+team, as it may negatively affect the security and reliability of the
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..047e6207
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/config/aws-setup/images/attach-role.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..876125ee
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/config/aws-setup/images/create-role.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5f333d1d
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/config/aws-setup/images/create_sg.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..974bd727
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/config/aws-setup/images/ec2_image_selection.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8fa2bcae
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9d9595eb
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..851f2233
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/config/aws-setup/images/ec2_sg_assign.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f895b51d
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..78725fec
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/config/aws-setup/images/ec2_ss_running.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..29d14dad
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/config/aws-setup/images/new-bucket.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..acf64f86
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/config/aws-setup/images/rds_endpoint.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3b1fb6be
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/config/aws-setup/images/rds_search.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..49d9ae40
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/config/aws-setup/images/rds_sg_selection.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..392db8ad
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/config/aws-setup/images/role-name.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22d76d98
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3d57c41e
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2f061081
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..577c1a73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/headquarters/config/aws-setup/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+AWS setup
In order to have connection between Survey Solutions and PostgreSQL you can create new security group as described in here.
From the AWS Management Console:
Click on EC2 under the Compute heading
Scroll down the left-hand navigation to Network & Security
Click on Security Groups
Click on Create security group
In the create security group specify name and description:
In the rules page add single required rule:
Type: PostgreSQL
Source: Start typing “Survey Solutions” and select just created security group
Create PostgreSQL RDS instance
Create an RDS PostgreSQL instance using this documentation, you don’t need to install a database client, but it can be used to test the database connection.
During creation process expand Additional connectivity configuration section and assign created “Survey Solutions” security group
Keep database port to be default one (5432)
After database is started copy endpoint address
Be sure to retain the following information for accessing the PostgreSQL:
These details will be needed in a later step to connect the RDS with the EC2 instance.
To find the endpoint:
Navigate to RDS from the Amazon Management Console
Click on DB Instances under Resources in the main pane
Click on the RDS instance DB identifier of the desired RDS
After instance is created right click on it, select Networking -> Change Security Groups and assign group Survey Solutions
Launch selected instance
Survey Solutions installation
Connect to the EC2 instance
When your instance is running, connect to it with RDP using instructions.
Download Survey Solutions installer
Once connected, download the Survey Solutions installer. Before doing so, you may need to change the security settings of Internet Explorer (IE) on the EC2 instance to make download possible. To do so:
Open IE
Navigate to Settings>Internet>Security>Trusted Sites
Add https://mysurvey.solutions as a trusted site
Reduce the security level for this zone to Medium-low
Paste the link into the address bar of IE in the RDP connection in order to download the installation file on the EC2 instance
Install Survey Solutions
Once the installer is downloaded, perform these installation steps (skip PostgreSQL part). When asked for the database connection, enter the endpoint from RDS setup and database credentials.
Change port from 9700 to 80
Delete default web site from IIS web sites list and add :80 port binding to Survey Solutions web site:
Right-click on start menu -> run
Execute inetmgr to start IIS manager
Look in the left-hand Connections panel
Expand the entry
Expand Sites
Right-click on Default Web Site and select remove
Select Survey Solutions site
In the right panel under Edit Site, click on Bindings
Select the existing site binding
Change Port from 9700 to 80
Leave host name empty for now
Expose 80 port to external users
In the AWS console EC2 running instances find security group where only web server is included (for me it is “launch-wizard-1”):
Navigate to Network & Security -> Security Groups in the left panel
Find group of the web server and click on it
Click Edit Inbound Rules
Add Rule
Type: HTTP
Select: as Source
Save rules
In Survey Solutions installation location Site folder find appsettings.production.ini file, and remove :9700 from BaseUrl.
When done correctly you should be able to access Survey Solutions application from your browser by using public DNS:
Copy value from your console to browser address bar:
Also we recommend enabling public DNS name for your survey solutions instance. Choose any DNS registrar you like, or maybe you already have domain name. When it is resolved to public IP address of Amazon EC2 instance change BaseURL setting in appsettings.production.ini file. If SSL is used, set BaseUrl to https://%your dns name%.
S3 Configuration
Survey Solutions can store multimedia data (images, audio audit, etc) in Amazon S3 storage to reduce load on database instance.
In order to enable S3 storage open S3 service console and create new bucket (you will need to pick name according to naming rules):
Now to enable Survey Solutions access to that bucket new IAM role will be required. In order to create it in services list find IAM, then go to Roles->Create new role:
Provide name, and attach appropriate S3 full access policy:
+Or create restricted policy via “Create Policy” button and to JSON tab add following content:
AWS IAM user should have following permissions on bucket:
Replace %YOUR_BUCKET_NAME% with Your own bucket name
In order to attach this role to EC2 instance open EC2 console, find the appropriate image and select Attach/Replace IAM role:
+Then select the created role:
In Survey Solutions installation location Site folder find appsettings.production.ini file.
Change storage options. In configuration file replace AppData key value to AppData=s3://%Your bucket name%/hq
+a. hq is the prefix for all data from HQ. Like a folder in file system where HQ will store it’s files
Add section with region configuration (use same region as your S3 bucket)
Your configuration file should contain such configuration:
+AppData = s3:/%YOUR_BUCKET_NAME%/hq
+Region = us-east-1 # replace with your region
Restart Windows image for changes to take effect.
Survey Solutions will create folder with configured tenant name where it will store the binary data for the interviews.
How to configure S3 outside of Amazon EC2 server
It is also posible to use S3 object storage outside of Amazon Cloud, but be aware that Amazon will apply additional billing on all used traffic between Your server and S3. You will need IAM user credentials (secret key ID and secret key)
For deployment on IIS You need to create special credentials file with IAM user credentials, and provide HQ application a location of this file
Create credential file somewhere on server, for example C:\inetpub\credentials or into Survey Solutions installation folder
It also possible to configure HQ to work with MiniO - self hosted object storage service https://min.io/
+There is a few additional settings required to be provided:
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+++ b/headquarters/config/azure-setup/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+Azure setup
az webapp update -g $RG -n $WEBAPPNAME --https-only true
Now to make sure all changes take effect restart webapp:
az webapp restart --name $WEBAPPNAME --resource-group $RG
In order to see running instance execute command:
echo "https://$(az webapp list --query "[0].{hostName: defaultHostName}" -o tsv)"
It will output address of your instance. Copy it from console to your browser application is up and running.
Post installation settings
Shown example creates smallest possible sku tier. It is enough to get started and do minor trainings, but its not recommended for production use. When you configured the software its possible to scaleup used App Service Plan. To do it find resource group you created in the beginning and find AppSvc-SurveySolutions-plan in the list (or name you gave to service plan). Here you can change available resources for Survey Solutions. On the overview tab you can see how much resources is consumed right now, so you can decide if its enough or not.
If you encreased app service plan resources but system still works slowly check if database instance keeps up with load. In same resources group find suso-postgres resource. On the overview tab you see resource utilization graph. See if current tier is enough for your load and scale up/down accordingly.
Please note that changing to and from the Basic compute tier or changing the backup redundancy options after server creation is not supported for PostgreSQL database. So if you plan a large scale survey start with general purpose instance at the beginning.
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index 00000000..40a8c919
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index 00000000..330d6665
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index 00000000..1fd742e9
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index 00000000..d95fe297
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index 00000000..2f3ced5b
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index 00000000..d542d685
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index 00000000..84fa0663
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index 00000000..a29e6a4b
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@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+Changing the Interface Language
Survey Solutions interface for Headquarter and Supervisor users can be
+presented in different languages. This article describes how to switch
+the interface to be presented in an alternative language.
Recall that both HQ and Supervisor users work via a web browser.
+Switching the interface is done by telling the browser to request the
+content in a particular language. Note that this affects both Survey
+Solutions and other sites that are visited with the same browser.
The following instructions are based on Google Chrome version
Start Google Chrome browser;
Click on the drop down menu
+ and select
+Settings item;
Click the Show advanced settings… link at the bottom;
Click Language and input settings button;
Click the Add button in the Languages list to add a language
+you need.
Drag and drop that language to the top of the list.
Click Done.
Close and restart the browser.
Mozilla Firefox
The following instructions are based on version 45.0.1 of Mozilla
Start the Mozilla Firefox browser.
Click on the drop down menu
+ and select
+Options item;
Select Content tab.
In the Languages section, click the Choose… button.
Select a new language you want to add from the drop-down menu and
+click the Add button.
Adjust the order of the languages to have the desired language at
+the top.
Click OK.
Close and restart the browser.
Microsoft Internet Explorer
The following instructions are based on the version 10.0.9200.16750 of
+Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Start Internet Explorer.
Click the gear icon
+ to access the drop-down
Select Internet Options.
In the General tab click Languages button:
Click the Add… button to add the desired language.
Use the Move up and Move down buttons to change the order of the
+languages to have the desired language at the top of the list.
Click OK.
Close and restart the browser.
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@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+Configuring export to external cloud storage.
Note that you need to substitute-in your server name in the RedirectUri
Decide which external storages you want to make available to the users of
+your server (this is shared across all workspaces) from the above mentioned
+list of cloud providers.
For each desired destination add a new section to the
+appsettings.Production.ini file based on the following templates:
Note that you need to provide your own ClientId and ClientSecret parameters
+that you obtain from Microsoft.
Restart the server if you’ve made these changes when it was started.
+The next time an HQ-user or admin visits the data export page, he will
+see the options to export to the cloud storages that were set up.
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@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+DB connection errors
The following error may be encountered during the server startup, when it fails
+to establish connection to the database server:
Note, that since the message is displayed on a publicly accessible page, it
+does not elaborate the specific reason for the problem.
When the server displays the above message, it is incapacitated and the error
+needs to be fixed asap. This is especially critical if the server is being
+utilized for CAWI surveys, where the respondents following the link in the
+invitation will likely be lost if they encounter this message instead of the
+survey form to fill out. Also the interviewers will not be able to synchronize
+their tablets, neither to submit collected interviews, nor to receive new
+assignments. In fact, because the database is storing the information that is
+needed to authenticate the users, no activity can be undertaken on the server
+that requires authentication.
Survey Solutions users (interviewers, supervisors, headquarters, etc.) cannot
+address this problem, since they don’t have direct access to the web server,
+nor to the DB server, but only through Survey Solutions program. Note also
+that their actions cannot trigger this problem (at least the developers are
+not aware of any way of doing this), it must have been caused by something else.
+If they encounter this error, they should notify their superiors, elevating
+the message to the person who has access to the OS account on the server
+(typically the person who has installed the Survey Solutions, who is installing
+the updates, or performs other server maintenance).
Hence, fixing this error requires access to the machine where Survey Solutions is
+installed, and the database server, which may be located on a different machine.
Conceptually, the problem is in communication between the part that services
+the users’ queries (the web server) and the part that stores the data
+(the DB server):
As the message instructs, first inspect the Survey Solutions server logs. They
+may point to a specific problem, such as the incorrect password or lack of
Next inspect the settings of the server, locate the DB connection string, and
+try to connect manually to the PostgreSQL DB server using the same account. When
+checking this connectivity, it is important to connect to the DB server
+specifically from the Web server, not from any other machine, as the network
+topology may imply different routing of queries from internal and external
Most common reasons for this problem are:
the DB server has been shut down or disconnected from the network, while the
+web server is still active;
a firewall or other security facility is preventing connectivity from the
+web server to the DB server;
if this is the first time the Survey Solutions is starting up, check if the
+connection string parameters have been entered correctly during the
+installation, as typos may have happened while entering the account name,
+password or the server address;
account changes at the DB server: password has been changed,
+permissions/roles changed, account removed or disabled;
if the DB server is hosted in the cloud, the cloud account may be
+suspended/disabled because of billing or other reasons.
Survey Solutions web server component is programmed to retry the call to the DB
+server if such a disruption occurs. The message indicates in how many seconds
+such a retry attempt will happen next (219 seconds in the screenshot above).
If the reason for the problem is temporary in nature, and the DB server starts
+responding again, then Survey Solutions will pick up that connection and
+continue. Still it is recommended to investigate the reason for the disruption.
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+++ b/headquarters/config/demo-server/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Demo server
Survey Solutions developers team provides a special demo server equipped with the latest version of the Survey Solutions Headquarters for the users that want to:
It is important to understand that this server may not be utilized for real survey data collection, because this server is a public server that anyone in the world can access, and also because the demo server is also periodically cleared (erazed), when it accumulates a lot of old surveys or users that are no longer active, usually once a month.
When you are using the demo server, you will start with the headquarters user role, and can create your own supervisors and interviewers, import your own questionnaires, create assignments, conduct and approve interviews, export data.
To access the demo server, in your browser proceed to:
+and sign in with the username DemoHQ and password XjQ2gTqFe8.
We ask the users never change the password for this headquarters user on the demo server!!
Please, do not change the password for the above account even if you get a warning from the Chrome browser like the one shown here:
(It is correct that the Chrome detects the password for the user is exposed, but this is exactly the intension to let the users log in.)
We also ask the users not to interfere with each other. If you didn’t create a particular interviewer or supervisor account, don’t touch it, or the work assigned to it.
We also provide miniature sandbox-like PDS (Personal Demo Servers), which can be instantly created from the self-service portal by individual users that prefer no interaction with other users. With PDS you get a control over the administrator account, and can create multiple HQ accounts, observer accounts, or try the Survey Solutions API.
⚠️ Remember that any data that you upload to the demo server is immediately visible to anyone. Do not upload anything confidential here: no real addresses, phone numbers, credit card numbers, or other sensitive or personally identifying information.
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+++ b/headquarters/config/device-logs/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Device Logs
Survey Solutions contains a built-in mechanism for logging the problems and transmitting the log data from tablets to the HQ server. This helps to investigate the issues where the interviewers can not supply any detailed problem report and commonly describe the problem with “it doesn’t work” or “it crashes” and it is difficult or not possible to access the device directly.
The information contained in the device logs is rather technical and should be interpreted by IT personnel or software developers. If you are looking for a description of activities undertaken by an interviewer, rather than solving a technical problem, then the Interviewer Actions Log must be used instead.
On the tablet
To obtain the device logs the interviewer should proceed to the Menu -> Diagnostics -> Send trace logs (which is option #3 in the article describing the Diagnostics page).
Internet connectivity is required to transmit the device logs to the server.
On the server
The trace logs sent from other devices are available to the server administrator, who can access them from Menu → Server Administration → click particular workspace name → Device logs:
The table contains the device identifier (visible on the tablet in the Settings Dialog), name (if available) and date/time when the logs package was sent.
Note that the user name may be missing, as the logs may be sent even before the user has successfully logged in.
The table is sortable by any of the columns. Click on the column header to sort.
To download the device logs, click on a particular row and select Download from the menu that appears.
Device log example
Each device log is a zip-archive, which contains one or more files with a description of various actions, error messages, etc which occurred on the tablet (whether or not the interviewer was explicitly notified about them). These are text files and can be opened with a text editor to inspect their contents. You can do so before sending the files if requested so by the development team.
Exactly the same device logs are also contained in tablet information packages (support packages). If you’ve already received a tablet information package there is usually no need to retrieve the device logs separately.
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@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+Deployment with Docker
You can install and run Survey Solutions Headquarters using our official Docker image.
Survey Solutions container can be executed on any hosting system that is capable of running linux/amd64 containers.
+Please refer to docker documentation page on how to install Docker for Your operating system - https://docs.docker.com/get-docker
Survey Solutions has linux based container image and cannot be run in Windows Containers. To run Survey Solutions in Docker on Windows you will need WSL2
You still need to have PostgreSQL server running, there is an example on doing it using docker with docker-compose.
Run Survey Solutions
Note: If you are on a Linux system, you might need to add sudo before the commands.
HQ_Headquarters__TenantName is required env variable in this release, this setting will be optional in future
+HQ_ConnectionStrings__DefaultConnection Connection String to Postgres instance. For parameters documentation refer to documentation
Survey Solutions has two usages of file system that should be persisted: interview binary data (images) and logs.
Docker provide quite a lot of options on how to handle persitent data. To preserve Survey Solutions data You must map local folder into container or use Docker Volumes.
All images uploaded to HQ during interviews are stored in /app/AppData folder.
Typing all those docker run parameters can be quite error prone. We provide a template for sample repository for running Survey Solutions with docker-compose in this repository https://github.com/surveysolutions/docker-compose.
While running Postgres instance in docker is viable solution, we strongly recommend to run PostgreSQL in separate server or use “managed” solutions provided by cloud providers(i.e. Amazon RDS, Azure Database for PostgreSQL, Google Cloud SQL, etc…)
Required configuration settings
There is several required configuration that You should be aware of to run in Docker.
HQ_Headquarters__TenantName is required in Survey Solution as of version v20.10. There is no visual features linked to this configuration. Will be dropped in future versions.
HQ_ConnectionStrings__DefaultConnection - connection string to Postgres database instance
HQ_Headquarters__BaseUrl - Base URL for HQ. Used in Web mode and emails.
HQ_Logging__LogsLocation: /app/AppData/logs can be configured to specify logs locations
Export_ExportSettings__DirectoryPath: /app/AppData/Export to preserve data export artifacts
Updating Survey Solutions
Stop docker container with Survey Solutions
Run docker pull surveysolutions/surveysolutions
Restart docker container
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+++ b/headquarters/config/export-service/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Export Service
Version 20.08 is delivered with export service embedded within Headquarters application. No separate windows service is installed in the system, only IIS website. All the information regarding startup of export you can find in logs folder. You still need to have BaseUrl configured properly, but no need to manage ExportServiceUrl configuration.
Version 20.07 and older
Survey solutions comes in two parts. Headquarters user facing web application (usually executed within IIS web server) and Export background windows service. Web site is communicating with its export service using HTTP protocol and specified in settings port. If you open your appsettings.Production.ini file you can find two URLs that are important for export service:
Export service is working, but fails to export data
When user requests export on data export page headquarters app sends HTTP request using DataExport:ExportServiceUrl configuration option to generate export. Part of this request is a headquarters app URL for export service to use when getting interview data. Back url that is sent to export service is configured in Headquarters:BaseUrl configuration option. Check if you can open headquarters application using configured url.
Export service unavailable
In order to check if export service is currently running you can open specified in configuration URL and append /.hc at the end. In default installation you should try opening http://localhost:5000/.hc url on machine where survey solutions is installed. If you see a single message saying Healthy it means export service is running.
If you don’t see a healthy status you should open services list (Press the Win + R keys on your keyboard, to open the Run window. Then, type “services.msc” and hit Enter or press OK) and find Survey Solutions Export Service
It should be in running status.
Reasons why export service cannot be launched can be found in Survey solutions installation / logs folder.
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index 00000000..2cb1297d
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index 00000000..ab44cccf
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Configuring Export in a Survey Solutions Server Farm
Configuring Export in a Survey Solutions Server Farm
March 13, 2024
Massive operations involving millions of respondents present considerable load on the infrastructure servicing the requests where Survey Solutions is deployed. This results in server administrators finding themselves in a situation where they need to scale up the infrastructure to ensure the system remains reliable and responsive. Such situations are neither new, nor specific to Survey Solutions software, but merely reflect the peaks in demand for resources that may fluctuate depending on the time of day, impact of ad campaigns, and other factors.
Most users (that start with a typical configuration of one web server and one database server) very quickly realize that scaling up and expanding their web servers capacity eliminates some of the critical bottlenecks.
As the operation continues to grow, or experiences higher shocks, the administrator can introduce more and more of the web server nodes to compensate for higher demand. Notably, some cloud-based systems allow for automatic expansion of the number of the server nodes when certain conditions are met. Yet for larger operations the export operation does not benefit much from the expansion of the number of web server nodes. The performance of the server farm at data export operation will still be limited by the performance of a single node producing the export.
One is tempted to introduce new, larger/higher-performing nodes into the pool of the servers in an attempt to boost the export performance, but this improvement is prone to an issue that any of the nodes may start processing export jobs, and thus the larger node will have roughly q/n probability to handle export operations (where n is total number of nodes, and q is the number of higher performing nodes).
Rather than manipulating the number of nodes, one needs to tell Survey Solutions nodes whether they are responsible for production of the export data or not. This can be done with the help of the IsReadOnly flag in the section [Job] of the appsettings.production.ini configuration file (requires Survey Solutions version 23.09.4 or newer).
The default value of this flag (if not specified) is false, meaning the node is not in the state preventing it from processing export jobs. In other words, at default configuration the node is participating in the pool of the nodes that are eligible for processing data export jobs. But this flag can be raised to true, indicating that even when this node sees an upcoming export job, it will not take action, allowing other nodes to process it. The strategy is to delegate handling the export jobs to the highest performing node(s) only, while designating all other notes to be in the readonly state in the farm (marked orange in the diagram below):
This strategy guarantees that when a new export job is posted it will be handled by a more productive node, while other nodes continue servicing other requests in parallel.
Note that:
The concept of read only here is meant with respect to export jobs. Nodes marked as IsReadOnly=true can still handle POST requests, such as to receive data from interviewers’ synchronization streams, or answers submitted by web respondents.
Regardless of the typology of nodes involved in the farm, they should share a common storage, which is regulated by the key AppData of the [FileStorage] section of the appsettings.production.ini file and this storage should not be affected by raising and dismantling the dynamic nodes.
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@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
Survey Solutions server administrator has access to the special healthcheck
+page using the following: menu → Administration → Diagnostics.
The health check diagnostics page shows:
Overall server health status.
Results of diagnostic checks.
Server metrics.
Statistics by workspace of the server.
Overall server health check
The following can be the statuses for the healthcheck:
Healthy (green) - export service is responding and can access headquarters;
Degraded (yellow) - export service is not answering;
Unhealthy (red) - export service cannot access headquarters;
Results of diagnostic checks.
These are the diagnostic checks related to server configuration: whether the
+settings are set up correctly and the different components are able to talk
+to each other. Most of these settings are taken from the application
+configuration file, which is modified during the server post-installation
Server metrics.
Server metrics characterize the server performance and workload, such as the
+CPU load, memory usage, number of concurrent queries, or the database footprint.
CPU usage the higher the value, the more busy the server is. Values close
+to 100% indicate that the server may be inadequate for the survey operation,
+which may result in requests not being addressed.
Working memory usage reports the consumption of memory (in GB). If this
+value approaches the physical amount of memory expanding the memory may
+improve the overall performance of the server.
Database size indicates overall DB footprint (estimation). Watch for the
+growth of the DB footprint especially on the systems that impose limits on the
+growth of the DB, such as RDS instances in AWS and other cloud-based providers.
Web interview connections reflects the number of concurrent web interview
+sessions (includes the review of completed interviews by the supervisors/HQ
+users, etc).
Stateful interviews in cache reflects the dynamics of the interviews cache,
+which expedites access to the contents of the interviews, such as when the
+interview is opened by several users.
Exceptions count reflects the number of exceptions experienced by the
+server software. Review the Survey Solutions server logs if this number is
Database connections shows the number of connections from the Survey
+Solutions web server to the DB server (refer to PostgreSQL documentation
Database network usage reflects the read/write traffic between the web
+server and the DB server.
Requests indicates the rate of requests to the server (in requests per
Statistics by workspace of the server
For each workspace it reports:
number of interviews, number of events and the corresponding size of the
+events database;
size of the workspace data;
number of emails regarding the completion of interviews in the sending
+queue currently.
Database-related metrics are as reported by Postgres and are based on estimation.
Please note that calculating server metrics may take some time. During the
+calculation the healthcheck page will show:
Server administrators are requested to inspect the indications of this panel for
+common problems before bringing them up to the support.
Under proper configuration all the checks in the health check page should
+pass in green. The number of broken packages may become positive due to
+miscoordination between the interviewers and supervisors (e.g. the same
+interview rejected to two different interviewers) even under normal work.
Remote monitoring
The overall healthcheck status is available for monitoring remotely (without
+authorization) at the following URL: https://your.server.name/.hc the response
+to which contains exactly one word: “Healthy”, “Degraded”, or “Unhealthy”.
Following the server metrics the healthcheck page shows the process of testing
+the WebSocket connectivity. Under the normal operation the user should observe
+a sequence of PING and PONG messages with an interval of about 1-3 seconds. If
+only PING messages are observed and no PONG responses are received, then the
+server is experiencing a disruption in the WebSocket connectivity. This
+connectivity is necessary for SignalR,
+which is utilized in Survey Solutions to conduct web interviews and allow the
+supervisors/HQ-users to review the interviews on the server.
The WebSockets test is only informative if ran from an external network
+(from the internet). When run directly on the server it will indicate
+availability of WebSockets, yet the real user experience may be different.
Note also that the PING-PONG communication here may indicate that a response
+has been received, but not over the WebSockets, but rather using LongPolling.
+This is not sufficient for Survey Solutions. Make sure the test succeeds in
+communication specifically over WebSockets.
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+Setup and Configuration
Survey Solutions server administrator
+may adjust the workspace settings. These settings affect simultaneously all
+surveys and all users in a particular workspace on the server and have the effect
+immediately when applied.
These settings are visible only to the user logged in in an administrative role
+and can be accessed from:
for the current workspace: Menu → Settings → Workspace settings.
for any other workspace: Menu → Administration → click particular workspace name → Settings.
Export Encryption
This group of settings contains settings that control the encryption of the data
+archive produced when exporting the data from Survey Solutions.
Make sure that you have an installed and running instance of PostgreSQL
+before running SurveySolutions.exe
You can download PostgreSQL from
+here and run the setup. Pick
+the latest stable version (note: Survey Solutions will not work with PostgreSQL
+prior to version 10.0).
During the process you’ll set the password for the database superuser:
Massive operations involving millions of respondents present considerable load on the infrastructure servicing the requests where Survey Solutions is deployed. This results in server administrators finding themselves in a situation where they need to scale up the infrastructure to ensure the system remains reliable and responsive. Such situations are neither new, nor specific to Survey Solutions software, but merely reflect the peaks in demand for resources that may fluctuate depending on the time of day, impact of ad campaigns, and other factors.
This page contains an outline of procedures that you may need to perform as instructed by developers. Please, pay attention to the steps and record the values and messages as instructed.
On the tablet:
Make sure you are logged out of the Interviewer application.
Reboot the tablet.
Start the Interviewer App.
Log in as interviewer,
Send to the person providing assistance (see bullets 3, 4, and 6 here):
the interviewer trace logs,
all tablet information, and
all technical information.
Interviewer trace logs shall be picked by the server administrator by visiting the corresponding server administration page: device logs.
Survey Solutions server administrator has access to the special healthcheck
+page using the following: menu → Administration → Diagnostics.
The health check diagnostics page shows:
Overall server health status.
Results of diagnostic checks.
Server metrics.
Statistics by workspace of the server.
Overall server health check
The following can be the statuses for the healthcheck:
Healthy (green) - export service is responding and can access headquarters;
Degraded (yellow) - export service is not answering;
Unhealthy (red) - export service cannot access headquarters;
Results of diagnostic checks.
These are the diagnostic checks related to server configuration: whether the
+settings are set up correctly and the different components are able to talk
+to each other. Most of these settings are taken from the application
+configuration file, which is modified during the server post-installation
Survey Solutions developers team provides a special demo server equipped with the latest version of the Survey Solutions Headquarters for the users that want to:
It is important to understand that this server may not be utilized for real survey data collection, because this server is a public server that anyone in the world can access, and also because the demo server is also periodically cleared (erazed), when it accumulates a lot of old surveys or users that are no longer active, usually once a month.
This article explains the importance of adequate storage space for a Survey Solutions server.
Survey Solutions saves a lot of data. Database sizes in the size of tens
+of GBs are commonly observed even in small surveys. Population censuses may
+consume TBs of data.
Survey Solutions stores the data:
in the database and
in files on file system of the server.
It is crucial that the system doesn’t run out of storage for its continuous and
+reliable operation.
You can install and run Survey Solutions Headquarters using our official Docker image.
Survey Solutions container can be executed on any hosting system that is capable of running linux/amd64 containers.
+Please refer to docker documentation page on how to install Docker for Your operating system - https://docs.docker.com/get-docker
Survey Solutions has linux based container image and cannot be run in Windows Containers. To run Survey Solutions in Docker on Windows you will need WSL2
How can I reset a password for a PDS should I forget it?
If you forget your password for the demo server, you can reset it, by
+right-clicking the server name, and selecting the Request password reset
+menu item in the self-service portal.
+The new password will be automatically generated and sent to your email.
+The older password will no longer be valid.
How do I know that a new password has been sent to me?
Password reset requests for PDS servers are processed automatically and
+the new password usually arrives within minutes after the request is
+submitted. You will see a notification of the password reset in the
+Notifications section of the self-service portal. When you see the
+notification this means that our system has processed your request,
+and sent out the new password. The notification as you see it in the
+portal will not show the actual password value, but rather it is covered
+with asterisks (a star-character: * ). The actual password can only be
+retrieved from the message you receive in your mailbox. It cannot be seen in the portal. It is not known to our support staff.
August 26, 2021
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+Installer Command Line Parameters
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+Setup and Configuration
The server and all stored data will be automatically deleted 30 days after it was created.
A PDS may not be extended, but can be requested again after it expires.
We do not do backups of data stored on PDS and there is no possibility for any data recovery after the site has been stopped (all content is deleted immediately).
Once a PDS is created for a user, it may not be transferred to another user.
The objective of a PDS is to give the user a playground to study and experiment
+and not to collect any real survey data. In fact the PDS are configured to
+handle only minimal workloads (approx 1,000 interviews).
The following errors may be encountered when working with a data server:
1. “Unable to import new questionnaire: Could not connect to Designer. Please check if Designer is available and try again."
Your Headquaters installation is trying to contact the Survey Solutions Designer server to import the questionnaire, but can’t reach it. It is very unlikely that the Designer is not responding or is not working read how to check here so the problem is most likely with your network configuration. Consult your network administrator and ask him/her to trace the signal and see where it stops. Most commonly it is prevented by your Firewall software or hardware.
The following error may be encountered during the server startup, when it fails
+to establish connection to the database server:
Note, that since the message is displayed on a publicly accessible page, it
+does not elaborate the specific reason for the problem.
When the server displays the above message, it is incapacitated and the error
+needs to be fixed asap. This is especially critical if the server is being
+utilized for CAWI surveys, where the respondents following the link in the
+invitation will likely be lost if they encounter this message instead of the
+survey form to fill out. Also the interviewers will not be able to synchronize
+their tablets, neither to submit collected interviews, nor to receive new
+assignments. In fact, because the database is storing the information that is
+needed to authenticate the users, no activity can be undertaken on the server
+that requires authentication.
Note that you need to substitute-in your server name in the RedirectUri
Decide which external storages you want to make available to the users of
+your server (this is shared across all workspaces) from the above mentioned
+list of cloud providers.
Support packages are also known as tablet information packages. These
+terms are used interchangeably in this documentation.
Survey Solutions contains a built-in mechanism for collecting the data from
+tablets and transmitting it to the HQ server. This helps to investigate the
+issues where the interviewers can not supply any detailed problem report and
+commonly describe the problem with “it doesn’t work” or “it crashes” and
+it is difficult or not possible to access the device directly.
Survey Solutions contains a built-in mechanism for logging the problems and transmitting the log data from tablets to the HQ server. This helps to investigate the issues where the interviewers can not supply any detailed problem report and commonly describe the problem with “it doesn’t work” or “it crashes” and it is difficult or not possible to access the device directly.
The information contained in the device logs is rather technical and should be interpreted by IT personnel or software developers. If you are looking for a description of activities undertaken by an interviewer, rather than solving a technical problem, then the Interviewer Actions Log must be used instead.
This article describes the main steps to setup your own
+Survey Solutions server.
Study the requirements for a server.
+These requirements are minimal and may be periodically revised.
+Your survey may require a different hardware configuration.
+You may need to calibrate for a few months before the survey
+to determine the optimal configuration.
Version 20.08 is delivered with export service embedded within Headquarters application. No separate windows service is installed in the system, only IIS website. All the information regarding startup of export you can find in logs folder. You still need to have BaseUrl configured properly, but no need to manage ExportServiceUrl configuration.
Version 20.07 and older
Survey solutions comes in two parts. Headquarters user facing web application (usually executed within IIS web server) and Export background windows service. Web site is communicating with its export service using HTTP protocol and specified in settings port. If you open your appsettings.Production.ini file you can find two URLs that are important for export service:
Survey Solutions map reports at the data server utilize maps provided by Google
+through their online service. The installation sets the parameters regulating
+access to this service with the parameters applicable to the majority of users,
+but these servers are known to be inaccessible from the networks in China.
To enable access to Google maps from China, a different server, specific to
+China, must be used. The following two parameters should be changed in the
+GoogleMap section in appsettings.Production.ini configuration file of the
+Survey Solutions server:
Survey Solutions interface for Headquarter and Supervisor users can be
+presented in different languages. This article describes how to switch
+the interface to be presented in an alternative language.
Recall that both HQ and Supervisor users work via a web browser.
+Switching the interface is done by telling the browser to request the
+content in a particular language. Note that this affects both Survey
+Solutions and other sites that are visited with the same browser.
June 16, 2016
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@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+PDS password reset
How can I reset a password for a PDS should I forget it?
If you forget your password for the demo server, you can reset it, by
+right-clicking the server name, and selecting the Request password reset
+menu item in the self-service portal.
+The new password will be automatically generated and sent to your email.
+The older password will no longer be valid.
How do I know that a new password has been sent to me?
Password reset requests for PDS servers are processed automatically and
+the new password usually arrives within minutes after the request is
+submitted. You will see a notification of the password reset in the
+Notifications section of the self-service portal. When you see the
+notification this means that our system has processed your request,
+and sent out the new password. The notification as you see it in the
+portal will not show the actual password value, but rather it is covered
+with asterisks (a star-character: * ). The actual password can only be
+retrieved from the message you receive in your mailbox. It cannot be seen in the portal. It is not known to our support staff.
I don’t find the message with a new password. What can I do next?
Please check your mailbox. Please see if you have any rules that sort
+messages by folders, bounce-back the messages, etc. Please check your spam folder.
Your email account may be managed by your organization. Consult your net-mail
+administrator if you are having troubles with your email account.
If you determine that the message was not received because your mailbox was
+full or for other similar reason, you can request the PDS password reset again.
Make sure that you are checking the correct mailbox if you have multiple.
Removing your PDS
If you wish to remove the personal demonstration server (with all content)
+earlier than 30 days after it was created, select the corresponding
+Remove server option. This will immediately stop the server and dispose of all collected data.
Otherwise (if you don’t request removal of the PDS) it will cease to exist at the due date automatically.
Disposing of the PDS does not affect the questionnaires templates stored in the Designer site.
After a PDS server is removed, a new PDS can be requested again.
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+Personal Demo Server
The server and all stored data will be automatically deleted 30 days after it was created.
A PDS may not be extended, but can be requested again after it expires.
We do not do backups of data stored on PDS and there is no possibility for any data recovery after the site has been stopped (all content is deleted immediately).
Once a PDS is created for a user, it may not be transferred to another user.
The objective of a PDS is to give the user a playground to study and experiment
+and not to collect any real survey data. In fact the PDS are configured to
+handle only minimal workloads (approx 1,000 interviews).
Once you learn how Survey Solutions works on a PDS, you can proceed to learning
+about standalone servers
+and prepare a server for your data collection operations.
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+Procedures for maintenance
This page contains an outline of procedures that you may need to perform as instructed by developers. Please, pay attention to the steps and record the values and messages as instructed.
On the tablet:
Make sure you are logged out of the Interviewer application.
Reboot the tablet.
Start the Interviewer App.
Log in as interviewer,
Send to the person providing assistance (see bullets 3, 4, and 6 here):
the interviewer trace logs,
all tablet information, and
all technical information.
Interviewer trace logs shall be picked by the server administrator by visiting the corresponding server administration page: device logs.
Tablet information packages shall be picked by the server administrator by
+visiting the corresponding server administration page:
+Menu → Administration → Tablet information packages
+and clicking on the download icon for the corresponding package.
Technical information is sent via any of the means set up on the tablet, which could be an email, messenger, saving as text or otherwise transfer to the station where the output of Procedure B1 is being collected for sending to the person providing assistance.
Procedure B2 shall be performed in English language. Set up your tablet (before step #6) to use English language as the main language of the interface.
Login to the Designer.
Copy public questionnaire “Service-B2” to obtain own copy.
+Take a note of how you’ve named this copy: ______________.
Login to your data server (as admin) and import that questionnaire copy (made in previous step).
Create a new interviewer account with any login name and password, and in any team. You can create a new team if necessary to avoid confusion of an existing supervisor. Take a note:
+interviewer account login: _____________ password: ______________.
Make one assignment to that interviewer account on the questionnaire imported in #3. Take a note:
+assignment id-number created: _______________.
Take a new tablet device. Connect to a WiFi internet connection which is known to be reliable and not manipulated by the ISP.
Install the Interviewer App from your data server to the tablet.
Login with the interviewer account (created in #4) and synchronize.
Make sure the assignment with the id-number recorded in #5 is received on the tablet.
a. If the assignment has not been received in #9: Do Procedure B1.
b. If the assignment is received in #9: start the interview based on that assignment, take note of the interview key assigned to this interview.
+Take a note of the interview key: ___ - ___ - ___ - ___.
Fill out the interview in #10b, mark as complete.
Synchronize the tablet. Make sure the synchronization was successful.
a. If synchronization does not succeed, repeat at least 10 times.
If synchronization has not succeeded after 10 attempts, do Procedure B1.
b. If synchronization does succeed in step #12, continue.
Assert that the interview with interview key assigned in #10b has left the dashboard of the tablet. If it has not, do Procedure B1, then STOP.
Assert that the interview with interview key assigned in #10b has been received at the server. If it has not, do Procedure B1, also include server logs as described in #7 here then STOP.
Open the interview you locate in step #14.
+If there is any error message record it below:
Regardless at which step you terminated Procedure B2 remember to log out of the admin account at the data server afterwards.
The questionnaire that you’ve imported to the data server at step #3 shall remain until the end of the investigation, and can be subsequently deleted.
The accounts created at step #4 cannot be deleted, but can be locked by the user that created it after completion of Procedure B2.
Procedure B3 shall be applied when the tablet can not communicate with the server and thus can’t send the logs there.
Turn on the tablet.
Start the Interviewer App. No need to log in.
Open Menu → Diagnostics
Click the link Generate support package
Save the resulting file to the tablet storage. Take a note of the file name: ________________________ .
Switch to the tablet’s file browser (may be called Files or otherwise, depending on the brand of the tablet and OS version).
Locate the file saved in step #5.
Send this file to the person providing support (by saving to USB flash, SD-Card, emailing, sending over Bluetooth, or any other feasible means of transfer).
This procedure is to be performed when the user obtains an unexplained error 403 "Forbidden" while working with the data server.
Open the browser’s development console (press F12).
Switch to the Network tab.
Refresh the current page (press F5) on which error 403 was obtained.
Select the page document in the Name tab.
Check the server parameter in the Response headers.
The proper value should mention ‘Microsoft-IIS’ for servers hosted in Microsoft IIS on Windows or ‘Kestrel’ for servers hosted in Docker.
Any other server value in this response header is indicative of some other
+device or program responding instead of Survey Solutions. Consult your network
+administrator regarding this issue.
PROCEDURE C2: Checking the system log.
This procedure is to be performed when the user seeks for evidence of server
+errors not logged in the application log (applicable to Windows-based servers).
This procedure makes use of the
+Event Viewer, which is part of
+MS Windows operating system.
When Event Viewer App is suggested, click to start it.
In the Event Viewer interface select Windows Logs, then Application.
Seek for the events with level Error. (Use timestamps as guidance to
+navigate to the part of the log close to the occurance of the problem.)
When errors are found, click on each log entry and inspect the information
+shown in the General and Details tabs.
Subsequent troubleshooting steps will depend on the kind of errors found in the log.
PROCEDURE M1. Dropping temporary export schemas
The procedure below may be used in cases when the data export does not succeed, such as when a message appears of “An unexpected error during data export…”. Note that this message may be appearing in different situations and the below listed procedure will not be able to resolve all of them.
When performed correctly the procedure is non-destructive, but if performed incorrectly may result in data loss. It is best performed by a qualified person with background in DB-management.
Connect to your database using the same connection string used in installation of Survey Solutions. If you are performing maintenance on somebody else’s server you will find the connection string (including the database name, user login and password) in the appsettings.ini file or inquire from the person who has access to these settings.
Find schemas that start with hq_ followed by a GUID (there may be more than 1 such schema).
Drop those schemas. If you are asked if you want cascading deletion, answer affirmatively. A third party instruction on deleting schemas in PostgreSQL via commands and using a point-and-click interface of pgAdmin is available at this external site.
Do not delete any other schemas, or your data will be lost.
Only delete schemas starting with hq_ and ending with a 32-hexdigit GUIDs.
Restart the Survey Solutions site in IIS.
Retry the export. The first export after performing the above steps may be considerably slower than your previous experience as the program is rebuilding the deleted schemas from raw data. The subsequent exports will be done faster.
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index 00000000..9adedef7
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/config/server-installation/images/pg_password.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e9d76d7a
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/config/server-installation/images/ss_connection_settings.png differ
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index 00000000..39674b89
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..097da951
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/config/server-installation/images/ss_location.png differ
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index 00000000..aa9c72bf
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@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+Server Installation
Make sure that you have an installed and running instance of PostgreSQL
+before running SurveySolutions.exe
You can download PostgreSQL from
+here and run the setup. Pick
+the latest stable version (note: Survey Solutions will not work with PostgreSQL
+prior to version 10.0).
During the process you’ll set the password for the database superuser:
📷 PostgreSQL password
and the port, on which the PostgreSQL server will be running:
By default, PostgreSQL is set up to allow connections from the same server only. If you are going to install
+Survey Solutions on the same server, you don’t need to change this default. However if you are splitting the database
+and the web application into two separate servers (may be advisable for larger-scale operations when administration and
+maintenance of the database is better by its own) you have to explicitly allow connections from external server to reach
+your PostgreSQL database. This is done by modifying pg_hba.config file and adding ip address of the webserver, which
+will run Survey Solutions. Please take a look at the documentation
+for further details.
Run SurveySolutions.exe. It will ask you for two parameters: install location
+and PostgreSQL connection parameters.
For the install location – choose any or keep the default (C:\Survey Solutions\)
📷 Survey Solutions location
For PostgreSQL connection parameters (default values will be already there)
+specify the port and password you’ve chosen when setting up the PostgreSQL
📷 Survey Solutions database connection
That’s it. At the end, finish installation page will automatically open
+in your browser where you’ll be able to create administrator user for
+Survey Solutions Headquarters application.
📷 Create a new Administrator user
The link to the site will be automatically added to your start menu, but you
+can always access it by directly typing the address in the browser’s address bar.
In order to check if the application is running correctly you can open
+http://localhost:9700/.hc URL. It should output Healthy message.
Post installation configuration
The post-installation configuration involves the following:
By default, Survey Solutions is installed as a web application and runs
+behind the IIS web server using port 9700. A custom port is used
+to avoid potential conflicts with existing web applications you may already be
+running on the same server. Also, most firewalls will block custom ports by default
+and this will help you in protecting your data by not exposing your application to
+external networks/Internet unintentionally.
Accessing your application via localhost only works from the same computer, in order
+to connect to it from a different machine or an Android tablet, you have to use (and know)
+your server’s ip address.
One option to find the computer’s ip address information is using ipconfig. To
+access it, right click on start menu, select run option and execute ipconfig /all command.
📷 Finding ip address
/all option is used in case your server has multiple network interfaces.
Once you locate the appropriate address, you can access your server from any other device (connected to the same network)
+by typing http://server_ip_address:9700/ in the browser. For our example, the address would look like
You can now change the port 9700 to 80 in the IIS configuration manager.
+To access it right click on start menu, select run option and execute the
+inetmgr command.
In the IIS Manager you will find the Survey Solutions application:
📷 Survey Solutions in IIS Manager
If you click on the Bindings... link in the right panel you will be
+able to add or modify ports that application listens to, such as 80 for HTTP, or 443 for HTTPS (see below).
Now you can ommit the custom port number when accessing the server -
Remembering and always typing ip address to connect to the server is still not the best and convinient approach. You
+could instead attach a domain name to your server, which would simplify work considerably. Moreover, in order to be
+able to use ssl encryption, you must have a domain name attached to the web application.
Obtaining a domain name for the specific purpose of running one application will depend on the way you’d like it to be
+accessed by your team and the users. If you would like to get a sub-domain (third-level, forth-level, etc, domain) under
+an existing domain name (for example, your organization already operates http://www.coolcompany.com address and you want to add
+http://survey.coolcompany.com) it may be as easy as contacting the right person/team who manages the main address and ask them
+to issue the sub-domain for you.
But if you instead prefer to have a dedicated, second-level domain name, like http://mycoolsurveys.com address, you will need to
+first buy and register the new address. There are many companies who provide global, or country-specific domain registration services,
+some of them offering free or discounted options, so finding an appropriate solution for your need would involve little
SSL certificate
If your Survey Solutions instance is exposed to the public in the Internet,
+it is highly recommended to setup SSL encryption for web server by applying
+an SSL certificate.
The configuration depends on the
+certificate provider
+that you choose, so refer to their documentation on how to setup IIS.
Firewall rules
To permit communication of Survey Solutions with the Designer and other utilized
+services you may need to enable certain ports or types of communication as
+listed below. The instructions vary by type of the security software used.
+See #3 in the FAQ for IT for common
+security software instructions.
allow incoming connections to the port that you’ve set up the server binding
+of Survey Solutions;
allow outgoing connections to the Designer site:
allow outgoing connections to the Survey Solutions site:
In addition expect the client (browser) to
send queries to the Maps server being used:
+typically https://maps.googleapis.com and https://google.com
+(or see here for
+alternative settings for China);
send queries to the CAPTCHA server being used (if it is used):
+https://www.google.com and https://www.gstatic.com
Survey Solutions operates with HTTP/HTTPS requests that may be rather large
+(multiple MB). Your server must be configured to receive and process such
+queries (rather than block them). This may necessitate additional
+WAF configuration. If
+this is not permitted, the interviewers may not be able to synchronize their
Load balancer
If you are using a load balancer, please make sure that it is configured to use:
sticky sessions, and
web sockets.
If this is not satisfied, web interviews will not work resulting in errors for
+the respondents (this may not be immediately obvious to the person setting up
+the Survey Solutions server).
If the Survey Solutions web server is placed behind a load balancer with
+SSL-termination, the following setting must be added to the Policies section
+of the appsettings.production.ini configuration file:
Survey Solutions application configuration
Open the /Site folder where Survey Solutions is installed, and open
+appsettings.production.ini file. This file will not be replaced during
+application upgrades and will retain your local server configuration.
📷 Survey Solutions configuration file
Base URL
If your server has domain name you need to change BaseUrl value to the name
+you have (without trailing slash at the end of the URL). Make sure that this
+URL can be used to open Survey Solutions app from server where application is
+installed, otherwise export won’t work.
Survey Solutions administrator can see if the BaseURL setting is not set up correctly in the Healthcheck page.
Without the correct specification of the BaseURL the server will not be able to generate correct links for:
downloading interviewer and supervisor apps (in qrcode);
sending invitations to web surveys.
A captcha is used to safeguard the
+application from brute-force attacks on user accounts and for protection of
+web mode from automatic creation of interviews.
Survey Solutions may utilize a built-in (hosted) implementation of captcha
+(default) or an external reCAPTCHA provided by Google (to be configured as
+per instructions below).
To take advantage of the more secure reCAPTCHA implementation by Google, you
+need to set it up in the Google reCAPTCHA admin and record the 2 issued keys
+into your configuration file.
Navigate to creation page
+to register a new captcha. Click on the ℹ️-icons will give you helpful hints
+on how to fill out that form.
Specify your public DNS name that is configured in
+Survey Solutions BaseUrl property for the site name.
When selecting the reCAPTCHA type, select version 2 ("reCAPTCHA v2").
You can specify additional emails to receive notifications on problems or
+increase in suspicious traffic (alerts are issued by Google).
After you click the Submit button you will see a page where you can copy
+the necessary site key and secret key. Then add the following content
+into your appsettings.Production.ini file:
+SecretKey=%Your secret key%
+SiteKey=%Your site key%
Google maps
If you are using a GPS question you should change
+Google maps API key.
+After creating it in the console, add it to the appsettings.Production.ini
+configuration file:
+ApiKey=%Your API key%
when not configured properly you will see error
+ReferenceError: google is not defined on the map report page:
📷 Survey Solutions maps error
GeoTIFF files support
If you are using
+functionality and plan using TIFF files as maps, then you need to install the
+GDAL library. The simplest way to do it (on Windows)
+is to use the OSGeo4W project:
+download installer from their web site and install only “GDAL”.
Survey Solutions will try to locate and make use of the GDAL libraries
+at the default installation path: C:\OSGeo4W64\bin\. If you’ve installed
+it to another folder then add the following configuration to your
+appsettings.Production.ini file:
+GdalHome=%Path to bin where GDAL is intalled%
If this step is not performed, the users of this Survey Solutions instance
+will not be able to upload maps in GeoTIFF format to the HQ. They will still
+be able to upload maps in other accepted formats.
Adjusting the settings of the DB connections pool
Survey Solutions communicates with the DB by utilizing a pool of connections,
+the size of which is regulated by the Maximum Pool Size parameter (integer).
If your server is servicing many users and/or is facilitating collection of a
+large web survey with many respondents you may need to increase the value of
+this parameter from its default value 100 to a larger value. This is done by
+adding the following:
Maximum Pool Size=#;
to the Default Connection key in the Connection Strings section of the
+appsettings.production.ini file, where # is the maximum pool size you
+want to set, for example: 200.
For Survey Solutions data servers controlled by the World Bank
If you are receiving a message
The requested URL was rejected. If you think you have made a valid request to a page on our website please report by clicking on the below link.
+Your support ID is: ###################
(where ##...# denotes a numeric ID), please write to lbadmin from your
+World Bank-staff email account and cite the message you received including the ##..# number. Please note: this message is not produced by the Survey Solutions software.
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+Survey Solutions Server
This article describes the main steps to setup your own
+Survey Solutions server.
Study the requirements for a server.
+These requirements are minimal and may be periodically revised.
+Your survey may require a different hardware configuration.
+You may need to calibrate for a few months before the survey
+to determine the optimal configuration.
Note: there is only one installation set regardless where you want
+to install: to a physical server or to a cloud-based server. The
+installation file for survey solutions may be obtained
+from the Download section of
+the self-service portal.
To host your Survey Solutions instance inside a docker container, follow the
+docker instructions.
If you are deploying to Amazon AWS cloud, there
+are additional instructions available:
+Installation to AWS.
For deployment on Microsoft Azure, please take a look at
+Azure setup.
Your network firewall or security software may need to
+be configured to permit Survey Solutions. See
+#3 in the FAQ.
Your backup system may need to be configured to cover
+the Survey Solutions data.
After the installation and configuration of your server
+follow the Survey Solutions release notifications and
+update your server periodically. You decide yourself on
+the frequency of the backups, updates and other maintenance
+that you do on your server.
The following page may be helpful in troubleshooting the errors with your server
+installation: Server errors.
If you experience any problem with exporting the data from the server,
+check out these instructions first.
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+Data Server Errors
The following errors may be encountered when working with a data server:
1. “Unable to import new questionnaire: Could not connect to Designer. Please check if Designer is available and try again."
Your Headquaters installation is trying to contact the Survey Solutions Designer server to import the questionnaire, but can’t reach it. It is very unlikely that the Designer is not responding or is not working read how to check here so the problem is most likely with your network configuration. Consult your network administrator and ask him/her to trace the signal and see where it stops. Most commonly it is prevented by your Firewall software or hardware.
Currently, Designer application is available at https://designer.mysurvey.solutions, this address is accessed every time an HQ-user is trying to import a questionnaire to the server. Please make sure that this URL is reachable from the server that is hosting the Headquarters app.
2. “The server is not registered with Questionnaire Designer. Please contact support for registration. IP=n1.n2.n3.n4”
This message was only issued by older installations of the Survey Solutions software, which should be updated by now. Survey Solutions doesn’t issue this message since version 20.05.
3. “New feature(s) is not supported by your installation. Please update."
You are trying to import a questionnaire that is utilizing a feature that your installation doesn’t support. (The message may also mention a specific feature). Either update your Survey Solutions installation, or re-design your questionnaire not to use the feature which is mentioned. Check the release notes for identifying recently added features that may not be avaialble in your current installation. Keep your data server recent to prevent bugs and security problems.
On the cloud servers that our team manages this error is very unlikely as we tend to update all of these servers within days after a new version is released. If you encounter this error on a cloud server https://*.mysurvey.solutions, and you believe the server should be already up-to-date by this time, please contact the support team.
4. “Export service unavailable."
Check the troubleshooting instructions for the export service contained in this article.
5. “Error during the site initialization. Check application log for details."
This error occurring at the startup of the website may be caused by various configuration problems, of which the log files
headquarters.*.log and
should be informative (date is contained instead of the * in real files). For example, this error may occur if the database connection string entered during the installation was specified incorrectly. See also #15 below if the message also mentions database connectivity.
6. “This application only runs on Windows Server NNNN or higher."
This error message is issued during the installation when the installation is taking place on a machine not satisfying the minimal requirements. Make sure you install Survey Solutions on a server version of MS Windows, not on a regular desktop version. Note also, that MS Windows NNNN Professional is not a server version of MS Windows.
7. “An unexpected error occured during export."
This error message may be seen at the data export page and is rare. It signals
+about a situation, which was unanticipated and the Survey Solutions export
+service didn’t manage to produce the data export file. It is not possible to
+say what exactly went wrong simply from this error message. Instead the server
+administrator should review the server logs and if not able to
+identify the problem independently, contact support. Users in the role of
+Headquarters should notify their server administrator regarding the occurrence
+of this error.
8. “ReferenceError: google is not defined."
The message is displayed when the user accesses the map report at the server, where
+the map engine settings were not configured correctly and hence the map may not be
See the Google maps
+section of the server installation instructions.
9. “Application cannot connect to database using provided connection string”
The Survey Solutions server couldn’t connect to the database that stores its
+data. This could be due to a number of reasons, most commonly because either the
+address of the DB server is specified incorrectly or because the server is not
10. “Error 28P01: password authentication failed for user
The error occurs at application startup and indicates that Survey Solutions
+could not access the database using the user name/password combination specified
+in the connection string. Typically the name of the user ‘postgres’ is mentioned
+in the error message unless a different user has been specified in the db
+connection string.
11. PostgreSQL error XX001
+Exception data:
+Severity: ERROR
+SqlState: XX001
+MessageText: could not read block ###### in file “~~~~~~~~”: read only ### of ### bytes
This error message is not displayed to the user, but may be encountered in the
+server log files visible to the system administrator (typically a different
+person from the Survey Solutions administrator). Visual clues to the users
+may vary, but generally may present themselves as “strange behavior”, which
+could be, for example, the Survey Solutions indicating that the export of
+data has been started, but never completes, or saying that a user has been
+created, while in fact it is not, and other similar unexplained deviations.
If it is present, it indicates that there was a problem reading the data stored
+in the database and transaction was aborted. This is a serious error, commonly
+caused by defective hardware.
Most of the users are never concerned about the database used by
+Survey Solutions internally, since all the data structures needed for functioning
+of the software are created, updated, and deleted automatically. Technically,
+though, Survey Solutions uses PostgreSQL database for storing the data (this
+may change in the future, refer to the installation instructions for the
+current version, section on prerequisites/dependencies).
+(PostgreSQL error)
If the above error message is encountered in the log files, the system
+administrator should plan for a recovery process. Some possible reasons for
+this problem and advice for recovery are available at the following page:
Continuing the use of a system with a corrupt database may aggravate the
+problem, making the recovery more difficult or impossible. Still, the system
+administrator must proceed with caution and make a snapshot of the data
+before making any corrections, because introducing any changes may limit
+the subsequent options for recovery.
The exact steps to do vary case by case, but will likely require professional
+expertise and results may vary. This is not an error caused by Survey
+Solutions code, so Survey Solutions developers will not be able to
+provide assistance in case of such failures.
12. PostgreSQL error XX002
+Exception data:
+Severity: ERROR
+SqlState: XX002
+MessageText: index “~~~~~~~~” contains unexpected zero page at block ###
+Hint: Please REINDEX it.
The above error message is evidence of violation of integrity of the database
+where Survey Solutions stores its data in the server
+(PostgreSQL error).
+If the problem is caused by failing hardware, then the severity is high and
+the user should follow the same advice as in the case #11 above.
If the thorough analysis of the hardware (including search for bad sectors,
+file read fails, etc) indicates that the hardware is healthy and reliable, the
+user should reindex the database as advised in the message.
The database index may be rebuilt if the data is not affected. But if the
+hardware has failed for the index, next time it may fail for the data,
+which will not be recoverable. Hence disregarding the hardware check
+is risky and not recommended. See also:
13. WAF blocking
An interviewer may report inability to log in to the tablet Interviewer App
+(see synchronization problems).
+This could be due to the server's
+WAF configuration.
+The issue occurs typically
+and manifests itself with:
an error message indicating that the site is not available:
+"No connection to the Survey Solutions Supervisor. Please make sure that the website is available."
during the first login to the tablet Interviewer App
the site is responding when accessed from a browser of the same tablet
the tablet is able to send diagnostics information to the server, but the diagnostics shows no errors or no relevant errors.
The issue can be diagnozed by making a probe synchronization and then
+reviewing the WAF log by the timestamp when the communication with the
+server was attempted. The log will contain the blocked query, for example
+/api/interviewer/... and the user-agent will indicate
+org.worldbank.solutions.interviewer/21.01 (or a similar version id).
The exact unblocking actions depend on the software facilitating WAF
+and the rules engaged and requires cooperation of the person or organization
+managing the WAF. See example for BIG-IP ASM
+on a third-party site.
14. WebSockets not enabled
The issue has the following symptomatics:
the server appears working normally;
an administrator or an HQ user cannot create new assignments one-by-one from a web interface, or
a supervisor can’t review a submitted interviw, or
an interviewer working on the server can’t start an interview, or
a respondent to web-interiew can’t open it.
Survey Solutions uses SignalR library,
+which communicates over WebSockets.
+If the WebSockets connectivity is not available, the above-mentioned functionality will not
+be available either. Survey Solutions may not control WebSockets on its own. WebSockets must
+be enabled by the person installing the Survey Solutions server. See more details at this
+Microsoft's page.
To help diagnoze this problem, refer to the WebSocket connectivity check
+as described in the Healthcheck article.
15. Application cannot connect to database using provided
+connection string. Check application log file for details
This message may be encountered when accessing the server login page in
+a browser, and indicates that the server failed to start. The application
+log files are described below. For this specific error, please refer to the
+page DB connection errors.
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+Server storage space
This article explains the importance of adequate storage space for a Survey Solutions server.
Survey Solutions saves a lot of data. Database sizes in the size of tens
+of GBs are commonly observed even in small surveys. Population censuses may
+consume TBs of data.
Survey Solutions stores the data:
in the database and
in files on file system of the server.
It is crucial that the system doesn’t run out of storage for its continuous and
+reliable operation.
The data transfer from mobile devices to the server involves complete data
+deletion on the mobile device after the server confirms that it has received
+the intended package. If the server has no storage needed to process and store
+the data from this package, as well as any supplementary updates to reports
+and other elements on the server, then the application may:
become unstable;
have some functionality not available, while other functionality working fine;
show incorrect content; or
stop responding or servicing further requests.
Notably, from the viewpoint of the interviewer the transfer succeeds when the
+server confirms receiving the data, so the interviewers can’t detect or react
+to this issue.
Correspondingly, it is important to monitor the growth of the footprint of
+the application in terms of storage space to avoid server downtime or data
+loss. The exact actions will depend on where and how the Survey Solutions
+is deployed, for example, whether the DB is located on the same machine or
+on a separate database server.
Generally the administrator of such a system (this may be and often is a
+different person then the administrator user in Survey Solutions) needs to
availability of free space on the file system of the machine used for
+servicing web requests;
availability of storage space for the database;
speed of expansion (which may not necessarily be linear, but exhibit cycles,
+for example by day of the week, or month of the year).
Survey Solutions itself may not accurately acquire these capacities (e.g. it
+has no idea how far the DB can grow on the server that stores the DB data),
+which are determined as a combination of the physical capacities, account
+limitations, storage consumption policies and quotas, etc, thus it can’t
+alert the user by itself that the storage is about to become full. Yet the
+Survey Solutions administrator user may see some statistics on the DB current
+footprint in the healthcheck page
+(including some statistics by workspace).
There are numerous third-party tools available for such monitoring.
For major cloud providers consider the tools that they provide when you host your server with them:
Alongside with tracking the use of the storage space, these tools
+give a lot of insights regarding many other aspects of the database
+state and are indispensable in optimizing the database performance.
Many of these tools provide the possibility to automatically notify
+the user about the event that the storage has become full or is about to become full (either by doing projections, or by registering the size is over a certain threshold limit).
Some tools allow for automatic increase of resources when the capacity
+is about to be exhausted or perform another scripted action to react to such an event. For example, the DB may be automatically
+resized as a reaction to the alert that a certain threshold has been
+reached. Automatic database expansion should be used with caution, as the running costs for operating the servers also increase in an automatic fashion.
Addressing the storage issue before it actually happens is usually much
+cheaper (in terms of staff time) then dealing with the consequences. Indeed,
+the consequences may spread across the board to other systems linked to a
+Survey Solutions server via API calls, which would not be able to have their
+requests processed and adequately responded to. Another obvious loss is the
+loss of a response, especially in the web interviews, where the respondent
+can no longer proceed with an interview, and may no longer return to the
+survey page because she has lost interest or motivation to participate in
+such a survey.
Revising the storage limits in a cloud infrastructure can be technically
+very quick, but may require additional costs, which may need to go through
+the procurement clearance (for corporate and institutional users), thus
+having an early warning is critical.
The exact response will depend, of course, on:
how quickly these issues (expanding the infrastructure) can get processed
+bureaucratically and technically;
how quickly the data footprint continues to grow;
how expensive or critical is the loss of responses, or having server
+downtime, etc.
👍 As a rule of thumb: if you feel that the data cumulates with the speed that
+you have less than a week-worth of storage left, start doing the revisions
👍 As a rule of thumb: if you have consumed half of the storage space,
+consider increasing it. (of course this depends on whether you’ve reached
+this point in the beginning, middle, or the end of the data collection,
+but remember that even if you are not collecting additional interviews,
+your data footprint may continue to grow, and thus needs storage for
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+Support packages
Support packages are also known as tablet information packages. These
+terms are used interchangeably in this documentation.
Survey Solutions contains a built-in mechanism for collecting the data from
+tablets and transmitting it to the HQ server. This helps to investigate the
+issues where the interviewers can not supply any detailed problem report and
+commonly describe the problem with “it doesn’t work” or “it crashes” and
+it is difficult or not possible to access the device directly.
The information contained in the tablet information packages (support packages)
+is rather technical and should be interpreted by IT personnel or software
+developers. If you are looking for a description of activities undertaken by
+an interviewer, rather than solving a technical problem, then the
+Interviewer Actions Log must
+be used instead.
Tablet information packages do contain confidential information of the kind
+processed by the Interviewer App. For transit, they are encrypted on the
+tablet before sending and decrypted on the server upon receiving.
On the tablet
To obtain the device logs the interviewer should proceed to the Menu ->
+Diagnostics -> Generate support package (which is option #5 in the article
+describing the Diagnostics page).
Internet connectivity is required to transmit the tablet information packages
+to the server.
On the server
The support packages sent from tablets are available to the server
+administrator, who can access them from Menu → Server Administration
+→ click particular workspace name → Tablet information packages:
The table contains the device identifier (visible on the tablet in the
+Settings Dialog),
+date/time when the logs package was sent, name (if available), user-id (if
+available), and size of the support package.
Note that the user name and id may be missing, as the packages may be sent
+even before the user has successfully logged in.
The table is sortable by any of the columns. Click on the column header to sort.
To download the support package, click on the download-icon located next to
+the package size.
Support packages
Each support package is a zip-archive, which contains a wealth of information
+on the tablet, including:
one or more log files with a description of various actions, error messages,
+etc which occurred on the tablet (as text files);
database snapshots (as binary data);
interviews data (as binary data);
audio recordings (if any);
questionnaire assemblies (compiled code);
device description file (text file);
other relevant information.
The support packages are not intended for end-user manipulation or processing.
+They are intended for the developers during debugging and troubleshooting
+sessions. Do not build any business logic around this functionality.
+Specifically, this is not a backup/restore functionality.
Device logs contained in support packages may be obtained separately, see the
+article on Device logs for details.
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+Support tool
Survey Solutions comes with a built-in support tool that can be used in special situations:
where an action needs to be taken programmatically;
where an action may not be taken through the web interface.
The support tool is being called via a command line (while being in the directory where Survey Solutions is installed), we type:
WB.UI.Headquarters.exe manage ...
followed by one of the following commands:
These commands and their subcommands and options are described below.
version –> Print application version information
This command doesn’t have any subcommands or options.
users –> Manage users of Headquarters
create Subcommand to create a new user account
+--username or --login
+--workspace or -w
reset-password Subcommand to reset password for an existing user
--username or --login
disable2fa Subcommand to disable 2-factor authentication for an existing user
--username or --login
releaselock Subcommand to release a security lock for an existing user
--username or --login
workspaces –> Manage workspaces
add Subcommand to add new workspace to Headquarters
--name or -n Name of the workspace
+--title or -t Title of the workspace
list Subcommand to list workspaces
migrate –> Migrate database to latest version
–wait-for-db Wait for DB to be available. Default is False.
–timeout Limit wait time for DB in seconds. Default is 0. Used in conjunction with --wait-for-db option
Users may also type: WB.UI.Headquarters.exe -help to obtain a quick summary of
+commands in the version they have installed.
Common use
Most users will never encounter a situation where they would need to use this
+support tool. But when they do, most commonly the support tool needs to be used:
to reset the password of the server administrator if it is forgotten, for example:
+.\WB.UI.Headquarters.exe manage users reset-password --username ACCOUNTNAME --password "NEWPASSWORD"
if the administrator’s account became inaccessible due to the two-factor authentication, where the token generator became lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise inaccessible, for example: .\WB.UI.Headquarters.exe manage users disable2fa --login loginName
in the situations where we need to release the automatic lock on login attempts when we believe that the account is no longer under a threat; for example: .\WB.UI.Headquarters.exe manage users releaselock --login loginName
to create a second administrator account;
to programmatically create a number of users and workspaces.
Note:make sure the new password that you assign when you do a password
+reset is compliant with the minimum security requirements for the account
+password at this server!
Use with Docker
When Survey Solutions is deployed in Docker, the command must be directed at a
+particular Docker container:
CONTAINERID is the ID of the Docker container you want to direct the
+command to, and
NORMALSYNTAX is the syntax you’d otherwise write after
+WB.UI.Headquarters.exe using the above description.
Example 1
to reset the password of the user with login name admin to the
+value AghyrAbyrr25 in the Docker container with the ID
+one can submit the following command:
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+Audio Audit Files
Survey Solutions has a feature of audio audit: a capability of recording an interview and provide the recording for the audit of the interviewing process. The recording covers all the duration of the interview from the moment it starts to completion, except the time when:
the tablet is off;
the user switches to a different app;
the interview is not active (Interviewer has switched to a different interview or switched to the dashboard);
the audio recording is done as an answer to an audio question;
when the interview is completed over the web (CAWI mode).
Audio audit files are exported as part of the binary data.
+The naming convention used in forming this data archive is as following:
the archive contains subfolders named according to the interview key in the form of NN-NN-NN-NN.
each subfolder corresponding to an interview may contain a subfolder AudioAudit if audio audit was activated for it.
within the AudioAudit folder one or more audio files may be present. These files are named according to the following pattern:
where ###..#`` is a 32-digit long hexadecimal ID of the interview interview__id` (NB: without any dashes);
YYYY - four digit year;
MM - two digit month;
DD - two digit day;
hh - two digit hour;
mm - two digit minute;
ss - two digit second;
fff - fractions of a second (milliseconds) - 3 digits.
The timestamp included into the name of the file indicates the beginning of the recording session. Provided that there were no adjustments to the device clock, the audio recordings should be replayed in the increasing order of the timestamps.
All components of date and time are left-padded with zero if necessary to achieve the declared width.
The audio audit recording files have file extension .m4a.
The format of audio recording in the audio audit files is:
AAC, mono, 44.100kHz
data rate: 64.10 kbit/sec
The approximate duration of 1 hour of audio recording is thus:
The exported data will be in a .zip file containing one or more files.
+The number of such files is a function of the structure of the
+questionnaire, meaning that exporting produces one file per level of
+observation in the questionnaire, or in other words in addition to one
+file at the questionnaire level, each roster in the questionnaire will
+generate another export file. For example, one file for household-level
+variables, one file for household member-level variables, and one file
+for asset-level or consumption item-level variables. Additionally, the
+.zip file will contain interview comments and interview actions files.
Note that the exported data differentiates between missing values caused
+by the logic of the questionnaire (skipped questions) and missing values
+due to absence of an answer. Only the values of the logically skipped
+questions will be have missing values (blanks in tab-delimited files),
+whereas -999999999 or ##N/A## (for string variables) will be
+exported whenever an answer to a question was expected, but not recorded
+for string variables).
Data formats
The actual files exported will differ slightly based on the file format
+you have chosen to use.
Tab** **
Exports tab-delimited data in .tab files
Each file is accompanied by a Stata .do file that reads the .tab
+file into memory, and applies variable and value labels
Exports DTA files directly. If .do file for applying variable and
+value labels desired, they can be found accompanying the
+tab-delimited data.
Version 14, which supports Unicode standard for string data.
Exports SAV file directly.
DDI** **
If you are thinking about
+committing your collected data into a public repository you are
+likely to be requested for a DDI description of your data.
Data Documentation Initiativeis an
+international project to create a standard for meta data in social
+sciences. You can export an xml file with meta information about
+your data for processing in DDI compatible software, for
+example Nesstar
+following information is exported: the list of data files,
+variables, their types, labels, question texts, interviewer
+instructions, etc.
**How the questionnaire structure affects the number of export files **
We will now explain how the data files are exported through an extended
+example. In Questionnaire Designer, the example survey (below) consists
+of questions about the interview at the household level and a household
+roster that include questions about each household member.
Data collected using this questionnaire is exported in the following
+number of files: One file at the questionnaire/household level of
+observation, another file at the household members/parent level, and two
+system generated service files on interview actions and comments.
Click the relevant links to see more detailed information regarding the
+anatomy of each
+file: Questionnaire (both
+questionnaire and parent level files), System
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+Data Export
Export of data may be requested at any time when the Survey Solutions server is
+running (during or after the survey) and it doesn’t cause any interruption of
+the synchronization (of mobile devices) or online work (CAWI surveys). In case
+the server is busy processing other export requests, the new export jobs are
+put into a queue and processed sequentially. This article describes how to
+request a data export from Survey Solutions.
In the main menu select Data Export.
Select the questionnaire corresponding to the survey that needs to be exported.
Select the questionnaire version (from available at the server).
Select the status of interviews that need to be exported or leave blank for
+export of all interviews (in any status).
Select data type, main survey data, binary data, or paradata.
Select whether to include metadata (does not apply to paradata export).
Select the format of the data file (does not apply to paradata export):
Tab-separated data (*.tab) - unicode text format with tab-character
+used as a delimiter.
Stata format (*.dta) - Stata statistical package format, Stata version 14 or newer can open these files.
SPSS format (*.sav) - SPSS statistical package format.
Select the export file destination (Binary data files, such as pictures and audio recordings are often large and can be time-consuming to download. One can opt for pushing the data to own cloud storage, rather than downloading directly):
Download - exported data will be prepared for downloading to the user’s machine.
Upload to OneDrive - when the data is ready it will be pushed to OneDrive cloud storage.
Upload to DropBox - when the data is ready it will be pushed to DropBox cloud storage.
Upload to Google Drive - when the data is ready it will be pushed to Google Drive cloud storage.
Press the Add to Queue button to create a new export job and add it to the queue of export jobs.
If the queue is empty, a new job is immediately picked for processing.
+Once an export job is processed, the result is either uploaded to the cloud
+destination, or a Download button is presented to the user in a card
+corresponding to the export job.
The cards are placed in the queue regardless whether the export was requested
+directly from the web interface, or by submitting the corresponding request via
+the Survey Solutions’ API.
If you’ve chosen export to the cloud storage, authenticate yourself with the
+corresponding cloud storage provider. Note that despite the cloud-to-cloud data
+transfer is usually faster than direct download, it may still take significant
+time to complete, especially for large surveys.
Statuses of interviews
In step 4 the user may select all interviews by not specifying any particular
+status, or rather select one of the following:
interviewer assigned
approved by supervisor
approved by headquarters
Note that selection is based on the current status of interview when the export
+of data is requested, and not on any of the past statuses that the interview
+had. For example, if the interview is currently in the status
+Approved by Headquarters it will not get exported when the status Completed
+is specified, despite having one or more Completed events in the past.
If metadata is requested to be included with main survey data, it includes:
a DDI description file (in XML format);
PDF documents containing textual representation of the questionnaire
+(1 document per each translation of the questionnaire);
a questionnaire document (in JSON format);
questionnaire attachments (images, and other files that may be embedded into
+the questionnaire).
Export cards corresponding to past export jobs can also be seen here.
Each such card compactly displays a great amount of information about the export
In this example
Export job number
Job status
Timestamp when the export job was created
May 01, 2024 22:08
Card menu button.
Title of the questionnaire and version
"2023_24 Kenya Integrated Survey of Agriculture Pilot" version 2
Format of export data
Selection of interviews for export
interviews in all statuses
Selection of language/translation
original language
the job prepared a file for downloading by the user
Time spent in queue
about a minute
Time spent on production of the export data
a few seconds
Timestamp when this job's output was last updated (output can be regenerated, see below)
May 01, 2024 22:08
Approximate size of the file for download
about 0.5 MB
DOWNLOAD button (during production of the export data, while the DOWNLOAD button is not available, this space is utilized to display the current export step, such as RUNNING or COMPRESSING).
Export card menu
Export card menu (4) provides only one item, which allows to regenerate the
+export of data with the same parameters, as for the current card.
When regeneration is started, a new export job is created and placed into the
+queue (and a new card appears in the export queue with a new job number).
+However, when the job completes, its result overrides all other jobs’ export
+data matching the same parameters. Hence there are two timestamps on each card,
+reflecting the point of processing of the job (3) and update of the data file
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@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+Export of calculated variables
Calculated variables are commonly used in CAPI questionnaires to implement complex
+checks or indicate to the interviewer some derived information. For
+example, one may create a variable that calculates the number of
+children in the household,
and use this variable in subsequent questions to check if the number of
+children in a household exceeds a specific threshold.
Starting with version 5.24 of Survey Solutions these variables will be
+automatically included in the export data. This is especially useful
+when the variables are dependent on random sequence of values generated
+by Survey Solutions, such as in the cases of random selection of
+respondents in households or enterprises.
+No special actions are required on the user side. After the upgrade the new
+data downloads will contain the calculated variables as part of the
+exported data. The variables are exported in the order they appear in
+the questionnaire.
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+How does Survey Solutions identify records and establish connections between data?
How does Survey Solutions identify records and establish connections between data?
October 5, 2020
Survey Solutions works with various surveys done in different conditions, so trying to come up with one naming scheme that would be equally suitable for all applications is a challenging task. A particular survey may come up with a numbering like 2 digits of the province code, followed by 3 digits of the district code, followed by the household id of 4 digits. Yet it is not a good identifier in the case where several surveys are conducted on the same server, or there may be repetitive visits, and other twists.
Survey Solutions protects the integrity of the data by not trusting the user to make the decisions where the integrity of data may be put at risk due to careless design. For that the program relies on a concept known as GUID (see more details in Wikipedia).
A GUID is assigned to any interview conducted with Survey Solutions. And:
such assignment is automatic - there is nothing that the designer or the administrator of the survey needs to do specially to make it happen.
such assignment is automatic - there is nothing that the designer or the administrator of the survey may do to prevent it from happening.
the assigned GUIDs are invisible to the interviewers and respondents: they never need to enter them or even know of their existence.
Example: In a survey of cars crossing the bridge you record (in a separate interview) for each car the following information: car type (passenger, lorry, bus, etc) and color (red/green/blue/etc).
The data may come out from Survey Solutions as:
The last column covered with asterisks indicates that there are also other automatically generated attributes of records, which are not relevant for this discussion.
The interview__id is a unique identifier. It is assigned to the whole interview when it is created in an unpredictable (chaotic, random) pattern and stays invariable through the existence of that interview.
If for any reason, such as publishing this dataset I needed a simpler looking car__id, once the data collection is completed I could generate it with the following Stata code:
generate long car__id = _n
Note that the exported records are not guaranteed to be in any order. Do not assume that they are e.g. chronological.
Example 2: In a household survey you collect (in a separate interview) for every household the household size, and for every household member their age and sex.
The data will come out of Survey Solutions in 2 files (in fact more, but other files are system-generated diagnostics and other information not relevant for this description).
The household level (interview level, or main) file will have the following layout:
The individual level data will come out as:
Note that there are duplicate values in each of the columns: interview__id and person__id. But there are never any duplicates in both columns at the same time. Thus interview__id and person__id is a joint identifier (aka compound key).
One can always create a single key from a compound key by writing together all the components, taking into account the width in digits. Such as in the above example the ID of the first person could be “e0c9d430a89241fb9078f81d738f112e1”. In practice we would first renumber the households, such as “e0c9d430a89241fb9078f81d738f112e” to “1”, “1cda4e243e76402e9bff0300fa93eaee” to “2”, and only then perform concatenation.
Note that the interview__id is not an increasing value. Newer IDs may be assigned from in between the already assigned, hence one can’t be using sorting of the GUIDs to renumber them in two different export files and obtain consistent renumbering.
The described mechanism of identification automatically extends to deeper levels of data in case of nested rosters. Up to 4 IDs corresponding to roster levels may be assigned, such as in cases of:
Building → household → person;
Household → plot → crop → crop disposition;
Company → department → employee;
Shop → isle → item, etc
Since the GUID is automatically generated and always utilized for establishing the links between different data levels, effectively the survey questionnaire doesn’t have to define any identifying questions (such as province, district, etc) for this purpose. Survey Solutions will automatically utilize the interview ID for this purpose instead. (Yet those fields are useful for locating the targeted household, hence a dedicated “Cover page” section is automatically added to every questionnaire).
Note also that the exact numbering of the persons in this example (and correspondingly other units in other surveys) may depend on what triggers the size of the roster. Gaps are possible in these IDs if the trigger question is e.g. a multiselect question (for the ID in that case is the code of only selected options), or a fixed roster (if the original numeration was not consecutive), or a text-list question (if deletions occurred from the beginning or the middle of the list). For any roster, the gaps in numbering are possible, if enabling conditions were specified to enable the roster records only for some of the units.
Example 3: In this example we consider a more complex survey, which happens in several steps: first administrative records for enterprises are consulted to determine the address of the enterprise and indicative number of employees. Then one or more interviewers are sent to the enterprise to conduct interviews with the owner (based on Questionnaire A) about the enterprise and employees (based on Questionnaire B) about their working histories. For small enterprises (<5 employees) only one employee is interviewed, for medium (6-20 employees) two are interviewed, for large (21-100) 5 are interviewed, for 100+ twenty must be interviewed. Correspondingly, after the assignments are made for Questionnaires A and B a link must be established between interviews collected in the two questionnaires. Since these are two different questionnaires, Survey Solutions doesn’t know about the connection between them, unless it is told so.
If we knew the interview__id of the enterprise interview, we could have preloaded that as a connecting information for the employees survey. But since the interview hasn’t happened yet, we can’t utilize this non-existing ID yet.
Luckily, there is a different source of identification available to us, which is assignment__id. This identifier is given to every assignment and correspondingly retained as an automatic attribute in any interview resulting from that assignment. Assignment numbers start with 2 (two).
Correspondingly, our sequence of actions would be:
Use the administrative information to determine the address of the enterprise.
Create an assignment in Survey Solutions based on questionnaire A with address as obtained in #1 above.
Preserve the resulting assignment number as G.
Use the administrative information to determine the enterprise size category, and corresponding number of personal interviews, denote it as N.
Create N assignments in Survey Solutions based on questionnaire B. Mark each with the same addressing information as for the enterprise, a sequential number 1..N and a hidden attribute h_assignment_number equal to G.
In practice the above should be implemented as a program/script and not performed manually, to avoid human errors.
After the data is collected on the enterprise and the employees, we export data from A and B, and unfold the link in the following manner: for every person in dataset B take her h_assignment_number value. Locate the record in A (main level) where assignment__number == h_assignment_number. There will be exactly one such record. Join the records based on this expression. Note that the same record from A will be utilized for multiple records in B (for there are multiple employees of the same enterprise).
If there are multiple surveys going on the same server, the assignment numbers in any particular survey may have gaps in numbering, such as 34, 35, 49, 50, … Assignment numbers are assigned on the Survey Solutions server chronologically, and thus assignments with larger numbers are more recent.
This may be inconvenient for subsequent processing or publication of data. The assignments may be renumbered to eliminate gaps. And in contrast to interview__ids the assignment__ids are strictly increasing.
We use the same approach for inter-temporal linking, such as linking 2-nd quarter data with the 1-st quarter data.
1. Why does not Survey Solutions number the interviews as simply 1,2,…. ?
Because Survey Solutions is a distributed system with semi-autonomous nodes. This means that tablet of interviewer 1 needs to assign numbers to interviews and tablet of interviewer 2 needs to do the same without a possibility of communicating to each other (and with all other tablets) before assigning a new number to an interview.
2. Why does not Survey Solutions number the interviews as username1, username2, username3, etc?
This would be incompatible with multi-mode surveys, where the same interviewer may be utilizing a tablet for some interviews and directly accessing the server for others.
3. In a panel survey I forgot to include the quarter (1,2,3,4) among the identifying variables, hence for each household I have 4 assignments with identical identification information. Is this a problem?
A proper setup should either include a quarter identifier among the variables as the cover page, or importing the questionnaire 4 times to isolate interviews of each quarter by questionnaire name plus version. Survey Solutions will not confuse the records corresponding to different interviews even if their identification information is exactly the same, because it peeks to the interview__id variable storing a unique GUID to match the records of different levels (such as persons to households). Yet your supervisors will have no obvious guidance on what is different between the 4 interviews, and finding an interview for e.g. the second quarter will be a problem. Should this happen in practice, utilize the paradata, or the system-generated interview__actions file to determine when the interview occurred and hence to which quarter it belongs.
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+Data Export
Export of data may be requested at any time when the Survey Solutions server is
+running (during or after the survey) and it doesn’t cause any interruption of
+the synchronization (of mobile devices) or online work (CAWI surveys). In case
+the server is busy processing other export requests, the new export jobs are
+put into a queue and processed sequentially. This article describes how to
+request a data export from Survey Solutions.
The above data files are saved in the same data format as the main survey
+data, for example, if the main data is requested in Stata format, the
+system-generated data files will also be exported in Stata format.
The data files are also accompanied by an automatically generated text file
+named export__readme.txt. This file documents which version of
+the Survey Solutions software was used to export the data, when the
+export was done, and placement of variables into the data files. Here is
+an example of such a file that
+may be accompanying, e.g. an agricultural survey.
Every survey collected in Survey Solutions is supplemented with a paradata file. No actions are needed from the questionnaire designers or headquarters team to collect it, it is produced automatically by the Survey Solutions software.
The paradata files describe the process of data collection. They explain how the data was entered, detailing all edits, who and when undertaken them. These files may be large and most conveniently processed using specialized statistical packages, rather than general purpose tools.
interview__diagnostics file is a special service file, automatically produced
+with every data export, that contains useful information for assessing the quality
+of interviews:
number of invalid entities (invalid answers and errors in static texts),
number of questions with comments,
duration of the interview etc.
For a description of available fields and their types, refer to this article.
This is especially useful for user-written monitoring systems that work alongside
+Survey Solutions and continually monitor the quality of incoming data by
+periodically exporting the data and building customized reports. Supervisors already
+had access to all the same information interactively through interview details and
+interview history pages. The interview statistics API endpoint has been updated to
+obtain the same information for API consumers.
Survey Solutions has a feature of audio audit: a capability of recording an interview and provide the recording for the audit of the interviewing process. The recording covers all the duration of the interview from the moment it starts to completion, except the time when:
the tablet is off;
the user switches to a different app;
the interview is not active (Interviewer has switched to a different interview or switched to the dashboard);
the audio recording is done as an answer to an audio question;
when the interview is completed over the web (CAWI mode).
Audio audit files are exported as part of the binary data.
+The naming convention used in forming this data archive is as following:
Survey Solutions works with various surveys done in different conditions, so trying to come up with one naming scheme that would be equally suitable for all applications is a challenging task. A particular survey may come up with a numbering like 2 digits of the province code, followed by 3 digits of the district code, followed by the household id of 4 digits. Yet it is not a good identifier in the case where several surveys are conducted on the same server, or there may be repetitive visits, and other twists.
Survey Solutions export file is a zip-archive with multiple data files corresponding to various levels of data and system-generated accompanying data reflecting the comments, errors, statuses and other technical information about interviews and assignments. When the corresponding setting is activated in the export interface, the data is accompanied with the meta-data reflecting the structure of the questionnaire. The meta-data is saved to the subfolder Questionnaire of the export archive.
The questionnaire subfolder contains the following information:
Survey Solutions produces export data files separately for each data level.
+This can be for example households, persons, plots, crops, etc. The process
+is completely automatic and not configurable by the user.
If you need to combine information from different data levels (for example
+bring household characteristics to the personal level) you can utilize a
+statistical package to post-process your data. This is a basic operation
+supported by most packages, such as SAS, SPSS, Stata, R and others, though
+the exact terms may differ by package. Note that doing this in spreadsheet
+applications like Excel introduces unnecessary complications.
Calculated variables are commonly used in CAPI questionnaires to implement complex
+checks or indicate to the interviewer some derived information. For
+example, one may create a variable that calculates the number of
+children in the household,
and use this variable in subsequent questions to check if the number of
+children in a household exceeds a specific threshold.
Starting with version 5.24 of Survey Solutions these variables will be
+automatically included in the export data. This is especially useful
+when the variables are dependent on random sequence of values generated
+by Survey Solutions, such as in the cases of random selection of
+respondents in households or enterprises.
+No special actions are required on the user side. After the upgrade the new
+data downloads will contain the calculated variables as part of the
+exported data. The variables are exported in the order they appear in
+the questionnaire.
Survey Solutions recognizes two situations of missingness:
the value is missing because the logic of the questionnaire is
+disabling (skipping) this question. There is nothing that the
+interviewer can do to enter a value in such a field and in some
+cases even to see the question and its options.
the value is missing despite the question is enabled (not skipped).
+This could be because of any of the following:
interviewer hasn’t reached this point in the interview;
interviewer missed the question, didn’t ask it and hence no answer
+was recorded;
none of the options was suitable to accommodate the respondent’s
+answer and hence the interviewer didn’t record the answer;
other similar situations.
In the first case the missingness will be reflected in the export data
+file with a system missing, in the second case special reserved values
+will be used:
June 13, 2017
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@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+Interview diagnostics file
interview__diagnostics file is a special service file, automatically produced
+with every data export, that contains useful information for assessing the quality
+of interviews:
number of invalid entities (invalid answers and errors in static texts),
number of questions with comments,
duration of the interview etc.
For a description of available fields and their types, refer to this article.
This is especially useful for user-written monitoring systems that work alongside
+Survey Solutions and continually monitor the quality of incoming data by
+periodically exporting the data and building customized reports. Supervisors already
+had access to all the same information interactively through interview details and
+interview history pages. The interview statistics API endpoint has been updated to
+obtain the same information for API consumers.
This feature was proposed by Andreas Kutka and other users.
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+Merging files of different data levels
Survey Solutions produces export data files separately for each data level.
+This can be for example households, persons, plots, crops, etc. The process
+is completely automatic and not configurable by the user.
If you need to combine information from different data levels (for example
+bring household characteristics to the personal level) you can utilize a
+statistical package to post-process your data. This is a basic operation
+supported by most packages, such as SAS, SPSS, Stata, R and others, though
+the exact terms may differ by package. Note that doing this in spreadsheet
+applications like Excel introduces unnecessary complications.
Here is an example. Suppose we have a survey with interviews
+corresponding to households and within each household we collect
+information about the household members. Each household has a
+categorical attribute region (among other characteristics) and a list of
+household members (text list type question hhmembers). Suppose further
+that the main survey level has the ID HOUSEHOLDS and the information
+about the household members is collected in the roster called MEMBERS.
Now, if we were to combine the household and personal information together,
+we would run a code like the following:
version 14.0
+ clear all
+ cd "C:\path\to\data\"
+ use "MEMBERS.dta"
+ merge m:1 interview__id using "HOUSEHOLDS.dta" , generate(merge_quality) keepusing(region)
+ tabulate merge_quality
+ assert merge_quality==3
+ drop merge_quality
where all the magic happens in the single merge command and the rest is
+helping to set the stage for the merge or to control the quality of the
Note that:
you will need to adjust the path to data as appropriate for the location
+of the unpacked exported data folder on your computer;
this is a many-to-one merge, since there are (potentially) multiple
+persons in a household;
we are merging by matching the cases based on the variable interview__id
+and in the resulting dataset the level is still that of persons, but now
+with the household variables (region in our case) attached;
in the resulting dataset the cases are identified by the household id
+variable interview__id and person id within the household variable
+hhmembers__id, both identifying variables are generated by Survey Solutions
all members of a household will have the same value of the region
+(and other household level variables);
we specified the names of the variable region to bring from the household
+level, you can omit this option and then Stata brings all the variables from
+that level.
Depending on the analysis that you intend to perform, you may need to
+merge sequentially several files, for example to bring the household and
+plot characteristics to the crop level, or make several merges to combine
+e.g. households with persons and households with livestock, or create
+other structures.
More formally:
the merge command in the Stata software is described in the
+following entry in the Stata manual online;
The exact syntax may vary by versions of a particular package. Refer to the
+documentation appropriate for the software you are using.
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+Organization of meta-data storage in the exported data
Organization of meta-data storage in the exported data
September 17, 2020
Survey Solutions export file is a zip-archive with multiple data files corresponding to various levels of data and system-generated accompanying data reflecting the comments, errors, statuses and other technical information about interviews and assignments. When the corresponding setting is activated in the export interface, the data is accompanied with the meta-data reflecting the structure of the questionnaire. The meta-data is saved to the subfolder Questionnaire of the export archive.
The questionnaire subfolder contains the following information:
file content.zip - which is the content of the questionnaire as it is designed in the Designer tool;
file ddi.xml - which is a representation of the questionnaire in the DDI format;
subfolder PDF - which contains PDF-previews of the questionnaire rendered in all languages of the questionnaire. The translations are named with a human-readable title of the language followed by the questionnaire variable (both as specified in the Designer tool).
The content of the questionnaire may be accessed by the user-written applications by inspecting the zip-archive content.zip. This archive has the following structure:
file document.json - JSON file describing the content of the questionnaire (includes all sections, questions, logical expressions, etc).
folder Attachments - contains individually saved attachments to questionnaire object. Each attachment is saved into a subfolder bearing the GUID of the attachment (as referenced to from the questionnaire document) and a file Content-Type.txt which mentions the attachment content type.
folder Categories - contains sets of reusable categories saved as individual files in Excel format (xlsx) and named with the GUID of the reusable categories set (as referenced from the questionnaire document).
folder Lookup Tables - contains lookup tables saved as individual files in tab-delimited text format (txt) and named with the GUID of the reusable categories set (as referenced from the questionnaire document).
folder Translations - contains translations of questionnaire saved as individual files in Excel format (xlsx) and named with the GUID of translation (as referenced from the questionnaire document).
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+Missing values
Survey Solutions recognizes two situations of missingness:
the value is missing because the logic of the questionnaire is
+disabling (skipping) this question. There is nothing that the
+interviewer can do to enter a value in such a field and in some
+cases even to see the question and its options.
the value is missing despite the question is enabled (not skipped).
+This could be because of any of the following:
interviewer hasn’t reached this point in the interview;
interviewer missed the question, didn’t ask it and hence no answer
+was recorded;
none of the options was suitable to accommodate the respondent’s
+answer and hence the interviewer didn’t record the answer;
other similar situations.
In the first case the missingness will be reflected in the export data
+file with a system missing, in the second case special reserved values
+will be used:
for numeric variables, the value: -999,999,999;
for string variables, the value: ##N/A##.
These special values should be replaced with proper missing values prior
+to performing the analysis.
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@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+Data Export
When Survey Solutions v5.18 is writing an exported data file in Stata
+format it is producing it according to Stata 14 data file specification,
+available from StataCorp LLC.
Stata versions prior to version 14.0 (e.g. 12.0, 13.1, etc) cannot open
+these files because these older versions of the software are not aware
+of the newer file format. The message that the user will see on the
+screen varies, and may look, for example like the following:
Recall that each exported file corresponds with a level of observation
+in the questionnaire. Rosters and their source question are exported as
Source question: Export file at the questionnaire level (corresponds
+with the name of the questionnaire)
Roster: Export file at the roster level (corresponds with the roster
List Roster
In the export file at the questionnaire level, a list roster source
+question generates as many columns as the defined maximum number of list
+elements. Recorded values will be shown in each column.
Every questionnaire will contain at least one data file corresponding to
+the main level of data, and potentially one or more subordinate files
+corresponding to additional levels defined by the rosters.
Questionnaire level file: file name corresponds to the title of the questionnaire
The questionnaire level export file consists of the following columns:
+Id, question variable names including roster trigger questions, and the
+system generated case Id.
The exported data will be in a .zip file containing one or more files.
+The number of such files is a function of the structure of the
+questionnaire, meaning that exporting produces one file per level of
+observation in the questionnaire, or in other words in addition to one
+file at the questionnaire level, each roster in the questionnaire will
+generate another export file. For example, one file for household-level
+variables, one file for household member-level variables, and one file
+for asset-level or consumption item-level variables. Additionally, the
+.zip file will contain interview comments and interview actions files.
August 18, 2016
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+Paradata file format
Every survey collected in Survey Solutions is supplemented with a paradata file. No actions are needed from the questionnaire designers or headquarters team to collect it, it is produced automatically by the Survey Solutions software.
The paradata files describe the process of data collection. They explain how the data was entered, detailing all edits, who and when undertaken them. These files may be large and most conveniently processed using specialized statistical packages, rather than general purpose tools.
The paradata is supplied in a zip archive with a tab-delimited data file and supplementary meta-data files inside.
Contents of paradata export archive
Paradata in tab-delimited format. Each line of this file corresponds to one recorded event. See below description of the columns of this file.
Script for Stata statistical package to import tab-delimited paradata. Example
Human-readable description file (in text format). Example
Machine-readable description/identification file (in JSON format). Example
Values are mostly same as they are present in the tab-delimited export files, with a few exceptions where the value in the tab-delimited file is split among multiple columns.
Values of multiselect questions are recorded as codes of selected items separated by commas: 323.0, 315.0, 147.0
Values of text list questions are recorded as specified items separated by the |-character: Sergiy|Maryna|Natalia
Values of GPS questions are represented in the form latitude,longitude[accuracy]altitude, such as 16.73526463,75.93207878[13]27
Indicates when the interview was approved by an HQ user.
Comment entered by the HQ user during approval.
Indicates when the supervisor approved the interview.
Comment entered by the supervisor during approval.
Indicates when the supervisor closed the interview opened for a review.
Occurs when a comment was written to a question in the interview.
Indicates when the interview was marked as completed by the interviewer.
Comment entered by the interviewer at completion.
⚠ This event is not included in the exported paradata file.
Event that corresponds to the group (section, subsection) being declared as enabled (to be skipped, not skipped).
⚠ This event is not included in the exported paradata file.
Event that corresponds to the group (section, subsection) being declared as disabled (to be answered, not skipped).
Occurs when the interview is created.
Event that occurs when the interviewer becomes responsible for the interview
+(for example, when the interview is created from an assignment).
Name of the interviewer that became responsible for this interview.
Event that occurs when the interview mode is set or changed
+(for example, when the interviewer switches from CAPI to CAWI).
New mode: CAPI or CAWI.
Newly created interview is assigned an interview key. Also occurs when a key
+of the interview is modified tue to a collision with an existing interview's key.
+Latest event will reflect the current interview key. Event may once OR twice per
+interview only.
Interview key in the form: NN-NN-NN-NN
Indicates when the supervisor opened the interview for a review.
Indicates a prolonged pause during the interviewing process, such as when the tablet goes into the sleep mode to conserve power.
Event corresponding to the situation when the value of the question deemed to be invalid (not passing the specified validation).
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0e9585db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/headquarters/export/paradata_file_format/resources/export__info.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "HeadquartersVersion": "23.09.3 (build 35381)",
+ "ExportServiceVersion": "23.09.2 (build 35198)",
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/headquarters/export/paradata_file_format/resources/export__readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Generated by Survey Solutions export module 23.09.2 (build 35198) on Wednesday, January 31, 2024
+The data in this download were collected using the Survey Solutions questionnaire "Agriculture Survey Listing Questionnaire".
+You can open the questionnaire in the Survey Solutions Designer online by that link: https://designer.mysurvey.solutions/questionnaire/details/GUIDGUIDGUIDGUIDGUIDGUIDGUIDGUID$123
diff --git a/headquarters/export/paradata_file_format/resources/paradata.do b/headquarters/export/paradata_file_format/resources/paradata.do
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+++ b/headquarters/export/paradata_file_format/resources/paradata.do
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+insheet using "paradata.tab", tab case names
+label variable interview__id `"Unique 32-character long identifier of the interview"'
+label variable order `"Sequential event number within each interview"'
+label variable event `"Type of event happened"'
+label variable responsible `"Login name of the person who initiated the event"'
+label define role 0 `""' 1 `"Interviewer"' 2 `"Supervisor"' 3 `"Headquarter"' 4 `"Administrator"' 5 `"API User"'
+label values role role
+label variable role `"System role of the person who initiated the event"'
+label variable timestamp_utc `"Date and time when the event happened"'
+label variable tz_offset `"Timezone offset relative to UTC"'
+label variable parameters `"Event-specific parameters"'
diff --git a/headquarters/export/questionnaire-data---export-file-anatomy/images/677291.png b/headquarters/export/questionnaire-data---export-file-anatomy/images/677291.png
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index 00000000..90006e04
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/export/questionnaire-data---export-file-anatomy/images/677291.png differ
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index 00000000..9d1b148a
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/export/questionnaire-data---export-file-anatomy/images/677291_hu14087300740751273475.png differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/export/questionnaire-data---export-file-anatomy/images/691174.png differ
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index 00000000..310dbede
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+++ b/headquarters/export/questionnaire-data---export-file-anatomy/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+Questionnaire Data - Export File Anatomy
Every questionnaire will contain at least one data file corresponding to
+the main level of data, and potentially one or more subordinate files
+corresponding to additional levels defined by the rosters.
Questionnaire level file: file name corresponds to the title of the questionnaire
The questionnaire level export file consists of the following columns:
+Id, question variable names including roster trigger questions, and the
+system generated case Id.
1. Id. Survey Solutions
+generated identifier for each survey case. 2. Variables for main (questionnaire)
+level. These variables contain the answers for the questions in
+the main questionnaire level. All sections of the questionnaire at the
+same level are automatically combined. 3. Rosters trigger questions.
+Answers to any questions that trigger rosters are also exported
+at their respective level. In this illustration the Household Roster
+(variable hh_list) and Garden Roster (variable garden_list) text list
+questions at the questionnaire level. 4. ssSys_IRnd. A system generated
+specific random number between 0 and 1 for each survey case.
+Subordinate file(s): file name corresponds to roster ID
The roster data is exported in subordinate files, which include the
+following columns: Id, trigger question (only if the roster is triggered
+by text list question), answers to roster questions, and system
+generated identifier ParentId1.
1. Id. Identifiers corresponding to
+roster row code (@rowcode) of each item. 2. Roster source question. Values
+recorded in the list question that has triggered the roster (only for
+rosters triggered by text list questions). 3. Variables for questions inside the
+household roster. 4. ParentId1. Refers to the Id
+attribute of the corresponding parent (record at higher level). For
+example, in this case the value of ParentId1 contains an identifier of
+the household, and this value matches the value in the Id column of the
+questionnaire level file.
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index 00000000..eed9989f
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/export/rosters-export-file-anatomy/images/713157.png differ
diff --git a/headquarters/export/rosters-export-file-anatomy/images/713157_hu17057967305671723299.png b/headquarters/export/rosters-export-file-anatomy/images/713157_hu17057967305671723299.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bc466b29
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/export/rosters-export-file-anatomy/images/713157_hu17057967305671723299.png differ
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index 00000000..e199dff5
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/export/rosters-export-file-anatomy/images/713158.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..70715d4b
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/export/rosters-export-file-anatomy/images/713158_hu9170247322391933492.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..05f21a1e
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/export/rosters-export-file-anatomy/images/713160.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ced6489
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/export/rosters-export-file-anatomy/images/713160_hu4564448132495009510.png differ
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index 00000000..2136902d
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/export/rosters-export-file-anatomy/images/713165.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..04f17a03
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/export/rosters-export-file-anatomy/images/713165_hu8300056290673420874.png differ
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index 00000000..203ce8aa
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/export/rosters-export-file-anatomy/images/713172.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6143c560
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/export/rosters-export-file-anatomy/images/713172_hu15411065029607983771.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..24aecacd
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/export/rosters-export-file-anatomy/images/713178.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..757cdd1b
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/export/rosters-export-file-anatomy/images/713178_hu14018952530687562484.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7323941a
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/export/rosters-export-file-anatomy/images/713181.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..98cb3050
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/export/rosters-export-file-anatomy/images/713181_hu16703413914254675128.png differ
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@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+Rosters-Export File Anatomy
Recall that each exported file corresponds with a level of observation
+in the questionnaire. Rosters and their source question are exported as
Source question: Export file at the questionnaire level (corresponds
+with the name of the questionnaire)
Roster: Export file at the roster level (corresponds with the roster
List Roster
In the export file at the questionnaire level, a list roster source
+question generates as many columns as the defined maximum number of list
+elements. Recorded values will be shown in each column.
In the export file at the roster level, each value recorded is on a
+separate row.
All files contain an Id and Parent Id column. The Id column corresponds
+to the order in which the list item is shown in the export file at the
+questionnaire level. The Parent Id column is the survey case Id number.
+The remaining columns in the file correspond to variable names of other
+questions in the roster.
Multi-Select Roster
In the export file at the questionnaire level, a multi-select roster
+source question generates an equal number of columns as there are answer
+options. Recorded values will be shown in each column.
The picture below displays how a multi-select roster source question in
+yes/no mode is exported.
In the export file at the roster level, each value recorded is on a
+separate row.
All files contain an Id and Parent Id column. The Id column corresponds
+to answer option code that is recorded as “yes” in the roster source
+question, which is also shown in the export file at the questionnaire
+level as “1”. The Parent Id column is the survey case Id number. The
+remaining columns in the file correspond to variable names of other
+questions in the roster.
Numeric Roster
In the questionnaire level export file, the numeric roster source
+question is simply one column labeled with the question variable name.
In the export file at the roster level, rows are generated according to
+the number recorded in the numeric roster source question.
All files contain an Id and Parent Id column. The Id column corresponds
+to row code of each item listed in the roster. The Parent Id column is
+the survey case Id number. The remaining columns in the file correspond
+to variable names of other questions in the roster.
Fixed Items Roster
Unlike the three other rosters described previously, the fixed titles
+roster is not linked to a source question, and therefore is not included
+in the questionnaire level export file.
In the export file at the roster level, rows are generated according to
+the number roster items defined in Designer. All files contain an Id and
+Parent Id column. The Id column corresponds to row code of each item
+listed in the roster. The Parent Id column is the survey case Id number.
+The remaining columns in the file correspond to variable names of
+questions in the roster.
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Stata export file format
When Survey Solutions v5.18 is writing an exported data file in Stata
+format it is producing it according to Stata 14 data file specification,
+available from StataCorp LLC.
Stata versions prior to version 14.0 (e.g. 12.0, 13.1, etc) cannot open
+these files because these older versions of the software are not aware
+of the newer file format. The message that the user will see on the
+screen varies, and may look, for example like the following:
dta too modern
+ File D:\1.dta is from a more recent version of Stata. Type update query
+ to determine whether a free update of Stata is available, and browse
+ http://www.stata.com/ to determine if a new version is available.
Or it may simply suggest that the data file is unknown format or
Users having access to Stata 14 software should open the files exported
+from Survey Solutions with the Stata 14 software. If they need to pass
+the data to users of older versions of Stata, they should resave the
+data in the older format by using the saveold command in their Stata
+(for each datafile produced by Survey Solutions).
Users not having access to Stata 14 software may download tab-delimited
+data and run the accompanying do-files to import the data into their
+Stata software, then save the imported data as a Stata file
+corresponding to their version of Stata.
Alternatively, users may download data exported from Survey Solutions in
+SPSS file format and import them with the help of a user-written command
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/headquarters/export/system-generated---export-file-anatomy/index.html b/headquarters/export/system-generated---export-file-anatomy/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..07513ce9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/headquarters/export/system-generated---export-file-anatomy/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+System generated files
The above data files are saved in the same data format as the main survey
+data, for example, if the main data is requested in Stata format, the
+system-generated data files will also be exported in Stata format.
The data files are also accompanied by an automatically generated text file
+named export__readme.txt. This file documents which version of
+the Survey Solutions software was used to export the data, when the
+export was done, and placement of variables into the data files. Here is
+an example of such a file that
+may be accompanying, e.g. an agricultural survey.
The contents of the system-generated data files is described in the table below:
A questionnaire document prepared in the Designer site needs to be imported
+to the Survey Solutions data server before the data collection may start in
+that survey. This article outlines how to import a questionnaire from the
+Designer to the HQ.
In the main menu select Survey setup, then Questionnaires.
Survey Solutions server administrator
+may inspect the server audit log. The audit log lists important events that were initiated by the users on the server, identifying who made that action, and when.
The server actually provides two kinds of audit logs: per workspace and server-wide.
To view the server audit log, the admin user should proceed to Menu → Administration → Audit log.
To view the audit log for a particular workspace, the admin user should proceed to Menu→ Administration→ click on a workspace name in the list of workspaces → Audit log.
The audit log presents its records as a table with the following attributes:
Audio auditing enables audio recording of the interviewing process for quality control.
+Audio auditing automatically records the full interview for selected assignments, stores
+the recording in encrypted audio files, and synchronizes these audio files along with the
+linked interview files. It is not possible to record only parts of an interview, but it
+is possible to select which assignments will be recorded.
How to enable/disable audio auditing
Before creating an assignment
In the main menu of the Headquarters navigate to Survey Setup > Questionnaires;
Click on a questionnaire;
In the context menu that appears, select Details;
Click in the box next to Record audio to enable audio auditing.
After this point, all created assignments will have audio audit enabled.
Exposed variables are special variables that are made available by Survey Solutions for speedy access that can be utilized for the filtering of observations in the interviews lists and map reports.
All questions and variables from the cover page of any questionnaire are automatically considered to be exposed and no action needs to be undertaken by the user to expose them. In addition the user may expose up to 15 questions or variables from the main level of the questionnaire (the interview level). These questions must be of the types that are acceptable for questions at the cover page.
Questionnaire details page reflects information about the questionnaire
+that has been earlier imported to the Headquarters. You access it by clicking
+a questionnaire in the list of imported questionnaires (Survey Setup/Questionnaires)
Notably, the information properties reflect the structure of the
+questionnaire as designed (number of sections, rosters, questions, etc)
+and the information about how the questionnaire is configured at the Headquarters
+(whether the web mode is on, whether the audio recording is turned on for
+new assignments, etc).
to specify survey instruments, create survey assignments with those
to export the data collected from these assignments (Data
to find a check the status of particular case assignments
The difference between the headquarters and administrator users is that
+the administrator can create headquarters/observer user accounts,
+archive user accounts, and delete questionnaire templates from the
+headquarters server.
Survey Solutions map reports at the data server utilize maps provided by Google
+through their online service. The installation sets the parameters regulating
+access to this service with the parameters applicable to the majority of users,
+but these servers are known to be inaccessible from the networks in China.
To enable access to Google maps from China, a different server, specific to
+China, must be used. The following two parameters should be changed in the
+GoogleMap section in appsettings.Production.ini configuration file of the
+Survey Solutions server:
Survey Solutions interface for Headquarter and Supervisor users can be
+presented in different languages. This article describes how to switch
+the interface to be presented in an alternative language.
Recall that both HQ and Supervisor users work via a web browser.
+Switching the interface is done by telling the browser to request the
+content in a particular language. Note that this affects both Survey
+Solutions and other sites that are visited with the same browser.
Survey Statistics report is accessible to supervisors and headquarter
+users, observers, and administrators.
The report presents basic statistics calculated on survey data currently
+on the server and eliminates (in some cases) the need to export the data
+for calculation of these statistics.
The report is always built within a single survey and is built for one
+of the questions in that survey.
The report may be presented in one of the two modes: tabulation or
+summary statistics. Summary statistics mode is always applied for the
+numeric questions, tabulation mode is always applied for categorical
+(single-select or multi-select questions).
The detailed action log allows the headquarters users view important
+actions undertaken by the interviewers on the tablets, such as
+application start and login activities, starting or discarding an
+interview, synchronization attempts, and other actions undertaken in the
+last 7 days. The actions log is updated with any synchronization of the
+tablet. (But if the tablet does not synchronize, there is no way for the
+HQ personnel to know what actions were undertaken, since this
+information won’t be sent).
This report is accessible in CSV, TSV, or Excel formats from the list of
+the interviewers screen and contains important information about the
+equipment being used by the interviewer and various statistics about the
+interviewer accounts, equipment status, etc.
Thematically the indicators reported here are placed in the following
Indicator naming
indicators related to the interviewer account these indicators represent static or accumulated information about the interviewer account
indicators related to the tablet device; these characteristics, like RAM size or manufacturer are not expected to change throughout the lifetime of the device.
indicators related to the current status; these characteristics, like battery charge, or screen orientation may change throughout the lifetime of the device.
indicators related to the last synchronization session; these indicators characterize the last synchronization session.
indicators related to dashboard of the interviewer these indicators characterize the state of the interviewer's dashboard.
Below is the full list of the indicators exported in this report and
+their interpretation
All the reports under this tab can be exported in XLSX, TAB, and CSV
+formats. To export, navigate to the bottom right of the report, and
+click on the desired download format.
Usage of online maps is possible in Survey Solutions by consuming data
+sources of Esri.
By default the API key is blank (not specified) and the online maps are not
+selectable on mobile devices. Specifying a valid key facilitates using Esri’s
+services supplying tiles for base map layer when:
using the map dashboard, and/or
answering geography type questions
in Interviewer and Supervisor apps.
Usage of the ESRI API key may (and likely will) cost you
+money. It is important to familiarize yourself with the pricing, plans, charges
+and limits as applicable. These conditions may be changed, possibly even without
+prior notice. Pricing and billing conditions may depend on whether the user is a
+private user or an organization. All of the billing for this service occurs
+between you and the corresponding provider, the Survey Solutions developers are
+not charging you for this service.
Survey Solutions Interviewer App displays maps for two purposes:
The dashboard depicts the assignments and interviews on the map by placing markers that correspond to the coordinates of an identifying question.
Geography questions (single- and multiple points, polyline and polygon) allow capturing geographical information by marking it on the map layer, typically a satellite or aero-photography.
Survey Solutions has been employing this functionality for several years already using the ESRI ArcGIS Android SDK components. A common problem for the interviewers is understanding the boundaries of their area of responsibility when using the above mentioned capabilities, because satellite and aero photography typically lacks the labels that help identify streets, blocks or landmarks.
An account that is created in Survey Solutions can not be deleted. Ever. This is because the account is mentioned in the history of the events that were originated by that user (such as created or completed an interview).
Yet an account can be archived, which is the closest thing to deleting it.
This action is available to an administrator only, which can (1) select the interviewer account to be archived and (2) click the Archive button to perform the action:
login to the server using your login and password;
navigate to your account settings (for interviewers:
+Interviewer profile –> Edit personal info);
click the Two factor authentication tab;
click the Setup authenticator button;
You will be presented with the Configure authenticator app form showing a QR-code.
Now take your Android, IOS or Windows phone or tablet and set up
+any of the following applications: Google Authenticator, Microsoft
+Authenticator, or another authenticator as designated by the survey
Observer is an optional account, kind of an HQ user with a limited
+functionality, to passively monitor a survey. Observer accesses
+information through impersonation, looking through the eyes of a
+different user.
An observer can do:
Read individual interviews including any comments left;
See reports;
See lists of users and their profiles.
An observer can not do:
approve/reject interviews;
create/delete assignments.
any other change-state operations;
download data.
An observer account is created for a server, not for a survey! Hence
+an observer user may monitor the activity in all surveys that are
+running on the server.
Dynamic filters are used to filter responses in the interviews list and in the map report. The filters can be formulated based on the variables belonging to the cover page and/or exposed variables.
Rules utilize comparative operators, that are logical operators for comparing the value to a constant. Which operators are available depends on the type of the question/variable:
For categorical single-select: equals, not equals.
For numeric: =, <>, <, <=, >, >=.
For text: equals, not equals, contains, not contains, starts with, not starts with.
For date:
on - event occurred specifically on that date;
not on - event didn’t occur on the specified date;
before - event occurred before the specified date;
not later than - event occurred before or on the specified date;
after - event occurred after the specified date;
on or after - event occurred on or after the specified date.
For all types of questions one can apply unary logical operators answered and not answered.
Check out the video below (starting from 0:30) to learn about the survey
+workflow in Survey Solutions.
Workflow Description
Headquarters, designated by the PC at the top of the figure, determines
+the subjects that need to be interviewed (households, firms, geographic
+area, etc.) and their assignments across team supervisors. Assignments
+can include one or more interview cases. Team supervisors, denoted by
+the laptops in the middle, first receive these assignments and then
+allocate them to the members of their team.
When Survey Solutions v5.18 is writing an exported data file in Stata
+format it is producing it according to Stata 14 data file specification,
+available from StataCorp LLC.
Stata versions prior to version 14.0 (e.g. 12.0, 13.1, etc) cannot open
+these files because these older versions of the software are not aware
+of the newer file format. The message that the user will see on the
+screen varies, and may look, for example like the following:
Recall that each exported file corresponds with a level of observation
+in the questionnaire. Rosters and their source question are exported as
Source question: Export file at the questionnaire level (corresponds
+with the name of the questionnaire)
Roster: Export file at the roster level (corresponds with the roster
List Roster
In the export file at the questionnaire level, a list roster source
+question generates as many columns as the defined maximum number of list
+elements. Recorded values will be shown in each column.
Every questionnaire will contain at least one data file corresponding to
+the main level of data, and potentially one or more subordinate files
+corresponding to additional levels defined by the rosters.
Questionnaire level file: file name corresponds to the title of the questionnaire
The questionnaire level export file consists of the following columns:
+Id, question variable names including roster trigger questions, and the
+system generated case Id.
The exported data will be in a .zip file containing one or more files.
+The number of such files is a function of the structure of the
+questionnaire, meaning that exporting produces one file per level of
+observation in the questionnaire, or in other words in addition to one
+file at the questionnaire level, each roster in the questionnaire will
+generate another export file. For example, one file for household-level
+variables, one file for household member-level variables, and one file
+for asset-level or consumption item-level variables. Additionally, the
+.zip file will contain interview comments and interview actions files.
Survey Solutions assignments play a critical role in the survey process because they regulate who is supposed to deliver the incoming data (interviews). Each assignment is referring to a particular questionnaire.
It is best to not modify the questionnaire during the survey. Some of the undesirable effects of this are:
the survey becomes split between several databases, each has to be downloaded separately from Survey Slutions and appended later using external tools;
the data may no longer be comparable (e.g. choice sets differ between questions);
the data quality may be heterogenious (differing between collected earlier and later periods);
interviewers may need retraining for the newer version of the questionnaire;
the process of upgrading the questionnaire needs to be followed by upgrading of assignments, which depends on which interviews have been already conducted and which have not.
Sometimes this is unavoidable, e.g. in case a gross mistake was made during the questionnaire development and further data collection based on unfixed version doesn’t make sense.
Starting with v18.06 Survey Solutions allows protecting values of
+trigger questions that have been preloaded from being subsequently
+modified by the interviewer. The protection applies to reduction, but
+permits extension. This is commonly needed in the panel surveys, where,
+for example, the names in the list of household members that are
+preloaded should not be eliminated by the interviewer, but new household
+members may be added if needed.
The protection applies to questions that may perform the role of
Survey Solutions allows preloading assignments with data, including
+answers to questions inside rosters and nested rosters.
It is the user’s responsibility to supply valid input files for this
+process. The user-supplied files will be validated to match the
+questionnaire template that is being preloaded. Survey Solutions can
+detect a number of inconsistencies and common problems and will indicate
+them during preloading.
Each detected error is having a code listed in the table below.
+Additional checks may be added in the future.
Clone questionnaire template: Copy the questionnaire
+templates previously imported to the server. This feature is only
+available to the administrator.
It is important to make sure that during preloading of multiple files
+the subordinate records are correctly identified.
The numbering depends on the kind of trigger used for determining the
+size of the roster:
fixed: the Id variable in the subordinate file should contain
+the code of the item specified in the Designer.
multiple choice: the subordinate file should contain the codes
+of items as specified during setting up the multiple choice question
+in the Designer.
numeric: the subordinate file should contain the items with
+sequential ids starting from zero (0);
text list: the subordinate file should contain the items with
+sequential ids starting from one (1). Note that the text list
+question itself requires indexing of members starting with zero (0).
For many surveys, creating assignments one by one will be a tedious and
+time intensive task. To help speed up your work, Survey Solutions allows
+you to batch upload many assignments at once using a tab delimited.
+Follow the steps below to perform a batch upload of assignments:
Step 1
Create a tab-delimited file with the identifying information for your
Before performing an interview, data collection teams must know the name
+(e.g., name and surname of the head of household) and/or location (e.g.,
+region, county, district, neighborhood) of who they should be
+interviewing. To facilitate locating the respondents, this identifying
+information will appear on the dashboard of enumerator app for each
+interview for which they are responsible.
Bulk email service providers solve the task of sending out a
+massive amount of emails. Survey Solutions may utilize such a
+service provider to deliver email invitations for CAWI surveys
+to the respondents. At the moment the following providers are supported:
Amazon SES;
Twilio SendGrid;
Other senders that support Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).
You don’t have to use the above services to conduct a CAWI
+survey, but in that case (just as it was in versions prior
+to 19.04) it will be your responsibility to deliver the links
+for the interviews to individual respondents. The use of the
+bulk email service providers streamlines this process.
Servers providing Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) service can be used to send out messages from Survey Solutions. The technical description for the SMTP has passed several revisions and users may refer to e.g. RFC 8314 for details.
The settings specific to using SMTP are described below, while the other settings common to other service providers are described in the article Bulk email service providers.
Amazon provides a number of services (free and paid) that may
+be of interest to the application developer. Here we are specifically
+interested in utilizing the Simple Email Service (SES) from within Survey
+Solutions for mass email sending.
Usage of this service may cost you money.
+Make sure you understand all charges, limits and policies before
+utilizing this service.
Survey Solutions presents several web pages to the respondents to the web
+surveys (CAWI). These pages may need to be customized at the web interview
+setup page: Menu → Survey Setup → Questionnaires →
+YourQuestionnaire → Web interview setup.
Changes made to these templates take immediate effect: any new page of the
+corresponding type will be shown using the most recently saved template.
Web page
Welcome page
This page is shown to the respondent opening the link to a web interview.
The content of this page will usually contain description of the survey,
+its purposes and objectives, motivation for participation, and other
The page consists of three user-editable elements:
description, and
the text on
+the button to start a new interview.
Survey coordinator may apply formatting to the description part of this
+web page.
Resume Page
A resume page is shown to the respondents when they resume an
+interrupted interview (started, but not completed).
The page consists of three user-editable elements:
description, and
the text on
+the button to resume the interview.
Survey coordinator may apply formatting to the description part of this
+web page.
The description may mention %QUESTIONNAIRE%, which will be automatically
+replaced with the name of the survey.
Provides a possibility to customize texts utilized at the
+system-generated Complete page of a web-interview.
The page consists of two user-editable elements:
Note for supervisor, and
Survey coordinator may not apply formatting in any of the elements of this
+web page.
Finish page
Provides a possibility to customize texts utilized at the
+page displayed after a web-interview is completed.
The page consists of two user-editable elements:
title, and
Survey coordinator may apply formatting to the description part of this
+web page.
Text formatting
Where formatting is supported it is entered using the following toolbar:
Survey Solutions can send email notifications to the respondents to the web
+surveys (CAWI). These notifications can be configured at the web interview
+setup page: Menu → Survey Setup → Questionnaires →
+YourQuestionnaire → Web interview setup.
Survey Solutions server automatically determines, which notifications need to be
+sent out to the respondents. Every hour the notifications of the type marked
+with ^ in the table below are sent out, if a
+bulk email service provider has been set
In addition to CAPI surveys on Android tablets, Survey Solutions
+provides two distinct possibilities:
Interviewing: Interviewers conduct interviews using the
+web interface (without a tablet);
Self-enumeration: Respondents fill out interviews in the browser.
The difference is essential:
In the first case the person filling out the interview is a known
+member of the team, has an account created in the system, assigned
+to a team of a certain supervisor and so on. We use this mode when
+e.g. we set up a call centre and our interviewers don’t physically
+travel to the respondent, so don’t need a mobile device (tablet)
+or to work offline (disconnected), but collect multiple interviews
+and report to a certain supervisor;
SendGrid is a bulk email service provider that can be used in Survey
+Solutions for delivering invitations for CAWI surveys as an alternative
+to Amazon SES:
Usage of this service may cost you money.
+Make sure you understand all charges, limits and policies before
+utilizing this service.
SendGrid reqires you to have a domain and confirm yourself
+as a domain owner. The sending address must belong to this
+domain. For example, if you want to send emails from name@site.com
+you must confirm yourself as the owner of the site.com.
Web interviews conducted with Survey Solutions contain reasonable
+default messages suitable for many surveys. But if the default messages
+are not suitable for a certain purpose, they can be customized in the
+web survey setup dialog at the Survey Solutions Headquarters:
For every parameter select if you wish to display a built-in default
+message, or a custom one, and if so, provide your custom (formatted)
+text of such a message. You can use the formatting toolbar provided in
+the editor to adjust the font color and font attributes, include
+numbered and bullet lists, and include hyperlinks.
Introduction to the Survey Solutions API R-package
Why this package
The World Bank’s Computer Assisted Survey System (CASS) Survey Solutions is a powerful tool for high quality data collection and used in many statistical offices around the world. Besides the standard GUI, it also comes with a powerful REST API. For details see https://docs.mysurvey.solutions/
To further facilitate its integration in a fully automated workflow we have developed this R package, which covers almost all of the available API calls. With this vignette you get a first overview on the different functions, further vignettes are available on survey management, paradata analysis and shiny integration.
Survey Solutions includes a powerful and flexible API which allows
+automating some tasks and allows our users to build larger systems,
+which may compliment Survey Solutions to achieve larger goals.
Some examples of use could be:
schedule periodic export of collected data
an external dashboard or monitoring and reporting system, which
+updates some indicators every night and publishes them to a website,
an external checking and validation system which verifies collected
+data against some external sources of information and rejects
+automatically the incorrect interviews, or
an integrated system, which utilizes Survey Solutions for data
+collections tasks and a statistical package for continuous analysis,
facility management, inventory and price monitoring systems, etc,
It is up to our users to decide on the particular scenario of use taking
+into account their needs and existing legacy systems already in place.
+The integration mode is usually dictated by the external system, which
+may determine, for example, in which language the system is implemented
+or to which storage the data is transferred from Survey Solutions.
Introduction to the Survey Solutions .NET API Client package
There is a client library aviable to be used in .NET runtime to execute API methods of Survey Solutions software. In order to get started install dotnet SDK.
+After done that you will be able to use included in SDK CLI to create a new project, execute the following command:
SSAW PowerShell module contains cmdlets wrapping Survey Solutions API to abstract away from some of the HTTP details.
+As PowerShell command-line shell is already present and all Windows machines, users can start automating their interaction
+with Survey Solutions application without any additional software development. PowerShell can be installed on Mac and Linux
+computers as well, but you may prefer to use the Python client insted.
diff --git a/headquarters/interview-tab-how-to-find-review-and-delete-survey-cases-/index.html b/headquarters/interview-tab-how-to-find-review-and-delete-survey-cases-/index.html
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+Headquarters user: Browsing the Completed Interview
Headquarters user: Browsing the Completed Interview
July 19, 2016
Step 1
Log in to your server using a headquarters account. If you are testing
+Survey Solutions, log in to the demo server
Step 2
Go to the Interviews tab
Step 3
From the filter on the left side of the screen, select Approved By
Step 4
Click on the interview key for the survey case that you would like to
Now you can see all the answers given by the respondents—the answers
+marked in red are invalid according to the validation rules.
Step 5
If the interview should be approved, click on the Approve button. To
+return it to the supervisor, click on the Reject button.
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Dynamic filters are used to filter responses in the interviews list and in the map report. The filters can be formulated based on the variables belonging to the cover page and/or exposed variables.
Rules utilize comparative operators, that are logical operators for comparing the value to a constant. Which operators are available depends on the type of the question/variable:
For categorical single-select: equals, not equals.
For numeric: =, <>, <, <=, >, >=.
For text: equals, not equals, contains, not contains, starts with, not starts with.
For date:
on - event occurred specifically on that date;
not on - event didn’t occur on the specified date;
before - event occurred before the specified date;
not later than - event occurred before or on the specified date;
after - event occurred after the specified date;
on or after - event occurred on or after the specified date.
For all types of questions one can apply unary logical operators answered and not answered.
Check out the video below (starting from 0:30) to learn about the survey
+workflow in Survey Solutions.
Workflow Description
Headquarters, designated by the PC at the top of the figure, determines
+the subjects that need to be interviewed (households, firms, geographic
+area, etc.) and their assignments across team supervisors. Assignments
+can include one or more interview cases. Team supervisors, denoted by
+the laptops in the middle, first receive these assignments and then
+allocate them to the members of their team.
June 29, 2016
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+Interview Tab: How to Find, Review, and Delete Survey Cases
The interview tab consists of the following tools:
Database of survey cases. The rows are survey case entries. The
+columns capture details about survey cases, such as the respondent’s
+address, interview status, and an indicator that the interviewer has
+or has not received the survey case.
Filters for querying the database. The database can be filtered
+to show only the survey cases of interest—for example, those with a
+particular status or those done by a particular supervisor.
**Toolbar with a Delete, Approve, and Reject button. **Survey cases
+can be deleted, approved, or rejected individually or as a group by
+selecting the check box next to each case. The toolbar will appear
+if one or more cases have been selected. If you would like to select
+all the survey cases displayed on that page, click on the first
+check box at the top of the list.
Interview Key. This is a system generated random number for each
+survey assignment. Completed survey cases can be reviewed in detail
+by clicking on the interview key for that case. This will open
+another interface that will be discussed below.
Search bar to navigate through the survey cases quickly.
Search for survey cases
The Interview tab contains a detailed list of survey cases— those that
+have been completed, those that supervisors have approved and sent for
+headquarters’ review.
The details can be used to search for particular survey cases. The
+interview panel in the lower right-hand quadrant of the screen presents
+a list of interviews and information about them—where the respondent is
+located (Identifying Questions), which supervisor is responsible
+(Responsible), when the assignment was last updated (Last Updated), how
+many errors the interview contains (Errors), what status the interview
+has (Status), whether the interviewer has received the assignment
+(Received by Interviewer), and in the case of census mode surveys
+whether the case has been created on the device by the interviewer
+(Created on Client).
There are three mechanisms for finding a survey. The first is by
+clicking on the arrow associated with any column of the information in
+the lower right-hand quadrant. This will sort the list of surveys in
+ascending (^) or descending (v) order by that chosen column.
The second mechanism is through the filters located on the left-hand
+side of the screen. To narrow down the list of survey cases,
+headquarters may filter by the questionnaire (Questionnaire), team
+member responsible (Responsible), the status of the interview (Status),
+and/or the assignment of the interview.
The third mechanism is through the search field located in the toolbar.
+Use keywords to narrow down the list of survey cases.
The following are searched:
values of identifying questions;
Interview keys
Interview IDs.
The search term must appear from the start of the value. If the search
+term appears in the middle or end of the value, it will not be matched.
+For example, if you are searching for 321 the following records will
ENUMERATION AREA: 3218 ADDRESS: 1064 Main str. ENUMERATION AREA: 1800 ADDRESS: 3212 Freedom Ave.
And the following will not match: ENUMERATION AREA: 3118 ADDRESS: 1321 Main str. ENUMERATION AREA: 5216 ADDRESS: 1064 Main str., apt 321
Reallocate survey cases between teams
Survey cases will need to be reallocated when a new team is created and
+needs to take over some of the work from existing teams. Cases can be
+reassigned by a Headquarter user from one team to another.
Reassignment is possible when the interview is in any status except the
+following two: “ApprovedByHeadquarter” and “ApprovedBySupervisor”.
+ To reassign cases, select the check boxes for the cases you wish to
+reassign, and click on the green assign button.
Review survey cases
The questionnaire review interface consists of five components:
Navigation pane. Displays a table of contents for the
+questionnaire, where you can use each entry in this pane to see a
+particular part of the questionnaire. Clicking on the top entry, the
+name of the questionnaire, brings the full questionnaire back into
Filters. These boxes can be used to see questions that have
+certain attributes—for example, comments or flags.
Questionnaire review pane. Questions and their answers are
+rendered just like the Interviewer application.
Comment. Click on the three dots on the corner of the question.
+Then, select add comment. Comments associated with the selected
+item will be shown below the question answer.
Approve/reject buttons. These buttons determine whether a
+questionnaire returns to the supervisor or is integrated into the
+final data set.
**Language dropdown menu. **If the questionnaire is a multilingual
+the user can toggle between languages using this menu.
**Flags. **Questions can be marked during the review process.
+Use the filters (2) to only show the questions that have been
Headquarters plays a critical quality control role in the Survey
+Solutions workflow. Supervisors supervise enumerators, reviewing
+questionnaires the latter completes. Headquarters supervises
+supervisors, reviewing the questionnaires the latter approves.
To do this, first headquarters clicks on the Interview Key associated
+with any questionnaire whose status is ApprovedBySupervisor.
Then, headquarters reviews the questionnaire for completeness,
+consistency, and plausibility of answers using the questionnaire review
+interface. The questionnaire pane, located in the middle of the screen,
+contains the questions and their answers.
Groups, on the left-hand part of the screen, allow headquarters to see
+different parts of the questionnaire when any element of the pane is
+clicked. The top heading corresponds to the complete questionnaire.
+Bolded headings lead to modules (chapters) within the questionnaire.
+Indented headings are linked to either groups of questions or rows of
Filters, arrayed atop the questionnaire pane, facilitate the display of
+questions that have particular attributes. The “All” filter presents all
+questions. The “commented” and “flag” filters display questions with
+comments or flags, respectively. The “answered” questions, as the name
+suggests, are all those that have an answer. The “invalid” filter
+displays questions that failed a validation check (e.g., range,
+consistency with other responses, etc.). The “supervisor’s” filter
+yields special questions that only the supervisor sees and can answer.
+The “enabled” filter returns questions that are available to be answered
+based on the skip logic of the questionnaire and answers provided to key
Next, headquarters either approves or rejects the questionnaire by
+clicking the appropriate button. The headquarters’ choice determines
+whether the assignment is included in the survey database (Approve) or
+returned to the supervisor for correction (Reject).
To unapprove any interview in the Approved by Headquarters status
+select this interview(s) by checking the checkbox next to it and click
+the Unapprove button. Alternatively, open the interview case and click
+on the Unapprove button on the toolbar. The interview will be reverted
+to the Approved by Supervisor status, and the headquarters user will
+have a possibility to reject it back to the supervisor if necessary. You
+can apply this operation to multiple interviews if necessary.
Additionally, the headquarter user, has the authority to approve
+completed interviews directly, without waiting for the supervisor’s
+decision. This results in faster turnaround of the data circulating in
+the system in case the supervisor is swamped with work, in which case
+the headquarters can reduce the workload by pulling the good-quality
+interviews from the supervisor’s stack. There is no change in the user
+interface, but the button will now permit headquarters approvals of the
+interviews in status “Completed”. Note that you cannot reject an
+interview to an interviewer directly.
Delete survey cases
Deletion is a dangerous tool reserved for rare occasions—for example,
+when errors arise in survey sampling or in creating survey cases.
Because deletion is dangerous, only the administrator/headquarters
+users have the authority to delete selected interviews. It is only
+allowed for interviews with the status SupervisorAssigned or
+InterviewerAssigned. Those with the former status have been assigned to
+a supervisor, but not yet assigned by the supervisor to an interviewer.
+Those with the latter status have been assigned to an interviewer, but
+have not been completed. In both cases, headquarters should exercise
+extreme caution. Once deleted, an interview cannot be restored. Hence,
+administrator should only delete interviews that have been carefully
+confirmed as errors to be deleted.
To delete an interview, first find an eligible case. The most efficient
+strategy for doing so may be to filter the questionnaires based on
+status so that only those with status SupervisorAssigned or
+InterviewerAssigned appear. (See the section Search for survey cases
+above for more details.)
Next, select the case(s) to delete by clicking in the check box to the
+left of the case. Make sure the correct cases have been selected before
Then, click on the Delete interview button located immediately above the
+interview panel. This will permanently delete the selected survey
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+Dynamic filters for interviews
Dynamic filters are used to filter responses in the interviews list and in the map report. The filters can be formulated based on the variables belonging to the cover page and/or exposed variables.
Rules utilize comparative operators, that are logical operators for comparing the value to a constant. Which operators are available depends on the type of the question/variable:
For categorical single-select: equals, not equals.
For numeric: =, <>, <, <=, >, >=.
For text: equals, not equals, contains, not contains, starts with, not starts with.
For date:
on - event occurred specifically on that date;
not on - event didn’t occur on the specified date;
before - event occurred before the specified date;
not later than - event occurred before or on the specified date;
after - event occurred after the specified date;
on or after - event occurred on or after the specified date.
For all types of questions one can apply unary logical operators answered and not answered.
Does not match
Address contains Washington DC
123 Main St, Washington DC, USA 4567 Washington St, Washington DC, USA
175 Washington Rd, Seattle WA, USA 1212 5th Ave, New York NY, USA
99, Null
RegistrationDate on or after 2001-01-01
2001-01-01 2001-02-02
2000-12-31 1980-07-03
Region equals North
South East West Null
EmployeesCount Answered
....-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ….100...1000...
Match types
Multiple rules or several groups, or a rule and a group may be combined (within a higher level group) with one of the logical operators:
📷 AND - observations pass the filter if they satisfy ALL of the specified criteria.
📷 OR - observations pass the filter is they satisfy ANY of the specified criteria.
Any expression is contained within at least one group.
Use of match types
We are using OR to identify observations from one of several groups: This is commonly utilizing a single variable and equality, with different constants. For example, we might want to highlight observations from e.g. districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 (of 1..10). Conceptually it is district.InList(1,2,3,4,5,6), which is same as:
which we can construct as a single OR group with 6 rules, each singling out a particular district from 1 to 6.
Different variables may still be used in a group of OR. For example, to identify skilled employees we may come up with a criterion:
educYears>=12 OR tenure>=8
We use AND to identify observations that satisfy several conditions simultaneously. For example, in an enterprise survey, we might be interested in finding all companies that are from the private sector, have more than 1 owner, more than 100 employees, located in the South. We describe such criteria as individual rules united in a group with an AND operator:
sector=Private AND NumOwners>1 AND NumEmployees>100 AND region==South.
A single variable may also be used within the AND group. This is commonly used for range checks:
age>=18 AND age<=65
Writing complex expressions
Suppose we are interested in finding interviews obtained from “old dwellings”. And our definition of “old dwellings” varies by region. Specifically, in the West it is all buildings built before 1930, while in all other regions before 1900.
We construct the following dynamic filter. First we realize that our observations come from two principally different locations, they can be from West or from Not-West. So we will have a top level group with an OR operator. We will then describe what we want to be true about the first location: West. We want that observations carry the region specifically West: Region equals West, and at the same time the year must be earlier than 1930: yearbuilt < 1930. We reflect the simultaneity of these conditions by selecting the AND operator to unite them in a group.
Similarly we construct the conditions for selection from the Non-West: Region not equals West AND yearbuilt < 1900.
As we formulate more and more complex expressions involving more operators, their level of nesting goes deeper. We can see the nesting by different indentation of the cards corresponding to individual rules in the dynamic filter, and the different colors of their tabs. Tabs at the same level of nesting are getting the same color of the tab.
Different users may construct different dynamic filters. They are not affecting each other and are not saved. Yet changing the set of the exposed variables does affect all the users utilizing dynamic filters.
Use with filter by questions
The dynamic filter may be utilized simultaneously with the filter by questions. In this case the observations shown are only those that satisfy both the filter by questions and the dynamic filter.
Note that this may result in incompatible choices, e.g. if the user selects REGION=5 in the filter by questions and REGION=7 in the dynamic filter. A single variable may not be equal 5 and 7 at the same time, so the resulting set of interviews will be empty.
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@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Survey Workflow
Check out the video below (starting from 0:30) to learn about the survey
+workflow in Survey Solutions.
Workflow Description
Headquarters, designated by the PC at the top of the figure, determines
+the subjects that need to be interviewed (households, firms, geographic
+area, etc.) and their assignments across team supervisors. Assignments
+can include one or more interview cases. Team supervisors, denoted by
+the laptops in the middle, first receive these assignments and then
+allocate them to the members of their team.
Interviewers, represented by tablets, receive the assignments from the
+team supervisors, collect data for the cases within the assignments, and
+send completed cases back to supervisors for review. Team supervisors,
+having received completed interview cases, review these questionnaires
+to confirm that all questions are answered and that answers are
+accurate, coherent, and plausible. After reviewing these completed
+interview cases, team supervisors either approve or reject them.
If a team supervisor approves a completed interview case received from
+an interviewer, the assignment is sent to headquarters, as represented
+by the paper with a checkmark. If a team supervisor rejects a completed
+assignment received from an interviewer, the assignment is returned to
+the interviewer initially responsible for completing it.
Receiving the rejected assignment, the interviewer must either correct
+it or provide explanatory notes on strange or implausible answers. When
+the assignments are corrected, the interviewer sends them back to the
+team supervisor for approval or rejection, a process that continues
+until the assignments are completed with the highest level of quality
+according to the team supervisor.
As an assignment moves through the survey workflow, it takes on a
+different status at each stage, as illustrated in the photo above.
SupervisorAssigned means that
+Headquarters has sent the interview assignment to the supervisor. The
+supervisor must now take action on this assignment, allocating it to a
+member of their team.
InterviewerAssigned means that a
+supervisor has allocated this assignment to a member of their team. The
+interviewer must now conduct an interview with the assigned member of
+the survey population.
Completed means that an interviewer has
+marked an interview case as complete and has sent it to the supervisor.
+The supervisor must now review the questionnaire for quality and
+completeness, and then reject or approve the interview.
RejectedBySupervisor means that a
+supervisor has rejected the interview and, by default, that interview
+returns to the interviewer who sent it. The interviewer must now address
+their supervisor’s concerns, making a change to the questionnaire or
+providing explanatory comments.
ApprovedBySupervisor means that a
+supervisor has approved this interview and, in doing so, sent it
+Headquarters for further review. Headquarters must now review the
+interview and reject or approve it.
RejectedByHeadquarters means that
+Headquarters has rejected the interview assignment and, thus, returned
+it to the supervisor that initially approved it. The concerned
+supervisor must now take action on the interview, providing explanatory
+comments or sending to an interviewer to be fixed.
ApprovedByHeadquarters means that
+Headquarters has approved the interview case and, no further action may
+be taken on this final interview.
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+++ b/headquarters/mapsmanage/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Maps Management
Usage of online maps is possible in Survey Solutions by consuming data
+sources of Esri.
By default the API key is blank (not specified) and the online maps are not
+selectable on mobile devices. Specifying a valid key facilitates using Esri’s
+services supplying tiles for base map layer when:
using the map dashboard, and/or
answering geography type questions
in Interviewer and Supervisor apps.
Usage of the ESRI API key may (and likely will) cost you
+money. It is important to familiarize yourself with the pricing, plans, charges
+and limits as applicable. These conditions may be changed, possibly even without
+prior notice. Pricing and billing conditions may depend on whether the user is a
+private user or an organization. All of the billing for this service occurs
+between you and the corresponding provider, the Survey Solutions developers are
+not charging you for this service.
Survey Solutions Interviewer App displays maps for two purposes:
The dashboard depicts the assignments and interviews on the map by placing markers that correspond to the coordinates of an identifying question.
Geography questions (single- and multiple points, polyline and polygon) allow capturing geographical information by marking it on the map layer, typically a satellite or aero-photography.
Survey Solutions has been employing this functionality for several years already using the ESRI ArcGIS Android SDK components. A common problem for the interviewers is understanding the boundaries of their area of responsibility when using the above mentioned capabilities, because satellite and aero photography typically lacks the labels that help identify streets, blocks or landmarks.
June 14, 2022
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Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/mapsmanage/map-files/images/map_delete_confirmation.png differ
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index 00000000..a3bc0012
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/mapsmanage/map-files/images/map_files_menu.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fcf505a9
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/mapsmanage/map-files/images/map_preview.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..087f3bd8
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/mapsmanage/map-files/images/raster_map_icon.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6ea69b37
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/mapsmanage/map-files/images/user_maps.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22d10c16
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/mapsmanage/map-files/images/vector_map_icon.png differ
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index 00000000..166f6b9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/headquarters/mapsmanage/map-files/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+Map files
In Survey Solutions all maps are first uploaded to the server, then
+distributed to the interviewers based on assignments of maps.
One or multiple maps in acceptable map formats
+are uploaded in archived form (as a single *.zip archive) by clicking the green
+Upload ZIP file button at the Map files page: Survey Setup –> Maps –> Upload ZIP file
Please note that:
Maps are stored separately by workspaces. If the same map is needed in
+multiple workspaces it must be uploaded to each such workspace.
When a map with the same name already exists on the server, it will be
+overwritten with the new map.
Delete a map
A confirmation is required before a map is deleted:
When a map is deleted, all assignments of that map to users are also deleted. At
+next synchronization the files corresponding to this map will be erased from the
+interviewers’ devices.
Open a map
For any given map, the survey manager may preview the map in the Headquarters,
+and see the users to whom it is assigned.
See maps assigned to users
For any every user, the survey manager can see, which maps are assigned to that user:
Update assignments of maps to users
The map assignments file is a file, which is uploaded to the
+Survey Solutions Headquarters to regulate which interviewer
+has access to which offline maps. Online maps need not be assigned to individual
+users, all users have access to online maps provided that they have received a
+valid key for online maps usage
+(entered by administrator in the workspace settings)
+and have Internet connectivity when attempting to use them.
The offline maps are used by the interviewers to record answers to the
+geography type questions and for displaying data on the
+map dashboard. If the survey doesn’t use
+any geography type question nor records any locations using location sensor
+(GPS or similar) then no maps need to be assigned.
The map assignment file is formatted as a tab delimited file with two columns:
map must contain unique map names (must correspond to the
+files uploaded to the server);
users contains the list of the users that have access to the
+map listed in the first column.
When the map must be available to more than one user, separate their logins
+in the list with a comma.
It is normal that a user name is mentioned for more than one map. That user
+will have access to all of the maps where his name was mentioned and no other.
Uploading the map assignments replaces the previous map assignments.
+If the map was assigned to an interviewer and subsequently a map assignments
+file was uploaded that doesn’t contain this map-user pair, then the previosly
+pushed map will be removed from the interviewer’s tablet at the next maps
After the map was assigned to an interviewer, that interviewer needs to
+synchronize his maps (not data!) to receive the map files. These files may
+be quite large.
The headquarters users must plan carefully when preparing the map files and
+assignments to assign only the necessary maps covering the relevant areas.
+Assigning all maps to all users may result in a huge traffic to the server,
+waiste of airtime, and clogging of tablets.
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d54accec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/headquarters/mapsmanage/map-files/usermaps.tab
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+map users
+m1.tpk inter1,inter2
+m2.tpk inter2
+m3.tpk inter2,inter3
+m4.tpk inter2,inter3,inter4
+m5.tpk inter2,inter4
+m7.tpk inter5
+m8.tpk inter5
+m9.tpk inter5
diff --git a/headquarters/mapsmanage/map-formats/index.html b/headquarters/mapsmanage/map-formats/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb7c56ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/headquarters/mapsmanage/map-formats/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Digital Map Formats
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/mapsmanage/online-maps-key/images/esri_key.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ea43d6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/headquarters/mapsmanage/online-maps-key/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+Online maps key
Usage of online maps is possible in Survey Solutions by consuming data
+sources of Esri.
By default the API key is blank (not specified) and the online maps are not
+selectable on mobile devices. Specifying a valid key facilitates using Esri’s
+services supplying tiles for base map layer when:
using the map dashboard, and/or
answering geography type questions
in Interviewer and Supervisor apps.
Usage of the ESRI API key may (and likely will) cost you
+money. It is important to familiarize yourself with the pricing, plans, charges
+and limits as applicable. These conditions may be changed, possibly even without
+prior notice. Pricing and billing conditions may depend on whether the user is a
+private user or an organization. All of the billing for this service occurs
+between you and the corresponding provider, the Survey Solutions developers are
+not charging you for this service.
The same key is shared across all surveys in the Survey Solutions workspace. If
+there is a need to utilize more than one key, then more than one workspace must
+be created on the server.
The ESRI API key is an alphanumeric key that the user needs to obtain from
+Esri directly, and
+subsequently monitor and be responsible for its use (it is recommended that the
+user of the key checks regularly the usage of the service and compliance with
+any applicable terms, conditions and limits). Survey Solutions software is not
+tracking usage of the tiles or the costs associated with such use.
It is necessary that this key has the “Basemaps” scope enabled for the online
+maps to work in Survey Solutions Android apps (Interviewer and Supervisor).
Once the key is received, it is entered by the administrator in the
+workspace settings. Users of the
+Android apps (interviewer, supervisor) will receive this key as part of the
+next synchronization. Specifically, this key is transferred during the regular
+synchronization (of questionnaires, assignments, interviews, etc), not the maps
Interviewers/Supervisors do not see the value of the key in their interface,
+but when the key is received, the selection of online maps is activated
+(otherwise only offline maps are available for selection).
To regulate the costs the person controlling the key may disable it during the
+periods when the field operation is not in the active phase by deactivating the
+key in Esri’s developer dashboard. To temporarily deactivate the key one can edit the key settings
+to remove the “Basemaps” scope. This allows to re-activate online maps
+functionality at a later point without re-issuing a new key and having all the
+tablets to synchronize.
Any changes to key configuration are not instanteneous. It may take time for
+the new key to become active, or scope of the key to change. Consult the details
+at the service provider’s site.
Users relying on online maps should understand that it may be affected by
+Internet connectivity of the mobile device and other factors beyond the control
+of Survey Solutions’ developers or the users of the mobile devices.
One doesn’t need to specify this key if:
the questionnaire uses neither GPS nor geography type questions, or
insterviewers/supervisors are assigned and using offline maps only, or
only web surveys are collected, without the use of mobile applications.
Survey Solutions Interviewer App displays maps for two purposes:
The dashboard depicts the assignments and interviews on the map by placing markers that correspond to the coordinates of an identifying question.
Geography questions (single- and multiple points, polyline and polygon) allow capturing geographical information by marking it on the map layer, typically a satellite or aero-photography.
Survey Solutions has been employing this functionality for several years already using the ESRI ArcGIS Android SDK components. A common problem for the interviewers is understanding the boundaries of their area of responsibility when using the above mentioned capabilities, because satellite and aero photography typically lacks the labels that help identify streets, blocks or landmarks.
An interviewer without a visual clue on what is his area of responsibility may cross into the area of responsibility of another interviewer or out of the sampled area resulting in enumeration of duplicate or ineligible dwellings/households.
This is particularly important in case of spatial sampling, where the area of responsibility doesn’t have boundaries defined by natural or man-made features easily observable (for example, river banks, or streets), but rather defined conceptually as limits on the coordinates (for example, the latitude between LS and LN, and the longitude between LW and LE).
Ensuring that the interviewers remain in the valid area can be done by supplying the boundaries of such areas as an additional layer to be combined with the base layer map. A number of map file formats exist for this purpose of which shapefiles stands out:
Digital maps in shapefile format can be produced in ESRI-developed tools as well as in a number of other alternatives, including free and open source ones.
National Statistical Offices commonly have access to very detailed maps indicating not only provinces/district levels, but going all the way to enumeration areas and the blocks that comprise them.
Shapefiles may be generated programmatically, which is required for e.g. grid sampling techniques.
Being a vector format, shapefiles are quite space-efficient, the data consists of the coordinates of the vertices that make the boundaries.
For the last couple of years Survey Solutions had a possibility of supporting a single shapefile that could have been loaded manually by the interviewer to the tablet, but this was not satisfactory for many scenarios of practical data collection. The version 22.06 of Survey Solutions allows the survey coordinator to centrally deploy one or multiple shapefiles to individual interviewers. The process closely replicates the deployment of the baseline maps and consists of:
Packing the shapefile components into a zip-archive with maps;
Uploading the archive with maps to the Survey Solutions headquarters server;
Assigning shapefiles to the interviewer accounts;
Synchronizing the maps on the tablet devices with the server;
Selecting an appropriate shapefile while working with maps.
Below we discuss each of these steps in more detail.
1. Packing the shapefile components into a zip-archive with maps
Each shapefile is represented as multiple files on a disk (see shapefile components), most importantly the *.shp, *.shx, *.dbf, and *.prj files. All of them must be packed and uploaded to the server for the shapefile to be usable.
The zip-archive should contain no sub-folders. All content should be placed directly to the root of the archive. The zip-archive may contain other types of maps though, such as base layer maps if this is convenient for the uploader. There are limits on the total size of the archive (compressed) and each file that is contained in the archive (decompressed). Consult the Survey Solutions limits page for specific values (which may change in the future versions). Survey Solutions server will refuse to accept uploads of larger files.
The shapefile type may be any of the existing shapefile types defined in the specification, but most useful are the polygon-type shapefiles, which determine polygonal areas that can be interpreted as areas of interest or responsibility.
If any of the files in the maps archive contains non-Latin characters, the archive must be storing them in Unicode UTF-8. If you are using a Windows OS built-in tool, it will suggest renaming the files to contain only Latin characters:
but other software may be creating incompatible files. Please check your archiver documentation.
2. Uploading the archive with maps to the Survey Solutions headquarters server.
Uploading of maps to the Survey Solutions server can be done by users in headquarters or administrator roles and is done from the Survey Setup → Maps dialog. The Maps dialog shows the list of the maps currently uploaded to the server and available for the distribution to the users.
NB: Maps are stored separately by workspaces. If the same map is needed in multiple workspaces it must be uploaded to each such workspace.
The Maps dialog is using two icons to denote types of the uploaded maps:
for raster maps (tiff, tpk, and mmpk map files);
for vector maps (shapefiles).
Shapefile maps uploaded to the server are referred to by their main file name: filename.shp. If a this map is assigned or deleted, the same action is automatically applied to all other files constituting that shapefile (to the *.dbf, *shx, and *prj files). The file size displayed for the shapefiles is the sum of individual sizes of all of its constituent files.
To upload a new maps file clicking the green UPLOAD ZIP-FILE button. If there are any problems detected with the uploaded archive, they will be reported to the user. For example, the program may respond that a necessary file may be missing, is too large, has invalid content, or may indicate some other problem. If no problems are detected with the uploaded map files they will become available for assignments at the server.
Once a shapefile is uploaded to the server, it is possible to see a preview of it in the maps list by clicking the map file name and selecting the Open menu item.
3. Assigning shapefiles to the interviewer accounts.
Any map file (including shapefiles) needs to be assigned to the interviewer to be usable by him. Such an assignment is done by a user in the role headquarters or administrator.
Such assignments are done by uploading a file that establishes the correspondence between the maps and a comma-delimited list of the user accounts that are assigned access to those maps. The structure of this file is described here.
Any such uploaded file completely supersedes any previously made assignments (including any assignments done through the API calls).
4. Synchronizing the maps on the tablet devices with the server.
Synchronization and usage of the maps is available only in the version of the Survey Solutions Interviewer App with maps. (There is also a version of the Interviewer App without support of the mapping features).
This action is initiated by an interviewer by switching to the Maps dialog in the Interviewer’s App menu and pressing the Synchronize button. During the maps synchronization process:
Any maps that are found on this device that the interviewer is not assigned to are removed;
Any maps that are assigned to this interviewer on the server and which are currently absent on the device are downloaded from the server and stored.
For existing maps the size and content of the file are not checked. This specifically means that if the map was refreshed on the server (map file deleted on the server and a new file uploaded with the same name) it will not be refreshed on the tablet. To make sure the new map is available on the tablet, upload it with a unique name that you are sure is free of naming collisions with any previously used maps.
Important warning:
If you are upgrading from an earlier version of the Survey Solutions, your interviewers may have already been using shapefiles that they have copied manually to their mobile devices. These shapefiles were placed in the folder as was recommended on our website. These files will be retained during synchronization of maps to avoid losing them during an update. If a new shape file is received from the server with the same filename in the new version they will both be available to the user. To avoid any confusion, it is strongly recommended to switch to the new way of delivering shapefiles to the interviewers from the HQ as soon as possible, and avoid manually copying them to the tablet as it used to be in the earlier versions. Once the legacy files are uploaded to the server and assignments are done for the interviewers, the legacy folders on the tablets should be deleted by the interviewers manually, reversing the manual changes that they have done earlier.
Synchronization of maps is performed for maps of all types, whether raster or vector. No specific action is needed from the interviewer for obtaining the shapefiles/boundaries after maps synchronization.
5. Selecting an appropriate shapefile while working with maps.
Once the maps are synchronized they can be utilized in the following dialogs of the Survey Solutions Interviewer App:
when viewing the Map Dashboard;
when answering a geography question.
The interviewer should click SHOW BOUNDARIES and select a desired shapefile.
NB: If there is only a single shapefile available to the interviewer it will be displayed automatically, without the selection dialog. To avoid interviewers’ mistakes of selecting an incorrect shapefile, assign them only a single shapefile that they will need if your survey allows this.
Boundaries that are shown can be removed by clicking the HIDE BOUNDARIES button.
API Changes
As part of the development work to improve the The API of Survey Solutions has been extended with an endpoint to upload maps to the Survey Solutions data server. This is a new GraphQL query .uploadMap(). This allows integration with external tools that are capable of generating digital maps, for example selecting them from a library of satellite imagery covering the area or indicating the bounds of the sampled area by generating a corresponding shapefile.
The .uploadMap() mutation facilitates uploading a zip archive file with one or multiple maps in a single or in different formats (for example, one can upload a base layer in the tpk format and a corresponding boundary as a shapefile, all packed into the same archive). There is a limit on the size of this maps archive, which is the same for the API and for the manual maps upload as mentioned above.
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+Menu Map
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/headquarters/menu/menu-map/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Menu Map
[workspace] is a selector of available workspaces. HQ-users will see only the workspaces to which they have access, administrators will see all workspaces.
[account] menu item will be named with the login name of the user.
PDF preview of a questionnaire is available in every translation.
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0d377c39
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/preloading/creating-assignments-one-at-time/images/732100.png differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/preloading/creating-assignments-one-at-time/images/732100_hu4000903647745100266.png differ
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index 00000000..fef9f054
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/preloading/creating-assignments-one-at-time/images/793728.png differ
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index 00000000..e0224ec4
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/preloading/creating-assignments-one-at-time/images/793728_hu15805136680431144206.png differ
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index 00000000..28e8f42e
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index 00000000..b6f4d9ec
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/preloading/creating-assignments-one-at-time/images/793730_hu4937909408078704170.png differ
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index 00000000..4666a4cb
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/preloading/creating-assignments-one-at-time/images/793731.png differ
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@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+Creating Assignments One at Time
Log in to your server using the headquarters username and password
Note that each institution using Survey Solutions will utilize their
+own server. Consequently, your username can differ from the one depicted
Step 2
Select the Survey Setup tab, and click on Questionnaires.
Step 3
Create the new assignment for your questionnaire.
Click on the questionnaire template you want to create a new assignment
+for, and then click on New Assignments from the pop-up menu.
Step 4
Fill out as many identifying fields as you would like. You do not need
+to fill out all the identifying fields. Interviewers will be able to
+fill out any identifying fields left blank so you may want to leave
+identifying field blank if you think the Interviewer would be able to
+more accurately fill out that information.
Step 6
Specify the quantity for the assignment. The quantity is the maximum
+number of interviews that can be generated for that assignment. For
+example, if you want your interviewer to perform 5 interviews for the
+assignment, you would put ‘5’ in the Quantity field. To specify an
+unlimited number of interviews for that assignment (previously known as
+census mode), leave the Quantity field empty. The quantity can be
+changed later if you want to increase or decrease the number of
Step 7
Specify who will be responsible for the assignment. Select the
+supervisor or interviewer that will be responsible for the assignment.
+The field allows you to search for the supervisor or interviewer by
+their username.
Step 8
Click on the blue Create button to generate the assignment. After
+creating the assignment, you will be taken to the Assignments dashboard
+where you will see your newly generated assignment at the top of the
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@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+Errors in user-supplied files for preloading
Survey Solutions allows preloading assignments with data, including
+answers to questions inside rosters and nested rosters.
It is the user’s responsibility to supply valid input files for this
+process. The user-supplied files will be validated to match the
+questionnaire template that is being preloaded. Survey Solutions can
+detect a number of inconsistencies and common problems and will indicate
+them during preloading.
Each detected error is having a code listed in the table below.
+Additional checks may be added in the future.
When an error is detected in the preloading file, Survey Solutions may
+reject such input data fully or partially. If Survey Solutions rejects
+the preloading file completely, and you can’t localize the problem (in
+which interview it occurs) it is a good idea to try to break down the
+preloading file into smaller portions to identify, in which specific
+interview the problem is present.
Many of the messages below are accompanied by various identifying
+information, such as a line number in the file, values of identifying
+questions, variable names, roster indices or other supplementary
+information that helps localizing the problem.
It is a good practice to establish a reproducible process of creating
+assignments (preloading data files) by writing scripts/programs that can
+be adjusted and re-run to obtain the desired preloading file. Survey
+Solutions users commonly use various statistical packages, such as
+Stata, SPSS, R as well as queries to databases to extract the necessary
+information in exactly the format expected at input by Survey Solutions.
+This practice allows adjustments be done to those scripts whenever the
+format of input data for Survey Solutions changes, or if the sample file
+needs to be replicated for troubleshooting purposes.
Questionnaire is missing in HQ
Rare. Questionnaire that you are trying to preload has been deleted by the server administrator.
Contact the server administrator.
If you see this error contact the support team.
Column cannot be mapped to any question in the questionnaire.
In the file being uploaded a column name (variable) is specified, which is not present in the questionnaire.
Check column names for typos, check variables are in appropriate levels (files).
File cannot be mapped to any roster in the questionnaire.
The archive being uploaded contains a file that Survey Solutions doesn't know what to do with it.
Check how the files are named against the template downloadable from Survey Solutions HQ.
If you see this error contact the support team.
Duplicate Id values found.
Check the ids for duplicates and renumber or correct the typos.
One or more parent Id column is missing.
For every element of roster files id columns linking it to higher levels must be present and non-missing.
Check the id columns in the roster files and fill them out with appropriate ids. For example, for every person in the household roster there must be a household id specified where this person resides.
Roster record does not have a parent.
A record in the roster file refers to non-existent record in the parent file (orphan record).
Check for relationships between the files. For every detailed record the parent record must exist.
Roster Id is inconsistent with roster size.
Either the number of elements in the roster or their numeration is inconsistent with the trigger question.
Remove the values from the columns corresponding to linked questions.
General error occurred.
Inspect the records you are preloading against the questionnaire designed. Survey Solutions reported that it can't preload the records with the values it received from the user, but no additional information is available.
Question found in the uploaded file(s) that does not exist in the questionnaire
Check column names against the template that can be downloaded from the Survey Solutions HQ for this questionnaire.
Provided value is null or empty
Value that was expected to be not empty is found to be empty in the preloading file.
Replace the blank values with appropriate non-missing values.
Provided question value not allowed.
Replace the erroneous value with a permitted one. For example, in categorical questions, make sure the category exists among the categories specified for this question in the questionnaire.
Type of question is not correct.
Check that the value being uploaded corresponds to the question type. Such as string vs numeric content.
Invalid Date or Time value entered in the date question.
Check the format of the date/time values you are preloading.
Invalid GPS value.
Check the GPS coordinates for validity. Express coordinates in degrees and decimals, such as 51.50, not in degrees and minutes, seconds, not 51°30′00".
Only integer values are allowed.
You are trying to put a non-integer value to a question or variable that only accepts integer answers.
Replace with integer values.
Only real values are allowed.
Non-numeric value found for categorical question.
Roster size question cannot have negative values.
Replace with non-negative values.
Picture question cannot be preloaded.
Remove the values from the columns corresponding to picture questions.
Preloading data were not found
Responsible field was not provided for 1 or more observations
If the _responsible column is present in the preloading data, it must be all populated without any blanks.
Check _responsible column for blanks (missings) and fill out with appropriate account names.
Responsible does not exist for 1 or more observations
Name specified as responsible person (recepient of the assignment) does not exist.
Check _responsible column for typos. Make sure all of the accounts mentioned are already created in the HQ and have either a supervisor or interviewer role.
Responsible is a locked user for 1 or more observations
Assignments can't be made to the users locked out from the system.
Check that the responsible users are not locked. Either unlock the user or assign to a different user.
User is not Supervisor or Interviewer for 1 or more observations
Preloading file contains a login name of a person who is neither a supervisor nor an interviewer, and hence may not receive an assignment.
Check the names and roles of the account names mentioned in the _responsible column. Revise so that everyone is either a supervisor or an interviewer.
Answer to roster size question cannot be greater than NN.
You are trying to preload a very large value not supported by Survey Solutions.
Reduce the value.
GPS questions require separate columns for Latitude and Longitude
In early versions of Survey Solutions GPS question data was exported into a single string column with internal formatting. This is no longer the case in new versions, and each component occupies it's own column.
Separate latitude from longitude.
GPS question requires Latitude and Longitude to be set.
Make sure both latitude and longitude are specified for GPS questions.
Two or more columns have the same name.
There should be no two columns with identical names in any file, downloaded from or uploaded to Survey Solutions.
Check column names for typos. For columns that correspond to lists, make sure
+the indices are present in column titles, for example, member__0,
+member__1, etc.
Latitude must be greater than -90° and less than 90°.
Check that the values of latitude in the preloading file are all within the -90, 90 range.
If your coordinates come from some other projection you may need to convert (reproject) to degrees.
Longitude must be greater than -180° and less than 180°.
Check that the values of longitude in the preloading file are all within the -180, 180 range.
If your coordinates come from some other projection you may need to convert (reproject) to degrees.
Invalid decimal separator. The "," symbol is not allowed in numeric answers. Please use "." instead.
Always use a dot in fractional numeric values, even if a comma (or another character) is used in your country or in your current OS settings as a decimal delimiter.
Reformat the values in the preloading file to use a dot as a decimal delimiter.
Only integer values are allowed.
Preloading file contains a fractional (non-integer) value, where only integers were expected based on the questionnaire template.
Replace fractional with integer values.
Quantity should be greater than or equal to -1.
In assignments, the requested quantity must be an integer value, and may be 0 or a positive value, or a -1 for infinite number of interviews. Other negative values are not permitted.
Revise the requested quantities of interviews in the assignments.
Column cannot be mapped to non identifying question
Check the variable names in the first row of each file against the template that can be downloaded from Survey Solutions HQ.
Area question cannot be preloaded.
Remove the values from the columns corresponding to area questions.
Audio question cannot be preloaded.
Remove the values from the columns corresponding to audio questions.
File with questionnaire level data is missing.
Survey Solutions can't find in the zip-archive being uploaded the file named the same as the questionnaire.
Check the names of the files in the zip archive being uploaded. One file must have the same name as the questionnaire. Note that Survey Solutions refines the name of the questionnaire removing any special characters, punctuation, non-latin and accented characters from the filename (and does not expect any of them in the files being preloaded). To see what name the questionnaire should have, download the template file offered at the sample preloading step.
Answer to multiple choice question cannot contain more than NN answers.
Preloading file contains more answers than permitted by the maximum answers NN set in the questionnaire template.
Reduce the number of answers in the preloading file or revise the questionnaire template in the Designer.
Id column doesn't have any value.
Provide a valid value for all ids.
Required column variable__name is missing
The file protected__variables.tab does not contain the required column variable__name.
Make sure that this file is a text file and contains a single column with the name variable__name. Mind the double underscores in the name of this column.
Protected variable is not found in provided questionnaire
The file protected__variables.tab specified a variable name that doesn't exist in the questionnaire template.
Check the names of the variables versus the names in the questionnaire Designer. For text list and multi-select categorical questions only the root name must be specified, e.g. hhmembers, not hhmembers__2.
Variable has type that does not support protection
The file protected__variables.tab mentions a variable name corresponding to a question not supported by protection. Error message mentions the first of such invalid variables.
Check the file for typos in variable names.
Check the types of the variable mentioned in the error message. It must be one
+of the permitted for protection.
Negative value is not allowed for Categorical Multi select question.
Check the value being preloaded into a multi-select question.
Password-protected archives are not supported
Upload the preloading data in an archive without a password, since there
+is no way for the server to unpack password-protected data.
List roster should have a column for text list answers
When preloading values in the roster triggered by a text list type question,
+include a column of text values in the roster-level file. The variable should be
+having the same name as name of the trigger question itself.
Inconsistent roster code for numeric roster. Sequence of roster codes
+should be 0, 1, ... to count of roster instances
Check the IDs of the items in the roster file. Correct the IDs to follow
+the indicated sequence.
Max quantity shouldn't be more than # .
The value specified for _quantity is too large,
+overshooting the indicated limit value.
Review the requested quantities of interviews. Break large assignments into
+two or more smaller size assignments, or use the specific value
+-1 to indicate infinite-size assignments.
Email is not valid
Value indicated in the _email field of the preloading file is
+not a valid email for one or multiple assignments. Review and correct the email
Invalid Password. At least 6 numbers and upper case letters or single symbol
+'?' to generate password
Value indicated in the _password field of the preloading
+file does not comply with the password rules. Review the passwords specified in
+the preloading file and specify passwords that are compliant with the indicated
+rules, or specify the question mark for the cases where you want Survey
+Solutions to automatically generate a valid password.
For assignments with provided email allowed quantity is 1
Assignments distributed over email necessarily need the quantity value of
Web Mode has to be activated for assignments having Email
The parameter _email should only be prefilled if the mode
+for an assignment is CAWI (web).
Web Mode has to be activated for assignments having Password
The parameter _password should only be prefilled if the mode
+for an assignment is CAWI (web).
Assignment with size 1 for web mode should have either email or password
Make sure you specify a valid email, or valid password (or both) for
+web-assignments of size 1.
Password is not unique. Password by assignment for web mode with
+quantity 1 should be unique
Check that within the preloading file no two assignments have identical
+passwords specified. Specify the question mark for the assignments where you
+want Survey Solutions to automatically generate a valid password.
All assignments for web interviews must be made to an interviewer
Check the values of the _responsible field. For
+web-assignments the responsible person should be an account in the role
Answer to question with variable name {0} can't be preloaded, since it is
+of unsupported type. Refer to the following support article
+for details of what can be preloaded in the current version.
You are trying to preload a question, where preloading is not possible
+based on the question type. Refer to the linked resource for a discussion of
+where preloading is possible.
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@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+Creating Assignments
Survey Solutions assignments play a critical role in the survey process because they regulate who is supposed to deliver the incoming data (interviews). Each assignment is referring to a particular questionnaire.
It is best to not modify the questionnaire during the survey. Some of the undesirable effects of this are:
the survey becomes split between several databases, each has to be downloaded separately from Survey Slutions and appended later using external tools;
the data may no longer be comparable (e.g. choice sets differ between questions);
the data quality may be heterogenious (differing between collected earlier and later periods);
interviewers may need retraining for the newer version of the questionnaire;
the process of upgrading the questionnaire needs to be followed by upgrading of assignments, which depends on which interviews have been already conducted and which have not.
Sometimes this is unavoidable, e.g. in case a gross mistake was made during the questionnaire development and further data collection based on unfixed version doesn’t make sense.
Starting with v18.06 Survey Solutions allows protecting values of
+trigger questions that have been preloaded from being subsequently
+modified by the interviewer. The protection applies to reduction, but
+permits extension. This is commonly needed in the panel surveys, where,
+for example, the names in the list of household members that are
+preloaded should not be eliminated by the interviewer, but new household
+members may be added if needed.
The protection applies to questions that may perform the role of
Survey Solutions allows preloading assignments with data, including
+answers to questions inside rosters and nested rosters.
It is the user’s responsibility to supply valid input files for this
+process. The user-supplied files will be validated to match the
+questionnaire template that is being preloaded. Survey Solutions can
+detect a number of inconsistencies and common problems and will indicate
+them during preloading.
Each detected error is having a code listed in the table below.
+Additional checks may be added in the future.
Clone questionnaire template: Copy the questionnaire
+templates previously imported to the server. This feature is only
+available to the administrator.
It is important to make sure that during preloading of multiple files
+the subordinate records are correctly identified.
The numbering depends on the kind of trigger used for determining the
+size of the roster:
fixed: the Id variable in the subordinate file should contain
+the code of the item specified in the Designer.
multiple choice: the subordinate file should contain the codes
+of items as specified during setting up the multiple choice question
+in the Designer.
numeric: the subordinate file should contain the items with
+sequential ids starting from zero (0);
text list: the subordinate file should contain the items with
+sequential ids starting from one (1). Note that the text list
+question itself requires indexing of members starting with zero (0).
For many surveys, creating assignments one by one will be a tedious and
+time intensive task. To help speed up your work, Survey Solutions allows
+you to batch upload many assignments at once using a tab delimited.
+Follow the steps below to perform a batch upload of assignments:
Step 1
Create a tab-delimited file with the identifying information for your
Before performing an interview, data collection teams must know the name
+(e.g., name and surname of the head of household) and/or location (e.g.,
+region, county, district, neighborhood) of who they should be
+interviewing. To facilitate locating the respondents, this identifying
+information will appear on the dashboard of enumerator app for each
+interview for which they are responsible.
June 27, 2016
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Numbering in subordinate rosters during preloading
Numbering in subordinate rosters during preloading
February 23, 2017
It is important to make sure that during preloading of multiple files
+the subordinate records are correctly identified.
The numbering depends on the kind of trigger used for determining the
+size of the roster:
fixed: the Id variable in the subordinate file should contain
+the code of the item specified in the Designer.
multiple choice: the subordinate file should contain the codes
+of items as specified during setting up the multiple choice question
+in the Designer.
numeric: the subordinate file should contain the items with
+sequential ids starting from zero (0);
text list: the subordinate file should contain the items with
+sequential ids starting from one (1). Note that the text list
+question itself requires indexing of members starting with zero (0).
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@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+Protecting pre-loaded answers
Starting with v18.06 Survey Solutions allows protecting values of
+trigger questions that have been preloaded from being subsequently
+modified by the interviewer. The protection applies to reduction, but
+permits extension. This is commonly needed in the panel surveys, where,
+for example, the names in the list of household members that are
+preloaded should not be eliminated by the interviewer, but new household
+members may be added if needed.
The protection applies to questions that may perform the role of
text list, and
multiple-select categorical (in regular or Y/N-mode).
Note also, that the answers to the questions may be protected even if
+they are not triggering any rosters, as long as the type of the question
+is one of these three.
If the answer to the question is protected, then:
for numeric question the interviewer may specify an answer greater
+or equal to the one specified during preloading;
for text list question the interviewer may append new items to the
+end of the text list, but not remove the ones that were preloaded;
for multiple-select categorical question the interviewer may select
+any categories in addition to the ones already selected during
+preloading, but can’t unselect the pre-selected categories.
for multiple-select categorical question in Y/N-mode the interviewer
+may change the selection of options that were preloaded as missing,
+but can’t change their selection if they were preloaded as either
+positively or negatively selected.
The protection of answers may only be done in advanced preloading mode
+when the identifying information and preloading data are uploaded as a
+single zip archive. To protect the answers an additional text file with
+the name protected__variables.tab (mind the double underscores
+in the file name) must be created and placed into the zip-archive
+alongside the main data file there. This file has the following
+structure: the 1st line should contain exactly this word:
+variable__name, while the 2nd, 3rd and subsequent lines should
+contain variable names of the questions that need to be protected (each
+variable on it’s own line). For example:
The protection applies to the variable specified, regardless of the
+level where it is positioned in the questionnaire, whether in the main
+level of the interview, in a roster, or in a nested roster. In the above
+example, the n_crops variable may be the trigger for the crops roster
+nested into the parcels roster, and the answers to n_crops specified
+in any parcel will be protected.
If the Survey Solutions identifies a problem with this file, it reports
+an error and aborts the preloading process. For details, see the
+following troubleshooting
This protection of answers is effective in the whole set of data being
+preloaded. Note that the empty answers are not protected (e.g. if
+numeric question was not preloaded, the interviewer will be able to
+specify any value).
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index 00000000..0292e64b
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index 00000000..998a069f
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index 00000000..39ac15d1
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/preloading/survey-setup-tab-import-copy-and-delete-questionnaire-templates-and-create-assignments/images/732258.png differ
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index 00000000..50b01c36
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/preloading/survey-setup-tab-import-copy-and-delete-questionnaire-templates-and-create-assignments/images/732258_hu10991152677331948648.png differ
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index 00000000..d79c2bcf
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/preloading/survey-setup-tab-import-copy-and-delete-questionnaire-templates-and-create-assignments/images/732262.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8f85659
Binary files /dev/null and b/headquarters/preloading/survey-setup-tab-import-copy-and-delete-questionnaire-templates-and-create-assignments/images/732262_hu2945900117134457665.png differ
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+++ b/headquarters/preloading/survey-setup-tab-import-copy-and-delete-questionnaire-templates-and-create-assignments/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+Survey Setup Tab: Import, Copy, and Delete Questionnaire Templates, and Create Assignments
Clone questionnaire template: Copy the questionnaire
+templates previously imported to the server. This feature is only
+available to the administrator.
Upload and assign maps (.tpk) for interviewers to download onto
+their tablet devices. Maps are used for the Area question type.
When you first navigate to the questionnaires page under the Survey
+Setup tab in Headquarters, you will see this screen:
**List of questionnaires: **This has the list of questionnaires that
+you have already imported. For each questionnaire, you will see the
+following information: name of questionnaire, version, the date and
+time the questionnaire was imported to the server, the date and time
+the questionnaire was created on Designer, and the date and time the
+questionnaire was last changed on Designer. The questionnaires can
+be sorted by any of these information.
Import template button: This will allow you to import a new
+questionnaire onto the server
Search button: If you have a lot of questionnaires on your
+server, you can quickly search for the questionnaire you want by
+clicking on the search button and typing the name of the
Import a questionnaire template
When clicked, the green Import template button prompts the user to
+connect to the Designer site and to select a questionnaire template for
+import. To connect to Designer, headquarters must enter a valid login
+and password (as pictured below). Note that these login credentials are
+for the Designer site, not the headquarters software.
After connecting to the Designer site, the user must select a
+questionnaire template to import. To do so, the user must first find a
+questionnaire, either by scrolling through the list of questionnaires
+available or using the search box. Click on the questionnaire to import
Then, you will be prompted to confirm the import.
Once import of the selected questionnaire is complete, the name of that
+questionnaire appears in the list of questionnaires on the
+Questionnaires tab. If this is the first time the questionnaire has been
+imported, the headquarters software will add “(1)” in the column titled
+“Version”. Each time a new version of the same questionnaire is
+imported, the software will add the corresponding version number in that
When a new version of an existing questionnaire is imported to the
+server, any unfulfilled assignments in the old version may be migrated
+to the new version. If the HQ user decides to migrate the assignments,
+the system will examine them one by one and decide whether the migration
+is possible and if so, archive the original assignment and recreate a
+new assignment in the new version of the questionnaire (for the
+remaining number of interviews still not delivered). We recommend
+testing the questionnaires extensively to minimize any revisions to the
+questionnaires during fieldwork.
Create assignments
To create assignment, click on the questionnaire you want to create
+assignments for. Then you will see a menu that will have two options for
+creating assignments: New Assignment, which creates assignments one at
+a time; and Upload assignment , which creates several assignments at
One assignment at a time
After clicking on *New assignment *menu, you will be prompted to provide
+identifying information for the survey case—typically name and
+geographic location of the respondent—and to select a
+supervisor/interviewer to be responsible for the assignment. The system
+does not require you to fill in all the information. The set of
+identifying information, which corresponds to the questions marked
+as Identifying on the Designer site, should be provided by
+headquarters when creating a case and will appear on the interviewer’s
+dashboard when assigned. ** **Next, define the number of interviews that
+should be generated for the assignment. To allow an unlimited number of
+interviews, leave the Quantity field blank.
You will also prompted to designate a supervisor/interviewer as
+responsible for the case (Responsible). Once assigned to a supervisor,
+the survey case will appear on the supervisor’s dashboard and will be
+available to assign to one of the supervisor’s data collection team. If
+assigned to a interviewer, the survey case will appear on the
+interviewers device after synchronization.
Several assignments at a time
While selecting *New assignments *requires you to enter case address
+information manually, the Upload assignments method relies on an
+external tab delimited .tab file that contains that same information for
+each case to be created—and potentially other information to include
+into those cases as well. The headquarters software offers two ways of
+using external .tab files to pre-fill survey cases in a batch upload:
Identifying data only, typically used for cross-sectional surveys,
+which loads only respondent address information (e.g., region,
+enumeration area, village, name of household head)
An advanced mode which involves preloading info (identifying data
+and collected data), typically used for panel surveys, which loads
+not only information on the respondent’s address, but also
+information for any other field of the questionnaire (e.g., name and
+age all of household members from last wave of data collection).
For uploading assignments , either create a .tab file with variable
+names of identifying questions or download the template.
Then, in the first row variable names and variable values in subsequent
+rows. The variable names in the top row of the .tab file must match
+those in the Designer template. The format of those variables must match
+those specified in Designer. To set a specific number of cases for each
+assignment add the column _quantity.
Then, upload the data in the .tab file. To do so, first click on the
+“Upload .TAB File” and select your file. Next, the headquarters software will confirm that the uploaded .tab file
+contains valid contents and follows the format that the headquarters
+software expects. If there are any error messages, check the .tab file
+and make the necessary changes. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.
Then, select the person responsible for this batch of survey
+assignments. To do so, choose the username from the drop-down menu.
+Lastly, click on Create Assignments. Note that in this method
+headquarters must upload one .tab file per person responsible.
However, you can upload one .tab for the survey sample by adding a
+column in the .tab file with the heading _responsible and
+populating all the fields with the appropriate interviewer or supervisor
Preloading (identifying and collected data) is used primarily for panel
+surveys, is generally similar to the mode described previously but
+involves a few additional steps. To preload both identifying and
+collected data, you need to first create a .tab file or set of .tab
To do this, click on the *download .zip template *link.
A .zip file containing one .tab file for each hierarchical level in the
+questionnaire will download (e.g., one file containing all
+household-level variables, another file containing all household
+member-level variables, and still another file containing all
+consumption item-level variables). In other words, this provides
+headquarters with a template to fill with any pre-existing information
+about the survey cases that will be created.
While the number of such template files depends on the questionnaire,
+the structures of these template files follow the same format. Each file
+is composed of: Id, ParentId, and all other variables. The Id is meant
+to be a unique identifier for the template file (e.g. a simple serial
+number). The ParentId is an identifier that links a lower-level item to
+a higher-level item (e.g., serial number of household that operate a
+plot). If a roster is nested in another roster, the template file can
+also have ParentId1 and ParentId2. See the image below for a graphical
+explanation. The other variables in the file correspond to the variables
+present at that hierarchical level of observation.
Note that the numbering in the
+subordinate data files should correspond to the type of roster, please
+refer to this
+for more information.
Once the .tab file has been created, fill it with three sets of
+information. First, headquarters must provide the same set of respondent
+address information as outlined in the previous section—that is,
+information for the fields marked in the Designer tool as Identifying.
+Second, headquarters may fill in any pre-existing information about
+respondents, using any field in the questionnaire. This would be done by
+filling in the columns for any variables, in any one of the .tab files
+that make up the questionnaire template. These questions will not appear
+on the interviewer’s dashboard, and the values can be edited on the
+tablet. (For information on how to protect the values of some question
+types from being changed on the tablet, please refer to this
+Third, headquarters must include identifiers in the Id and ParentId
+fields so that each record is unique and that the headquarters software
+can link each *child *.tab file to its parent file. The Id, typically
+a simple number, serves as a unique identifier for each record—that is,
+a computer identifier that is distinct from the case identifiers used
+for locating respondents. The ParentId links records at one level of
+hierarchy with records from another level of hierarchy—for example, an
+Id that links household members with the household to which they
After all .tab files have been filled in this way, zip all the .tab
+files into one .zip file. Then, upload the .zip file using Upload Zip
+File button.
As in the previous method of creating cases, the headquarter software
+will then evaluate the uploaded files for validity and consistency with
+the questionnaire template. If any errors are identified, correct the
+files. Otherwise proceed to the next step and assign the batch of cases
+to a supervisor.
Note that headquarters must either upload one set of .tab files per
+supervisor (i.e., one .zip file containing one or more .tab files) or
+one .tab file for all supervisors where each survey case has been
+assigned a supervisor within the file.
Copy questionnaire templates (Administrators)
Cloning questionnaires on headquarters allows you to start a new survey
+using the same questionnaire that has been imported to the HQ
To copy a questionnaire in headquarters, click on the questionnaire you
+would like to copy and then select Clone questionnaire from the
If necessary, a new name can be given to the survey initiated from a
+cloned questionnaire, such as LFS Quarter 1, LFS Quarter 2, and so on.
Delete questionnaires (Administrators)
This feature is only available to the administrator. **This should should only be used in special
+circumstances with extreme caution because it will delete all data
+collected with that questionnaire from the server. **
To delete a questionnaire, click on the questionnaire you would like to
+delete and select *Delete questionnaire *from the menu.
When you first navigate to the assignments page under the Survey Setup
+tab in Headquarters, you will see this screen:
This page displays a tabular view of all assignments that have been
+created, the quantity of interviews within each assignment, and other
+information about the assignment such as the person responsible,
+identifying questions, update date, and create date.
Quantity of interview cases
The quantity of interviews for each assignment can be changed on this
+page. This is especially useful for cases where Survey Solutions is
+being used for a listing exercise and you wish to set or later change a
+maximum number interviews for each assignments. To change the quantity,
+click on the number in the quantity column and edit the field before
+clicking on Save.
Reallocating and archiving assignments
Assignments can be archived or reallocated to another member of the data
+collection team. To do this, select the check box corresponding to the
+assignments, then select Assign or Archive. If reassigning, select
+the new person responsible and confirm the change.
To upload and make assignments, follow these simple steps:
First, log into Headquarters.
Then, upload maps to the server. Click on UPLOAD .ZIP FILE.
+Select a zip archive containing one or more maps (.tpk)
Next, assign maps to users. Click on the Update user-to-map
+linking. Upload a tab-delimited file that assigns one or more maps
+to users.
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+Upgrading assignments
Survey Solutions assignments play a critical role in the survey process because they regulate who is supposed to deliver the incoming data (interviews). Each assignment is referring to a particular questionnaire.
It is best to not modify the questionnaire during the survey. Some of the undesirable effects of this are:
the survey becomes split between several databases, each has to be downloaded separately from Survey Slutions and appended later using external tools;
the data may no longer be comparable (e.g. choice sets differ between questions);
the data quality may be heterogenious (differing between collected earlier and later periods);
interviewers may need retraining for the newer version of the questionnaire;
the process of upgrading the questionnaire needs to be followed by upgrading of assignments, which depends on which interviews have been already conducted and which have not.
Sometimes this is unavoidable, e.g. in case a gross mistake was made during the questionnaire development and further data collection based on unfixed version doesn’t make sense.
If a new questionnaire is imported, it doesn’t affect the existing survey work, since the assignments have been already issued based on the earlier version of the questionnaire.
In order for the new version of the questionnaire to be used, new assignments must be created referring to it, and older assignments, which are not fulfilled yet must be cancelled (archived). This may be a tedious process of determining, which part of the survey has been already conducted and which hasn’t been fulfilled yet. Survey Solutions tries to help the HQ user by providing a possibility to upgrade the assignments automatically during the import of the new version of the questionnaire template. Here is what it is doing:
inspects assignments one after another to determine whether the assignment is still outstanding (not all interviews have been delivered);
if the assignment has been fulfilled already fully, nothing happens to it;
if the assignment is outstanding Survey Solutions examines whether it can be upgraded to the new version of the questionnaire template;
if it can’t be upgraded, then nothing happens to it;
if it can be upgraded, then a new assignment for the number of outstanding interviews is created based on the new questionnaire template (and all the other fields untouched);
original assignment is automatically archived.
If the original assignment called for an unlimited number of interviews (size=-1) then the newly created one will also require the same regardless of how many have been already delivered.
Note that during the upgrading process some of the assignments may be upgraded while others not. This is dependent on what information is contained in the preloaded fields of the assignment. The number of assignments that have been successfully upgraded is reported at the end of the upgrading process.
How does Survey Solutions determine whether the assignment may be upgraded?
+It looks at the preloading information (e.g. the identifying fields, and other preloaded data) specified in the assignment and checks whether it can fit all of it without any loss to the new questionnaire template. If yes, then the assignment will be considered upgradeable, otherwise not upgradeable.
Here are some examples of change between the versions that permit an upgrade of assignments:
a new question has been added;
the text of an existing question has been changed;
a new option has been added to a categorical question;
a new validation rule has been added;
Here are some examples of changes between the versions that will prevent an upgrade of assignments:
preloaded question has been deleted;
type of a preloaded question has changed to a more restrictive, e.g. from text to numeric;
option category has been removed, which has been mentioned in the preloaded data;
What will happen to the interviews that have been completed on the tablets based on old assignments received before the upgrade?
+When the interviewer received the original assignment and conducted the interview, she usually knows nothing about the intent of the HQ to modify the questionnaire and works disconnected as usual. She may conduct one or more of such interviews as permitted by existing assignments, complete them and synchronize to the server. These interviews will be received by the HQ and displayed in the list of the interviews as completed. The interviews will carry the original assignment number, even if that assignment has since been upgraded and archived. In addition, since at the HQ a new assignment has been created from the original, the interviewer will receive it on the tablet, potentially leading to return to the same respondent.
Chances of this will be smaller if the interviewer is notified about the upgrade when it happens and synchronizes immediately to swap the assignment cards.
What will happen to the interviews that have been started on the tablets based on the old assignments, but not completed yet?
+The started interview will remain on the tablet and available to be continued, completed and synchronized. At the same time there will be no assignment card (at the ‘create new’ page) corresponding to this interview. In particular this means that if the interviewer discards this interview, she will not be able to start it again.
What to do?
+Regardless, it is best to not to update the questionnaire for ongoing surveys. Test your questionnaires extensively using the Tester and online Tester tools and correct all the design errors prior to going to the field. A series of pre-tests/pilots helps minimize the need for modifications of the questionnaire. See more recommendations here.
When the modification of the questionnaire is unavoidable, it’s best to inform the interviewers about it coming (plan for a particular date), ask them to finish (and synchronize!) interviews that they have started already and not to start new ones. Then update the questionnaire and assignments, then synchronize all the interviewers immediately afterwards.
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+Uploading Many Assignments at a time
For many surveys, creating assignments one by one will be a tedious and
+time intensive task. To help speed up your work, Survey Solutions allows
+you to batch upload many assignments at once using a tab delimited.
+Follow the steps below to perform a batch upload of assignments:
Step 1
Create a tab-delimited file with the identifying information for your
Before performing an interview, data collection teams must know the name
+(e.g., name and surname of the head of household) and/or location (e.g.,
+region, county, district, neighborhood) of who they should be
+interviewing. To facilitate locating the respondents, this identifying
+information will appear on the dashboard of enumerator app for each
+interview for which they are responsible.
When designing the questionnaire template, each of the identifying
+variables that you want to appear on the dashboard should be designated
+as Identifying. To do this, select Identifying as the scope
+of the question.
After creating the questionnaire, you must define the sample for
+fieldwork. Create a tab-delimited (.tab) file where every column
+corresponds to a variable designated as Identifying and every
+row—to an assignment. You can leave some ***Identifying ***information
+blank for any assignment. Any identifying information left blank can be
+filled out by the interviewers.
Step 2
Specify the person responsible for the assignment and the quantity of
+interviews per assignment Add a column titled _responsible and populate the fields with the
+appropriate supervisor or interview usernames to avoid having to create
+and upload a tab-delimited file for each interviewer or supervisor. Add a column titled _quantity and populate the fields with the
+maximum number of interviews you want per assignment. To specify an
+unlimited quantity, put ‘-1’ in the column. If you do leave the field
+blank or if there is no _quantity column in your tab delimited file,
+then the quantity of interview will automatically be set to ‘1’ per
Step 3
Upload the sample to your server
The first step is to click on the Survey Setup tab and select
+Questionnaires. Then, click on the questionnaire template for
+which you would like to upload the sample. Once the list of options is
+displayed select Upload assignments.
Afterwards, click the Upload .tab File button to select the .tab
+file that defines the sample. If you want a template of the identifying
+variables and what the .tab data file should look like for the
+questionnaire template, then click on Download .tab Template for this
Step 4
After the server has verified the data in .tab file has no errors, you
+will see a screen that says “Verification Complete”. If you have not
+added a _responsible column to your tab-delimited file, you will need
+to choose the supervisor responsible for these interviews. After
+selecting the responsible supervisor or interviewer, click on the
+Create button. You will need to prepare a separate .tab file for
+each supervisor or interviewer if you do not include a _responsible
+column in the .tab file.
If there are errors in your .tab file, then it will list what the errors
+are. Once you have fixed these errors, you can try to upload the .tab
+file again. Error messages are self-explanatory for most cases, but when
+it is not obvious you can refer to the preloading troubleshooting
+article explaining
+the nature of these errors.
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+Detailed action log
The detailed action log allows the headquarters users view important
+actions undertaken by the interviewers on the tablets, such as
+application start and login activities, starting or discarding an
+interview, synchronization attempts, and other actions undertaken in the
+last 7 days. The actions log is updated with any synchronization of the
+tablet. (But if the tablet does not synchronize, there is no way for the
+HQ personnel to know what actions were undertaken, since this
+information won’t be sent).
The report is accessible from the interviewer profile, following the
+link “Show actions log”. Here is an example of the actions log
+reflecting the work of the interviewer AP1 on Friday, June 8, 2018:
We can see that the interviewer was working on the interview at the
+beginning of the day, then had a series of failed synchronization
+attempts, and then after a pause of about 10 minutes, a successful
+synchronization attempt.
The log may be downloaded in the form of a tab-delimited file with two
+columns: Timestamp and Action. The timestamps in the report
+on the screen and in the downloadable version are reported using the
+tablet’s clock in the tablet’s current time zone. Here is an example:
Timestamp Action
+06/08/2018 11:05:46 Sync completed: 2 interview(s) uploaded
+06/08/2018 11:05:04 Sync started
+06/08/2018 11:04:53 User ap1 logged in application
+06/08/2018 11:04:38 Application opened
+06/08/2018 10:55:00 Sync failed
+06/08/2018 10:54:58 Sync started
+06/08/2018 10:48:50 Sync failed
+06/08/2018 10:48:48 Sync started
+06/08/2018 10:48:43 User ap1 logged in application
+06/08/2018 10:48:28 Application opened
+06/08/2018 10:48:05 Sync failed
+06/08/2018 10:48:05 Sync started
+06/08/2018 10:47:41 Sync failed
+06/08/2018 10:47:40 Sync started
+06/08/2018 10:47:33 Sync failed
+06/08/2018 10:47:33 Sync started
+06/08/2018 10:47:30 Sync failed
+06/08/2018 10:47:30 Sync started
+06/08/2018 10:47:17 Sync failed
+06/08/2018 10:47:15 Sync started
+06/08/2018 10:46:35 Sync failed
+06/08/2018 10:46:15 Sync started
+06/08/2018 10:44:34 Interview 60-10-38-48 closed
+06/08/2018 10:44:34 Interview 60-10-38-48 completed
+06/08/2018 10:05:07 Interview 60-10-38-48 opened
+06/08/2018 10:03:41 User ap1 logged in application
+06/08/2018 10:03:22 Application opened
The HQ-users may utilize this report as an additional source of
+information to confirm or reject interviewers’ claims. For example, the
+above shown report corroborates the claim of the interviewer that he was
+attempting to synchronize the collected data, but was experiencing
+communication difficulties.
Answers to individual questions in the interviews are not recorded in
+this log, but may be found in the paradata file.
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+Downloadable Report on Interviewers
This report is accessible in CSV, TSV, or Excel formats from the list of
+the interviewers screen and contains important information about the
+equipment being used by the interviewer and various statistics about the
+interviewer accounts, equipment status, etc.
Thematically the indicators reported here are placed in the following
Indicator naming
indicators related to the interviewer account these indicators represent static or accumulated information about the interviewer account
indicators related to the tablet device; these characteristics, like RAM size or manufacturer are not expected to change throughout the lifetime of the device.
indicators related to the current status; these characteristics, like battery charge, or screen orientation may change throughout the lifetime of the device.
indicators related to the last synchronization session; these indicators characterize the last synchronization session.
indicators related to dashboard of the interviewer these indicators characterize the state of the interviewer's dashboard.
Below is the full list of the indicators exported in this report and
+their interpretation
What to expect (example)
Login name of the interviewer
Unique ID of the interviewer's account
Login name of the supervisor, which supervises this interviewer
(optional) full name of the interviewer (if specified)
(optional) contact email for interviewer (if specified)
(optional) contact phone number of the interviewer (if specified)
Date of last login to the server. Missing if never logged in. (UTC, in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
Version of the Survey Solutions Interviewer App installed on the tablet of this interviewer
5.25.10 (build 12345) with Maps
Flag whether an update is available for the Interviewer App
True, False
Date when the tablet was linked or last re-linked Note: date only, no time.
Total number of successful synchronization sessions
Total number of failed synchronization sessions
Average synchronization speed, in bytes per second
Last communication date (UTC, in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss).
Tablet device ID
Tablet device serial number*.
Type of the device (tablet or phone)
Tablet, Phone
Device manufacturer
HP, samsung, asus, ...
Device model
SM-T350, P01M, ...
Device build number
Current interface language of the device (written in that language)
English, Русский
Version of the Android OS currently installed on the linked device.
5.0 Lollipop(21)
Date of the last update of the installed Survey Solutions App (UTC, in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
Latitude of the last known location of the tablet**
Longitude of the last known location of the tablet**
Screen orientation of the device
Portrait, Landscape
Battery charge, percent
Power source
Ac, Battery, Usb, Charge,
Flag whether the device is in the power save mode
True, False
Free storage space on device, in bytes
Total storage space on device, in bytes
Free RAM space on device, in bytes
Total RAM space on device, in bytes
Size of the Survey Solutions database locally stored on the tablet, in bytes
Server clock at the beginning of the last synchronization session (UTC, in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
Tablet clock at the beginning of the last synchronization session (UTC, in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
Type of connection used during the last synchronization session
Sub type of the connection used during the last synchronization session
Number of questionnaires received by the tablet during the last synchronization session.
Number of interviews received by the tablet during the last synchronization session
Number of interviews received by the server during the last synchronization session
Total number of assignments on the interviewer's dashboard as present during the last synchronization.
Total number of new interviews on device as present during the last synchronization.
Total number of the rejected interviews on device as present during the last synchronization.
* each manufacturer may opt for a different numbering scheme, or opt for not
+assigning unique serial numbers; do not rely on this number to uniquely
+identify a particular physical device.
** coordinates represent only the last known location of the tablet,
+which may differ from the current location of the tablet;
*** exact spelling of categories may vary by models, for example: WiFi
+or WIFI.
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
Survey Statistics report is accessible to supervisors and headquarter
+users, observers, and administrators.
The report presents basic statistics calculated on survey data currently
+on the server and eliminates (in some cases) the need to export the data
+for calculation of these statistics.
The report is always built within a single survey and is built for one
+of the questions in that survey.
The report may be presented in one of the two modes: tabulation or
+summary statistics. Summary statistics mode is always applied for the
+numeric questions, tabulation mode is always applied for categorical
+(single-select or multi-select questions).
The detailed action log allows the headquarters users view important
+actions undertaken by the interviewers on the tablets, such as
+application start and login activities, starting or discarding an
+interview, synchronization attempts, and other actions undertaken in the
+last 7 days. The actions log is updated with any synchronization of the
+tablet. (But if the tablet does not synchronize, there is no way for the
+HQ personnel to know what actions were undertaken, since this
+information won’t be sent).
This report is accessible in CSV, TSV, or Excel formats from the list of
+the interviewers screen and contains important information about the
+equipment being used by the interviewer and various statistics about the
+interviewer accounts, equipment status, etc.
Thematically the indicators reported here are placed in the following
Indicator naming
indicators related to the interviewer account these indicators represent static or accumulated information about the interviewer account
indicators related to the tablet device; these characteristics, like RAM size or manufacturer are not expected to change throughout the lifetime of the device.
indicators related to the current status; these characteristics, like battery charge, or screen orientation may change throughout the lifetime of the device.
indicators related to the last synchronization session; these indicators characterize the last synchronization session.
indicators related to dashboard of the interviewer these indicators characterize the state of the interviewer's dashboard.
Below is the full list of the indicators exported in this report and
+their interpretation
All the reports under this tab can be exported in XLSX, TAB, and CSV
+formats. To export, navigate to the bottom right of the report, and
+click on the desired download format.
June 29, 2016
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/headquarters/reporting/report-survey-statistics/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+Report: Survey Statistics
Survey Statistics report is accessible to supervisors and headquarter
+users, observers, and administrators.
The report presents basic statistics calculated on survey data currently
+on the server and eliminates (in some cases) the need to export the data
+for calculation of these statistics.
The report is always built within a single survey and is built for one
+of the questions in that survey.
The report may be presented in one of the two modes: tabulation or
+summary statistics. Summary statistics mode is always applied for the
+numeric questions, tabulation mode is always applied for categorical
+(single-select or multi-select questions).
For questions of numeric type
The report presents the following descriptive statistics in the columns:
+count, average, sum, minimum, maximum, and percentiles: 5th, 50th and
+95th. The rows of the report correspond to teams or individual
+interviewers (selectable). The values may be restricted by specifying
+the minimum and maximum. Specifying a minimum of zero is commonly used
+to exclude the special values in numeric questions, often denoted with
+-999, -997, or similar values.
For questions of categorical type
The report presents a frequency tabulation of the selected question by
+its categories in the columns and teams or individual interviewers
+(selectable) in the rows. A second categorical question may be specified
+as a condition question. Then the report may be filtered by categories
+of this question. For example, the tabulation of occupation may be
+reported separately for male and for female workers. If a two-way
+tabulation is of interest, it can be produced by checking the “pivot
+table” checkbox. In this case the second question selected for
+conditioning will be used as a second dimension of the two-way
+tabulation. The selection of teams or interviewers is ignored in this
+case. Totals by rows and columns are included.
The report can be downloaded in XLSX, CSV, or TAB delimited format.
NB: While technically the following questions are of categorical type, they
+are not going to be available for selection in the survey statistics
+report (since this can potentially result in huge tables):
linked categorical questions;
filtered combobox questions;
cascading categorical questions.
\ No newline at end of file
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+Reports Tab: Track the Overall Progress of the Survey
All the reports under this tab can be exported in XLSX, TAB, and CSV
+formats. To export, navigate to the bottom right of the report, and
+click on the desired download format.
By questionnaire template
The Surveys and Statuses report summarizes the progress of each survey
+that headquarters is overseeing (i.e., data collection with a given
+template). The anatomy of the report is as follows. The column labeled
+“Survey Name” contains the name of each survey. The subsequent columns
+correspond to each possible status of a survey case in the Survey
+Solutions survey workflow. (For a detailed explanation of the workflow
+and the statuses, see the Survey
+Workflow article.) Each cell in the
+report captures the number of cases that are in a given state for a
+given survey (e.g., number of “Complete” assignments for “Household
By default, this report summarizes the status of survey cases over all
+supervisors—it reports the total sum of survey cases in each status,
+summing over all supervisors. This report can be filtered to provide a
+summary or focus on one supervisor at a time.
To do this, click on the drop-down menu below Supervisors filter and
+select a name.
Doing so will yield a summary of progress for only the selected
+supervisor. In other words, filtering allows headquarters to focus on
+the progress of an individual supervisor.
By team
The Team and Statuses report provides a status report for each
+supervisor. The first column of the report lists all supervisors under
+headquarters’ supervision. The subsequent columns correspond to each
+possible status of a survey case in the Survey Solutions workflow. Each
+cell captures the number of cases in a particular status for a specific
+supervisor. By default, the Teams and Statuses report provides a global summary of
+progress at the supervisor level. Headquarters can filter the report in
+order to obtain a more granular view of progress by questionnaire
+template. To do this, click on the drop-down menu located below
+Questionnaire. Then, select a particular questionnaire to see each
+team’s progress for that questionnaire alone.
Doing so will generate a summary of progress for the chosen template.
By status duration
The Status Duration report carefully flags lack of progress. While other
+reports count interview cases, this report includes both assignments and
+interview cases. By seeing how many days interviews stay in the same
+status, survey managers can see whether survey operations are moving
+forward, and identify any bottlenecks (e.g., slow approval by
+supervisors, slower reactions by HQ, etc.). By clicking on any cell in
+the report, managers can drill down to the details of which
+assignments/interviewers and/or field staff are behind interviews
+stagnating in the same status.
Headquarters can filter the report in order to obtain a more granular
+view of progress by questionnaire. To do this, click on the drop-down
+menu located below Questionnaire. Then, select a particular
+questionnaire to see the report for that template alone.
By devices/interviewers
The Devices/Interviewers report compiles potential problems that can
+occur during data collect, such as never been able to synchronize with
+the server (Never Connected), using an old version of Interviewer
+(Old Version), etc.* *This information can make troubleshooting
+easier for survey managers.
By clicking on any cell in the report, Headquarters can find the
+associated interviewer names/accounts.
+By geography
The Map Report shows the geographic location of all completed
+questionnaires on Google Maps.
To use this report:
Select Maps Report from the Reports menu. This will open the
+interface for creating this type of report
Select the questionnaire you want to map from the Questionnaire
+drop-down menu.
Select the geo-location variable from the questionnaire that you
+wish to plot on the map. This will plot completed questionnaires on
+a map, showing their geographical dispersion and providing some
+sense of where survey teams have and have not reached.
By quantity
The Quantity report tab provides the following reports for each
+questionnaire template:
Number of completed interviews: Provides the number of completed
+interviews for each data collection team. Interviews that have been
+rejected and then completed are counted as an additional completed
Number of interview transactions by HQ: Provides the number of
+headquarters approvals and rejections for each data collection
Number of interviews approved by HQ: Provides the number of
+headquarters approved interviews for each data collection team.
Number of interview transactions by supervisor: Provides the
+number of supervisor approvals and rejections on interviews
+collected by each data collection team.
Creating a quantity report
+To use these report, first select Quantity from
+the Reports menu. Then, select the Type of report and the
+questionnaire template. Select a start date for the report (From). Next, define the time
+interval– day, week, or month (Period), and the number of time
+intervals that you would like to display in the report (Period count).
+The maximum period count that can be defined is 9.
By default, the Quantity report delivers reports at the supervisor
+level. However, you can obtain a more granular view across one data
+collection team by selecting a supervisor from the Team column.
By speed
The Speed report tab provides the following reports for each
+questionnaire template:
Average interview duration: Provides the average time difference
+between the first recorded answer on a tablet and when the complete
+button is selected.
Average supervisor processing time: Provides the average time
+difference between the moment the complete button is pressed and the
+supervisor’s approval or rejection of that questionnaire.
Average HQ processing time: Provides the average time difference
+between a supervisor approval of a questionnaire and a HQ approval
+or rejection of that questionnaire.
Average case assignment duration: Provides the average time
+difference between survey case assignment to an interviewer and the
+moment an interviewer sets the survey case as complete on a
Average overall case processing time: Provides the average time
+difference between survey case assignment and survey case approval
+by HQ.
Creating a speed report
To use these reports, first select Speed from the Reports menu. Then,
+select the Type of report and the questionnaire template. Select a
+start date for the report (From). Next, define the time interval–
+day, week, or month (Period), and the number of time intervals that
+you would like to display in the report (Period count). The maximum
+period count that can be defined is 9.
Similar to the Quantity reports, Speed reports by default provide the
+report at the supervisor level. However, you can obtain a more granular
+view across one data collection team by selecting a supervisor from the
+Team column.
Survey Statistics
The Survey Statistics report allows the creation of tabulation reports
+(frequency tabulation of categorical variables) with conditioning on
+values of other variables. Use the filters on the left-hand side to
+define the questionnaire, question, view option (by team members or
+team), and the condition question (if applicable).
For example, you can tabulate the interview result code by team members
+to check whether a particular interviewer has an abnormally large number
+of households not found.
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+Audio audit
Audio auditing enables audio recording of the interviewing process for quality control.
+Audio auditing automatically records the full interview for selected assignments, stores
+the recording in encrypted audio files, and synchronizes these audio files along with the
+linked interview files. It is not possible to record only parts of an interview, but it
+is possible to select which assignments will be recorded.
How to enable/disable audio auditing
Before creating an assignment
In the main menu of the Headquarters navigate to Survey Setup > Questionnaires;
Click on a questionnaire;
In the context menu that appears, select Details;
Click in the box next to Record audio to enable audio auditing.
After this point, all created assignments will have audio audit enabled.
To disable audio auditing, follow the same process to deselect the checkbox and switch off audio
+auditing for all future assignments. Any assignments that have been created until that moment will retain their audio audit recording setting.
For assignments that are being created with a batch upload, the corresponding attribute is _record_audio:
set the value to: 1 to indicate that the audio audit recording should be
+performed for this particular assignment, or
set it to 0 or leave blank (default) to indicate that no audio audit should
+be performed for that assignment.
After creating an assignment
In the main menu of the Headquarters navigate to Survey Setup > Assignments;
Click on the value in the AUDIO RECORDING column
In the dialog that appears, check (or uncheck) the checkbox Enable audio recording
+to enable (disable) audio auditing for selected assignment.
This action affects only the selected assignment (even if multiple assignments are selected in the assignments list).
How audio auditing is enforced on the tablet
Just like with GPS or picture questions, Android prompts interviewers to allow the Interviewer
+App to use the microphone.
Naturally, survey managers could be concerned that intelligent interviewers would either
+deny Android the needed permissions, or accept the permissions but then subsequently disable
+them, thereby avoiding audio auditing of their interviews.
To prevent this behavior, interviewers will not be able to start interviews that require audio
+audit without enabling required Android permissions.
Similarly, survey managers may be concerned that this request for permissions, made for the
+first interview that requires audio audit, could tell interviewers that their interview will
+be recorded, thereby decreasing the utility of secret audio audits.
To prevent this, survey managers could explain that these permissions are simply needed by
+Interviewer application which, after all, has audio questions that do require the type of
+permissions Android would be requesting.
Important considerations
Audio recordings will increase the amount of data that needs to be synchronized with the server.
For technical reasons, the audio recording for audit purposes is not performed during the following situations:
answering of geography question;
selecting a file from the gallery;
taking a photograph with the camera;
scanning a barcode/qrcode with the camera;
adjusting the App’s settings, running diagnostics, etc.
answering audio question (nb: recording is taken as the answer to the audio question and not added to audio audit recording).
viewing map data in an external application (following the link shown in GPS questions);
switching to any other App, or
switching to home screen.
For technical reasons, interviews and their audio files must be sent together. The audio
+files are synced first, and then the interview file. That means the interview file will
+only be sent once the, potentially quite large, audio files have been sent.
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+Server Audit Log
Survey Solutions server administrator
+may inspect the server audit log. The audit log lists important events that were initiated by the users on the server, identifying who made that action, and when.
The server actually provides two kinds of audit logs: per workspace and server-wide.
To view the server audit log, the admin user should proceed to Menu → Administration → Audit log.
To view the audit log for a particular workspace, the admin user should proceed to Menu→ Administration→ click on a workspace name in the list of workspaces → Audit log.
The audit log presents its records as a table with the following attributes:
LOG DATE - indicates date and time when the event occurred;
USER - name of the user account that performed the action that was logged;
EVENT TYPE - classification of the type of the logged event (see codes below);
LOG - records details about the logged event.
The log data can be exported in a form of a downloadable file in any of the following formats:
XLSX (Excel or compatible),
TAB (TAB-delimited values),
CSV (comma separated values).
The following actions/events are recorded in the audit log on the server (S denotes the event appears in the server-wide audit log, W denotes the event appears in the workspace-specific audit log):
Log Type
Event Type
Logged when
a questionnaire is imported from the Designer
Mentions name and version of the questionnaire being imported to the HQ server from the Designer
(ver. 2) CENSUS_INDIA_2030: imported;
a questionnaire and associated data are deleted
Mentions name and version of the questionnaire being deleted.
(ver. 2) CENSUS_INDIA_2030: deleted;
a new export job is started
Mentions name and version of the exported survey questionnaire and the data export format.
CENSUS_INDIA_2030 v2 : exported; STATA
an upgrade of assignments between different questionnaire versions has been started
Mentions questionnaire name, source version and destination version for assignment migration.
Assignments: Upgrade; From (ver. 2) to (ver. 3) CENSUS_INDIA_2030
a user account is created
Mentions the role and login of the new user account that has been created.
Headquarter user 'Headquarters1': created;
an assignment size has been revised
Mentions assignment number and new size value.
Assignment 13091: size changed; 5
encryption setting (password protection) has changed (set on or off)
Mentions whether the encryption was set to enabled or disabled state. Does not mention the password.
Mentions which user was moved from which team to which team
User Natalia: moved; From team SupJohnson' to SupJackson
change in configuration of the bulk email provider
Mentions the previous and current provider.
Update: Previous provider was None, current provider is SendGrid;
user accounts were created in batch mode
Mentions how many accounts were created in batch mode in total, and by role.
Users: Import; User Headquarters1 created 8 users in batch mode, of which 7 are interviewers and 1 supervisors
new assignments were done by uploading a preloading file
Mentions questionnaire name and version for the imported questionnaire
(ver. 2) CENSUS_INDIA_2030: imported;
an interviewer account gets archived
Mentions admin account name and interviewer account name that was archived.
Interviewer: Archive; User admin has archived interviewer account Natalia
an interviewer account is restored from the archived state
Mentions admin account name and interviewer account name that was unarchived.
Interviewer: Unarchive; User admin has unarchived interviewer account Natalia
a supervisor account gets archived
Mentions admin account name and supervisor account name that was archived.
Supervisor: Archive; User admin has archived supervisor account Natalia
a supervisor account gets restored from the archived state
Mentions admin account name and supervisor account name that was unarchived.
Supervisor: Unarchive; User admin has unarchived supervisor account Natalia
A new workspace is created on the server.
Mentions the name and display name of the created workspace.
workspace: wspace1; Workspace 1
A workspace is deleted on the server.
Mentions the name of the workspace.
workspace: wspace1;
A workspace is disabled on the server.
Mentions the name of the disabled workspace.
workspace: wspace1;
A workspace is enabled on the server.
Mentions the name of the enabled workspace.
workspace: wspace1;
A user is given access to a workspace on the server.
Mentions the name of the user and one or more workspace names.
SergiyInt: primary, wspace1, wspace2;
A user access to a workspace on the server is revoked.
Mentions the name of the user and one or more workspace names.
SergiyInt: primary, wspace1, wspace2;
Display name of a workspace has been changed.
Mentions the name of the workspace followed by the old and the new workspace display names.
wspace1: Workspace 1; Workspace 2;
A user password has been successfully changed.
Mentions the name of the user.
user 'SergiyInt':password changed;
An attempt to change the user password was not successful (for example, the new password does not satisfy the effective minimum length requirement).
Mentions the name of the user.
user 'SergiyInt': password change failed;
Reserved: This value should not be observed in practice by the end-users of the application.
Note on the timestamp: when a user reads the audit log online, the timestamps are automatically converted to the time zone of this user. But if the user opts to download the audit log as a file, all timestamps are saved in the UTC time zone,
+thus the same event may have different timestamps when the audit log is viewed
+online on the server and offline from a downloaded file.
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+Components of the Headquarters Software
to specify survey instruments, create survey assignments with those
to export the data collected from these assignments (Data
to find a check the status of particular case assignments
The difference between the headquarters and administrator users is that
+the administrator can create headquarters/observer user accounts,
+archive user accounts, and delete questionnaire templates from the
+headquarters server.
Log in to your server using a supervisor account. If you are testing
+Survey Solutions, log in at demo.mysurvey.solutions using a supervisor
Step 2
Once the supervisor’s dashboard has loaded, select the Assignments
The list of assignments can be filtered by questionnaire template,
+person responsible, and/or archived status.
From the list of assignments, the supervisor the supervisor should
+select the assignments that they would like to assign to one of their
From the pop-up window, the supervisor should select the enumerator that
+will be given the assignment. To confirm the selection, click on
+the Assign button.
That selected enumerator will now be responsible for these assignments,
+and they will appear enumerator’s Interviewer dashboard after the tablet
+is next synchronized.
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+Exposed Variables
Exposed variables are special variables that are made available by Survey Solutions for speedy access that can be utilized for the filtering of observations in the interviews lists and map reports.
All questions and variables from the cover page of any questionnaire are automatically considered to be exposed and no action needs to be undertaken by the user to expose them. In addition the user may expose up to 15 questions or variables from the main level of the questionnaire (the interview level). These questions must be of the types that are acceptable for questions at the cover page.
To expose questions/variables the user needs to go to the list of the questionnaires at the server, open the questionnaire details, click on the link edit for exposed variables.
The user will be presented with a two panel dialog where she can click on the
+questions in the list of available (left panel) and they will be added to the
+list of exposed variables (right panel). If the question or variable were added
+by mistake or no longer needed, they can be removed by clicking the X-button
+next to it.
A search box at the top of the total list allows a quick filtering of the list
+to entries with specified sequence of characters in the variable name or
+question text.
Actualization of the exposed variables begins when the user clicks SAVE and
+confirms. The process may take considerable time depending on the size of the
+survey and server performance.
Exposed variables are a property of a survey. Changing the set of exposed
+variables affects all the users making use of the filters based on exposed
+variables. It is best to decide early, which variables will be needed for
+monitoring and designate them as exposed before a significant amount of
+data accumulates.
Until the actualization of the exposed variables is completed, the map report
+and interview selection may show incomplete sets of interviews for a filter
+making use of the variables that haven’t been processed yet.
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+Import the Questionnaire
A questionnaire document prepared in the Designer site needs to be imported
+to the Survey Solutions data server before the data collection may start in
+that survey. This article outlines how to import a questionnaire from the
+Designer to the HQ.
In the main menu select Survey setup, then Questionnaires.
Click the Import questionnaire button.
Enter the Designer credentials (under which you’ve designed your
Select the questionnaire that you want to import from the list. The list of
+questionnaires shows the questionnaires owned by you and shared with you
+together. You can navigate the pages, search the questionnaires and sort them
+by title, date of last modification, or owner.
Once the questionnaire is selected, type an import comment, which is a
+memo to yourself and colleagues working in HQ regarding this survey or
+version of the questionnaire. The maximum length of this comment obeys the maximum
+number of characters permitted in comments to assignments.
If you’ve imported the same questionnaire to the same workspace before, you
+may wish to upgrade
+the assignments from an earlier version. Indicate if you wish to do so at
+this stage, and pick the version of an earlier questionnaire from the list. If
+you need to upgrade assignments from multiple versions, you can upgrade them
+one-by-one using the Upgrade assignments menu item in the Survey Setup → Questionnaires page.
Press the IMPORT button.
After the questionnaire is imported it will appear in the list of the
+questionnaires. If this is the first time you import this questionnaire, it
+will get assigned a numeric version identifier 1. For subsequent imports of
+the same questionnaire, the assigned version numbers will increment by one.
Error messages
During the process of importing a questionnaire you may encounter the following
Questionnaire 'NAME' already exists. Please choose another name.
You are importing a questionnaire with exactly the same title as another
+questionnaire already imported to this workspace. To be able to distinguish
+between them in the interface (in the reports, assignments, etc) the
+questionnaires must be titled differently. The user needs to modify the title
+of the questionnaire in the questionnaire settings before importing.
You have already imported another questionnaire with questionnaire
+variable 'NAME' from Designer. If you still want to import this
+particular one, please give it a different questionnaire variable in Designer.
You are importing a questionnaire with exactly the same questionnaire
+variable as another questionnaire already imported to this workspace.
+The questionnaire variable must be unique. The user needs to modify the
+questionnaire variable of the questionnaire in the
+settings before importing.
The questionnaire "NAME" has compilation errors. Please
+correct them in Designer.
Only questionnaires without compilation errors may be imported from the
+Designer to the data server. If your questionnaire contains any errors, they
+must be corrected in the Designer tool first.
The questionnaire "NAME" cannot be found. Please refresh the list of questionnaires.
The questionnaire was deleted in the Designer during the import process (by you or a different user, the questionnaire owner). You may not proceed, but must restart the import process and pick a different questionnaire.
Requested questionnaire cannot be found. Please refresh the list of questionnaires
The questionnaire was deleted in the Designer during the import process (by you or a different user, the questionnaire owner). You may not proceed, but must restart the import process and pick a different questionnaire.
Your questionnaire "NAME" contains new functionality: ... . New feature(s) is not supported by your installation. Please update.
The version of the software that is installed in your data server is too old to facilitate data collection with the questionnaire you are trying to import. The message usually includes hints on what specific functionality is not supported. An update of the data server is recommended in this case, but if an update is not possible, then the Designer tool must be used to edit the questionnaire to remove the not-supported features.
Designer unavailable. Please make sure that Designer is not in maintenance mode
The server you are trying to import the questionnaire to experienced a problem communicating with the Designer server.
First, try to repeat the import procedure. If it doesn't succeed continue troubleshooting.
If there is a planned maintenance, a note on this may appear in the users' forum.
Access the Designer site directly from the server. Check that you can login from that device. If you can't access it from the browser, the Survey Solutions server will face the same issue (note, that the reverse is not necessarily true).
Check the Healthcheck page of the Survey Solutions data server, refer to "Designer connection check" item. (requires the user to be in the role administrator.)
You may also want to inspect the server logs, see Data Server Errors for details (this requires file access to the system that is hosting Survey Solutions server).
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+Survey Management
A questionnaire document prepared in the Designer site needs to be imported
+to the Survey Solutions data server before the data collection may start in
+that survey. This article outlines how to import a questionnaire from the
+Designer to the HQ.
In the main menu select Survey setup, then Questionnaires.
Survey Solutions server administrator
+may inspect the server audit log. The audit log lists important events that were initiated by the users on the server, identifying who made that action, and when.
The server actually provides two kinds of audit logs: per workspace and server-wide.
To view the server audit log, the admin user should proceed to Menu → Administration → Audit log.
To view the audit log for a particular workspace, the admin user should proceed to Menu→ Administration→ click on a workspace name in the list of workspaces → Audit log.
The audit log presents its records as a table with the following attributes:
Audio auditing enables audio recording of the interviewing process for quality control.
+Audio auditing automatically records the full interview for selected assignments, stores
+the recording in encrypted audio files, and synchronizes these audio files along with the
+linked interview files. It is not possible to record only parts of an interview, but it
+is possible to select which assignments will be recorded.
How to enable/disable audio auditing
Before creating an assignment
In the main menu of the Headquarters navigate to Survey Setup > Questionnaires;
Click on a questionnaire;
In the context menu that appears, select Details;
Click in the box next to Record audio to enable audio auditing.
After this point, all created assignments will have audio audit enabled.
Exposed variables are special variables that are made available by Survey Solutions for speedy access that can be utilized for the filtering of observations in the interviews lists and map reports.
All questions and variables from the cover page of any questionnaire are automatically considered to be exposed and no action needs to be undertaken by the user to expose them. In addition the user may expose up to 15 questions or variables from the main level of the questionnaire (the interview level). These questions must be of the types that are acceptable for questions at the cover page.
Questionnaire details page reflects information about the questionnaire
+that has been earlier imported to the Headquarters. You access it by clicking
+a questionnaire in the list of imported questionnaires (Survey Setup/Questionnaires)
Notably, the information properties reflect the structure of the
+questionnaire as designed (number of sections, rosters, questions, etc)
+and the information about how the questionnaire is configured at the Headquarters
+(whether the web mode is on, whether the audio recording is turned on for
+new assignments, etc).
to specify survey instruments, create survey assignments with those
to export the data collected from these assignments (Data
to find a check the status of particular case assignments
The difference between the headquarters and administrator users is that
+the administrator can create headquarters/observer user accounts,
+archive user accounts, and delete questionnaire templates from the
+headquarters server.
Log in to your server using a supervisor account. If you are testing
+Survey Solutions, log in at demo.mysurvey.solutions using a supervisor
Step 2
Once the supervisor’s dashboard has loaded, select the Assignments
The list of assignments can be filtered by questionnaire template,
+person responsible, and/or archived status.
June 28, 2016
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@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Questionnaire Details Page
Questionnaire details page reflects information about the questionnaire
+that has been earlier imported to the Headquarters. You access it by clicking
+a questionnaire in the list of imported questionnaires (Survey Setup/Questionnaires)
Notably, the information properties reflect the structure of the
+questionnaire as designed (number of sections, rosters, questions, etc)
+and the information about how the questionnaire is configured at the Headquarters
+(whether the web mode is on, whether the audio recording is turned on for
+new assignments, etc).
From the questionnaire information page one may review the PDF rendering
+of the questionnaire. This is especially useful for the Headquarters staff
+who were not part of the questionnaire development team, but need to understand
+exactly e.g. the logic of the questionnaire (skips and validation conditions).
The PDF document reflects a snapshot of how the questionnaire was designed at
+the time when it was imported. Later changes to the questionnaire in the Designer
+will not affect this rendering.
If the questionnaire is translated to multiple languages, there will be multiple
+links for PDF documents corresponding to each translation.
The comment field reflects the comment entered by the person importing the
+questionnaire to the Headquarters (if any comment was provided). Use this field
+to reflect the purpose of an update and/or the changes made to this version
+relative to the earlier versions.
Examples of good comments:
“Added optional module M for households of size 4 and more”.
“All interviews in this version are dummy/practice interviews”.
“Fieldwork version used in 1st quarter of 2020”.
Examples of bad comments:
“New version”
“My version”
The same comment will be shown in the Questionnaire History page in the Designer
+reflecting the event of import of the questionnaire to the Headquarters.
The link icon next to the questionnaire title is a link back to the questionnaire
+document at the Designer site. Note that if you follow the link you will need to sign in
+to the Designer site with your Designer credentials and to see the questionnaire
+it must be shared with your Designer account (or you must be its owner).
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+Survey Solutions | Documentation
Questions that take a numeric response have a field for an open numeric
+answer. When that field is tapped, the numeric keyboard appears so that
+the interviewer can compose an appropriate numerical response.
Text questions have a field for an open text response. When that field
+is tapped, the text keyboard appears so that the interviewer can compose
+an appropriate text response.
Categorical: Single-Select
Single-select categorical questions have answer options with radio
+buttons. To answer this type of question, the interviewer taps the radio
+button associated with the most appropriate answer.
Categorical: Multi-Select Multi-select
+categorical questions have answer options with check boxes. To answer
+this type of question, the interviewer taps in all appropriate check
+boxes. Selected answers will show a check in the box.
Categorical: Multi-Select in Yes/No Mode
Multi-select categorical questions in yes/no mode have two radio buttons
+for each item–one that denotes “yes” and another that denotes “no”. To
+answer this type of question, the interviewer taps the radio button
+associated with the most appropriate answer for each item.
Categorical: Cascading Selections When unanswered, cascading selections look similar to text or numeric
+questions. Each question has a field where an answer can be composed.
+However, to answer these questions, the enumerator first taps in the
+field and then selects the most appropriate categorical answer from a
+drop-down menu. Selecting an answer option can be done either through
+tapping an option directly or through typing to narrow down answer
+options and then select the most appropriate.
Tap on the empty text box and use the keyboard to input an answer.
+Additional, elements can be added to the list until the maximum
+allowable number of items is reached.
To delete elements from the list, click on the X mark. However, be
+careful: doing so may result in deleting data, if the elements of a list
+question are linked to a roster (e.g., names of household members, each
+of which has their own row in the household demographics roster).
First, tap on the enter date textbox.
Then, use the pop-up window to input the correct date. Depending on
+which is more convenient, the interviewer may either scroll elements of
+the date up and down (i.e., use the left-hand component of the date
+input in the image below) or pick the date from the calendar (i.e., use
+the right-hand component of the date input dialog).
After clicking the Done button, the date will be recorded. The
+recorded answer will be displayed below the question text, as pictured
Date: Current Time
Tap on the Tap to record current time box.
Then, the current time on the tablet will automatically be recorded.
First, tap on the textbox. This will open a window informing you that
+the tablet is searching for the GPS location. Closing this window will
+stop the tablet from searching for GPS.
Then, the tablet automatically records the GPS coordinates. The GPS
+location is displayed immediately below the question text, showing the
+longitude, latitude, accuracy, and altitude.
If GPS reading is not accurate enough, you may tap on the record
+GPS textbox again. Doing so will replace the old GPS reading with the
+new GPS reading. You can continue in this fashion until you obtain and
+adequately precise GPS reading.
First, tap on the textbox.
Then, point the tablet’s camera towards the barcode, trying to align the
+red bars with the barcode, as above.
Once the tablet can clearly read the barcode, the camera will turn off
+and the barcode’s value will appear just below the question text.
First, tap on the take a photo textbox. Then, point the tablet’s
+camera to compose your picture, pressing the camera icon on screen to
+take the picture.
Once the picture has been taken, press the check button to accept the
+picture or the X button, as pictured above, to reject the picture and
+replace it with another picture.
Then, the picture will appear below the question text. Tap on the take
+a photo textbox to replace the photo by retaking the picture.
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+++ b/interviewer/app/app-notifications/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+Interviewer App Notifications
The Interviewer App reminds the interviewers about recommended actions when
+certain conditions are met by issuing user notifications. It is expected
+that if the interviewers follow the notifications issued by the software
+their work will be more efficient, and will let other team members
+(e.g. supervisors) to act sooner on the collected data.
Some notifications are shown inside the Interviewer app (at the dashboard)
+and some are shown in the Android system notifications tray. The following
+table outlines where the notifications are shown and the situations when
+they are issued.
Notification type
Synchronization was not performed lately. Please synchronize.
System tray
Synchronize as soon as possible. New assignments or rejected interviews may be awaiting at the server for pickup.
There was no retry after failed synchronization. Please try again.
System tray
Synchronize as soon as possible since the last synchronization session was
+terminated with errors and hence is incomplete.
You have X completed interview(s) that should be synchronized.
System tray
Synchronize as soon as possible so that the completed interviews may be reviewed by the supervisors.
You have X rejected interview(s) that were not handled.
System tray
Interviewer should direct attention to the rejected interviews before starting new interviews.
There are a lot of completed interviews. Please synchronize.
Synchronize as soon as possible to send completed interviews to the server and reduce a chance of data loss in case the tabled gets damaged or stolen.
Some assignments were not updated last 3 days
The interviewer is expected to fulfill the assingments sent to him and should not abandon the assignments that are received by him.
You've started too many interviews. Please complete them.
The interviewer may start an interview without completing the previous one, but starting too many at the same time is a bad practice and started interviews are best to complete before moving forward to start other new interviews.
Setting up
Notifications are controlled centrally by the server administrator in the server settings
+and are turned on by default for all servers.
Administrators finding this feature not
+helpful may turn it off (or back on) for all interviewers from the server settings page.
+The new setting will take effect after the next synchronization of the interviewer with
+the server.
Survey coordinators must realize that Android OS provides a possibility for the user
+(in this case the interviewer) to disable the notifications from a particular application
+(in this case the Interviewer App) even if the notifications were turned on at the server.
+Hence the management should not solely rely on the in-app generated notifications, but
+continue to supervise and manage the interviewers to ensure the steady circulation of the
+interviews in the system.
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index 00000000..be508672
Binary files /dev/null and b/interviewer/app/comments/images/658423.png differ
diff --git a/interviewer/app/comments/images/658423_hu17669843539275071687.png b/interviewer/app/comments/images/658423_hu17669843539275071687.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d933b1de
Binary files /dev/null and b/interviewer/app/comments/images/658423_hu17669843539275071687.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a439c5e6
Binary files /dev/null and b/interviewer/app/comments/images/711021.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68b6ef3a
Binary files /dev/null and b/interviewer/app/comments/images/711021_hu13978208571155914319.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..469ab67d
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+++ b/interviewer/app/comments/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
Comments can be left for any question. This may useful to explain
+answers that you have confirmed but that may appear strange or wrong to
+your supervisor.
To leave a comment, press for a moment on the question of interest.
+After a few seconds, a comment field will appear, into which you can
+type any arbitrary long comment.
Comments can also be left for you by your supervisor. These will likely
+be questions about the answers you have recorded.
While a summary may be included in the comments on the whole
+questionnaire, the actual comments for each question will appear next to
+commented questions. To find the comments, simply tap on the red
+question link on the survey case cover page to be directed to the
+question and comment.
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2cc9d554
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+++ b/interviewer/app/dashboard-card/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Dashboard Card
In the Interviewer and Supervisor Apps each interview/assignment is presented in
+a form of a card in the dashboard (or
+map dashboard).
The card tab color corresponds to the interview status. Specifically, the
+interviewer will see the cards with colored tabs:
blue: for interviews in status Started;
red: for interviews in status Rejected;
green: for interviews in status Completed;
purple: for assignments.
Interview number (not present for cards corresponding to assignments).
Assignment number.
Questionnaire title and version.
Action menu.
Status change message (status, date/time, message).
Calendar event (date/time comment).
Identifying fields (up to 3), may be absent.
Action button (may also be OPEN, REOPEN, CREATE NEW INTERVIEW).
Button to show location in an external application. (only if there is an
+answered identifying geolocation-type question for this interview or assignment,
+which is always the case for all the cards shown in the map dashboard carousel).
The action menu (5) contains actions that are available, but deemed to be not
+main. For example, for a started interview the action menu may contain actions
+to discard the interview, or add a calendar event, but the main action button
+at the bottom of the card is OPEN since this is the most logical next action
+for the interviewer.
Tapping on the card unfolds it (if it was folded). Unfolding the card reveals
+some elements that may be hidden in the folded presentation: calendar event
+message, identifying fields (if more than 3 were defined), etc. Tapping on an
+unfolded card folds it again.
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8a3575a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interviewer/app/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+Overview of the App
Survey Solutions map dashboard is an alternative representation of the regular
+dashboard where markers on the map indicate location of respondents. An
+interviewer switches to this view by pressing the map icon located in the
+toolbar next to the synchronization icon on the main dashboard.
Several maps are offered for the Interviewer application (three online
+maps) and (1 offline map), and more offline maps can be uploaded by the
+headquarters users using the same procedure as the maps are assigned to be used
+in the geography-type question. Offline maps usually occupy considerable space
+in the tablet’s data storage, so only the necessary maps should be assigned to
This article describes the actions in case an interviewer forgets the password
+that was assigned to him/her. If you are a PDS administrator and forgot your
+password, refer to another article:
+PDS password reset.
Survey Solutions doesn’t store the passwords of interviewers in the clear
+text. So if it is forgotten, no user may look it up inside Survey Solutions,
+neither the Supervisors, nor the Headquarters, nor the Administrator users.
Survey Solutions works with surveys that may contain thousands of questions, with whole sections being turned on and off dynamically, number of repetitions responding to answers in the interview and other complexities, which present a challenge for estimation of the progress. Yet at any moment of time a certain number of questions are answered (NA), and certain number of questions are not answered (NU). (These numbers were always reported at the interview completions screen.)
The Interviewer App reminds the interviewers about recommended actions when
+certain conditions are met by issuing user notifications. It is expected
+that if the interviewers follow the notifications issued by the software
+their work will be more efficient, and will let other team members
+(e.g. supervisors) to act sooner on the collected data.
Some notifications are shown inside the Interviewer app (at the dashboard)
+and some are shown in the Android system notifications tray. The following
+table outlines where the notifications are shown and the situations when
+they are issued.
Do not write your password on a sticker attached to your device or in another obvious
Do not let any other person know your password.
Do not rely on another person to communicate the password to you unless this is an
+established procedure (in other words it is normal that the headquarters users set a
+password for the interviewers, but it must be communicated directly to the interviewer,
+not through another interviewer).
Logout (sign out) after you finish your work.
If you believe your password became known to another person, take immediate action -
+let the supervisors know that the password is compromised, request for a new password
+to be assigned to you.
If you’ve forgotten your password, contact your supervisor (or headquarters user) and
+request for a new password to be assigned to you. Your old password can not be recovered
+even by these users.
Supervisors and headquarters users, when resetting a password of an interviewer, make sure:
The Interviewer dashboard offers an overview of the interviewer’s
+assignments and the state of completion they are in. The tabs displayed
+at the top of the dashboard sorts interviews by their status.
Navigation between tabs
To navigate between the different tabs, the interviewer can either tap
+on the tab at the top bar or swipe left or right. To help interviewers
+differentiate between the different tabs, the color of the dashboard
+will change based on which tab the interviewer is currently in. The
+interface will be grey for the Create New tab, blue for
+the **Started **tab, green for the Completed tab, and red for
+the Rejected tab.
Sending completed interviews and receiving new ones
The synchronization button is how the interviewer initiates an
+information exchange between their tablet and their supervisor’s laptop.
+Synchronization performs two tasks. First, it automatically pushes any
+completed assignment to the supervisor for review. Second, it
+automatically pulls all new assignments and data collection instruments
+onto the interviewer’s tablet. After synchronization is complete, the
+number of new assignments received, number of completed interviews sent,
+and so on are clearly displayed.
Quality control starts with the interviewer. The interviewer should thus
+do everything within their power to ensure that all questions are
The interviewer application offers three ways to do this. The first is
+the classic method that one might use with a paper questionnaire. The
+interviewer simply flips the questionnaire looking for unanswered
+questions or answers that have triggered red error messages.
Interviewers should strictly follow the survey protocol for
+administering a questionnaire (e.g. asking earlier questions before
+later questions, completing earlier modules before later modules), but
+may occasionally need to move around the questionnaire for good reasons
+(e.g. review their work, move between rows of the roster if the
+respondent corrects an earlier answer, administer an independent module
+when the key respondent for that module is present).
The interviewer can move around questionnaires in several ways.
July 14, 2016
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Binary files /dev/null and b/interviewer/app/interviewer-dashboard-managing-the-workload/images/658219.png differ
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/interviewer/app/interviewer-dashboard-managing-the-workload/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+Interviewer Dashboard: Managing the Workload
The Interviewer dashboard offers an overview of the interviewer’s
+assignments and the state of completion they are in. The tabs displayed
+at the top of the dashboard sorts interviews by their status.
Navigation between tabs
To navigate between the different tabs, the interviewer can either tap
+on the tab at the top bar or swipe left or right. To help interviewers
+differentiate between the different tabs, the color of the dashboard
+will change based on which tab the interviewer is currently in. The
+interface will be grey for the Create New tab, blue for
+the **Started **tab, green for the Completed tab, and red for
+the Rejected tab.
Information for Assignments
The card for each assignment will have a number at the top. This number
+will correspond to the assignment number that Headquarters and
+Supervisors user will also use to identify the assignment. Next to the
+assignment number will be the number of interviews that remains to be
+completed by the interviewer. This number will decrease as the
+interviewer completes more interviews.
Additionally, each card will be have the identifying information for
+each assignment or interview. The first three identifying variables will
+be shown on the card for each assignment or interview. If there are more
+than three identifying variables for the assignment, the rest will be
+hidden. To reveal the other identifying information, tap once on the
+assignment’s card.
Interview statuses
There are four possible statuses on the Dashboard:
Create New: This tab will list all the assignments that an
+interviewer has. Interviewers can create new interviews for their
+assignments. To start a new interview, interviewers will tap on the
+blue Start button on the assignment. If all the required
+interviews for an assignment have already been created, then the
+Start will be grayed out. The dashboard will be grey while in
+this tab.
Started: This tab lists the interviews that have been started
+but not yet completed. To open an incomplete interview, simply tap
+once on the card for interview of interest to expand the card and
+then tap the ***Open ***button. The dashboard will be blue while in
+this tab.
Completed: This tab contains the interviews that the interviewer
+has marked as completed. Interviews in the Completed tab will be
+sent to the server when the interviewer synchronizes. To open a
+completed interview,simply tap once on the card for interview of
+interest to expand the card and then tap the ***Open ***button. The
+dashboard will be green while in this tab.
Rejected: This tab contains the rejected interviews that the
+supervisor has reviewed, found problems, and returned it to the
+interviewer for correction. To open a completed interview, simply
+tap once on the card for interview of interest to expand the card
+and then tap the ***Open ***button. The dashboard will be red while
+in this tab.
How to create a new interview
Step 1 Under the Create New tab, find the card for the assignment of
+interest. Use the identifying information to find the appropriate
+assignment. Tap on the card to see all the identifying information. This
+will also reveal the Start. Tap on the blue Start button for
+the assignment to create a new interview.
If the questionnaire is large, a load screen may appear before the
+questionnaire cover page appears.
Step 2 The interviewer will see all the identifying information for that new
+interview. If Headquarters has filled out the identifying variable, then
+the interviewer will see the information prefilled and there will be a
+lock next to that information. Interviewers will not be able to change
+any identifying information that Headquarters has already filled out.
+If any identifying variable was not provided by Headquarters, the
+interviewer should fill out that information before starting the
+interview. After filling out any necessary identifying information,
+click on the blue Start at the bottom of the screen.
Step 3 You will then see a summary of all the identyfing information and links
+to question level comments left by the supervisor and headquarters user.
+Review the information and make sure everything is correct, and then
+click on the blue Start button at the bottom of the screen to
+start the interview. To view the comments, click on a red question
How to exit an interview
Tap on the menu button on the top right and select *Dashboard. *
You will be directed back to the dashboard. The incomplete interview can
+now be found under the Started tab, and you can select any other
How to resume an interview
Navigate to the Started tab on the Dashboard. Find the interview
+that you would like to resume and tap on its card to reveal all the
+identifying information. Then, tap on the blue Open button to
+resume the interview. The Interviewer application will open to the first
+section in the questionnaire. However, all your previous work will be
How to discard an interview
If for some reason, you need to discard an incomplete interview, you can
+tap on the 3 vertical dots on the upper right corner, and then on
+the Discard button on the interview’s card after finding the
+interview in the Started tab. You will be asked to confirm that you
+want to delete the interview. Tap on “Yes” to confirm and interview will
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index 00000000..082f9e19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interviewer/app/map-dashboard/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+Map Dashboard
Survey Solutions map dashboard is an alternative representation of the regular
+dashboard where markers on the map indicate location of respondents. An
+interviewer switches to this view by pressing the map icon located in the
+toolbar next to the synchronization icon on the main dashboard.
Several maps are offered for the Interviewer application (three online
+maps) and (1 offline map), and more offline maps can be uploaded by the
+headquarters users using the same procedure as the maps are assigned to be used
+in the geography-type question. Offline maps usually occupy considerable space
+in the tablet’s data storage, so only the necessary maps should be assigned to
The interviewer may select the map that is appropriate for the enumeration zone
+that she is working from a list of loaded maps.
ESRI mapping components are utilized to visualize the map. The online maps are
+provided by various copyright holders, depending on the territory and may vary
+in recency and level of detail.
The map dashboard indicates location based on the value of a single GPS-location
+question in the cover page (only one GPS-location question may be designated as)
+identifying. This means also, that this question may be called differently in
+different survey questionnaires, and Survey Solutions would still find it and
+plot on the map.
There may be assignments/interviews on the interviewer’s dashboard without
+geographical position for any of the following reasons:
there is no GPS question in the questionnaire, or
location information hasn’t been preloaded into assignments, or
location information hasn’t been recorded yet, or
location of the interview is off the current visible map.
Interviewers should double-check with the regular dashboard to conclusively
+establish the presence and status of a certain interview or assignment.
Map dashboard explained
Menu to apply filter by questionnaire and select what to plot: assignments,
+interviews, or both. When a questionnaire is selected all versions of this
+questionnaire are treated as if they are the same version.
Active map selector. Interviewers may select any one of the:
online: imagery;
online: imagery with labels;
online: open street map;
map of the world;
user-uploaded offline maps.
Controls to:
align (rotate) the map to point in the North direction at the top of the
zoom in;
zoom out.
Controls to:
zoom to extent of the data;
zoom to extent of the map;
show current location marker (may take time to determine position).
Assignment marker - purple diamond: ⯁.
Current location marker - blue circle with an arrow.
Completed interview marker - green circle: ●.
Rejected interview marker - red circle: ●.
Started interview marker - blue circle: ●.
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index 00000000..c3bd60d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interviewer/app/moving-around-the-questionnaire-/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+Moving Around the Questionnaire
Interviewers should strictly follow the survey protocol for
+administering a questionnaire (e.g. asking earlier questions before
+later questions, completing earlier modules before later modules), but
+may occasionally need to move around the questionnaire for good reasons
+(e.g. review their work, move between rows of the roster if the
+respondent corrects an earlier answer, administer an independent module
+when the key respondent for that module is present).
The interviewer can move around questionnaires in several ways.
Within a section
Swiping up and down moves within a single group of questions (e.g., a
Between sections at different hierarchical levels
Within any given module, the interviewer may use breadcrumbs,
+represented as links at the top of the screen, to move between different
+groups of questions and sub-sections of the module. Like the breadcrumbs
+in the fable of Hansel and Gretel, these pieces of the interface are
+meant to help the interviewer find their path back to where they were in
+the interview (e.g., moving out of a sub-section and into the main
To see this, consider the image below. The interviewer is currently in a
+group of questions about the Plot 2 (the title shown at the top of the
+section). That group of questions falls within Parcel Roster-By the
+river (the next breadcrumb), which itself falls inside the Parcel,
+Plot, and Crop Details module. If the interviewer wanted to move from
+the Plot 2 section to the Parcel Roster-By the river section, they
+could simply click on the Parcel Roster-By the river breadcrumb. If
+the interviewer wanted to move to the main part of the Parcel, Plot,
+and Crop Details module from either the Parcel Roster-By the river or
+the Plot 2 sections, they would only have to tap on the Parcel, Plot,
+and Crop Details breadcrumb.
Between sections
The interviewer may move from one section to the next by using the
+always-available navigation pane, represented by three horizontal lines
+that, when pressed, expands into an interactive table of contents of the
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index 00000000..f2d7effb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interviewer/app/page/2/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+Overview of the App
Comments can be left for any question. This may useful to explain
+answers that you have confirmed but that may appear strange or wrong to
+your supervisor.
To leave a comment, press for a moment on the question of interest.
+After a few seconds, a comment field will appear, into which you can
+type any arbitrary long comment.
Comments can also be left for you by your supervisor. These will likely
+be questions about the answers you have recorded.
Questions that take a numeric response have a field for an open numeric
+answer. When that field is tapped, the numeric keyboard appears so that
+the interviewer can compose an appropriate numerical response.
There are a few ways that interviewers can know that they have
+successfully answered a question. First, the question shows some answer.
+Second, the tablet vibrates and the questions are surrounded by a red
+outline, if the recorded answer is not valid. Vibration can be disabled
+by navigating to Interviewer’s settings
+and removing the checkbox next to Vibrate when invalid answer is given.
July 14, 2016
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/interviewer/app/password-best-practices/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+Password Best Practices
Do not write your password on a sticker attached to your device or in another obvious
Do not let any other person know your password.
Do not rely on another person to communicate the password to you unless this is an
+established procedure (in other words it is normal that the headquarters users set a
+password for the interviewers, but it must be communicated directly to the interviewer,
+not through another interviewer).
Logout (sign out) after you finish your work.
If you believe your password became known to another person, take immediate action -
+let the supervisors know that the password is compromised, request for a new password
+to be assigned to you.
If you’ve forgotten your password, contact your supervisor (or headquarters user) and
+request for a new password to be assigned to you. Your old password can not be recovered
+even by these users.
Supervisors and headquarters users, when resetting a password of an interviewer, make sure:
it is not easily guessed (for example, if all interviewers are issued passwords P1, P2,
+P3, P4,… they will eventually figure out the sequence);
similarly, never assign all (or some) interviewers the same password as other interviewers
+already have;
When passwords are communicated in writing, take measures to avoid confusion between
+similarly spelled letters or digits, for example 1 (one) and l (small letter L), or l
+(small letter L) and I (capital letter i), or O and 0 (capital letter o and digit zero);
Survey Solutions doesn’t require any of its passwords to be changed with certain
+periodicity (e.g. quarterly or annually), but it is still considered to be a good practice
+to periodically refresh the passwords. Warn your interviewers before you do this!
use different passwords for different purposes (e.g. different passwords for interviewer
+accounts and for the WiFi network they connect to in the office).
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index 00000000..7037bade
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interviewer/app/password-reset/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+Interviewer Password Reset
This article describes the actions in case an interviewer forgets the password
+that was assigned to him/her. If you are a PDS administrator and forgot your
+password, refer to another article:
+PDS password reset.
Survey Solutions doesn’t store the passwords of interviewers in the clear
+text. So if it is forgotten, no user may look it up inside Survey Solutions,
+neither the Supervisors, nor the Headquarters, nor the Administrator users.
The interviewer may not recover his forgotten password himself (even if an
+optional phone number or email were specified for his account). This requires
+cooperation of the administrator user.
The practical sequence of actions is the following:
Interviewer realizes he has forgotten the password and can’t login to the application.
Interviewer contacts the supervisor and asks to assign a new password. This is only if the interviewer doesn’t have a direct contact to the server administrator, which is typically the case. For operations where the interviewers do have a direct contact of the server administrator, they should contact the administrator directly (steps #2,3).
Supervisor passes the request of the interviewer for a change of the password to the administrator user.
The administrator makes sure that he has confirmed the identity of the person requesting the password change as a legitimate interviewer (using organization’s ID/passport/or other similar identification documents), then assigns a new password, and communicates it back to the interviewer. This is a temporary password, which must be changed, before the interviewer may continue working.
Interviewer enters any text to the password box at the login screen 5 times. After that
+the system will suggest to login online with the message
Interviewer enters the newly communicated password and presses the “Try to sign in
+online” button. This step requires connection to the server, so the tablet must be online.
If the password was entered incorrectly, the interviewer will receive the message
If the password was entered correctly, the interviewer will be asked to
+change the temporary password issued by the administrator in step #4 above
+to a new password, that is known only to him/her. The new password should
+be utilized from this moment on by this interviewer for all logins (online
+to the server and offline to the tablet’s Interviewer app).
If repetitive correct entries (in step #6) of the temporary password
+(communicated in step #4) are denied, then it may be the case that:
there is a problem with the internet connectivity, which prevents reaching
+the server from the tablet for verification of the temporary password, or
the account is being abused by someone who became aware of the temporary
+password, has already used it to log in and has changed it to something else.
+These cases are rare, but could take place if, for example, a supervisor,
+becomes aware of the password when it was communicated by the administrator
+to the interviewer in step #4 (if the communication was not direct, but
+involving the supervisor) or by the mailbox administrator, who has access to
+the mail of the members of the organization.
All interviewers accounts are made either by headquarters or administrator
+users. Any account created by them will initially be created with a temporary
+password that must be changed before the interviewer can continue working. The
+same applies if the account’s password was subsequently reset by the
+administrator. See also: own-passwords enforcement.
If a new password was issued to an interviewer and the first login with that
+password is not followed by a prompt for it to be changed then it is evidence
+that that password has been compromised. Even if the interviewer can log in
+and work with that password he/she should not and should insist on a new
+password reset.
Note: If for any reason an interviewer’s password is changed while he is
+logged in, he will not be able to synchronize: once he tries to synchronize
+a message will pop up requesting him to enter the new password (password is
+validated for every synchronization session even if the interviewer has
+already logged in to the Interviewer app).
If the interviewer is working both with an online account on the server and
+with the tablet’s Interviewer App, the interviewer account password is the
+same for both tools. Correspondingly, if it has been reset, the temporary
+password assigned by the server administrator will be anticipated in both
+tools for authentication.
If the first login after the password change was to the Interviewer App on
+the tablet, then for subsequent logins online the interviewer should enter
+the password he/she has selected.
If the first login after the password change was to the server online, then
+the App on the tablet is still not aware of the change that took place
+online, and hence the interviewer must provoke the online sign-on as
+described in step #5 above.
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index 00000000..c22bf7e5
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+++ b/interviewer/app/progress-indicator/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Interview Progress Indicator
Survey Solutions works with surveys that may contain thousands of questions, with whole sections being turned on and off dynamically, number of repetitions responding to answers in the interview and other complexities, which present a challenge for estimation of the progress. Yet at any moment of time a certain number of questions are answered (NA), and certain number of questions are not answered (NU). (These numbers were always reported at the interview completions screen.)
With the total number of questions calculated as N=NA+NU one could report a simple estimate of the progress of interview P=NA/N * 100%. This would be a rather accurate indicator in case of no conditions or repetitions in the questionnaire, but gets less accurate in the presence of these elements.
The progress indicator is reported in the interview table of contents and is recalculated after any change in the interview:
One should expect the progress to move both up or down with more answers given. The progress will increase (e.g. from 21% to 22%) if the given answer didn’t increase the total number of questions, and it will decrease if the total number of questions did increase as a result of the answer (for example, if answering the employment question opens up a whole section of questions regarding employment).
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/interviewer/app/quality-control-marking-interviews-as-complete-/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Quality Control & Marking Interviews as Complete
Quality control starts with the interviewer. The interviewer should thus
+do everything within their power to ensure that all questions are
The interviewer application offers three ways to do this. The first is
+the classic method that one might use with a paper questionnaire. The
+interviewer simply flips the questionnaire looking for unanswered
+questions or answers that have triggered red error messages.
The second, which concerns completeness, is to use the navigation panel
+as a gauge of whether any questions still need to be answered. Each
+element in the navigation panel is color-coded. Green indicates that a
+section is complete—that is, that all questions have been answered and
+none have invalid answers. Blue denotes incomplete—that is, that some
+question are unanswered. Red indicates that one or more questions in the
+answer have an invalid answer—that is, an answer that violates the
+validation condition.
The third method is to navigate to the module on the navigation pane
+named Complete. Once on that screen, the number of unanswered and
+invalid questions are displayed. The interviewer can identify the
+unanswered questions by opening the navigation pane (as described
+above), and navigate to errors flagged by pressing on each one on the
+Complete screen.
Checking that all answers are valid
In addition to confirming that a questionnaire is completely answered,
+the interviewer must also make sure that all answers make sense. There
+are two complementary ways of doing this.
While completing the questionnaire, the interviewer will see error
+messages whenever the answers provided are invalid. An invalid answer
+may be one that is outside of some expected range (e.g., age should be
+between 0 and 100) or one that conflicts with an answer provided
+elsewhere (e.g., age conflicts with date of birth). The interviewer
+should, to the extent possible, correct any errors as soon as they
After completing the questionnaire, the interviewer should check that no
+errors have escaped his/her attention. To do this, the interviewer can
+follow the same protocol as in the third method above for confirming
+that all questions have been answered.
Marking an interview as complete
An interview is not automatically complete once all of the answers have
+been answered. To mark a questionnaire as complete, the interviewer must
+use the navigation pane to navigate to the module named Complete. Once
+on that screen, the interviewer then needs to click on the Complete
+button. This will mark the questionnaire as complete and be reflected in
+the status of that assignment on the interviewer’s Dashboard.
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/interviewer/app/questionnaire-interface-answering-questions/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+Questionnaire Interface & Answering Questions
There are a few ways that interviewers can know that they have
+successfully answered a question. First, the question shows some answer.
+Second, the tablet vibrates and the questions are surrounded by a red
+outline, if the recorded answer is not valid. Vibration can be disabled
+by navigating to Interviewer’s settings
+and removing the checkbox next to Vibrate when invalid answer is given.
However, even after a question is answered, an interviewer may want to
+wait before moving to the next question. When the interviewer needs to
+pause, the Interviewer application will display the following message:
An interviewer can recall an answer in any question by clicking on the X
+next to their response.
How to know if you have made a mistake
After an answer is recorded, the Interviewer application automatically
+assesses whether the answer is consistent with other answers in the
+questionnaire or plausible based on what is known about the survey
+population. If an answer is inconsistent or implausible, that answer is
+considered invalid.
Questions with invalid answers are outlined in red (The tablet will also
+vibrate if the feature is enabled), and accompanied by an error message
+will appear describing the problem (as shown above).
Understanding groups and rosters
Groups and rosters are special grouping of questions. On the tablet,
+both first appear as a button.
When the button is tapped, the interviewers see the questions or roster
+row associated with that button.
To exit the roster row, the interviewer must select the button
+containing the name of the roster group or section at the bottom of the
To complete a group or roster, the interviewer simply answers all
+relevant questions. For a group, this is simple. For a roster, the
+process merits some explanation.
An interviewer must complete a roster row by row. By tapping on the
+button associated with any given row, the interviewer will see all
+questions for that item in the roster. To move back to the roster view,
+click on the button at the bottom of the screen (e.g., Extension
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@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
Sending completed interviews and receiving new ones
The synchronization button is how the interviewer initiates an
+information exchange between their tablet and their supervisor’s laptop.
+Synchronization performs two tasks. First, it automatically pushes any
+completed assignment to the supervisor for review. Second, it
+automatically pulls all new assignments and data collection instruments
+onto the interviewer’s tablet. After synchronization is complete, the
+number of new assignments received, number of completed interviews sent,
+and so on are clearly displayed.
Why is my data not syncing?
Error: No network. Check your network settings.
To resolve:
Check your Wifi connection through network connections section of
+the settings menu on your device.
Make sure Wifi is enabled. Make sure you are connected to a network.
Error: No connection to the Survey Solutions Supervisor. Please
+make sure that the website is available.
To resolve:
Check the URL of the server. Tap on the application menu button on
+the right hand corner. Click on Settings and check the server URL
+under the Supervisor URL heading. If you find an error, tap on the
+field to make changes.
If the server URL is correct, please inform your
+Supervisor/Headquarters about the error.
Error: Timeout when connecting to the Survey Solutions Supervisor
+website. Check your internet connection.
To resolve:
Check the Server Response timeout settings. Tap on the application
+menu button on the right hand corner. Click on Settings and tap on
+the Server Response timeout field. In the pop up window, you can
+increase the number of seconds allowed.
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index 00000000..c35990b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interviewer/config/download-and-install-the-interviewer-application/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+Download and Install the Interviewer Application
Step 1: On the home screen of the tablet, click on the
+Applications button. The button is usually located in the middle
+of the bottom toolbar and the icon is a circle with six dots. In the
+applications menu, Select Settings. Select Security and make
+sure that Unknown Sources - Allow installing application from sources
+other than the Play Store is selected/ticked.
Step 3: Click on the Get Interviewer App button and wait until
+the download is completed. If an area question is included in the
+questionnaire, make sure you also uncheck the Exclude ESRI Map
+support check box.
Step 4: Go back to the home screen and select
+Applications—>Downloads. Click on the last version
+downloaded and choose Install.
Step 5: After the installation is completed, go back to the tablet’s
+home screen and open the Interviewer Application.
Step 6: Enter the server address https://demo.mysurvey.solutions
+in the Synchronization point, and the enumerator’s user name and
+password. You can reveal the password typed using the eye symbol on the
+corner of the text field.
When typing the server address, pay attention to whether you should
+start the address with “http” or “https”. To connect to the demo server,
+users should start the address with “https”. For other servers, this may
+or may not be “http”.
Step 7: Tap on the synchronization button
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/interviewer/config/index.html b/interviewer/config/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3e605d1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interviewer/config/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+Setup and Configuration
When an interviewer launches the Interviewer App for the first time she needs
+to provide the following three parameters:
URL of the server (synchronization point),
login of the interviewer (account name on that server),
and the password of the interviewer.
Typing in the server address may be time consuming and prone to errors, so to
+simplify the process Survey Solutions permits entering this information by
+scanning a barcode. This is especially useful for the ITs setting up a large
+number of tablets in the office for many interviewers at the start of the
Survey Solutions uses device tracking mechanism where for each
+interviewer account there is an indication of the currently linked
+device. In short this means that at any moment any interviewer may be
+utilizing only one device for data collection. Re-linking of the devices
+is possible, but it has some important consequences (explained
At the same time it is still possible for multiple interviewers to use
+the same tablet for data collection, but every interviewer must have a
+different user account in the Android
+operating system to permit this. If this is not done, once the
+first interviewer initializes the connection, his name will be fixed in
+Survey Solutions, and other interviewers will not be able to log in.
+Refer to the Android OS documentation for supporting multiple
+users on the
+same tablet.
New features. With most releases of Survey Solutions, new
+features are introduced–new question types, new user interface, new
+actions, etc. To take advantage of new features, the Interviewer
+application must be updated.
Bug fixes and performance improvements. Each releases of Survey
+Solutions contains numerous bugs and performance improvements. To
+avoid bugs and ensure the best performance, the Interviewer
+application should be updated regularly.
Break with backwards compatibility. In general, older versions
+of the Interviewer application will continue to work with an updated
+Headquarters server. In some cases relatively rare cases, however,
+new features break this backwards compatibility. When this happens,
+the Interviewer application needs to be updated so that the tablet
+can continue communicating with the server.
When to update
At a minimum, the Interviewer application should be updated every month.
+Every two months, typically a new version of Survey Solutions is
+released. In the intervening time, smaller updates and bug fixes are
The Interviewer application responds to the device language setting of the
+mobile device. Localization affects the interface of the application, such as
+menus, dialogs and application error messages. The languages currently
+available are listed in the localization overview article.
The exact steps to change may differ slightly for different device models and
+operating system versions, but described generically in this
+Android HelpCenter article.
You can log in using the user name and password that you received from
+your supervisor. Tap on the eye icon to see your password to make sure
+you have entered it in correctly.
If you cannot log in, although you are sure that the username and
+password are correct, synchronise the tablet (see next step)
Step 1: On the home screen of the tablet, click on the
+Applications button. The button is usually located in the middle
+of the bottom toolbar and the icon is a circle with six dots. In the
+applications menu, Select Settings. Select Security and make
+sure that Unknown Sources - Allow installing application from sources
+other than the Play Store is selected/ticked.
June 23, 2016
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..de05f314
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interviewer/config/interface-localization/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Interviewer App interface language/localization
The Interviewer application responds to the device language setting of the
+mobile device. Localization affects the interface of the application, such as
+menus, dialogs and application error messages. The languages currently
+available are listed in the localization overview article.
The exact steps to change may differ slightly for different device models and
+operating system versions, but described generically in this
+Android HelpCenter article.
Note that you can still design the questionnaire itself
+in any language, including the texts of
+the questions, their options, instructions, and validation messages. Survey
+Solutions also allows
+multilingual questionnaires,
+which allow switching the language even during the interview.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/interviewer/config/multiple-interviewers-using-the-same-tablet/index.html b/interviewer/config/multiple-interviewers-using-the-same-tablet/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1eff3698
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interviewer/config/multiple-interviewers-using-the-same-tablet/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+Multiple interviewers using the same tablet
Survey Solutions uses device tracking mechanism where for each
+interviewer account there is an indication of the currently linked
+device. In short this means that at any moment any interviewer may be
+utilizing only one device for data collection. Re-linking of the devices
+is possible, but it has some important consequences (explained
At the same time it is still possible for multiple interviewers to use
+the same tablet for data collection, but every interviewer must have a
+different user account in the Android
+operating system to permit this. If this is not done, once the
+first interviewer initializes the connection, his name will be fixed in
+Survey Solutions, and other interviewers will not be able to log in.
+Refer to the Android OS documentation for supporting multiple
+users on the
+same tablet.
When logging in under a different account on the same tablet, the second
+interviewer will have an opportunity to enter his login/password and
+connect to the server without a conflict with the first interviewer.
WARNING: if an interviewer starts working under one account and later
+creates a different account on the tablet and still tries to login with
+the same credentials, this would be equivalent to switching to a new
+device (re-linking) and will provoke the re-linking warning with the
+same consequences (described
+Hence it is important that the interviewer continues to use the same
+(Android OS) user account for logging in to Survey Solutions.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/interviewer/config/page/1/index.html b/interviewer/config/page/1/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22dab5d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interviewer/config/page/1/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/interviewer/config/set-up-an-interviewer-tablet-by-scanning-a-barcode/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+Set up an interviewer tablet by scanning a QR-code
Set up an interviewer tablet by scanning a QR-code
August 26, 2022
When an interviewer launches the Interviewer App for the first time she needs
+to provide the following three parameters:
URL of the server (synchronization point),
login of the interviewer (account name on that server),
and the password of the interviewer.
Typing in the server address may be time consuming and prone to errors, so to
+simplify the process Survey Solutions permits entering this information by
+scanning a barcode. This is especially useful for the ITs setting up a large
+number of tablets in the office for many interviewers at the start of the
Survey Solutions displays two kinds of QR-codes:
Server QR-codes;
Account QR-codes.
1. Server QR-codes
The URL encoded in this QR-code is actually the URL of the Interviewer App on
+the server, but when setting up the application, it knows how to cut it down to
+just the server address, so the same QR-code can serve two purposes:
to download the Interviewer App;
to enter the synchronization point to it.
These QR-codes are displayed on the Interviewer App download page. If the
+Interviewer App has not been installed yet on the tablet, we can quickly
+navigate to the server page by scanning such a QR-code with any
+qrcode scanner
+that might be already installed on the tablet, and then download the
+Interviewer App.
Once the Interviewer App is installed and running, we can scan this QR-code by clicking on the QR-code icon at the login screen and scan the same code to enter the synchronization point:
2. Account QR-codes
The second kind of QR-codes shown by Survey Solutions contains the address of
+the server and the interviewer account name and is displayed at the interviewer
+profile page:
When this QR-code is scanned both server address and the interviewer account name are read in:
Survey Solutions never places the account password into the QR-code for
+security reasons.
\ No newline at end of file
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+Synchronization & Completing the Interview
You can log in using the user name and password that you received from
+your supervisor. Tap on the eye icon to see your password to make sure
+you have entered it in correctly.
If you cannot log in, although you are sure that the username and
+password are correct, synchronise the tablet (see next step)
2. Synchronize
You should synchronize your tablet as often as your supervisor has
+instructed you to.
Synchronization requires internet access. To synchronize, press the
+“Synchronize” button at the top right corner of the toolbar. The results
+of the synchronization will be displayed: how many new assignments were
+received, how many were received as rejected and so on.
3.The dashboard
The dashboard contains the list of sampling units that you need to
+visit. When you approach one of the listed sampling units, select the
+corresponding entry to start the interview. For more information about
+the Interviewer dashboard, refer to this
4. Navigating through the interview
Use the button on the upper left side of the screen to get access to the
+list of all the sections of the questionnaire.
Click on the name of the section to quickly move there.
5. Validation
After you have answered the question, the frame around it can turn red.
+If the color does not change, then the answer to the question probably
+doesn’t contain any errors. If it is red, the answer is not the expected
+one. An accompanying error message may give you more information about
+what went wrong.
6. Your progress
Survey Solutions uses a simple scheme for communicating to interviewers
+the status of each section. Green indicates that a section is
+complete—that is, that all questions have been answered and none have
+invalid answers. Blue denotes incomplete—that is, that some question are
+unanswered. Red indicates that one or more questions in the answer have
+an invalid answer—that is, an answer that violates the validation
7. Adding comments
Tap and hold your finger on the text of the question to enable the
+comment field.
Comments can be used to provide further explanation to respondent’s
+answers that can be shared with your supervisor.
8. Completing the interview
To complete the interview, click on the button on the top left of the
+screen and click on the Complete button at the bottom of the menu. You
+will see a summary screen. The number next to the Unanswered button
+indicates how many questions have been left unanswered. Similarly, the
+Errors button provides the number of questions with invalid answers.
+You can write in the Note for supervisor field any comments or
+observations that you would like to share with your supervisor. When you
+are sure that the interview is completed, press Complete to finish it
+and return to the Dashboard, where you will be able to select another
+household and start a new interview.
Data will not be available for your supervisors until you synchronize
+your tablet. As soon as an internet connection is available, you are
+advised to synchronize your tablet.
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+Updating the Interviewer application
New features. With most releases of Survey Solutions, new
+features are introduced–new question types, new user interface, new
+actions, etc. To take advantage of new features, the Interviewer
+application must be updated.
Bug fixes and performance improvements. Each releases of Survey
+Solutions contains numerous bugs and performance improvements. To
+avoid bugs and ensure the best performance, the Interviewer
+application should be updated regularly.
Break with backwards compatibility. In general, older versions
+of the Interviewer application will continue to work with an updated
+Headquarters server. In some cases relatively rare cases, however,
+new features break this backwards compatibility. When this happens,
+the Interviewer application needs to be updated so that the tablet
+can continue communicating with the server.
When to update
At a minimum, the Interviewer application should be updated every month.
+Every two months, typically a new version of Survey Solutions is
+released. In the intervening time, smaller updates and bug fixes are
How to know when update are available
For Headquarters and Supervisor users, the Teams and Roles >
+Interviewers tab provides a report of which version of Interviewer each
+interviewer is using. If application used is old, the cell in the APP
+VERSION column will appear in red.
To navigate there, follow these steps. For Headquarters, click on Teams
+and Roles, and then select Interviewers. For Supervisor, simply click on
+Teams and Roles.
For Interviewers, the Diagnostics dialog of the Interviewer App
+provides an easy tool for checking whether a new version of Interviewer
+is available. The steps for doing so are discussed immediately below.
How to update
First, select Diagnostics from the Interview application’s overflow
Then, tap on Check for a new version to check whether a newer version of
+Interviewer exists than the one currently installed on the tablet.
If the Interviewer application is up to date, the Check for new version
+prompt will say so.
If a newer version of the Interviewer application is available, tap on
+the UPDATE button to download and install it.
Note: to minimize the amount of data used for this operation, the
+Interviewer application will fetch the updates only, not the large file
+that is used for a fresh download of Interviewers.
If the process outlined above does not work, or if users need a
+different mechanism, the Interviewer application can always be
+downloaded from the Headquarters website and installed. To learn how,
+refer to this article.
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Collecting data with Survey Solutions over the phone
Online approach utilizing any computer with a web-browser
This approach is most suitable for the interviewers working at a location with stable/responsive internet connectivity.
+The functionality and interface of the web-interviewer is also described in the pages linked from here.
+It is recommended that these generic instructions are reviewed and customized by survey administrators for each particular survey.
+The article is oriented on the agencies already having experience in using Survey Solutions for face-to-face (CAPI) surveys and in need to re-orient their operations for the telephone surveys.
One specific scenario where the use of web interviewer is particularly handy is
+in conducting telephone surveys. In this case a call-centre is usually set up,
+with interviewers working from this office by reaching out the respondents by
+phone. The identifying fields of assignments are supposed to be pre-filled with
+the proper phone numbers that the interviewers will dial to get a response.
Web interviewer is a facility of Survey Solutions allowing the interviewers to work from the server, similar to supervisors and headquarter users.
Similarly to the Interviewer App on the tablet, the web interviewer allows interviewers to view their dashboard and conduct interviews. There are, however, some differences between the web interviewer and the Interviewer App:
Interviewer App
Web Interviewer
Android-based tablets
Any devices with a web-browser
Access to internet
Required for synchronization only
Required all the time
Interviews appear on the server
After synchronization of tablet completed interviews will appear in status *Completed*, incomplete interviews don't appear.
Immediately as interviews started in status *InterviewerAssigned*, after completion in status *Completed*.
Question types and design structures
matrix presentation of categorical questions (will appear as series of individual questions);
table presentation of rosters (will appear as roster with item buttons).
Geography question not supported;
Barcode question (will appear as text);
Picture question (upload image only).
Further articles explain particular aspects of working with the the web interviewer:
Headquarters and administrator users may create new interviewer accounts. There is no separate web interviewer account. Every interviewer can login to the data server (synchronization point) with their assigned interviewer credentials.
Logging in to the server is usually not required in face-to-face CAPI surveys conducted with tablets.
+After successfully logging in, the interviewer can review his/her interviewer profile:
The link to edit personal information (full name, contact phone, and email) is available if permitted by the corresponding setting specified by the server administrator.
To prevent collisions of multiple versions of the same interview, the interviewer
+is expected to utilize only one tool for each interview - either a tablet
+interviewer app or a web interviewer.
An interview may be started with the web interviewer, and then continued on the
+tablet after the interviewer initializes and synchronizes it. In this case all the
+started interviews are marked as received by the tablet, and are still visible on
+the server (in web interviewer, as well as for the supervisor and HQ users). But
+the interviewer should not and may not make any changes to the interview since it
+was already received on the tablet. If he/she tries to do such a change, an error
+message will be indicated and the software will refuse the change:
Web interviewers can conduct interviews as per their effective assignments.
+To start a new interview, the interviewer switches to the ‘Create new’
+tab and decides which interview to start by inspecting the identifying questions
+visible in the assignments table, as well as any comments by the supervisor/HQ,
+which may be left by them (last column). Once the interviewer is ready to start
+the interview he/she clicks on it and confirms by selecting the corresponding
+item in the menu that appears:
When an interviewer account is
+at the HQ, an interviewer may connect from any tablet. Once the
+interviewer has signed in, that device ID is remembered and the
+interviewer must continue using the same tablet.
No other interviewer will be permitted to use the same device: they will
+not be able to enter their username unless the interviewer app is
+uninstalled (with immediate loss of all unsynchronized data).
Interviewers in all surveys are to contact their respective survey
+managers/supervisors first, who will take reasonable efforts to
+determine the cause of the issue and possible solution including
+describing the issue and searching for similar issues in the
+users' forum and this
+support site.
If the issue is determined to be caused by the Survey Solutions
+code, it should be elevated to the developers including a detailed
+description, steps to reproduce the issue, etc. See more in the
+FAQ for email support.
There are special pages dedicated to common problems, such as
+synchronization problems for tablets. Make sure you read and
+follow the standard troubleshooting advice before elevating it to the
+developers. Include the description of the conclusion of the relevant
+standard advice, this will help in determining the proper recommendation.
The support team may advise you to utilize certain diagnostics
+tools embedded in the interviewer application or change certain
+settings. You can read more about this in the corresponding articles:
Interviewers normally should not change any of the settings on this page,
+but may be required to do so based on the instructions of their supervisors
+or technical support.
Some combinations or values of these settings may cause errors in
+operation/synchronization. Change these settings only if you know what you
+are doing.
If you do make any changes compared to the default values, and you are
+requesting support from the development team, you must mention in your
+question, issue description, or the support request, which settings you've
+changed and which values you've specified.
The Diagnostics dialog provides tools for troubleshooting. Most of these tools require the tablet to be online (connected to the Internet). The Survey Solutions support may instruct you to use one or the other tool from the below toolset.
Below is the explanation of these tools with some example illustrations (NB clickable items below).
Synchronization of the data between the tablet and server is a highly
+complex process of communication during which a number of actions are
+undertaken on both ends based on the flow of incoming data. Survey
+Solutions hides the complexity of it behind a simple Synchronize button
+available to the interviewer at any time. Normally, when synchronization
+is completed successfully, the interviewer receives a confirmation
+message and some summary statistics describing the actions taken (such
+as number of received assignments or transferred interviews).
Overlap detection is feature in Survey Solutions’ geography
+It is applicable only to the geography questions
+placed in a roster. When activated by the questionnaire
+designer, it will assist the interviewers in marking the
+areas in such a way that there is no overlap between
+multiple marked plots/parcels. This is important to avoid
+double-counting of any area in calculation of the total
If an overlap is detected, the program signals about it at
+the bottom of the map, mentioning the other roster items
+with which an overlap was detected. Overlap detection works
+instantaneously, even if the answer to the question has not
+been saved yet.
Collecting data with Survey Solutions over the phone
Offline approach utilizing tablets
This approach is most suitable for the interviewers working at a location with poor/slow/not-reliable internet connectivity. It is recommended that these generic instructions are reviewed and customized by survey administrators for each particular survey.
+The article is oriented on the agencies already having experience in using Survey Solutions for face-to-face (CAPI) surveys and in need to re-orient their operations for the telephone surveys.
Survey Solutions v5.22 automatically
+restricts the size of the images captured by the Interviewer App (see
+limits). The information below is applicable only if you wish to produce files
+even smaller than those automatically produced.
Survey Solutions image (picture) question does not specify any
+particular size or quality of the photo to be captured with the tablet’s
+camera. Instead Survey Solutions captures the image supplied by a
+standard picture provider (typically the Camera application) installed
+in the OS Android. This allows Survey Solutions to benefit from controls
+and effects present in such a provider.
When an interviewer launches the Interviewer App for the first time she needs
+to provide the following three parameters:
URL of the server (synchronization point),
login of the interviewer (account name on that server),
and the password of the interviewer.
Typing in the server address may be time consuming and prone to errors, so to
+simplify the process Survey Solutions permits entering this information by
+scanning a barcode. This is especially useful for the ITs setting up a large
+number of tablets in the office for many interviewers at the start of the
Survey Solutions uses device tracking mechanism where for each
+interviewer account there is an indication of the currently linked
+device. In short this means that at any moment any interviewer may be
+utilizing only one device for data collection. Re-linking of the devices
+is possible, but it has some important consequences (explained
At the same time it is still possible for multiple interviewers to use
+the same tablet for data collection, but every interviewer must have a
+different user account in the Android
+operating system to permit this. If this is not done, once the
+first interviewer initializes the connection, his name will be fixed in
+Survey Solutions, and other interviewers will not be able to log in.
+Refer to the Android OS documentation for supporting multiple
+users on the
+same tablet.
New features. With most releases of Survey Solutions, new
+features are introduced–new question types, new user interface, new
+actions, etc. To take advantage of new features, the Interviewer
+application must be updated.
Bug fixes and performance improvements. Each releases of Survey
+Solutions contains numerous bugs and performance improvements. To
+avoid bugs and ensure the best performance, the Interviewer
+application should be updated regularly.
Break with backwards compatibility. In general, older versions
+of the Interviewer application will continue to work with an updated
+Headquarters server. In some cases relatively rare cases, however,
+new features break this backwards compatibility. When this happens,
+the Interviewer application needs to be updated so that the tablet
+can continue communicating with the server.
When to update
At a minimum, the Interviewer application should be updated every month.
+Every two months, typically a new version of Survey Solutions is
+released. In the intervening time, smaller updates and bug fixes are
The Interviewer application responds to the device language setting of the
+mobile device. Localization affects the interface of the application, such as
+menus, dialogs and application error messages. The languages currently
+available are listed in the localization overview article.
The exact steps to change may differ slightly for different device models and
+operating system versions, but described generically in this
+Android HelpCenter article.
You can log in using the user name and password that you received from
+your supervisor. Tap on the eye icon to see your password to make sure
+you have entered it in correctly.
If you cannot log in, although you are sure that the username and
+password are correct, synchronise the tablet (see next step)
Step 1: On the home screen of the tablet, click on the
+Applications button. The button is usually located in the middle
+of the bottom toolbar and the icon is a circle with six dots. In the
+applications menu, Select Settings. Select Security and make
+sure that Unknown Sources - Allow installing application from sources
+other than the Play Store is selected/ticked.
Comments can be left for any question. This may useful to explain
+answers that you have confirmed but that may appear strange or wrong to
+your supervisor.
To leave a comment, press for a moment on the question of interest.
+After a few seconds, a comment field will appear, into which you can
+type any arbitrary long comment.
Comments can also be left for you by your supervisor. These will likely
+be questions about the answers you have recorded.
Questions that take a numeric response have a field for an open numeric
+answer. When that field is tapped, the numeric keyboard appears so that
+the interviewer can compose an appropriate numerical response.
There are a few ways that interviewers can know that they have
+successfully answered a question. First, the question shows some answer.
+Second, the tablet vibrates and the questions are surrounded by a red
+outline, if the recorded answer is not valid. Vibration can be disabled
+by navigating to Interviewer’s settings
+and removing the checkbox next to Vibrate when invalid answer is given.
July 14, 2016
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+CATI Interviewer Retraining Instructions
Collecting data with Survey Solutions over the phone
Offline approach utilizing tablets
This approach is most suitable for the interviewers working at a location with poor/slow/not-reliable internet connectivity. It is recommended that these generic instructions are reviewed and customized by survey administrators for each particular survey.
+The article is oriented on the agencies already having experience in using Survey Solutions for face-to-face (CAPI) surveys and in need to re-orient their operations for the telephone surveys.
A phone (any phone will be suitable as long as it is compatible with the cellular provider in your area).
The tablet that was issued to you by the statistical office.
Possibility to connect to the internet for synchronization
Address of the server, interviewer login name and password (these will be communicated to you from the stats office).
Access to an electric outlet/power to recharge the tablet and the charger/cable suitable for your tablet model.
Before you start
Before you start collecting the interviews, find in your tablet the Survey Solutions Interviewer application. Its icon looks like this:
Click on it and enter exactly the three parameters you’ve got from the statistical office: the server address (synchronization point), the login, and the password. Connect to the internet and click SIGN IN. You will see the SYNCHRONIZE button if you’ve entered all three parameters exactly. If there was any error, or you are not online, the software will not let you in.
If you can’t find the Interviewer App it may not have been installed for you in the office. In this case either get back to the office or contact it by phone to follow the instructions of the local IT-support person who will guide you through the installation process.
Daily algorithm
On any day when you work, follow this algorithm:
At the beginning of your shift, connect to the internet, login to the Interviewer App, and synchronize by pressing the SYNCHRONIZE button in the dashboard. It is important that you complete synchronization. If for any reason (typically connectivity/signal strength) your synchronization doesn’t succeed, you will see an error message and need to repeat the synchronization by pressing the same button again.
After synchronization completes you will receive one or more assignments and possibly rejected interviews. Each is appearing as a card on your dashboard.
Each card contains a field named PHONE with a phone number.
Cards may also contain a person’s name and other identifying information, and possibly a comment on when the number should be dialed. If there is no comment on when to dial, that phone may be called at any time.
Review the cards and determine which one you can contact next. If you have any interviews rejected by your supervisor, give them the priority, then the started interviews that you haven’t finalized, then all the remaining interviews.
Open the interview by clicking the OPEN button on the interview (or START NEW for new interviews).
Take the phone and dial the phone number you are seeing on the interview cover page.
Listen carefully. You may end up in one of the situations below. You will need to mark this situation in the contact outcome in the interview. (Only frequent situations are listed here, your particular questionnaire may provide additional options).
+A) The phone is not answered after at least 1 minute of waiting (or the longest allowed by your operator);
+B) You get a busy signal;
+C) The phone is answered and immediately hang up;
+D) The phone is answered by an answering machine;
+E) The phone is answered by a FAX or a modem device.
+F) The phone is answered by a person.
+G) The operator tells you that the phone is not valid or not in service.
+H) The operator tells you that connection is not possible at this time.
+Z) All other outcomes.
Make sure you record the result of the contact attempt in the interview. Depending on the result of the contact attempt you will:
If the phone is answered by a person (f), proceed with the interview.
For (a), (b), ( c), (d), and (h) try to reach the same number at a later time.
For (e), (g), and (z) you reach the end of this interview. Make sure you mark it as completed.
If you’ve marked the interview as completed, synchronize from the dashboard. Then proceed to the next appropriate card.
As you are doing the interview, read the texts from the screen that are marked with READ: prompt. Also read the questions and give the respondent time to think about the answer. When the answer is given, record the answer into the field provided under the question or select the appropriate option of categorical questions. Sometimes you may need to read the options, such as with Y/N-multiselect questions.
As a result of you entering the answers some new questions/sections may appear in the interview or others disappear. Only ask questions that you are seeing suggested by the Interviewer App, even if you remember that you’ve asked different questions of a different respondent.
Just like in CAPI interviews, you may encounter error messages. For example: “Value X is too large”. Before turning it to the respondent, double-check that the value you’ve entered is indeed the value that the respondent just told you. It may be a simple typing/entry error. Other situations you need to clarify with the respondent. For example: “You have told me earlier that there are 3 members in your household. Yet now you are telling me that 4 members are having fever today. Perhaps, you didn’t count someone as a household member earlier?”
During the interview the respondent may decide to interrupt the interview. If you may not complete the interview at this time, make a note in the final section that the interview is not completed, ask the respondent when is the nearest convenient time to call back, and record this time in the final section of the interview. If the respondent refuses categorically to finish the interview, make sure that you record the corresponding outcome and any reason/explanation provided (interview is too long, questions are too sensitive, respondent doesn’t see the purpose, etc).
If at step 14 the interview was completed, or the respondent refused to finish categorically, or designated the call back time after the end of your shift, mark the interview as completed and synchronize at the dashboard. Completed synchronized interviews will be removed from your dashboard. Remember that you are using a phone to make the calls. Marking the interview as completed will not hang up the phone!
If you agreed with the respondent to make another call during the current shift, you don’t have to mark the interview as completed and synchronize. In this case it is important that you make the contact attempt at the designated time during the current shift and record the corresponding status, and possibly the next contact appointment.
At the end of your shift do a final synchronization (and make sure it is successful). Do not start new interviews after this synchronization.
Next time you work, proceed to step #1. You may find that you have received some of the new assignments and some interviews rejected by the supervisors. Not all the interviews that were marked to be continued today may be returned to you – your supervisor may decide that they can be better finished by other interviewers.
Not all tablets provide a possibility to connect to 3G/4G networks for sending the data (may or may not be having a SIM-card slot and corresponding modem). If your tablet is capable of connecting to WiFi networks only, you will need to set up such a network. If the phone used for calls is a smartphone, it may have a capability to raise an access point and forward the WiFi connection to the internet through 3G/4G. If the phone is not capable of providing such a connectivity, a combination of a battery-operated router and 3G/4G dongle, or a MiFi-type device can provide the needed functionality.
Any synchronization requires an internet connection. If synchronization doesn’t succeed - make sure you are connected to the internet, then try again. The synchronization may fail even while connected if the signal is too weak. Again, just retry the synchronization process.
If at any time you find that you’ve exhausted the allowance for wireless connection (either on the phone you make your phone calls with, or on the tablet itself) contact your supervisor and explain.
It is possible that the respondent will request the interview may be continued on the next day “at any time”. Prepare before the start of the interview with a couple of slots that you know are possible for the next day. This will help arrange a schedule with no conflicting appointments.
Use only the tablet provided to you by the office, not any other device. If you attempt to login to any other device, this will invalidate your tablet (relinking) with a loss of all data.
Your supervisor may tell you that she will not be reviewing your unfinished interviews nightly. Then you don’t have to complete and synchronize unfinished interviews (step #15). But make sure you’ve discussed this with your supervisor and reached this agreement. In any case you should synchronize at the beginning and end of every shift. (and make sure the synchronization succeeds).
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+Special Topics
Overlap detection is feature in Survey Solutions’ geography
+It is applicable only to the geography questions
+placed in a roster. When activated by the questionnaire
+designer, it will assist the interviewers in marking the
+areas in such a way that there is no overlap between
+multiple marked plots/parcels. This is important to avoid
+double-counting of any area in calculation of the total
If an overlap is detected, the program signals about it at
+the bottom of the map, mentioning the other roster items
+with which an overlap was detected. Overlap detection works
+instantaneously, even if the answer to the question has not
+been saved yet.
Collecting data with Survey Solutions over the phone
Offline approach utilizing tablets
This approach is most suitable for the interviewers working at a location with poor/slow/not-reliable internet connectivity. It is recommended that these generic instructions are reviewed and customized by survey administrators for each particular survey.
+The article is oriented on the agencies already having experience in using Survey Solutions for face-to-face (CAPI) surveys and in need to re-orient their operations for the telephone surveys.
Survey Solutions v5.22 automatically
+restricts the size of the images captured by the Interviewer App (see
+limits). The information below is applicable only if you wish to produce files
+even smaller than those automatically produced.
Survey Solutions image (picture) question does not specify any
+particular size or quality of the photo to be captured with the tablet’s
+camera. Instead Survey Solutions captures the image supplied by a
+standard picture provider (typically the Camera application) installed
+in the OS Android. This allows Survey Solutions to benefit from controls
+and effects present in such a provider.
March 16, 2017
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+Overlap Detection
Overlap detection is feature in Survey Solutions’ geography
+It is applicable only to the geography questions
+placed in a roster. When activated by the questionnaire
+designer, it will assist the interviewers in marking the
+areas in such a way that there is no overlap between
+multiple marked plots/parcels. This is important to avoid
+double-counting of any area in calculation of the total
If an overlap is detected, the program signals about it at
+the bottom of the map, mentioning the other roster items
+with which an overlap was detected. Overlap detection works
+instantaneously, even if the answer to the question has not
+been saved yet.
Note that the overlap applies to all variants of the
+geography question: polygon, polyline, multipoint and
+single point, though most common use is with marking
+the areas (polygons). An overlap is signaled when there
+is at least one common point of the current answer with
+the answer to the same geography question in any other
+items of the roster. Thus:
for polygons: when they overlap with at least one
+common point;
for polylines: when they intersect in at least one
for multipoints: when there is at least one point
+common to the current answer and the answer to the
+same question in a different roster item.
for single points: when the two points are exactly
+the same.
In practice, due to noise in measurement no two points
+in the single and multiple point geography questions
+will be exactly the same when measured with a sensor
+(even if the tablet is not moving at all). And if they
+happened to be the same, it is likely they are sourced
+not from a location sensor then.
The overlap detection serves a warning purpose only.
+It doesn’t prevent such data from being recorded and
+submitted by the interviewer.
The overlap detection applies to all modes of
+measurement: manual, automatic, and semi-automatic.
When overlap detection is switched on, the answers to the
+same question for other roster items are displayed on the same
+map, albeit in a different color:
Legend for colors:
RED - answer to the current
+geography question (e.g. current parcel);
BLUE - answers to the same
+geography question for other roster items (e.g. other parcels),
+which do not overlap with the current one;
ORANGE - answers to the
+same geography question for other roster items (e.g. other
+parcels) which do overlap with the current one.
The overlap detection does not affect the export
+of the data, and whether the answer overlaps with
+another or not is not accessible from the syntax
+in writing expressions.
To activate overlap detection, tick the corresponding
+checkbox for those geography questions, where this is
The supervisors and headquarters users reviewing incoming
+interviews also have a view of the neighboring parcels and
+an overlap warning:
In this example the overlap of the THIRD PARCEL (red circle) with the
+SECOND PARCEL (orange shape to its left) is detected, but this overlap is
+marginal and probably due to the noise in the location acquisition. Yet the
+overlap between the THIRD PARCEL and the FIFTH PARCEL is significant
+and is clearly double-counting the same area, and thus is likely a mistake.
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+Setting photo size and quality
Survey Solutions v5.22 automatically
+restricts the size of the images captured by the Interviewer App (see
+limits). The information below is applicable only if you wish to produce files
+even smaller than those automatically produced.
Survey Solutions image (picture) question does not specify any
+particular size or quality of the photo to be captured with the tablet’s
+camera. Instead Survey Solutions captures the image supplied by a
+standard picture provider (typically the Camera application) installed
+in the OS Android. This allows Survey Solutions to benefit from controls
+and effects present in such a provider.
Depending on the purpose of the image capture, the settings may need to
+be adjusted. The higher is the resolution and quality of the image, the
+more details it contains, but at the expense of larger picture size (in
+bytes). Larger images may take longer to upload from the tablet to the
+server, and download during export. Transferring larger images over
+cellular networks will generally cost more, or consume your volume quota
+faster. Smaller images are circulated more quickly in the system, but
+they may lack the image quality that is necessary for some purposes.
Different image provider applications have different settings, and when
+several such apps are installed, the interviewer is generally asked,
+which one she would like to utilize:
The two crucial settings most such applications provide are the
+resolution and compression level (also sometimes simply referred
+to as “quality”):
Tentative recommendations
Every survey is different, and may require different recommendations.
Select a smaller resolution (such as 640x480 or 0.3MP) when taking
+images of e.g. houses, vehicles and other large items, where small
+details are of no significance.
Select higher resolution (such as 2.3MP) when taking images of
+persons, families, crop fields.
Select even higher resolution (3 and more MP) when capturing
+documents (IDs, pages of text, etc) or plant leaves (plant disease
Other settings
In addition, other controls may be available, such as:
scene (document, portrait, architecture, landscape, etc.),
exposure control,
flash control,
image stabilization and other.
The exact scope and number of such settings depend on the tablet
+manufacturer, OS version and application type. Some applications provide
+additional image processing or special effects capabilities, such as
+increasing sharpness, changing colors to black and white or picking
+existing images from the device photo gallery.
Ensuring the data quality
A questionnaire designer may provide multiple image type questions to
+capture “backup” photos, such as Photo of the house (1st attempt), Photo
+of the house (2nd attempt), Photo of the house (3rd attempt).
+Subsequently a supervisor’s question may be introduced for the
+supervisor to select which image is better corresponding to the
+guidelines of the survey. After the data is exported, an automatic
+script may be written to leave only one image selected by the
+supervisor, and removing the rest.
Training implications
Specific training on image taking is recommended for the enumerators if
+the photo collection constitutes an essential part of the survey. The
+interviewers must explore their devices, understand their capabilities
+and limitations. Such a training must cover:
composition: understanding which essential details must be included
+into the photo (for example, take picture of the house from the side
+with front door, do not leave out antennae on the roof, do not cover
+the number on the ID with a finger, do not have more than one person
+in the frame, etc.)
light conditions: taking images under bright/sunny or dusk/dark
+conditions, or with artificial lighting or a flash;
focus: taking sharp photos of small and large objects, documents
movement: taking photos when the object is moving, not standing (for
+example, livestock);
stabilization: importance of holding the tablet steadily to capture
+sharp images.
Implications for tablet requirements
In addition to the training of the enumerators, the survey administrator
+must be cautious in selecting appropriate tablets for such a survey, and
+pay attention to:
camera resolution/quality;
presence of autofocus;
presence of a flash, its effective range, and power consumption.
Depending on the particular circumstances a consent from the respondent
+must be acquired prior to capturing images, especially photos of persons
+and documents.
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+Consequences of relinking a tablet device
When an interviewer account is
+at the HQ, an interviewer may connect from any tablet. Once the
+interviewer has signed in, that device ID is remembered and the
+interviewer must continue using the same tablet.
No other interviewer will be permitted to use the same device: they will
+not be able to enter their username unless the interviewer app is
+uninstalled (with immediate loss of all unsynchronized data).
It is not possible for one user to work on several devices. When the
+user attempts to use the second device a warning is issued that the data
+that belongs to this user on the previous device will discarded: “You
+are already assigned to another device. If you relink to this device all
+data on the old one will be lost.”
Proceed with caution. Use
+relinking in situations when the original tablet was lost, stolen, or
+damaged. If the original tablet is still available, check if there is
+any unsynchronized data that belongs to this user, and synchronize if
+necessary. Interviewers are solely responsible for any data loss that
+resulted from interviewers relinking their device.
The original device will
+appear functioning until the very moment of synchronization when it will
+contact the server for synchronization and first find out that the
+device has been banned from the system and no information from it will be
+accepted by the server. As a consequence, all the data
+collected since the last synchronization will be discarded.
Do not let the interviewers or anyone else know the credentials of any
+user in the system as this may cause disruptions.
Every user must work utilizing his/her assigned credentials, and interviewers must stay with
+the same device.
Minimize the chances of devices being accidentally swapped between the interviewers (such as when storing together identical tablets with no identification marking during field trips, etc).
During an interviewer training discuss the importance
+of using and protecting credentials and using a single device.
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When an interviewer account is
+at the HQ, an interviewer may connect from any tablet. Once the
+interviewer has signed in, that device ID is remembered and the
+interviewer must continue using the same tablet.
No other interviewer will be permitted to use the same device: they will
+not be able to enter their username unless the interviewer app is
+uninstalled (with immediate loss of all unsynchronized data).
Interviewers in all surveys are to contact their respective survey
+managers/supervisors first, who will take reasonable efforts to
+determine the cause of the issue and possible solution including
+describing the issue and searching for similar issues in the
+users' forum and this
+support site.
If the issue is determined to be caused by the Survey Solutions
+code, it should be elevated to the developers including a detailed
+description, steps to reproduce the issue, etc. See more in the
+FAQ for email support.
There are special pages dedicated to common problems, such as
+synchronization problems for tablets. Make sure you read and
+follow the standard troubleshooting advice before elevating it to the
+developers. Include the description of the conclusion of the relevant
+standard advice, this will help in determining the proper recommendation.
The support team may advise you to utilize certain diagnostics
+tools embedded in the interviewer application or change certain
+settings. You can read more about this in the corresponding articles:
Interviewers normally should not change any of the settings on this page,
+but may be required to do so based on the instructions of their supervisors
+or technical support.
Some combinations or values of these settings may cause errors in
+operation/synchronization. Change these settings only if you know what you
+are doing.
If you do make any changes compared to the default values, and you are
+requesting support from the development team, you must mention in your
+question, issue description, or the support request, which settings you've
+changed and which values you've specified.
The Diagnostics dialog provides tools for troubleshooting. Most of these tools require the tablet to be online (connected to the Internet). The Survey Solutions support may instruct you to use one or the other tool from the below toolset.
Below is the explanation of these tools with some example illustrations (NB clickable items below).
Synchronization of the data between the tablet and server is a highly
+complex process of communication during which a number of actions are
+undertaken on both ends based on the flow of incoming data. Survey
+Solutions hides the complexity of it behind a simple Synchronize button
+available to the interviewer at any time. Normally, when synchronization
+is completed successfully, the interviewer receives a confirmation
+message and some summary statistics describing the actions taken (such
+as number of received assignments or transferred interviews).
May 16, 2018
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Binary files /dev/null and b/interviewer/troubleshooting/interviewer-app-diagnostics/img/interviewer_package_confirm.png differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/interviewer/troubleshooting/interviewer-app-diagnostics/img/interviewer_send_description.png differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/interviewer/troubleshooting/interviewer-app-diagnostics/img/interviewer_send_logs.png differ
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@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+Interviewer App Diagnostics Dialog
The Diagnostics dialog provides tools for troubleshooting. Most of these tools require the tablet to be online (connected to the Internet). The Survey Solutions support may instruct you to use one or the other tool from the below toolset.
Below is the explanation of these tools with some example illustrations (NB clickable items below).
The Interviewer App will try to connect to the synchronization point
+(server) and check for the availability of a new version of the App.
Normally the updates are received and installed during the
+synchronization. Use this item when the synchronization doesn't succeed
+for any reason. The tablet must be online for this feature to succeed.
This will collect on the tablet device and send
+to the synchronization point (server) the detailed logs of the
+interviewer's work.
The device logs (introduced in v19.11) are available
+for review at the server by the ADMIN user
+only. The tablet must be online for this feature to succeed.
This will collect, pack, and send to the
+synchronization point (server) all the content stored on the tablet.
This may take a significant time to prepare and to send. User's
+confirmation is required to access the storage files:
User's confirmation is also required after the package is prepared
+before it will be sent to the server (confirm size of the package
+if you are concerned about the traffic use).
Make sure you confirm sending and wait for the sending to succeed,
+otherwise the your data will not reach the synchronization point.
The tablet must be online for this feature to succeed.
This will save all the information stored on the tablet to a file
+that can be transferred to the support team when requested.
This facility is intended for troubleshooting only, specifically,
+this is NOT a backup feature and not a data transfer feature, and should
+not be used or attempted to be used as such. You will not be able to
+restore the interviews data from this file. The tablet doesn't need
+to be online for this feature to succeed, the resulting file may
+be shared using any means (saved to SD card, USB-stick, etc).
This will collect the descriptive information about the device and the
+Interviewer App installation and generate a textual description that can
+be shared with the support team or a colleague/consultant providing
+technical support. Here is an example of such a description
The tablet must doesn't need to be online for this feature to succeed.
+The resulting textual description may be shared using any means (saved to
+a file, sent by email, etc).
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index 00000000..ee566686
Binary files /dev/null and b/interviewer/troubleshooting/interviewer-app-settings/img/interviewer_app_settings.png differ
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/interviewer/troubleshooting/interviewer-app-settings/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+Interviewer App Settings Dialog
Interviewers normally should not change any of the settings on this page,
+but may be required to do so based on the instructions of their supervisors
+or technical support.
Some combinations or values of these settings may cause errors in
+operation/synchronization. Change these settings only if you know what you
+are doing.
If you do make any changes compared to the default values, and you are
+requesting support from the development team, you must mention in your
+question, issue description, or the support request, which settings you've
+changed and which values you've specified.
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/interviewer/troubleshooting/page/1/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
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+++ b/interviewer/troubleshooting/synchronization-problems/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+Synchronization problems
Synchronization of the data between the tablet and server is a highly
+complex process of communication during which a number of actions are
+undertaken on both ends based on the flow of incoming data. Survey
+Solutions hides the complexity of it behind a simple Synchronize button
+available to the interviewer at any time. Normally, when synchronization
+is completed successfully, the interviewer receives a confirmation
+message and some summary statistics describing the actions taken (such
+as number of received assignments or transferred interviews).
In some cases synchronization stops with errors. Interviewers should
+remember that
it is always safe to press the synchronization button again to
+retry. When the errors are caused by interference or noise in
+communication channel the synchronization is likely to succeed when
if your supervisor has instructed you to synchronize (and this is
+important in some scenarios) and your synchronization has resulted
+in errors, then you haven’t synchronized. Only when you received a
+confirmation message that the synchronization has completed
+successfully, then the synchronization is performed.
In countries with less reliable networks the probability of a failed
+synchronization is higher. It is also higher for longer synchronization
+sessions, such as ones where a large number of interviews are being
+synchronized or when the interviews have a large amount of data.
+Synchronizing frequently helps the whole system running.
Synchronization is a process of communication between the tablet and a
+server, in which the connection is initiated by the tablet, which
+searches and sends a query to the server. Hence the server must be
+active and visible at all times when the interviewers might be
+synchronizing (during all data collection period).
The tablet is searching the server by name, known as the
+synchronization point, which is an URL of the server in the network.
+This setting is entered once when the Survey Solutions App is installed
+and logged in for the first time. Normally it doesn’t change throughout
+the data collection, though a possibility to change it exists in the
+Interviewer app settings.
If you are experiencing a repetitive synchronization error after several
+retries, the simplest action you can do is to navigate to the
+synchronization point in your browser (typically Chrome on Android devices),
+for example, https://demo.mysurvey.solutions.
+The page that opens will usually contain some readable information about the
+conßnectivity problems. This will help you track down the exact reason
+for the problem and use the troubleshooting guide below to find a remedy
+for it.
Possible situation
Synchronization successfully completed. All assignments were updated.
Situation normal. No error.
Continue working as usual.
Synchronization was interrupted, please try again. No network. Check your network settings.
Not connected to WiFi network or lost the network connection during synchronization.
Check the connection to network is established. Try to open any site known to be operational at the moment, e.g. www.google.com
Out of coverage area.
Move to the area with 3G/4G wireless coverage.
Mobile data switched off.
Switch the mobile data on in the tablet settings.
SIM card or data transfer disabled by the wireless provider.
Check if any site can be opened in browser. If not contact the SIM card (wireless) provider.
SIM card hardware malfunction
Check the SIM card is working in a different device. If not, replace the SIM card.
SIM card data plan traffic is exhausted.
Purchase additional traffic allowance from the SIM card vendor, or use an alternative network.
Tablet hardware issue
Check the wireless card and antenna according to the tablet manufacturer's checklist.
Synchronization was interrupted, please try again. No connection to the Survey Solutions Supervisor. Please make sure that the website is available.
Connected to a network, which requires further authentication or acceptance of special conditions, or payment.
Authenticate in the network (common for networks in hotels, cafes, etc)
Connected to a network, which limits access to certain sites or resources.
Make sure the HQ address of the server is whitelisted in the network.
Connected to a network, which limits access to Internet during certain hours.
Reconnect and retry during the hours when the network permits connections outside.
Or use an alternative network/connection.
Survey Solutions synchronization point is entered incorrectly (or subsequently changed).
Verify in the interviewer app settings (Supervisor URL) that the entered URL or IP is accurate for the Survey Solutions server.
Survey Solutions web server is down.
Wait for 30 minutes (or until the end of the planned outage/maintenance period) and retry.
If the issue persists, open the synchronization point address in the web browser from the tablet and from a different device.
Contact the server administrator with the error message displayed in the browser (attach a screenshot).
Survey Solutions server is misconfigured
If the message is issued on initialization of the Interviewer App on the tablet, and the site responds normally, when accessed from the same tablet, then check with the server administrator if the server is blocking any queries based on the WAF rules and introduce exceptions for the Survey Solutions.
Synchronization was interrupted, please try again. Timeout when connecting to the Survey Solutions Supervisor website. Check your internet connection.
Extremely slow network with packages delivered after a significant delay or lost.
Check the Server Response timeout setting in the [Settings of the Interviewer App](/interviewer/troubleshooting/interviewer-app-settings/) app is reasonably large, increase if necessary.
Use alternative network if available.
Retry in different time when the network is not so busy.
Connected to a network where the firewall is setup to prevent access to outside resources with timeout rather than special denial code.
Contact the network administrator to check the firewall settings of the network and make sure the synchronization point is accessible.
Failed to verify certificate for target URL. Please, check if Headquarters website address is valid and your device has correct current date and time.
Installed SSL certificate for Headquarters application is incorrect or cannot be validated by tablet
Check certificate validity using any external ssl testing tool Check current date and time on tablet. They should be correct
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@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
Interviewers in all surveys are to contact their respective survey
+managers/supervisors first, who will take reasonable efforts to
+determine the cause of the issue and possible solution including
+describing the issue and searching for similar issues in the
+users' forum and this
+support site.
If the issue is determined to be caused by the Survey Solutions
+code, it should be elevated to the developers including a detailed
+description, steps to reproduce the issue, etc. See more in the
+FAQ for email support.
There are special pages dedicated to common problems, such as
+synchronization problems for tablets. Make sure you read and
+follow the standard troubleshooting advice before elevating it to the
+developers. Include the description of the conclusion of the relevant
+standard advice, this will help in determining the proper recommendation.
The support team may advise you to utilize certain diagnostics
+tools embedded in the interviewer application or change certain
+settings. You can read more about this in the corresponding articles:
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+++ b/interviewer/web-interviewer/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+Web Interviewer
Collecting data with Survey Solutions over the phone
Online approach utilizing any computer with a web-browser
This approach is most suitable for the interviewers working at a location with stable/responsive internet connectivity.
+The functionality and interface of the web-interviewer is also described in the pages linked from here.
+It is recommended that these generic instructions are reviewed and customized by survey administrators for each particular survey.
+The article is oriented on the agencies already having experience in using Survey Solutions for face-to-face (CAPI) surveys and in need to re-orient their operations for the telephone surveys.
One specific scenario where the use of web interviewer is particularly handy is
+in conducting telephone surveys. In this case a call-centre is usually set up,
+with interviewers working from this office by reaching out the respondents by
+phone. The identifying fields of assignments are supposed to be pre-filled with
+the proper phone numbers that the interviewers will dial to get a response.
Web interviewer is a facility of Survey Solutions allowing the interviewers to work from the server, similar to supervisors and headquarter users.
Similarly to the Interviewer App on the tablet, the web interviewer allows interviewers to view their dashboard and conduct interviews. There are, however, some differences between the web interviewer and the Interviewer App:
Interviewer App
Web Interviewer
Android-based tablets
Any devices with a web-browser
Access to internet
Required for synchronization only
Required all the time
Interviews appear on the server
After synchronization of tablet completed interviews will appear in status *Completed*, incomplete interviews don't appear.
Immediately as interviews started in status *InterviewerAssigned*, after completion in status *Completed*.
Question types and design structures
matrix presentation of categorical questions (will appear as series of individual questions);
table presentation of rosters (will appear as roster with item buttons).
Geography question not supported;
Barcode question (will appear as text);
Picture question (upload image only).
Further articles explain particular aspects of working with the the web interviewer:
Headquarters and administrator users may create new interviewer accounts. There is no separate web interviewer account. Every interviewer can login to the data server (synchronization point) with their assigned interviewer credentials.
Logging in to the server is usually not required in face-to-face CAPI surveys conducted with tablets.
+After successfully logging in, the interviewer can review his/her interviewer profile:
The link to edit personal information (full name, contact phone, and email) is available if permitted by the corresponding setting specified by the server administrator.
To prevent collisions of multiple versions of the same interview, the interviewer
+is expected to utilize only one tool for each interview - either a tablet
+interviewer app or a web interviewer.
An interview may be started with the web interviewer, and then continued on the
+tablet after the interviewer initializes and synchronizes it. In this case all the
+started interviews are marked as received by the tablet, and are still visible on
+the server (in web interviewer, as well as for the supervisor and HQ users). But
+the interviewer should not and may not make any changes to the interview since it
+was already received on the tablet. If he/she tries to do such a change, an error
+message will be indicated and the software will refuse the change:
Web interviewers can conduct interviews as per their effective assignments.
+To start a new interview, the interviewer switches to the ‘Create new’
+tab and decides which interview to start by inspecting the identifying questions
+visible in the assignments table, as well as any comments by the supervisor/HQ,
+which may be left by them (last column). Once the interviewer is ready to start
+the interview he/she clicks on it and confirms by selecting the corresponding
+item in the menu that appears:
March 30, 2020
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Web Interviewer CATI
One specific scenario where the use of web interviewer is particularly handy is
+in conducting telephone surveys. In this case a call-centre is usually set up,
+with interviewers working from this office by reaching out the respondents by
+phone. The identifying fields of assignments are supposed to be pre-filled with
+the proper phone numbers that the interviewers will dial to get a response.
This allows to avoid purchasing the tablets and to re-use the computer equipment
+available in the existing call-centre.
If the survey is a CATI survey, the designer of the questionnaire should avoid
+the questions that are not supported under such circumstances (picture, GPS, etc),
+and, perhaps, extend the interview result codes to include telephone-related
respondent out of the service area;
phone number always busy;
phone number answered by fax, modem, or other similar device;
phone number not serviced or not valid anymore;
phone number belongs to/call is answered by a different person;
Web interviewers have access to a dashboard equivalent in functionality to the dashboart of the tablet Interviewer App:
Dashboard tabs (pages)
The dashboard contains the following tabs (pages):
start new
assignments, on which new interviews are possible to start.
interviews, which have been started by this interviewer,
+but not completed yet.
interviews, which have been completed earlier, but then rejected by the supervisor/HQ users to this interviewer.
interviews completed by this interviewer, but not yet approved or rejected by the supervisor.
Interviewers may utilize the search box located above the table to find
+an interview with known interview key or value of an identifying question:
At the left side of the screen the interviewer may apply filters, to display only the interviews
+from a particular survey, particular version, or assignment:
Note that the time in the ‘Updated on’ column is displayed
+in the timezone of the interviewer (as reported by the
+device used to access the dashboard). So, in general the
+supervisor and interviewer may see different ‘Last updated’
+values for the same interview if they are in different time
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@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Web Interviewer Important Notes
To prevent collisions of multiple versions of the same interview, the interviewer
+is expected to utilize only one tool for each interview - either a tablet
+interviewer app or a web interviewer.
An interview may be started with the web interviewer, and then continued on the
+tablet after the interviewer initializes and synchronizes it. In this case all the
+started interviews are marked as received by the tablet, and are still visible on
+the server (in web interviewer, as well as for the supervisor and HQ users). But
+the interviewer should not and may not make any changes to the interview since it
+was already received on the tablet. If he/she tries to do such a change, an error
+message will be indicated and the software will refuse the change:
The continuation of an interview started on the tablet on the server through web
+interviewer is only possible throgh completion and rejection by the supervisor,
+since the server receives only those interviews from the Interviewer App that are
+marked as ‘Completed’ by the interviewer. Once the interview is rejected by the
+supervisor it will be available in the web interviewer until the next
+synchronization of the tablet.
It is totally fine for some interviewers to be using the Interviewer App on
+tablets, and other interviewers using the web interviewer facility even within
+the same survey. But the discipline described above is to be observed if any
+interviewer uses both tools.
To simplify the workflow, the coordinator of the survey should decide on a single
+tool to be used by every interviewer/account and all interviewers should stick to
+it. Any deviation from this rule should be rehearsed during the planning of the
+survey to determine suitability for a particular scenario.
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@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Web Interviewer Retraining Instructions
Collecting data with Survey Solutions over the phone
Online approach utilizing any computer with a web-browser
This approach is most suitable for the interviewers working at a location with stable/responsive internet connectivity.
+The functionality and interface of the web-interviewer is also described in the pages linked from here.
+It is recommended that these generic instructions are reviewed and customized by survey administrators for each particular survey.
+The article is oriented on the agencies already having experience in using Survey Solutions for face-to-face (CAPI) surveys and in need to re-orient their operations for the telephone surveys.
A phone (any phone will be suitable as long as it is compatible with the cellular provider in your area).
Any computer (desktop or laptop) with web-browser (Chrome, FireFox, Edge) able to connect to the internet.
Possibility to connect to the internet and remain online for the duration of the interview.
Address of the server, interviewer login name and password (these will be communicated to you from the stats office).
Access to an electric outlet/power to keep powering your computer.
Before you start
Before you start collecting the interviews, check that you can connect to the internet, see the status of the connection, understand when the connection is interrupted, etc. Then start the browser of your choice. It is recommended to use the latest supported version of the browser (do not use beta or experimental versions).
You will not need to install anything on the computer/device you are using. Remember to use only one device and always log out after your work.
Daily algorithm
On any day when you work, follow this algorithm:
At the beginning of your shift, connect to the internet, enter the address of the server (synchronization point) to the browser’s address line and proceed to the site. Enter your interviewer’s credentials issued by your office to the login form.
Once logged in, you will find one or more assignments and possibly rejected interviews. Each is appearing as an item (line in the table) on your dashboard.
Each item contains a field named PHONE with a phone number.
It may also contain a person’s name and other identifying information, and possibly a comment on when the number should be dialed. If there is no comment on when to dial, that phone may be called at any time.
Review your work items and determine which one you can contact next. If you have any interviews rejected by your supervisor, give them the priority, then the started interviews that you haven’t finalized, then all the remaining interviews.
Open the interview by clicking the OPEN button on the interview (or START NEW for new interviews).
Take the phone and dial the phone number you are seeing on the interview cover page.
Listen carefully. You may end up in one of the situations below. You will need to mark this situation in the contact outcome in the interview. (Only frequent situations are listed here, your particular questionnaire may provide additional options).
+A) The phone is not answered after at least 1 minute of waiting (or the longest allowed by your operator);
+B) You get a busy signal;
+C) The phone is answered and immediately hang up;
+D) The phone is answered by an answering machine;
+E) The phone is answered by a FAX or a modem device.
+F) The phone is answered by a person.
+G) The operator tells you that the phone is not valid or not in service.
+H) The operator tells you that connection is not possible at this time.
+Z) All other outcomes.
Make sure you record the result of the contact attempt in the interview. Depending on the result of the contact attempt you will:
If the phone is answered by a person (f), proceed with the interview.
For (a), (b), ( c), (d), and (h) try to reach the same number at a later time.
For (e), (g), and (z) you reach the end of this interview. Make sure you mark it as completed.
If you’ve marked the interview as completed, proceed to the next work item.
As you are doing the interview, read the texts from the screen that are marked with READ: prompt. Also read the questions and give the respondent time to think about the answer. When the answer is given, record the answer into the field provided under the question or select the appropriate option of categorical questions. Sometimes you may need to read the options, such as with Y/N-multiselect questions.
As a result of you entering the answers some new questions/sections may appear in the interview or others disappear. Only ask questions that you are seeing suggested by the Interviewer App, even if you remember that you’ve asked different questions of a different respondent.
Just like in CAPI interviews, you may encounter error messages. For example: “Value X is too large”. Before turning it to the respondent, double-check that the value you’ve entered is indeed the value that the respondent just told you. It may be a simple typing/entry error. Other situations you need to clarify with the respondent. For example: “You have told me earlier that there are 3 members in your household. Yet now you are telling me that 4 members are having fever today. Perhaps, you didn’t count someone as a household member earlier?”
During the interview the respondent may decide to interrupt the interview. If you may not finish the interview at this time, make a note in the final section that the interview is not finished, ask the respondent when is the nearest convenient time to call back, and record this time in the final section of the interview. If the respondent refuses categorically to finish the interview, make sure that you record the corresponding outcome and any reason/explanation provided (interview is too long, questions are too sensitive, respondent doesn’t see the purpose, etc).
If at step 14 the interview was finished, or the respondent refused to finish categorically, mark the interview as completed. Remember that you are using a phone to make the calls. Marking the interview as completed will not hang up the phone!
If you agreed with the respondent to make another call during the current shift it is important that you make the contact attempt at the designated time during the current shift and record the corresponding status, and possibly the next contact appointment.
Log out from the website at the end of your shift.
Next time you work, proceed to step #1. You may find some new assignments and some interviews rejected by the supervisors at your dashboard as you keep on working. Not all the interviews that were marked to be continued may be returned to you – your supervisor may decide that they can be better finished by other interviewers.
Your work as the web-interviewer will require internet connectivity for the whole duration of the interview. Avoid the use of any other software that may compete for the bandwidth (YouTube, messengers, games, music players, etc).
If at any time you find that you’ve exhausted the allowance for wireless connection (either on the phone you make your phone calls with, or on line you are using for accessing the internet) contact your supervisor and explain.
It is possible that the respondent will request the interview may be continued on the next day “at any time”. Prepare before the start of the interview with a couple of slots that you know are possible for the next day. This will help arrange a schedule with no conflicting appointments.
While it is technically possible to log in from two different devices it is not recommended. Choose one device and one browser you are most comfortable with, and stick to working with it.
It may be technically possible to use the same computer for also making the calls through Skype or other messenger capable of connecting to phone networks. In that case you may not need the phone for making the calls (requirement 1). Make sure this mode provides both sufficient sound quality for maintaining the conversation and reliable connectivity to the data site.
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+Web Interviewer Interviewing
Web interviewers can conduct interviews as per their effective assignments.
+To start a new interview, the interviewer switches to the ‘Create new’
+tab and decides which interview to start by inspecting the identifying questions
+visible in the assignments table, as well as any comments by the supervisor/HQ,
+which may be left by them (last column). Once the interviewer is ready to start
+the interview he/she clicks on it and confirms by selecting the corresponding
+item in the menu that appears:
From that point on the interview goes on similarly to how it is happening on
+a tablet, but the interviewer must remain online during the whole process. The
+cover page will show where to locate the respondent
The navigation panel (table of contents) is visible by default, to take
+advantage of the wider monitors, but can be closed by clicking the back
+arrow button:
At the end of the interview, as on the tablet the counters are presented for
number of answered questions;
number of unanswered questions;
number of answered questions with errors.
No synchronization is necessary after completing the interview. The supervisor
+of the responsible interviewer will immediately see it in the list of the
+interviews with the status ‘Completed’ (awaiting supervisor’s decision).
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+Web Interviewer Login
Headquarters and administrator users may create new interviewer accounts. There is no separate web interviewer account. Every interviewer can login to the data server (synchronization point) with their assigned interviewer credentials.
Logging in to the server is usually not required in face-to-face CAPI surveys conducted with tablets.
+After successfully logging in, the interviewer can review his/her interviewer profile:
The link to edit personal information (full name, contact phone, and email) is available if permitted by the corresponding setting specified by the server administrator.
In the profile the interviewer will see (among the other counts) the count of interviews done by this interviewer all together (even if already approved by supervisor/headquarters). On the tablet there is no equivalent of this, as tablet counts only reflect the interviews stored on the tablet.
The interviewer may not change his/her own password. Any interviewer wishing to change the password, or remove the locked status must contact his/her supervisor.
The qrcode shown on the interviewer profile page helps set up the Survey Solutions interviewer App on the tablet faster: it can be scanned during the first login to enter the data synchronization point address and interviewer name into the login form. The qrcode does not contain the interviewer’s password.
The interviewer profile may list other statistics as applicable to tablet device if it was ever used by this account. This information will be missing if no device was used by this interviewer.
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+Web Interviewer Overview
Web interviewer is a facility of Survey Solutions allowing the interviewers to work from the server, similar to supervisors and headquarter users.
Similarly to the Interviewer App on the tablet, the web interviewer allows interviewers to view their dashboard and conduct interviews. There are, however, some differences between the web interviewer and the Interviewer App:
Interviewer App
Web Interviewer
Android-based tablets
Any devices with a web-browser
Access to internet
Required for synchronization only
Required all the time
Interviews appear on the server
After synchronization of tablet completed interviews will appear in status *Completed*, incomplete interviews don't appear.
Immediately as interviews started in status *InterviewerAssigned*, after completion in status *Completed*.
Question types and design structures
matrix presentation of categorical questions (will appear as series of individual questions);
table presentation of rosters (will appear as roster with item buttons).
Geography question not supported;
Barcode question (will appear as text);
Picture question (upload image only).
Further articles explain particular aspects of working with the the web interviewer:
+ }
+ })
+name = 'key';
+var regex = new RegExp('[\\?&]' + name + '=([^]*)');
+var searchstring = regex.exec(location.search);
+if (searchstring !== null) {
+ document.getElementById("aa-search-input").value = decodeURIComponent(searchstring[1].replace(/\+/g, ' '));
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+Classifications library
The classification library allows users to draw from a library of public and/or private classifications (answer options). More than a convenience feature, the classification library aids with standardization of classifications–that is, alignment with intenational best practices and/or consistency with internal practices.
How to search classifications
From within the question design pane
Click on SEARCH FOR CLASSIFICATIONS to open the classification library window
Search classifications using the group filter, search field, and/or classification preview
The group filter restricts search to the thematic group of interest.
The search field returns classifications that contain the entered search term.
Clicking on Show categories displays a previous of the first 200 answer category in the classification.
From the Classifications tab
Click on the Classifications tab
Search classifications by group
Click on the thematic group of interest in the left-most pane
Click on the classification of interest in the middle pane
Review the content of the classification to determine fit for purpose
How to copy classifications from the library to a questionnaire
From within the question design pane
After opening, the classification library window, as described in the previous section, simply:
Hover over the desired classification card
Click on ADD
If prompted, agree to replace existing answer categories
From the Classifications tab
Find the desired classification in the classification tab, as described in the previous section
Select and copy the answer categories from the classification
Click SHOW STRINGS for the target question
Paste the answer categories
Save changes to the target question
How to edit classifications
Edit answer categories after copying/adding classifications
The classification library simply copies classifications from the library to the target questionnaire. Once copied from the library, the categories in the can be edited in the target questionnaire, in the same way any answer categories can be edited. For example, answer categories can be added, deleted, or otherwise changed. Note changes in the target questionnaire do not affect the classification in the library.
Create your own classification
See section immediately below
How to create private classifications
Navigate to the questionnaire list in Designer
Click on the CLASSIFICATIONS tab
Click on the group, in the left-hand pane, in which the private classification should be saved
Click on ADD CLASSIFICATIONS in the middle pane
Give the new classification a title
Click on SAVE to create the classification
Define the classification’s categories in the right-hand pane, either by clicking on ADD CATEGORY to add categories one-by-one or by clicking on SHOW STRINGS to paste a properly formatted set of answer options
Click SAVE to save the classification’s categories
Current limitations
Currently, users cannot:
Create private groups
Share private classifications with a user-defined set of other users
Publish private classifications for all users to access
Upload “large” classifications via copy-paste. This is a browser limitation rather than a limitation of Designer.
Upload classifications, large or small, via file upload
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+Create and Modify Components
**This article will show you how to create,
+select, copy, move, and
+delete questionnaire components. **
All questionnaire components with the exception of sections can be
+created in the same manner. There are two methods for creating these
+questionnaire components (questions, sub-sections, rosters, variables
+and static texts).
To create a questionnaire component (except sections):
First Method
Click on the Add Question button located on the left hand side of
+the navigation pane to create a question.
If you want to create another type of component, select the downward
+arrow button to the right.
From the pop-up menu select the questionnaire component that you
+would like to create.
Second Method
Locate a questionnaire component within a section that should
+precede the new component.
For questions, static texts, and subsections you may also use text
+substitution to reference questions and user-defined or system-defined
+variables in the text. To do this, enclose the question or variable
+name with the percentage sign (%).
Questionnaire components can be added at the section level (not included
+in any sub-section or roster) or within sub-section or rosters.
To create a section:
Click on the table contents button
+ located
+at the top left of the screen. A panel showing all the sections
+within the questionnaire will display.
Click on the Add New Section link to add a new section.
+Here, you may also use text
+substitution to reference questions and user-defined or
+system-defined variables in the text. To do this, enclose the
+question or variable name with the percentage sign (%).
All questionnaire components with can be selected in the same manner.
To select a questionnaire component:
In the navigation pane on the left, click on the questionnaire
+component, you would like to work with. If you want to select a
+section, open the questionnaire table of contents with the button
+located on the top left and click on the appropriate section.
Once you select a component you can move or delete the component. In
+the right hand panel, you can add or modify the
+component properties.
You can copy and paste questionnaire components from another
+questionnaire or from within a questionnaire you are currently working
To copy and paste a questionnaire component:
Right click on the component you want to copy in the navigation pane
+on the left. If you want to copy a section, right click on the
+section in the questionnaire table of contents.
Select Copy from the pop-up menu.
If you want to past the sub-section in another questionnaire, open
+that questionnaire in Designer.)
Right click on the component that should precede what you have just
Click on PASTE AFTER in the pop-up menu or PASTE on the bottom
+right side of the section navigation pane.
Copying sections from a different questionnaire doesn’t necessarily
+create a valid questionnaire. The copied questions may refer to the
+variables that don’t exist in the new questionnaire or contain
+variable names already utilized elsewhere in the new questionnaire.
+These inconsistencies must be resolved with manual edits.
Copying and pasting must be done with the same browser. One can’t
+copy and paste to a different browser or any other program.
To move a questionnaire component:
Navigate to the questionnaire table of contents that contains
+the list of the different sections or to navigation pane for the
+section that contains the component.
For sections, move your mouse over the right hand side of the
+section that you would like to move and click. For other
+components as shown in the navigation pane for the section, move
+your mouse to the right hand side that you would like to
+move and click.
Drag the component and release it in its new location.
To move questionnaire components between sections:
Select the component you would like to move.
Click on the Move To link in the right hand panel.
In the pop-up window displayed, click on the section that you
+would like to move the component to.
There are two methods for deleting a questionnaire component.
To delete a questionnaire component:
First Method
Navigate to the section table of contents or the questionnaire
+table of contents.
Right click on the component you would like to delete.
In the pop-link.
Second Method
Select the component you would like to delete.
Click on the DELETE link in the right hand panel.
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+Questionnaire Components
A variable name (an identifier) must be assigned to every question, calculated variable, and roster in Survey Solutions. Additionally it must also be assigned to the whole questionnaire, and may be assigned to sections and subsections.
Variable names are used for:
referring to questions in the C# syntax expressions;
naming the data columns in the export data files;
referring to the origin of event in paradata events, errors and comments files.
A variable name is a word that consists only of the following:
Every questionnaire in Survey Solutions shall have a special section called ‘Cover’ or it’s equivalent in the translation. The cover page may contain some of the information that is present on an actual cover page of a paper prototype (if it exists) and may also contain other information.
The objective of the cover page is to include identifying information that
+helps distinguish one interview from another;
+helps the field staff reach the respondent.
Questionnaires of surveys administered in CAWI mode (web interviews) may include rosters that will be presented in table mode for compact overview of the information being collected, so that the questions become columns in the table and persons (or other roster items) form the rows of the table.
Here is an example:
Rosters can be presented in tabular view only in CAWI mode and not on the tablet, must satisfy some design requirements and will have some functionality limitations. If the design requirements are not satisfied, a compilation error is issued by the Survey Solutions Designer.
The classification library allows users to draw from a library of public and/or private classifications (answer options). More than a convenience feature, the classification library aids with standardization of classifications–that is, alignment with intenational best practices and/or consistency with internal practices.
How to search classifications
From within the question design pane
Click on SEARCH FOR CLASSIFICATIONS to open the classification library window
Search classifications using the group filter, search field, and/or classification preview
The group filter restricts search to the thematic group of interest.
Survey Solutions questionnaires may include hyperlinks to permit the interviewer to jump to a particular question or section in the questionnaire.
A typical use of the hyperlinks is in the error messages to allow the interviewer to jump to an earlier question in the questionnaire, the answer to which may conflict with the current question being validated.
For example, when we validate the age versus the date of birth. Hence the error message may be something like “Error! The entered age does not agree with the date of birth specified earlier for this person. Please check both answers!”. In this case we would want to let the interviewer jump to this date of birth question. We do it by marking the hyperlink in the error message using the markdown style:
A plain mode roster is a presentation of the roster without buttons leading to a deeper level, but rather showing all the roster questions repeated in the same scrollable area. This is especially convenient when there are only a handful of questions in the roster, such as price-quantity-unit for many items, and going behind the button and back is very time consuming for the interviewers.
In the example below a roster of expenditures on utilities containing questions on the amount and frequency for each utility consumed is presented in plain mode.
Questionnaire variable field is a new mandatory field for questionnaires in Designer.
Previously, the Questionnaire name field dictated the name of both the questionnaire and its main export file. Now, the questionnaires have two fields in Designer: the Questionnaire name field is a human-readable name that can contain any characters you wish, in any language, and can be rather large. The Questionnaire variable field is an identifier that will be utilized by Survey Solutions during export of the data for naming the main data file and should follow the same rules as applied to variable names and roster names. This makes the naming of files more rigid and independent of the language in which the questionnaire was designed. For questionnaires to be valid, both identification fields must be populated. That means that this field must be filled for new old questionnaires as well as newly created ones.
A roster is a group of questions and subsections that are repeated for a
+collection of similar items. The collection can be contained within that
+roster (Fixed roster) or it can be derived from a different question in
+the same questionnaire (numeric, list, or multi-select question), which is
+called a trigger-question. The type of the trigger question defines the
+type of the roster. When we say ’numeric roster’ we mean in fact ‘roster
+triggered by a numeric question’.
A stat
+ic-text is not a question but a text
+that can also be accompanied by a photo. A static-text cannot be
+modified by the enumerator, and is not intended to capture data but to
+communicate information to the enumerator or the interviewee. The text
+can be comprised of alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9), basic
+punctuation symbols and spaces. You may also use text substitution to
+reference questions and user-defined or system-defined variables in the
+text. To do this, enclose the question or variable name with the
+percentage sign (%).>
June 21, 2016
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+Questionnaire Components
Variables are computable expressions that can be used to simplify
+validation and enabling conditions that use complex expressions. The
+content of a variable can be substituted into question text or static
+text to provide text that is more informative and dynamic. Also,
+calculated variables are included in the export data files.
To add a variable:
First Method
Click on the down arrow next to the ADD QUESTION button.
**This article will show you how to create,
+select, copy, move, and
+delete questionnaire components. **
All questionnaire components with the exception of sections can be
+created in the same manner. There are two methods for creating these
+questionnaire components (questions, sub-sections, rosters, variables
+and static texts).
To create a questionnaire component (except sections):
Any questionnaire created with this designer tool consists of sections
+and must have at least one section. Every section can in turn contain
+one or more: Sub-sections, Question,
+Roster, Static Text, and
Subsections can contain one or more static-texts, questions, other
+sub-sections and rosters. They are used to group a set of questions
+related to a specific topic. For instance in household surveys a
+subsection can be used to group the questions related to the household’s
+characteristics. The main difference between subsections and rosters is
+that the questions within a sub-section are only asked once in an
June 16, 2016
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+Plain mode roster
A plain mode roster is a presentation of the roster without buttons leading to a deeper level, but rather showing all the roster questions repeated in the same scrollable area. This is especially convenient when there are only a handful of questions in the roster, such as price-quantity-unit for many items, and going behind the button and back is very time consuming for the interviewers.
In the example below a roster of expenditures on utilities containing questions on the amount and frequency for each utility consumed is presented in plain mode.
We designate the roster to be shown in plain mode simply by checking the corresponding checkbox ‘Plain mode’ in the Designer.
A roster may be presented in the plain view only if it doesn’t have any rosters nested into it, and contains a limited number of child elements (questions, static texts, subsections). Elements made invisible with enabling conditions are still counted towards this limit. See the limits page for the exact limit.
It is a good practice (though not mandatory) to place a roster in a subsection, so that all of the roster items are isolated from any other fields in the questionnaire. In the above example, we may place the roster in a subsection “Utilities expenditures”.
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+Question bank
The question bank allows users to search for questions in the question bank and, with a click, add them to their questionnaire.
To do this,
Click on SEARCH FOR QUESTION to open the question bank window
Search the question bank via filters and/or full-text search
Click on ADD to copy the selected question–as well as any associated enablement, validation, or filter conditions–from the question bank
The question bank consists of all questions found in any public questionnaire.
How to search the question bank
Open search
Click on SEARCH FOR QUESTION button to open the question bank search window. The button is located alongside the ADD QUESTION, ADD SUB-SECTION, etc. buttons.
Review search results
The question bank window contains search results. Each search result is represented by a card that contains the following information:
Type of questionnaire object, indicated by the usual Designer icons
Text of the question
Name of the source questionnaire
In the image above, the first search result is a text question, with question text “ADDRESS” , from the questionnaire named “Preloading Tutorial”.
Scroll up and down in the menu to view search results.
Filter by folder
Click on the drop-down menu, optionally, to restrict search to the selected question bank folder.
Search by text
Enter text in the Search for a question field in order to search for questions that contain that text.
Search is full-text and intelligent. Questions that contain either the entereed text or variants of it will be returned. For example, entering “member” will return, among other results, questions containing “member”, “members”, or “member’s”. In addition, entering “member age” will return questions that contain these two strings, such as “member’s age”, “age of member”, etc.
See questions in their original context
Click on the question text in order to open up the question in the source questionnaire. In this way, the user can see question in its original context, see the question’s full attributes, etc.
Furthermore, the user may manually more content–say, a sub-section or roster from the source question–through copy paste. To do this, select the questions from the source questionnaire to copy. Then, paste those questions into the destination questionnaire. This operation is not done via the question bank window, but instead via copy-paste from one questionnaire to another.
How to add from the question bank
Hover your cursor over the desired question.
Click on ADD.
Current limitations
The question bank currently draws only from public questionnaires. There is currently no mechanism to have the question bank include other sources (e.g., set of non-public questionnaires.)
The action of copying a question from the question bank is recorded in questionnaire history, but currently does not the origin of the copied question.
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+Questionnaire Components
Any questionnaire created with this designer tool consists of sections
+and must have at least one section. Every section can in turn contain
+one or more: Sub-sections, Question,
+Roster, Static Text, and
Subsections can contain one or more static-texts, questions, other
+sub-sections and rosters. They are used to group a set of questions
+related to a specific topic. For instance in household surveys a
+subsection can be used to group the questions related to the household’s
+characteristics. The main difference between subsections and rosters is
+that the questions within a sub-section are only asked once in an
You can add a question at the section level (not included in any
+sub-section or roster), within sub-sections or rosters, or after any
+question in the questionnaire. The available question types are
+displayed in the table below.
Sometimes it is necessary to repeat the same set of questions multiple
+times. Rosters allow you to create an auto-propagated group of
+questions. In other words, roster groups are used to display the same
+set of questions several times.
For example, a roster group can be implemented in national household or
+agricultural surveys. In the former the enumerator collects data on
+name, age, gender, etc. per household member. In the latter the
+enumerator collects data on crop, quantity harvested, unit of the
+quantity, etc. per plot of land.
As all the questions within the group will be asked for each individual
+or item, it is necessary to have an individual or item id (titles of the
+rows) that identifies each set of questions. These titles can be created
+automatically (during the interview) or manually (during the creation of
+the questionnaire). The latter are also called fixed set of items.
Survey Solutions has 4 roster sources. Three of them depend on the
+question type linked to the roster : numeric question, list
+question and multi-select question. No question is linked to the
+fourth roster source: fixed set of items.
Static-texts are used to convey information to the enumerator or the
+interviewee. An example of the former can be: “When listing the
+employees, begin with the director and then continue with the names of
+the other employees in order of responsibility, from highest to lowest.”
+An example for the latter can be: “All information collected in this
+questionnaire is confidential and will be used for statistical purposes
Variables are computable expressions, which can be added to a
+questionnaire for convenience when operating with large and/or complex
+expressions. Variables are a powerful addition to the functionality of
+Survey Solutions. Variables can be used to simplify and improve the
+validation and enabling conditions. Content of variables can be used in
+the question text or in static text to provide more informative, dynamic
+questions or static text.
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+Questionnaire hyperlinks
Survey Solutions questionnaires may include hyperlinks to permit the interviewer to jump to a particular question or section in the questionnaire.
A typical use of the hyperlinks is in the error messages to allow the interviewer to jump to an earlier question in the questionnaire, the answer to which may conflict with the current question being validated.
For example, when we validate the age versus the date of birth. Hence the error message may be something like “Error! The entered age does not agree with the date of birth specified earlier for this person. Please check both answers!”. In this case we would want to let the interviewer jump to this date of birth question. We do it by marking the hyperlink in the error message using the markdown style:
"Error! The entered age does not agree with the [date of birth](dob) specified earlier for this person. Please check both answers!”
Here dob is the variable name for the date of birth question. The words ‘date of birth’ will appear as a hyperlink for the interviewer and by clicking it he/she will be transferred to the part of the interview where that question was asked. Note that the variable link text is enclosed in square brackets (i.e., ()), while the variable is enclosed in curved brakets (i.e., [])
One can jump to the rosters, sections and subsections by mentioning their identifiers instead of the question variable name.
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+++ b/questionnaire-designer/components/questionnaire-variable/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Questionnaire variable
Questionnaire variable field is a new mandatory field for questionnaires in Designer.
Previously, the Questionnaire name field dictated the name of both the questionnaire and its main export file. Now, the questionnaires have two fields in Designer: the Questionnaire name field is a human-readable name that can contain any characters you wish, in any language, and can be rather large. The Questionnaire variable field is an identifier that will be utilized by Survey Solutions during export of the data for naming the main data file and should follow the same rules as applied to variable names and roster names. This makes the naming of files more rigid and independent of the language in which the questionnaire was designed. For questionnaires to be valid, both identification fields must be populated. That means that this field must be filled for new old questionnaires as well as newly created ones.
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@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
A roster is a group of questions and subsections that are repeated for a
+collection of similar items. The collection can be contained within that
+roster (Fixed roster) or it can be derived from a different question in
+the same questionnaire (numeric, list, or multi-select question), which is
+called a trigger-question. The type of the trigger question defines the
+type of the roster. When we say ’numeric roster’ we mean in fact ‘roster
+triggered by a numeric question’.
Rosters have numerous applications in questionnaires and allow the designers to
+focus on the content to be collected, rather than worry about how to program
+the loops and store the acquired values. In household surveys, we commonly use
+them for collecting the information about the household members, in agricultural
+surveys - about various crops or livestock, etc.
Roster properties and limits
When you are adding a roster, you can see its details in the right hand
+panel. Rosters are defined by a set of properties. While some features
+are common to all roster types, others are defined for a specific roster
+source. For any roster we must define its type, and a trigger question if
+the specified type implies that. We need to give the roster an identifier,
+and possibly specify an enabling condition. Rosters do not have validations.
All rosters are subjected to limits in terms of rows (number of roster items)
+and columns (number of questions). There are no infinite rosters. This is
+because the database structure to hold the survey data must be inferred from
+the roster at design time, still before the survey data starts to flow in.
Rosters (and especially nested rosters) may create large and complex data
+structures. To prevent explosive growth of the database, the rosters are
+constrained with various limits.
For most users it is important to understand the rectangular limits. We
+think of a roster as a table that can contain up to 60 items and up to 500
+questions. But when the roster contains only a handful of questions (up to 30),
+and is not nested, and doesn’t contain anything nested in it, then it may be
+of a larger size (up to 200 rows). We call them ‘simple’ rosters.
+They are particularly useful for market price and food consumption
+studies, which typically have more than a hundred rows on paper. Put simple, a
+roster may be long and narrow (many items and few questions), or it can be
+short and wide (few items and many questions). Survey Solutions will
+automatically determine if it can accommodate your designed structure under any
+of the types, and issue an error message if it overshoots these limits.
There are other limits on the number of items that can be contained in a nested
+roster structure and in the questionnaire all together. Some limits are checked
+dynamically during the runtime. See more on
+roster limits.
+The exact numeric limits mentioned in this article may change in the future.
+Double-check with the full list published here:
+Survey Solutions Limits.
Rosters are a convenient tool for questionnaire designers. But remember that it
+is not practical to ask 10,000 questions in an interview, (even if you can
+design a data structure for it). For large roster always investigate the
+usability and response to such questionnaires.
When creating a roster make sure that you have defined the maximum
+number of answers allowed in the trigger question. For multi-select specify
+the max number of selections, for list specify max number of list items. There
+is no option to specify the limit for a numeric question, but if the value
+entered into the trigger question in runtime is too large, then Survey Solutions
+will refuse to accept it.
Roster types
Numeric roster
The roster source is a numeric question. For example, consider the
+following questions:
How many people live in the household?
How many partners does the enterprise have?
How many plots do you cultivate?
How many crops did you harvest on your plot?
The total number of household members, partners, plots or crops
+determines how many times the questions within the roster will be
+repeated. The pictures below show an example of a numeric roster. In Questionnaire Designer:
On a tablet:
List rosterThe roster source is a list question. For example, consider the following
List the people living in the household.
List the employees working in the enterprise.
List the plots you cultivate.
List the crops you harvested on your plot.
The total number of listed household members, employees, plots or crops
+determines how many times the questions within the roster will be
+The pictures below show an example of a list roster.
+In Questionnaire Designer:
On a tablet:
Multi-select roster
The roster source question is a multi-select question. A multi-select question
+in yes/no mode may also be used as a roster source question. Below are a few
+examples of multi-select questions:
Was any of the food items below purchased in the last week? (in yes/no
From the listed crops select those cultivated on your plot.
Which of the following durable goods are owned by your household?
The total number of selected food items, crops, or durables
+determines how many times the questions within the roster will be
+repeated. In the case of a multi-select question in yes/no mode the
+number of items marked as “yes” in the multi-select question will
+determine how many times the questions within the roster will be
The pictures below show an example of multi-select roster.
In Questionnaire Designer: On a tablet: The pictures below show an example of multi-select roster in yes/no
+mode. In Questionnaire Designer:
On a tablet:
Fixed set of items roster
In the case of a fixed roster, the subject ids are the fixed items
+defined in the Designer. To define them, click on the Add Item link
+to add each subject code and label. This is similar to defining
+categories for a categorical question.
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+Special Section: Cover Page
Every questionnaire in Survey Solutions shall have a special section called ‘Cover’ or it’s equivalent in the translation. The cover page may contain some of the information that is present on an actual cover page of a paper prototype (if it exists) and may also contain other information.
The objective of the cover page is to include identifying information that
+helps distinguish one interview from another;
+helps the field staff reach the respondent.
It is possible that at the beginning of the survey the head office has absolutely no information about the respondents or their whereabouts. It is unlikely, though, that there is absolutely nothing distinguishable between the respondents. This information is provided for the convenience of the field staff. The Survey Solutions program uses a different set of identifiers internally, and it will not get confused even if there are full duplicates based on all the defined identifying fields. (Survey Solutions utilizes 32-alphanumeric digits IDs which preclude the duplicates in practice).
Here are some examples of the questions that can be included into the cover section:
name of the state or district,
street address,
phone number,
respondent name,
week when the interview is to be conducted, etc.
Here are some examples of the questions that should not be included into the cover section:
name of the interviewer,
number of males/females/total among the residents of the household,
interview status.
Not all the questions may be placed into the cover section, but only those that are listed as identifying at the following page: Design limitations by question type.
Identifying questions may not have enabling conditions. If a question with an enabling condition is copied and pasted into the cover section it loses the attached enabling condition.
Special behavior is provided for the questionnaires created in earlier versions of Survey Solutions (prior to July 20, 2020), continue reading below.
Questionnaires created in older versions of Survey Solutions will display the identifying questions in two places: in the spot where they were added by the author and in a virtual cover page section.
It is virtual in the sense that it didn’t exist when the questionnaire author was creating/editing the questionnaire before, but it manifests more obviously what the Survey Solutions will do, when interviews are created from this questionnaire during the data collection - a cover page section will be created automatically and all identifying questions are brought there in the same order as they are placed in the questionnaire.
Questions appearing in the virtual section are readonly, and to edit them one shall edit them in the section where they were originally placed. To simplify locating them in the questionnaire the ‘Jump to edit’ button is provided for each of them (in place of the ‘Save’ button).
Questionnaires created in the new version will have an editable cover page section, and the identifying questions can be edited on the spot.
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index 00000000..dd6d85a1
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+++ b/questionnaire-designer/components/static-text/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+Static Text
A stat
+ic-text is not a question but a text
+that can also be accompanied by a photo. A static-text cannot be
+modified by the enumerator, and is not intended to capture data but to
+communicate information to the enumerator or the interviewee. The text
+can be comprised of alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9), basic
+punctuation symbols and spaces. You may also use text substitution to
+reference questions and user-defined or system-defined variables in the
+text. To do this, enclose the question or variable name with the
+percentage sign (%).>
Creating a static-text
To add a static-text,
Click on the downward arrow next to the *Add question *button to
+open a drop down menu.
Select Add static-text button.
In the static-text field you can add or modify the content of the
How a static-text appears on a tablet
A static-text displays the defined message.
Add a picture
In some situations pictures become an indispensable tool to establish
+the true meaning of e.g. categories: small, medium, large. Pictures can
+be added to the questionnaire wherever a static text element is possible
+(including inside rosters and subsections). PNG and JPG file formats are
+supported as questionnaire attachments, and the same attachment can be
+displayed in multiple places in the questionnaire.
To add a new attachment element:
Click on the paper clip icon on the toolbar on the left hand side.
Click on the green upload new button to add an image from your
Define a name for the image
Then, add the attachment to a static. Type in the name of the
+specified attachment in the Attachment name box.
Three large images are scaled to fit width to tablet screen when the
+questionnaire is displayed on the tablet. The Interviewer app knows how
+to render images of different dimensions on different devices taking
+into account differences in screen resolutions.
Hide if disabled
Enabling conditions, which are equivalents of skip patterns in
+paper-based questionnaires can be used to enable or disable certain
+static-texts based on the answers an interviewee has given in previous
For more information on how to write logical expressions for enabling
+conditions, please see our complete syntax guide.
By default, the static-text will appear greyed out if it is disabled. To
+hide static-text if it is disabled, select the Hide if disabled check
A static-text is not exported.
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+Tabular presentation of rosters
Questionnaires of surveys administered in CAWI mode (web interviews) may include rosters that will be presented in table mode for compact overview of the information being collected, so that the questions become columns in the table and persons (or other roster items) form the rows of the table.
Here is an example:
Rosters can be presented in tabular view only in CAWI mode and not on the tablet, must satisfy some design requirements and will have some functionality limitations. If the design requirements are not satisfied, a compilation error is issued by the Survey Solutions Designer.
Design requirements:
number of questions in the roster is no more than 10 [or else compilation error WB0283];
may not contain questions of scope: supervisor [or else compilation error WB0284];
may not include questions of any type other than specifically: text, numeric [or else compilation error WB0285];
may not include: static texts, sub-sections, other rosters of any kind [or else compilation error WB0282];
may not include any text substitution in the questions’ text [or else compilation error WB0287].
Functionality limitations in tabular rosters:
question instructions are not shown for questions;
comments can’t be left for questions by respondents/interviewers and are not shown in case they are left by the supervisors;
when errors are shown, warnings are not shown;
any roster items that are switched off by a condition on the roster are still shown in the table, though with all questions disabled;
flag ‘hide-if-disabled’ is disregarded for questions and the roster itself.
the roster columns (including the titles column) may be resized manually by the respondent for convenience of working with content of various widths; these widths are not stored and are reset if the user leaves the page where the roster is shown in a tabular form.
Setting up
To indicate that the roster must be shown in tabular form the author of the questionnaire should set the ‘Display mode’ parameter to ‘Table’ in the properties of that roster. If the designed questionnaire is administered as a web interview, the roster will appear in tabular presentation. If it is administered on a tablet, it will fall back to the ‘Sub-Section’ mode and presented as a set of sub-sections with questions about the roster items found behind the buttons [as reflected by warning WB0286].
We plan to expand the functionality and remove some of the current limitations of the tabular presentation of the rosters in future releases.
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+Variable names
A variable name (an identifier) must be assigned to every question, calculated variable, and roster in Survey Solutions. Additionally it must also be assigned to the whole questionnaire, and may be assigned to sections and subsections.
Variable names are used for:
referring to questions in the C# syntax expressions;
naming the data columns in the export data files;
referring to the origin of event in paradata events, errors and comments files.
A variable name is a word that consists only of the following:
English letters A..Z and a..z;
Digits 0..9;
an underscore character “_”.
No other characters are permitted in the variable name. Specifically, spaces are not permitted in the variable names, as variable name must be a single word. Variable name may not start with a digit or underscore, and may not end with an underscore. Double underscores are not permitted in variable name.
Variable names may not be longer than 32 characters and are required to be shorter for some question types: multiselect, GPS location and some other question types.
Variable names are shown in green color in the questionnaire Designer.
The following are examples of valid variable names: age, gender, x25, age_of_hh_head.
The following are examples of invalid variable names:
age_ (ends with an underscore);
0st (starts with a digit);
food+nonfood (contains character “+” which is not permitted)
In addition to the above restrictions, a variable name may not be a reserved keyword in C#, Stata, SPSS software, or in the Survey Solutions itself, or in OS Microsoft Windows. Hence the following are the reserved words that may not be used as Survey Solutions variable names:
In addition all variable names of the pattern str#### (“str” followed by a number) are also disallowed (reserved in Stata).
Variable names are case-sensitive, once you’ve declared a variable Income or SpouseAge keep on writing it the same way in all the syntax expressions. To facilitate export to case-insensitive systems like SPSS, Survey Solutions will not permit you to declare another variable name that differs only by case from one already used, for example it will not permit spouseage once SpouseAge is already declared. This means that all variations of case in the above keywords are also reserved keywords.
Naming conventions
The following are some common schemes for naming variables in questionnaires:
v1, v2, v3 (by question number);
s1q1, s1q2, .., s2q1,…. (by section and question number);
a1, a2, …b1, b2 (by section letter and question number);
age, gender, education (by the matter of the question);
ageOfHead, numberOfChildren (so called Camel notation);
AgeOfHead, NumberOfChildren (capitalization of every variable name);
age_of_head, number_of_children (underscores used to separate words).
You can pick what is more convenient for your work keeping in mind the following:
how easy it is to read expressions involving such variable names;
how easy it is to make a mistake when typing a variable name;
how easy it will be to introduce a new question in the middle of the questionnaire;
compatibility with your file system and data processing package;
Once you’ve picked a convention for the variable names, it’s best to maintain it for the whole questionnaire and inform your collaborators about your preferred pattern of variable names.
Note that among Stata users it is conventional to use all lowercase letters for variable names, though this is not a requirement, while in SPSS variable names are not case-sensitive.
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Variables are computable expressions that can be used to simplify
+validation and enabling conditions that use complex expressions. The
+content of a variable can be substituted into question text or static
+text to provide text that is more informative and dynamic. Also,
+calculated variables are included in the export data files.
To add a variable:
First Method
Click on the down arrow next to the ADD QUESTION button.
Second Method
Right click on the question tree to pull up the context menu.
Click on Add variable after.
Variables will appear in the question tree with the fx-icon.
Every variable will have a name, a type and an expression. Note that the
+variables do not have enabling or validation conditions, but a variable
+may still be disabled if it is part of the disabled section or
+sub-section. In that case the value of the variable is C#’s null.
Specify variable name:
A variable name is a unique identifier for the variable. Use to the
+variable name to refer to the variable in enabling conditions,
+validation conditions, question text, static text, or in the expression
+of other variables.
Specify variable type:
Choose the data type that you expect the variable’s expression to
+evaluate to (ie numeric, true/false, text). The variable type drop down
+menu has five possible types to choose from:
Boolean: This type can only evaluate to true or false
Double: A numeric type. This type allows for numbers with
+decimal values (e.g. 2.5, 3.42)
Date/Time: Type for values that are date and/or time
Long Integer: Type for integer values. Unlike the double type,
+this type will only allow for whole numbers (e.g. 2, 42, 7329)
String: Type for text values
Specify the expression:
Add the expression that you want to be evaluated to compute the value of
+the variable.
Example 1:
We want to define a variable fullName that is a combination of a
+person’s first name (question firstName) and a person’s last name
+(question lastName). Here the variable would be a String type because
+the variable will be text.
Example 2:
We want to define a variable countMissingAssets to count the number of
+household assets where yes or no has not yet been filled in for
+categorical multi-select question (question hhAssets) that is in yes/no
+mode.Here the variable type would be Long Integer because we expect
+the number of items missing a response to be a whole number.
We can later to use it in a static text to the interviewer that will
+tell them how many assets they still have not filled out yes or not
Example 3:
We want to define a variable hhsize that will compute the household
+size. We intend to use this later in validation conditions in the
+household food consumption module to calculate the amount of food item
+that was consumed per capita.
Here the variable type would be Long Integer because we expect the
+household size to be whole number. hhroster is the name of the roster
+that the household members are listed in and name is the variable that
+contains the household member’s names. To get the household size, we are
+counting the number of non-empty names that are listed on the roster
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+Questionnaire Designer
Critical rules and questions designate conditions under which an interview may
+be completed. The questionnaire author declares such conditions in the Designer
+tool, and subsequently the headquarters user decides on what action Survey
+Solutions will undertake with these conditions before the interview can be
+completed (see types of actions below).
Most users will find the critical questions feature straightforward to use: if
+a question is declared critical in the Designer, then it must have an answer at
+the time of completion.
A respondent may refuse to answer a particular question, may not know the
+answer, or, perhaps, a family member may be unavailable for answering - these
+are common situations during the interviewing process.
Every once in a while our support team is receiving questions on how to
+designate a question “required”, so that the interview may not proceed
+unless this particular question is answered. The justification could be
+that the answer is critically important to determine subsequent
+trajectory through the questionnaire: eligible/non-eligible for
+interview, treated/controls, etc.
In Survey Solutions it is possible to design questionnaires that use text substitution, denoted with an identifier enclosed in percentage signs, like so: %varname%.
In other software this may be known under the term “text piping”, “answer piping”, “text propagation”, etc.
The common situations when you may want to use this are:
mention an answer collected earlier;
display a calculated result;
display reference values, etc.
For text substitution it is important what may be substituted in, and where a substitution may be used.
In this example we will consider similar questions (all of them
+categorical single-select) rating different aspects of the stay in a
+resort hotel. Our objective is to present the questions in different
+order for different respondents. Our other objective is to avoid
+pre-programming sequences of questions, as this is tedious and creates
+questionnaires with just a few sequences of questions.
We will rely on the following Survey Solutions elements:
A date type
+requires three components of the date to be specified: year, month, day.
+If any of them is not known, the interviewers may not enter the other
+ones, even if they are known.
When this is not acceptable, date type question should not be used. Instead consider one of the
+following alternatives:
Three separate questions;
Patterned text question, with pattern specified as
Categorical question with year-month combinations, such as:
Every sample-based survey is subject to non-response either for the
+reason of refusal or problems of locating the household: household has
+moved, person died, address recorded incorrectly, etc. Whichever is the
+reason, it must be properly reflected in the interview result code - a
+categorical variable set by the interviewer to indicate the outcome of
+the visit to the household.
Survey Solutions doesn’t do sampling. A sampling specialist should
+perform sampling for your survey. The focus of the below discussion is
+not on how to properly select a replacement Y for a non-responding
+household X, but on:
For random selection refer to this
+Here an example of determined selection is discussed.
Consider you wish to select a child attaining the lowest grade, with
+selecting younger children to break the ties. We define selname as a
+string variable:
Question texts and static-texts can be formatted with a series of html
+tags. The html tags that can currently be used in Survey Solutions are
+described in this article.
Line break
+Use <br> to insert a line break. Use <br><br>…<br>
+to insert multiple empty lines.
+Use <i> to begin the use of italics. Then, use </i> when
+you want to discontinue the use of italics.
+Use <u> to begin the use of underline. Then, use </u> when
+you want to discontinue the use of underline.
+Use<tt> to begin the use of Teletype. Then, use </tt> when
+you want to discontinue the use of Teletype.
Survey Solutions scenarios represent a storage of responses provided during a
+testing session. The objective is not to collect the data (use Interviewer
+App for that), but to simplify testing of complex
+questionnaires, which require a certain time-consuming input.
Two actions are available for a scenario in the Designer:
view: review the answers entered in the scenario;
run: start testing and apply the scenario to the questionnaire.
After creating your questionnaire you will need to test how the questionnaire
+operates (enabling and validation conditions). There are two ways to
+test your questionnaire, 1) the Tester app on an Android tablet or 2)
+the online Tester using a web browser on the computer.
This article will walk you through the process of accessing your
+questionnaire on the online Tester. If you would like to know how to use
+the tablet Tester application, please refer to this
Although the web-based Questionnaire Designer application provides an
+easy way to create your questionnaire, sometimes you need to see what
+the questionnaire looks like on a device screen and how the
+questionnaire operates (conditions and variables). Depending on the mode
+of data collection, and the stage of testing you can choose to test the
+questionnaire with the Tester app on a tablet or the online
+This article will walk you through the process of installing and testing
+your questionnaire using the Android Questionnaire Tester app on a
A variable name (an identifier) must be assigned to every question, calculated variable, and roster in Survey Solutions. Additionally it must also be assigned to the whole questionnaire, and may be assigned to sections and subsections.
Variable names are used for:
referring to questions in the C# syntax expressions;
naming the data columns in the export data files;
referring to the origin of event in paradata events, errors and comments files.
A variable name is a word that consists only of the following:
Every questionnaire in Survey Solutions shall have a special section called ‘Cover’ or it’s equivalent in the translation. The cover page may contain some of the information that is present on an actual cover page of a paper prototype (if it exists) and may also contain other information.
The objective of the cover page is to include identifying information that
+helps distinguish one interview from another;
+helps the field staff reach the respondent.
Questionnaires of surveys administered in CAWI mode (web interviews) may include rosters that will be presented in table mode for compact overview of the information being collected, so that the questions become columns in the table and persons (or other roster items) form the rows of the table.
Here is an example:
Rosters can be presented in tabular view only in CAWI mode and not on the tablet, must satisfy some design requirements and will have some functionality limitations. If the design requirements are not satisfied, a compilation error is issued by the Survey Solutions Designer.
The classification library allows users to draw from a library of public and/or private classifications (answer options). More than a convenience feature, the classification library aids with standardization of classifications–that is, alignment with intenational best practices and/or consistency with internal practices.
How to search classifications
From within the question design pane
Click on SEARCH FOR CLASSIFICATIONS to open the classification library window
Search classifications using the group filter, search field, and/or classification preview
The group filter restricts search to the thematic group of interest.
Survey Solutions questionnaires may include hyperlinks to permit the interviewer to jump to a particular question or section in the questionnaire.
A typical use of the hyperlinks is in the error messages to allow the interviewer to jump to an earlier question in the questionnaire, the answer to which may conflict with the current question being validated.
For example, when we validate the age versus the date of birth. Hence the error message may be something like “Error! The entered age does not agree with the date of birth specified earlier for this person. Please check both answers!”. In this case we would want to let the interviewer jump to this date of birth question. We do it by marking the hyperlink in the error message using the markdown style:
A plain mode roster is a presentation of the roster without buttons leading to a deeper level, but rather showing all the roster questions repeated in the same scrollable area. This is especially convenient when there are only a handful of questions in the roster, such as price-quantity-unit for many items, and going behind the button and back is very time consuming for the interviewers.
In the example below a roster of expenditures on utilities containing questions on the amount and frequency for each utility consumed is presented in plain mode.
Questionnaire variable field is a new mandatory field for questionnaires in Designer.
Previously, the Questionnaire name field dictated the name of both the questionnaire and its main export file. Now, the questionnaires have two fields in Designer: the Questionnaire name field is a human-readable name that can contain any characters you wish, in any language, and can be rather large.
+The Questionnaire variable field is an identifier that will be utilized by Survey Solutions during export of the data for naming the main data file and should follow the same rules as applied to variable names and roster names. This makes the naming of files more rigid and independent of the language in which the questionnaire was designed. For questionnaires to be valid, both identification fields must be populated. That means that this field must be filled for new old questionnaires as well as newly created ones.
A roster is a group of questions and subsections that are repeated for a
+collection of similar items. The collection can be contained within that
+roster (Fixed roster) or it can be derived from a different question in
+the same questionnaire (numeric, list, or multi-select question), which is
+called a trigger-question. The type of the trigger question defines the
+type of the roster. When we say ’numeric roster’ we mean in fact ‘roster
+triggered by a numeric question’.
A stat
+ic-text is not a question but a text
+that can also be accompanied by a photo. A static-text cannot be
+modified by the enumerator, and is not intended to capture data but to
+communicate information to the enumerator or the interviewee. The text
+can be comprised of alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9), basic
+punctuation symbols and spaces. You may also use text substitution to
+reference questions and user-defined or system-defined variables in the
+text. To do this, enclose the question or variable name with the
+percentage sign (%).>
If a question is of a type that is not compatible with the current interviewing
+mode (CAPI or CAWI), then the user will see the message “Unsupported question type”
+and will not be able to interact with that question (enter, clear, or modify
+the answer). This may appear on the screen like the following:
Any value that has been entered earlier is retained (for example, if a
+geography question was answered during a CAPI session, and then interviewing
+was switched to CAWI mode) and the question is considered answered or not
+answered accordingly.
To select from a small number of categories, such as Yes/No/Don’t know, or Urban/Rural.
To select from a large number of categories, such as favorite dish, or name of the village where the person was born.
To select one of the values listed earlier, such as "Who is the head of the household?"
To create cascading selections (implement a hierarchical choice), such as select a province, then select a district within that province, then a locality within that district. (when each level has a small number of choices given the earlier made selections)
To create cascading selections (implement a hierarchical choice), such as select a province, then select a district within that province, then a locality within that district. (when some levels may have a large number of choices given the earlier made selections)
To capture spontaneous answers, such as "In which days of the week do you typically work?" (we expect the respondent to know the days of the week: Monday, Tuesday,..., and the interviewer doesn’t usually have to read the options)
yes/no buttons
To capture answers where the list of items must be read and status of each item established, such as "Tell me please which durable assets do you own?" (we do not expect that the respondent clearly knows what we consider a 'durable asset', hence it is better to read-out: a refrigerator, a microwave, a dishwasher,...)
To select multiple items from a large number of selections, such as for example: "Which crops do you cultivate at your plot?" (the universe of possible values is large, but the number of actual selections will be small, though there can be more than one crop).
To capture multiple selections of the items from an earlier compiled list, such as "Tell me please which members of the household attend any school currently?" (we choose from the list of the household members entered earlier)
yes/no buttons
To capture spontaneous answers, such as in questions like "In which months do you make most of your profits? Name the months in order of profitability starting from the most profitable first." (we expect the respondent to know the months of the year: January, February,...)
yes/no buttons
NB: Only the positive selections are numbered as choices. Negative selections are not numbered and it is not evident from the answer in which sequence the negative answers were given in relation to the positive ones.
To capture answers where the list of items must be read and both status and importance of each item established, such as "Tell me please which sources of water do you use? Indicate the most important sources of water first!" (can be used in CAWI surveys where the respondent will see all choices.)
+ (NB: multiple-select combobox records answers in order of selection regardless of whether the 'ordered' option has been specified or not)
To capture multiple selections of the items from an earlier compiled list in order of some of their attribute, such as "Tell me please which of the products you produce are profitable? (please, start from the most profitable first)"
yes/no buttons
Please note:
All categories in categorical questions must have distinct numeric integer codes (may be negative or positive or include 0).
Question type earlier called area is now renamed to geography and
+supports capture of various geographic information:
area (polygons),
paths (polylines),
single (point) and
multiple (multipoint)
on offline maps. Each selection is exported as vectors of points. This
+question type is now accessible from the syntax to be used in
+conditional and validation expressions. The following properties can be
+used in the syntax:
In addition, the IsAnswered() function also supports this question type
+now. For example, we can ask to show the secondary parcel if the primary
+parcel has been already indicated:
Validation rules are an essential mechanism of improving the quality of
+data in CAPI surveys. However, not in all situations a check may point
+to a definitive problem with the data. In some cases the check may only
+request attention of the interviewer. In this case we are talking about
+warnings, rather than errors.
Consider, for example, the following validation rules:
In this case we are specifying that the wage must be positive, otherwise
+we should show an error to the interviewer. However, we are less sure
+about how high the possible wages are, so we will show a warning for the
+interviewer if it is above 100.0 USD per hour. To achieve this, we set
+the “is warning” flag in the Designer for this validation rule
+may be enhanced with special values. For example, a numeric wage
+question may contain in addition to a numeric input, a selection of
+“minimum wage” and “last month’s wage” categories. They can be set
+up in the Designer by entering integer numeric codes and corresponding
+value labels:
On a tablet, either a value should be entered, or one of the provided
+options may be selected (but not both):
A picture type question can be used to capture signatures on a tablet.
+For this, the flag “use signature pad” should be set in the
+questionnaire Designer.
On the tablet, a person will be able to leave a signature by writing
+directly on the screen:
To store the signature, click the “Store signature” button.
In the web mode interviews an image of the signature (picture file) can
+be uploaded as a file. Signatures are exported as images. For more
+information about picture questions, see the Picture
Audio question records sound using the tablet’s microphone. This can be
+used in surveys where the
+recording of the
+respondent’s voice may serve quality control purposes or be directly of
+interest to the researchers.
A question of geography-type can capture various geographical information. For
+example, it can be used to define the exact location of the dwelling and the
+area of a land plot.
Geography-type questions are available only on mobile devices. In web
+interviews the question will appear as
+A categorical: multi-select **** question
+expects one or more answers to be selected from a list of possible
+answers (categories). The list of possible answers can either be defined
+before the interview or it can be created during the interview. If you
+are defining the categories prior to the interview you can add the
+categories in the design phase one at a time or by copying and pasting
+them from a document. On the other hand, if you want to create the
+categories during the interview you would need to link the question to a
+previous question or roster, so that the categories of the former are
+the answers given to the latter.
+A categorical: single-select question expects
+one answer to be selected from a list of possible answers (categories).
+This list can either be defined before the interview or it can be
+created during the interview. To define the categories beforehand, you
+can add them one at a time, copy and paste them from a
+document, or upload them from a tab-delimited
+file in Questionnaire Designer.
To simplify migration from Open Data Kit (ODK) or compatible systems (Survey123, SurveyCTO, KoBoToolBox, etc) we present the possible/recommended alternatives in Survey Solutions for:
Individual system implementation of these features may vary. Online documentation for ODK was used as a reference when compiling the list of alternatives (accessed August 2021). For specifics of function implementation in different systems, refer to their respective documentation pages, e.g. for Survey123, for SurveyCTO, etc.
The table below summarizes some of the Survey Solutions limits.
+It is not advisable to design a questionnaire or rely on a work flow that
+is balancing on the margin of these limits.
Maximum number of questions in a section:
400 [questions]
Maximum number of roster elements in a single roster (including rosters nested into it):
+(applies to versions older than v24.06)
10,000 [items]
Maximum number of roster elements in the whole questionnaire:
80,000 [items]
Maximum question text length:
2,000 [characters]
Maximum length of a variable label:
80 [characters]
Maximum variable name length for most question types:
32 [characters]
Maximum variable name length for GPS and some other question types:
20 [characters]
Maximum number of GPS questions marked as prefilled:
1 [question]
Maximum nesting depth for rosters:
4 [levels]
Maximum nesting depth for sub-sections
+(not including the section level):
9 [levels]
Maximum number of items in a roster:
+(for versions older than v24.06 it is 60 [items])
200 [items]
Maximum number of items in a simple roster:
200 [items]
Maximum number of questions* in a roster to qualify as a simple roster:
30 [questions]
Maximum number of questions in a roster to be shown in plain mode:
10 [questions]
Minimum number of items in a categorical question:
2 [items]
Maximum number of items in a categorical question:
15,000 [items]
Maximum number of items in a categorical question
+(with all options visible to interviewer):
200 [items]
Maximum number of validations (rules and messages) that can be attached to a single element:
10 [validations]
Maximum number of suggestions in a combobox categorical question:
50 [items]
Maximum length of a category label in a categorical question:
250 [characters]
Maximum number of list items in a text list question type:
200 [items]
Maximum length of response to a text question type that can be entered:
+(This limit does not apply to content that is pre-loaded by file upload method)
750 [characters]
Earliest date that can be entered into a date question:
1 January 1900
Latest date that can be entered into a date question:
Supported graphic file formats for upload to static text:
.jpg & .png
Maximum size of a single image for upload to static text
+(larger images result in warnings):
5 [MB]
Maximum image dimensions for upload to static text:
4,096 x 4,096 [pixels]
Maximum size of the longer side of captured images:
1024 [pixels]
Maximum duration of record in audio question:
3 [minutes]
Maximum size of the assignments preload file:
300 [MB]
Maximum size of the (compressed/zipped) map preload file:
500 [MB]
Maximum size of any (decompressed/unzipped) map preload file:
512 [MB]
Maximum size of the questionnaire (not including attachments)
5 [MB]
Minimum length of a required password**:
10 [characters]
Maximum number of user accounts that can be created in a single batch:
10,000 [accounts]
Maximum size of an image for Headquarters login page:
10 [MB]
Maximum number of markers*** in Headquarters map report:
Reserved value (numeric variable types):
Reserved value (string variable types):
Length of an internally generated case ID (GUID):
32 [hexadecimal digits]
Maximum length of a comment to a question:
750 [characters]
Maximum length of a comment to an assignment:
500 [characters]
Maximum length of a comment to approval/rejection transaction:
200 [characters]
Timeout for inactive web-interviewing sessions:
15 [minutes]
Maximum number of unsuccessful login attempts before a
+CAPTCHA gets activated:
5 [attempts]
Maximum length of a customized notification email
+email templates
1,000 [characters]
Maximum number of interviews that can be requested in a finite assignment:
+(Infinite-size assignments are not affected by this limit).
10,000 [interviews]
Minimum value for accuracy of location detection in automatic and semi-automatic modes in geography questions:
1 [meter]
Maximum value for accuracy of location detection in automatic and semi-automatic modes in geography questions:
1,000 [meters]
Minimum value for frequency of location detection in automatic mode in geography questions:
5 [seconds]
Maximum value for frequency of location detection in automatic mode in geography questions:
1,000 [seconds]
*) in addition to the limit on number of questions a roster may not
+contain nested rosters to qualify as a simple roster, read more details
+here; as of
+there is no longer a distinction between a roster and a simple roster.
Survey Solutions provides capabilities for building complex multilevel data structures and at the same time prevents these data structures from exploding uncontrollably. Earlier this has been done at design-time - when the questionnaire was checked during compilation, error
+[WB0262]:Roster has reached size limit. Reduce roster size or decrease nesting.
+was sometimes issued, when the structure may have resulted in a large (multiple thousands of) number of items.
At design time the actual number of elements was not known, so the Survey Solutions applied the pessimistic strategy of taking maximum values for each trigger. This worked, but resulted in some seemingly valid designs to be banned, notably listing questionnaires where in an enumeration area there could be a large number of small dwellings or a small number of large houses, but never a large number of large houses. The pessimistic strategy deemed that possible.
Survey Solutions from version 5.7 allows the users embedding images into
+questionnaires. These images can be presented by configuring the static
+text elements. For details on the use of the images in the
+questionnaires, see the article
+on Questionnaire Attachments.
The following file types are supported:
File type
Max dimensions
Portable Network Graphics
Joint Photographic Experts Group
We recommend combined size of attached files not to exceed 2MB to avoid
+slow synchronization. Suggested width for images contained in static
+texts is 720px, which may vary depending on tablet model, screen size
+and resolution.
Survey Solutions Designer tool allows collaborative
+use of a questionnaire document by multiple users.
The modes of sharing:
Edit means that the collaborator will be able to make changes to the
+questionnaire: add or remove questions, sections, options, revise logic and
+any other changes to the questionnaire. Any user that have edit mode
+access to a questionnaire may share a questionnaire further with another user.
A Survey Solutions questionnaire is an electronic document that outlines the structure and the content of the survey and logical relationships between its elements, such as conditional question skips, validation rules, repetitions, etc. The work on development of a good quality questionnaire often spans several weeks if not months and involves multiple persons. Some of them will be working as objective setters, some will be implementers, some will do testing and quality control, and it can be taken as granted that there will be multiple revisions, improvements and changes over the course of its development.
You do not need to install anything on your computer to start creating
+questionnaires in Survey Solutions. Questionnaire Designer is an online
+tool, which can be reached
+at https://designer.mysurvey.solutions/.
To log in for the first time, you need to create an account.
To create an account:
Click on the Register link and complete the form displayed.
Check the email account that you used for registration. Open the
+confirmation email from admin@mysurvey.solutions, and click on the
+complete registration link.
After signing in with your Questionnaire Designer credentials, you will
+be directed to the My Questionnaires tab, which lists all the
+questionnaires created by you.
To see the record of all recent changes made to the questionnaire, click
+on the History button located on the top right of the page. This
+page will list the question that was changed along with the username of
+the person who made the change, and the timestamp for when the change
+was done.
The Action button allows access to the menu with the following choices:
View - open the questionnaire in the state corresponding to this
+revision. You can inspect the design of the questionnaire and even test
+it if necessary to verify what was the appearance and behavior at this
+specific revision. When you view an earlier revision, it shows you the
+questionnaire in the read-only mode. With that you can verify the structure
+and syntax used in an earlier version, but can’t do any changes. Yet,
+there is a ‘SAVE AS’ button in the view mode that allows creating a
+copy of the questionnare if you need it for edits (with the same result
+as ’extract at revision’ below).
Revert to this version - revert all the changes (made by all the
+collaborators) after this questionnaire revision.
Extract at revision - create a copy of the questionnaire corresponding
+to a specific revision (current questionnaire is not affected).
Leave a comment - leave a descriptive comment to the specific revision
+indicating useful information either about a particular edit event, or
+cumulatively for multiple edits.
Some of the items may be missing in the menu, depending on your access
+level to the questionnaire and recency of the recorded change event.
In this article you will lean how to use the search, and find and
+replace features in Designer. These features are particularly useful
+when making systematic changes to your questionnaire.
The PDF file of the questionnaire provides a convenient overview of the
+whole questionnaire, detailed presentation of the options, conditions
+and instructions with a smart trimming of long texts and options’
The exported document includes the attachments (images) and a convenient
+legend page explaining various elements of the preview.
To export as a PDF, click on the Export as PDF button under the
+Action menu button.
To check the questionnaire for errors and system warnings, click on the
+Compile button located below the questionnaire name. You can also
+use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + B to compile the
+questionnaire. If no errors and warnings are found, a green text
+OK will display.
If no errors are found, but system warnings are present click on the
+blue Warning link to see a list of system generated
+recommendations for your questionnaire.
To update the settings of the questionnaire, click on the Settings
+button located at the top right of the page.
The settings of a questionnaire contain these parameters:
Questionnaire name - a visible (human-readable) name of the questionnaire, and
Questionnaire variable - a name that will be assigned to the
+main data file when this questionnaire is exported.
Hide element when it is disabled - a flag that enforces all
+disabled elements in the questionnaire to be hidden when disabled
+regardless of their individual visibility settings (hide-if-disabled
The questionnaire name may be in any language and contain multiple
+words, though it is still a good idea to keep it short.
The main components of the Questionnaire Designer edit screen are:
Settings. Enables you to add
+and edit collaborator privileges, alter the questionnaire name, and
+enable or disable the availability of the questionnaire in the
+public repository of questionnaires in Questionnaire Designer.
+Keeps the record of all recent changes made to the questionnaire,
+with the corresponding username and timestamp
+provides access to the online questionnaire Tester.
Compile. Checks the
+questionnaire for errors, and provides a list of errors with the
+corresponding links to their location in the questionnaire.
Advanced Instrument
+access to the table of contents, questionnaire description,
+translations, macros, lookup tables, attachments, and comments
+within the questionnaire.
+Questionnaire Designer home page will appear after you login. This page
+consists of:
+Questionnaires. Lists all of your questionnaires (both those that
+you have created and those that have been shared with you). Click on
+the name of the questionnaire to open and edit it.
Survey Solutions Designer conducts analysis of your questionnaire for many
+common problems and design errors. The following table summarizes the messages
+issued by the Designer when the questionnaire is compiled.
Some of these messages indicate a situation of an error, where the current
+questionnaire is invalid and may not be used for data collection until the
+indicated problem is fixed. For example, these are the syntax errors in
+expressions (see WB0002 or WB0003 below) or duplication of identifiers of
+variables (WB0026), and other similar problems.
Circular references is a computational problem, which cannot be resolved
+by a computer because it has no logical beginning and end, for
+example: Enable question Q1 if question Q2 is enabled, and enable
+question Q2 if question Q1 is enabled.
In this example each of the questions Q1 and Q2 depends on each other,
+and there is no way to establish whether both should be asked or none at
Lookup tables are reference tables that may be used in the syntax expressions,
+for example in validation and enabling conditions. Lookup tables are prepared as
+external tab-delimited files and uploaded to the questionnaire in the Designer.
We use lookup tables to find content by some code and apply that content in
+validations and enabling conditions as part of larger expressions.
Lookup tables contain numeric data: the lookup code must be integer, while the
+content may be integer or a floating point value. Lookup tables are not
+suitable to store string content. The lookup code is often a code of an item in
+a price survey, occupational code in a labor force survey, or a code of crop in
+an agricultural survey. It may also be a combination code of two or more codes
+(for example a district code and a locality code).
Survey Solutions provides two question types that make use of categorical
+selections, which are the Single-Select Categorical and
+Multi-Select Categorical questions. Each of them allows the user to select
+from a list of categories with the difference of whether only one selection is
+allowed (single-select) or more than one selections (multi-select) are permitted.
+Each of these question types has multiple presentations, such as with choice
+buttons, or with a search option, etc (see
+Overview: Categorical question types).
The panel of advanced instruments located at the left side of the
+questionnaire Designer interface provides access to the additional
+tools for configuring the questionnaire:
Table of contents Displays a panel showing all the sections within the questionnaire.
Questionnaire description and survey information Additional meta information about the questionnaire and the survey.
Translations Manage translations in multilingual questionnaires. (more info)
Reusable categories Add, edit, and delete sets of categories used in categorical questions. (more info)
Comments in Designer are an essential tool for collaboration of multiple
+users working on the same questionnaire. Each of the collaborators may
+leave comments to questions, indicating potential problems in
+implementation, or suggesting improvements. For example, It is common
+for the reviewers, that have a shared access to a questionnaire to leave
+the comments for the original author.
The full list of comments in all sections of the questionnaire can be
+seen in the comments tool, which is accessible from the toolbar. Often
+the comments represent a kind of to-do list:
This article describes composing multilingual questionnaires. For switching the
+language of the Survey Solutions software itself and supported languages refer
+to the localization overview article.
Often times researchers work in contexts where respondents of a survey
+speak different languages. Therefore, to administer surveys and collect
+higher quality data it is important to have questionnaires in the
+corresponding language. In Survey Solutions, you can create multilingual
+questionnaires directly in Designer as follows:
Macros simplify writing complicated expressions with repetitive
+sub-expressions. Consider for example, that several questions in the
+questionnaire are applicable to one group of persons, such as women of
+child-bearing age (let’s say 15-44 years old, exact numbers are of no
+particular importance here). Suppose the variable for age is age, and
+for gender is sex with values 1 corresponding to males, and 2 to
+females. Then the following macro can be defined:
In some situations pictures become an indispensable tool to establish
+the true meaning of e.g. categories: small, medium, large. Pictures can
+be added to the questionnaire wherever a static text element is possible
+(including inside rosters and subsections). The same attachment can be
+displayed in multiple places in the questionnaire. Check the supported
+formats in Multimedia
To add an attachment (image) to your questionnaire:
Click on the paper clip icon on the toolbar on the left hand side.
A Survey Solutions questionnaire is an electronic document that outlines the structure and the content of the survey and logical relationships between its elements, such as conditional question skips, validation rules, repetitions, etc. The work on development of a good quality questionnaire often spans several weeks if not months and involves multiple persons. Some of them will be working as objective setters, some will be implementers, some will do testing and quality control, and it can be taken as granted that there will be multiple revisions, improvements and changes over the course of its development.
When the team consists of a fixed number of known individuals such collaboration is easy to establish by sharing the questionnaire between the accounts of these individuals. But often times we find ourselves in the situations where we need to collaborate with a person whom we don’t know, or who doesn’t have an account in the system, or doesn’t want to be identified. Some typical scenarios of this kind involve:
I am experiencing a problem with a particular question or logical condition, I want to ask a question about this in a public forum. I want to make sure the forum reader that wishes to help me can look into my questionnaire, but I don’t know yet who that person might be.
I am collaborating with an institution or agency. I need feedback from their staff, but they are numerous and busy, and it is not clear who will be providing feedback.
I want to share the questionnaire to an expert in the subject matter, but the expert is busy and not willing to spend time on registering in yet another online system.
I am doing a training for a large audience, and I want them to be able to open or test the example we are discussing, but there is no possibility of sharing the questionnaire with all the participants.
I have developed a questionnaire and want to donate it to the public.
These situations are not unique to Survey Solutions and in some part or another apply to most systems that store documents online. We realize that besides the core group that develops the document there is a larger group of people who may need to be accessing that electronic document, but who are less identifiable. A popular solution adopted by many cloud-based storage systems is link-sharing, where the document is not shared with a specific user, but rather a unique link is generated, and any person having this link may access the document via that link.
With the release v22.06 of the Survey Solutions this feature is also be available to the authors of the questionnaires in Survey Solutions Designer. Here is what it allows:
Anonymous share can be activated/deactivated by the questionnaire owner only (in the collaborators dialog now called Access dialog).
Generate a web-link to open questionnaire in Designer in read-only mode.
Authenticated users with an anonymous share link can create own copy of the questionnaire; creating a copy requires the user to login to be designated an owner of that copy.
When anonymous link sharing is activated, the owner receives a sharing notification email from the Designer, that can be edited/forwarded to other recipients to access the questionnaire.
Users accessing a questionnaire anonymously are able to do the following:
see the structure and content of the questionnaire document;
test the questionnaire;
open scenarios;
generate a PDF preview of the questionnaire, (but without the names/emails of other collaborators);
Users accessing a questionnaire anonymously are not able to do the following:
modify the structure and content of the questionnaire document;
read or add any comments;
see the personal information (login names and emails) of other questionnaire collaborators;
record any new scenarios;
import the questionnaire to the data server to start a new survey.
New functionality has also been introduced into the Tester App for Android tablets to facilitate testing and feedback of the questionnaires without requiring the owner to share it with a particular account:
Tester App may be utilized without logging in if the user wants to test the questionnaire with an anonymous link. This link can be entered manually, copied from clipboard or scanned as a QR-code.
The Tester App remembers the recently entered questionnaire links and allows reloading them without having to reenter them.
As a matter of fact the tester will allow you to enter the QR-code of any questionnaire (even not shared anonymously) if you have it. So if you are having hundreds of questionnaires that you work on it might be easier to scan the QR-code with the Tester App to open the questionnaire in the Tester, than to search for that title in the long list.
Here is an example QR-code that can be scanned with a Tester App to open a demo questionnaire and doesn’t require the user to have an account with Survey Solutions.
Users having an anonymous share can’t make changes to your questionnaire. But make sure you understand that these links can be passed from one person to another (knowingly or unknowingly). Please share responsibly. If you know you plan to work with person X, ask X to create an account in Survey Solutions and work under this account. This allows more control and opens more possibilities than anonymous sharing of the questionnaires by links.
The sharing with anonymous share link may be activated and deactivated many times. This doesn’t change the link! So, if, for example, you shared your questionnaire on Monday with X and Y, then stopped sharing on Tuesday, and then reactivated the share on Wednesday, X will still be able to access your questionnaire. Switching it off completely may be undesirable, as you may still wish Y to continue working on it. (Both X and Y could be groups of people of course).
If you want to make sure that X no longer has access to your questionnaire, either share with X and Y personally, using named shares, and control the access individually, or (if you anticipate X is unwilling to create a personal account, or X and Y are groups of persons) regenerate the anonymous share link (there is a special button for this in the access dialog: Regenerate link). After this, share the new link with Y only. You will see when the link was generated in the same dialog.
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/questionnaire-designer/interface/compile/images/642629.png differ
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/questionnaire-designer/interface/compile/images/642629_hu14474658180207576742.png differ
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/questionnaire-designer/interface/compile/images/642630.png differ
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/questionnaire-designer/interface/compile/images/642630_hu9296075088379552538.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3d5c02ec
Binary files /dev/null and b/questionnaire-designer/interface/compile/images/642631.png differ
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/questionnaire-designer/interface/compile/images/642636.png differ
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/questionnaire-designer/interface/compile/images/642636_hu16849200023172805441.png differ
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/questionnaire-designer/interface/compile/images/642639.png differ
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/questionnaire-designer/interface/compile/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
To check the questionnaire for errors and system warnings, click on the
+Compile button located below the questionnaire name. You can also
+use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + B to compile the
+questionnaire. If no errors and warnings are found, a green text
+OK will display.
If no errors are found, but system warnings are present click on the
+blue Warning link to see a list of system generated
+recommendations for your questionnaire.
If errors are found, a red text Errors with the number of errors
+will display, along with a pop up window with the list of errors and the
+corresponding links to their location within the questionnaire. If you
+dismiss the list of errors window, you can access it again by clicking
+on the Errors link.
When you navigate your mouse pointer over the error, a gray bubble will
+appear to the right of the error to provide you more information on what
+the error is. This information is meant to help you fix the errors in
+your questionnaire. You must address all the errors in your
+questionnaire before attempting to test your questionnaire with the
+Tester application or importing the questionnaire to Headquarters.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/questionnaire-designer/interface/find-and-replace-/images/711616.png b/questionnaire-designer/interface/find-and-replace-/images/711616.png
new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/questionnaire-designer/interface/find-and-replace-/images/711616.png differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/questionnaire-designer/interface/find-and-replace-/images/711616_hu1305832600646067871.png differ
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index 00000000..a77f760d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/questionnaire-designer/interface/find-and-replace-/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+Find and Replace
In this article you will lean how to use the search, and find and
+replace features in Designer. These features are particularly useful
+when making systematic changes to your questionnaire.
To search within a section,
Click the search icon (or press Ctrl + F).
Enter a text in the search box that appears.
To search within the entire questionnaire (including conditions),
Click the search icon (or press Ctrl + F).
Click on the 3 horizontal dot icon (or press Ctrl + H).
In the new window, enter a text in the find search box, and click
+Find All.
Click Previous and Next to see all the elements found in the
This search not only takes into account the question text, but also
+enablement and validation conditions—anywhere the questionnaire designer
+has typed text.
You can also further refine your search using the following options:
Match case: Limits the search to
+strings with the same case (e.g., “head” and “HEAD” would be
Match whole word: Searches for
+elements of the search term that are stand-alone terms (e.g.
+“headed” would not be confused with “head”).
Use regular expressions: Allows
+advanced users to look for sets of strings that fit a user-specified
+pattern (e.g., “[Hh]ead” would find both “Head” and “head”).
Find and Replace
To find and replace certain words, or phrases in you questionnaire,
Click the search icon (or press Ctrl + F).
Click on the 3 horizontal dot icon (or press Ctrl + H).
In the new window, enter a text in the find search box, and click
+Find All.
Click Previous and Next to see all the elements found in the
You can also further refine your search using the following options:
Match case: Limits the search to
+strings with the same case (e.g., “head” and “HEAD” would be
Match whole word: Searches for
+elements of the search term that are stand-alone terms (e.g.
+“headed” would not be confused with “head”).
Use regular expressions: Allows
+advanced users to look for sets of strings that fit a user-specified
+pattern (e.g., “[Hh]ead” would find both “Head” and “head”).
Once your search has been refined, type in the new text in the
+Replace text box. For example, one could change the recall period
+from the “past 14 days” to the “past 7 days”, or make changes to
+variable names, one could replace “s01q04” with “s01q14” wherever it
+occurs— that is in all enablement conditions and all
Click Replace All.
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88621af2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/questionnaire-designer/interface/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+Designer Interface
Survey Solutions Designer tool allows collaborative
+use of a questionnaire document by multiple users.
The modes of sharing:
Edit means that the collaborator will be able to make changes to the
+questionnaire: add or remove questions, sections, options, revise logic and
+any other changes to the questionnaire. Any user that have edit mode
+access to a questionnaire may share a questionnaire further with another user.
A Survey Solutions questionnaire is an electronic document that outlines the structure and the content of the survey and logical relationships between its elements, such as conditional question skips, validation rules, repetitions, etc. The work on development of a good quality questionnaire often spans several weeks if not months and involves multiple persons. Some of them will be working as objective setters, some will be implementers, some will do testing and quality control, and it can be taken as granted that there will be multiple revisions, improvements and changes over the course of its development.
You do not need to install anything on your computer to start creating
+questionnaires in Survey Solutions. Questionnaire Designer is an online
+tool, which can be reached
+at https://designer.mysurvey.solutions/.
To log in for the first time, you need to create an account.
To create an account:
Click on the Register link and complete the form displayed.
Check the email account that you used for registration. Open the
+confirmation email from admin@mysurvey.solutions, and click on the
+complete registration link.
After signing in with your Questionnaire Designer credentials, you will
+be directed to the My Questionnaires tab, which lists all the
+questionnaires created by you.
To see the record of all recent changes made to the questionnaire, click
+on the History button located on the top right of the page. This
+page will list the question that was changed along with the username of
+the person who made the change, and the timestamp for when the change
+was done.
The Action button allows access to the menu with the following choices:
View - open the questionnaire in the state corresponding to this
+revision. You can inspect the design of the questionnaire and even test
+it if necessary to verify what was the appearance and behavior at this
+specific revision. When you view an earlier revision, it shows you the
+questionnaire in the read-only mode. With that you can verify the structure
+and syntax used in an earlier version, but can’t do any changes. Yet,
+there is a ‘SAVE AS’ button in the view mode that allows creating a
+copy of the questionnare if you need it for edits (with the same result
+as ’extract at revision’ below).
Revert to this version - revert all the changes (made by all the
+collaborators) after this questionnaire revision.
Extract at revision - create a copy of the questionnaire corresponding
+to a specific revision (current questionnaire is not affected).
Leave a comment - leave a descriptive comment to the specific revision
+indicating useful information either about a particular edit event, or
+cumulatively for multiple edits.
Some of the items may be missing in the menu, depending on your access
+level to the questionnaire and recency of the recorded change event.
In this article you will lean how to use the search, and find and
+replace features in Designer. These features are particularly useful
+when making systematic changes to your questionnaire.
The PDF file of the questionnaire provides a convenient overview of the
+whole questionnaire, detailed presentation of the options, conditions
+and instructions with a smart trimming of long texts and options’
The exported document includes the attachments (images) and a convenient
+legend page explaining various elements of the preview.
To export as a PDF, click on the Export as PDF button under the
+Action menu button.
To check the questionnaire for errors and system warnings, click on the
+Compile button located below the questionnaire name. You can also
+use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + B to compile the
+questionnaire. If no errors and warnings are found, a green text
+OK will display.
If no errors are found, but system warnings are present click on the
+blue Warning link to see a list of system generated
+recommendations for your questionnaire.
To update the settings of the questionnaire, click on the Settings
+button located at the top right of the page.
The settings of a questionnaire contain these parameters:
Questionnaire name - a visible (human-readable) name of the questionnaire, and
Questionnaire variable - a name that will be assigned to the
+main data file when this questionnaire is exported.
Hide element when it is disabled - a flag that enforces all
+disabled elements in the questionnaire to be hidden when disabled
+regardless of their individual visibility settings (hide-if-disabled
The questionnaire name may be in any language and contain multiple
+words, though it is still a good idea to keep it short.
The main components of the Questionnaire Designer edit screen are:
Settings. Enables you to add
+and edit collaborator privileges, alter the questionnaire name, and
+enable or disable the availability of the questionnaire in the
+public repository of questionnaires in Questionnaire Designer.
+Keeps the record of all recent changes made to the questionnaire,
+with the corresponding username and timestamp
+provides access to the online questionnaire Tester.
Compile. Checks the
+questionnaire for errors, and provides a list of errors with the
+corresponding links to their location in the questionnaire.
Advanced Instrument
+access to the table of contents, questionnaire description,
+translations, macros, lookup tables, attachments, and comments
+within the questionnaire.
+Questionnaire Designer home page will appear after you login. This page
+consists of:
+Questionnaires. Lists all of your questionnaires (both those that
+you have created and those that have been shared with you). Click on
+the name of the questionnaire to open and edit it.
The PDF file of the questionnaire provides a convenient overview of the
+whole questionnaire, detailed presentation of the options, conditions
+and instructions with a smart trimming of long texts and options’
The exported document includes the attachments (images) and a convenient
+legend page explaining various elements of the preview.
To export as a PDF, click on the Export as PDF button under the
+Action menu button.
The creation of a PDF preview document on the server may take some time,
+especially for large, complex questionnaires. First you will see the
+progress of the PDF file generation. Then, once the document is created
+you can download the document by clicking on the DOWNLOAD PDF button.
+Note that the generated document must be downloaded before another one
+can be generated.
The top of the first page of the PDF document displays the general
+specifications of the questionnaire.
Then, on the same page all of the questionnaire sections will be
+listed. The remaining pages presents all the questions, conditions,
+instructions, and etc.. Study the legend page which can be found below
+or on the last page of the PDF document to learn how the various
+questionnaire elements are presented.
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c6bb07f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/questionnaire-designer/interface/questionnaire-designer-homepage/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+Questionnaire Designer Homepage
+Questionnaire Designer home page will appear after you login. This page
+consists of:
+Questionnaires. Lists all of your questionnaires (both those that
+you have created and those that have been shared with you). Click on
+the name of the questionnaire to open and edit it.
The main components of the Questionnaire Designer edit screen are:
Settings. Enables you to add
+and edit collaborator privileges, alter the questionnaire name, and
+enable or disable the availability of the questionnaire in the
+public repository of questionnaires in Questionnaire Designer.
+Keeps the record of all recent changes made to the questionnaire,
+with the corresponding username and timestamp
+provides access to the online questionnaire Tester.
Compile. Checks the
+questionnaire for errors, and provides a list of errors with the
+corresponding links to their location in the questionnaire.
Advanced Instrument
+access to the table of contents, questionnaire description,
+translations, macros, lookup tables, attachments, and comments
+within the questionnaire.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/questionnaire-designer/interface/recent-changes-to-the-questionnaire/images/questionnaire_history.png b/questionnaire-designer/interface/recent-changes-to-the-questionnaire/images/questionnaire_history.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a7f0ffbd
Binary files /dev/null and b/questionnaire-designer/interface/recent-changes-to-the-questionnaire/images/questionnaire_history.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1841deac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/questionnaire-designer/interface/recent-changes-to-the-questionnaire/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+Recent Changes to the Questionnaire
To see the record of all recent changes made to the questionnaire, click
+on the History button located on the top right of the page. This
+page will list the question that was changed along with the username of
+the person who made the change, and the timestamp for when the change
+was done.
The Action button allows access to the menu with the following choices:
View - open the questionnaire in the state corresponding to this
+revision. You can inspect the design of the questionnaire and even test
+it if necessary to verify what was the appearance and behavior at this
+specific revision. When you view an earlier revision, it shows you the
+questionnaire in the read-only mode. With that you can verify the structure
+and syntax used in an earlier version, but can’t do any changes. Yet,
+there is a ‘SAVE AS’ button in the view mode that allows creating a
+copy of the questionnare if you need it for edits (with the same result
+as ’extract at revision’ below).
Revert to this version - revert all the changes (made by all the
+collaborators) after this questionnaire revision.
Extract at revision - create a copy of the questionnaire corresponding
+to a specific revision (current questionnaire is not affected).
Leave a comment - leave a descriptive comment to the specific revision
+indicating useful information either about a particular edit event, or
+cumulatively for multiple edits.
Some of the items may be missing in the menu, depending on your access
+level to the questionnaire and recency of the recorded change event.
Notice that when a questionnaire is imported from the Designer to a
+Survey Solutions data server (Headquarters) an import event is logged in
+the history with the comment as specified at Headquarters during the
+import. This comment may be modified only by the owner of the questionnaire.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/questionnaire-designer/interface/registration-and-signing-in-/index.html b/questionnaire-designer/interface/registration-and-signing-in-/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..52c1c73f
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..31438742
Binary files /dev/null and b/questionnaire-designer/interface/registration-and-signing-in/images/login_designer.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..28472608
--- /dev/null
+++ b/questionnaire-designer/interface/registration-and-signing-in/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Registration and Signing In
You do not need to install anything on your computer to start creating
+questionnaires in Survey Solutions. Questionnaire Designer is an online
+tool, which can be reached
+at https://designer.mysurvey.solutions/.
To log in for the first time, you need to create an account.
To create an account:
Click on the Register link and complete the form displayed.
Check the email account that you used for registration. Open the
+confirmation email from admin@mysurvey.solutions, and click on the
+complete registration link.
After signing in with your Questionnaire Designer credentials, you will
+be directed to the My Questionnaires tab, which lists all the
+questionnaires created by you.
Questionnaire Designer login policy is affected by the checkbox at
+sign-in page:
If checkmark is set: once the user has logged in, she can return
+with the same browser within 24 hours without having to re-enter
If checkmark is not set: once the user has logged in, and closed
+browser, she will have to enter the credentials again.
Did not receive a confirmation email?
As with any other online system which sends notifications to your email:
check your spam folder.
check that you’ve typed the email address correctly when filling out the form.
check that your organization doesn’t have a corporate filter on emails, if so, contact that system’s administrator to see if it filters out our emails.
Retry registration by re-entering the same information.
If none of the above has solved the issue, then there is something else that prevents you from receiving emails from us to that address. To continue, register with a different email account, which is not having this problem, since being able to receive emails is a vital functionality to recover lost passwords and other critical tasks.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/questionnaire-designer/interface/settings/images/questionnaire-settings.png b/questionnaire-designer/interface/settings/images/questionnaire-settings.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5d54c3bc
Binary files /dev/null and b/questionnaire-designer/interface/settings/images/questionnaire-settings.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..988eaf29
Binary files /dev/null and b/questionnaire-designer/interface/settings/images/settings-button.png differ
diff --git a/questionnaire-designer/interface/settings/index.html b/questionnaire-designer/interface/settings/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d5b60276
--- /dev/null
+++ b/questionnaire-designer/interface/settings/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Questionnaire Settings
To update the settings of the questionnaire, click on the Settings
+button located at the top right of the page.
The settings of a questionnaire contain these parameters:
Questionnaire name - a visible (human-readable) name of the questionnaire, and
Questionnaire variable - a name that will be assigned to the
+main data file when this questionnaire is exported.
Hide element when it is disabled - a flag that enforces all
+disabled elements in the questionnaire to be hidden when disabled
+regardless of their individual visibility settings (hide-if-disabled
The questionnaire name may be in any language and contain multiple
+words, though it is still a good idea to keep it short.
Click Update button if you want any of your changes to questionnaire
+settings preserved.
Through the questionnaire settings one can also control the collaboration,
+this is discussed in the
+sharing a questionnaire
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/questionnaire-designer/interface/share-questionnaire/images/settings-access.png b/questionnaire-designer/interface/share-questionnaire/images/settings-access.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e679648f
Binary files /dev/null and b/questionnaire-designer/interface/share-questionnaire/images/settings-access.png differ
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index 00000000..d7e12f9d
--- /dev/null
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+Sharing a questionnaire
Survey Solutions Designer tool allows collaborative
+use of a questionnaire document by multiple users.
The modes of sharing:
Edit means that the collaborator will be able to make changes to the
+questionnaire: add or remove questions, sections, options, revise logic and
+any other changes to the questionnaire. Any user that have edit mode
+access to a questionnaire may share a questionnaire further with another user.
View means that the collaborator will be able to view the questionnaire
+contents, but not be able to modify it. They also don’t see and may not
+leave Designer comments.
A collaborator in any of the above modes will be able to:
Making changes to a questionnaire or leaving comments to a questionnaire
+requires edit sharing mode.
To share a questionnaire:
Open the questionnaire you want to share;
Select Settings and switch to the Access tab:
Type the email or login of a person you want to share the questionnaire with.
Select mode of sharing Edit or View.
Click Invite button.
The collaborator account must already exist. If your new collaborator doesn’t
+have an account at the Survey Solutions Designer ask it to be created first.
The invitation can’t be sent to an arbitrary email address. The email address
+that can be typed here must be exactly the email address that the user has
+registered herself in the Designer tool. Since a person may have multiple email
+addresses, inquire with the collaborator what is the exact email address or
+login name, which she uses to sign in to the Designer.
After a user account has been added to the list allowing access to the
+questionnaire, the access may be revoked. To do this, select the action
+Revoke access next to that account.
The owner of the questionnaire can’t revoke his or her own access to the
+questionnaire, but can delete the questionnaire, or transfer the ownership
+of the questionnaire.
NB: The owner of the questionnaire is the only account that can actually
+delete that questionnaire.
To change a view mode to edit mode for an account, revoke the access first,
+then re-share the questionnaire again in the edit mode.
It is possible to also share the questionnaire by allowing anonymous
+questionnaire access. This doesn’t involve listing the accounts that should be
+permitted accessing the questionnaire, but rather creates a link, with which
+the questionnaire may be accessed. This is described further in Anonymous
+questionnaire sharing.
Transfer the ownership of the questionnaire
Each questionnaire is owned by one and only one account at the Designer site.
+The owner of the questionnaire may transfer the ownership to another user.
First, share the questionnaire in any mode with the account of the new owner.
Once the account is added to the list of collaborators, select Make owner
+action for that account.
After the transfer of ownership the original owner will still have access to
+the questionnaire in the Edit mode. This sharing can be subsequently
+changed by the new questionnaire owner.
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+Design limitations by question type
When laying out the questionnaire in the Survey Solutions Designer, mind
+the following design restrictions by question type:
Type of question
Can be used as interviewer
Can be used as supervisor
Can be used in cover section
Can be used as hidden
Can be preloaded
Can be used in substitutions
Can be used in Web interviews
YES (appears as text entry)
Categorical multi-select
YES (NO for linked)
YES (NO for linked)
YES (NO for linked)
Categorical single-select
YES (NO for linked)
YES (NO for linked)
YES, (NO for linked)
YES, (upload file only)
Please note:
The cover page is a special section that may not contain sub-sections or rosters.
For Date questions the serialization format for substitutions is: YYYY-MM-DD.
For DateTime variables and Date questions with timestamp recording,
+the serialization format for substitutions is: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.
For GPS (location) questions the latitude and longitude coordinates must be
+either preloaded together or skipped together.
Only one GPS (location) question may be placed into the cover page section (be identifying).
Calculated variables of any type do not have any scope, can’t be
+preloaded, can always be used in substitutions, can always be used in
+Web interviews, can be placed on the questionnaire’s cover page.
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+Limits and Limitations
The table below summarizes some of the Survey Solutions limits. It is not advisable to design a questionnaire or rely on a work flow that
+is balancing on the margin of these limits.
Maximum number of questions in a section:
400 [questions]
Maximum number of roster elements in a single roster (including rosters nested into it): (applies to versions older than v24.06)
10,000 [items]
Maximum number of roster elements in the whole questionnaire:
80,000 [items]
Maximum question text length:
2,000 [characters]
Maximum length of a variable label:
80 [characters]
Maximum variable name length for most question types:
32 [characters]
Maximum variable name length for GPS and some other question types:
20 [characters]
Maximum number of GPS questions marked as prefilled:
1 [question]
Maximum nesting depth for rosters:
4 [levels]
Maximum nesting depth for sub-sections (not including the section level):
9 [levels]
Maximum number of items in a roster: (for versions older than v24.06 it is 60 [items])
200 [items]
Maximum number of items in a simple roster:
200 [items]
Maximum number of questions* in a roster to qualify as a simple roster:
30 [questions]
Maximum number of questions in a roster to be shown in plain mode:
10 [questions]
Minimum number of items in a categorical question:
2 [items]
Maximum number of items in a categorical question:
15,000 [items]
Maximum number of items in a categorical question (with all options visible to interviewer):
200 [items]
Maximum number of validations (rules and messages) that can be attached to a single element:
10 [validations]
Maximum number of suggestions in a combobox categorical question:
50 [items]
Maximum length of a category label in a categorical question:
250 [characters]
Maximum number of list items in a text list question type:
200 [items]
Maximum length of response to a text question type that can be entered: (This limit does not apply to content that is pre-loaded by file upload method)
750 [characters]
Earliest date that can be entered into a date question:
1 January 1900
Latest date that can be entered into a date question:
Supported graphic file formats for upload to static text:
.jpg & .png
Maximum size of a single image for upload to static text (larger images result in warnings):
5 [MB]
Maximum image dimensions for upload to static text:
4,096 x 4,096 [pixels]
Maximum size of the longer side of captured images:
1024 [pixels]
Maximum duration of record in audio question:
3 [minutes]
Maximum size of the assignments preload file:
300 [MB]
Maximum size of the (compressed/zipped) map preload file:
500 [MB]
Maximum size of any (decompressed/unzipped) map preload file:
512 [MB]
Maximum size of the questionnaire (not including attachments)
5 [MB]
Minimum length of a required password**:
10 [characters]
Maximum number of user accounts that can be created in a single batch:
10,000 [accounts]
Maximum size of an image for Headquarters login page:
10 [MB]
Maximum number of markers*** in Headquarters map report:
Reserved value (numeric variable types):
Reserved value (string variable types):
Length of an internally generated case ID (GUID):
32 [hexadecimal digits]
Maximum length of a comment to a question:
750 [characters]
Maximum length of a comment to an assignment:
500 [characters]
Maximum length of a comment to approval/rejection transaction:
200 [characters]
Timeout for inactive web-interviewing sessions:
15 [minutes]
Maximum number of unsuccessful login attempts before a
+CAPTCHA gets activated:
5 [attempts]
Maximum length of a customized notification email
+email templates
1,000 [characters]
Maximum number of interviews that can be requested in a finite assignment: (Infinite-size assignments are not affected by this limit).
10,000 [interviews]
Minimum value for accuracy of location detection in automatic and semi-automatic modes in geography questions:
1 [meter]
Maximum value for accuracy of location detection in automatic and semi-automatic modes in geography questions:
1,000 [meters]
Minimum value for frequency of location detection in automatic mode in geography questions:
5 [seconds]
Maximum value for frequency of location detection in automatic mode in geography questions:
1,000 [seconds]
*) in addition to the limit on number of questions a roster may not
+contain nested rosters to qualify as a simple roster, read more details
+here; as of
+there is no longer a distinction between a roster and a simple roster.
Survey Solutions provides capabilities for building complex multilevel data structures and at the same time prevents these data structures from exploding uncontrollably. Earlier this has been done at design-time - when the questionnaire was checked during compilation, error
+[WB0262]:Roster has reached size limit. Reduce roster size or decrease nesting.
+was sometimes issued, when the structure may have resulted in a large (multiple thousands of) number of items.
At design time the actual number of elements was not known, so the Survey Solutions applied the pessimistic strategy of taking maximum values for each trigger. This worked, but resulted in some seemingly valid designs to be banned, notably listing questionnaires where in an enumeration area there could be a large number of small dwellings or a small number of large houses, but never a large number of large houses. The pessimistic strategy deemed that possible.
Survey Solutions from version 5.7 allows the users embedding images into
+questionnaires. These images can be presented by configuring the static
+text elements. For details on the use of the images in the
+questionnaires, see the article
+on Questionnaire Attachments.
The following file types are supported:
File type
Max dimensions
Portable Network Graphics
Joint Photographic Experts Group
We recommend combined size of attached files not to exceed 2MB to avoid
+slow synchronization. Suggested width for images contained in static
+texts is 720px, which may vary depending on tablet model, screen size
+and resolution.
October 3, 2016
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+Multimedia reference
Survey Solutions from version 5.7 allows the users embedding images into
+questionnaires. These images can be presented by configuring the static
+text elements. For details on the use of the images in the
+questionnaires, see the article
+on Questionnaire Attachments.
The following file types are supported:
File type
Max dimensions
Portable Network Graphics
Joint Photographic Experts Group
We recommend combined size of attached files not to exceed 2MB to avoid
+slow synchronization. Suggested width for images contained in static
+texts is 720px, which may vary depending on tablet model, screen size
+and resolution.
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+Recognized Barcode Formats
The barcode question allows optical recognition of the following barcode
Aztec Code
Code 11
Code 25,
Code 39
Code 93
Code 128
Data Matrix
GS1 DataBar
MSI Plessey
QR Code
The exact type of the barcode is determined automatically during
+recognition and doesn’t have to be specified during questionnaire
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+Roster limits
Survey Solutions provides capabilities for building complex multilevel data structures and at the same time prevents these data structures from exploding uncontrollably. Earlier this has been done at design-time - when the questionnaire was checked during compilation, error
+[WB0262]:Roster has reached size limit. Reduce roster size or decrease nesting.
+was sometimes issued, when the structure may have resulted in a large (multiple thousands of) number of items.
At design time the actual number of elements was not known, so the Survey Solutions applied the pessimistic strategy of taking maximum values for each trigger. This worked, but resulted in some seemingly valid designs to be banned, notably listing questionnaires where in an enumeration area there could be a large number of small dwellings or a small number of large houses, but never a large number of large houses. The pessimistic strategy deemed that possible.
Since version 19.02 this check on the size of the roster is now applied at run-time (during the data entry), and when an attempt is made to overshoot this limit, the corresponding error message is issued to the enumerator and the change in the trigger question is declined.
Interview contains total number of roster instances and questions exceeding the system limits.
The limits on the total number of items remains the same as shown in the limits page, but rather the check is moved from inspecting the blank form to the real data being entered by the interviewer. Notably, every questionnaire that compiled in the earlier versions (before this change) will also compile in the new version (after the change), but now you will see more questionnaires compiling and the interviewers should be properly informed/trained as to how to react to this error message.
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+Survey Solutions Limits
The table below summarizes some of the Survey Solutions limits. It is not advisable to design a questionnaire or rely on a work flow that
+is balancing on the margin of these limits.
Maximum number of questions in a section:
400 [questions]
Maximum number of roster elements in a single roster (including rosters nested into it): (applies to versions older than v24.06)
10,000 [items]
Maximum number of roster elements in the whole questionnaire:
80,000 [items]
Maximum question text length:
2,000 [characters]
Maximum length of a variable label:
80 [characters]
Maximum variable name length for most question types:
32 [characters]
Maximum variable name length for GPS and some other question types:
20 [characters]
Maximum number of GPS questions marked as prefilled:
1 [question]
Maximum nesting depth for rosters:
4 [levels]
Maximum nesting depth for sub-sections (not including the section level):
9 [levels]
Maximum number of items in a roster: (for versions older than v24.06 it is 60 [items])
200 [items]
Maximum number of items in a simple roster:
200 [items]
Maximum number of questions* in a roster to qualify as a simple roster:
30 [questions]
Maximum number of questions in a roster to be shown in plain mode:
10 [questions]
Minimum number of items in a categorical question:
2 [items]
Maximum number of items in a categorical question:
15,000 [items]
Maximum number of items in a categorical question (with all options visible to interviewer):
200 [items]
Maximum number of validations (rules and messages) that can be attached to a single element:
10 [validations]
Maximum number of suggestions in a combobox categorical question:
50 [items]
Maximum length of a category label in a categorical question:
250 [characters]
Maximum number of list items in a text list question type:
200 [items]
Maximum length of response to a text question type that can be entered: (This limit does not apply to content that is pre-loaded by file upload method)
750 [characters]
Earliest date that can be entered into a date question:
1 January 1900
Latest date that can be entered into a date question:
Supported graphic file formats for upload to static text:
.jpg & .png
Maximum size of a single image for upload to static text (larger images result in warnings):
5 [MB]
Maximum image dimensions for upload to static text:
4,096 x 4,096 [pixels]
Maximum size of the longer side of captured images:
1024 [pixels]
Maximum duration of record in audio question:
3 [minutes]
Maximum size of the assignments preload file:
300 [MB]
Maximum size of the (compressed/zipped) map preload file:
500 [MB]
Maximum size of any (decompressed/unzipped) map preload file:
512 [MB]
Maximum size of the questionnaire (not including attachments)
5 [MB]
Minimum length of a required password**:
10 [characters]
Maximum number of user accounts that can be created in a single batch:
10,000 [accounts]
Maximum size of an image for Headquarters login page:
10 [MB]
Maximum number of markers*** in Headquarters map report:
Reserved value (numeric variable types):
Reserved value (string variable types):
Length of an internally generated case ID (GUID):
32 [hexadecimal digits]
Maximum length of a comment to a question:
750 [characters]
Maximum length of a comment to an assignment:
500 [characters]
Maximum length of a comment to approval/rejection transaction:
200 [characters]
Timeout for inactive web-interviewing sessions:
15 [minutes]
Maximum number of unsuccessful login attempts before a
+CAPTCHA gets activated:
5 [attempts]
Maximum length of a customized notification email
+email templates
1,000 [characters]
Maximum number of interviews that can be requested in a finite assignment: (Infinite-size assignments are not affected by this limit).
10,000 [interviews]
Minimum value for accuracy of location detection in automatic and semi-automatic modes in geography questions:
1 [meter]
Maximum value for accuracy of location detection in automatic and semi-automatic modes in geography questions:
1,000 [meters]
Minimum value for frequency of location detection in automatic mode in geography questions:
5 [seconds]
Maximum value for frequency of location detection in automatic mode in geography questions:
1,000 [seconds]
*) in addition to the limit on number of questions a roster may not
+contain nested rosters to qualify as a simple roster, read more details
+here; as of
+there is no longer a distinction between a roster and a simple roster.
**) in addition to the requirement for password complexity: at least
+one digit, at least one lower case character, and at least one upper
+case character;
***) Since version 18.12 large number of markers will be clustered on the server before being shown on the map.
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+Circular references
Circular references is a computational problem, which cannot be resolved
+by a computer because it has no logical beginning and end, for
+example: Enable question Q1 if question Q2 is enabled, and enable
+question Q2 if question Q1 is enabled.
In this example each of the questions Q1 and Q2 depends on each other,
+and there is no way to establish whether both should be asked or none at
Survey Solutions is capable of determining this kind of design defects
+and many other, less obvious ones, collectively known as “circular
+references”. For example, question Q1 may depend on question Q2, which
+depends on question Q3 and so on, with say, Q100 depending on Q1. The
+chain of references can be arbitrarily long, but as long as there is a
+circular reference it will be detected and reported.
Another situation is where the question depends on itself, such as with
+the filtering condition: while the filtering expression may refer to
+other questions in the questionnaire, it may not refer to the question
Circular references are reported as critical errors during the
+questionnaire compilation stage. As all other compilation errors they
+must be addressed before other testing tools can be used to test the
Note that you may, (and in fact
+expected!) to refer to the value of the question in it’s validation
+expressions. You can do this by referring to the question by it’s name
+or with a convenient self alias.
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+Compile errors
Survey Solutions Designer conducts analysis of your questionnaire for many
+common problems and design errors. The following table summarizes the messages
+issued by the Designer when the questionnaire is compiled.
Some of these messages indicate a situation of an error, where the current
+questionnaire is invalid and may not be used for data collection until the
+indicated problem is fixed. For example, these are the syntax errors in
+expressions (see WB0002 or WB0003 below) or duplication of identifiers of
+variables (WB0026), and other similar problems.
Other messages correspond to a situation of a warning, which hint on a
+potential improvement in efficiency, or a notable situation, which may be
+something to evaluate in the context of a specific survey. For example,
+Survey Solutions Designer may detect that the same categories are defined in
+several different questions, and advise to make use of
+reusable categories:
+see WB0296 below. While this is not an error, it is something that will make
+the management of these sets of categories easier and reduce the work for
+translators of the questionnaire to other languages. Another example is a
+warning about the absence of a GPS question in the questionnaire. Having the
+location of the interview opens up great possibilities for data analysis,
+integration, and quality control, and is easily obtainable with modern tools,
+so it can very well be an oversight that it is not included, and yet it is not
+mandatory and up to the author of the questionnaire to decide whether to
+include it or not in a particular survey questionnaire.
Questionnaire must contain at least one question.
Validation condition has a syntax error.
Enabling condition has a syntax error.
Variable cannot have empty expression.
Variable expression has length more than {0} characters.
Only one GPS question could be marked as identifying
Means that only one GPS location question may be placed to the cover page. Since different questionnaires may have different variable names for the GPS questions, Survey Solutions picks the location question not by variable name, but by position (first GPS location question in the cover page) when drawing the map dashboard. Hence this restriction. Additional GPS location questions may be placed in other sections of the questionnaire.
Multi select yes/no question can't be linked
It is not allowed to use substitutions in variable label
Roster size question is missing.
Macro has invalid name.
Linked question references a nonexistent question.
Linked question references a question type that is not supported.
Linked question references a question not in a roster.
Macro cannot have empty name.
Question with title or instruction substitution cannot be marked as identifying.
Substitution references a nonexistent question or variable.
Substitution references an item that is not supported in substitutions.
Substitution cannot reference items from a deeper roster level.
Another Macro with the same name already exists.
Max number of answers is greater than number of answer options.
Question of this type cannot be identifying.
The Designer tool will not let you directly select a question type that is not usable at the cover page. However, if you copy such a question (e.g. multiple select) from another section and paste it into the cover page, this will result in a questionnaire with this error.
Roster size source question is incorrect. Only numeric, categorical with multi-select or text list questions can be used.
Lookup table has invalid name.
Lookup table cannot have empty name.
Items with the same name found.
Expression has a syntax error.
The filter expression is more than {0} characters long.
Question with answer option filter cannot be identifying.
Identifying questions cannot be inside a roster.
Lookup table has invalid column headers.
Roster with a source question cannot have fixed set of items.
Fixed set of items roster cannot have roster source question.
Fixed set of items roster cannot have roster title question.
Roster with a question roster source has invalid source question for names of rows.
Roster cannot have a roster title question when the roster source question is a categorical multi-select or list question.
Fixed set of items roster cannot have empty titles or less than two items.
Fixed set of items roster cannot have more than {0} rows.
List question cannot be identifying.
List question cannot be filled by supervisor.
Fixed set of items roster values must be unique.
Maximum number of list elements must be in range [{1}, {0}].
Lookup table has too many columns
Lookup table has too many rows
Question has categories with empty values.
Enabling condition cannot refer to a question from a deeper roster level.
Lookup table has not unique rowcode values
Lookup table cannot be empty
Barcode question cannot be filled by supervisor.
Barcode question cannot be identifying.
Sub-sections cannot have enabling condition referencing child question.
Lookup table name cannot be a reserved word.
Roster which is the source of the link should exist.
Roster should have deeper or the same roster level as it's roster size question.
Links are prohibited on navigation elements: sections, sub-sections, rosters
Variable name or roster ID cannot be a reserved word.
If item uses %rostertitle% substitution it needs to be placed inside roster.
Question has less than {0} categories.
Question has max allowed answers less than {0}.
Option filter expression has a syntax error.
Categorical linked question cannot be used in validation condition #{0}.
Categorical linked question cannot be used in enabling condition.
Another attachment with the same name already exists.
Question of this type is not supported.
Valid variable or roster ID name should not be empty.
Roster cannot have more than {0} child elements
Roster has roster ID equal to questionnaire title.
Static text cannot be empty.
Categories titles must be unique.
Categories values must be unique.
Categorical question cannot have categories and be linked to another question.
Contains more than {0} categories.
Contains more than {0} categories.
Question has invalid variable name.
Picture question can be interviewers only.
Picture question cannot have a validation condition.
Roster with more than {0} rows cannot have nested rosters
Roster with more than {0} rows cannot be nested
Multi-select roster source question should have a maximum number of answers set.
Question with current type cannot be used as roster title.
Categories in child cascading combo box question should reference only existing option in parent question.
Question should have deeper or the same level as it's parent question.
Cascading combo box question references missing or unsupported question type.
Circular references in cascading combo box questions not allowed.
Cascading combo box question should have less than {0} categories.
Cascading combo box question should have unique value and parent value list of categories.
Linked question can be interviewers only.
Child cascading combo box question should not contain enabling condition.
Child cascading combo box question should not contain validation condition.
Roster source list question should have a maximum number of elements set.
Enabling condition has length more than {0} characters.
Static text refers absent attachment
Error occurred during questionnaire compilation.
Only the following characters may be used in the questionnaire title: A..Z a..z 0..9 ( ) \ / _ - and space.
Size of questionnaire is approximately {0:0.##}MB and is too big to work correctly with Survey Solutions. Try to reduce amount of data until it will be at least less than {1}MB.
Max number of answers for roster size question cannot be greater than {0}.
Sub-section can have no more than {0} parent sub-sections.
Following questionnaire items (question/group/static text/etc.) use same internal ID. Please delete one of them.
Roster which is the source of the link is a roster, not a subsection.
Validation condition #{0} is too long. It should be no longer than {1} characters.
Validation error message #{0} is too long. It should be no longer than {1} characters.
Validation condition #{0} is empty.
Validation error message #{0} is empty.
Linked question filter expression is longer than {0} characters.
The question cannot be used in its own filter expression.
Filter expression has a syntax error.
Attachment cannot be empty
Variable has invalid name.
Variable cannot have empty name.
Categorical question supports only integer values in range from {0} to {1}
Fixed rosters only support integer values.
Linked question references a list question from wrong level.
Linked to list question doesn't support categories filter
Filters are now applicable to questions linked to lists as well. You should not be getting this error anymore.
Expression referencing forbidden DateTime properties: {0}, {1}, {2}. Consider using current time question instead.
Questionnaire's title can't have more than {0} symbols.
The titles of sections and sub-sections cannot be empty or contain whitespace only.
This element's name or ID shouldn't be longer than {0} characters.
Valid variable or roster ID name should contain only letters, digits and underscore character
Variable name or roster ID shouldn't start with digit or underscore
Variable name or roster ID shouldn't end with underscore
Variable name or roster ID shouldn't have two and more consecutive underscore characters.
There is at least one duplicate of "Title" and "Parent Value" pairs. The list should not contain any duplicates.
Number of decimal places is not in range from {0} to {1}.
Category title is empty or too long. Title's length should be in range from {0} to {1} characters.
You cannot use child entities in enablement condition for sections, subsection and rosters.
Special values support only integer values in range from {0} to {1}.
Special value title is empty or too long. Title's length should be in range from {0} to {1} characters.
Special values must be unique.
Contains more than {0} special values.
Question contains a special value, which is too large and can't be used in this question since it determines the size of a roster.
Question has special value(s) with empty value.
Special values titles must be unique.
Large number of rosters is created. Exporting this structures into data files might be problematic. Consider reducing number of rosters.
Section or Roster contains more than {0} questions, consider splitting into sub-sections.
Section contains no questions. Consider removing the empty section.
Roster group contains only one question. Consider grouping with other rosters. For fixed roster, consider presenting as a set of independent questions.
Roster is empty. Remove it if it is not needed.
Questionnaire has more than {0} questions. It might be difficult to administer it.
Questionnaire contains more than {0} questions but only one or two sections. Group questions into sections to simplify navigation and improve performance.
Fixed roster contains {0} or less items. Consider using sub-sections and a series of questions. Rosters complicate structure of exported data.
More than {0}% of questions contain no validation conditions. Add validation conditions to improve data quality.
Enabling condition is long. It might be possible to have shorter, more readable conditions with built-in functions (i.e., InList()).
Single-choice question has too many categories, consider changing to combo box.
Questionnaire contains no GPS questions. Consider adding a GPS question.
Validation condition #{0} is long. It might be possible to have shorter, more readable conditions with built-in functions (i.e., InList()).
Attachment size is more than {0}Mb
Total size of attachments is more than {0}Mb
Questionnaire contains unused attachments
No identifying questions are defined. Define at least one identifying question.
Variable label is too long (more than {0} chars) and will be truncated in SPSS file export.
Consecutive questions contain identical enablement conditions. Consider placing in a sub-section and assign condition to the sub-section.
Multiple consecutive unconditional single-select question with {0} categories. Consider one multiple choice question.
Using @{0} with a multi-choice roster may be unstable. Consider using @{1} instead.
No current time question was found. Consider recording the date of interview in your questionnaire.
Single-select question is marked as identifying. Consider using a text question.
Section contains less than five questions. Consider joining with other sections.
Too many sub-sections at one level. Consider hierarchical layout.
Drop-down menu (combo box) contains less than 10 elements. Consider switching to a standard single choice representation.
Cascading combo box questions have the same parent question.
Questionnaire hasn’t been reviewed. Consider sharing it with another user for feedback.
Categorical question has nonconsecutive categories codes. Check for omitted categories.
Supervisor question is used in validation. Check the condition accounts for supervisor non-response or instruct supervisors to always respond.
Nonconsecutive cascade questions. Consider laying the cascading questions one after another.
Multi select question contains too many (>{0}) categories. It will be difficult to navigate on tablets. Consider splitting into two multichoice questions if possible.
Five or more questions have the same enabling condition. Place questions in a group and apply single enabling condition to a group to improve questionnaire efficiency.
Nested roster with three or more degrees of nesting. Try avoiding such complex structures that might lead to problems in data collection.
Subordinate levels in a nested roster are based on the same parent question. Try revising, such rosters might lead to problems in data collection.
The same long enablement condition is used in several questions. You might want to create a Boolean variable to simplify the code management.
The same long validation condition is used in several questions. You might want to create a Boolean variable to simplify the code management.
& is used in expression. Make sure you understand the difference between & and && operators. In most cases, use &&.
| is used in expression. Make sure you understand the difference between | and || operators. In most cases, use ||.
Validation condition #{0} refers to a future question. Consider reversing the order.
Enablement condition refers to a future question. Consider reversing the order.
Too few variable labels are defined. Add variable labels to improve the usability of exported data and to provide input into metadata for Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) format.
Use function IsValidEmail() to validate email address.
Question is too short. This might be an incomplete question.
Translation name is invalid
Translation has empty content
Translations have duplicate names
Question title is too long. It should be no longer than {0} characters.
Title is too long. It should be no longer than {0} characters.
Questionnaire contains rosters with total number of roster instances {0} exceeding the system limits {1}
Roster has reached size limit. Reduce roster size or decrease nesting.
First section cannot have enabling condition.
You have a GPS question. Tablets must support geolocation to be used with this questionnaire.
More than {0}% of questions are text questions. Text questions are difficult to answer on tablets. Consider using single- or multi-choice questions instead.
Duplicate questions. (Questions have the same title.)
This may or may not be an error. Sometimes questions can be understood in context, such as the "Other (specify)" requirements in categorical questions usually result in "Please specify the 'other'" in the following question. If you don't like the warning, make the questions distinct by clarifying the question "Please specify the other food type" or "Please specify the other source of fertilizer".
You have a barcode question. Tablets must support autofocus to be used with this questionnaire.
You try to use substitution for unsupported entity.
Question cannot have empty title.
Section should not contain more than {0} questions.
Questionnaire title shouldn't have two and more consecutive underscore characters.
Plain mode allowed only for rosters with no more than {0} elements.
Plain mode doesn't allow the use of nested rosters.
Text contains a link to an unknown question, subsection, roster or pdf attachment.
Total number of elements ({0}) exceeded system limit ({1}). Consider reducing the number of questions, static texts, variables, or items in fixed rosters.
Identifying question cannot be placed inside section with enabling condition.
Table roster mode doesn't allow to use nested groups and rosters.
Table mode allowed only for rosters with no more than {0} questions.
Table roster doesn't allow to use supervisor questions.
Table roster allows to use only text and numeric questions.
Table or Matrix roster mode works only in web survey, on tablets it will be 'sub section' mode.
Questions in a table roster may not contain any substitutions in text.
Label {1} for code {0} is a number different from the value being labeled.
Name of categories shouldn't be longer than {0} characters.
Name of categories shouldn't end with underscore
Name of categories shouldn't have two and more consecutive underscore characters.
Name of categories should not be empty.
Name of categories cannot be a reserved word.
Name of categories should contain only letters, digits and underscore character
Name of categories shouldn't start with digit or underscore
Questions have the same categories. Use reusable categories instead
Matrix roster allows to use only simple categorical questions: combobox, cascading or yes/no modes are not allowed.
Matrix mode allowed only for rosters with no more than {0} question(s).
Matrix roster has to contain no supervisor or identifying questions.
Question in Matrix roster must not contain %rostertitle% substitution.
Matrix roster has to contain no linked questions.
Substitution cannot reference items from same roster level.
Matrix roster cannot have custom roster title
Table roster cannot have custom roster title
Reusable category cannot have row with same Id and ParentId values
Reusable category cannot have row with same ParentId and Text values
Identifying questions can have only allowed types (Text, Numeric, DateTime, GpsCoordinates, SingleOption)
Questions in Сover section must have variable label.
Only string variable type can be used as source of the attachment name
Static text can not reference variable that has deeper roster scope then itself
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+Compilation Errors and Warnings
Survey Solutions Designer conducts analysis of your questionnaire for many
+common problems and design errors. The following table summarizes the messages
+issued by the Designer when the questionnaire is compiled.
Some of these messages indicate a situation of an error, where the current
+questionnaire is invalid and may not be used for data collection until the
+indicated problem is fixed. For example, these are the syntax errors in
+expressions (see WB0002 or WB0003 below) or duplication of identifiers of
+variables (WB0026), and other similar problems.
Circular references is a computational problem, which cannot be resolved
+by a computer because it has no logical beginning and end, for
+example: Enable question Q1 if question Q2 is enabled, and enable
+question Q2 if question Q1 is enabled.
In this example each of the questions Q1 and Q2 depends on each other,
+and there is no way to establish whether both should be asked or none at
April 2, 2018
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+Migrating questionnaires from other systems
To simplify migration from Open Data Kit (ODK) or compatible systems (Survey123, SurveyCTO, KoBoToolBox, etc) we present the possible/recommended alternatives in Survey Solutions for:
Individual system implementation of these features may vary. Online documentation for ODK was used as a reference when compiling the list of alternatives (accessed August 2021). For specifics of function implementation in different systems, refer to their respective documentation pages, e.g. for Survey123, for SurveyCTO, etc.
August 29, 2021
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+Migrating questionnaires from ODK and compatible systems
Migrating questionnaires from ODK and compatible systems
August 29, 2021
To simplify migration from Open Data Kit (ODK) or compatible systems (Survey123, SurveyCTO, KoBoToolBox, etc) we present the possible/recommended alternatives in Survey Solutions for:
Individual system implementation of these features may vary. Online documentation for ODK was used as a reference when compiling the list of alternatives (accessed August 2021). For specifics of function implementation in different systems, refer to their respective documentation pages, e.g. for Survey123, for SurveyCTO, etc.
Where we leave a note "#no alternative", this is to be interpreted that there is no 1:1 mapping of an ODK feature to a corresponding Survey Solutions feature, and no obvious workaround. Yet this is usually not a dead end, and a workaround may be formulated for a particular situation.
Please note the basic correspondence between the questionnaire elements:
ODK, SurveyCTO, Survey123, KoBoToolBox
Survey Solutions
Section or sub-section
Repeated group
Static text
Enabling condition
Question types
The following table follows the list of question types present in ODK and compatible systems (SurveyCTO, Survey123, KoBoToolBox, etc) and shows a possible equivalent or alternative in Survey Solutions.
ODK, SurveyCTO, Survey123, KoBoToolBox
Survey Solutions
Text widget
Text question
Number widget
Numeric question
Date and time widget
Date question. For time use a formatted string question, with a pattern such as "##:##"
Select widget
Single-select question, multi-select question Select questions have several presentation alternatives in XForms and likewise in Survey Solutions. Selection from an external file is not supported in Survey Solutions - all possible alternatives must be part of the questionnaire.
Rank widget
Multi-select question
Location widget
GPS location question
Image widget
Image question
Audio widget
Audio question
File upload widget
#no alternative. Existing images may be uploaded as files using an image question.
Categorical single-select question with condition on the remaining part of the questionnaire.
signature widget
Image question with signature flag.
Grouping multiple widgets on the same screen
Questions can be placed in the same section/sub-section, to appear on the same screen, or placed in different sections/sub-sections to appear on the different screens.
The following table follows the list of operators present in ODK and compatible systems (SurveyCTO, Survey123, KoBoToolBox, etc) and shows a possible equivalent or alternative in Survey Solutions.
ODK, SurveyCTO, Survey123, KoBoToolBox
Survey Solutions
▶ Math operators
+ (addition)
+ (addition)
- (subtraction)
- (subtraction)
* (mutliplication)
* (multiplication)
div (division)
/ (division)
mod (modulo (division remainder))
% (modulo (division remainder))
▶ Comparison operators
Note that relational operators in C# used in Survey Solutions can also be used to compare strings.
= (equal to)
== (equal to)
!= (not equal to)
!= (not equal to)
> (greater than)
> (greater than)
>= (greater than or equal)
>= (greater than or equal)
< (less than)
< (less than)
<= (less than or equal)
<= (less than or equal)
▶ Boolean operators
▶ Path operators
#no direct equivalent. Use @rowcode or @rowindex depending on the context. For example: MEMBERS[2].@rowcode is identical to 2 (if such a member was included in the roster MEMBERS)
The following table follows the list of functions present in ODK and compatible systems (SurveyCTO, Survey123, KoBoToolBox, etc) and shows a possible equivalent or alternative in Survey Solutions.
Some functions have several possible alternatives, and the exact choice may depend on the context.
ODK, SurveyCTO, Survey123, KoBoToolBox
Survey Solutions
▶ Control Flow
if(expression, then, else)
expression ? then : else
@rowindex - returns the position of the current roster item in its parent roster. It can also be used with non-current objects: MEMBERS[fatherid].@rowindex returns the index of the row of the person with the code equal to fatherid in the roster ROSTER.
#no equivalent. An expression in Survey Solutions may not be calculated only once, instead the system must be able to recalculate any expression on demand.
▶ Accessing response values
▸▸ Select questions
selected(space_delimited_array, string)
space_delimited_array.split().Contains(string) - literally; Q.Contains(c) - for checking whether a code c is selected in multiple-select question Q (since the answerto multiple-select questions in Survey Solutions is an array of selected codes).
selected-at(space_delimited_array, n)
space_delimited_array.split()[n] - literally; Q[n]==c - for checking whether a code c is selected as choice n in multiple-select question Q (since the answerto multiple-select questions in Survey Solutions is an array of selected codes).
jr:choice-name(choice_name, 'select_question')
#no equivalent. Access to localized strings in syntax has been intentionally disabled.
ROSTER.Count(x=>IsAnswered(x.q)) - the Survey Solutions equivalent counts the number of answered questions q in the roster ROSTER.
ROSTER.Sum(x=>x.q) - the Survey Solutions equivalent sums the values of answers to questions q in the roster ROSTER. Empty values (unanswered questions) do not affect the calculation of the sum (are ignored).
ROSTER.Max(x=>x.q)- the Survey Solutions equivalent returns the maximum of values of answers to questions q in the roster ROSTER. Empty values (unanswered questions) are ignored.
ROSTER.Min(x=>x.q)- the Survey Solutions equivalent returns the minimum of values of answers to questions q in the roster ROSTER. Empty values (unanswered questions) are ignored.
▶ Strings
▸▸ Searching and matching strings
regex(string, expression)
new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(expression).Match(string) - note that the regular expression in Survey Solutions will not be the same as in ODK-based systems and needs to be transformed. Example: find the first 4-digit number in the string s:
+new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"\b\d{4}\b").Match(s).ToString()
+For the value of s="19 April 1980 - 16 November 2021" returns "1980".
String.Join(separator,ROSTER.Select(x=>x.q)) - concatenates answers to question q of roster ROSTER.
▸▸ Converting to and from strings
arg.ToString() - objects of some types may require specification of a format or may use a default format that depends on the system.
▶ Mathematics
▸▸ Number handling
round(number, places)
Math.Round(number, places)
Double.Parse(arg) for decimals, (arg==true)?1:0 for Boolean values
#no equivalent Formally digest algorithms are implemented in System.Security.Cryptography, such as System.Security.Cryptography.MD5(), but access to these classes has been disabled for security reasons.
▸▸ Calculation
pow(number, power)
Math.Pow(number, power)
▶ Date and time
#no equivalent. Access to DateTime.Now() has been disabled to avoid logical mistakes.
#no equivalent. Access to DateTime.Now() has been disabled to avoid logical mistakes. Use a current timestamp question at the beginning of the interview. Refer to that date/time when you need the reference time.
▸▸ Converting dates and times
new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0).AddDays(days).Date
Survey Solutions doesn't have a separate time class. If you separately have HOUR, MIN, SEC of the value oft, then decimal-time(time) is new TimeSpan(HOUR,MIN,SEC) / (24*60*60) .
If you notice any incorrect mapping in this table, feel free to raise the issue in the users’ forum.
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/questionnaire-designer/questions/audio-question/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+Audio Question
Audio question records sound using the tablet’s microphone. This can be
+used in surveys where the
+recording of the
+respondent’s voice may serve quality control purposes or be directly of
+interest to the researchers.
Creating a audio question
In Questionnaire Designer,
Click on the Question Type text box.
Select Audio from the list displayed.
How an audio question works on a tablet
To answer the question the enumerator has to:
Tap on Tap to record audio button.
2. A timer and recording status are displayed. To stop the recording,
+tap on Done. An audio question has a 180 seconds limit. After 180
+seconds (3 min) the recording will stop as if Done was pressed and the
+180 seconds will be saved automatically. Press on the play button to
+listen to the recording.
The recording can be replaced by selecting the record new button. Note
+that the previous answer for this question will be lost.
The audio questions are exported as .m4a files in the binary data
+folder, along with any .jpeg files from picture questions. Each binary
+data folder represents an interview where the folder names are
+automatically created interview ids.
The .m4a file name is the question’s variable name as defined in the
+Questionnaire Designer.
In the micro data files, an answered audio question will show the name
+of the .m4a under the question’s variable name.
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/questionnaire-designer/questions/barcode-question/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+Barcode Question
A Barcode question expects an optical machine-readable
+representation of data relating to an object.
Creating a barcode question
In Questionnaire Designer,
Click on the Question Type text box.
Select Barcode from the list displayed.
How a barcode question appears on a tablet
To answer the question the enumerator has to:
Tap on the text box.
A red cross will display. Focus the cross on the barcode and without
+moving the tablet wait until the camera automatically takes a
Once the camera reads the barcode the corresponding numbers are
The answer is exported in a numeric variable in a tab-delimited file.
+The name of this variable is the question’s variable name that was
+defined in the Questionnaire Designer.
Barcode question
Unanswered question exported in tab-delimited file
Answered question exported in tab-delimited file
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/questionnaire-designer/questions/capturing-signatures-with-a-picture-question/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Capturing signatures with a picture question
A picture type question can be used to capture signatures on a tablet.
+For this, the flag “use signature pad” should be set in the
+questionnaire Designer.
On the tablet, a person will be able to leave a signature by writing
+directly on the screen:
To store the signature, click the “Store signature” button.
In the web mode interviews an image of the signature (picture file) can
+be uploaded as a file. Signatures are exported as images. For more
+information about picture questions, see the Picture
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+Categorical: Multi-Select Question
+A categorical: multi-select **** question
+expects one or more answers to be selected from a list of possible
+answers (categories). The list of possible answers can either be defined
+before the interview or it can be created during the interview. If you
+are defining the categories prior to the interview you can add the
+categories in the design phase one at a time or by copying and pasting
+them from a document. On the other hand, if you want to create the
+categories during the interview you would need to link the question to a
+previous question or roster, so that the categories of the former are
+the answers given to the latter.
This question type provides the option of preserving the order in which
+the options are selected and/or defining the maximum number of options
+that can be selected. For example, if you are conducting a survey to
+improve the marketing of your product you are probably interested in
+knowing which two colors are most preferred by your potential customer.
+In this situation, you can ask “Select two colors you like” and have the
+interviewee select only two colors from those listed.
Next, consider a survey where the order to which respondents rank their
+answers is important. For example, you would like to conduct a survey in
+your organization in order to better understand human relationships
+among your employees. You are interested to know the three most
+important human values in the order of importance to which each employee
+ranks them. Therefore, you would include in your survey the question “In
+order of importance select the three most important values a person
+should have” and define the question’s properties to be ordered with the
+maximum number of selected answers to equal three.
You can also link a categorical: multi-select **** question to a
+previous roster or question (text, numeric, or date) in a roster.
+Imagine a survey that collects information about the type of aid a
+population group has received. For this study you are interested to know
+which individual in the household has received some type of aid, in
+order to see if there is a connection to certain information, such as
+age and/or gender. As you foresee that more than one household member
+may have received aid, you can create the question “Which of the
+household members received any type of aid last month?” This question
+will be a categorical multiple-answer question linked to a household
+list roster.
Creating a categorical: multi-select question
In Questionnaire Designer
Click on the Question Type box.
Select Categorical: Multi-select from the list displayed.
You can add the categories one at time or by copying and pasting them
+from a document. Add categories one at a time
To add the categories one at a time, first click on the button Add
+option to assign the necessary number of categories for the
+possible answers.
Add a code that uniquely identifies each possible answer. The codes
+must be positive integers.
Add the label corresponding to the code. Each label defines a
+possible answer.
Copy paste categories
Click on Show Strings link.
Paste the category titles and their corresponding codes in the box.
+The category title and code must be separated by one or more dots
How a categorical: multi-select question appears on a tablet
The enumerator selects one or more answer options by selecting each
Yes/no mode
Categorical: multi-select questions can be displayed with yes/no
+radio buttons for each item. Consider the following question as an example: “Does the enterprise sell
To display the yes/no radio buttons for each item, click on the YES/NO
+mode checkbox.
On a tablet, an enumerator selects one of two radio buttons denoting
+“Yes” and “No” for each category listed.
Record answer order
Categorical: multi-select questions have the option to order
+answers according to a criterion, such as an order of importance or
To have the answers sorted by a criterion, click on the Record answer
+order box. Consider the following question as an example: “Select, in
+order of importance, the three most important values a person should
When the enumerator begins selecting options, sequential numbers
+(starting from one) will be displayed to the right of each selected
+category. In this example, the enumerator selected Honesty first,
+followed by Other, and then Gratitude lastly.
Maximum number of answers
A categorical: multi-select question provides the option of
+assigning a maximum number of valid answers.
In order to limit the number of selected categories in an answer you can
+add the maximum valid number in the Max number of answers field.
The enumerator may select the same or less than the number of categories
+as the defined maximum number of answers (in this example the maximum
+number is 3). Once the maximum number of categories have been selected
+the remaining will be disabled.
When the question is linked to a question (text, numeric, or date) or
+roster the categories are created during the interview. The categories
+created are the answers the interviewee has given in the previous
+question or roster source question. For example, if a question asks for
+the household members who visited a doctor during the past month, you
+need to link this question to a previous one within the roster, which
+asks the names of all the household members.
To link a question to another question, click on the Is linkedbox.
Click on the Bind to question from roster group dropdown menu for
+a list of questions and rosters that can be linked.
Select the appropriate question or roster.
Filtered answer options
You can define a filter to describe the conditions under which answer
+options will be displayed to the interviewer via the Filter field for
+multi-select categorical questions. Linked questions can also include a
+filter. In food consumption modules, questionnaire designers can limit answer
+options to those that make sense for each food item (e.g., weight units
+for solids, volume units for liquids). In demographic modules, you can
+filter a linked question that lists potential owners of the household’s
+dwelling to the set of age relevant household members. The Filter field contains a condition that is evaluated against each
+potential answer option. When the condition is true for a particular
+answer option, that answer option is displayed. When the condition is
+false (or yields an exception), that option is not displayed in
+Interviewer. In other words, the feature functions like an enabling
+condition for answer options, enabling only those answer options that
+satisfy the filter condition. There are also two new keywords that are only available in the Filter
+field. For non-linked questions, the keyword @optioncode
+provides a way to refer to the answer options for the current
+question. For linked questions, the keyword @current
+used as a variable prefix, allows you to differentiate between the value
+of a variable for current roster row and that for all other rows in the
+current roster. For example, one may filter down the list of potential
+fathers to those members that are older than the current person (the
+child) by writing:
age > @current.age
To add a condition on the answer options of a categorical question,
+define the filter in the Filter box.
Categorical questions are comprised of codes (hidden from enumerators)
+and labels (visible to enumerators). Categorical multi-select questions
+are exported into multiple columns in the output file. Each column name
+is comprised of the original variable name specified in the Designer and
+a suffix corresponding to a particular option code, for example, a
+multi-select question on the presence of various assets in the household
+may be exported as variables: assets__101, assets__102, assets__103, where ‘assets’ is the name of the question specified in Designer, and
+‘101’, ‘102’, ‘103’ are the codes of items in this question.
When a question has no limit on the number of answers that can be
+selected (the enumerator can select all the categories), the system
+creates the same number of variables as the categories. However, if the
+question has defined a maximum number of valid answers (lower than the
+total number of categories), the system creates the same number of
+variables as the number defined in the Max number of answers field.
Linked To understand how data from a linked categorical: multi-select
+question is exported, we have to also consider the type of roster where
+(triggered by a question or with fixed titles) the “link to” question is
+housed. The reason for this is that the system creates the same number
+of variables as the potential maximum number of records that the roster
+can display. This means that the number defined in the Max number of
+answers field is taken into account when recording the question’s
+answer, but not when exporting the data.
The examples below illustrate the variations of the categorical
+multiple-answer question.
The first example refers to the question: “Select all the assets the
+household has” where codes from 1 to 6 represent: television, fridge,
+washing machine, dishwasher, dryer and freezer respectively. The
+enumerator can select from one to all of the categories listed without
+preserving the order in which the categories were selected. This example
+illustrates an example where the enumerator does not select all the
Categorical multi-select question that is not linked
Unanswered question exported in tab-delimited file
Answered question exported in tab-delimited file
Multi-select question in yes/no mode
The second example refers to the question: “Does the enterprise sell
+[ITEM]?” where codes from 1 to 5 represent: cereals, roots and tubers,
+vegetables, fruits, and meat and fish respectively. The enumerator
+selects “yes” or “no” for each of the categories listed.
Unanswered question exported in tab-delimited file
Answered question exported in tab-delimited file
The next example illustrates a categorical: multi-select question that
+expects a maximum of three categories to be selected and ordered by a
+criterion. In this example, the question is: “Select, in order of
+importance, the three most important values a person should have” where
+codes from 1 to 6 represents: honesty, sincerity, loyalty, gratitude,
+respect and other respectively.
Unanswered question exported in tab-delimited file
Answered question exported in tab-delimited file
Because of this question’s defined properties (the enumerator can select
+a maximum of three categories. In this example, the maximum number of
+permitted categories were selected. The enumerator selected Honesty first, then Other and finally Gratitude.
+As the question is ordered in this example, the system saved their
+respective codes in the variables following the order in which they were
The next example illustrates the data export of a linked categorical:
+multi-select question for which all the categories can be selected and
+the order in which the categories are selected is not preserved. In this
+example, the question: “Which of the household members received any type
+of aid last month?” is linked to the question: “Name of the household
+member”. So, let’s imagine that the answer to the latter was: Ann, Paul,
+Mary and Michael. The system automatically creates the codes: 0,1,2 and
+3 for each name respectively. If Ann, Mary and Michael have received
+aid, the system exports the values 0, 2 and 3.
Previous question located within a roster
Unanswered question exported in tab-delimited file
Answered question exported in tab-delimited file
The last example shows the data exported from a linked categorical:
+multi-select question that expected a maximum of two selected
+categories and the order in which the categories were selected to have
+been preserved. In this example, the question: “From the harvest of last
+year, select the two crops that had the highest yield starting with the
+lowest.” is linked to the question: “Name crops that you harvested last
+year". Let’s imagine that the answer to the latter was: Maize, Wheat,
+Cassava and Rice. The system automatically creates the codes: 0,1,2 and
+3 for each crop respectively. If the crop with the highest yield was
+Rice and the second one was Wheat, the system exports the values 3 and
Previous question located within a roster
The system assigns the codes: 1 to Maize, 2 to Wheat, 3 to Cassava and 4
+to Rice. The enumerator does not see this coding. However, they see the
+numbers indicating the order in which each category was selected.
Unanswered question exported in tab-delimited file
Answered question exported in tab-delimited file
Because it is a linked question the system creates the same number of
+variables as the maximum records a roster can have. For this question,
+the maximum number of options that the enumerator can select is two. In
+this case the enumerator selected Rice first and Wheat second.
+Accordingly, the system saved their codes (3 and 1 respectively) in the
+first two variables, following the order in which the categories were
+selected. The remaining 38 variables are empty.
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Overview: Categorical question types
To select from a small number of categories, such as Yes/No/Don’t know, or Urban/Rural.
To select from a large number of categories, such as favorite dish, or name of the village where the person was born.
To select one of the values listed earlier, such as "Who is the head of the household?"
To create cascading selections (implement a hierarchical choice), such as select a province, then select a district within that province, then a locality within that district. (when each level has a small number of choices given the earlier made selections)
To create cascading selections (implement a hierarchical choice), such as select a province, then select a district within that province, then a locality within that district. (when some levels may have a large number of choices given the earlier made selections)
To capture spontaneous answers, such as "In which days of the week do you typically work?" (we expect the respondent to know the days of the week: Monday, Tuesday,..., and the interviewer doesn’t usually have to read the options)
yes/no buttons
To capture answers where the list of items must be read and status of each item established, such as "Tell me please which durable assets do you own?" (we do not expect that the respondent clearly knows what we consider a 'durable asset', hence it is better to read-out: a refrigerator, a microwave, a dishwasher,...)
To select multiple items from a large number of selections, such as for example: "Which crops do you cultivate at your plot?" (the universe of possible values is large, but the number of actual selections will be small, though there can be more than one crop).
To capture multiple selections of the items from an earlier compiled list, such as "Tell me please which members of the household attend any school currently?" (we choose from the list of the household members entered earlier)
yes/no buttons
To capture spontaneous answers, such as in questions like "In which months do you make most of your profits? Name the months in order of profitability starting from the most profitable first." (we expect the respondent to know the months of the year: January, February,...)
yes/no buttons
NB: Only the positive selections are numbered as choices. Negative selections are not numbered and it is not evident from the answer in which sequence the negative answers were given in relation to the positive ones.
To capture answers where the list of items must be read and both status and importance of each item established, such as "Tell me please which sources of water do you use? Indicate the most important sources of water first!" (can be used in CAWI surveys where the respondent will see all choices.)
(NB: multiple-select combobox records answers in order of selection regardless of whether the 'ordered' option has been specified or not)
To capture multiple selections of the items from an earlier compiled list in order of some of their attribute, such as "Tell me please which of the products you produce are profitable? (please, start from the most profitable first)"
yes/no buttons
Please note:
All categories in categorical questions must have distinct numeric integer codes (may be negative or positive or include 0).
Any of the above-mentioned question variants may involve a filter imposed on the categories (except for questions used in the cover page [WB0029]).
Multiple select categorical questions may not be used in the cover page section of the questionnaire [WB0022].
Any of the non-linked variants of the questions may utilize either the categories specified directly in the question, or reusable categories defined at the questionnaire level.
All multiselect questions may have a constant limit on the number of selections.
Ordered multiple select question types put an extra burden on the respondent to mentally grasp all possible choices and sort them in order of some attribute (such as cost, frequency of use, date of purchase, etc).
Categorical selection questions with defined categories must have at least 2 of them defined. A filter may reduce the choices to 1 or 0.
A categorical selection question with 0 selections is considered to be not answered as concerned by the IsAnswered() function. It is advisable to disable a categorical question without possible selections by applying a proper enabling condition.
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/questionnaire-designer/questions/categorical-single-select-question/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+Categorical: Single-Select Question
+A categorical: single-select question expects
+one answer to be selected from a list of possible answers (categories).
+This list can either be defined before the interview or it can be
+created during the interview. To define the categories beforehand, you
+can add them one at a time, copy and paste them from a
+document, or upload them from a tab-delimited
+file in Questionnaire Designer.
To create the categories during the interview, the categorical:
+single-select question must belinked to a previous question
+(text, numeric, date) in a roster or to a roster. For
+example, some surveys ask about the respondent and expect the enumerator
+to type the respondent’s name. However, instead of typing the
+respondent’s name the enumerator can select it from a list containing
+the names of the household members. To do this, the question “Which of
+the household members is the respondent?” needs to be linked to a
+previous question, such as “Name each household member”.
If the categorical: single-select question is not linked, you have the
+option of defining it as a cascade question. This means that
+during the interview the list of categories can be filtered by the
+answer given to a previous categorical: single-select (parent
+question). It is common in surveys to find questions with a very long
+list of possible answers that can be shortened by setting a certain
+criteria to filter the categories. For example, in a national survey
+knowing the province of the household can shorten the list of regions.
+Therefore, the question “Region in which the household is located” can
+be defined as a cascade question having the categorical: single-select
+question “Province in which the household is located” as its parent
Default single-select question
ingle-select question with a combo box
Creating a single-select question
In Questionnaire Designer,
Click on the Question Type box.
Select Categorical: Single-select.
You can add answer options one at a time or by copying and pasting them
+from a document.
To add categories one at a time:
Click on the Add Option button to assign the number of categories
Add a code (positive integer value) which uniquely identifies each
Add the label corresponding to each code. The labels will be
+displayed to the enumerators
To copy and paste the categories from a document
Click on Show Strings link.
Paste the category titles and their corresponding codes (positive
+integer value) in the box. Note that the format accepted is the
+category title followed by one or more dots (“.”).
How a single-select question appears on a tablet
The enumerator selects one answer option from the list displayed.
Combo box
When there are a large number of categories, it can be tedious to enter
+them. For example, this may occur when a question asks for the primary
+occupation of a household member. To avoid entering each category one at
+a time or copying them in a specific format, you can import the codes
+(positive integer values) and labels of the categories from a
+tab-delimited file.
To import categories from a tab delimited file,
Create the tab delimited file without headings and with the
+categories’ codes in the first column and their corresponding
+description in the second one.
Click on the Combo box. Once this box is checked, click on the
+Upload new options link.
In the pop-up window displayed, click on Choose file and select
+the tab-delimited file you had prepared.
Select Upload and confirm your selection with the Apply
Update the options click on the reload link.
After importing the categories you can edit them by clicking on the
+Upload new options link.
On a tablet the enumerator has to:
Tap on the question box.
Start typing letters, so that a subset of categories that have been
+filtered by the typed letters is shown.
Select the appropriate answer.
Cascade combo box
The cascade option is useful when the list of categories is large and it
+can be filtered by the answer given to a previous categorical one-answer
+question. For example, a national survey asks for the province, the
+region and the district. Therefore, the province can filter the
+categories for region, and region can filter the categories for
+district. To accomplish this task you need to define the question
+responsible for filtering (parent question) and upload the categories
+from a tab-delimited file.
Create a tab-delimited file without headings and with the
+categories’ codes and description in the first and second column
+respectively. The third column should contain the categories’ codes
+of the parent question.
Click on the cascading combo box and then define the question that
+will filter the categories (parent question).
To define the parent question, click on the Select parent question
+dropdown box and select the question from those listed.
Add the categories by clicking on the Add options link.
In the pop-up window displayed click on Choose file and select the
+tab-delimited file you have prepared.
Click on the Upload button and confirm your selection by clicking
+on the Apply button.
Update the categories click on the reload link.
After importing the categories, you can edit them by clicking on
+theUpload new options< link.
On a tablet the enumerator has to:
Tap on the question text box.
Starts typing letters, so that a subset of options first filtered by
+the parent question and then by the entered letters, is shown.
Select the appropriate option.
Linked question
Categories can be created during the interview when the categorical:
+single-select question is linked to another question or roster. The
+categories created are the answers given to a previous question, or a
+roster source question. The single-select question can be linked to a
+question in a roster (text, numeric, or date), or to a roster. For
+example, you can create categories when a question located in a roster
+records the name of all the household members, or when a roster source
+question asks for the list of all household members. The following
+question can then ask the respondent to choose his/her name from the
To link a question to a previous question,
Click on the Is linked box.
Click on the Bind to question from roster group dropdown menu, and
+select the appropriate question or roster.
On a tablet the linked question displays the list of categories an
+enumerator can choose from.
Filtered answer options
You can define a filter to describe the conditions under which answer
+options will be displayed to the interviewer via the Filter field for
+single select categorical questions. Linked questions can also include a
In food consumption modules, questionnaire designers can limit answer
+options to those that make sense for each food item (e.g., weight units
+for solids, volume units for liquids). In demographic modules, you can
+filter a linked question that lists potential owners of the household’s
+dwelling to the set of age relevant household members.
The Filter field contains a condition that is evaluated against each
+potential answer option. When the condition is true for a particular
+answer option, that answer option is displayed. When the condition is
+false (or yields an exception), that option is not displayed in
+Interviewer. In other words, the feature functions like an enabling
+condition for answer options, enabling only those answer options that
+satisfy the filter condition.
There are also two new keywords that are only available in the Filter
+field. For non-linked questions, the keyword @optioncode
+provides a way to refer to the answer options for the current
+question. For linked questions, the keyword @current, used
+as a variable prefix, allows you to differentiate between the value of a
+variable for current roster row and that for all other rows in the
+current roster. For example, one may filter down the list of potential
+fathers to those members that are older than the current person (the
+child) by writing: age
To add a condition on the answer options of a categorical question,
+define the filter in the Filter box.
Categorical questions are composed of codes (hidden from enumerators)
+and labels (visible to enumerators). When data from a categorical
+question is exported the code of the selected answer is saved as a
+numeric variable in a tab-delimited file. The name of this variable is
+the question’s variable name defined in the Questionnaire Designer.
Category codes created prior to conducting the interview are those that
+have been defined in the Questionnaire Designer. Categories that are
+created during the interview are automatically given codes in a
+sequential order, where 0 corresponds to the first category.
As shown below, the first example refers to the question: “Area of
+residence” where code 1 represents Urban and code 2 Rural.
Categorical: single-select
Categories defined in Questionnaire Designer
Unanswered question exported in tab-delimited file
Answered question exported in tab-delimited file
The second example illustrates the data export of a linked categorical
+one-answer question. The question: “Which of the household members is
+the respondent?” is linked to the question: “Name each household
+member”. Let’s imagine that the answer to the latter was: Ann, Paul,
+Mary and Michael. The system automatically creates the following codes
+in order: 0, 1, 2 and 3 for each name. When Ann is selected from the
+list of names as the respondent, the system automatically assigns the
+value 0 when exporting the data.
Linked categorical: single-select question
Answered roster source question
The system assigns the codes: 0 to Ann, 1 to Paul, 2 to Mary and 3 to
Unanswered linked question exported in a tab-delimited file
Answered linked question exported in a tab-delimited file
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/questionnaire-designer/questions/date-question/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Date Question
A date question expects a date from the Gregorian calendar as an
Creating a date question
+In Questionnaire Designer,
Click on the Question Type box.
Select Date from the list displayed.
How a date question appears on a tablet
To answer a date question an enumerator must do the following:
Tap on the question box. A Gregorian calendar displays.
Select the appropriate date on the calendar.
Click on Set below the calendar.
Then, the answer field will display the date selected by the
Current time
To create a current time question, check the box labeled Current
To answer a current time date question on a tablet,
Tap on the Tap to record current time box.
The current time on the tablet will automatically be recorded.
The answer given to a date question is exported in a variable of the
+same type. The name of this variable is the question’s variable name
+that was defined in the Questionnaire Designer. The export format for a
+date question is “yyyy-mm-dd”.
Date question
Unanswered question exported in tab-delimited file
Answered question exported in tab-delimited file
Current time date question
Unanswered question exported in tab-delimited file
Answered question exported in tab-delimited file
\ No newline at end of file
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+General Component Properties
When you select a questionnaire component, you can see its details on
+the right hand panel. Each component is defined by a set of properties.
+Some features are common to all questionnaire components, and others are
+defined for specific components.
The variable name is the unique identifier of a component, which is
+useful when exporting the data for analysis. It has to start with a
+letter, but can also contain numbers and the underscore symbol. As it is
+not needed during the interview, the variable name is not visible on the
Variable label
The variable label is the description of the data captured by the
+question and it will be associated to the variable name when exporting
+the data to a statistical software package. If the variable label is not
+entered, the system automatically exports the question text as its
+label. As it is not needed during the interview, the variable label is
+not visible on the tablet.
Question text
The Question text box contains the text that the enumerator will read
+to the interviewee. Therefore, it is suggested to use regular language
+when defining the text. For instance, “How many people live in your
+household?” instead of “People living in the HH“.
The text of the question can be interactive; this means that it can
+change according to answers given in previous questions. There are two
+ways to apply this feature.
First method
Use an answer given in any previous question in another question’s text.
+To do this, include in the question’s text the variable name of a
+previous question within percentage symbols.
Second method
Use an answer given to a previous question that triggers a roster in the
+question text. To do this, include “rostertitle” or the roster
+variable name within percentage symbols in the question text.
Question Types
The expected answer type determines the question type to use. The
+available question types are as follows:
From the pop-up menu select the question type by clicking on it.
Interviewer Instructions
For each question, you can add instructions to be read by the enumerator
+while performing the interview.
To add interviewer instructions,
Click on the Add Interviewer instructions link.
Add the text in the field.
On the tablet the instructions will be shown in blue below the question
The instructions specified can also be hidden until the interviewer
+clicks on Instruction link to reveal the text. To do this, check the
+Hide instruction check box.
In this section you will learn about enabling and validation conditions.
+Enabling conditions allow you to enable or disable certain
+questions based on answers an interviewee has given in previous
+questions, while validation conditions evaluate whether
+an answer given by an interviewee is acceptable.
Enabling Conditions
Enabling conditions are the Survey Solutions equivalents of skip
+patterns in paper-based questionnaires. By using conditions you can
+enable or disable certain questions based on the answers an interviewee
+has given in previous questions. For this reason, at least two questions
+are involved, let’s call them: the unleash question and the recipient
For example, if the template has the questions “Do you speak any foreign
+language?” and “Which foreign language do you speak?”
it does not make sense to ask the second question if the interviewee
+does not speak a foreign language. Therefore, in this example the first
+question is the unleash one and the second is the recipient one. If the
+answer to the unleash question is “Yes”, the recipient question is
+enabled. On the contrary if the answer is “No“, the recipient question
+remains disabled.
Conditions are written in C# programming language, which is very easy
+to learn. You simply have to connect a variable name with values or
+another variable name using logical operators.
For this example, the unleash question is a categorical: Single-select
+question with variable name foreign and possible answers: 1-“Yes”
+and 2-“No“
Write the logical expression in the Enabling condition text field of
+the recipient question. The text box also autosuggests roster names and
+variable names as you type syntax conditions and helps avoid confusion
+with numerous standard C# keywords.
In the example the condition expression to enable the recipient question
+is: foreign== 1
For more information on how to write logical expressions, please see our
+complete syntax guide.
The question will appear greyed out if it is disabled. To hide the
+recipient question if it is disabled, select theHide if disabled check
The pictures below show how this example is displayed on the tablet.
To indicate that a question includes an enablement condition an orange
+dot will display next to the variable name on the section navigation
Validation Conditions
Validation conditions are created similarly to enabling conditions.
+Instead of evaluating whether the question has to be displayed, it
+determines whether the answer given by the interviewee is acceptable.
+These can also be programmed as validation
+warnings. The warnings are
+rendered differently from errors (appear in orange color rather than
+red) and not counted in the interview errors counter. They are also not
+recorded in paradata.
You can have up to 10 validation conditions for each question.
For instance, consider the question “How many employees does
+%enterprise% have?” with variable name “num_employee“. If the
+value 0 is not an acceptable answer, the validation condition to prevent
+this answer would be:
num_employee > 0
or equivalently (using special variable self, which denotes the value
+of the answer being validated):
self > 0
For more information on how to write logical expressions, please see our
+complete syntax guide.
To add a validation condition,
Click on the Add New Validation Rule link.
Write the logical expression in the Validation condition
+field. Check the Is warning check box if the validation should be
+a warning.
Add an Error/ warning message. To add an error/warning message,
+write the text of the message in the error /warning message field.
+Here, you may also use text substitution to reference questions and
+user-defined or system-defined variables. To do this, enclose the
+question or variable name with the percentage sign (%). The text
+defined here will be displayed on the tablet when the answer to the
+question is not validated by that validation condition.
To indicate that a question includes a validation condition, a blue dot
+will display next to the variable name on the section navigation pane.
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+++ b/questionnaire-designer/questions/geography-question/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+Geography Question
A question of geography-type can capture various geographical information. For
+example, it can be used to define the exact location of the dwelling and the
+area of a land plot.
Geography-type questions are available only on mobile devices. In web
+interviews the question will appear as
Geography-type questions are available only in the version of the Interviewer
+App with ESRI map support.
While it may be possible to answer the geography questions without using the
+base layer imagery, for example, with the automatic mode, the work is
+considerably more convenient for the interviewers when a base layer is provided.
+The map should be uploaded to the server first (see maps management), assigned
+to the interviewer, and the interviewer must synchronize the maps on the mobile
+device with the server.
This question type has three specific parameters that can be set up in the
Geometry type: determines what answers this question will record and can
+be either of the:
polygons - to capture areas, such as land plots;
polyline - to capture paths, such as path to travel from a dwelling to
+the source of water;
multipoint - to capture multiple points, such as pharmacies or markets
+present in the vicinity of the dwelling;
point - to capture a single location.
Input mode: determines how the answer is recorded, and can be one of the
+following values:
manual - the points are captured manually, by drawing on the mobile
+device’s screen with a finger or a stylus;
semiautomatic - each point is captured from the location sensor when the
+user determines it is needed.
Overlap detection - checks for overlaps and automatically signals about
+overlaps of the answer of this question with the answers to the same question
+in other roster items.
Other properties of the geography-type questions are same as for all other
+question types: variable name, variable label, question text, instruction text,
+etc. Note, however, that the name of the variable for a geography type question
+is limited to 26 characters.
Note also that the Tester App does not provide a possibility to set the
+requested frequency and accuracy parameters, but values 10 seconds and 20 meters
+are hardcoded into the App.
Use in syntax
The geography-type question may be referred in syntax expressions, for example,
+for the purpose of validation of the answer or for enabling/disabling other
+questions in the questionnaire.
If the variable name for the geography-type question is Q, then the following
+are defined:
Q.Area - area (in square meters) of the polygon recorded in Q. It is null
+if the geometry type is anything different from polygon.
Q.Length - length (in meters) of the perimeter of the polygon or length of
+the polyline recorded in Q. It is null if the geometry type is anything
+different from polygon or polyline.
Q.PointsCount - number of points recorded in Q.
Q.RequestedAccuracy - requested minimal accuracy (in meters) as set up
+in the workspace settings;
Q.RequestedFrequency - number of seconds between the location measurements
+as set up in the workspace settings;
Note that if Q has been answered, then the number of points in Q is always:
one, if Q ’s geometry is set as point;
more than one, if Q ’s geometry is set as polyline;
more than two, if Q ’s geometry is set as polygon.
For example, to decide whether a particular plot is large or small (more or less than a threshold stored in T), one could:
+write Q.Area > T.
Appearance on a mobile device
Selector of the background map layer, indicating which map has been selected (Center-Washington in the illustration). If there are any shapefiles received by the interviewer, an optional button Show boundaries will appear immediately underneath.
Buttons to navigate to current location, to data extent, to map extent, and the menu (contains the Clear all menu item).
Undo button (this button has no effect in the automatic mode).
Polygon being marked as the answer to the question in the automatic mode.
Marker showing the position of the interviewer and the direction of movement, as well as the accuracy of the last measurement of the coordinates, in meters (1.60 in the illustration).
Buttons for zooming the map in and out, and rotate towards the North.
Buttons for cancelling and saving of the answer to the question. In semi-automatic mode the button to capture the next point Add point appears to the left.
Reference to the source/copyright note for the map imagery.
Interviewer actions to answer a geography-type question
The actions that the interviewer needs to do to answer a geography-type
+question vary by mode.
Manual mode
In the manual mode the interviewer marks the answer to the geography question
+by tapping on the screen with a finger or a special stylus. This allows adding
+the points at precise locations according to satellite or aerial photography.
This illustration shows a polygon being marked as an answer to the geography
+question. Blue squares denote the points, the coordinates of which will be
+recorded as the answer to the question. The white circles between them allow
+adding more points (inserting them between the existing, if necessary).
Automatic mode
In the automatic mode the points are captured from the mobile device’s location
+sensor (typically GPS) with certain frequency and accuracy as set up by the
+administrator. The interviewer needs to:
Select a proper map in the maps selector.
Go to the boundary of the plot.
Start the capturing process by clicking the blue Start button.
Walk steadily around the area being measured and observe the waypoints being
As the interviewer completes the loop and approaches the starting point the
+yellow Save button will turn green, indicating that the interviewer has
+arrived sufficiently close to the starting point. ‘Sufficiently close’ is
+understood here as “The length of the last segment (that is always automatically
+added) is smaller than the requested accuracy parameter.” If the interviewer
+attempts to click the Save button when it is yellow a corresponding message
+will be issued, prompting the interviewer to continue traversing the land plot.
Note that the Undo button is not active in the automatic mode!
At a large zoom level one can notice that there is an additional marker - a
+green circle, which also appears on the map.
trajectory of earlier movement;
last recorded data point;
animated marker of current position;
attention circles around the marker;
last measured location that is usable (accuracy is in line
+with requested accuracy for automatic measurements) and the corresponding
+accuracy value (in meters, 1.6 in the illustration);
possible current real position of the interviewer if continued movement in
+the same direction (no marker depicted).
Interviewers paying attention to these fine details would notice that it
+appears as if the green circle shows the future location of the interviewer.
+This, however, is not the case. The green circle (5) shows the last successfully
+(accurately enough) measured location. During the period between the points (2)
+recording the device may have multiple candidate locations determined and
+depicted updating the position of the green circle marker (5).
ExampleFor example, if the points are recorded
+every 10 seconds, but it only takes half a second to determine the current
+location, then there will be 20 location points determined in between. While
+not all of them will be accurate enough, some will and the interviewer will
+see that the markers follow him/her on the map. If the accuracy of the new
+measurement is not acceptable, that measurement will be disregarded and the
+green circle will not change it's position. In the case where the very first
+acquisition is unsuccessful the circle will be yellow. This signals that the
+program is actively attempting to record the location, but the location
+information is just not accurate enough to be acceptable. The blue filled
+marker (3) doesn't immediately jump to the new (just determined) location, but
+rather moves there smoothly. This animation lag creates an illusion that the
+mobile device knew where the interviewer was going to. In fact by the time
+the animation completes the interviewer may have moved further in the direction
+of the movement, of which there is no information yet, until that location is
+determined by the location sensor.
Semi-automatic mode of recording data provides more control to the interviewer.
+Rather than recording all locations with certain frequency, it records only the
+points that were specifically acquired by decision of the interviewer.
Select a proper map in the maps selector.
Go to the boundary of the plot.
Start the capturing process by clicking the blue Start button.
Walk steadily around the area being measured when needed, add waypoints
+by clicking the blue Add Point button.
If a point was added by mistake, one can remove it by clicking the Undo
+button, which is enabled in the semi-automatic mode.
As the interviewer completes the loop and approaches the starting point the
+yellow Save button will turn green, indicating that the interviewer has
+arrived sufficiently close to the starting point. ‘Sufficiently close’ is
+understood here as “The length of the last segment (that is always automatically
+added) is smaller than the requested accuracy parameter.” If the interviewer
+attempts to click the Save button when it is yellow a corresponding message
+will be issued, prompting the interviewer to continue traversing the land plot.
Appearance in the interview overview.
When the interviewer switches to the Overview page of the interview that
+contains a geography question, the interviewer will find the coordinates of
+points recorded as answers to the questions there (or a message “Not answered”
+if no answer was recorded for that question.
Appearance of the answered geography question
On a Mobile Device
In the Headquarters
When supervisor or headquarters users are reviewing the data submitted by the
+interviewers they can see the marked shape on a map layer and can pan and zoom
+the map as needed.
The reviewer also can see the area, length, number of points and values of
+accuracy and frequency. It is also possible to see individual waypoints by
+clicking the SHOW COORDINATES link.
Data recorded in the geography-type question Q is exported in the data file
+into multiple columns:
Q - sequence of coordinates of each recorded point in the string format
+“lg,lt;lg,lt;….;lg,lt”, where lg is the longitude and lt is the
+latitude of each point, a decimal dot is always used for fractional values;
Q__area - calculated area (in square meters) of the selected polygon or a
+0 (zero value) if the geometry type is anything different from polygon;
Q__len - length (in meters) of the selected polygon or polyline, or a
+0 (zero value) if the geometry type is anything different from polygon or
Q__num - number of recorded points;
Q__racc - requested accuracy (in meters) effective at the time when the
+question was answered if the input method for Q was automatic or semi-automatic, otherwise a system missing value;
Q__rfrq - requested frequency (in seconds) effective at the time when
+the question was answered or a system missing if the input method is not
Please note that if the question was not answered, then all of the above fields
+will take values mentioned as ‘reserved values’ in the Missing values article.
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+++ b/questionnaire-designer/questions/gps-question/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+GPS Question
+A GPS question expects a set of geographic
+coordinates (latitude, longitude, accuracy, altitude), which identify
+the location of the tablet. This type of question can be answered using
+a GPS-enabled tablet.
In addition to using a GPS question to get specific locations (e.g.
+household or enterprise), it can also be used to define the area of a
+land. An area can be defined by creating GPS questions for each point
+that defines the land’s area.
Creating a GPS question
In Questionnaire Designer,
Click on the Question Type text box.
Select GPS from the pop-up menu.
How a GPS question appears on a tablet
To answer a GPS question, the enumerator taps on the Tap to record GPS
+button and the geographical coordinates will be displayed.
The GPS location is exported in 5 columns (latitude, longitude,
+accuracy, altitude, and time stamp ) in a tab-delimited file. The name
+of the exported variable is the question’s variable name that was
+defined in the Questionnaire Designer
GPS question
Unanswered question exported in tab-delimited file
Answered question exported in tab-delimited file
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+Question Types
If a question is of a type that is not compatible with the current interviewing
+mode (CAPI or CAWI), then the user will see the message “Unsupported question type”
+and will not be able to interact with that question (enter, clear, or modify
+the answer). This may appear on the screen like the following:
Any value that has been entered earlier is retained (for example, if a
+geography question was answered during a CAPI session, and then interviewing
+was switched to CAWI mode) and the question is considered answered or not
+answered accordingly.
To select from a small number of categories, such as Yes/No/Don’t know, or Urban/Rural.
To select from a large number of categories, such as favorite dish, or name of the village where the person was born.
To select one of the values listed earlier, such as "Who is the head of the household?"
To create cascading selections (implement a hierarchical choice), such as select a province, then select a district within that province, then a locality within that district. (when each level has a small number of choices given the earlier made selections)
To create cascading selections (implement a hierarchical choice), such as select a province, then select a district within that province, then a locality within that district. (when some levels may have a large number of choices given the earlier made selections)
To capture spontaneous answers, such as "In which days of the week do you typically work?" (we expect the respondent to know the days of the week: Monday, Tuesday,..., and the interviewer doesn’t usually have to read the options)
yes/no buttons
To capture answers where the list of items must be read and status of each item established, such as "Tell me please which durable assets do you own?" (we do not expect that the respondent clearly knows what we consider a 'durable asset', hence it is better to read-out: a refrigerator, a microwave, a dishwasher,...)
To select multiple items from a large number of selections, such as for example: "Which crops do you cultivate at your plot?" (the universe of possible values is large, but the number of actual selections will be small, though there can be more than one crop).
To capture multiple selections of the items from an earlier compiled list, such as "Tell me please which members of the household attend any school currently?" (we choose from the list of the household members entered earlier)
yes/no buttons
To capture spontaneous answers, such as in questions like "In which months do you make most of your profits? Name the months in order of profitability starting from the most profitable first." (we expect the respondent to know the months of the year: January, February,...)
yes/no buttons
NB: Only the positive selections are numbered as choices. Negative selections are not numbered and it is not evident from the answer in which sequence the negative answers were given in relation to the positive ones.
To capture answers where the list of items must be read and both status and importance of each item established, such as "Tell me please which sources of water do you use? Indicate the most important sources of water first!" (can be used in CAWI surveys where the respondent will see all choices.)
(NB: multiple-select combobox records answers in order of selection regardless of whether the 'ordered' option has been specified or not)
To capture multiple selections of the items from an earlier compiled list in order of some of their attribute, such as "Tell me please which of the products you produce are profitable? (please, start from the most profitable first)"
yes/no buttons
Please note:
All categories in categorical questions must have distinct numeric integer codes (may be negative or positive or include 0).
Question type earlier called area is now renamed to geography and
+supports capture of various geographic information:
area (polygons),
paths (polylines),
single (point) and
multiple (multipoint)
on offline maps. Each selection is exported as vectors of points. This
+question type is now accessible from the syntax to be used in
+conditional and validation expressions. The following properties can be
+used in the syntax:
In addition, the IsAnswered() function also supports this question type
+now. For example, we can ask to show the secondary parcel if the primary
+parcel has been already indicated:
Validation rules are an essential mechanism of improving the quality of
+data in CAPI surveys. However, not in all situations a check may point
+to a definitive problem with the data. In some cases the check may only
+request attention of the interviewer. In this case we are talking about
+warnings, rather than errors.
Consider, for example, the following validation rules:
In this case we are specifying that the wage must be positive, otherwise
+we should show an error to the interviewer. However, we are less sure
+about how high the possible wages are, so we will show a warning for the
+interviewer if it is above 100.0 USD per hour. To achieve this, we set
+the “is warning” flag in the Designer for this validation rule
+may be enhanced with special values. For example, a numeric wage
+question may contain in addition to a numeric input, a selection of
+“minimum wage” and “last month’s wage” categories. They can be set
+up in the Designer by entering integer numeric codes and corresponding
+value labels:
On a tablet, either a value should be entered, or one of the provided
+options may be selected (but not both):
A picture type question can be used to capture signatures on a tablet.
+For this, the flag “use signature pad” should be set in the
+questionnaire Designer.
On the tablet, a person will be able to leave a signature by writing
+directly on the screen:
To store the signature, click the “Store signature” button.
In the web mode interviews an image of the signature (picture file) can
+be uploaded as a file. Signatures are exported as images. For more
+information about picture questions, see the Picture
Audio question records sound using the tablet’s microphone. This can be
+used in surveys where the
+recording of the
+respondent’s voice may serve quality control purposes or be directly of
+interest to the researchers.
A question of geography-type can capture various geographical information. For
+example, it can be used to define the exact location of the dwelling and the
+area of a land plot.
Geography-type questions are available only on mobile devices. In web
+interviews the question will appear as
+A categorical: multi-select **** question
+expects one or more answers to be selected from a list of possible
+answers (categories). The list of possible answers can either be defined
+before the interview or it can be created during the interview. If you
+are defining the categories prior to the interview you can add the
+categories in the design phase one at a time or by copying and pasting
+them from a document. On the other hand, if you want to create the
+categories during the interview you would need to link the question to a
+previous question or roster, so that the categories of the former are
+the answers given to the latter.
+A categorical: single-select question expects
+one answer to be selected from a list of possible answers (categories).
+This list can either be defined before the interview or it can be
+created during the interview. To define the categories beforehand, you
+can add them one at a time, copy and paste them from a
+document, or upload them from a tab-delimited
+file in Questionnaire Designer.
June 20, 2016
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/questionnaire-designer/questions/list-question/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+List Question
+A list question expects an open list of answers.
+Each answer can contain alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z,0-9) and basic
+punctuation symbols. By default the enumerator can add up to 40 items;
+however you can limit the number of items that can be listed by defining
+the maximum number of answers.
For example, very frequently national household surveys ask the
+enumerator to list all the household members, instead of first asking
+for the total number of people living in the household and then for
+their names. Therefore, because the household size is unknown it can be
+any number. You would define the question in the following manner: “List
+the names of the people who live in the household” without limiting the
+household size.
On the other hand, there are some questions where you would like the
+answer list to be limited to a certain number. For example, in a survey
+measuring household food security vulnerability, one of the questions
+asked may be “List up to four threats that make your household at risk
+of being food insecure”. For this question you would assign a maximum
+number of answers to equal four.
An open list without a maximum number of answers.
An open list with a maximum number of answers.
Creating a list question
In Questionnaire Designer,
Click on the Question Type text box.
Select List from the drop down menu.
How a list question appears on a tablet
To answer the question the enumerator has to:
Tap on the text box.
An empty row will display and the keyboard automatically shows alpha
+characters. The enumerator can navigate through the keyboard to
+select the numeric characters, basic punctuation symbols and the
The enumerator clicks on to change the display of the keyboard.
The enumerator clicks on to change the display of the keyboard.
Once the enumerator finishes listing the answers, the answer box will
+display the complete list.
Maximum number of elements
By default the field of Maximum number of list elements is blank. This
+means that the default maximum number of listed answers assigned by the
+system is 40. You may want to limit the number of answers that can be
+submitted. For example, consider the case of a marketing survey where
+you are only interested in the interviewee’s two most favorite colors.
In order to assign a maximum number of answers lower than the default
+number, you need to type the corresponding number in the Maximum number
+of list elements field.
On a tablet, a text field is shown until the maximum number of answers
+is listed.
A text field is no longer shown once the maximum number of answers has
+been listed.
The listed answers are exported in text variables in a tab-delimited
+file. The system creates as many variables (columns in tab-delimited
+file) as the total number of possible answers. For example, if the
+maximum number of answers has been defined as 5, then there will be 5
+variables in the tab-delimited file. If the maximum number of answers
+has not been defined, the system will automatically create 40 variables
+for the question. The exported variable names are built by linking the
+question’s variable name and an index number (starting from 0).
List question
Unanswered question exported in tab-delimited file
Answered question exported in tab-delimited file
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..48ef7d1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/questionnaire-designer/questions/numeric-question/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+Numeric Question
A num
+eric question expects an answer to
+contain numeric characters (0-9). The answer can be an
+integer or a real number. You also have the
+option of assigning the number of decimals places to
+be accepted in the answer or formatting the answer to language specific
+thousands and decimal separator. By default a numeric
+question expects a integer number answer. In addition, numeric questions
+can be extended with special
+values as
+categorical selections.
The picture below displays a numeric integer question on a tablet.
The picture below displays a numeric real number question on a
The picture below displays a numeric question with language specific
+thousand and decimal separator enabled on a tablet.
Creating a numeric question
In Questionnaire Designer,
Click on the Question Type box.
Select Numeric.
How a numeric question appears on a tablet
To type the answer, the enumerator has to tap on the question box for
+the keyboard to display. The keyboard automatically shows
+numeric characters. Note that even if the enumerator can navigate
+through the keyboard showing alpha characters, they can only include
+numeric characters in the answer.
To create a numeric integer question, click on the Integer checkbox. A question with the Integer option selected, accepts a maximum of 10
+digits in the answer. If you expect an answer higher than 9999999999
+(e.g. id codes) the question should not expect an integer value but a
+real value.
On a tablet the enumerator cannot enter values with decimal places.
Since numeric questions are by default Integer, enable decimal answers
+by unchecking the Integer checkbox. By default when a question is
+defined as real, the Number of decimal places field is blank. This
+means that the maximum number of decimal places assigned by the system
+is 28. You may want the answer entered to have a specific number of
+decimal places, such as a question asking for the temperature up to one
+decimal point.
To define the maximum number of decimals
+accepted by the question, add the corresponding number in the Number of
+decimal places field.
On a tablet the answer can be an integer or a real number with less or
+an equal number of decimals than the defined maximum.
Thousand and Decimal Separator
Answers entered in numeric questions can be formatted to language
+specific thousands and decimal separator. To enable this feature, click
+on the Use 1000 separator check box.
On a tablet, the answer entered will display a thousand separator
+specific to the language of the device.
Either a value can be entered, or one of the provided answer options may
+be selected. Special values are stored as codes and are exported in the
+same numeric variable, with labels defined in file formats that support
+value labels.
To enable this feature, check the special values check box and enter the
+answer option(s) and codes.
The answer given to a numeric question is exported in a numeric
+variable. The name of this variable is the question’s variable name
+defined in the Questionnaire Designer.
This question type can expect an integer or a real number. The
+example below illustrates the export for a real number question.
Numeric real number question
Unanswered question exported in tab-delimited file
Answered question exported in tab-delimited file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/questionnaire-designer/questions/offline-gis-functionality-expansion/index.html b/questionnaire-designer/questions/offline-gis-functionality-expansion/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d0778378
--- /dev/null
+++ b/questionnaire-designer/questions/offline-gis-functionality-expansion/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+Offline GIS Functionality Expansion
Question type earlier called area is now renamed to geography and
+supports capture of various geographic information:
area (polygons),
paths (polylines),
single (point) and
multiple (multipoint)
on offline maps. Each selection is exported as vectors of points. This
+question type is now accessible from the syntax to be used in
+conditional and validation expressions. The following properties can be
+used in the syntax:
In addition, the IsAnswered() function also supports this question type
+now. For example, we can ask to show the secondary parcel if the primary
+parcel has been already indicated:
Or we can indicate an error if the area of the parcel is too small to be
+a parcel with a dwelling situated on it:
Or for large parcels we could ask if they are also being used for
+agricultural purposes:
Similarly for the paths we can measure the length and show warnings, for
+example, when they are unexpectedly large:
Offline maps formats have been extended with the raster files,
+specifically GeoTIFF files
+that can be produced with a wide range of commercially available and
+free to use tools.
BETA: A single shapefile map can be added
+to the maps storage on the tablet, and if added in this way will be
+automatically overlayed on top of the baseline map in offline map.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/questionnaire-designer/questions/page/1/index.html b/questionnaire-designer/questions/page/1/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db0c0ee7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/questionnaire-designer/questions/page/1/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a93a75aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/questionnaire-designer/questions/page/2/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+Question Types
The Picture question captures binary files. You can use this
+question type to take a photo of any object (e.g. national id cards or
+other objects for a survey collecting prices) and person (e.g. pictures
+of interviewees like employees or household members).
+A GPS question expects a set of geographic
+coordinates (latitude, longitude, accuracy, altitude), which identify
+the location of the tablet. This type of question can be answered using
+a GPS-enabled tablet.
In addition to using a GPS question to get specific locations (e.g.
+household or enterprise), it can also be used to define the area of a
+land. An area can be defined by creating GPS questions for each point
+that defines the land’s area.
+A list question expects an open list of answers.
+Each answer can contain alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z,0-9) and basic
+punctuation symbols. By default the enumerator can add up to 40 items;
+however you can limit the number of items that can be listed by defining
+the maximum number of answers.
A num
+eric question expects an answer to
+contain numeric characters (0-9). The answer can be an
+integer or a real number. You also have the
+option of assigning the number of decimals places to
+be accepted in the answer or formatting the answer to language specific
+thousands and decimal separator. By default a numeric
+question expects a integer number answer. In addition, numeric questions
+can be extended with special
+values as
+categorical selections.
+A text question expects an answer to contain
+alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9), basic punctuation, symbols, and
+spaces. The structure of the answer can be defined using a pattern. This
+may be used for phone numbers, id codes and flight numbers.
The picture below displays a default text question on a tablet that
+accepts alphanumeric characters with no specific pattern defined.
**To change the question scope from the default, **
Click on the Question scope dropdown box on the bottom right hand
+corner of the question edit screen.
Select the appropriate question scope.
When the scope interviewer is selected, enumerators ask the questions
+from the interviewee and enter their responses on the tablet. The
+default question scope is interviewer.
When you select a questionnaire component, you can see its details on
+the right hand panel. Each component is defined by a set of properties.
+Some features are common to all questionnaire components, and others are
+defined for specific components.
The Picture question captures binary files. You can use this
+question type to take a photo of any object (e.g. national id cards or
+other objects for a survey collecting prices) and person (e.g. pictures
+of interviewees like employees or household members).
Focus the camera on the object and take the photo by clicking on the
+icon, which appears at the bottom of the tablet.
Save or delete the photo taken.
You can zoom on the picture to check the photo more closely. After
+taking the picture and saving it, you can remove it by clicking on
+the text box to retake the photo.
The binary files are exported as .jpg files in folders where each folder
+represents an interview. The folder names are automatically created
+interview ids. Picture question in Questionnaire Designer
The .jpg file name is the question’s variable name as defined in the
+Questionnaire Designer.
An answered question is exported in a tab-delimited file. The.jpg file
+name appears as a text under the question’s variable name.
An unanswered question exported in a .tab-delimited file.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/questionnaire-designer/questions/question-scope-/images/643976.png b/questionnaire-designer/questions/question-scope-/images/643976.png
new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/questionnaire-designer/questions/question-scope-/images/643976.png differ
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/questionnaire-designer/questions/question-scope-/images/643978.png differ
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+++ b/questionnaire-designer/questions/question-scope-/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+Question Scope
**To change the question scope from the default, **
Click on the Question scope dropdown box on the bottom right hand
+corner of the question edit screen.
Select the appropriate question scope.
When the scope interviewer is selected, enumerators ask the questions
+from the interviewee and enter their responses on the tablet. The
+default question scope is interviewer.
The role of the questions defined as identifying includes the definition
+of uniqueness for the interviews and supplies ‘driving directions’ for
+the enumerators. Different types of information can be provided through
+these questions. Some examples are: province, household id, household
+address, national identification number and name of the household
Identifying questions can only be text, numeric, date and
+categorical: single-select questions.
The behavior of questions defined as identifying and who is responsible
+for answering them depends on whether or not headquarters provides the
+information when creating the assignment. If not filled in during
+assignment creation, enumerators answer the identifying questions within
+questionnaires and the answers can be modified before completing the
The picture below shows how an enumerator will answer identifying
+questions on a tablet.
When answers are provided by headquarters during assignment creation,
+the answers cannot be modified once the interview is created.
The picture below shows how a headquarters user will answer identifying
+questions when creating an assignment.
On the tablet, the enumerator sees the answers to the identifying
+questions on the dashboard screen within the Interviewer application.
When the scope HIDDEN is selected, the question is destined to be
+hidden and store the prefilled values to be used in validations and
+enabling conditions. For example, one may create a validation that the
+highest educational attainment of a person now is no lower than it was
+during the last visit. At the same time, because they are hidden, they
+do not reveal their value to the interviewer, thus eliminating the
+possibility for a simple carry-over of the values from the previous wave
+of the survey without asking the respondent for the updated
Note that Picture and linked questions cannot be hidden.
Supervisors and/or headquarters answer the questions defined as
+supervisor once the enumerator completes the interview and sends it
+back to the supervisor. For this reason, these questions are not
+displayed on the tablet.
Filled by supervisor questions can only be text, numeric, categorical:
+Single-select and categorical: multi-select questions*.*
Supervisors should follow the following steps to answer these questions:
Find the supervisor question by selecting the supervisor’s filter
+at the top of the page.
Enter the answer within the empty field.
Save the answer by clicking on the green Save button.
\ No newline at end of file
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+Special values for numeric questions
+may be enhanced with special values. For example, a numeric wage
+question may contain in addition to a numeric input, a selection of
+“minimum wage” and “last month’s wage” categories. They can be set
+up in the Designer by entering integer numeric codes and corresponding
+value labels:
On a tablet, either a value should be entered, or one of the provided
+options may be selected (but not both):
If the user enters a numeric value that happens to be a special value
+code, the corresponding special value option will be selected
+automatically on entry.
Special values are stored as codes and are exported in the same numeric
+variable, with labels defined in file formats that support value
Note: the special values feature may be
+used to accommodate the common situations with capturing “Refusal”,
+“Don’t know”, and similar. However, when such a special value is
+selected the question will be counted as answered, and the answer to the
+question will be treated as non-missing during the expressions
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/questionnaire-designer/questions/text-question/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+Text Question
+A text question expects an answer to contain
+alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9), basic punctuation, symbols, and
+spaces. The structure of the answer can be defined using a pattern. This
+may be used for phone numbers, id codes and flight numbers.
The picture below displays a default text question on a tablet that
+accepts alphanumeric characters with no specific pattern defined.
The picture below displays a text question on a tablet with a specific
+pattern defined.
Creating a text question
In Questionnaire Designer,
Click on the Question Type box.
Select Text.
How a text question appears on a tablet
To answer the question the enumerator has to tap on the question box for
+the keyboard to display. The keyboard automatically shows alpha
+characters, but the enumerator can navigate through the keyboard to
+select numeric characters and basic punctuation symbols.
Click on to change the display of the keyboard.
Click on to change the display of the keyboard.
Once the enumerator enters the answer the text is shown in the answer
**Pattern **
If you know the format of the expected answer use
+the ***Pattern ***field to define a specific format for the
+answer, otherwise leave this field blank.
To define a pattern, add a sequence of characters which defines the
+specific format. This sequence can contain fixed letters, fixed numbers,
+and symbols representing alpha, numeric or alphanumeric characters.
One alpha character (A-Z,a-z)
One numeric character (0-9)
One alphanumeric character (A-Z,a-z,0-9)
Phone number
Flight number
Id code
For example, for a question asking for the national id of a household
+member we will add the following sequence in the pattern text field:
On the tablet the question’s answer field displays the specific format
+that the enumerator must follow, as shown in the pictures below.
A text question’s answer is exported as a text variable in a
+tab-delimited file. The name of this variable is the question’s
+variable name that was defined in the Questionnaire Designer.
Below are two examples that illustrate the export of a text question for
+an open answer, and a specified answer format.
Text question without a pattern
Unanswered question exported in tab-delimited file
Answered question exported in tab-delimited file
Text question with a pattern
Unanswered question exported in tab-delimited file
Answered question exported in tab-delimited file
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/questionnaire-designer/questions/unsupported-question-type/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Unsupported question type
If a question is of a type that is not compatible with the current interviewing
+mode (CAPI or CAWI), then the user will see the message “Unsupported question type”
+and will not be able to interact with that question (enter, clear, or modify
+the answer). This may appear on the screen like the following:
Any value that has been entered earlier is retained (for example, if a
+geography question was answered during a CAPI session, and then interviewing
+was switched to CAWI mode) and the question is considered answered or not
+answered accordingly.
Unsupported questions should not be confused with disabled questions.
+Disabled questions are disabled because of the logic of the interview, not
+because of the interview mode, and this is controlled by the designer (author)
+of the questionnaire. If the question is disabled, it doesn’t have any value (a
+missing value will be exported).
Disabled questions do not carry the “Unsupported question type” message on
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/questionnaire-designer/questions/validation-warnings/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Validation warnings
Validation rules are an essential mechanism of improving the quality of
+data in CAPI surveys. However, not in all situations a check may point
+to a definitive problem with the data. In some cases the check may only
+request attention of the interviewer. In this case we are talking about
+warnings, rather than errors.
Consider, for example, the following validation rules:
In this case we are specifying that the wage must be positive, otherwise
+we should show an error to the interviewer. However, we are less sure
+about how high the possible wages are, so we will show a warning for the
+interviewer if it is above 100.0 USD per hour. To achieve this, we set
+the “is warning” flag in the Designer for this validation rule
As with errors, several warnings may appear simultaneously as a result
+of the data check.
The warnings are rendered differently from errors (appear in orange
+color rather than red) and not counted in the interview errors counter.
+They are also not recorded in paradata.
\ No newline at end of file
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+Alternatives to Date Type Question
A date type
+requires three components of the date to be specified: year, month, day.
+If any of them is not known, the interviewers may not enter the other
+ones, even if they are known.
When this is not acceptable, date type question should not be used. Instead consider one of the
+following alternatives:
Three separate questions;
Patterned text question, with pattern specified as
Categorical question with year-month combinations, such as:
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+Critical rules and questions
Critical rules and questions designate conditions under which an interview may
+be completed. The questionnaire author declares such conditions in the Designer
+tool, and subsequently the headquarters user decides on what action Survey
+Solutions will undertake with these conditions before the interview can be
+completed (see types of actions below).
Most users will find the critical questions feature straightforward to use: if
+a question is declared critical in the Designer, then it must have an answer at
+the time of completion.
Critical rules are a more versatile tool, which allow formulating more complex
+conditions that must be satisfied (such as: “either of the questions Q1 and
+Q2 must be answered, but not necessarily both”).
The critical questions and critical rules are not mutually exclusive.
+Questionnaire authors may prefer whichever they feel more comfortable with, or
+both within any questionnaire.
Critical rules should not be confused with validation rules because they serve
+a different purpose. Validation rules decide which answers are indicated as
+valid or invalid, but are inconsequential for the submission of the interview
+data. On the other hand, the critical rules regulate whether the whole
+interview is acceptable or not, but do not necessarily implicate a particular
+question. Both validation and critical rules may be present in a questionnaire
+and complement each other.
Use this feature with caution: incorrect application may cause complete
+blocking of submissions of all interviews!
Critical questions
A critical question is designated in the Designer by the questionnaire author
+by setting the Critical question attribute. Questions of scopes hidden and
+supervisor may not be designated as critical (because the
+interviewers/respondents do not see them and can’t provide an answer).
Critical questions are marked with a purple dot (⬤)
+in the list of the questions in the Designer view.
Critical questions are shown with their own filter during the interview review
+(for supervisors, headquarters, and administrator users). This filter may be
+combined with other existing filters, for example, a supervisor may opt to
+look at:
all the critical questions, or
all the critical questions without an answer, or
all the critical questions with the answers deemed invalid, or
all the critical questions with a comment, etc.
In case a critical question is left without an answer, a message is
+automatically generated for it and is shown on the interview completion screen.
+The message is clickable, and when clicked leads the interviewer (respondent)
+to that question in the interview.
If the critical question is contained in a roster (or a nested roster) then
+each instance of the question is treated separately (for example, if the
+question of age has been designated critical and answers are not specified for
+persons 2 and 4 in the roster, then 2 messages will be shown on the completion
+screen and will function as hyperlinks to the age questions for persons 2 and 4
Critical rules
Critical rules consist of a logical condition and a message. The rule is
+satisfied if the logical condition evaluates to the logical value true. The
+rule is not satisfied if the logical condition evaluates to the logical value
+false or if an exception occurs during the evaluation.
The messages corresponding to the unsatisfied rules are shown in the
+completion section. For the messages to be most useful it is recommended to
+include hyperlinks to the question (or questions) that are engaged in the check.
When defining a critical rule, one can also write an optional description.
The rules are evaluated when the interviewer (or respondent in a CAWI survey)
+reaches the completion screen. Importantly, when the supervisor reviews the
+interview, his or her changes (modifications to the supervisor questions) will
+not affect the status of the critical rules (they will not be re-evaluated).
Types of actions
There are three types of actions that the software may do at completion:
Block - means that the interviews, which do not satisfy critical
+conditions (or have not answered critical questions) will not be possible to
+complete (the complete button will simply not be accessible to the interviewer
+or the web-respondent).
Warn - means that the software will demand a comment and request an
+acknowledgement from the person completing the interview, when it contains
+unsatisfied critical conditions (or has any not answered critical questions).
Ignore - means that the software will not check for observance of the
+critical conditions and answers to critical questions.
For older questionnaires that do no make use of the critical rules or questions
+there is no change in the behavior, but for new questionnaires that do - the
+corresponding type of action must be selected during the questionnaire import
+(and can be subsequently revised in the web interface by the users in the roles:
+headquarters, administrator).
It is also possible to revise the currently applicable action type
+programmatically by accessing the corresponding API endpoint for the
+questionnaire (identified by its GUID and version number).
Questionnaire details view shows:
whether the questionnaire contains any critical rules/questions (property
+Critical verifications - immutable), and
what action should be made by Survey Solutions at the completion screen
+(property Action at submission - mutable).
Note that for the questionnaires cloned at the headquarters the type of action
+is copied from the original questionnaire at the time of the cloning, and
+subsequently can be changed independently from the origin.
The API functionality of Survey Solutions has been extended with new endpoints
+for getting and setting the action at submission for questionnaires (surveys).
+See their syntax and parameters in the
+API Interactive Description.
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+Formatting Text
Question texts and static-texts can be formatted with a series of html
+tags. The html tags that can currently be used in Survey Solutions are
+described in this article.
Line break Use <br> to insert a line break. Use <br><br>…<br>
+to insert multiple empty lines.
Italic Use <i> to begin the use of italics. Then, use </i> when
+you want to discontinue the use of italics.
Underline Use <u> to begin the use of underline. Then, use </u> when
+you want to discontinue the use of underline.
Teletype Use<tt> to begin the use of Teletype. Then, use </tt> when
+you want to discontinue the use of Teletype.
Big. Use <big> to begin the larger text. Then, use </big> to
+discontinue the larger text.
Small. Use <small>to begin the smaller text. Then, use
+</small> to discontinue the smaller text.
Size. Use <font
+size=SIZE></font>. For example, use <font
+size=6> and type in the text. Then,
+use </font> to discontinue the size change. NB: font size may be working differently between the tablet and web-version of the instrument!
Subscript. Use <sub> to begin subscript. Then, use
+</sub> to discontinue subscript style.
Superscript. Use <sup> to begin superscript. Then, use </sup> to
+discontinue superscript style.
Font color To change the color of the text use <font
+color=“colorname”></font>. For example, use <font
+color=“red”> and type in the text. Then,
+use </font> to discontinue the color change.
Standard (case-insensitive) color names as per HTML 4.01 specification
+are available:
In addition to the above mentioned named colors any other color may be
+applied by directly specifying its
+RGB value.
for inserting emoji: 🏠 🧍 🐴 - these may or may not be supported by a
+particular tablet or browser. They almost certainly will appear differently
+depending on the version. See examples in Emojipedia.
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+Solutions to common design problems
Critical rules and questions designate conditions under which an interview may
+be completed. The questionnaire author declares such conditions in the Designer
+tool, and subsequently the headquarters user decides on what action Survey
+Solutions will undertake with these conditions before the interview can be
+completed (see types of actions below).
Most users will find the critical questions feature straightforward to use: if
+a question is declared critical in the Designer, then it must have an answer at
+the time of completion.
A respondent may refuse to answer a particular question, may not know the
+answer, or, perhaps, a family member may be unavailable for answering - these
+are common situations during the interviewing process.
Every once in a while our support team is receiving questions on how to
+designate a question “required”, so that the interview may not proceed
+unless this particular question is answered. The justification could be
+that the answer is critically important to determine subsequent
+trajectory through the questionnaire: eligible/non-eligible for
+interview, treated/controls, etc.
In Survey Solutions it is possible to design questionnaires that use text substitution, denoted with an identifier enclosed in percentage signs, like so: %varname%.
In other software this may be known under the term “text piping”, “answer piping”, “text propagation”, etc.
The common situations when you may want to use this are:
mention an answer collected earlier;
display a calculated result;
display reference values, etc.
For text substitution it is important what may be substituted in, and where a substitution may be used.
In this example we will consider similar questions (all of them
+categorical single-select) rating different aspects of the stay in a
+resort hotel. Our objective is to present the questions in different
+order for different respondents. Our other objective is to avoid
+pre-programming sequences of questions, as this is tedious and creates
+questionnaires with just a few sequences of questions.
We will rely on the following Survey Solutions elements:
A date type
+requires three components of the date to be specified: year, month, day.
+If any of them is not known, the interviewers may not enter the other
+ones, even if they are known.
When this is not acceptable, date type question should not be used. Instead consider one of the
+following alternatives:
Three separate questions;
Patterned text question, with pattern specified as
Categorical question with year-month combinations, such as:
Every sample-based survey is subject to non-response either for the
+reason of refusal or problems of locating the household: household has
+moved, person died, address recorded incorrectly, etc. Whichever is the
+reason, it must be properly reflected in the interview result code - a
+categorical variable set by the interviewer to indicate the outcome of
+the visit to the household.
Survey Solutions doesn’t do sampling. A sampling specialist should
+perform sampling for your survey. The focus of the below discussion is
+not on how to properly select a replacement Y for a non-responding
+household X, but on:
For random selection refer to this
+Here an example of determined selection is discussed.
Consider you wish to select a child attaining the lowest grade, with
+selecting younger children to break the ties. We define selname as a
+string variable:
Question texts and static-texts can be formatted with a series of html
+tags. The html tags that can currently be used in Survey Solutions are
+described in this article.
Line break
+Use <br> to insert a line break. Use <br><br>…<br>
+to insert multiple empty lines.
+Use <i> to begin the use of italics. Then, use </i> when
+you want to discontinue the use of italics.
+Use <u> to begin the use of underline. Then, use </u> when
+you want to discontinue the use of underline.
+Use<tt> to begin the use of Teletype. Then, use </tt> when
+you want to discontinue the use of Teletype.
A respondent may refuse to answer a particular question, may not know the
+answer, or, perhaps, a family member may be unavailable for answering - these
+are common situations during the interviewing process.
Every once in a while our support team is receiving questions on how to
+designate a question “required”, so that the interview may not proceed
+unless this particular question is answered. The justification could be
+that the answer is critically important to determine subsequent
+trajectory through the questionnaire: eligible/non-eligible for
+interview, treated/controls, etc.
A typical user would attempt to “make” the question mandatory by writing
+a validation condition, such as IsAnswered(self)
+and a validation message “Error! Please provide an answer to this
This doesn’t achieve the objective, because Survey Solutions
+validates the answers to the questions. Hence, if there is no answer,
+there is nothing to validate and the expression is not even evaluated.
+But if there is an answer, then the result of this expression is always
The designer of the questionnaire should decide, what should be the consequence
+for the interviewing process if the question is not answered. In most cases
+some further information may still be acquired, but occasionally this would
+mean the end of the interview. In that case the designer should apply the
+condition IsAnswered(someImportantQuestion) as enabling (not validation)
+condition for all the subsequent questions. Note that this is much easier
+if these questions are contained in different sections, in which case one can
+apply one condition for the whole section.
If, on the other hand, the designer of the questionnaire decides that the
+interview should not be submitted at all when it has certain critical questions
+not answered, then the correct way of implementing this is by defining the
+critical rules and questions.
Note that simply declaring a question as critical, does not prevent the
+interviewer/respondent from going forward in the interview. It prevents
+the interview from submission though! So one may need to combine enabling
+conditions and critical rules to prevent the interviewers from going
+forward in the interview or submitting an incomplete interview.
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+Randomizing order of questions
In this example we will consider similar questions (all of them
+categorical single-select) rating different aspects of the stay in a
+resort hotel. Our objective is to present the questions in different
+order for different respondents. Our other objective is to avoid
+pre-programming sequences of questions, as this is tedious and creates
+questionnaires with just a few sequences of questions.
We will rely on the following Survey Solutions elements:
text substitution (text-piping) with the whole question text being
random value to make the sequences of questions differ for different
shuffling algorithm, we will use D. Knuth’s version of the
+Fisher-Yates algorithm, but many others will do just as well;
and a few other tricks.
In Survey Solutions Designer tool, we will compose a questionnaire like
+the following:
Note that questions q1..q7 contain identical set of options (the
+feedback scale in this example) and have their texts computed by
+respective calculated variables t1..t7.
Each of the variables in turn is computed based on selecting the
+corresponding item from a shuffled array of questions, which is
+delivered by a macro:
Note also that we are using only one random number even though we have N
+steps of shuffling, we do this by looking at different digits of that
+number, which for our purposes may be assumed random as well. This of
+course imposes some limitations on this example realization, which will
+be limited by 10 items.
We specifically avoid following the pseudorandom sequence of numbers in
+Survey Solutions, since we will need to reshuffle the answers back to
+match the original sequence of questions (non-randomized) after the data
+is exported from Survey Solutions. This could be trivial if the
+processing is done in the same language (C#), but is not possible if
+other packages are used (Stata, SPSS), since they are utilizing their
+own random number generators.
Two other tricks that we do here is rounding the random number to a
+smaller number of digits to avoid precision problems during export and
+re-import to another system, and taking a logarithm from a random number
+to obtain a sufficiently long sequence of random digits.
The questions will be presented in a random order for the interviewer:
And the final step to do is to reorder the answers back to the proper
+order after the data is exported. This can be done by replicating the
+same shuffle with a script and restoring back the order of the items
+based on the shuffled sequence.
Based on replicated sequence of pseudorandom numbers, the answers are
+easily placed in the proper order:
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+Replacement strategies
Every sample-based survey is subject to non-response either for the
+reason of refusal or problems of locating the household: household has
+moved, person died, address recorded incorrectly, etc. Whichever is the
+reason, it must be properly reflected in the interview result code - a
+categorical variable set by the interviewer to indicate the outcome of
+the visit to the household.
Survey Solutions doesn’t do sampling. A sampling specialist should
+perform sampling for your survey. The focus of the below discussion is
+not on how to properly select a replacement Y for a non-responding
+household X, but on:
what mechanisms should be added to the questionnaire to accommodate
+one or the other strategy?
what should be the instructions given to the field staff?
what information should be prepared at the beginning of the survey?
+which information will be required later?
how the replacements may be tracked and audited?
Below we discuss different protocols that the HQ may impose for the
+cases when a household must be replaced. In all of the versions below,
+it is assumed that the field staff has made all possible efforts to
+convince the household to participate, but didn’t get an interview.
Suppose we could estimate (from previous survey, from pilot data, etc)
+that there will be an R=80% response to our survey. If we target
+T=10,000 completed interviews, the HQ should create then
+T/R=10,000/0.8=12,500 assignments.
interviewers may proceed autonomously (communication not required), once all the assignments have been distributed among them;
supervisors and HQ users don't come into play until the interviews are completed.
very wasteful of resources if the response rate is not estimated precisely.
Manual replacement
For T targets exactly T assignments are created by the HQ. If a
+household is refusing to participate, it’s assignment is closed with the
+corresponding interview result code. A new assignment is than manually
+created by the HQ in replacement of the original.
HQ may decide on the suitability of replacement, assign replacement based on the characteristics of the household being replaced;
HQ may record the original household number being replaced in the new assignment, thus creating a link between the two assignments.
requires communication from the interviewers to the server;
requires active and responsive HQ-users.
Semi-automatic replacement
Daily snapshots of data are downloaded from the Survey Solutions server
+automatically, utilizing the API. Automatic scripts verify the interview
+result codes, and for all households that have refused and not replaced
+so far generate a new preloading file, which is then manually uploaded
+by an HQ user to create replacement assignments in batch mode.
HQ may decide on the suitability of replacement (by affecting the selection algorithm at the HQ side);
less manual work;
original household number being replaced may be recorded in the preloading file, thus creating a link between the two assignments
requires communication from the interviewers to the server;
requires custom code to analyze interview results and generate new assignments.
Shadow replacements
For every assignment (A) that is generated as part of the sample, a
+second assignment is generated as a backup (B) for the case of
+non-response. Interviewers are instructed to proceed to A-households,
+and in case of non-response, to the corresponding B-household. Unused
+B-assignments are closed with the interview result code “unused spare
HQ decides on the backup for each household, potentially matching on specific known household characteristics;
the household number of each original and replacement households may be recorded in the opposite assignment, creating a bi-directional link;
communication between the tablets and the server is not required.
twice the number of assignments circulates in the system;
interviewers see what the replacement is, and may exert lower effort in the original assignment hoping to switch to the backup.
Interviewer spares
For all the assignments (A) in the given enumeration area the
+interviewer also receives a number of replacement assignments (B),
+usually smaller in number (for example for 10 As receives 3 Bs). When a
+non-response is encountered among A, the interviewer must proceed to the
+next available B. Unused backup assignments are closed with the
+interview result code “unused spare assignment”.
communication is not required;
fewer assignments than in no. 4 above;
interviewers see what the replacement is, and may exert lower effort in the original assignment hoping to switch to the backup;
not possible to match replacement households to the original ones based on characteristics;
usually no link between the original and replacement households;
difficult to monitor that the interviewers are pulling out replacements in the correct order while working disconnected.
Supervisor spares
For all the assignments (A) in the given enumeration area the supervisor
+receives a number of replacement assignments (B), usually smaller in
+number (for example for 10 As receives 3 Bs). Only As are distributed to
+the interviewers, while Bs remain assigned to the supervisor. When a
+non-response is encountered among As (the supervisor receives a
+completed assignment of type A with a non-response result code), the
+supervisor assigns the next available B to the same interviewer that has
+reported the non-response. Unused backup assignments are left in the
+status “assigned to supervisor”, or closed with the interview result
+code “unused spare” by the fictitious interviewer.
interviewers don't know what the replacements are;
generally fewer replacement assignments in the system than in no. 5 above, since the replacements are pooled across all of the interviewers of the team.
communication is required;
not possible to match replacement households to the original ones based on characteristics;
usually no link between the original and replacement households.
Sample mode + census mode
The same survey is administered in sample mode and in the census mode.
+If an interviewer encounters a non-response, she can create a
+replacement assignment and enter identifying information herself. To
+avoid interviewer’s biases, a firm rule must be specified on how to
+select the replacement, e.g. “next household in order of enumeration”.
no communication is required;
works when the replacement households may also refuse, and so on, so as when the number of replacements required may be unknown or large.
behavioral: interviewers know the rule, and may decide to exert lower efforts to secure an interview knowing which household is next based on the replacement rule;
in the case of non-systematic sample, the interviewer must know, whether the next household is already part of the sample or not, which information she may only get from the supervisor and all other interviewers.
In place replacement
In this strategy the questionnaire itself is modified to accommodate the
+replacement address. This can be done by triggering the “Replacement
+address” section to open when the interview result code is
+“non-response in target household, interview obtained from a replacement
number of assignments in the system is exactly the same as the number of targets;
reliable link between the households being replaced and their corresponding replacements;
post-processing may be required to generate a consistent variable for the actual location of the household being interviewed;
behavioral: interviewers know the rule, and may decide to exert lower efforts to secure an interview knowing which household is next based on the replacement rule;
must rely on interviewers following the rules for selecting the replacement households
In every strategy outlined above where the interviewer is allowed to
+enter the address of the replacing household, there is a vulnerability
+that the interviewer will enter the replacement address incorrectly. A
+two-man rule may be introduced, where the interviewers are issued a
+checksum computed by the supervisor for a given replacement address, or
+a conditional section is locked until replacement is approved by the
In those strategies where the interviewers are issued the replacement
+assignments right away, it is possible to password-protect the
+assignment with an individual password (generated at HQ and visible to
+the supervisors, but not to the interviewers). In that case interviewers
+may only proceed to the replacement interviews when such password is
+communicated to them by their respective supervisor or an HQ-user.
If you don’t know which strategy to prefer, discuss whether connectivity
+is expected in the enumeration areas, whether the full list of the
+households is available before the interviewers proceed to the
+enumeration areas, and other factors which will help you to shorten the
+list of available options.
If unsure, select strategy #6 as it provides the best protection
+against the interviewers’ biases, albeit at a cost of requiring
There are potentially other strategies, which extend the ones outlined
+above or achieve the same results using additional external
+media/lists/cards/maps etc. Depending on the nature of the survey,
+number of visits and other factors one or the other strategy may be more
+suitable, however the final quality of data will depend on how the
+replacement strategy has defended against the interviewers biases.
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+Selecting a person
For random selection refer to this
+Here an example of determined selection is discussed.
Consider you wish to select a child attaining the lowest grade, with
+selecting younger children to break the ties. We define selname as a
+string variable:
Note that if there are two or more children of the same age and grade
+exist in the same household, then the one entered first will be
The variable may be subsequently referred to in the question texts or
+static texts with %-substitution:
It is usually convenient to place all the continuation questions into a
+sub-section and lock it until the selection has been made.
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+Text substitution
In Survey Solutions it is possible to design questionnaires that use text substitution, denoted with an identifier enclosed in percentage signs, like so: %varname%.
In other software this may be known under the term “text piping”, “answer piping”, “text propagation”, etc.
The common situations when you may want to use this are:
mention an answer collected earlier;
display a calculated result;
display reference values, etc.
For text substitution it is important what may be substituted in, and where a substitution may be used.
What may be substituted?
You can substitute:
variable names associated with questions, to refer to the answer to that question;
variable names associated with calculated variables, to refer to the result of the calculation;
identifiers associated with a particular roster, to refer to the item title in the roster;
some system-defined variables, notably %rostertitle% to refer to the current item name from within a roster.
Not all question types are suitable for text substitution. Refer to the corresponding column in this article to determine whether a particular question type is compatible with the text substitution.
For single-select categorical questions the substituted value is the option text associated with the current answer, not the numerical value, even though the latter is the value of the question in the syntax expressions (conditions).
If the answer to a question has not been given (question disabled, answer was never entered, answer was cleared, etc) or the calculated value was not calculated (variable in a disabled section, exception occurred during calculation, calculation resulted in a null value), then the substitution will insert specifically this: […]
Where a substitution may occur?
You may use text substitution in:
text of a question;
instruction of a question;
validation error/warning message;
section, sub-section and roster titles;
static text.
You specifically may not use text substitution in:
option titles of categorical questions;
variable labels;
syntax expressions of any kind.
System-defined variables
Survey Solutions permits the use of the following in substitutions:
%rostertitle% will substitute in the title associated with the current item in the current roster. This substitution is invalid outside of a roster.
%self% will substitute in the value of the current question. The substitution is invalid if used outside of a question context.
How old is %respondentname%?
Did %rostertitle% work for even one hour in the last seven days?
You have told me that the area of your parcel is %parcelarea% acres, which is %calcareaha% in hectares. Is this correct?
Hints and notes
Check the spelling if you are getting an error [WB0017].
Check the question type for compatibility as described above if you are getting an error [WB0018].
You may not substitute in a question/variable of a roster outside of that roster! “How old is %name%” makes sense within the roster where name is being asked, but not outside of it, since there will be multiple people in the roster with different names. You will get error [WB0019] if you try.
It is expected, though not required that you are substituting in values that are asked earlier in the flow of the interview.
You technically may refer to the value of the question itself in its own question text, though this has no practical sense.
You may refer to the value of the question in its own validation message, and this has a lot of practical sense. For example, you can define a check with the following message: “Warning! The person is %self% years old, which is possible, but unlikely! Interviewer, confirm with the respondent!”
If the substitution contains any HTML formatting tags, when they are encountered they will not be applied, but displayed verbatim. Still the substitution obeys the formatting applied directly where it is used. For example, the question text “How old is < FONT color=“maroon”>%personname%</FONT>?” may appear as “How old is Christina?”, where the color is applied due to our specification, and the bold font is used always in all questions (fixed style of Survey Solutions).
No recursion: if a text value substituted in contains anything enclosed in %-signs, that fragment does not get substituted.
Where you may use substitution, you may use just the substitution. The following question text is technically valid: %qtext%. What question the interviewers (in CAPI) or respondents (in CAWI) will actually see on the screen depends on the value of qtext.
Rosters triggered by numeric questions, where source of names is not defined (possible) will have the item index 1, 2, 3, … substituted in, instead of the the %rostertitle%.
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+Questionnaire Testing
Survey Solutions scenarios represent a storage of responses provided during a
+testing session. The objective is not to collect the data (use Interviewer
+App for that), but to simplify testing of complex
+questionnaires, which require a certain time-consuming input.
Two actions are available for a scenario in the Designer:
view: review the answers entered in the scenario;
run: start testing and apply the scenario to the questionnaire.
After creating your questionnaire you will need to test how the questionnaire
+operates (enabling and validation conditions). There are two ways to
+test your questionnaire, 1) the Tester app on an Android tablet or 2)
+the online Tester using a web browser on the computer.
This article will walk you through the process of accessing your
+questionnaire on the online Tester. If you would like to know how to use
+the tablet Tester application, please refer to this
Although the web-based Questionnaire Designer application provides an
+easy way to create your questionnaire, sometimes you need to see what
+the questionnaire looks like on a device screen and how the
+questionnaire operates (conditions and variables). Depending on the mode
+of data collection, and the stage of testing you can choose to test the
+questionnaire with the Tester app on a tablet or the online
This article will walk you through the process of installing and testing
+your questionnaire using the Android Questionnaire Tester app on a
July 21, 2016
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@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+Testing Scenarios
Survey Solutions scenarios represent a storage of responses provided during a
+testing session. The objective is not to collect the data (use Interviewer
+App for that), but to simplify testing of complex
+questionnaires, which require a certain time-consuming input.
Two actions are available for a scenario in the Designer:
view: review the answers entered in the scenario;
run: start testing and apply the scenario to the questionnaire.
There can be multiple scenarios for the same questionnaire.
A scenario doesn’t have to cover all questions in the questionnaire, but may
+be incomplete, for example, a scenario may cover just the first section or two.
A scenario may become no longer applicable. This can be when the changes
+in the questionnaire were significant (for example question type has changed)
+and the recorded scenario no longer applies to the new version. In this case an
+attempt to start a scenario will result in a message “Interview data can’t be
+applied to new version of questionnaire. We apply some data only.”. This means
+that only some values saved in the scenario were loaded, up to the point where
+a saved value no longer ‘fits’ the modified questionnaire. In rare cases this
+may result in no data loaded from the scenario (a blank questionnaire will
Scenarios are not copied when you copy a section or the whole
+questionnaire into another questionnaire.
To edit a scenario, you need to run it first, then make any changes
+interactively in the WebTester, then save under the same or a different scenario
+name. One may not edit the scenario steps directly, but only view them.
Saving a scenario requires edit permission for accessing the
+questionnaire (you have them if you own the questionnaire or it was shared with
+your account in edit sharing mode). If you don’t have edit permissions for the
+questionnaire, an attempt to save a scenario will result in a
+“You have no access to the questionnaire” error message.
Creation and changes to scenarios are not reflected in the questionnaire
Language switches are not saved in the scenario: You can record the
+scenario in any language, then replay in any other language (by changing the
+default language of the questionnaire).
A scenario may involve input that results in validation errors. This is
+actually one of the objectives of scenarios, to make sure the validations work!
A scenario saves all the steps, how the answers were applied to the
+questionnaire, not just the resulting final state! This is obvious in the
+following illustration, representing a recording of the scenario steps (notice
+how the household size question (hhsize) was first answered with value 5,
+then changed to 3):
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+Testing Your Questionnaire with the Online Tester
After creating your questionnaire you will need to test how the questionnaire
+operates (enabling and validation conditions). There are two ways to
+test your questionnaire, 1) the Tester app on an Android tablet or 2)
+the online Tester using a web browser on the computer.
This article will walk you through the process of accessing your
+questionnaire on the online Tester. If you would like to know how to use
+the tablet Tester application, please refer to this
To begin first, fix any compilation errors that may pop-up. Next, click
+on the Test button at the top of the page.
A new window/tab will open with your questionnaire.
If you make a change in the questionnaire, use the reload button to
+refresh the questionnaire. If your questionnaire is in one or more
+languages, use the translation button the switch between
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+Testing Your Questionnaires Using the Tester Application
Testing Your Questionnaires Using the Tester Application
July 21, 2016
Although the web-based Questionnaire Designer application provides an
+easy way to create your questionnaire, sometimes you need to see what
+the questionnaire looks like on a device screen and how the
+questionnaire operates (conditions and variables). Depending on the mode
+of data collection, and the stage of testing you can choose to test the
+questionnaire with the Tester app on a tablet or the online
This article will walk you through the process of installing and testing
+your questionnaire using the Android Questionnaire Tester app on a
Step 1
Before you start—you will need to set up a Google
+account if you do not already have
The Questionnaire Tester is only available on the Google Play Store. To
+access the Play Store, you have to create a Google Account. You already
+have a Google Account if, for example, you use Gmail or Google Drive. In
+that case, your login and password for the Play Store will be identical
+to the Gmail or Google Drive credentials. If you do not have a Google
+account, you can create one here.
On the home screen of your Android device, tap on the Play
+Store icon.
Step 3
Enter your Google Account credentials
If you have not used any Google services on your tablet, you will be
+asked to enter your username and password. Insert it and accept the
+terms and conditions of the Google Play Store.
Step 4
Search for Survey Solutions
At the top-left corner of the screen that follows, you will find a
+Search field. Insert Survey Solutions to look for the Tester app. As
+you are redirected to the results page, tap on the first app starting
+from the left.
Step 5
Install the software
On the next screen, tap the Install button. Soon, the installation
+will start. Once it is finished, the Install button will be replaced
+by the Open button. Tap on it to open the Questionnaire Tester.
Step 6
Log in
Sign in using the same username and password that you have used with the
+Questionnaire Designer at designer.worldbank.org. On the next screen
+you will find a list of all the questionnaires that you have created.
+Select the one that you would like to test by tapping on its name.
+**Your questionnaire will have to compile without errors before you can
+load it in Tester. **You will see an error message if your questionnaire
+currently has errors.
Step 7
You are ready to test the questionnaire!
If you have made changes to the questionnaire in Designer and want to
+see the changes you have made in Tester, you will have to reload the
+questionnaire. To reload the questionnaire, click on the button at the
+top right with two arrows to reload the questionnaire. All the changes
+you have made in Designer will now be applied in Tester. Any data that
+you have entered previously will remain after reloading the
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+Comments in Designer
Comments in Designer are an essential tool for collaboration of multiple
+users working on the same questionnaire. Each of the collaborators may
+leave comments to questions, indicating potential problems in
+implementation, or suggesting improvements. For example, It is common
+for the reviewers, that have a shared access to a questionnaire to leave
+the comments for the original author.
The full list of comments in all sections of the questionnaire can be
+seen in the comments tool, which is accessible from the toolbar. Often
+the comments represent a kind of to-do list:
Comments can be marked as resolved, but even resolved comments are still
+recorded with the questionnaire.
A questionnaire can be shared by inviting users from the questionnaire’s
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@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+Advanced Tools
Lookup tables are reference tables that may be used in the syntax expressions,
+for example in validation and enabling conditions. Lookup tables are prepared as
+external tab-delimited files and uploaded to the questionnaire in the Designer.
We use lookup tables to find content by some code and apply that content in
+validations and enabling conditions as part of larger expressions.
Lookup tables contain numeric data: the lookup code must be integer, while the
+content may be integer or a floating point value. Lookup tables are not
+suitable to store string content. The lookup code is often a code of an item in
+a price survey, occupational code in a labor force survey, or a code of crop in
+an agricultural survey. It may also be a combination code of two or more codes
+(for example a district code and a locality code).
Survey Solutions provides two question types that make use of categorical
+selections, which are the Single-Select Categorical and
+Multi-Select Categorical questions. Each of them allows the user to select
+from a list of categories with the difference of whether only one selection is
+allowed (single-select) or more than one selections (multi-select) are permitted.
+Each of these question types has multiple presentations, such as with choice
+buttons, or with a search option, etc (see
+Overview: Categorical question types).
The panel of advanced instruments located at the left side of the
+questionnaire Designer interface provides access to the additional
+tools for configuring the questionnaire:
Table of contents Displays a panel showing all the sections within the questionnaire.
Questionnaire description and survey information Additional meta information about the questionnaire and the survey.
Translations Manage translations in multilingual questionnaires. (more info)
Reusable categories Add, edit, and delete sets of categories used in categorical questions. (more info)
Comments in Designer are an essential tool for collaboration of multiple
+users working on the same questionnaire. Each of the collaborators may
+leave comments to questions, indicating potential problems in
+implementation, or suggesting improvements. For example, It is common
+for the reviewers, that have a shared access to a questionnaire to leave
+the comments for the original author.
The full list of comments in all sections of the questionnaire can be
+seen in the comments tool, which is accessible from the toolbar. Often
+the comments represent a kind of to-do list:
This article describes composing multilingual questionnaires. For switching the
+language of the Survey Solutions software itself and supported languages refer
+to the localization overview article.
Often times researchers work in contexts where respondents of a survey
+speak different languages. Therefore, to administer surveys and collect
+higher quality data it is important to have questionnaires in the
+corresponding language. In Survey Solutions, you can create multilingual
+questionnaires directly in Designer as follows:
Macros simplify writing complicated expressions with repetitive
+sub-expressions. Consider for example, that several questions in the
+questionnaire are applicable to one group of persons, such as women of
+child-bearing age (let’s say 15-44 years old, exact numbers are of no
+particular importance here). Suppose the variable for age is age, and
+for gender is sex with values 1 corresponding to males, and 2 to
+females. Then the following macro can be defined:
In some situations pictures become an indispensable tool to establish
+the true meaning of e.g. categories: small, medium, large. Pictures can
+be added to the questionnaire wherever a static text element is possible
+(including inside rosters and subsections). The same attachment can be
+displayed in multiple places in the questionnaire. Check the supported
+formats in Multimedia
To add an attachment (image) to your questionnaire:
Click on the paper clip icon on the toolbar on the left hand side.
Lookup tables are reference tables that may be used in the syntax expressions,
+for example in validation and enabling conditions. Lookup tables are prepared as
+external tab-delimited files and uploaded to the questionnaire in the Designer.
We use lookup tables to find content by some code and apply that content in
+validations and enabling conditions as part of larger expressions.
Lookup tables contain numeric data: the lookup code must be integer, while the
+content may be integer or a floating point value. Lookup tables are not
+suitable to store string content. The lookup code is often a code of an item in
+a price survey, occupational code in a labor force survey, or a code of crop in
+an agricultural survey. It may also be a combination code of two or more codes
+(for example a district code and a locality code).
Lookup tables are particularly convenient for storing time series data, such as
+historical exchange rates for various currencies. Other uses involve storing
+estimated crop yields by crop, ranges of salaries by occupation, etc. While
+anthropometric z-scores can be implemented via lookup tables as well, users
+should refer to specialized z-score functions instead.
Lookup tables are inappropriate to store confidential data. For example, do not
+store the correspondence between e.g. the tax number and taxable income of
+individuals in the survey population as a lookup table.
The lookup tables must conform to the following format:
Contain the rowcode column all values in which are integer and unique.
Contain one or more other numeric columns with reference data (these columns
+may contain integer or fractional values).
These other columns may be named arbitrarily as long as there are no
+duplicates and the column names comply with the
+variable naming
If fractional data is supplied, a dot (".") must be used as a decimal
Each line of the file must end with a new line character.
Lookup table may not be empty (in other words it must have at least one lookup
Lookup table may include blank values, in which case the value retrieved from
+the table is C#’s null value.
The number of rows and columns in lookup tables is restricted. See
+Survey Solutions Limits
+for particular limits. Note that a questionnaire may include multiple lookup tables.
Note that the data uploaded as lookup tables is constant during the survey. If
+one needs to change the values stored in the lookup table, the questionnaire
+must be revised and re-uploaded to the data server.
Type in the table name (which must be unique), and click on the
+SELECT FILE link to upload the tab-delimited lookup table.
Click SAVE.
The Designer will verify if the uploaded file is compliant with the format
+requirements and issue an error message (and reject the file) if it is not
+correct. For example, an error message may indicate “The mandatory rowcode
+column is missing”, which is a violation of the first requirement. If you
+get any error message while saving the lookup table in the Designer, correct
+the problem and re-upload the lookup table file.
Modifying content of the lookup tables.
Uploaded lookup tables can be modified in later editing sessions. This can
+be done by:
downloading the table data file with clicking on the DOWNLOAD link, then
making any necessary changes to the data file, and then
re-uploading the data file by clicking UPDATE FILE link and saving the changes.
Deleting lookup tables.
Lookup tables that are no longer needed in the questionnaire can be deleted by
+clicking on the red cross in the top-right corner of the lookup table’s card in
+the panel of advanced instruments.
Use of lookup tables in syntax expressions.
The short syntax for the reference in condition expressions is:
It requires the name of the lookup table, the value of the code, and the
+name of the column for the content of interest. This literally means: take
+the lookup table with the name LookupTableName, search the column named
+rowcode to locate the specific value code, then, if found, scan that
+line of the table and return the value from the column named ColumnName.
Note that if the value code does not occur among the lookup table codes, an
+exception occurs during the evaluation of the above expression. One can avoid
+this by precedeing the evaluation with a boolean function ContainsKey(),
+which checks if the value specified as the parameter is contained in the
+rowcodes of a certain lookup table:
Consider the following example:
Suppose, that the questionnaire asks for the area of a plot in two questions:
+value (numeric) and unit (categorical single-select), and it is necessary to
+supply a validation condition that results in an error message for plot areas
+that are greater than 2.0 hectares.
Since the units may vary, we may not directly compare the answer to the
+numerical question with the threshold 2.0. But rather we must convert the
+area to hectares first.
The tab-delimited file of the lookup table for unit conversion factors
+necessary for this case may look like this.
+In preparation of this file we’ve used the numerical codes assigned in the
+Designer to each of the choice categories in the single-select question:
This lookup table we upload and save as conversionFactors. We then add the
+a validation rule to the single-select question on the units with the error
+message “Plot area must be smaller than 2.0 hectares. Please confirm.” and
+the following expression:
conversionFactors is the name of the look up table we have uploaded to Designer.
self refers to the single-select unit question that holds the validation
+expression, and
conversion refers to the conversion factor column in the lookup table.
If, for example, the option “Acre” is selected, then the numerical value
+reported for plot area will be multiplied by the conversion factor in the row 1
+of the conversion column in the lookup table to obtain the area value
+expressed in hectares. Subsequently the expression compares this calculated
+value with the threshold of 2.0 hectares.
Note that we don’t have to check if the codes are contained in the lookup table,
+because the lookup table is matched at design time with all the possible choices
+in the categorical question.
Random numbers
Lookup tables can store sequences of random numbers. Here is a
+lookup table with 15,000 random integer numbers
+from the interval [0;999999] stored in the column named rnum and the
+Stata script that generated it.
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c2419ea5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/questionnaire-designer/toolbar/macros/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
Macros simplify writing complicated expressions with repetitive
+sub-expressions. Consider for example, that several questions in the
+questionnaire are applicable to one group of persons, such as women of
+child-bearing age (let’s say 15-44 years old, exact numbers are of no
+particular importance here). Suppose the variable for age is age, and
+for gender is sex with values 1 corresponding to males, and 2 to
+females. Then the following macro can be defined:
$c=(age.InRange(15,44) && (sex==2)
It can be subsequently used in the enabling conditions for each question
+directed at the women of childbearing age simply as $c, which will be
+substituted with the content of the macro as defined above. Note that
+macro definitions may not refer to other macros.
To create a macro
Click on the “$m” tab on the left hand menu.**
Click on the ADD NEW Macroslink.
Define the macro name, content, and (optionally) a description for
+the macro.
Click save.
To refer to the macro created previously in a chosen section,
+sub-section, question, or roster, type “$” followed by the macro
+name in the enabling condition field. In this example, type “$c”.
To modify a syntax in a Macro
Click on the “$m” tab on the left hand menu.
Locate the macro and click on any field in the macro specification
+to make all the necessary revisions.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/questionnaire-designer/toolbar/multilingual-questionnaires/images/710329.png b/questionnaire-designer/toolbar/multilingual-questionnaires/images/710329.png
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Binary files /dev/null and b/questionnaire-designer/toolbar/multilingual-questionnaires/images/710331_hu13645589609633619784.png differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/questionnaire-designer/toolbar/multilingual-questionnaires/images/710344_hu9994513067135240462.png differ
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index 00000000..db99076c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/questionnaire-designer/toolbar/multilingual-questionnaires/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+Multilingual Questionnaires
This article describes composing multilingual questionnaires. For switching the
+language of the Survey Solutions software itself and supported languages refer
+to the localization overview article.
Often times researchers work in contexts where respondents of a survey
+speak different languages. Therefore, to administer surveys and collect
+higher quality data it is important to have questionnaires in the
+corresponding language. In Survey Solutions, you can create multilingual
+questionnaires directly in Designer as follows:
After you are satisfied with the design of the questionnaire in the
+language of origin, click on the translation button in the advanced
+instrument panel on the left.
Click on the link for downloading the questionnaire template in
+excel format. This file can be opened with Microsoft Excel, Open
+Office Calc, and other similar applications.
The only fields that should be edited are in the column labeled
+Translation. The translator can refer to the original text on the
+field on the left, and type the translation in the field on the
Answer options are placed in their own dedicated sheet, as shown
+below. The name of each such additional sheet is formed by
+prepending the variable name with a special marker “@@_”.
After the translation has been completed, save the file.
Then, go back to the translation panel in Questionnaire Designer and
+click on Upload New Translation. Select your
Since the name of the translation file defined here will appear exactly
+as is, on the Interviewer Application, you may want to the edit the name
+listed here. To change the name, click on the text box and make the
+necessary edits.
+needed, translations can be downloaded again by clicking on
+the Download XLSX button
+and updated by re-uploading the file with the Update button.
You may also set a default language for the survey.
You can also see a video tutorial demonstrating these steps:
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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index 00000000..490ebd8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/questionnaire-designer/toolbar/panel-of-advanced-instruments/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Panel of Advanced Instruments
The panel of advanced instruments located at the left side of the
+questionnaire Designer interface provides access to the additional
+tools for configuring the questionnaire:
Table of contents Displays a panel showing all the sections within the questionnaire.
Questionnaire description and survey information Additional meta information about the questionnaire and the survey.
Translations Manage translations in multilingual questionnaires. (more info)
Reusable categories Add, edit, and delete sets of categories used in categorical questions. (more info)
In some situations pictures become an indispensable tool to establish
+the true meaning of e.g. categories: small, medium, large. Pictures can
+be added to the questionnaire wherever a static text element is possible
+(including inside rosters and subsections). The same attachment can be
+displayed in multiple places in the questionnaire. Check the supported
+formats in Multimedia
To add an attachment (image) to your questionnaire:
Click on the paper clip icon on the toolbar on the left hand side.
Click on the green upload new button to add an image from your
Define a name for the image.
To add attachment (image) to static text element, type in the name
+of the specified attachment in the *Attachment name *box.
Three large images are scaled to fit width to tablet screen when the
+questionnaire is displayed on the tablet. The Interviewer application
+knows how to render images of different dimensions on different devices
+taking into account differences in screen resolutions.
\ No newline at end of file
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index 00000000..6474babe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/questionnaire-designer/toolbar/reusable-categories/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+Reusable Categories
Survey Solutions provides two question types that make use of categorical
+selections, which are the Single-Select Categorical and
+Multi-Select Categorical questions. Each of them allows the user to select
+from a list of categories with the difference of whether only one selection is
+allowed (single-select) or more than one selections (multi-select) are permitted.
+Each of these question types has multiple presentations, such as with choice
+buttons, or with a search option, etc (see
+Overview: Categorical question types).
In many surveys the same categories are applied to more than 1 question. Your
+survey may involve multiple Yes/No/Don’t know questions, or multiple questions
+using the same categorical scale, etc. In this case one can define the
+categories once, then reuse them in all the questions which rely on them.
There are several advantages to using reusable categories:
one can easily introduce changes that affect all the questions using these
+categories, (for example, if switching from 3-level to a 5-level satisfaction
it is easier to translate questionnaires that make use of reusable categories,
+simply because they eliminate redundancy in the material for translation (without
+them each set of options will be issued for translation separately, which may
+result in additional work, or even differences of translation of identical options).
Note that the same categories can be used by both single and multiple select
+questions. While you will not do this with Yes/No categories, you may very well
+encounter surveys, which do that e.g. for countries list (for example, the survey
+may include a single-select question for the country of birth and a
+multiple-select question for the countries visited).
If the categories represent some standard classification, it is recommended to
+signal this through the title of the categories or include a comment in the
+questionnaire meta-information. For example, the reusable categories for
+occupation could be called ISCO08_3 to signify they correspond to that ISCO-08
+standard and contain 3-digit classification codes with corresponding titles).
We define reusable categories in a particular questionnaire by:
accessing the
+corresponding element in the panel of advanced instruments at the left, then
clicking the ADD NEW CATEGORY link, then
entering the name of the reusable categories (which must obey the rules for variable names), and finally
defining the categories themselves in the following dialog that appears:
If the number of categories is large, it is often easier to upload a file prepared externally, that can be done with the file upload tool located at the bottom of the dialog (the uploaded categories will replace the categories already defined, if any). One can also download the defined categories in *.xlsx or *.tab formats by clicking the corresponding download links.
These files must have the following columns defined (column names must be stored in the first line of the text file or the first row of the spreadsheet file):
value - stores the codes of the categories;
title - stores textual labels of the categories;
parentvalue - stores codes of parent categories when the categories are intended for cascading selection (optional);
attachmentname - stores names of attachments (for example, images) associated with categories (optional).
The order of columns in the files you prepare is not important, as their meaning is determined not by the order, but by the column names.
When a large number of categories is defined, they will be presented in multiple pages, with each page containing up to 10 (or 20, or 50, etc - selectable) categories. One can navigate across the pages with the firs/previous/next/last page navigation buttons.
Two distinct views are provided for defining categories: table view and text view. While tabular view is better organized on the screen, the text view is more suitable for copying and pasting the categories (e.g. between the different reusable categories, or to/from an external program).
In the text view mode we format the categories as follows: textual label, two or more dots, numerical code of the category, optionally followed two or more dots and attachment name. For example:
Generic programmes and qualifications...............0
+Arts and humanities.................................2
+Social sciences, journalism and information.........3
If the categories contain references to the parent codes, then the format is as follows: textual label,two or more dots, partent code, slash “/”, category code, optionally followed by two or more dots and attachment name. For example:
Basic programmes and qualifications.................0/1
+Literacy and numeracy...............................0/2
+Personal skills and development.....................0/3
+Humanities (except languages).......................2/22
+Social and behavioural sciences.....................3/31
+Journalism and information..........................3/32
If the content in the text view violates the format requirement, the window will contain a corresponding message, indicating an erroneous entry. Until the error is corrected, you can’t switch to the table view.
In the table view the entries are entered through a dialog form:
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+Release Notes
This is mostly technical, intermediate release. The description of new functionality introduced in version 19.05 will be provided in the release note of the standard, scheduled release of version 19.06.
Survey Solutions 19.04
April 4, 2019
Version 19.04 contains:
Web-interviewing with email-notifications and reminders to respondents;
Multiselect combobox - compact and efficient representation of large multiselect questions;
An additional level of encryption of the data stored on tablets.
This is mostly technical, intermediate release. The description of new functionality introduced in version 18.11 will be provided in the release note of the standard, scheduled release of version 18.12.
Survey Solutions 18.10
October 1, 2018
Version 18.10 contains:
Offline Supervisor app improvements and additional features.
Variable name in the questionnaire translation file.
Comments on questions can now be deleted
Harmonization of interview__id variable names in export files
Supervisor/Team filter is added to the Status Duration Report.
New filter added on the Assignments page.
Improvements on the Interviewer Profile page.
Text wrapping in the Interviewer and Webtester apps for better visualizing long answers.
Offline Supervisor app To meet the needs of survey teams operating in remote or poorly connected locales, the Supervisor app allows supervisors to do offline all of the things that previously required a connection: make assignments, receive completed interviews, review interviews, and approve or reject them. This functionality being released as a public beta, and will be refined and improved over coming development releases.
Flat, compact view for reviewing interviews To promote rapid review of interviews, all of Survey Solutions data collection components–Headquarters, Supervisor, and Interviewer–now have an optional, compact view of interviews.
Interview diagnostics file To provide users with consolidated information for data processing outside of Survey Solutions, export archives now include a file that contains, among other information, the interview duration, the number of errors, number of comment, and number of unanswered questions per interview.
Questionnaire variable field in Designer To provide control over how the main export file is named, questionnaire designers must now specify the questionnaire name and the questionnaire variable. The former is how the questionnaire appears to human users. The latter is the name of the main file to which interview data are exported.
Text substitution in question instructions
Timestamps in paradata now reflect local time of the device where the data event occurred (e.g., when a question was answered, expressed in the local time of the tablet where the question was answered).
Set up Interviewer by scanning a QR code To make set-up of Interviewer tablets more streamlined and less error-prone, one may now scan a QR code to populate the synchronization endpoint and username fields. rather than populate those fields manually.
New Geography question adds polylines, multipoint and other
+variants for offline selection on the map;
Offline selection is now accessible from the syntax in
Added support for GeoTIFF and shapefiles;
Added report for frequency tabulation and basic statistics based
+on user collected data to the set of the reports accessible to the
+Headquarters users;
Upgrade of assignments for newly imported versions of the
+existing questionnaires allows simpler updates to the questionnaire
+when the survey is already in progress;
Simplified preloading process requiring less data preparation;
Protection of preloaded answers for some questions;
Log of actions undertaken on the tablet is accessible for the
+Headquarters users;
New online map report of interviewer movements;
Improved behavior of limited multi-select and linked questions;
Playback of an audio question to verify the quality of the
New API requests, syntax functions, updates to translations and new
+interviewer language added;
Revised interview details interface. Interface for reviewing
+interviews made more intuitive and more powerful;
Complete localization of the user interface. All components of
+Survey Solutionshave been fully translated into French, Russian, and
Improved multi-language features PDF export of questionnaires
+can created for each user-defined translation of the questionnaire.
+Default language for a survey may be set.
Data export files. ID variables have been harmonized across all
+export files. New data files to analyze data collection devices and
+interview errors.
Folders on Designer. Public questionnaires organized in folders
+for user learning, sharing of resources, and development and
+dissemination of standards.
Managing and distributing maps. New tools for headquarters to
+manage maps and distribute them wirelessly to interviewers.
Admin auditing log. Record of all the main actions on the
+server, identifying who made the action, and when.
New design of the Interviewer and Tester application, support of
+Android 5.0: Colors that communicate status, expandable navigation
+pane, compact view of disabled questions, buttons for navigating to
+the next or parent section and other visual changes.
Improvements to users and assignments management at the
+Headquarter: Batch creation of user accounts; possibility to archive
+interviewers and/or supervisors; store names and phone numbers for
Changes to questionnaire designer and programming language
New guides on the use of functions in Survey Solutions
Observer users can be created to be able to monitor the progress
+of the survey without permissions to make changes;
Functions can be used for routine validations and checks,
+include convenience functions to work with dates, strings, lists,
+geographical distances, and anthropometric measurements (zscores);
Addressing roster elements by code can be used within rosters
+(particularly in fixed rosters) for customization of validations and
+checks for different roster elements;
New language for validation and skip conditions: Now, Survey
+Solutions can validate data using algorithms of arbitrary
+complexity. You will appreciate the simplicity and flexibility of
+new functionality for writing validations and conditions for rosters
+and groups; string functions for validating text questions;
+functions that calculates distances between GPS coordinates, data
+and time functions, and hundreds other functions and methods.
Extension of Data Export functionality: we removed the limitation
+that only a HQ approved questionnaires can be exported. Now, any
+questionnaire on a HQ or Supervisor, regardless of its status, can
+be exported.
Tab-delimited format for preloading, batch operations, and long
+lists: Survey Solutions is now using tab-delimited format for
+preloading, batch operations, and filling the long lists in the
+single choice and cascading questions. The Tab-delimited format can
+handle better the local scripts and punctuations.
We also made some changes in the user interface on a tablet, fixed
+bugs and optimized Survey Solutions for better performance.
Cascading questions. Single-option questions can be linked to
+one another, so that the choices available in one (e.g. state) are
+dependent on the answer given to the previous question (e.g.
Multimedia question: photo. Interviews can contain photo
Find an interview. Headquarters and Supervisors dashboards allow
+users to search for an interview.
Improvements in Designer. Large questionnaires load up to eight
+times faster.
Survey Solutions 2.3 brings to the users four new features:
Interviewer: Filter-as-you-type drop-down menus (combo boxes).
+Multiple choice questions can now be presented as drop-down menus,
+filtered according to characters typed in by the enumerator.
Designer: Import and export for answer lists. Answer lists for
+multiple choice questions can be imported from and exported to CSV
Designer/Interviewer: HTML tags for questions. You can use HTML
+tags to format the question text.
Headquarters: Deleting unused templates. Unused questionnaire
+templates can be now deleted, together with the corresponding data.
Headquarters: Survey progress graph. For surveys conducted in
+the sample mode, a new report plots the survey progress.
This release, next to bug fixes and stability improvements, introduces:
New Questionnaire Designer. New user interface improves
+performance and makes it easier to move questions or groups across
Static text field. Messages to the enumerator, consent forms and
+other types of text information that are not normally considered a
+part of the question can be included in the questionnaire as “static
+text fields”.
Custom labels. Users can customize the variable label exported
+to Stata.
Masked entry. Questionnaire designers can set specific data
+format for text fields that the application will enforce, for
+example phone or national ID numbers.
Enhanced export. CSV export now includes interview status
+changes, responsible supervisors and enumerators, as well as
+interview durations.
Thousands separators. A comma will group thousands together when
+entering a large number into a numeric field.
Batch operations. “Select all” button will allow HQ users and
+supervisors to assign or delete interviews in a batch.
New map report. After clicking a pin on the map, the system will
+display basic information about the interview (responsible staff
+member, interview status), as well as a link to the complete
+interview record.
Next to multiple improvements in user interface and stability of the
+software, we have introduced a seven new features:
Listing mode. While conducting a listing or a census, your
+enumerator will be able to dynamically add new households to the
+set. However, just like with any other survey, such submissions will
+still be subject to supervisor’s approval.
“Nested” rosters. From now on, you can “nest” rosters—that is,
+include rosters within rosters (within rosters…, etc.). For
+example, each row of the household members rosters can include a
+subsequent roster listing person’s assets. Additionally, the
+questions can now include the tag “%rostertitle%”, which will be
+dynamically replaced by the relevant row header.
Offline supervisor. Teams that work in the field without
+connection to the internet can now start using the offline
+supervisor dashboard, installed directly on the supervisors’
+laptops. Enumerators and supervisors will able to exchange data
+using the local network; the information will be uploaded to the
+headquarters once the internet connection is available.
Data preloading. Survey Solutions makes it possible to
+“pre-load” data into all fields, including the rosters. Such
+information can be then edited or deleted by the enumerator. The
+function makes it simple to, for example, upload and verify data
+from previous panel waves.
Map report. GPS data gathered with Survey Solutions can now be
+plotted on a map (using Google Maps imagery: both the street map and
+the aerial/satellite imagery). In that way, the headquarters users
+can instantly see where the data have been gathered.
QR Codes. The enumerators will be able to scan both
+two-dimensional QR codes and ordinary barcodes. Their contents (e.g.
+a serial number) will be stored with your data set.
API. You can now built your own application on top of the data
+gathered with Survey Solutions, as the current version adds the
+support for a JSON-based Application Programming Interface. The API
+will allow you to create dynamic dashboards, visualizations or
+export the data to custom formats (e.g. SQL-like databases).
February 4, 2014
This release, next to bug fixes and stability improvements, introduces:
New question type: list. Lists can be used to collect up to 40
+lines of text, for example to names gather of household members.
New roster type. The new list-type questions can also be
+connected to roster, where each list entry will correspond to one
+roster row.
Groups enclosed in rosters. Every roster can now include a
+nested group of questions, which helps organize roster data entry
+more efficiently.
Faster data export. Saving the survey results in .csv and
+tab-separated file formats takes less time and resources.
January 14, 2014
The latest version of WB CAPI introduces two new types of rosters. In
+addition to the standard type of roster, connected to an integer-type
+question determining the number of rows to be displayed, WB CAPI now
Fixed rosters. Such a roster can be defined by simply providing
+a static list of row headers.
Rosters connected to multiple-choice questions. In this case, a
+roster will be created with rows representing every option selected
+in a multiple-choice question. This feature is especially useful in
+income and consumption surveys, where the respondent can be first
+asked to select the products consumed from a list, in order to,
+subsequently, fill in a consumption roster specifying quantities and
Additionally, the process of selecting roster row headers has been made
+easier and more intuitive. The release also contains a number of bug
+fixes and measures improving stability of the application.
December 9, 2013
This release includes bug fixes and performance improvements.
November 20, 2013
This release features:
Questionnaire tester. A new application allows Questionnaire
+Designers to easily test their questionnaires on an Android device,
+helping them ensure that skip patterns and validation expressions
+are correct.
Easier management of rosters. “Autopropagated groups” changed
+their name to “roster”. A roster can now be created by connecting a
+group to any integer question.
November 1, 2013
Features added in the release include:
Questionnaire compiler/verifier. After editing your
+questionnaire in the Questionnaire Designer, you can instantly check
+if the skip patterns or validation expressions you have entered are
+correct. Our verifier will warn you when wrong syntax, references to
+nonexistent variables or other design errors are detected.
Smarter “select multiple”-type questions. While creating
+categorical questions with multiple answers possible, questionnaire
+designers have more options. They can limit the number of answers
+(E.g. “select the three most important reasons…”) and ask the
+respondents to order them, for example indicating their preferences.
October 20, 2013
The CAPI team is constantly working on adding new features. This release
+(1.1) has included various fixes that improve the stability and
+responsiveness of the Designer and Interviewer software. In addition to
+that, the release includes support for:
Name substitution. The text of a question displayed to the
+interviewer can now include the answers to one or more of the other
+questions. For example, if the answer to the question about the
+interviewee’s name is “Tom”, a question about the job that follows
+can be automatically updated to “What is Tom’s job?”;
Supervisor questions. Certain questions can be marked as
+answered only by supervisors. This feature might be helpful when
+more experienced supervisors are expect to assign codes to answers
+given to the interviewers in a narrative form;
Decimal fractions in numeric questions. Questionnaire designer
+can freely select the number’s precision.
The release also contains various user interfact improvements, such
+as displaying the name of the interviewer on the dashboard of the tablet
Official release of WB CAPI
September 30, 2013
The World Bank’s software for computer-assisted personal interviewing
+(CAPI) has been officially released. Using the web-based editor, users
+around the world can build their own questionnaires that will be used to
+gather data with Android-based tablet devices. The official release
+comes with a set of new features:
Linked questions give the possibility to e.g. precisely map
+different kinds of relationships within a household by allowing to
+select answers to a categorical questions from within a roster list;
CAPI can collect GPS coordinates, supported in the new question
+type: Geolocation;
Interview assignments that have not been yet completed can be
+deleted by the headquarters user
New version of Questionnaire Designer; the Headquarters console supports bulk uploading of interview assignments
August 7, 2013
Substantial changes have been introduced to the Questionnaire Designer:
Additionally, we have introduced the possibility of importing large
+batches of addresses to be visited by the interviewers from a CSV file.
The application makes a more efficient use of the screen size, while
+new tool tips provide contextual help to the users;
The SingleOption and MultiOption questions are now called
+“Categorical: one answer” and “Categorical: multiple answers”;
Adding a new option to a categorical question is much easier—it can
+now be done with one click and does not require any further
The “Export to PDF” function has been redesigned. The PDF files
+generated by the system now feature a cover page, distinguish
+between different types of questions and include the condition and
+validation expressions
New interface and further performance improvements
July 29, 2013
A new, responsive user interface has been introduced to the Headquarters
+and Supervisor consoles, making it easier to quickly add new supervisors
+and interviewers and match them to single or multiple households (or
+other interview assignments). We have also rolled out further
+performance improvements: downloading 1000 questionnaires to a tablet
+device takes only 8 minutes; uploading 1000 completed questionnaires to
+a cloud server takes 30 minutes. The supervisor console can handle over
+10,000 submissions and generate statistics without noticeable delays.
Performance improvements
July 22, 2013
Synchronization of the data between tablet devices and the server is now
+faster; thousands of completed questionnaires can be uploaded within
+minutes. The system handles broken internet connections more robustly
+and without data loss. The tablet application displays a gauge measuring
+the synchronization process.
Questionnaire Designer users can now make their questionnaires public
+(available to other users).
Project background
The CAPI project started in early 2012 in cooperation with the Bill &
+Melinda Gates Foundation, the Living Standards Measurement
+Study-Integrated Surveys on Agriculture team and the Food and
+Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Initially, the client
+software was produced for Microsoft Windows 7-based Tablet PCs; at the
+same time first versions of the Survey Management System (the server
+software) have been released.
The project, however, coincided with massive changes to Microsoft
+Windows-powered tablet devices. Windows RT, the successor of the tablet
+version of Windows 7 that was launched in September 2012, has not
+preserved backward software compatibility. Consequently, applications
+written specifically for Windows 7, such as the CAPI client, would not
+work on the newer devices
At the same time, the market share of basic Android tablet devices kept
+growing, especially among low-cost devices that could be purchased also
+by austere governments or from shoestring research budget. As a result,
+our team decided to concentrate its efforts on developing an
+Android-based client, with the possibility of extending the support to
+other platforms at a later stage.
The change in the chosen platform led to postponing the implementation
+of certain features, as the attention of the developers was focused on
+producing the new version of the client. Given that, the first pilot
+survey using the CAPI system was started only in March 2013 in St.
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+Version 18.04
The April 2018 release ushers in numerous improvements to each component
+of the Survey Solutions. We have also changed our version numbering
+notation and from now on will use the YY.MM notation for new versions,
+such as 18.04 for the April 2018 release. Some of the features below are
+new functionality that are described in more details in the
+corresponding linked articles.
Export questionnaires as HTML (as requested by Mr. Edwin St.
+Catherine, CSO St. Lucia);
Reload questionnaire in Web Tester: When the reload button is
+pressed, the web tester will behave just like the tablet Tester
+application: the questionnaire will be updated to reflect recent
+changes, while the data previously entered will be preserved and all
+condtions re-evaluated.
Prevent circular references in enabling and filter conditions,
+read the article.
Compact presentation of answered categorical questions in
+interview details view with only selected answers shown in single-
+and multi-select categorical questions;
Old interview details page retained in several previous versions to
+facilitate transition to the new design is now deprecated;
Customize web interview messages, (as requested by Mr. Michael
+Rahija, FAO) read the
Export binary data to user-designated cloud data storage, read
+the article.
Map report is now available for supervisors, (as requested
+by Mr. Phil Bright, SPC and other users) covering interviews in
+their responsibility (report for all interviews remains available to
+the Headquarters users).
Speed report uses active interview time: active interview time
+is defined as time when the tablet screen is on and an interview is
+open in the Survey Solutions Interviewer application. This is more
+relevant for interview duration estimation, over the approach in
+earlier versions, which based the reports on simple difference
+between the timestamps at start and finish of the interviews.
Search on the dashboard (as suggested by Mr. Luqmaan Omar,
+StatsSA) allows locating the interviews across the various tabs of
+the Interviewer application.
Advanced features and troubleshooting tools
Automatic update of the Interviewer application is now default
+mode on all Survey Solutions servers. The updates are performed
+automatically by determining only the minimal information that is
+necessary to be send and the size of the files is typically smaller
+than 200kb, which makes it possible to receive the critical update
+for interviewers working even in the most difficult connectivity
+modes; automatic updates can be disabled by server administrators,
+though this is not desirable in typical scenarios.
Export questionnaires from the Headquarters for the Survey
+Solutions technical support team in case the original questionnaire
+has been modified or deleted in the Designer.
Capture log of interviews created and deleted on the tablet: the
+Interviewer application captures what happens to each interview,
+including those that are created and deleted on the tablet before
+syncing. In this way, the Headquarters and technical support teams
+can know what happened on the tablet, and thereby better
+troubleshoot interview reports of missing interviews.
New API endpoints for users utilizing API automation: posting
+comments to interviews and getting the interview statistics (number
+of questions answered, unanswered, flagged, valid, invalid, with
+comments, etc). See the API
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+Version 18.06
Today, on June 05, 2018 we are happy to release version 18.06 with lots
+of new and useful features.
Announcement: Survey Solutions VI Virtual
+User Group Meeting:
Thursday, June 14, 2018 9:00 am | Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00) | 1 hr Meeting number (access code): 737 365 639 Meeting password: 9SabPdMH
+notification for self-hosted users: the changes in the Designer
+are compatibility-breaking so all users of Survey Solutions on the local
+servers MUST upgrade to the latest version of the Survey Solutions
+Headquarters application in order to import new questionnaires. For the
+users of the Survey Solutions servers hosted in the World Bank Cloud the
+update will be performed by our support staff.
Offline GIS Functionality Expansion
Question type earlier called area is now renamed to geography and
+supports capture of various geographic information:
area (polygons),
paths (polylines),
single (point) and
multiple (multipoint)
on offline maps. Each selection is exported as vectors of points. This
+question type is now accessible from the syntax to be used in
+conditional and validation expressions. The following properties can be
+used in the syntax:
In addition, the IsAnswered() function also supports this question type
+now. For example, we can ask to show the secondary parcel if the primary
+parcel has been already indicated:
Or we can indicate an error if the area of the parcel is too small to be
+a parcel with a dwelling situated on it:
Or for large parcels we could ask if they are also being used for
+agricultural purposes:
Similarly for the paths we can measure the length and show warnings, for
+example, when they are unexpectedly large:
Offline maps formats have been extended with the raster files,
+specifically GeoTIFF files
+that can be produced with a wide range of commercially available and
+free to use tools.
BETA: A single shapefile map can be added
+to the maps storage on the tablet, and if added in this way will be
+automatically overlayed on top of the baseline map in offline map.
New Headquarters Features
Online tabulation report based on the survey data allows creation of
+tabulation reports (frequency tabulation of categorical variables)
+with conditioning on values of other variables. For example, one can
+now tabulate the interview result code by team members to check
+whether a particular interviewer has abnormally large number of
+households not found.
Upgrade of assignments: Survey Solutions will now assist the
+Headquarters users in migrating assignments in case of a
+questionnaire update. When a new version of an existing
+questionnaire is imported to the server, any unfulfilled assignments
+in the old version may be migrated to the new version. If the HQ
+user decides to migrate the assignments, the system will examine
+them one by one and decide whether the migration is possible and if
+so, archive the original assignment and recreate a new assignment in
+the new version of the questionnaire (for the remaining number of
+interviews still not delivered). We recommend testing the
+questionnaires extensively to minimize any revisions to the
+questionnaires during fieldwork.
We have simplified the process of preloading to reduce the need for
+data processing. Specifically,
for rosters triggered by text lists, the roster file may include
+items with any codes (not necessarily in continuous or incremental
for numeric rosters, the numeration of subordinate items in rosters
+should start with 1 and proceed sequentially until N, N will be
+saved into the value of the trigger question;
In both cases the items will appear in rosters in the order of
+increasing IDs specified in preloading. These changes help Survey
+Solutions preload the very same files that it exports and reduces the
+burden of preparation of data for preloading in panel surveys.
Protection of answers to preloaded
+is available in advanced preloading only for questions of type
+multi-select, numeric and text list. This feature may be most useful
+for panel surveys where data obtained in the initial visit must be
+protected, while at the same time it must be extended by new values.
+A typical scenario is that the list of household members may need to
+be extended with new household members, while original household
+members need to be protected from deletion from the list.
The Interview report in Headquarters/Supervisor is now more specific
+about errors in the questionnaire. Previously a flag was raised if
+the questionnaire contained any errors. This has been indicated to
+the supervisors in the list of interviews. Now this column reflects
+the number of questions with errors (n.b. this may be different from
+the total number of errors) (as per request of Lena Nguyen, World
New API request can be sent to the Survey Solutions data server that
+returns the interview data for a particular interview in JSON
+format. Images and other binary resources and comments are not
+included in this response.
Log of actions undertaken on the
+tablet accessible from the
+Headquarters. In it the headquarters users can monitor all the
+actions by the interviewer on a tablet, including actions on
+interviews that are still not completed. For example:
+This log is useful in resolving the debates where the interviewer claims
+that the data was collected, but subsequently “disappeared”.
New online map report for interviewer movement shows historical
+positions (trajectory) of the interviewer on the map. This report is
+interviewer-specific and is available on the interviewer profile
+page. It shows the location of all of the interviewer’s interviews
+in chronological order, along with colors highlighting the current
+status of each interview: started (blue), completed (green) or
+rejected (red).
Interviewer profile also contains a new warning (red message:
+“Relinked”) if the interviewer has relinked his/her device.
New Interviewer Features
Multiple selection questions will disable remaining choices when the
+maximum number of choices has been selected to indicate to
+interviewers that no more selections can be made in this question
+(as requested by Sergiy Radyakin, World Bank).
Behavior of the linked question has changed. Earlier, any changes to
+the source question caused all dependent linked questions throughout
+the questionnaire to be “unanswered”. Now, only those items removed
+from the source are removed from the linked questions, with other
+items selection not affected. For example, if Peter was the only
+household member, and selected as the household head in a linked
+question, then adding Mary to the list of the household members does
+not change the indicated status ‘head of the household’ for Peter,
+even though Mary will be available for selection there.
On the tablet the interviewers can now replay the recording of the
+audio question by pressing the play button and can zoom to see the
+photo taken in the image question. Both allow to perform quality
+control immediately on the tablet and decide whether the audio
+recordings (photos) are of suitable quality or need to be taken
+again (requested by Eugene Ehlers, AHRI; Phil Bright, SPC).
We have added several new functions to extend our syntax and
+expanded existing to support more types of data where earlier
+typecasts were required.
We have extended the translations in Chinese and Arabic, and added
+Romanian language interface for the Interviewer App.
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+Version 18.08
Version 18.08 of Survey Solutions contains a
+major, new component: an offline Supervisor App that can be used on Android tablets to provide supervision and quality control while in remote areas and disconnected from the Survey Solutions’ data server. We have also made a number of other improvements outlined below.
Supervisor App
The Supervisor App is an Android application for the supervisors to perform their main responsibilities in the field. A connection to the internet is no longer required for the supervisors to perform the following duties:
Distribute assignments between the team members (interviewers);
Receive completed interviews from the interviewers;
Review information in completed interviews and leave comments;
Answer supervisor questions;
Approve or reject the submitted interviews;
The Supervisor app synchronizes with the main Survey Solutions server (HQ) to receive new assignments and submit completed interviews received from the interviewers when the internet connection is available.
This means that a team of interviewers traveling with a supervisor to a location with no internet coverage can be fully autonomous, provided they are travelling with installed and configured Interviewer and Supervisor Apps, and the supervisor has downloaded from the HQ server the assignments for the whole team. That means that the supervisors can review the interviews while disconnected from internet without worrying about the cost or reliability of internet during these reviews.
The Supervisor App has the same technical (i.e., hardware and software) requirements as the Interviewer App so that the same tablets may be used by interviewers and supervisors working offline. The communication between the interviewer and the supervisor components while disconnected from internet relied on a combination of a Bluetooth or WiFi connections. A supervisor’s and interviewer’s tablets should be within several meters from each other to connect.
The Survey Solutions data server does not receive any updates from the Supervisor App when it works disconnected. This has the following implications:
Reports shown in the Headquarters are less up to date. They reflect only those interviews collected up until the point when each supervisors synchronizes. Any interview completed after supervisor synchronization will be reflected in reports only after the supervisor syncs again. In earlier versions of Survey Solutions, when the interviews were sent directly to the server, Headquarters’ reports were always up to date. In the current version, there is now some potential for reports to be stale. But frequent supervisor synchronization can help minimize this difference;
Supervisor tablets that accumulate completed interviews are the only storage of these interviews and must be especially protected from loss or damage, or else all the unsynchronized data will perish with them.
The Offline Supervision is major, new functionality that we are releasing, initially, as experimental. Over the next one to two development sprints, we plan to work on stabilizing and improving this functionality. During that period, we are seeking your feedback, and your help in identifying any issues with Offline Supervisor app. Before using this feature for an important survey survey, we ask that you carefully test its use, confirming that everything works correctly for your intended field protocol, survey equipment, and questionnaire. If you discover any issues, let us know.
Should users want to continue using the Survey Solutions’ online supervision mode– server-based Headquarters, server-based Supervisor, and tablet-based Interviewer–no additional actions are required. Survey Solutions will continue working the same as before this release.
Other changes
Interviewers and Supervisors may now review interviews in a flat, compact view. By clicking OVERVIEW, they can see a compact presentation of the interview. The purpose of the flat view representation both on tablets and on HQ is to offer to interviewers and supervisors an alternative and, for some users, more convenient way to review interviews. This feature was requested by Statistical Mauritius and other users.
interview__diagnostics file is a special service file, automatically produced with every data export, that contains useful information for assessing the quality of interviews: number of questions left unanswered, number of invalid answers, number of questions with comments, duration of the interview etc. This is especially useful for user-written monitoring systems that work alongside Survey Solutions and continually monitor the quality of incoming data by periodically exporting the data and building customized reports. Supervisors already had access to all the same information interactively through interview details and interview history pages. The interview statistics API endpoint has been updated to obtain the same information for API consumers. This feature was proposed by Andreas Kutka and other users.
Questionnaire variable field is a new mandatory field for questionnaires in Designer. Previously, the Questionnaire name field dictated the name of both the questionnaire and its main export file. Now, the questionnaires have two fields in Designer: the Questionnaire name field is a human-readable name that can contain any characters you wish, in any language, and can be rather large. The Questionnaire variable field is an identifier that will be utilized by Survey Solutions during export of the data for naming the main data file and should follow the same rules as applied to variable names and roster names. This makes the naming of files more rigid and independent of the language in which the questionnaire was designed. For questionnaires to be valid, both identification fields must be populated. That means that this field must be filled for new old questionnaires as well as newly created ones.
Questionnaires may now utilize text substitution in instructions.
Timestamps in paradata now reflect the local time on the clock of the device where an event was recorded. A new column ‘offset’ was added to reflect the time-zone difference of the device where the event was recorded compared to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
Set up an Interviewer tablet by scanning a barcode. Setting up the Interviewer App just got much easier. Previously, set-up required manually inputting three parameters: URL of the server, login of the interviewer, and the password of the interviewer, the first two of which are stored immutably after being entered. Now, Survey Solutions HQ displays a QR-code in the interviewer’s profile that can be scanned by the tablet to automate set-up. To do this, press the QR-code button during the initialization phase, and point the tablet camera at the screen displaying the QR-code or a print out of the QR-code. Server URL/IP and user login name will be prefilled. The password is never read or shown as a QR-code and still must be entered manually. This simplifies the entry of the configuration information, especially when it is an IP address and not a server name.
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+Version 18.10
The changes in this release were focused on improvements in the backend functionality, refactoring, and code optimization. These new features, while invisible to the end users, greatly improve scalability of Survey Solutions for the very large surveys and censuses, significantly reduce the size of the main database, reduce processing time in many core activities, and ultimately allow developing more efficient, higher quality code.
A lot of effort was dedicated to further improvements in the Offline Supervisor app. We encourage you to start intensive testing and using of the Offline Supervisor in your surveys. Please send us your feedback and reports on any issues you have encountered.
We also expanded and improved the set of low-level APIs to allow Survey Solutions to communicate more efficiently with external datasets. This work is done in preparation to the upcoming functionality of integrating Survey Solutions with external repositories.
Among other improvements:
Comments on questions can now be deleted
A variable name column is added to the questionnaire translation file to simplify search of lines to be translated
A new optional field full name added to the user registration. We plan to use this name (instead of username) as display name
+in our portal and the forum.
Harmonization of interview__id variable names in export files
Improvements in the interviewer path representation on the Interviewer profile page
Interviewer profile now shows the correct serial number that coinsides with the serial number printed on the tablet cover
Supervisor/Team filter is added to the Status Duration Report
New filter added on the Assignment page. Assignments could be filtered by: “All”, “Received by interviewer”, “Not received by interviewer”
Long text entered into the Text questions on tablets and on the web interviews is now wrapped into several line, thus making the content visible without scrolling.
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+Version 18.11
Version 18.11 is mostly technical, intermediate release that contains:
Small feature improvements and bug fixes
An additional level of encryption of the data stored on tablets.
The description of new functionality introduced in version 18.11 will be provided in the release note of the standard, scheduled release of version 18.12.
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+Version 18.12
Support for additional multimedia types in attachments: audio, video, and PDF documents
In addition to the images that can be inserted into the questionnaire, the questionnaire authors can now include audio, video and PDF documents as attachments. This opens up a possibility to include various samples of information for the respondent or provide video instructions on how certain actions need to be taken, for example operating complex measurement equipment. One obvious application for the PDF attachment is inclusion of the interviewer’s manual into the questionnaire so it is always a click away when it is needed to double check the definitions.
The media attachments are an integral part of the questionnaire and will be synchronized with it all together. If you need to change an attachment you do it in the Designer, which results in a new version of the questionnaire.
Be mindful of the size of the multimedia attachments. Each image is adding to the total size of the questionnaire, and videos may cause the questionnaire to become extremely large, meaning downloading them on the tablet will be slower and with unreliable communications more difficult. We recommend individual video attachments to be under 5MB in size, which is a reasonable size for about a 30 seconds video in 1280x720 size and MP4 format.
Users of older versions of Android operating system (prior to Android version 5.0) should either update their OS to 5.0 or download an external PDF viewer to be able to view the attached PDF files.
Default value for the date question
Normally when a date is asked in the date question, the calendar opens at the current date. When this is not desirable, a different default date may be specified. For example, if we know that many people in the survey have applied for benefits in a certain program right at the time when it was started a year ago, we can specify that date as the default. This will reduce the amount of scrolling in the calendar to reach the particular date.
Note that this value is a constant and is the same for all the respondents in the survey.
Note also that the “default” here should be interpreted as the “opening” date for the calendar input that appears. If the question is left unanswered, the value exported is still going to be a missing, and not the value you specify in the Designer.
Hiding all disabled questions
Each question in Survey Solutions has a flag which determines whether the question should be present on the screen in disabled state or removed completely when it is not applicable (disabled by the logic). While preferences may differ, if you are a fan of the latter, you may find it a tedious task to go through the questionnaire and make sure all the flags “hide if disabled” are set to achieve this behavior.
Now there is a global flag, an attribute of the questionnaire set in its settings, which controls what happens to the disabled questions. When this flag is set, it overrules individual questions’ settings and hides all disabled questions throughout the questionnaire. When the flag is not set, the individual flags are obeyed.
Heatmap overlay for map reports
A heatmap is a new way of presenting the concentration of observations in the map report at the Headquarters. The earlier presentation (remains available) is relying on clustering of points.
In the heatmap, the areas with higher concentration of observations are shown with more red color while the areas of lesser concentration are shown with more green color.
Note, that the heatmap fully preserves anonymity of the respondents. These maps could be used to show the progress of surveys without revealing the exact locations of the interviews.
Traffic usage
New charts are added to the interviewer profile reflecting the use of traffic to measure sent, received and total traffic. This is useful for the clients utilizing the mobile networks for synchronization and want to monitor the usage of traffic by their interviewers.
The traffic volume is estimated as total size of data transmitted regardless of the connection mode (WiFi, 3G, etc). The rounding, compression, and other factors on the side of the ISP may cause a difference between this estimate and actual data usage.
Client data encryption
Survey Solutions development team remains committed to providing our users with a secure and reliable solution for their survey data collection activities. Version 18.12 adds a new layer of defence against unauthorized data access: Now all the data stored in the tablet database will be additionally encrypted with a strong industry-standard algorithm for data encryption, which inhibits data access in case the tablet gets lost or stolen. The newly added defence is completely transparent for authenticated interviewers.
Besides the answers to all questions, the multimedia information (audio recordings, photographs) is also encrypted. In addition, the data stored by Survey Solutions on the tablet is saved to the private storage, which is protected by the Android OS from access of other applications.
The protection of the data during transmission is achieved by utilizing SSL secure layer for the servers where SSL-certificate is installed (all Survey Solutions personal demo servers requested from https://pds.mysurvey.solutions portal are secured using this mechanism). This protection remains effective and is unaffected by the recent changes.
Existing users that update their servers (either themselves on the local servers, or by our technicians for cloud-based servers) will benefit from the encryption automatically. During the update the existing data on the tablets will be encrypted with an automatically generated password (this may take a couple of minutes, be patient). No other actions are required on the side of the interviewers and their work is not affected by the encryption happening automatically.
We remind the users of Survey Solutions to never install the system on a rooted device. Rooted devices present security risk to the data stored on the tablet and possibly for the whole system. We further remind the users to upgrade the Android OS regularly to benefit from the patches and security updates released by the manufacturers. Continuous use of outdated operating system presents the risk for the data stored both on the tablet and on the server. At the time of this writing all Android versions prior to v7.0 are classified as ‘unsupported’.
The data stored in the server side database is not encrypted. Hence, the users hosting the local Survey Solutions data servers (synchronization points) should maintain the security in access to those servers.
Security specialists contracted for clearing the use of the software by the NSO should direct their inquiries directly to the support email: support@mysurvey.solutions. The particulars of the encryption implementation will not be publicly discussed or presented and may be reinforced in the future by switching to more secure algorithms.
Bugfixes and smaller changes
Optimization of the points clustering in the HQ map reports for large surveys with tens of thousands data points.
Enabling conditions are now shown for sections and sub-sections in the PDF preview.
Unification of the calculation of speed report between the HQ and the supervisor.
Harmonization of the exported data - variable and value labels added where they were missing, order of variables in the exported data changed, etc.
We plan to phase out support for Internet Explorer browser in the future releases of the Survey Solutions software. If you are currently relying on the Internet Explorer, prepare to move to Chrome, FireFox, or another modern browser.
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+Version 19.02
Hyperlinks to various parts of the questionnaire may be included into the texts of the questions or error messages. For example, when verifying the age variable we may issue an message
+Error! The entered age does not agree with the [date of birth](dob) entered earlier. Please check both answers!”
In this case the words ‘date of birth’ will be shown as a hyperlink offering to jump to the question with variable name dob.
This helps interviewers navigate through the questionnaire, especially when the validation check utilizes answers from different sections.
Read more about the hyperlinks in the following article.
Audio audit
Mechanism for recording the full interview(s) for select assignments. This feature uses the tablet’s microphone to record the interview without the interviewer’s knowledge, store recordings in audio files, and sync those files back to Headquarters for further review.
Searchable libraries of questions and answer options from which users may copy content. The question bank draws from questions in public questionnaires. The classifications library draws from a compilation by the International Household Survey Network.
Read more about the question bank here, and the classifications library here.
Plain-mode roster
A plain mode roster is a presentation of the roster without buttons leading to a deeper level, but rather showing all the roster questions repeated in the same scrollable area. This is especially convenient when there are only a handful of questions in the roster, such as price-quantity-unit for many items, and going behind the button and back is very time consuming for the interviewers. We designate the roster to be shown in plain mode simply by checking the corresponding checkbox in the Designer.
Read more about plain-mode presentation of rosters in the following article.
Dynamic roster limits
Dynamic limits on rosters replace the static limits checked at design time in the earlier versions permitting to create more flexible data structures.
Survey Solutions provides capabilities for building complex multilevel data structures and at the same time prevents these data structures from exploding uncontrollably. Earlier this has been done at design-time - when the questionnaire was checked during compilation, error
[WB0262]:Roster has reached size limit. Reduce roster size or decrease nesting.
was sometimes issued, when the structure may have resulted in a large (multiple thousands of) number of items. At design time the actual number of elements was not known, so the Survey Solutions applied the pessimistic strategy of taking maximum values for each trigger. This worked, but resulted in some seemingly valid designs to be banned, notably listing questionnaires where in an enumeration area there could be a large number of small dwellings or a small number of large houses, but never a large number of large houses. The pessimistic strategy deemed that possible.
In the new version this check is now applied at run-time during the data entry, and when an attempt is made to overshoot this limit, the corresponding error message is issued to the enumerator and the change in the trigger question is declined. The limit on the total number of items remains the same, but rather the check is moved from inspecting the blank form to the real data being entered by the interviewer. Notably, every questionnaire that compiled in the earlier versions (before this change) will also compile in the new version (after the change), but now you will see more questionnaires compiling and the interviewers should be properly informed/trained as to how to react to this error message.
Read more about dynamic roster limits in the following article.
Section functions
New functions inspecting the completeness of sections have been introduced in the syntax, which return the the number of answered, unanswered and total number of questions in a section:
The sections and subsections are now also given (optional) variable names.
For example, to enable section employment only when the section demogr has been fully answered, we can write its enabling condition as:
Read more about the section functions in the following article.
Improved reporting for multi version questionnaires
Reports presented at the Survey Solutions Headquarters are revised to display summaries for the surveys as a whole, with possible break down by versions. This is convenient in case the version revision was technical and the HQ users are interested in the overall progress of the survey, regardless which revision has been applied.
For example, the Surveys and Statuses report may present the surveys you are running, such as LFS, LSMS, price survey, etc. with counts of interviews in each status for every one of these surveys. Clicking on the name of the survey will show the corresponding report only for selected survey, but with break down by versions of the questionnaire.
Requiring updates
Admin user may select to always enforce the current version of the Interviewer App or allow the interviewers to remain on an older version.
Some interviewers are reluctant to update the Interviewer App, which causes a chaos in supporting the various versions of the software. The new option allows to enforce updates of the Interviewer App and is available to the administrator user in the server settings. When the checkbox is set, only the current version of the Interviewer App is permitted to synchronize with the server, when it is not set, older versions are tolerated. This option is on by default and reflects our recommendation and best practice.
Other changes
new page for creating interview: when an interview is created from an assignment, interviewer will be taken to a page indicating the status of this operation;
removed some titles from the interviewer’s UI;
added possibility to unshare the questionnaire shared in read-only mode;
comments in the Designer are now available only to users with questionnaire edit permissions;
harmonization of reports’ appearance: titles, descriptions, versions display.
improvements and additions to the Chinese translations.
(!) We also would like to inform you that we plan to phase out compatibility of Survey solutions with older versions of Android OS, prior to version 5.0, over the next several months. Please keep this in mind while purchasing tablets for your upcoming surveys.
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+Version 19.04
Survey Solutions v19.04 brings a number of notable improvements and changes to the
+CAWI mode that can simplify how large CAWI and mixed mode surveys are administered.
Web-assignments – the assignments are extended to hold the respondent’s email
+and access password;
Survey Solutions will interact with one of the several bulk email service
+providers to send invitations via email directly to the respondents;
A system of reminders will notify the respondents that they haven’t started or
+haven’t finished their web interviews.
Access to the web interviews is now password protected (optionally) providing
+additional confidentiality protection to the respondent’s answers.
The Survey Setup page indicates which surveys are currently accepting web responses.
As before a survey may accept responses from the internet (CAWI) and from the
+tablets (CAPI) with aggregation into a single export data file.
As before you can create a landing page where all respondents will start
+interviews and interviews may be finished in several sessions.
Multiselect combobox.
Multiselect combobox is new compact representation of the multiselect question. It
+is most useful when the items are numerous (max 200) and lengthy and inconvenient
+to navigate. For example, the list of political parties, agricultural crops, or
+other similar items.
The selection is done with the help of a combobox control. The interviewer first
+searches for a category, then posts it to the multiselect question. Each category
+may be added only once to the selection and will not appear in the search results
+if it is already posted as a selection. The syntax of expressions and export format
+is exactly the same as for a regular multiselect question (with checkboxes).
Cascading with list of categories.
Cascading selection is a useful questionnaire element, which allows selecting an
+answer category from a large number of choices in a sequence of refinements,
+selecting from a smaller number of alternatives. It is typically used for selection
+of an occupation, industry, or another similar selection.
Prior to this release, elements of cascading selection were presented as combobox
+questions, which required the interviewer to start typing the selection before being
+able to pick it from the list. Now the selection can be made directly from the list,
+provided that the list of categories is no more than specified by the designer of the
+questionnaire (max 50). If the number of choices happens to be more than the
+specified threshold, the control automatically falls back to the old behavior and is
+presented as a combobox.
In other words, the new representation of the cascading question shows lists of items
+at each level of cascading as a series of single choice questions.
New behavior allows more streamlined and intuitive input, especially for the cases
+where the choices at every step are few, such as moving from 1-digit to 2-digit to
+3-digit to 4-digit industry classifications, with a choice from no more than 10
+alternatives at every step of the cascade.
Other notable changes
In exported data files the date and time will be written exactly as the interviewer
+has seen it when the timestamp question was answered. This has been frequently
+requested as more intuitive format, rather than the earlier export with adjustment
+into a single time zone.
In exported data files the numbering of items in rosters triggered by numeric
+questions is starting from zero. For example, if you have a roster employees
+triggered by a numeric question NumEmployees, it will contain a numeric
+employees__id variable with the values 0,1,2,… This is consistent with how
+Survey Solutions was recording this information for a long time, though recent
+versions started numbering with 1 for such cases. We have restored the original
+behavior. The linked questions will contain exactly the ID value of the selected
+item, regardless what the base for numbering is.
The status duration report is now available to the supervisors, not just the
+HQ users.
Some of the Designer compilation error messages are now more verbose about the
+exact limit and the current value, for example the estimation of total number of
+roster items in the questionnaire.
Thanks to our Uruguayan user Ms. Alicia Ortiz Perez we’ve managed to improve the
+reliability of the data export procedures in cases of local server installations
+with certain regional settings. Thank you for providing the helpful inputs into
+this investigation!
(!) Version 19.04 is the last version of Survey Solutions that will be
+compatible with Android OS prior to version 5.0.
Please keep this in mind when planning new surveys and when purchasing tablets
+for your upcoming surveys.
Current users should either update their devices to OS Android 5.0 or migrate
+their Interviewer App installations to the new devices with Android 5.0+.
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+Version 19.05
Version 19.05 is mostly technical, intermediate release that contains:
Small feature improvements and bug fixes
The description of new functionality introduced in version 19.05 will be provided in the release note of the standard, scheduled release of version 19.06.
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+Version 19.06
Some rosters may be presented in grid form in web interviews (also if the interviewer
+is using web-interviewer by logging in to the server through the web site, but not
+on the tablet).
The rosters that can be presented in such a form are [for the moment] limited to
+only the numeric and text question types, with up to the 10 questions, but we intend
+to improve and extend this functionality to other types of questions and design
Read more about tabular presentation of rosters in
+this article.
Notifications for the interviewers
The Survey Solutions Interviewer App will now show notifications to the interviewers
+reminding them on some of the actions recommended at this time. For example, if the
+interviewer has not synchronized for several days with the server, or if she has not
+acted on a rejected interview.
Some of the notifications are displayed in the Android notifications area, while
+others are displayed within the application.
The administrator of the server can turn on/off the notifications for all the
+interviewers centrally from the server settings.
Read more about interviewers’ notifications in
+this article.
Improvements to cascading questions
From this version onwards the cascading questions are now:
Available for the supervisor’s scope (previously limited only to the interviewer’s scope).
+This will allow the supervisors to also take benefit of progressive multi-step selections in
+large classifications, such as selecting an occupation or an administrative unit.
Permit validations at all the levels of cascade (for example, you can construct a
+questionnaire which would indicate an error or a warning as soon as the branch of occupations
+‘professional’ is selected for the people who are having lowest level of education).
Other changes and improvements
Keyword ‘self’ may now be used in the substitutions in error messages simplifying
+the reference to the current value. For example, the error message could be:
+“Error! The entered value for age %self% is too large!”, which may appear for a
+particular value as “Error! The entered value for age 195 is too large!”.
You can transfer the ownership of a questionnaire that you’ve designed to another
+user, which may be useful in cases when this is your deliverable, or if you are
+leaving the project and want another user to continue maintaining and developing
+the questionnaire.
Collaborators in the Designer are now presented in the following order: owner
+of the questionnaire is listed first, then all the other collaborators in the
+alphabetical order of their emails.
During the export of binary data to a cloud storage the user will be notified
+if there is not enough storage in the destination.
At headquarters an indicator has been added to the assignments page to reflect
+whether the assignment has been already received by the interviewer (similar to
+the same indicator for the rejected interviews).
Questions linked to text lists or to non-nested options are exported in
+numeric-type columns, rather than string-type columns with numeric content.
+(already present in version 19.05). Some variables have changed their types in the
+system generated files. These changes (earlier announced) are highlighted in
+this article.
(!) Version 19.04 was the last version of Survey Solutions compatible
+with Android OS prior to version 5.0.
If you haven’t upgraded the tablets to OS Android 5.0 yet, upgrade without further delay.
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+Version 19.07
The list of interviewers presented at the server for the Headquarters and
+Supervisors will now contain the full name of the interviewers alongside
+their login names.
For interviewers whose account is locked, a padlock icon will be displayed
+next to their account name as a reminder for their supervising staff that
+the user is blocked from communicating with the server.
The administrator of the server may decide whether to allow or disallow
+the interviewers to update/modify their profile information. If permitted,
+interviewers may enter, change, or remove their contact information:
+email, phone, and full name. If not permitted, the changes will be permitted
+for the supervisors/HQ users only.
Improvements to presentation of the table rosters
table rosters (present in web mode only) will display the roster title,
+which was previously omitted (requested by the NSSO team);
table rosters will indicate the question has an instruction with a blue
+marker on the column header. The instruction will be displayed when the
+mouse cursor hovers on top of it.
Controlling audio recording
Audio recording can now be controlled at assignment creation in both
+single and batch mode:
for single assignment creation: the checkbox is available, which must
+be set or left blank by the HQ user creating the assignment. The default
+setting is OFF (regardless of the current survey audio audit setting!).
for batch assignment creation: a new variable _record_audio may be
+specified in the preloaded assignments files, which may specify for every
+assignment values: 1 if the recording should be done, 0 should not be
+done, or left blank to inherit the value from the setting currently
+specified for this survey.
Changes to export
export screen now visualizes the queue of data export requests, showing
+which results are available to be picked up, and which are still waiting
+in queue for processing, and which push-to-cloud requests are currently
+being performed.
the structure of folders in the cloud storage has changed to facilitate
+accumulation of data from multiple servers in the same cloud storage and
+to allow export of multiple main data files (in different formats or statuses)
+in addition to the binary data files.
Other/miscelleneous changes
Interviewers will see the UPDATE button at the end of synchronization of
+their tablets if a new version of the Interviewer App is available and may
+be installed.
A comment may be specified by the HQ/Supervisor user when approving or
+rejecting multiple interviews. In this case the same comment is attached
+to each interview that will be affected by the operation.
Minimal requirements updated
Android 5.0 or higher is required for all Android-based Survey Solutions
+components (interviewer, supervisor and tester apps). If the Tester App
+does not appear in your search results when you are searching for it in the
+Google Play, then it is likely your device has an older version of Android,
+please, update or use a different device.
Microsoft .Net 4.8 is now required for the standalone server installation.
+If the installer can’t download the corresponding .Net version automatically,
+you may need to download and install it manually prior to installing or
+updating Survey Solutions.
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+Version 19.08
Survey Solutions v19.08 adds the following useful features:
Comments may be resolved by Supervisors and Headquarters users.
Headquarters users may respond to Supervisors questions.
Detailed user action log can be accessed via API;
Export improvements.
Comments may be resolved by Supervisors and Headquarters users.
A comment may be left for a particular question by an interviewer, or a member of the
+supervising team (supervisor or an HQ user). The comment usually describes a point of
+attention or requesting a correction to be made. And when the comment is addressed,
+it is important to mark it as such.
Whenever a comment is present, a supervisor or an HQ user may mark it as resolved by
+clicking the *RESOLVE* button:
Resolving the comment does not erase it completely, but hides it from the screen behind
+the *SHOW RESOLVED* button.
Headquarters users may respond to Supervisors questions.
Headquarters users could approve the interviews without waiting for the supervisor decisions.
+Yet the involvement of the supervisors was necessary in surveys where supervisors questions
+were included, as the HQ-users didn’t have a possibility to fill out those questions.
This limitation has been overcome in v19.08 and the HQ-users can now respond to the supervisor
+questions before approving the interview. This allows creating flatter hierarchies in small
+surveys, where all the supervisory work is done by the HQ users without the necessity to man
+the supervisor position.
Detailed user action log can be accessed via API.
The detailed actions log is useful for monitoring the activity of the users, such as when they
+synchronize and whether they started working on an assignment.
This log was previously only available interactively at the HQ. Now, in v19.08 a new API query
+has been added to permit a download of such a log (for a particular interviewer) from an
+external API client.
It remains the responsibility of such an API client to parse out the events it is interested
+in from such a log of time stamped messages.
Improvements in Export
Improvements in exporting of the data include the more natural behavior of the selectors at
+the export page, as requested by macuata and other users.
Another change fixes a bug where if survey includes more than one version, exporting all of
+them into a cloud storage overwrote them retaining only the last one, as described by andresarau and others.
Now all of them will be exported with a suffix indicating a version, so that they can be
+placed in the same cloud storage.
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+Version 19.10
Survey Solutions v19.10 adds the following useful features:
Assignments history and details page;
Assignment comments;
Headquarters users may be responsible for assignments;
Closing assignments;
Multiselect combobox allows for large number of selections;
Testing scenarios.
Assignments history and details page.
Survey Solutions has a strong interviews tracking system, which logs the circulation
+of the interviews during the data collection and approval process. This has not been
+previously covering the assignments. Now, the assignments are also covered.
By clicking on the assignment number in the assignments list one gets to the
+assignment details page. The page contains two kinds of information:
Historical report on the creation and circulation of the assignment;
Detailed assignment information showing the currently effective properties of the assignment.
A new system-generated file is available with every export of the data:
+assignment__actions, which tracks the changes made to assignments.
+Read more on the format of this file in the
+following article.
Assignment comments
A commentary can be left by a person creating an assignment or making a reassignment.
+This commentary will be visible to an interviewer when he/she receives the assignment.
+For example: Finish this assignment before Friday!
Only the last comment is shown to the interviewer at the assignments page (create new).
Headquarters users may be responsible for assignments
Headquarters users may now be made responsible for assignments. This is helpful when
+the sample file needs to be loaded to the headquarters at the time when the workforce
+has not yet been finalized and it is not clear who will be responsible for which area,
+how many teams/persons will be involved, and other dimensions of the operation plan.
+In that case all of the assignments can be made for a headquarters user, who can later
+redistribute them to supervisors and interviewers.
Other headquarters users do see all of the assignments and can take away or reassign
+assignments made to another headquarters users.
Note that administrator user may not be made responsible for assignments (though
+he/she may make assignments to other headquarters users).
Closing assignments
A new action has been added for assignments: to close an assignment. For assignments
+requesting multiple interviews (including infinite) a closing action means resetting
+the quantity to the amount of the currently delivered interviews. This is a shortcut
+for a manual change of assignment size to the corresponding number, and it can be
+undertaken on multiple assignments at a time.
This action is only applicable to active assignments and not applicable to archived
Multiselect combobox allows for large number of selections
A multiselect categorical question has long been restricted to 200 options. This made
+sense in the situations where all options were visible on the screen, but was not
+suitable for some survey situations, when the number of potential choices is large.
+The introduction of a combobox version of the multiselect question in version 19.04
+earlier this year has opened a way to extend the multiselect question to a larger
+number of categories, since they don’t have to be all shown to the interviewers.
The typical use of this kind of question is most suitable for, e.g. agricultural
+surveys, where question like “What crops do you grow on this plot?” are common,
+and imply a large number of possible option categories, yet, typically only a
+handful of selections.
A multiselect question with large number of categories may still trigger a roster,
+such as to inquire about details of every crop that is being cultivated in the above
The number of positive selections is still
+limited to 200
+(but can be further restricted to a lower number, as in any multiselect categorical
Note also, that with a multiselect question asked in a combobox format, the exported
+data will not be a set of dummies (as for e.g. checkbox version), but a number of
+variables recording option codes (for first selection, second selection, and so on).
Testing scenarios
Testing scenarios is a major new feature that we are releasing and plan to continue
+developing further in the future.
Testing scenarios are recordings of the interviewer input that can be applied to an
+evolving version of the questionnaire to simplify, speed up and standardize testing.
Testing scenarios are created in the Survey Solutions Tester (Web Tester or the
+Tester App) and are saved at the Designer site.
Testing questionnaires is time consuming, especially for large and complex ones,
+with lots of skips or possible filters for options, validations, etc.
Scenarios simplify the testing of the questionnaires, especially large ones, where
+some minimal input is required before the tester can even reach a certain point in
+the questionnaire. By recording e.g. different family configurations (large, small,
+with or without children, etc) it becomes more straightforward to test large and
+complex questionnaires.
Scenarios have some limitations, such as binary data or the interview-specific
+random value may not be stored in a scenario.
Read more about testing scenarios in
+this article.
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+Version 19.11
Original release notes from Nov-12, 2019 were expanded/revised on Nov-19, 2019.
Survey Solutions v19.11 adds the following useful features:
Questionnaire details page at the Headquarters;
Data export archive now contains more information;
Revision comments in the Designer;
Questionnaire import comment at Headquarters;
Revision review in the Designer;
Device logs;
Multiple web interviews may be started from the same assignment link.
Questionnaire details page at the Headquarters
The questionnaire details page contains a summary of the selected questionnaire
+design and current setup parameters and allows to view the PDF version of the
+questionnaire or find the exact revision in the Designer, which was used during
The questionnaire details page is described in the following article.
Data export archive now contains more information
All (main survey) data export files will now contain a folder called PDF where
+the PDF preview of the questionnaire (in all available translations) is
+placed. The export__readme.txt file now has a link back to the Designer
+indicating, which questionnaire was used for data collection.
Revision comments in the Designer
Any revision of the questionnaire may be commented in the History page to provide
+a meaningful description of the purpose of the change or a group of multiple
+changes/edits. For example, the explanatory comment could be
+“This revision was tested and passed all 5 testing scenarios and is approved
+by the board of directors” or “Substituted ICD9 to ICD10 codes”. This is
+especially useful during collaboration when you need to inform the fellow
+editors that a certain milestone has been reached.
Questionnaire import comment at Headquarters
When any questionnaire is imported to a data server (Headquarters), whether local
+or cloud-based, the user performing the import will have an opportunity to leave
+a descriptive comment. This simplifies later finding which specific revisions of
+the questionnaire were used for data collection. This comment is shown in the
+Headquarters (see questionnaire details page) and in the questionnaire history
+page in the Designer where every questionnaire import is also registered as a
+separate event.
Revision review in the Designer
Earlier revisions of the questionnaires may now be inspected and tested without
+reverting the changes. The ACTION menu in the questionnaire history page allows
+opening earlier revisions in view mode, or extracting a particular revision as
+a separate questionnaire.
+Read more here
You can also generate a PDF preview of an earlier revision (‘GENERATE PDF’
+button is available in the revision view).
Device logs
Device logs are helpful technical log files, which are useful for
+troubleshooting of the Interviewer App. Any interviewer experiencing problems
+(e.g. crashes of the Interviewer App) may submit the device logs through the
+‘Diagnostics/Send device logs’ menu.
Only the server administrator may access device logs submitted by interviewers.
The ‘Device logs’ are different from
+‘Diagnostics/Collect and send to HQ all tablet information’, which actually
+contains interview data stored on the tablet (in an encrypted form). Device
+logs will contain the recording of the interviewer actions and any
+errors/crashes that the program had (possibly over multiple days). Usually the
+administrator will need to forward this information to the Survey Solutions
+developers as there is little that he/she can do with the errors at this level.
+The device logs are text files packed in a zip archive, and can be inspected
+for privacy/confidentiality before being submitted to the developers.
Multiple web interviews may be started from the same assignment link.
Earlier versions of Survey Solutions allowed one user to submit one interview
+from an anonymous assignment link. On the second attempt, either the same
+interview was opening for continuation (if was not completed yet) or a
+notification message was issued indicating that the interview was already
+completed and no further interviews will be accepted.
This caused inconvenience to some users. For example, during testing you’d
+want to submit multiple interviews following different scenarios, and a
+single link would have been a convenience. Furthermore, some surveys may
+actually require multiple submissions and again, publishing a single link
+accessible to all respondents is a convenience.
The new behavior is thus: if the interview hasn’t been finished by the
+respondent, it will be reopened and the user will continue filling it up.
+Yet, if an interview was already completed, the user will be presented with
+a possibility to submit another (new) interview based on the same assignment.
Importantly, note that both the old and new behavior recognize the user by a
+cookie file stored on the user machine, so reopening the link from a
+different device or from the same device in a different browser, or within
+the same browser but in private mode will not result in a continuation of an
+edit session, but in the creation of a new interview.
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+Version 20.01
Survey Solutions v20.01 adds the following useful features:
Matrix presentation of categorical questions in CAWI surveys;
Reusable categories in multiple categorical questions.
Matrix presentation of categorical questions (CAWI)
Single-select and multi-select categorical questions may now be presented in
+a more compact form suitable for ranking/matrix questions in CAWI mode.
To create this structure the designer should place one (and only one) question
+into a roster. The categories of this question will determine the columns of
+the matrix (‘Poor’…‘Very good’ in the above illustration), while the
+roster items will determine the rows. Finally the roster mode should be set to
+Matrix. We’ve added this mode to existing Sub-Section, Flat, and
+Table modes for the presentation of the roster.
Despite the shown matrix appearance on the screen, the structure remains a
+roster with a categorical question in it for the purposes of the syntax writing
+(e.g. EXPERIENCE[3].Satisfaction) and data export (data collected in this
+way will end up in a separate file).
Number of rows may be fixed (use fixed roster) or be triggered by another question
+in the questionnaire, for example numeric, multiselect or a text-list. The
+question in the roster may also be a multiselect:
The matrix presentation of the roster is available only in the CAWI mode. In the
+CAPI mode such a roster will be presented as a roster with sub-sections.
Reusable categories
This release has brought a long awaited feature of reusable categories: a
+questionnaire designer may now define a set of categories and use them multiple
+times across the questionnaire in different single-select and multi-select questions.
+For example, the same list of all countries in the world could be reused for
+questions “Which countries have you visited?”, “Which country did you visit last?”,
+“Which country do you plan to go next?”.
There are numerous advantages of this approach:
Categories are defined once, subsequent reuse is faster for the designer;
Any changes in the list immediately affect all questions where these categories are used;
The questionnaire becomes more compact (in terms of its size);
There is less work for the translator as the translation needs to be supplied only once;
To define reusable categories:
click the corresponding icon
+on the toolbar,
upload the file with categories (Excel and tab-delimited file formats are supported),
assign a name to the set of the categories.
After this you can select this named set in the single-select and multi-select questions
+of the questionnaire.
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+Version 20.03
Survey Solutions v20.03 adds the following useful features:
Changes to GPS question behavior
Recorded coordinates are rendered as a clickable link, which when clicked, opens a Google-map centered at the recorded location.
Rendering of the map preview on the tablet requires Google-services to be installed on the tablet.
Changes to audio audit option.
The option to activate the Audio Audit has now been moved from the questionnaire context menu to the questionnaire details page.
Changes to assignments upload dialog
Assignments are created sequentially, one at a time. If multiple HQ users attempt to upload their samples at the same time, the first one will succeed, but the second will need to wait the first upload to finish. Survey Solutions will display the corresponding informational message, indicating which other user has started the upload and the estimated time remaining until finish:
Changes to questionnaire import dialog
Importing a questionnaire is not instantaneous, especially in the case where the questionnaire contains multiple language translations that need to be rendered as separate PDF documents. The dialog displayed during importing the questionnaire will now show the progress of the import operation and estimated time to complete it.
API Changes
A new API query is now available to create users. The API documentation has also been reformatted and refined.
Designer can copy questions with reusable categories
Designers of questionnaires can now copy questions with reusable categories from one questionnaire to another. If the questionnaire doesn’t have the same matching categories, they will also be copied from the source questionnaire.
Local server password policies
Survey Solutions will obey password policies set up in the appsettings.production.ini file of the standalone data server. The administrator of the standalone server may adjust these policies to differ from the default requirements (for example to require passwords to be longer, or utilize certain types of characters). All Survey Solutions cloud servers (new and existing) continue using the same password policies.
Local server metrics
A public metrics page is introduced for every standalone server: www.YOURSERVERNAME.com/metrics.
+This page publishes various statuses and performance indicators of the server.
+The data is published in the prometheus format.
Old system log is no longer available
We kept the old format of the system log for compatibility in a few recent versions. It is now completely superseded by the log in the new format:
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+Version 20.04
Survey Solutions v20.04 adds the following useful features:
Non-exportable variables
Calculated variables are used extensively in Survey Solutions questionnaires for complex checks, skips, and other uses. They were always exported with the answers to the questions in the final dataset. This version allows the designer of the questionnaire to mark certain variables as non-exportable. Such variables are considered temporary, needed only during the interview execution, and not exported with the survey data.
Filter in categorical questions linked to a list
Linked-to-list questions were earlier not allowed to have filters. This is now permitted. This is commonly needed when we need to do double screening, such as “Who is employed?” and then from the selected individuals only answer “Who has more than one job?”. Earlier this was possible only if there was a roster triggered by the members list, now such roster is no longer a requirement.
Customization of labels on the roster buttons
The author of the questionnaire can now customize the appearance of the titles on the roster buttons, when the newly added checkbox is checked.
For example, the above setup will display “Max Musterman, 45” instead of just “Max Musterman”.
Do not require text
For static texts mentioning attachments (pictures) there is no longer requirement to include some descriptive text. This is convenient for inclusion of logos and other uses where no explanatory text is needed.
GPS pick from map
In the assignment creation dialog the headquarters user can now specify the value of the identifying GPS question by pointing to a particular location on the map.
Export v2 API
The export API has been changed. The initial post request to generate the export data file now returns a numeric JobID, which must be used in all subsequent requests related to that export job (including obtaining the status of a job and picking the resulting export file) instead of the original combination of the export parameters.
The new API is accessed through the v2 prefix. The old procedure for data export (accessible via the v1 prefix) continues to work, but will be phased out in the future releases. If you are using API for data export, update your code at the soonest.
Export format changes
The system-generated file assignment__actions now contains information on all assignments. In earlier versions it contained only information on assignments that originated the interviews included in the particular export file.
This should help in building dashboards, analysis of survey progress and pending workloads.
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+Version 20.05
Survey Solutions v20.05 adds the following useful features:
Partial synchronization of interviews.
Two-factor authentication (2FA).
Filtering of interviews by identifying fields.
Split of the HQ list of interviews into processed and in-progress
Other changes.
Partial synchronization of interviews.
Earlier versions of Survey Solutions were sending only completed
+interviews from the tablet to the server. A number of our users
+have described partial synchronization of the interviews as
+extremely important for their surveys. Partial synchronization
+allows sending the information from the tablet to the server,
+while keeping the interview data on the tablet. This has numerous
+advantages, among which:
Increased reliability: if the tablet is lost or damaged, the
+server will contain the last state of the interview when it was
+synchronized, and the interviewer will be able to resume from that
+state on a different device;
Better interaction with the supervisor, who can now start
+reviewing (and commenting) the beginning of the interview even
+before it is fully realized.
But partial synchronization comes at a cost of higher traffic,
+which may or may not be desirable. Hence the partial synchronization
+is an opt-in. Whether to enable partial synchronization is up to
+the administrator of the server, who can enable it in the server’s
Two-factor authentication (2FA)
Two-factor authentication enhances security of the system by
+requiring an additional method of confirming the identity of
+the user. Compared to simple password-based systems, this
+method relies on confirmation on two channels:
Something the user knows (password);
Something the user has (security token).
The security token is typically implemented as a software
+running on the user’s phone with a wide range of
+implementations for various platforms (Android, iOS, Windows,
+Windows Mobile, etc).
Any user of Survey Solutions server can now enable the
+two-factor authentication for his (her) account in the account
Read more about how to set up and use the two factor
+authentication in
+this article.
Filtering interviews by identifying questions
The list of interviews can contain many thousands of interviews
+in the large surveys. Locating specific interviews may be
+overwhelming. That’s why we have introduced the filter for
+interviews based on the identifying questions (defined by the
To use the filters, first select the questionnaire and version
+(since the questions may differ in different questionnaires),
+then click Questions selector button and select the questions
+you want to be part of the filter and confirm your selection
+with OK button. Then specify the values you want to be used
+to filter the interviews, for example, only interviews from a
+particular enumeration area, state, or phone number.
Split of the HQ list of interviews into processed and in-progress
Large surveys may run for years and involve conducting millions
+of interviews. Usually, once they are approved by the Headquarters
+users, that’s the terminal state and no further actions are needed.
+The new feature allows to de-clutter the HQ-users’ workspace. By
+default now the HQ-user sees the list of the interviews that are
+not approved by the HQ yet (in all other statuses). This will
+allow them to focus on the tasks that are still in the progress.
+If necessary, all interviews may be seen at the same time by
+switching the corresponding filter setting.
Other changes:
The list of the interviews is now reformatted to use the space
+within the columns more efficiently, variable labels of identifying
+questions are used instead of question texts where provided, and
+the column width is automatically adjusted to accommodate more
+content when multiple identifying questions are defined in the
Interviews that are approved by the Headquarters users are no
+longer displayed in the list of the interviews with default
+settings as they need no further processing.
Tablets running earlier versions of the interviewer app may send
+an interview to the updated server (to 20.5) without an update, but
+will require an update when receiving rejected interviews. This is
Sections in disabled state were previously always hidden. Now
+they will obey their individual hide-if-disabled flag. Check
+your earlier designed questionnaires to verify their behavior.
Assignments are sorted on the tablets in the natural order of
+their identifying fields: first by the first identifying fields,
+then (if there are ties) by the second identifying field, and so on.
+This should simplify locating assignments in the dashboard that are
+targeting respondents in the same or near-by areas.
When assignments being preloaded contain a GPS question that has
+values for latitude and longitude specified will also preload the
+GPS acquisition date with a default value.
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+Version 20.06
Release 20.06 of Survey Solutions adds the following new features:
Selection of language for export;
Possibility to reject interview to a different user;
Increased Limit for dimenstions of lookup tables;
Introduced new Maps API;
Temporary Web Interviews
Selection of language for export
Survey Solutions allows data collection in multiple languages if the designer of
+the questionnaire has included translations for questions, options, and other
+localizable questionnaire elements. Up to this version the export of data was
+possible only in the main language, which was not optimal for international teams
+collaborating on surveys. Now the export may be produced in any language included
+as a translation to the questionnaire. The corresponding language selector will
+appear at the export page if the selected questionnaire contains any translations
+in addition to the default language.
This feature was requested multiple times in our users’ forum
+as well as in numerous requests sent to the support email.
You will also find that you can now rename the original language from the fixed
+word ‘Original’ to any title that better describes the language.
Reject interview to a different user
In the previous versions if an interview needed to be rejected to a different user
+the supervisor had to do two actions: first reject the interview, then re-assign
+to another interviewer. In the new version this can be done as a single reject-to
This is not just a convenience feature. This has important data integrity
+consequences. In the older versions if the original interviewer managed to
+synchronize between the two actions, he was getting the rejected interview, and
+so did the new interviewer. This resulted in unwanted duplicates if the
+supervisors were not paying attention. In this new version the rejection and
+re-assignment is done as a single atomic action, so that the original interviewer
+doesn’t stand a chance to collect the interview back on rejection (clearly, the
+supervisor can still reject to the original interviewer if she wishes to do so).
Limit for lookup tables has been increased
Lookup tables had a limit of 5,000 rows which was shorter than the maximum number
+of items in the categorical questions (15,000). This resulted in the need to break
+down conditions to seek values in 2 or 3 lookup tables, possible, but inconvenient
+for writing conditions and maintaining the tables.
The new limit on the number of rows for the lookup tables (15,000) allows to
+accommodate the values necessary for validation of the categorical questions
+without the need to break them among multiple tables.
Maps API
A new API has been added to manipulate the maps assignments at the server. The
+following endpoints are added:
Get information about the currently loaded maps;
Get information about the currently made maps assignments;
Assign maps to interviewers;
Un-assign maps to interviewers;
Delete maps.
These queries are implemented through the graphql API functionality. See the full
+graphql schema at: https://demo.mysurvey.solutions/graphql/schema or the
+corresponding page at your server.
Note also that all these queries must be executed as POST-type queries.
Temporary web interviews
As an efficiency mechanism, the new version of Survey Solutions will create web
+interviews as temporary interviews until the first answer to a question is given
+by the user. This will reduce the number of started interviews, which contain
+absolutely no user input. As soon as the user provides any input (such as answers
+a question, or writes a comment) the interview is getting placed into the list of
+the interviews. But if the user leaves the page without entering any information,
+the interview is disposed of.
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+Version 20.07
Release 20.07 of Survey Solutions adds the following new features:
Map dashboard;
Dedicated cover page;
Reopen at last point;
Do not allow web interviews to Supervisor;
Server administration diagnostics;
Other changes and improvements.
Map dashboard
The map dashboard is placing markers corresponding to geo-coded assignments (diamonds) and interviews (circles) on the map (which could be an online map, or a pre-loaded offline map).
+The interviewers have a possibility:
to start, continue, edit or reopen interviews from the map interface if they find it more intuitive than from the original dashboard;
evaluate the completeness of coverage for a certain block or area.
+decide what is the closest next destination where an interview must take place.
Assignments and interviews can be shown separately or together, and the map dashboard can be restricted to one survey or all surveys.
The detail can be read in a separate article dedicated to the map dashboard.
Special section: cover page
It is expected that any real survey will have one or more questions that help (interviewers) locate the respondents and help (supervisors) to distinguish between different interviews.
A dedicated cover section is now always generated for every questionnaire created in Survey Solutions Designer. All questions placed to the cover page are automatically designated as identifying.
Absence of identifying questions (empty cover page) is a common questionnaire design mistake.
Interviews which were started, but not completed and are reopened for continuation will open at the last answered question. If the interviewer has been in one of the service sections: ‘cover’ or ‘complete’. This will simplify the work of the interviewers since they can continue the interviewer from where they left it.
Improvements to web interviews
Web interviews may be started only when they are assigned to an interviewer. This rule has caused a lot of confusion among the users (as evidenced by the number questions that came to the forum and support regarding this issue).
The new version will give notable warnings to minimize the chances of interviews being assigned to a person other than an interviewer, for web interviews.
At creation of an assignment - the message is blocking, meaning that a web-assignment will not be created with initial responsible different from interviewer:
If subsequently the same assignment is being re-assigned a corresponding message is issued to the user performing the reassignment:
The operation may still be performed at the responsibility of the user performing the action.
Server administration diagnostics
A new menu item has been added for the Survey Solutions server administrators: menu → administration → diagnostics, which brings a panel similar to shown here:
This page shows two kinds of information:
left side shows diagnostics related to server configuration, whether the settings are set up correctly and the different components are able to talk to each other;
right side shows various metrics of the server performance, such as the CPU load, memory usage, number of concurrent queries, or the database footprint.
Server administrators are requested to inspect the indications of this panel for common problems before bringing them up to the support.
Other changes
Cascading question can now be used in a cover section, (meaning it can function as identifying);
Every questionnaire shall contain at least 1 section other than the cover section and at least one non-identifying question.
Identifying question must have variable labels specified.
One can no longer directly specify a question’s scope as identifying - all identifying questions are designated as such when they are placed into the cover page section.
Server administrator can now download the server audit log as a single file in CSV, TAB, or XLSX format.
The API endpoint for creating the assingments now supports all the same question types as preloading throught the interface (file upload).
The time-axis of the cumulative chart report used to show duplicate labels under some conditions - this has been fixed.
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+Version 20.08
Release 20.08 of Survey Solutions adds the following new features:
Flexible images;
Integrated export service in installation;
Date received on the tablet for assignments and interviews;
Other changes.
Flexible Images
Images included in static texts used to be only fixed. Now a single static text element can display different images depending on the situation in the interview.
To utilize flexible images we reference a selector variable (a string variable) rather than attachment name directly. This variable may utilize answers to any questions or other variables in the questionnaire in its expression. If the string variable evaluates to the name of an attachment, that attachment will be displayed in the static text, otherwise no image will be displayed. The expression may be rather simple, such as a selector between two alternatives:
(gender==1) ? "boy" : "girl"
or utilize elaborate logic and complex expressions, for example, referring to lookup tables. The single static text is now sufficient where a hundred of static text elements with conditions was necessary earlier to show one of the alternative images, such as common in e.g. price surveys.
Integrated export service in installation.
Many users experienced problems configuring the Survey Solutions installation in a way that the main site can utilize the data export service and data export service can find back the main site. The previous release has already added a diagnostic health check facility to verify the correctness of settings (see release notes for version 20.07). This has now been simplified so that the users don’t have to reconfigure the settings of the export service when it is installed on the same machine (most users’ situation) streamlining the installation by the user.
Received date.
Headquarters and supervisor users now see when (date) the interviewer has received a particular assignment or interview where they used to see just a binary attribute whether it has been already received by the tablet or not.
This change serves two purposes:
Helps understand whether it is reasonable to expect a response to this assignment already or not yet (for the management).
Helps prevent errors of reassigning interviews/assignments to a different interviewer.
The second is particularly important. Recall, that it is always dangerous to do a reassignment of something that an interviewer has already received on the tablet. This is because (s)he may have already started filling out that interview. But when it is absolutely unavoidable to make such a reassignment, reassigning the ones received last is safer, as there is less probability that the interviewer has already started working on it.
Other changes
Server administration items are moved from the administrator’s account menu, to the special Administration menu and the account menu only to contain items related to account management.
Report on interviewers will now contain the full name, email, and phone number (if specified) as well as the last date/time (UTC) of login to the web interface is also registered. (The date of last synchronization of the tablet device was earlier available in the interviewer profiles).
Web questionnaires will now have their questionnaire title also translatable (previously only available in the main language).
Number of selections in limited multiselect questions is now displayed consistently below the selections in on tablets and on the web.
The report on interviewers when exported in Excel or other format will have the accounts of interviewers sorted alphabetically (previously no sorting) and with proper formatting (thousands separators) of magnitudes where this is essential, such as size of a database or free storage space.
Release 20.09 of Survey Solutions adds the following new and modified features:
Interview transcript.
Shapefile can be overlaid onto the map dashboard.
Changes to data export organization.
Warning at deletion of a questionnaire from HQ.
Other changes.
Interview transcript: download of PDF of questionnaire with answers.
A transcript of the interview showing all questions, answers and timestamps when
+the answer was given can be now produced for any interview. The transcript is
for the supervisors and headquarters users from the interview review page, and
for the respondents at completion of the interview.
The transcript of an interview can be used to:
present the content of the interview to a consumer outside of the Survey
+Solutions system, such as for archival preservation;
sending (through a different system) to the respondent as a confirmation of
+the answers registered in the interview;
download an interview as a PDF and review it offline in a situation where
+supervisors don’t have reliable internet connection.
Shapefile can be overlaid onto the map dashboard.
A new button has been added to the map dashboard. It allows overlaying a
+shapefile on top of the basemap. A single shapefile may be placed on the tablet
+in the following folder:
It is the same shapefile that is used in the map dashboard and in the geography
The shapefile may show the division of the country into administrative units
+(districts, counties, etc) or statistical units (enumeration areas).
Changes to data export organization
When exporting the data the HQ user now decides whether to include or exclude
+the metadata into the export file (included by default). Metadata are
+descriptives that do not change during the survey, such as questionnaire in
+PDF, DDI, or JSON formats, etc. After the metadata is downloaded once, there
+is no need to download it again, but exclude it to make the downloads smaller
+and faster. Before shutting down the server when the data is downloaded for the
+final time, include the metadata into the download. This is especially important
+if the software was updated in the meanwhile to make sure the paradata
+corresponds exactly to the final export of data.
Paradata export files have the following changes: variable timestamp_utc shows
+the event timestamp in the UTC using the following format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmZ,
+and variable tz_offset contains the difference in hours between the time zone
+of the event origin and the UTC. For example, if the timestamp in paradata is
+recorded as 2020-09-19T16:45Z with time zone offset +3:00 then the clock was
+showing 19:45 of the same date at the location where the event originated.
To prevent confusion, older variables timestamp and offset are no longer
+exported. If you have a script or other automated procedure to process paradata,
+please, adjust accordingly.
Warning at deletion of a questionnaire from HQ
To protect the users from accidental deletion of survey data, Survey Solutions
+now requires the admin user to retype the title of the questionnaire before it
+is deleted. Additional warning will indicate if there are any received
+assignments or rejected interviews on the tablets on which there may be
+unsynchronized changes, which will also be lost if the questionnaire is deleted.
Other changes
Supervisors can approve rejected interviews: Supervisors that have
+accidentally rejected interviews instead of approving them will now have an
+opportunity to approve them in the rejected state, in which case it is passed
+to the HQ-users. Previously this required cooperation of the interviewer to
+complete the interview first. Yet the supervisor must be aware that if a
+rejected interview has been already picked up by the interviewer on a tablet,
+then such a recall may create, potentially, an orphaned interview (interview
+from that tablet will not be accepted by the server after the recall.)
Number of not answered questions: The list of the interviews at the
+supervisors/headquarters users interface now contains an additional column
+showing the number of enabled, but not answered questions (by interviewer,
+supervisor, or identifying questions). This column is given a title
+“Not answered”. Additionally the same statistic is added at export to the
+system-generated interview__diagnostics file, in the n_questions_unanswered
Indicator for conditionally shown questions: An orange donut symbol is
+now shown in the questionnaire designer for elements which are shown
+conditionally and for which the flag hide if disabled is activated, otherwise
+the traditional orange dot marker is shown.
No more export service folder: The folder named Export service is no
+longer created by the installer during the Survey Solutions installation or
Bugfix to an issue with the keyboard getting in the way while working with
+the Interviewer app reported in the forum.
Earlier version of this page incorrectly specified variable names
+timestamp_utc and tz_offset as timestamp__utc and tz__offset.
+This has been rectified. Note, the correct spelling of these variable
+names includes only single underscore character, not two.
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+Version 20.10
Interview resume event indicates where the interview was resumed.
Send email confirmation with answers to web-interview respondents.
Public API now allows protection of questions.
Improved speed for survey deletion and assignments upgrade.
Updated Spanish translations.
Fixed geography question to work on Android 10.0.
Editor of reusable categories in Designer
Reusable categories editor allows defining new and editing existing reusable
+categories in the interface of the Designer tool, without first defining an
+external file, which was the case earlier.
Generation of cover page
Questionnaires designed in the Designer tool before July 20, 2020 are editable
+in the compatibility mode that retains identifying questions in their positions
+and presenting a ‘Virtual Cover Page’ aggregating all identifying questions into
+a single read-only section.
To take advantage of the new capabilities of the real cover page section, the
+actual cover page section needs to be generated, which the questionnaire author
+can do by clicking the corresponding link:
This is an irreversible process. Only update the questionnaire if you know it
+will not be used with Survey Solutions Headquarters earlier than v20.07.
Linked combobox single-select questions
A new flavor of the single select question has been added: linked combobox.
This question is useful if one needs to select from a list of the values
+specific to the interview (either preloaded in advance or collected in
+the same interview).
Text formatting for web-interviewing pages
Web-interviews involve a number of pages on the server: welcome page,
+resume page, and finish page, where the survey coordinator may provide
+custom text. The new feature permits markdown formatting to be used for
+text decoration in these pages.
Notably, besides text decoration, users can now insert images into the
+content of these pages.
Approve rejected interviews
Earlier versions required an interviewer action if the supervisor has changed
+his/her mind and now wants to approve the interview already rejected (
+completion action by the interviewer).
New version allows the supervisor to approve such rejected interviews without
+awaiting for the interviewer action. Note however, that this action should be
+taken with caution. If the interviewer has already received the rejected
+interview on the tablet, any changes to that interview will be lost, if the
+interview is subsequently approved by the supervisor before the changed
+completed interview is received on the server. (technically the interview will
+be stored in the ‘broken packages’).
Interview resume event indicates where the interview was resumed
This is important for mixed-mode surveys, which involve work on interview on
+tablets and using web.
Paradata files exported from this version onwards will contain a mode
+specification for each ‘Resumed’ event. The value can be either of the
+following specific and non-localizable strings:
Where the value “Tablet” denotes the session was resumed on a tablet, value
+“Web” denotes the session was resumed on the server via a web-connection
+(either by a Web-interviewer or by a respondent to a web interview). The value
+“Unknown” is utilized for compatibility and is present for events recorded
+before the upgrade to this new version.
Send email confirmation with answers to web-interview respondents
Participants in web surveys may now receive a confirmation email from the survey
+organizers - two new checkboxes are added to the configuration of web interviews:
+“Send email after web interview completion” and “Attach PDF transcript.”
This is useful if it is important for the respondents to retain a transcript of
+their answers to the survey.
Public API now allows protection of questions
Property “ProtectedVariables” has been added to the API query generating new
+assignments on the server, which may contain an array of variable names to be
Protection of answers is not the same as ‘read-only’. Read more here.
Improved speed for survey deletion and assignments upgrade.
Several clients collecting surveys with more than 1mln interviews have
+experienced that some operations take abnormally large time. The procedures for
+deleting the survey and upgrading assignments have been performance-optimized
+and as a result the new version performs these operations much faster.
Updated translations to Spanish
Translation of Survey Solutions to Spanish has been updated, thanks to Vladimir Aguiñada, who has
+contributed the updated Spanish text.
Fixed geography type question to work on Android 10.0
The code responsible for the geography type questions was not working correctly
+on tablets with Android version 10.0. This incompatibility has been fixed now.
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+Version 20.12
Calendar events is a new feature of Survey Solutions, which allows the
+interviewer to assign a calendar event to a certain assignment or an
+interview. This is useful if the interview can’t be completed on the
+spot and requires scheduling for another visit.
The calendar event consists of a date, time and an optional message.
The entered information will be shown on the interview/assignment card after
+the ‘next contact’ prompt:
The event marker is automatically shown in red color if it is in the past.
+The interviewer may adjust the calendar event’s properties (date, time,
+comment) or delete it.
During the synchronization the information on the calendar events is also
+sent to the server. If the interviewer logs in to the web interface, he/she
+will find the left reminders attached to assignments there.
The headquarters/supervisors will be able to find the information about the
+calendar events in the grids showing the lists of assignments and interviews,
+as well as in the detailed view of the assignment properties.
The same information is available through API queries to help automated
+systems that may reflect this information in the form of calendars or
Alert interviewers of wrong clock settings
Complete discharge of a tablet may lead to reset of the built-in clock to
+some default value, such as the date of manufacturing of the tablet, or
+date of the compilation of the Android OS, or another constant, for
+example January 01, 2011. If the interviewer continues operation with a
+wrong clock setting, this will corrupt timestamps of answers and make
+paradata unusable.
Most tablets/phones would automatically adjust the clock settings when
+connecting to mobile or Wi-Fi networks. Yet, if the device is working
+disconnected there is usually no opportunity for such automatic clock
The new version will automatically notify the interviewer if it detects the
+clock setting is obviously wrong indicating time earlier than known actual
+time. The message serves as a warning, but it is recommended that the
+interviewers immediately check their clock and time zone settings.
Variables on dashboard
Values of variables calculated in the interview will now appear at the
+dashboard (or card view for tablet-based interviewer) if they are placed
+into the cover section by the questionnaire designer.
Variable label (must be specified for all elements of a cover section) is
+used as an explanatory text.
For example, this feature is useful if we want to automatically determine
+and show the name of the household head or his/her contact phone number
+at the dashboard.
Note that the variables are calculated for interviews only (not calculated for
+any assignments).
Filter by status in survey statistics report.
Survey statistics report is useful for quick diagnostics and checks during
+the survey collection, yet these reports may be contaminated by information
+from interviews that are not completed, or completed, but not approved yet.
The new filter allows to concentrate the report, for example, only on the
+interviews approved by the supervisor.
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+Version 21.01
The new version 21.01 brings the following new features:
Isolation of work into workspaces;
Server-wide users management page;
Map dashboard for online users;
Other changes.
Isolation of work into workspaces
This feature is the response of the Survey Solutions developers team to
+frequent requests of the users to separate different data collection
+operations to limit access to data for the users that manage the surveys.
+This is common for organizations that conduct multiple operations, often
+in several locations or countries, cooperate with different partners and/or
+have to outsource work to different subcontractors.
Recall that the HQ-users have access to all the data that is collected as
+part of any survey that is being conducted on the server. This gives any
+HQ-user to intervene in any survey by making new assignments, or making
+approval/rejection decisions, and importantly, exporting/downloading the
+data. Until now the only way of making the isolation was to instantiate
+multiple Survey Solutions data servers, which was costly and required
+multiple administrator accounts to coordinate the work of multiple servers.
Over the last year we have had extensive discussions with users setting
+up their servers and facing the above problem. As a result, we are
+introducing a new concept of a workspace into the Survey Solutions, which,
+we hope, will help in this regard.
Workspaces allow partitioning of a single server into multiple compartments
+that have limited impact on each other.
The following are the rules guiding the use and functioning of the workspaces:
An administrator has access to all workspaces.
A user with an HQ and observer accounts may belong to one, some, or all
+workspaces, as designated by the administrator.
Each interviewer and supervisor account may log in to a single workspace.
User names are unique across all workspaces.
Questionnaires are imported into workspaces. Same questionnaire may be
+imported into different workspaces if necessary and their version numbering
+is independent.
Workspaces may be created, disabled, and deleted.
Disabling a workspace locks all activity in the workspace (stops web
+interviews, does not allow any user to log in). Users attempting to access
+a disabled workspace will receive a “Workspace Disabled” error page and
+must contact their survey coordinator for further instructions.
A workspace may be deleted only if it doesn’t have any surveys/questionnaires.
Deleting a workspace actually deletes (not archives) all the user accounts
+(interviewer/ supervisor) and all the maps that were part of that workspace.
Deletion of a workspace is irreversible.
Administrator configures each workspace settings separately (logo, global
+message, export password, email providers, etc).
The troubleshooting tools available for administrator
+(audit log, device logs, tablet information packages, etc) are separated by
Users having access to multiple workspaces may switch between them using a
+workspace selector without the need to log in to each workspace separately.
Reports are built based on the content of a single workspace.
A special workspace named ‘primary’ is always defined and can not be
+disabled or deleted. Any server updated from earlier Survey Solutions
+versions will place all the earlier entered data (including survey data,
+user accounts, maps, etc) into the primary workspace.
An observer may observe only in the workspaces in which he is permitted by
+the administrator, even if impersonating users that have access to other
Each workspace is assigned an identifier and a text label. The text label is
+shown to the users when they switch between the workspaces, while the
+identifier is used for forming the URLs in API calls.
To manage workspaces, the menu item server administration (available for
+administrators only) now leads to the list of the workspaces defined on the
+server. The settings and troubleshooting tools collected in the context
+menu were previously relevant for the whole server, but now are attributable
+to a particular workspace. For each enabled workspace the following actions
+are provided in the workspace context menu:
Email providers,
Device logs,
Audit log,
Tablet information packages,
*) The actions to disable and delete a workspace do not apply to the primary
Disabled workspaces may only be turned back on or deleted, so their context
+menu is smaller:
The workspaces is a major change to the earlier established hierarchies and rules, and we continue to build functionality around this new concept. We have attempted to make as smooth as possible transition for our existing users, and hope you will make good use of this new capability.
Server-wide users management page for administrator
Since the account names are unique on the server, the admin needs a
+consolidated view of all user accounts, regardless in which workspace
+they are defined. This is implemented in the Users Management menu
+of the server administration view. For each user account defined in
+the server the following information is listed:
account name (login)
full name
phone number
A padlock icon located next to the user account indicates that this account has
+been locked (e.g. an interviewer account locked by his supervisor).
The filters in the left side of the page allow to concentrate only on users
+with particular attributes: locked, archived, ones without assigned workspaces,
+or being placed in disabled workspaces.
In this list the administrator may access the profile of every individual user
+(except archived ones) to correct the contact information, reset the password
+or grant access to workspaces for HQ-users, observers, and API accounts.
Map dashboard for online users.
The new map dashboard feature introduced in Survey Solutions v21.01 is a tool
+for a graphical presentation of the worklist on a map and provides functionality
+similar to the tablet map dashboard added in v20.07 to the Interviewer App.
It is accessible to interviewers through the menu item Map Dashboard and for
+managers (supervisors/HQ-users/Admins) via a map icon at the pages showing
+assignments or interviews.
The map dashboard is not to be confused with the earlier available map report.
+Here are some important differences:
Map report
Map dashboard
Shows interviews only
Shows interviews and assignments
Available for HQ/admin/supervisor
Available for HQ/admin/supervisor and interviewers
Does not allow to start new interviews from the map view.
Allows to start new interviews from the map view.
Does not allow survey managers (supervisors, HQ) to approve or reject interviews.
Allows survey managers (supervisors, HQ) to approve or reject interviews.
Uses a simple marker, same for interviews in any status.
Reflects the different statuses of interviews with different markers.
Reflects interviews in one survey only
Reflects interviews in all surveys or in a single survey/version.
Allows selection of any GPS location question
Uses only the first GPS location question (from the cover page)
Does not allow filtering by assignment number
Allows filtering by assignment number
Allows anonymization with a heatmap
Does not allow anonymization with a heatmap.
Similar to the map report, the map dashboard will reflect multiple points
+located closely together as a cluster, reflecting the number of such points
+on the cluster. To see individual points, zoom in to the cluster to see
+individual points.
Other changes
a Czech translation has been included for the Interviewer App; users whose
+tablets are set up with preference for the Czech interface will find the
+Survey Solutions Interviewer App in the Czech language immediately after
+the update. Other users may switch the language in the language settings
+of the OS Android.
Users of graphql API interface are notified of the changes to the graphql
+schema and the location of the graphql schema. Please, refresh your
+graphql schema from https://demo.mysurvey.solutions/graphql?sdl
+(or the equivalent page at your server).
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+Version 21.05
The new version 21.05 brings the following new features:
User management across workspaces
Multiple workspaces on the tablets
Own-passwords enforcement
Dynamic filters
Exposed variables
Progress indicator
Other changes
Before we jump to the discussion of the newly added features, an important
+note for users upgrading from earlier versions:
After the server is updated to v21.05:
If there are any teams (interviewers and supervisors) working offline (synchronizing via the Supervisor App), and
the Supervisor App is subsequently updated to the version 21.05
then the Interviewer Apps will stop finding the offline supervisor for synchronization and must be updated to the new version manually by installing a new version of the interviewer from the updated server over the existing Interviewer App.
Do not uninstall the Interviewer App or you will lose all the unsynchronized data on the interviewer tablet.
User management across workspaces
An interviewer and supervisor may now be members of several workspaces! An interviewer may report to different supervisors in different workspaces!
This has never been possible before in Survey Solutions, but based on popular requests this is now possible! For example, the interviewer H in the above chart may be reporting to supervisor E in the green workspace, but to supervisor F in the blue workspace. The supervisor in the green workspace, of course, may only see the interviews conducted by the interviewer in his (green) workspace, and not in the other workspaces (even if he is part of those workspaces). Within each workspace each interviewer still has one supervisor controlling him/her.
Since the interviewer is now part of several workspaces, no workspace staff may fully block them. This means for example, that the interviewer account may no longer be locked (or unlocked) by the supervisor. Instead, the management of the accounts is a privilege of the administrator.
For transitioning from earlier versions, any users with locks imposed on them will remain locked, but unlocking must now be performed by the administrator.
When a workspace is deleted, the accounts that were only members of that workspace are left without any workspace, until the admin places them into some other workspace. Users that are not assigned to any active workspace can’t log in to the server or perform synchronization from tablets.
Multiple workspaces on the tablets.
Following the above changes, an interviewer may be part of several workspaces (on the same server). This interviewer when working on the tablet will be able to contribute to multiple surveys and also report to different supervisors (each interviewer reports to only one supervisor in each workspace).
On the tablet a new switch has been added to the main menu to facilitate the switch between the workspaces:
The menu shows the list of the workspaces to which the interviewer has access. The currently active workspace is checked. The list can be actualized with the Refresh workspaces menu item. This is needed when the interviewer is added to a workspace after the initialization of the account on the tablet.
The synchronization in each of the workspaces is performed independently: when the interviewer synchronizes in workspace 1, this does not send out or receive any of the assignments/interviews in workspace 2. Same applies to maps, the maps within each workspace are synchronized independently.
The dashboard (the regular card view and the map view) only shows the interviews/assignments of the currently active workspace.
Own-passwords enforcement
This version of Survey Solutions contains an important security improvement. In the earlier versions the passwords assigned to accounts by superior users were known to them. For example, when an HQ-user created an account for an interviewer, the account password was known to more than one person - the interviewer for whom the account was created and the HQ user who created it. This created situations of impasse where the interviewers needed to be accountable for the actions undertaken under their accounts as they had no way of resetting their own credentials.
In this new version any user, whose account’s password was assigned by a different user will need to change it before proceeding to work under this account. Until the password is changed, no other actions can be undertaken under such an account.
The same procedure has to be undertaken when the account password is reset later on, when the user reports she has forgotten the password and can no longer access her account.
The new password selected by the enumerator must comply with the same security requirements as for the users that may change their own passwords on the server (such as HQ- or admin-users).
For interviewers the password may be changed using the tablet or by directly logging in to the server.
The feature allows the user to change password for own account only when the communicated password is valid. If the interviewer’s password was changed at the HQ and the new password for the account was not communicated to the interviewer, she will not be able to reset own password on her own without the cooperation of superior users.
This feature is not optional. It may not be switched off or disabled. Yet as a transitory measure the passwords assigned before the update to this version will be considered as entered by the respective users and not requiring to be changed. After the update they can log in with the passwords that were communicated to them earlier by their superior users. Yet after the update, if they ever need to reset a password, they will have to select own password after the reset password is communicated to them following the new rules.
Note, the need to reset the password applies also to the administrator user, as the installation of the server and creation of the admin account may have been done by another person who doesn’t play a role in the Survey Solutions system. Correspondingly, the administrator user must select and enter a new password before proceeding to create other user accounts and manage the data server.
API accounts do not represent person-specific accounts. Thus the API users neither need nor have technical means to change own passwords.
The interviews can be switched between CAPI and CAWI modes regardless whether they originated from regular or web assignments.
Supervisory staff (supervisor, headquarters, or admin users) can see the current status (CAPI or CAWI) of each interview in the Interview mode column of the interviews list. The context menu provides the Switch to… item to switch to the mode opposite the current (if the current mode is CAPI then ‘Switch to CAWI’ and the other way around).
The switch can also be done by the interviewers on the tablets: if the interviewer encounters a respondent that wishes to finish the interview via the internet himself/herself, then the interviewer shall complete the interview with a mark that the interview is to be switched to the CAWI mode on the completion screen (Switch interview to Web Mode). When the interview is so marked, it will show a QR-code with the link that should be issued to the respondent. The respondent may either read the QR-code with a smartphone, or copy the accompanying textual link for use on a computer.
Interviews completed in such a manner will not appear on the Completed page, but instead will appear on the new Web interviews page until the next synchronization. Cards corresponding to interviews switched to CAWI mode will contain an additional button Show QR code to display the QR-code/link to be shared with the respondent to that interview. After a successful synchronization the cards will disappear from the Web interviews page.
Note, that if the switch has been done on the tablet, the respondent will be able to continue the interview online after that tablet is synchronized with the server.
For the interviewers to be able to switch the interviews from CAPI to CAWI mode, the survey must have the web mode activated and the checkbox Allow Interviewer to switch to CAWI mode must be checked.
Dynamic filters
Dynamic filters is a new feature, which allows to filter interviews on interviews page and in the map report. Dynamic filters are based on a logical expression and may utilize identifying questions and exposed variables. Dynamic filters are described in this article.
Exposed variables
Exposed variables is a new feature in Survey Solutions Headquarters that allows using of questions and variables from interviews in dynamic filters. Exposed variables are described in this article.
Progress indicator
We have introduced an interview progress indicator shows the progress of the interview as a percentage of answered questions in all questions.
Other changes and fixes
Reminders were sent to web respondents if they failed to respond to a CAWI survey even after the survey was closed (web-mode disabled). This has been fixed.
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+Version 21.06
This sprint was dedicated to making Survey Solutions more stable, robust and
+secure. We have introduced numerous patches addressing security concerns.
The changes introduced in v21.06 are listed below.
Configurable session length
Autolock: protection against brute-force attacks
Control cookies security attribute
Other changes and bugfixes
Configurable session length
The server administrator may configure a timeout for the duration of the
+session. In case the device is left unattended and no new queries are
+submitted from it to the server, the user will be automatically logged out
+after a predefined interval.
The session is automatically extended after each query, so that the users
+steadily working online will not be affected.
Inactive session length was already limited for web-respondents in the
+earlier versions, and this limit continues to apply, see
Autolock: protection against brute-force attacks
Survey Solutions defends against brute-force attacks by presenting a
+CAPTCHA challenge after a number of
+incorrect login attempts. The administrator can configure the server
+component in such a way that if the incorrect login attempts continue even
+with a CAPTCHA engaged, the user account becomes locked for a period of
+time automatically.
This feature is described in more details in the
+autolock article.
Control cookies security attribute
New policy control for cookies in the appsettings.production.ini file.
+Set this parameter to true if the server is behind a load balancer
+(reverse proxy) with SSL termination.
Other changes and bugfixes
Update to Survey Solutions v21.05 from an earlier version may have caused
+a blank dashboard in the Interviewer App on tablets (data stored, not shown),
+which required a separate synchronization and workspace selection. This has
+been fixed. We would like to thank Mr. Ashwini Kalantri for promptly
+reporting this issue
+in the users’ forum.
Tracking of assignments upgrades: in the assignment history of actions,
+if the assignment was upgraded from the earlier version of the questionnaire,
+a message will be present “Upgraded from assignment ####”. Similarly in the
+data export, for the “Created” event the original assignment number will
+be exported in the old__value column.
WebTester was reporting incorrect duration of audio recording
+(1 second regardless of the actual duration of the audio recording).
+This has been fixed. The issue applied to the WebTester only, not to
+the actual interviews.
Survey Solutions HQ component failed to automatically verify the
+availability of the updates. This has been fixed. The updates to the
+server are now automatically verified, but not automatically installed.
+The server administrator(s) need to install them as needed.
API users may assign workspaces to users (earlier only administrator-level
+users could assign workspaces to users). Still, the workspaces which can be
+assigned to user account are limited by the visibility of workspaces granted
+by the administrator users to the API account.
Vulnerability allowing HQ-users to submit GraphQL queries beyond the
+assigned workspaces is now fixed.
Survey Solutions failed to export datasets which involved calculated
+variables, which caused overflow during calculation. This has been fixed
+and the data will be exported, but the calculated variable will contain
+a zero value. The message by Mr. Thorsten Schoel in the user’s forum
+reporting this issue
+is much appreciated.
Shapefile was not detected on the tablets if placed in the folder without
+workspace subfolders. This has been fixed. If there is no shapefile in the
+workspace-named subfolders, a shapefile in the parent folder will be
+suggested restoring the behavior established before the introduction of
+multiple workspaces for a single interviewer. The issue report in the users’ forum by Mr. Klaus Blass is much appreciated.
Interviewer App crashed after answering a categorical question under some
+conditions. This has been fixed.
Interviewer App crashed if the *.mmpk digital map file didn’t contain any
+base layer. This has been fixed: the interviewer app will not crash, but
+such maps are still deemed unusable. The
+issue report in the users’ forum and example files sent by Mr. Felipe Jimenez are much
Updated versions of 3rd party libraries used internally by Survey Solutions.
Removed built-in PDF viewer for the Interviewer App on the tablet.
+Interviewers should select one of the 3rd party PDF viewers to open
+questionnaire’s PDF attachments:
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+Version 21.09
API users could get information about user accounts (supervisor or interviewer) in a workspace to which the API user didn’t have access to. The information exposed in this way included the information specified in the user profile (full name, email, phone number). This has been fixed. The API request will result in an error 404 if the request is about a user account, which is not present in the workspace to which the query is addressed.
API-based attempts to guess passwords were not counted towards the limit of invalid password entry attempts, and thus not causing the account lock to engage. This has been fixed.
The issue reported in the forum that a certain sequence of actions at the HQ may result in the wrong supervisor receiving an interview for approval has been fixed.
Stability of application
Interviewers trying to set up the 2 factor authentication (2FA) for their own accounts received “The application has encountered an unknown error“ error message. This has been fixed.
A problem has been detected with management of the objects in memory, which manifested in possible Interviewer application crashes during creation of rosters in flat mode and immediate exiting from the interview to the dashboard. This has been fixed.
A problem has been detected with archiving an assignment during the [typically short] time when a questionnaire is being deleted can cause the export process to become dysfunctional. This has been fixed.
The problem with the application experiencing an error while sending email invitations for CAWI interviews from a non-default workspace has been fixed.
Accessibility of functions
For HQ/admin users managing their own account was inaccessible from the screen managing the account of another user. This has been fixed.
Issue with sections not responding to clicks in the table of contents under certain conditions, reported in the users forum here has been confirmed and fixed.
Under certain zoom levels the footer of the page “Get Interviewer App” was overlapping with the page content, preventing checking/unchecking the “Exclude ESRI Map support” checkbox. This has been fixed.
Map imagery was not displayed in the interviewer profile even when the interviewer had already submitted some location data. This has been fixed.
Sorting by locked status didn’t work in the Designer [admin only]. This has been fixed.
Data format changes
Changes to questionnaire metadata. The following changes pertain to the JSON document representing the questionnaire as part of the data export file:
AnswerOrder property removed. A specific attribute AnswerOrder was previously included among the attributes of all questions despite this property being applicable only to multiselect-type questions. This has been fixed. The attribute will no longer be written for question types for which it doesn’t apply.
Property Revision was previously always having zero value. This has been fixed. The revision will be set to the revision of the questionnaire during its import from the Designer to the data server.
Changes to events recording:
InterviewCreated (code 32) event has been added to the paradata file.
InterviewReceivedBySupervisor (code 21) event has been added to the paradata file.
Paused (code 15) and Resumed (code 14) events are removed from the interview__actions file. If needed, they are still part of the paradata stream.
Appearance changes
Flat roster - change of limits. A flat roster is a convenient way of presenting repetitive information (questions, texts) on the same page. We have changed the following two aspects of the roster:
A roster may contain up to 20 child elements (previously: up to 10 child elements);
Only those child elements that are having visual representation are counted towards the limit (previously all child elements are counted).
In practice this means that you can include a number of variables into the roster and still designate it as a flat roster, without having to worry that additional variables will overload it and prevent a flat presentation on the page. This has been discussed earlier in our users’ forum. The change does not affect compatibility. If the roster was configured as a flat roster, it will continue to be presented in the flat mode.
Rendering of the shapefiles has been changed. Shapefiles are overlaid over the base layer, which is typically a satellite image. We’ve heard from the users that the rendering parameters that we’ve used earlier were not sufficient and interviewers had difficulties distinguishing text labels and boundaries of areas in such composite images shown on map dashboard and in geography-type questions. We believe these changes will improve the readability of the text and recognition of the boundaries, especially over a satellite image base layer. We have improved the following two aspects of the rendering of the shapefiles:
The boundaries of the shapes contained in the shapefiles are now shown in a more contrast red color;
The labels of the shapes are shown in dual white-red color,
Hyperlink for assignment details: A connection between an interview and an assignment from which it has been produced has now been established with a hyperlink that can be seen in the interview details. A supervisor or an HQ-user can jump directly to the assignment details by clicking the assignment number while reviewing an interview.
A problem with the map dashboard in the interviewer application has been reported that the users could observe the markers in an undocumented yellow color. These markers corresponded to the interviews in a transitional ‘restarted’ status. This has been fixed and they will now appear in the same color as the interviews in the ‘started’ status (blue).
The page footer was either displayed correctly below the map or overlapped with the map in the map report at HQ depending on the custom zoom level set up in the browser. This has now been fixed and the footer appears always below the map.
Questionnaire details at HQ used to show “Mode: No” for CAPI and “Mode: Yes” for CAWI. This has been fixed. Now it is showing “Mode: CAPI” or “Mode: CAWI” respectively.
Image proportions were distorted in PDF documents generated in the Designer, this has been fixed.
Questionnaire titles are now wrapped (multiline) in the questionnaires list at the Headquarters, similarly to how it was done in the Designer earlier. It is still recommended to keep the questionnaire titles brief and distinct for convenience of use.
Long titles in CAWI interviews now use the header space more efficiently (truncation of the title occurs less often).
Options in the “Additional Settings” group of the web-survey setup have been rearranged for readability without changes to their functionality.
We have added a button to show the password being entered for the password-protected CAWI interviews. This should reduce the number of incorrect password entries due to wrong language selection or CAPS LOCK mode being engaged.
There has been some confusion with the treatment at HQ of the questionnaires the title of which has been changed in the Designer (refer to this discussion in the users’ forum) and the resulting problems with setting up the filters. We have adopted the following solution:
For each dynasty of questionnaires where only one title can be displayed, the title of the most recently imported questionnaire will be used. This is used most evidently in the filters where the user selects one questionnaire, the title of which may have changed between the revisions.
The same rule applies in the map report and map dashboard pages, with a difference that the revisions where all GPS location questions were removed in the revision are disregarded.
Incorrect behavior of the filter in the map report (under the scenario where the questionnaire was renamed) has been fixed.
Other changes
Some questionnaires contained duplicates in the list of the collaborators when a PDF version of the questionnaire was rendered despite no duplicates can be seen in the list of the collaborators in the questionnaire settings. This has been the result of a legacy bug that has been fixed a long time ago. Maintenance was performed to remove the duplicates from the shares list in the Designer storage.
Translation of the user interface to Czech language has been updated.
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+Version 22.02
Questionnaires with only a cover page are now allowed. Previously any questionnaire must have contained at least one section with a question beyond the cover page. This allows creating more compact questionnaires, such as ones collecting contact information, registrations, etc.
The first section of a questionnaire may not have contained an enabling condition. Now it is allowed. This can be useful if all sections in the questionnaire depend somehow on the information specified in the cover page, and even the first section of the questionnaire may need to be switched off sometimes.
Removed custom title checkbox for rosters. Survey Solutions generates the roster titles automatically, and provides a possibility to override the default title. This used to be done by setting a checkbox Custom title and then specifying the template for it. Now this interface is simplified: the template field for the titles is always visible, and is initialized to the default template when the roster is added. The user has a possibility to edit this template directly if necessary. For existing questionnaires the migration will populate the title field with the appropriate template taking into account any earlier made customizations.
The limit on the number of items in a single section has been raised to 1,000 (earlier was 400). This limit applies to the total number of elements in the section counting all elements in that section and all sub-sections. The limit of 400 still applies to any sub-section. Example, if there is a section A, and it includes sub-sections A1, A2, A3, then the questions can be accommodated: 100 in A, 300 in A1, 300 in A2, 300 in A3 (total is 1000 and no sub-section contains more than 400). But the following can’t be accommodated: 100 in A, 100 in A1, 500 in A2 and 300 in A3. (despite the total is 1000, sub-section A2 may not accommodate 500 questions).
Changes to data server management
API user accounts may additionally enable an access token. An access token may be used to submit API queries using bearer-authentication mode, instead of the login+password combination for the basic-authentication mode. To enable this feature changes must be made to the server configuration mode. Read more about token-based authentication.
Supervisor-related changes
The pop-up balloon at the supervisor’s map dashboard now contains buttons Approve and Reject to act on a particular interview. This is useful, for example, when the supervisor needs to reject an interview simply based on the recorded location being outside of the area of collection.
Web-Interview related changes
It was possible to override the title of the complete button in the complete screen of a CAWI interview using the web-survey settings in the data server. (see details in this forum post: https://forum.mysurvey.solutions/t/complete-button-title/4356 now the customized title propagates also into the places marked as fixed in the forum post.
A problem has been reported where answering a geography or photograph image may lock the question in a state where it is not possible to modify the provided answer in the tablet Interviewer App under some conditions. This has been fixed.
The interface of the Interviewer app will be temporarily frozen while the app is processing newly entered answers. This usually takes fractions of a second, but in case of particularly complex or inefficiently written enabling conditions may take a noticeable time. Earlier versions allowed thus to interact with the questions which should have been disabled intermittently during this time. Earlier versions already applied this prevention to answering the GPS question, where recording the answer commonly takes a considerable time.
Detected and addressed memory leaks, which were negatively affecting Interviewer app performance, leading to slowing down of the app after prolonged use.
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+Version 22.06
The changes introduced in v22.06 are listed below. They were added with funding and support from the UNHCR World Bank Joint Data Center (JDC) as part of the project to improve the quality of data on refugees and internally displaced persons.
Each of the new features is described in detail in the linked documentation article.
Version 22.09 of Survey Solutions introduces a possibility to utilize
+attachments in categorical questions. For most users this means they
+can now include images to illustrate the options.
The attachment, however, doesn’t have to be a static image only: It can also
+be an audio recording, or a video, or a PDF document:
To set up images in the categorical questions do the following:
Load the necessary images as attachments to the questionnaire.
Set up a categorical question (single or multiple select).
When entering categories, you are now having three fields: code, label
+and attachment name. Make sure you mention the attachments by name in
+the attachment name field.
Here are the rules that guide this process:
Attachment names must be compliant with the variable naming rules. Note,
+that this is a new requirement, more strict than in the earlier versions.
+You may need to rename your attachments if your questionnaire doesn’t compile
Use of attachments is optional. Categorical questions designed without
+them will continue to work as before. If attachments are used, they are
+optional, meaning that some categories may have attachments, while other
+categories may be supplied without them.
If you mention an attachment, but no such attachment is present in the
+questionnaire you get an error message:
+“[WB0313]:Question option refers to non existent attachment”.
The same attachment may not be attached to several categories of a
+question (except the cases when these multiple categories can’t be seen
+simultaneously, such as in the case of cascading selections, where the
+same option may be included into two or more separate groups defined by
+parent code). If this is not observed, you get an error message:
+“[WB0314]:Question contains multiple options that refer to the same
It is possible to use the same attachment in several different questions
+of the same questionnaire.
Attachment names must now conform to variable naming rules. If they
+don’t a new compilation error message is issued: “[WB0315]:Attachment
+name should contain only letters, digits and underscore character. Is
+starting with letter, no consecutive underscores, not ending with
+underscore and is not a reserved word. Not empty and less than 32
Designers will no longer receive a warning if an attachment is not
+used in the questionnaire. This is not possible to establish reliably
+in presence of flexible images introduced in version 20.08 of Survey
Questionnaires with old cover page can’t be imported from the
+Designer to a data server anymore. If your questionnaire is in the old
+format (before introduction of the cover page in v20.07) you are getting
+an error message:
+“[WB0316]:Questionnaire in old format. Please use “Generate cover”
+link on Cover section.”
Large attachments are no longer importable: the limit on image size
+4,096 by 4,096 pixels was declared earlier, but not enforced. Uploading
+very large image files resulted in errors. This limit is enforced now.
Limit on length of question text (title) has been increased from 500
+characters to 2,000 characters. The revision of the limit was done with
+understanding that the question text may include hyperlinks, which
+necessitate higher capacity for this field. We encourage questionnaire
+designers to keep the questions concise.
Users in Headquarters (HQ) role could control 2FA authentication of
+another user. This has been fixed. The user must activate or deactivate
+2FA himself/herself, or ask the administrator to reset it.
The specific word “questionnaire” is now declared a Survey Solutions'
+keyword. If you’ve used this word as a variable name in your earlier
+questionnaire it will no longer compile. Rename that variable name to any
+other word.
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+Version 22.12
This release has benefitted from collaboration with colleagues from the 50x2030 initiative.
New feature: Input mode for Geography question
We have received questions about automatic GPS-based area measurement quite
+frequently in the past, both in the Survey Solutions users’ forum (like
+here and here)
+as well as during consultations and training sessions.
Now, backed by colleagues from the 50x2030 initiative, which strive to improve
+the quality of measurement of land parcels, we have added this possibility to
+this release of Survey Solutions!
The new feature extends the already existing geography-type question with
+automatic (periodic) and semi-automatic (user-activated) measuring modes. These
+modes allow marking the waypoints as the interviewer navigates around the
+boundaries of the parcel. From the measured coordinates the area and perimeter
+of the parcel are then calculated automatically.
New feature: Overlap detection for Geography-type question
This version introduces a new feature to Survey Solutions’ geography question:
+overlap detection. It is applicable only to the geography questions placed in
+a roster. When activated by the questionnaire designer, it will assist the
+interviewers in marking the areas in such a way that there is no overlap
+between multiple marked plots/parcels. This is important to avoid
+double-counting of any area in calculation of the total area.
If an overlap is detected, the program signals about it at the bottom of the
+map, mentioning the other roster items with which an overlap was detected.
The overlap detection serves a warning purpose only. It doesn’t prevent such
+data from being recorded and submitted by the interviewer.
Note that the overlap applies to all variants of the geography question:
+polygon, polyline, multipoint and single point, and is signaled when there
+is at least one common point of the current answer with the answer to the
+same geography question in any other items of the roster.
The overlap detection applies to all modes of measurement: manual, automatic,
+and semi-automatic.
The overlap detection does not affect the export of the data, and whether the
+answer overlaps with another or not is not accessible from the syntax in
+writing expressions.
A possibility to declare attachments in special values (for numeric questions)
+has been introduced in the version 22.09, but such attachments were not
+displayed in the Interviewer App. This has been fixed.
Bugfix: Answers to identifying questions could be modified
It was possible to modify answers to questions on the cover page preloaded by
+the headquarters users in the CAWI mode interviews under some conditions, while
+the preloaded answers should have been protected against such changes. This has
+been fixed.
Bugfix: Shapefiles consisting of points were not shown on tablets
Shapefiles consisting of points were delivered to the tablets as per
+assignments, but not shown in geography questions and map dashboard. This has
+been fixed.
Warning: Export was affected by the current update.
When the Survey Solutions server is updated to this released version, it will
+refresh the export data structures. This will require the stored data to be
+reprocessed and may take considerable time with large datasets. Please be
+patient. Subsequent export operations will run with usual performance.
Warning: New limit has been introduced on naming of variables
With this release a new limit has been introduced on the length of the variable
+name for geography questions. These variables can be at most 26 characters long.
+If a questionnaire with geography-type question was already imported into an
+earlier version of Survey Solutions and subsequently updated, it can get renamed
+to a different name that satisfies the new limit on the variable name.
Warning: Raising minimum requirement for tablets to Android OS 8 in the future.
We announce that we intend to raise the minimum requirements for the operating
+system to Android OS 8 for the Survey Solutions apps on the tablets. This
+concerns the Interviewer App, Supervisor App, and the Tester App. Any tablets
+with lower versions of Android OS will not be supported in the future versions.
+Some devices with lower versions of the operating system may be upgraded to a
+more modern version via an OS upgrade supplied by the manufacturer. Please refer
+to your tablet’s user manual or the following generic instructions from Google:
+Check & update your Android version
Systems already deployed with the versions of Survey Solutions before the change
+happens will continue to operate, but interviewers will not be able to update to
+a newer version of the corresponding Survey Solutions App if they don’t have the
+proper OS version. Survey coordinators must take this into account before
+upgrading the server.
Using devices with lower versions presents a security risk as they are no longer
+updated for any new security threats.
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+Version 23.04
In this new version we extend the features of Survey Solutions by adding
+a map dashboard for the Supervisor App and other changes and improvements
+listed below. Adding a map dashboard for the Supervisor app and navigation
+enhancements were implemented with funding and support from the UNHCR
+World Bank Joint Data Center (JDC) as
+part of the project to improve the quality of data on refugees and internally
+displaced persons.
New feature: Map dashboard in the Supervisor app
One of the key responsibilities of the supervisors is to ensure the data
+collection is done in the proper areas as assigned to the interviewers.
+Staying within assigned areas can be difficult for interviewers when the
+boundaries are not tied to visible natural or man-made boundaries (rivers,
+roads, etc.) It is even more difficult when the boundaries of area of
+responsibility are completely virtual, such as the case with spatial
+sampling where a sampled area is just a range of coordinates. Supervisors
+working online can see the locations of the submitted data on a map
+dashboard, but this functionality was missing in the Supervisor App on
+mobile devices, which is used by supervisors of teams when they are
+working in remote locations where internet-connectivity is sporadic or
The new functionality is akin to the map dashboard present in the
+Interviewer App, but note an important difference on how the status of
+the interviews is indicated for the supervisors. The color coding is
+relevant to the supervisor, so the completed interviews are marked as
+blue for the supervisors, because they require
+supervisor’s action – a quality control decision on whether to approve
+or reject them, while they are indicated with green
+color at the interviewers’ dashboards, because they don’t require any
+more work. Similarly the interviews that are approved by the supervisor,
+or rejected by the supervisor are both shown in green
+color, because the supervisor has already taken her action on them.
+Red color is used for the interviews that were rejected
+by the headquarters, to signify that the superiors were not satisfied
+with the supervisor’s decision to approve that interview. The map
+dashboard can also display the interviews in the status
+Interviewer Assigned, which indicates interviews in progress. They
+are also indicated in green, as they don’t require
+a supervisor’s involvement until completed.
Navigation to destination facilitates locating the targeted location when its
+coordinates are known, for example from the previous visit or a listing survey.
+This feature works by establishing a collaboration between the Survey Solutions
+app (Interviewer or Supervisor) which stores the GPS location data and a
+user-installed mapping app that visualizes that location and possibly shows a
+route from the present location to the target.
This feature is now available both for the Interviewer and the Supervisor apps,
+and can be called from any GPS location question, including the ones that are
+not on the cover page, which is useful if the GPS location question is in a
+roster (that is common for listing questionnaires) or in a section tracking
New feature: Control over relinking of the mobile device
Survey Solutions establishes a tie between the interviewer (account) and the
+actual mobile device used to submit the information to the server. In the
+past it was possible to switch the device through a process known as
+re-linking, which was intended to be used in the situations when the
+interviewer’s mobile device is lost, stolen, or permanently damaged. We have
+been notified by the users community that the relinking process could have
+caused undesirable consequences when used carelessly, such as when the
+interviewers are made aware of each other’s passwords, causing interference
+between various interviewer accounts.
To alleviate the problem, we introduce the mechanism to control relinking
+of the device by the interviewer. This is now regulated by a new
+account-specific permission visible as a checkbox in the interviewer’s profile:
The interviewer may relink to a new device when this checkbox for his/her
+account is set.
Note that the initial attachment of the device does not require a supervisor’s
+action to set this permission! It is only required to relink to a new
+(second, third, etc) device.
This new setting is available for the supervisor and superior users
+(headquarters, administrator).
Maintenance procedure M1 is made accessible for remote administration
Maintenance procedure M1 was useful
+and effective for the users experiencing problems with export of data, but
+it had two problems:
First, it was a manual procedure that required access to the DB on the
+server where it needs to be performed, which is not available to the users
+of the Survey Solutions connecting through the internet.
Second, it was prone to human error, as a user could accidentally delete
+more than needed, causing serious data damage.
We have added interface to launch this procedure remotely by an administrator
+user. This functionality is accessible from the workspace context menu
+(click on any workspace, select Settings, then scroll to paragraph
+Clear export cache):
When the administrator user clicks the Clear cache button the server will:
perform the procedure known as M1 in the maintenance list (remove schemas
+in the DB that are storing the data prepared for export);
delete any export files currently saved at the file system corresponding
+to surveys in the current workspace.
Note that the first export after this procedure may take considerable time
+to re-create required export schemas.
Note also, that this procedure does not erase data stored in the cloud storage
+(if you’ve redirected storage of export data to the cloud).
Other changes:
PLEASE NOTE: The minimum required version of the
+Android operating system on a mobile device for use with the Android-based
+apps (Interviewer, Supervisor, Tester) is now 6.0. If the manufacturer
+of your device provides an update of the Operating System, please, do update
+the OS before updating the Survey Solutions Apps, as they will not be able
+to run correctly in an outdated version of the OS.
The versions of Android below 9.0 are out of support now,
+they do not receive security and maintenance updates. We do not recommend
+using the devices based on older/unsupported Android for data collection, and
+will increase the minimum version of the Android OS in future versions
+in line with the earlier announcement.
Users working with the Designer tool will find that the entry fields for
+the question’s enabling condition and categorical question’s filter are
+behind the corresponding links: ADD ENABLING CONDITION and ADD FILTER.
+(In the past the users often confused the two conditions). Once the
+condition is specified, it will be displayed without the need to click on
+the link.
Change of the format of categories upload files in the Designer. When
+uploading categories from a text file that file must now have a
+header that specifies the meaning of the information stored in that
+column. This allows to avoid confusion in the situations when the content
+of the file may not be interpreted uniquely and where in the past the
+program was using not-obvious defaults to guess the type of content. The
+recognized column names are: id, text, attachmentname and parentid.
+With the introduction of the header, the columns may now appear in any
+order. If you have an older file prepared for use with the Survey Solutions
+Designer, add just the header line denoting which column has which content.
+Note that the parentid column is only relevant for cascading selection
Password reset of Interviewer and Supervisor users by the Headquarters users.
+With the introduction of multiple workspaces the Headquarters and supervisor
+users have lost the ability to reset interviewers’ passwords. Indeed, the
+interviewer account may belong to multiple workspaces where the HQ user may
+not have access. If HQ retained a possibility to reset the password, that
+would be overstepping the allowed domain. Yet concentrating all powers to
+reset the passwords in the hands of the administrative user has proven too
+inconvenient for some surveys with a very wide base (a lot of interviewers)
+or operations spread across multiple time zones, etc, which made it difficult
+for the administrator to be sufficiently responsive to the password reset
+requests. We bring back the possibility for the Headquarters users (but not
+supervisors) to reset interviewers’ passwords, provided that that Headquarters
+user has access to all the workspaces that the interviewer is accessing. If
+there is even a single workspace for that interviewer that the HQ is not
+permitted to access, that will block for that HQ to reset the password of
+that interviewer and such cases must be elevated to the administrator.
Supervisor’s name didn’t appear as a possible selection for filtering
+assignments, interviews, or making reassignments. This has been fixed. The
+supervisor now has the possibility to narrow down the lists of interviews
+and assignments to the ones that she is responsible for, and to make
+reassignments of interviews and assignments to herself.
Answering questions in table-rosters (web interviews only) previously
+required to double-click a cell. This has been changed. Only a single click
+is now required.
For administrator users who are troubleshooting connectivity issues we’ve
+added an indicator Designer connection check to the
+Healthcheck page. It verifies and
+reports whether the Designer is reachable from the Headquarters.
+If the Designer site is not reachable, the users will not have a possibility
+to import any questionnaires to this server. This is usually the result of
+network policies and restrictions imposed on the data server, rather than
+availability of the Designer.
For HQ-users there are additional statistics reported for each export job
+(visible on the data export page). Once the export file is produced, the
+corresponding card now displays the duration that job has spent in the waiting
+queue and in processing.
The map dashboard for online users now supports overlaying of shapefiles.
+This helps checking whether the interviewers are collecting data in the proper
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+Version 23.06
In this new version we extend the features of Survey Solutions by adding
+a carousel control to the map dashboard for the Supervisor and Interviewer
+Apps, possibility to make map assignments interactively to supervisors and
+headquarters users and other changes and improvements.
Carousel in the map dashboard in Interviewer and Supervisor Apps.
Possibility to assign maps in the server user interface.
Maps assignment by supervisors.
Warning for markers outside shape file boundaries.
Export of list question.
Other changes.
1. Map dashboard carousel
Map dashboard in the Interviewer and Supervisor Apps has got a new control - a
+carousel displaying interviews and assignments: The carousel automatically
+appears when any marker is selected on the map replacing the earlier available
+balloon with the Start new interview button.
It serves the following tasks:
Provides identifying information about the selected marker;
Allows navigation between the overlapping markers (such as in the case when
+an interview covers an assignment marker in a close or exactly same location).
Allows access to the common actions to be done with the corresponding document
+(depend on the role of the user):
Start an interview from an assignment;
Approve or reject an interview;
Assign a new responsible for assignment/interview;
Open location in an external mapping application.
Displays when the interview has changed its status;
Displays calendar event and other information.
The appearance of the card is unified in the map dashboard and the regular
In the cases when there are numerous identifying fields (more than 3) only the
+first 3 are shown, while the others may be seen by unfolding the card (by
+tapping on its header or the three dots at the bottom). An unfolded card can
+be folded again by the same gesture.
Available actions:
In the Interviewer App:
start a new interview from an assignment;
open a started interview;
reopen a completed interview;
discard interview;
add a calendar event, edit calendar event, delete calendar event
In the Supervisor App:
Open an interview.
Change responsible for an assignment or an interview;
Approve an interview that is in the status Completed or Rejected by Supervisor;
Reject an interview that is in the status Completed.
The cards in the carousel can be swiped left and right revealing other cards
+corresponding to the markers on the map in sequence. Cards corresponding to
+the markers occupying the same position will be following one another in this
To hide the carousel control tap anywhere on the map, where there is no marker.
2. Possibility to assign maps in the server user interface.
Management of maps for Survey Solutions users just got easier! Earlier the
+headquarters users had to download, modify, and re-upload a special maps
+assignments file, which listed which maps were accessible by which users.
Beginning with version 23.06 the map assignment can be done interactively in
+the server interface. When you review the properties of a map it shows the list
+of linked users (those who have access to this map) providing a possibility to
+add to this list or remove from this list.
To add a new user (supervisor or interviewer), type his/her name in the search
+bar, the system will shortlist the accounts to the list of user names that
+match the typed characters. When you see the user you wish to add, click on
+his/her name and then the green plus sign.
To remove a user from the list, click the user name, and in the context menu
+that appears, select Unlink user from map.
This method is convenient when you want to adjust a couple of map assignments
+and it doesn’t replace, but rather it complements the previously available
+file-upload method for making map assignments.
3. Maps assignment by supervisors
Users in the role Supervisor logging to the server can now:
preview maps assigned to them directly or to any members of their team;
view the assignments of maps to users;
change assignments of maps using the server’s user interface.
In the past the supervisor of a team could reassign a certain area of
+responsibility or a particular household from one interviewer to another
+interviewer in his/her team. But if fulfillment of that assignment depended on
+a digital map (e.g. to mark the parcel boundaries) that was not always feasible
+for the newly assigned interviewer. Either he/she had to have that map loaded
+in advance (meaning all interviewers carry their maps and copies of everyone
+else’s maps), or they resort to using online maps only, or they need involvement
+of the headquarters users to match the changes in interview assignments with the
+corresponding changes in maps’ assignments.
Now, if the supervisor finds that interviewer X is working slowly and wants to
+delegate a few households to interviewer Y, who has already completed her
+tasks, the supervisor can transfer the assignments and also any necessary maps
+from X to Y.
Importantly, the maps are still synchronized from the server and thus the
+supervisor has to make the reassignment of the maps on the server, but it does
+not require the participation of the headquarters user anymore, so can be done
+by the local team only. This should improve the reaction to non-standard
+situations, like interviewers falling ill, and allow local teams to cope with
+that with their remaining interviewers.
The supervisor can both give and withdraw access to the specific maps of the
+specific interviewers and control own access. For example, the supervisor can
+assign all the maps to herself, though she can still see all the maps assigned
+to any of her team’s interviewers (in addition to what is assigned to her
Note that if the last user in the team is denied access to a map, then the
+team’s supervisor will also lose access to that map.
Note also that the supervisors can’t make assignments of maps by uploading a
+file. This is still available to the headquarters and admin users only.
4. Warning for markers outside shape file boundaries.
While there are many uses of shapefiles in Survey Solutions, one of the commonly
+practiced is to designate a certain area of responsibility which could be an
+administrative district, or more often an artificially created enumeration zone.
+The requirement for the interviewers then is that the data they collect should
+be from the locations within that assigned zone of responsibility. A typical
+operation of that kind is a listing operation, in which a village is divided in
+several zones, which are assigned one to each interviewer, who have to scout the
+area for all the residential dwellings. It would be a mistake of double-counting
+if an interviewer oversteps from her assigned area into another area, because
+the dwelling there is to be collected by another interviewer.
A combination of boundary files with satellite or aerial photography and a
+location sensor built into the modern mobile devices presents a superior tool
+to verbal descriptions of the area, allowing the interviewers to have the
+instant check whether they are in the proper area or not. The areas don’t have
+to be square or rectangular, in many cases they are of irregular shapes,
+especially if the boundaries are following natural features, like coasts or
+mountain ridges.
The newly implemented feature will automatically check if there are markers on
+the map dashboard that are falling outside of the selected shapefile and if yes,
+then an alert is automatically shown.
This new feature is also available to the supervisors in the supervisor’s app,
+which simplifies the control of the interviewers. Indeed this feature is most
+useful in conjunction with the filter, for example by responsible, where the
+supervisor may choose, e.g. the shapefile corresponding to the area of
+responsibility of interviewer X, and then also filter the data to only the
+interviews received from interviewer X. Or the supervisor may be issued the
+map of his team’s area of responsibility, to control for no overlap with other
+teams’ areas.
5. Export of list question.
The data export format of the list question is changed from this version
+forwards. In the past a problem existed if there was a linked question using
+the categories of a list question as a source for the choice categories. Since
+the remaining items in the list question were not renumbered after deletion of
+other items, it was not possible to determine correctly, what was the meaning of
+the selected indices in the linked question (the problem formally described in
+this ticket in
+our online issue tracker).
The format of the export of the list question is thus the following: for every
+item in the list two columns are exported. The column names are x__INDEX and
+x__INDEXc, where:
x is the variable name assigned to the list question in the Designer;
INDEX is a numerical index ranging from 0 to C-1 (C is the
+capacity of the list, 200 if not specified in the Designer tool);
c is a constant suffix “c”.
Columns without the suffix “c” store the elements of the list (same as in the
+previous versions). Columns with the suffix “c” store the code of the element
+of the list. If an element was selected in a single select question linked to
+list question x, then the value of the linked question is that code, and it
+is guaranteed to occur once and only once among the columns x__INDEXc.
For example, if value 9 was selected in the single select household head
+question, then it is guaranteed that for this interview value 9 will be present
+in the columns members__*c, and it will only occur once. The corresponding
+column members__* will contain the name of the household member selected for
+the head in this household.
If your questionnaire was not using any linked questions, there is no problem
+to worry about, except that it is really a good idea to assign a certain
+capacity to each list that you are using in your questionnaire. If you don’t do
+that, each list question that you add to your questionnaire will result in 400
+columns in the data export structure, which is a complexion you’d most likely
+want to avoid.
If you did use a select question linked to a list, be aware of this important
+change. Your code should not rely on the value of the linked question as the
+raw index in the list, but rather convert it to the index value by searching
+for it among the saved values in the code-columns.
6. Other changes
A number of changes were done to the visual appearance of the Interviewer App:
Assignment cards are now displayed with yellow tab color instead of gray.
+Similarly, the markers corresponding to assignments in the Interviewer Map
+Dashboard are now yellow diamonds, instead of blue diamonds as in earlier
An icon is displayed on cards corresponding to geo-targeted assignments and
+interviews instead of the Show location button.
A map is shown with a link for an answered geolocation question on a fully
+answered cover page (previously an empty frame was displayed).
Boundaries color: On the server the map preview shows the boundaries in red,
+rather than orange color.
Dashboard location permission: Following the best practices for managing
+permissions in an Android-app, the Survey Solutions Interviewer and Supervisor
+Apps are asking for location permission not immediately on entry to the map
+dashboard (as it was the case in the earlier versions), but when the user
+requests acquisition of location (with the corresponding toolbar icon). This
+allows some users (e.g. the supervisors) to use the map dashboard, without
+permitting the app to handle their own location, but inspect the locations
+captured by other users (interviewers in this case).
Supervisor must confirm reassignment of an assignment that has already been
+received. Reassigning of an assignment that has already been received by an
+interviewer to another interviewer carries the danger that both interviewers
+will start an interview from it, resulting in extra interviews (more than was
+originally planned/sampled). In the past, it was possible to do such a
+reassignment in the supervisor app, and it is still possible in the newly
+released version. But now the supervisor app will detect this and ask for
+additional confirmation from the supervisor. This is something that was already
+implemented in the web-version of the supervisor, but was missing in the tablet
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+Version 23.09
Release of version 23.09 of Survey Solutions has a number of user interface
+improvements and bug fixes. Here are the changes that the users must be aware:
Administrator users can get straight to the workspace settings from within a
+workspace, without having to get to the list of workspaces first. The
+Diagnostics submenu of the main menu was renamed to Settings. The menu
+items for Workspace settings and Email providers was added to the
+Settings sub-menu of the main menu. The same items are retained in the
+context menu for workspace records in the list of the workspaces (as was the
+only way in the previous versions).
Action buttons were added to questionnaires and assignments details pages and
+the interview review page.
Questionnaire details page was enhanced with a new questionnaire action menu in
+the top-right corner:
This menu provides access to the common actions that the HQ or admin user may
+do on a questionnaire - such as create new assignments or set up a web survey.
+The functionality of the actions in this menu replicates the same functionality
+accessible in the context menu in the list of the questionnaires page.
Assignment details page now has an assignment action button for common
+actions on an assignment. This menu includes the items replicating the actions
+available in the assignment context menu in the assignments page.
Interview review page was enhanced with a new interview actions button that
+provides access to the common actions the reviewer may want to do on an
+interview, such as reassign or switch the interview mode (CAPI/CAWI). The
+functionality of the actions in this menu replicates the same functionality
+accessible in the context menu in the list of the interviews page.
The workspaces page was enhanced with a search box for quick filtering
+workspaces. The search happens both in the name and display name fields and
+matches anywhere (in the beginning, middle, or in the end). The search is not
+case sensitive.
Assignment history is now augmented to show the tablet ID. When the
+assignment was received on a tablet, the identifier of the device is
+displayed in the details of this event. This helps understanding what device
+has actually received the assignment in case of troubleshooting or forensic
GDAL installation is now optional for the use of digital maps in GeoTiff file
+format. If you are using maps in geotiff format and have had compatibility or
+security issues before, you no longer have to install the GDAL tools to support
+Survey Solutions. Still we recommend to validate the files locally, before
+uploading them to Survey Solutions server to make sure the files are not
+corrupt. If the GDAL tool is not installed and the geotiff file is corrupt the
+server will accept it on upload, and the file corruption fact will be
+established only later when the file is delivered to the interviewer to be
+used in the Interviewer App (resp. to the supervisor to be used in the
+Supervisor App).
Calculated variables can now be seen in the WebTester. A new button
+introduced in the WebTester’s toolbar allows displaying calculated variables
+during testing sessions. In the earlier versions this was available only to
+the users of the Tester Android App on mobile devices. Now users testing the
+questionnaires in the web mode can also see the calculation results (when this
+mode is active - indicated by a checkbox on the corresponding button).
Event timestamps in paradata now contain information with milliseconds
+precision. This will allow more precise measurement of the time when the
+event has occurred and the duration of time between the different events in
+the paradata stream. Mind however, that the clock settings on most devices will
+not be accurately set to milliseconds precision, so comparing timestamps across
+different devices is valid only in special cases.
Paradata export archive now has additional identification files. The two
+files export__readme.txt and export__info.json provide information about
+the version of the software producing the paradata, the title and identifier
+of the questionnaire. The text file presents this information in a form of a
+human-readable text, while the JSON file contains it in a form more intended
+for processing with automated tools/scripts.
Assignment color update. The color associated with assignments used to be
+gray in the dashboard and yellow in the map dashboard (where gray color is
+often not distinctly visible) of the Android Interviewer App. A single purple color has now replaced them to denote assignments
+in both dashboard views.
PDF transcripts of interviews no longer contain preloaded values of hidden
+questions, since these values were not provided by the respondents.
Other interface changes included:
removal of the questionnaire title in web-interviews where it appeared twice
+(once on the toolbar and once on the cover page);
using one cover page instead of two in the Interviewer App (earlier versions
+presented editable and read-only versions of the cover page separately);
adding supervisor’s name to the drop down list of responsible users (missing
+in earlier versions);
adding questionnaire title to the questionnaire details page (more
Alert: Android 7.0 or more recent is required for this version!
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+Version 24.06
Before updating users hosting their Survey Solutions
+server in a Docker container need to familiarize themselves with the
+instructions below regarding important configuration changes.
The new features in this release include the following:
Export of data via API with selection by modification date/time treated it
+inconsistently with the user interface under some conditions.
Tester App not allowing to answer geography-type questions (on some devices).
Interviewer App crashing when Show All button is pressed while answering
+a geography-type question.
Map preview in headquarters was not showing up under some configurations.
Respondents are now not allowed to access web interviews if the responsible
+for the interview is not in the role of interviewer (which was possible in
+earlier versions).
It was not possible to leave comments in web-interviews to preloaded
+identifying questions, while it was possible in the same interviews conducted in
+the Interviewer App on a mobile device (now fixed to be possible in both
+platforms: online and in App).
Comments of interviewers left for identifying questions were not visible
+to the supervisory staff (now visible).
And also the following issues were fixed (both issues were realistic to
+encounter only during massive operations, like population censuses, which
+involved millions of interviews):
Having a large number of events (more than approx 2.1bln) causes the server to
+stop receiving the interviews (all newly received interviews end up in broken
+packages, but recoverable from there).
Export doesn’t work for surveys with more than 2.1bln events in the event
Other important changes:
Online maps in the Tester App are no longer available.
Use of online maps with the Android Apps (Interviewer App and Supervisor App)
+requires the administrator to enter a usage key in workspace settings. See
+details at the following page: Online maps key
Please note that after the data server is updated, there will be a migration of
+the data, which may take considerable time (depending on the amount of data you
+have, performance of the server, and other factors). After the update is
The list of unanswered questions at completion screen
The completion screen has been revised to include optional foldable lists of
+interview issues. The four groups of issues on this screen are:
unanswered questions,
questions with errors,
critical unanswered questions, and
failed critical rules.
Each group may list up to 30 questions or issues and each group is foldable
+(the group will show 30+ if there are more than 30).
The list of the unanswered questions was frequently asked by several users in
+the Survey Solutions users’ forum.
If there are no issues with the interview, the INTERVIEW ISSUES block will not
+appear on this page.
The total number of answered questions is no longer shown as a separate counter,
+but is apparent from the progress bar.
Higher precision integer numbers
For users collecting large values the precision offered by the integer question
+(approx. 10 digits) may not have been sufficient in the past. This has been
+improved with this version the users can take advantage of the double-precision
+storage type (64-bit floating point numbers restricted to have no decimals by
+the imposed formatting constraint) to accommodate a few extra digits. To achieve
+this, do the following:
uncheck the Integer attribute of the numeric question, and subsequently
set Number of decimal places attribute to 0 (zero).
This change must be done for every question in the questionnaire where more
+digits are desired.
Roster limits revised
Survey Solutions earlier had two sets of limits controlling how much the rosters
+could grow: 60 and 200, depending on whether the roster included another
+(nested) roster and the number of elements (questions, variables, etc) in the
In the new version the value 200 replaces the older limit of 60 where it was
+limiting the growth of the roster. This should make the rosters functionality
+more predictable during design time and simplify planning.
A single roster may now contain more than 10,000 elements, but other limits,
+such as the total number of elements (currently 80,000) continue to apply
+and limit the rosters’ growth.
Users are advised to take caution when planning ’explosive’ data structures,
+which multiply the questions and consider the total time for the interview and
+acceptable respondent’s burden as important limiting factors.
Users are advised to consult the
+Survey Solutions Limits
+page often for verifying applicable limits during questionnaire design and
+planning of the data collection operation.
Hosting Survey Solutions in a Docker container
Important note about updating for users running their Survey Solutions server
+in a Docker container: before updating to the new version, configuration of the
+container needs to be changed!
Your environment and settings may be different from the example below, so it is
+important that you understand what has changed and how to address this in your
+environment before starting the update, or you’ll risk disabling your Survey
+Solutions server.
+Docker container was run with Survey Solutions listening to port 80 in the
+container and that was mapped to port 80 in the host system, (in the Docker
+desktop you could see "80:80" next to the Headquarters container). If you
+just update the Survey Solutions container, it will no longer respond to the
+queries. Correspondingly, we need to:
Stop the Docker environment
Update the docker-compose.yml file adding a new parameter:
ASPNETCORE_URLS: http://+:80
Rebuild the Docker container by running run.bat or directly issuing a command:
+docker-compose up -d
The Docker container will be started automatically.
Your ports configuration may be different from this example. The change affects
+the default port in the configuration (which changed from 80 to 8080).
+Correspondingly the port on which the service is run inside the container is to
+be mentioned in the ASPNETCORE_URLS setting.
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+Version 5.17
Version 5.17.0 released on Feb 1, 2017 contains improvements in the look
+and feel of our software. In particular, we changed design of the
+following pages of HQ/Supervisor application:
Survey Setup
The update improves the appearance and user experience for the users of
+different screens, from older low resolution devices, to modern high
+pixel density screens.
The overall design is responsive to the environment of the browser, and
+some elements may be collapsed or presented differently depending on the
+screen size and device resolution, providing access to the same
We are constantly listening to the feedback and suggestions from our
+users. Many suggestions were voiced during our virtual user group
+meetings and some have been implemented already. If you are thinking
+about new functionality for Survey Solutions please use the following
+feature request
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+Version 5.18
Below is an overview of the new features added in version 5.18. This is
+a major release with big changes compared to the previous versions, and
+it also contains smaller fixes and improvements necessary to improve
+reliability, stability, and security of our application. It is important
+to be aware of the new features to utilize Survey Solutions to its full
web-interview mode;
export to Stata Unicode format (Stata 14);
User-requested feature: clickable GPS location;
3rd Survey Solutions Online User Group Meeting
Tuesday, March 14th, 2017 9:00 am | Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00) | 1 hr Meeting
+number (access code): 738 604 216 Meeting password: 6JjGtYHM
+can be completed before and after the meeting to suggest a new feature
+for Survey Solutions.
Web-interview mode
The new version of Survey Solutions extends data collection modes to web
+surveys. The web survey mode allows collecting survey information
+through web interviews (CAWI). Interviewers are not part of this mode as
+the respondents are fully guided by the software, with which they
+interact through the internet. This mode is most useful when the
+respondents are not easily approachable, not known, or a face-to-face
+interview can’t be easily scheduled. For example, a link to the survey
+may be placed at a website, where cooperating visitors may follow this
+link to get to the interview form.
Nothing special is required during the preparation of the questionnaire
+to be applied in web-interview mode. In fact any questionnaire used
+before may be imported and applied in web-interview mode, or a new
+questionnaire may be created.
The designers of the questionnaires that will be applied in the
+web-interview mode need to be aware of the following:
self-enumeration: the respondents will enter their information
+themselves without presence of the interviewer, hence navigation
+must be intuitive and clear;
instructions and questions wording: the respondent will not be
+trained on the survey and may need more instructions and
+explanations relatively to the interviewers that had had a training
+on the survey;
error messages must be clear, and give an indication of where
+the problem may be, and how it may be resolved;
different presentation of some question types in the web
+interview (for example, barcode reading);
interviews collected in web-survey mode may not be rejected back
+to the respondents.
Setting up Survey Solutions web-interview mode
Web-interview mode can be understood as an additional channel through
+which interviews arrive to the system and extends Census mode.
On the Survey Setup page click on any survey that has been imported in
+census mode and select Web interview setup. Then select an interviewer
+from the list of existing
Enabling spam protection will help defend against robot-submitted data.
+The interviewer that has been picked up at this point is not conducting
+the interviews, but will receive any completed interview that has been
+rejected by the supervisor. When the web-interview mode has been
+started, a link will be shown, which can be placed on a public web page
+or mass-mailed to potential respondents.
The web interview looks and behaves identical to the interview on a
The respondents have to maintain internet connection while completing
+the interview to allow the data to be submitted to the server. If the
+interview process is interrupted for a prolonged period, the program
+will freeze the interview and require the respondent to confirm when she
+is ready to continue.
If the respondent needs to interrupt an interview for a longer time, and
+close the program or restart a computer, she should retain her own
+personalized interview link, which is created when she starts responding
+to the questionnaire. This is displayed at the top of the page.
The data entered as part of the web-interview is sent to the server
+immediately, so there is no Save action specifically required from the
+respondent. But the respondent still needs to click Complete to signify
+that there is nothing else she wants to add or change in the interview
+and it may be sent for validation and processing.
Mixed mode of data collection
With introduction of web interview mode, Survey Solutions CAPI software
+allows reaching customers not available for face-to-face interviews, but
+it still allows the survey administrator to decide, which part of the
+survey should be conducted in which mode. In some situations one may opt
+for a fully face-to-face survey, while in others for a fully web
+interviewing, yet in others a certain proportion of the interviews may
+be collected using one instrument, and the rest using the other.
The mixed mode has many advantages, that our users will find useful. For
+example, one may start with an attempt to conduct a face-to-face
+interview, and upon a refusal offer the respondent to fill out a form in
+the internet. The data coming from both channels will be absorbed into
+the same database and exported as a whole, making it immediately
+available for quality control, cleaning and analysis.
Some of our clients may be concerned about the effects that combining of
+different instruments may cause. Recall, that the questionnaire is still
+the same (unless another version has been created for web-interviewing
+intentionally), which reduces the possibility for inconsistencies. But
+web interviewing removes interviewer-effects and biases, which actually
+may be desirable.
Export to Stata Unicode format (Stata 14)
Starting with version 5.18 of Survey Solutions the data export to Stata
+produces data files saved in the format introduced with Stata v.14. The
+advantage of this format is explicit use of Unicode standard for string
+data allowing storage of characters from Cyrillic, Thai, Chinese, Khmer,
+and many other alphabets.
Even where the Latin alphabet characters were used, the users earlier
+could see the missing characters instead of accented
No special action is required from the user to take advantage of the
+benefits of the new format as new datasets will be saved into this
+format automatically, but the users must be aware that Stata 14 will be
+required to open datasets produced with Survey Solutions.
Newer format will also accommodate larger string content. The exact
+limit depends on the type of characters/alphabet being used, but is at
+least 500 characters.
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+Version 5.19
Below is an overview of the new features added in version 5.19. This
+update to Survey Solutions has touched all of the software components
+from Designer and Tester, to the data server and Interviewer’s app. We
+believe that these improvements (suggested in part by our users and
+partners) will improve the security of the application, expand its
+functionality, and present it in an even more user-friendly form. It is
+important to be aware of the new features to utilize Survey Solutions to
+its full potential:
The logo image that is loaded to a Survey Solutions server gets
+downloaded to the tablets during initial setup and is visible at the
+login page replacing the default Survey Solutions image.
Interviewers can click an “eye” button to see the password they
+are typing during the login procedure to make sure that it is typed
Survey Solutions headquarter and supervisor users see a notification
+at the bottom of the screen if they are working with an older
+version of Survey Solutions (if a newer version has been released).
+Note that headquarter and supervisor users may not initiate an
+update themselves, but may notify the server administrator about the
+new release.
Survey Solutions Tester app has got a new “Reload questionnaire”
+menu item. Testers can use this button to reload the questionnaire
+when any modifications to it have been made by a questionnaire
+Designer. This eliminates the need to search for the same
+questionnaire in the list of your questionnaires.
Survey Solutions Designer now highlights the substitutions used for
+text piping inside the question text:
The Survey Solutions syntax no longer allows to use references to
+current date and time since this creates behavior different for
+interviewers and supervisors. Questionnaires that have been already
+imported to a data server will continue to work, but new
+questionnaires referring to the current date and time will need to
+be revised to remove such a reference.
An additional service file is now exported alongside the data files
+listing variables contained in each of the exported data files. In
+the complex questionnaires with multiple rosters it is sometimes not
+obvious where a particular variable will be placed in export, so
+this file can be used for reference to search by variable name.
A Survey Solutions data server will generate and display a
+human-readable ID (interview key) for every interview that has
created on the server in sample mode, or
created on a tablet and synchronized to the server, or
created on the server in web mode.
The interview key has a form of NN-NN-NN-NN and allows to identify the
+interviews on supervisors’ and hq users’ dashboards even if the designer
+of the questionnaire didn’t designate any prefilled fields:
Survey Solutions now collects a wealth of technical information
+about the interviewer’s devices and the status of the Survey
+Solutions software installed there. This allows the HQ users to
+monitor the status of the system, and do health checks on the
+tablets without having to contact the interviewers to inquire about
+the version of the OS or remaining storage space. The administrators
+and headquarters users should inspect the interviewer profile for
+typical problems (running an outdated version, low storage space,
+etc) before contacting Survey Solutions support team, since many
+problems are obvious from this information.
Survey Solutions became more secure. We have listened to the
+feedback of our users and the industry’s best practices and
+introduced additional security measures, among which the following
+will be noted by our users:
When changing own password, old password must be entered first;
During login, after 5 attempts the user will need to enter a
+CAPCHA to prevent brute force attacks;
The passwords hashing is now using a more recent and secure
+algorithm, and other changes.
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+Version 5.20
+Survey Solutions v5.20 we have expanded the web interviewing
+capabilities to cover the sample mode in addition to the census mode.
+The process consists of two steps:
Interviews creation;
Links pickup.
+first step is usual assignments creation in the batch mode or manually
+one after another. Note that as usual, you can assign directly to
+interviewers by specifying their account name in the “_responsible”
+column, then the assignment will bypass the supervisor.
+second step is to obtain the list of the generated access links to
+individual interviews. This is done on the web interview setup screen.
+Click the blue <download>
+button to download the list of the assignments in the “interviewer
+status. The downloaded file is a tab-delimited data file which contains
+the following information:
Identifying questions;
+interview id and key;
+to be sent to the
+that Survey Solutions does not automatically send the links for
+interviews to the respondents, and the links must be delivered to them
+using your own mailer.
Update of the interface in the Headquarters
+interviews list is now presented in an updated table with collapsible
+columns corresponding to identifying questions:
+open interview details, the user must now click on the interview
+the list of the interviewer accounts, interviewers using outdated
+version of the software are marked in red color.
Troubleshooting page
+have added an HQ troubleshooting page to assist with most common
+troubles that some HQ users encounter:
Other changes
+system-generated column ssSys_IRnd is ignored during the
+preloading. This allows uploading exactly same file to Survey
+Solutions that was downloaded from it without the need to clean up
+the file.
+term “identifying” questions is now applied in Survey Solutions
+everywhere where “prefilled” was used earlier. The nature of the
+prefilled questions was always to identify the assignments
+(households, individuals, enterprises, etc), but was often confused
+by our users with “preloaded”. To avoid this confusion we now apply
+the term “identifying” to denote the scope of the questions visible
+on the dashboards.
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+Version 5.21
Conceptually, version 5.21 introduces an important change in how
+interview assignments are distributed.
Previously, survey managers had a binary choice for distributing
+assignments: sample or census mode. Sample mode offered complete control
+over survey targets, but imposed the cost of specifying all identifying
+information for each survey target (e.g., name, address, etc.). Census
+mode offered complete flexibility for identifying survey targets, but
+provided no control over the identifying information of potential survey
+targets (e.g., region where households have been selected).
Now, with assignments, survey managers have a continuum of choices:
+sample mode, census mode, and everything in between. To be clear, users
+can still distribute interviews just as before. But, importantly, there
+are also new choices that are more closely aligned with common, but
+previously unmet, user needs. To see this, consider a few use cases.
+When faced with HQ-based selection of primary sampling units (PSUs) but
+field-based sampling of households, survey managers can now pre-populate
+identifying details of PSUs (e.g., region, district, village name) while
+requiring interviewers to provide identifying details of households
+selected for interview (e.g., household head’s name, etc.). When
+confronted with tracking members of a panel study, survey managers can
+now dynamically determined the number of copies of interviews associated
+with an assignment, so that any split-offs from an original household
+can be quickly captured with the benefit of any preloaded information.
Practically, this conceptual change in version 5.21 is relatively minor
+for all users.
For Headquarters, there is no longer any need to choose the mode of
+distribution (i.e., select sample or census mode). When assignments are
+created, the mode of distribution is determined by the quantity of
+interviews associated with an assignment (i.e., 1 to replicate sample
+mode, unlimited to replicate census mode, and for new modes some number
+in between).
For Supervisor, survey management now happens in two spaces. When making
+or revising assignments, supervisors work from the Assignments screen.
+When reviewing completed interviews, supervisors work from the
+Interviews screen. In other words, there is a space for each entity.
+Assignments in Assignments; Interviews in Interviews.
For Interviewer, there is a new tab on the dashboard: Create New. From
+this tab, interviewers can create interviews from their assignments. For
+example, if an assignment consists of three interviews, the interviewer
+can create up to three interviews. Once an interview is created, it
+moves from one status tab to another as before (e.g., Started,
+Completed, etc.). Meanwhile, the list of all assignments will remain in
+the Create New tab.
For a compact but comprehensive summary of what’s new and how legacy
+questionnaires are handled, read
Interviewer improvements
The Interviewer application has seen three improvements aimed at
+increasing usability.
Interviewer app updates are incremental. Previously, updating
+the Interviewer application required downloading the full
+installation file with each new release. Now, updating the
+application downloads a smaller file, making it easier and less
+costly for interviewers to keep their tablets up to date in the
+field. Upgrading from the previous version to the current version
+might require downloading just few hundred kilobytes.
Dashboard cards are expandable. Previously, assignment cards
+displayed only the first three identifying questions. Now, cards can
+be expanded to see all identifying questions. To expand a card,
+simply tap. To collapse, tap the card again.
Dashboard interface uses swipe navigation. Previously,
+interviewers needed to tap on the status tab to move between lists
+of interviews (e.g., Started, Completed). Now, they can swipe right
+or left.
Designer improvements
The Designer application has also seen several improvements to
Login with email address. Previously, users needed to enter
+their login in order to access Designer or recover their password.
+Now, they may also use the email address used to sign up for their
+Designer account, making login and password recovery easier.
Save partially complete questions and validations. Previously,
+questionnaire designers needed to complete the question text field
+before saving a question, and provide an error message to save a
+validation. Now, designers may leave both blank. Questions without
+question text will appear as compilation errors. Validations without
+error messages will simply not show an error message for invalid
+answers. These changes makes creating rough drafts easier.
Simplifies data types. Previously, Survey Solutions several C#
+data types to store answers to questions and values of system
+variables. Now, those data types have simplified. The number of
+types have been reduced. The types now more closely match user
+intuition. Most users will not notice the change. Advanced users
+should consult this summary table of data
Tester improvements
Previously, testing with Tester could be tedious. When a problem was
+found in a questionnaire, one made a correction in Designer, reloaded
+the questionnaire in Tester, and then re-entered testing data.
Now, when the user reloads a questionnaire, Tester tries to keep all
+previously entered data intact. That way, one can more quickly confirm
+that identified problems have been resolved.
Application Programming Interface (API)
In version 5.21, Survey Solutions’ API have been considerably improved
+and expanded. First, virtually every user action now has a corresponding
+API (e.g., creating assignments, assigning interviews, downloading data,
+and approving and rejecting interviews). Second, each server features
+up-to-date and interactive documentation on what API actions are
+allowed, how to formulate them, and what server responses to expect.
Please note that this feature is aimed at advanced users who are
+comfortable with server queries and REST APIs.
Area question type
Working in partnership with ESRI, the Survey Solutions team has
+integrated some of ESRI’s mobile GIS tools into Survey Solutions. The
+result: a new question type that measures area by tracing a shape’s
+outlines on satellite imagery (e.g., bounds of a farmer’s field). The
+appeal: the ability to measure area without traversing a shape (e.g.,
+walking around a farmer’s potentially distant field).
In version 5.21, this new question type should be considered
+experimental. In future versions, this question type will be improved
+and extended. Stay tuned.
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+Version 5.22
+Survey Solutions v5.22 we have added access to server by interviewers, a
+new question type (audio) and various other improvements.
Audio question
+new audio question type has been added following the overwhelming number
+of requests from our users, especially dealing with surveys in literacy,
+education, and public opinion research. In these surveys the recording
+of the respondent’s voice may serve quality control purposes or be
+directly of interest to the researchers.
+question allows recording sound (voice) of the respondent as part of the
+interview using the tablet’s microphone. The recorded data is then
+transferred to the server and exported as part of the binary data
+audio question doesn’t have any custom properties and can be added in
+Designer by specifying an appropriate question type, text, variable name
+and other common properties:
+optional instruction may indicate how the interaction between an
+interviewer and the respondent should proceed. As any other question,
+audio question may be asked or skipped based on the internal logic of
+the questionnaire, which is fully under control of the questionnaire
+questions may only have one scope: interviewer.
+a tablet the audio question is represented similarly to an image type
+question, with the button which needs to be tapped to start
+the recording, a timer and recording status are displayed. If necessary,
+the recording can be deleted, and a new recording be made
+that the audio recording is activated by the interviewer, it is a
+conscious action (commonly the consent of the respondent is also to be
+audio question can also be used in web interviews. Note that an audio
+question has a 180 seconds limit on recording duration, and if the
+recording is not cancelled at that time it will be saved automatically
+replacing the previous answer for this question. For web interviews the
+compression is performed on the server. All audio data is saved in the
+AAC (advanced audio encoding) format into *.m4a
Interviewer sign in to Survey Solutions
+this version we have expanded the Survey Solutions server functionality,
+which now allows interviewers to sign in using the same credentials as
+on the tablet. Once signed in, the interviewers have access to
+(started, completed and rejected);
+(counts of interviews and device description and
+an assignment has been made to the interviewer, he can pull it out to
+the tablet (just clicking the synchronization button), or start it as a
+web-interview and complete it online. Interviews started online, may be
+completed online or on the tablet after synchronization, but interviews
+received on the tablet must be completed on the tablet.
Other changes and improvements
+cascading questions may now also use validation
+are now supported in web interviews and can be accessed from the
+question’s menu;
+key is now displayed throughout the whole system, including the
+tablet after the interview has been opened;
+taken with the tablet’s camera are automatically proportionately
+resized to have longer side no longer than 1024
+icon was added to web interviews to signal the nature of the
+selection to international users.
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+Version 5.23
In version 5.23 of Survey Solutions, the focus has principally been on
+improving reports by:
New reports
Facility for exporting reports to XLSX, CSV, and TAB formats
Overall improvements
While improving reporting has been our priority, there are been other
+improvements as well:
Improved interface for the Interviews screen
Localization of the web interview user interface into Arabic,
+French, Russian, and Spanish
Interview key exported
Improved reports
New reports
Status Duration
While most reports show survey progress, the Status Duration report
+carefully flags lack of progress. By seeing how many days interviews
+stay in the same status, survey managers can see whether survey
+operations are moving forward, and identify any bottlenecks (e.g., slow
+approval by supervisors, slower reactions by HQ, etc.) .By clicking on
+any cell in the report, managers can drill down to the details of which
+questionnaires and/or field staff are behind interviews stagnating in
+the same status.
Troubleshooting can be hard. To make this difficult task somewhat
+easier, the Devices/Interviewers report compiles information on
+potential problems—failures to sync with the server (NEVER CONNECTED),
+oversights in updating Interviewer (OLD VERSION), and problems in tablet
+settings (WRONG TIME ON TABLET), etc.. From this report on all
+interviewers, survey (IT) managers can easily navigate, with a click, to
+more detailed reports on an individual interviewer’s sync history and
+tablet info.
Facility for exporting reports to XLS, CSV, and TAB formats
Even if you have moved to CAPI, your bosses or clients may still want
+paper reports. To make traditional reporting easier, all tables on the
+Reports tab can now be exported to XLSX, CSV, or TAB format. From that
+format, you can easily include them in status updates to internal and
+external clients. To export, navigate to the bottom right of the report,
+and click on the desired download format.
Overall improvements
All reports have been given a modern look and feel. Column headers can
+be clicked to sort most reports. Rows, thanks to alternating dark and
+light lines, are easier to read.
Most reports have headers with totals, making management of surveys with
+several survey instruments easier.
Many reports have more straightforward controls. All filters have
+clearer names. Some filters, like those for the Quantity and Speed
+reports, have been organized in a more intuitive order.
Other improvements
Improved interface for the Interviews tab in Headquarters/Supervisor
More than a simple makeover, the improvements to the Interviews tab are
+more functional than aesthetic.
First, Interviews have a new action menu. Upon (left-) clicking on any
+interview, the Headquarters or Supervisor user will see a menu of
+actions available.
Second, some of the menu actions are new actions. The Show Status
+History option shows a status report for the selected interview in
+clear, compact format—showing what status change occurred (STATE), when
+it happened (CHANGED ON), who initiated the change (BY), who picked up
+the interview (ASSIGNED TO) , and some optional notes on why the change
+occurred (COMMENTS).
The Open responsible’s profile option takes the user to a detailed
+report on the interviewer’s recent synchronization activity, connection
+statistics, and detailed device info.
Other assorted improvements
These include:
Localization of the web interview user interface into French,
+Spanish, and Arabic. This will allow those who complete
+questionnaires online the same ease of navigation that interviewers
+have on the tablet. Stay tuned for more localization.
Interview key exported. In version 5.20, the interview key—a
+short, unique interview identifier—appeared in Headquarters and
+Supervisor. In this version, that key is being exported along with
+other survey data. In another version very soon, the interview key
+will be visible to interviewers as well. This will allow all quick
+identification of survey cases, avoiding vague references to the
+household head’s name or overly precise provision of all identifying
Performance improvements and bug fixes. In addition to the
+visible features are continued improvements to the performance of
+all components of Survey Solutions.
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+Version 5.24
+September development sprint focused on refactoring and streamlining the
+core components of Survey Solutions. This code optimization reduced the
+synchronization time and improved stability of the many internal
+5.24 also contains the following features and improvements to our
+software functionality:
+of calculated variables.
+appearance of the interviews’ and assignments’ cards in the
+Interviewer app.
Export of calculated variables
+variables are commonly used in CAPI questionnaires to implement complex
+checks or indicate to the interviewer some derived information. For
+example, one may create a variable that calculates the number of
+children in the household,
+use this variable in subsequent questions to check if the number of
+children in a household exceeds a specific threshold.
+with version 5.24 of Survey Solutions these variables will be
+automatically included in the export data. This is especially useful
+when the variables are dependent on random sequence of values generated
+by Survey Solutions, such as in the cases of random selection of
+respondents in households or enterprises.
+special actions are required on the user side. After the upgrade the new
+data downloads will contain the calculated variables as part of the
+exported data. The variables are exported in the order they appear in
+the questionnaire.
New appearance of the interviews’ and assignments’ cards in the Interviewer app
+appearance of the cards on the dashboard in the Interviewer app has been
+reworked to present the information in a more consistent and usable
+information in the identifying fields is shown in a concise form, and
+unfolds fully when a card is clicked. In the unfolded view the user has
+access to the button to start a new interview for the assignments and
+open interview for interviews. The new cards show more prominently the
+reference numbers for assignments (assignment number) and interviews
+(interview key), which can be mentioned in conversations between
+interviewers and supervising staff.
+interview card also has its own menu, which currently provides access to
+the “Discard” functionality to erase that interview.
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+Version 5.25
The December development sprint focused on improving the user experience
+in several areas:
Interview details interface. More intuitive, the interface for
+reviewing interviews now matches that for completing them on the
+tablet and the web. More powerful, the interface features filters
+for quickly locating interview content of interest.
Complete localization of the user interface. All components of
+Survey Solutions—including Designer—have been translated into
+French, Russian, and Spanish. More languages are planned.
Multi-language features. For better multi-language
+documentation, the PDF export of questionnaires can created for each
+user-defined translation. For better ease of use in the field,
+survey coordinators may define the default language for a survey.
Data export files. To make data management easier, ID variables
+have been harmonized across all export files. To make survey
+management more powerful, new data files now exist to analyze data
+collection devices and interview errors.
Folders on Designer. To better organize public questionnaires
+for user learning, sharing of resources, and development and
+dissemination of standards.
Managing and distributing maps. New tools for headquarters to
+manage maps and distribute them wirelessly to interviewers.
Admin auditing log. Record of all the main actions on the
+server, identifying who made the action, and when. Examples include:
+importing a questionnaire on the server, initiating data, deleting a
+questionnaire, etc.
While new features typically do not interfere with old features,
+sometimes there are exceptions. With this release, there are two such
New interview details interface. By default, the new interface
+will be shown. If users are not ready for the new design, they may
+revert to the old design for now.
New naming scheme for ID variables. Because Survey Solutions
+expects the same type of files it produces, the changes is the names
+of variables names need to be taken into account by users uploading
+interview assignments.
Coming is another such feature. To make significant improvements to
+responsiveness of the Interviewer’s user interface, especially for large
+questionnaires (i.e., 800+ questions), we will be releasing an update.
+In mid-December, we will be releasing this as a hotfix to the current
+version, 5.25. To receive this hotfix, users need to write our support
+team. In early February, we will be releasing this code as part of the
+new version, 5.26. At that point, the update will be automatically sent
+to all servers. Whenever this update is received, users will need to
+update their tablets so their updated servers can talk to tablets with
+updated software.
New Interview details interface
To make reviewing interviews easier, the interview details view—that is,
+the view Headquarters and Supervisors have of the full interview—has
+been substantially improved in two ways.
First, the user interface has been redesigned to match that of the
+Interviewer application. To make navigation intuitive, the interview
+details view now has the same navigation pane as the Interviewer
+application. Sections of the questionnaire listed on the left. Colors
+indicate completion status of sections. And sections may be expanded to
+navigate directly to sub-sections and roster rows. To make interview
+content clear, the interview details view renders questions and their
+answers just like the Interviewer application. In that way, Headquarters
+and Supervisors users see what Interviewer users do. More than mere
+aesthetics, this change reduces the training needed for Headquarters and
+Supervisors to review interviews, since the user interface is
+essentially the same as on the tablet.
Second, the user interface has been made more powerful by the
+introduction of filters. In the left-most pane, Headquarters and
+Supervisor users may filter interviews in order to focus on content of
+interest by ticking on the corresponding box(es) (e.g., supervisor
+questions, flagged questions that are also invalid, etc.). When used,
+filters query the questionnaire for questions of interest, and yield a
+list of results in the middle pane. Clicking on a result has the effect
+of moving to that result and its context in the questionnaire.
Have a survey in the field right now? Inform field teams of the change,
+and help them make the transition from the old interface to the new one.
Not ready for the update? No problem. The old interface can still be
+used for the next few months. To revert to the old design, click on Old
+interview details at the bottom of the left-most pane.
Complete localization of user interface
Previously, most parts of Survey Solutions were localized to other
+languages. But there were a few gaps. Designer was not localized. For
+some previously localized software components, like Headquarters, recent
+development outpaced translation.
Now, every component of Survey Solutions speaks your language. With
+version 5.25, all text in all software components—that is, in Designer,
+Tester, Headquarters, Supervisor, and Interviewer—have been translated.
For the moment, the full interface has been translated for the following
In future releases, there are plans to translate the interface fully
+into these languages as well:
(A small technical note: for web-based software components, the
+interface language follows web browser’s language; for tablet-based
+software components, the interface language follows the device
Improvements to multi-language questionnaires
Beyond localization, version 5.25 has made two more steps towards making
+Survey Solutions even more multi-lingual friendly:
Set default language in Interviewer
Previously, the multi-language features took the language the language
+of a questionnaire’s design—that is, the language used to develop a
+questionnaire in Designer—as the main language, and languages as
Now, the questionnaire designer can select the default language of
+administration—that is, the language version that is shown when an
+interview is opened in Interviewer. To mark a language as the default,
+open the translations pane in Designer, hover over a translation, and
+click on MARK AS DEFAULT LANGUAGE. To keep the language of design as the
+default language, no action is required.
Export PDF version of questionnaire into any questionnaire language
Previously, Designer produced a PDF version of the questionnaire only in
+the language of the questionnaire’s design.
Now, users may select the export language for the PDF file form a
+drop-down menu of translations defined for that questionnaire. To do
+this, export the PDF as usual, select a language from the drop-down menu
+of translations, and click on GENERATE PDF to download the file.
Folders on Designer
Up until now, questionnaires have been a searchable list of documents.
+With version 5.25, folders will be introduced for public questionnaires.
This is an exciting development, for several reasons. First, it
+organizes questionnaires into thematic groups (e.g., questionnaires from
+YouTube videos, questionnaires for learning features, examples of
+questionnaires deployed by users).
Second, and perhaps more exciting, is that folders will allow the Survey
+Solutions community to share resources and establish standards. Examples
+include national or international classification systems (e.g., ISIC,
+ISCO, COICOP, etc.); questionnaires that reflect regional or
+international standards (e.g., WAEMU’s Harmonized Household Living
+Standards Survey, OECS’ Labor Force Survey, FAO’s Forestry Module,
+etc.); and questionnaires that showcase features and common or complex
+validations (e.g., checking that the household head and son/daughter
+have an appropriate age differential, lookup tables to evaluate unit
+prices, etc.).
But these are simply examples. To make this content most useful, we ask
+our users to write us with ideas and with content to share. To do so,
+please write to us.
In future releases, folders may be expanded to help users with file
+management. In the near future, all users will have a Shared with me
+folder that captures all questionnaires developed by other but shared
+with users.
Export files improved
Version 5.25 contains several improvements to export data files.
(Note: users with code that creates assignment files will need to update
+that code to ensure that those files contain the new variable names
+Survey Solutions now expects.)
Identifiers have fixed, descriptive names
Data files have been revised in two ways. First, identifiers have the
+same name in every file in which they appear. The household identifier,
+for example, has the same name in all files that contain it.
Second, identifiers take on the name of object they identify. If the
+household member roster is called hhroster, for example, then its
+identifier is named hhroster__id.
The new naming scheme is as follows. The main case identifier is
+interview__id. The case identifier for roster rows is the roster
+variable name plus __id– for example, a roster with the roster
+variable name agParcels would have a roster row identifier named
Case identifiers appear in all files
To facilitate merging, the following case identifiers appears in every
+export file:
The variable interview__id corresponds to the 32-character
+system-generated identifier previously captured in Id in the main data
+file. The variable interview__key corresponds to the short, more
+user-friendly identifier for tracking interviews in Headquarters,
+Supervisor, or Interviewer applications.
Interview attributes exported to the main data files
Previously, the status of surveys and their data have been separate
+entities. To see status, one needed to consult interview reports (or
+find a case in the interview_actions export file). To analyze data, one
+needed to export data.
Now, the export files contain two variables that provide a useful bridge
+between survey management and data analysis. In the main data export
+file, users will find the following variables:
The interview__status variable corresponds to the status in the survey
+management system (e.g., Completed, ApprovedBySupervisor, etc.). The
+variable has_errors captures whether the interview contains any
+validation errors—1 if so; 0 otherwise.
New export files
With version 5.25, we have continued implementing the following data
+policy: if Survey Solutions captures or displays it, Survey Solutions
+should also export it. That way, users can use all the rich data we
+capture, and conduct analyses that go beyond what the current user
+interface allows.
With that in mind, two new data files are now available for export:
Interviewer/device information
Interview errors
Interviewer/device information
Previously, Survey Solutions collected summary information on
+interviewers, and detailed data on the devices they use (e.g., Android
+OS version, battery power, speed of connection on last sync, etc.). The
+interviewer information was available on Teams and Roles >
+Interviewers. The detailed device and sync data could be seen on that
+interviewer’s profile page.
Now, Survey Solutions combines those two reports into a single,
+exportable one. To export that report, navigate to Teams and Roles >
+Interviewers, scroll to the bottom of the screen, and click the desired
+file format.
Note: creation of the export file may take some time when there are a
+large number of interviewers, since the export file is constructed from
+interviewer attributes and the details of the device’s last known
Interview errors
Previously, validation errors were visible in a few ways. First, users
+could see them upon manual review of interviews. Second, advanced users
+could see them in the paradata.
Now, the interview__errors contains a compilation of all validation
+errors. Following the structure of the interview_comments file, the
+interview__errors allows the user to link validation errors back to a
+particular validation for a particular question (in a particular roster
+row) in a particular interview. To allow this linking, the file contains
+the following information:
variable. The name of the object to which the validation error
+is linked.
type. The type of object to which the validation error is
+linked: 1=Roster, 2=Question, 3=StaticText, 4=Variable.
roster. If the error occurs outside of a roster, this column
+will be blank. If the error occurs in the roster, the column will
+contain the roster variable name for the roster where the error
interview__id. The identifier of the interview.
id1. The identifier of the top-level roster instance. The value
+communicates both the name of the roster and the row. If the roster
+is named myRoster, then the value for row two is
id2. The identifier for the second-level roster instance.
id3. The identifier for the third-level roster instance.
message_number. The validation error number in Designer.
message. The string error message (without text substitution)
+that is displayed.
This data could aid survey manager is in identifying the most frequent
+validation errors, overall and/or by team. A boon for active survey
Manage distribution of maps
Earlier, Survey Solutions’ area questions required maps to be
+side-loaded to a particular folder on each deployed tablet. This process
+for map distribution, to say the least, is tedious and error prone.
Now, Survey Solutions allows survey managers and interviewers alike a
+user-friendly for map management—for assigning maps to interviewers and
+for downloading maps to tablets, respectively.
Assign maps to interviewers
Map assignments, like all other assignments made on Headquarters, are
+part of survey setup.
To make assignments, follow these simple steps:
First, log into Headquarters.
Then, upload maps to the server. Click on UPLOAD .ZIP FILE.
+Select a zip archive containing one or more maps.
Next, assign maps to users. Click on the Update user-to-map
+linking. Upload a tab-delimited file that assigns one or more maps
+to users.
For any given map, the survey manager may preview the map on
+Headquarters, and see the users to whom it is assigned
Receive maps on tablets
Map assignments, like all other interviewer assignments, must be
+downloaded via synchronization. Because map assignments are special (and
+may contain very large files), their synchronization has a special
+screen and special process that is separate from typical
To download assigned maps, follow these steps:
Open the Interviewer application
Navigate to the map synchronization screen. From the Interviewer
+dashboard, tap on the overflow menu. Then, select maps. From the
+maps screen, tap on the sync button.
Wait for maps to download. Because map files may be quite large,
+it is strongly advised that map synchronization be done in the head
+office before deployment to the field.
Other improvements
In addition to the big-ticket items above, version 5.25 contains several
Answers to area questions—that is, the map and user-sketched
+boundary—can be seen on web interview and interview details.
Interview_actions contain two new actions: paused and resumed.
+These actions allow survey managers to compute more precise
+estimates of interview duration. The paused action occurs when an
+interview is closed or the tablet goes to sleep (or after 15 minute
+timeout for web interview). The resumed action occurs when an
+interview is reopened or the tablet wakes up (or when the page is
+reloaded for web interview). Duration reports in Headquarters do not
+yet use these actions for improved interview duration estimates.
Audit log, available to server admin users, lists all actions taken
+on the server, and their timestamp.
Bug fixes and performance improvements
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+Version 5.26
+5.26 of Survey Solutions released on Feb. 08. 2018 comes with several
+new features and numerous important improvements.
+Online Tester tool allows instant preview of the designed
+questionnaires in the browser.
+Interviewers can be transferred between different
+Descriptive meta information can be added to the questionnaires
+being designed.
+New tab “Shared with me” in Designer for shared
+Enhancements in data export.
+Objective measurement of time of recalculation of
+Other improvements and bugfixes.
**The **5th
+Survey Solutions User Group online meeting took place on 14th February
Online Tester
+Survey Solutions Designer now provides an instantly accessible tool to
+test questionnaires online: the Online
+This allows more streamlined testing of the questionnaires without the
+need to transfer them to the tablet. Among the other advantages is
+automatic access to the most recent version of the Tester, without the
+need to update it on the tablet and possibility to utilize the tester
+functionality for the users that have no access to the Google
+start the Online Tester tool, click the Test
+located next to the Compile
+Tester provides an accurate impression of the questionnaire functioning
+during the preparation for the web interviews, which don’t utilize the
+tablets. Users that utilize Online Tester for testing their
+questionnaires should keep in mind that the performance of the devices
+(computer and tablet) is different, and in order to have an accurate
+impression of the performance of the tablet interviews they need to be
+tested on the actual device (and best on the same model that will be
+used for the actual data collection). See also the performance
+measurements for tablet’s response time below.
+the Online Tester does not show the computed value of variables during
+testing. Questionnaires that have syntax errors in conditions or other
+compilation errors can’t be tested.
Reassign interviewers between the teams
+an interviewer from one team to another is a useful team management
+action to bring a team’s size in accordance with it’s workload,
+eliminate bottlenecks and solve other practical problems. We have added
+the reassigning as a possible action of the headquarters users in v.5.26
+and it can be completed in one of the following two modes:
+interviewer is being moved to another team, taking all the assignments
+and interviews with him/her;
+interviewer is being moved to another team, passing his/her existing
+interviews and assignments to the original supervisor.
+the reallocation of the interviewers between the teams is an action
+taken after e.g. a training or pilot, in which case the interviewers
+have no assignments and no interviews for which they are responsible.
+The reassignment at this stage is easy and safe, and there is no
+difference between the two modes.
+the assignments have been made already, one has to decide whether the
+interviewer is moved with his workload or not. Usually, if the
+interviewer is reassigned to the team working in a different
+geographical area, there is no possibility to continue the work started
+in the original area, and such work is becoming the responsibility of
+the supervisor. If the new team is working in the same area, the
+interviewer still might complete the assignments and so may be
+transferred with his existing workload.
+the assignments are conducted during the data collection activities, the
+reassignment should be done with caution
+to avoid data loss!
+If the interviewer is reassigned with a rejected interview, this
+interview will not be accepted from him when he tries to complete it
+(since it becomes the responsibility of the supervisor immediately after
+the reassignment).
Questionnaire meta information
+new tab in the questionnaire designer now provides access to more than a
+dozen meta information fields, which can be filled out by the designer
+to describe the questionnaire (type of survey, covered country(ies),
+period of survey, responsible organization, etc).
+recommend our users provide as much information as possible in these
+fields to properly classify their composed instruments.
+meta information entered here also appears in the PDF preview of the
+questionnaire for documentation purposes.
User Folders: Own and Shared Questionnaires
+have added a new tab in the Designer “Questionnaires
+shared with me”
+in addition to “My
+and “Public
+All of the questionnaires that are shared with you by your co-authors
+will be shown there. “My
+shows only those questionnaires for which you are the owner.
Changes to Export of Data
+following changes have been introduced to the exported
+the export to statistical packages Survey Solutions inserts an
+extended missing value where the answer could have been provided by
+the interviewer, but wasn’t. Specifically, for SPSS system file
+format (*.sav), this value is now marked as a missing value. For
+Stata binary file format (*.dta) this value is replaced with
+Stata’s extended missing value .a.
+Both SPSS and Stata will automatically account for missinges in
+computation of averages, tabulations, and other analyses. There are
+no extended missing values for tab-delimited export and the user
+will need to properly account for the special value -999,999,999 in
+their analyses based on the tab-delimited files.
+of the variables are now more rigidly determined by the
+questionnaire. You should expect now that even if all content of a
+string variable is numeric, it should export as string (earlier it
+could be saved as a numeric column).
+API for data export now supports specifying parameters from
+to restrict the exported data to only the interviews on which any
+change occurred in the specified window.
Time of the Expressions Calculation
+be able to get objective measurements of the responsiveness of the
+questionnaire on a tablet one can activate the execution time
+measurement in the Tester App’s settings: Show
+elapsed time per answer.
+this mode the Tester app will report the time it took to recalculate all
+of the expressions as a result of the user providing or changing any
+answer. Time is reported at the bottom of the screen in seconds or
+milliseconds. Note that this is only the calculation time, which does
+not include the time necessary to redraw the screen, so total response
+time will be larger.
+values correspond to faster reactions and better interviewer experience.
+If you are getting large values, either simplify the conditions (e.g.
+validations) in the questionnaire, or seek for better
Other changes
+in speed of calculations: v5.26 includes a new algorithm to reduce
+the re-calculation of all the user-written expressions (enabling
+conditions, validation conditions, etc) to gain performance and to
+make sure the tablet remains responsive even when working with very
+complex questionnaires.
+have restricted the roster variable name (identifier assigned to
+roster) to 28 characters long. This is done to make sure that the
+automatically generated ID (rostername__ID)
+is a valid variable name (fits into Stata’s 32-characters limit). If
+your older questionnaire made use of longer roster variable names,
+you may need to rename them.
+improved the presentation of the header of an interview when it is
+being reviewed by the supervisors/headquarter users. It is now
+presented in more compact, yet informative way:
+have added support of Chinese language in the
+are about to retire the old presentation of interview details (link:
+interview details)
+that we have retained to smoothen the transition. For all users we
+recommend to utilize the new interview details view immediately and
+catch up with supervisors’ training as necessary.
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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index 00000000..79dd9f4b
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index 00000000..cdf5ac89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/supervisor/components-of-the-supervisor-software/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+Components of the Supervisor Software
**Reports **tab provides four different types of reports: Survey and
+Statuses, Team members and Statuses, Quantity and Speed. For
+example, the Surveys and Statuses report (shown below), presents a
+summary of assignments by questionnaire. Details on each report type and
+ways to tailor each report are explained in the see the reports
The Interview panel constitutes the core of where supervisor does their
+work. It is a detailed list of survey assignments. To find this list,
+click on the Interviews tab at the top of the screen. The Interview interface consists of several pieces:
The list of interview cases (marked 1 in the image below), which
+captures location information (Identifying questions), which
+member is responsible (Responsible), when the assignment was last
+updated (Last Updated), whether it
+contains errors (Has Errors), and what status it has (Status).
Set of filters (marked 2) for narrowing the list down to the
+questionnaire (Template), team member responsible (Responsible),
+and/or assignment status (Status).
Tool that appears when one more check boxes associated with cases
+are selected (marked 3). This can be used for approving or rejecting
Interview key, which is a system generated random number for each
+survey assignment (marked 4). Click on this number to open the
+survey case to review.
Search tool, which can be used to find survey cases through keywords
+(marked 5).
The Interview panel allows the supervisor to:
Review completed assignments, and reject or approve the
For any completed assignment, the supervisor clicks on
+the interview key associated with that interview case (depicted as 4
+in the figure above). The supervisor software then opens an interface
+for reviewing, commenting, and approving or rejecting the case.
The **Interview review panel **has several components (as displayed
*Filters (marked 1 in the image above) *are on the left-hand of the
+screen. They allow the supervisor to navigate from one section of
+the questionnaire to another by clicking on a heading. Bolded
+headings represent sections. Indented headings represent groups of
+questions or rows of rosters.
Additional filters (2) are on the top right-hand segment of the
+screen. They facilitate the display of questions that may be of
+interest to the supervisor. The All filter presents all
+questions. The commented and flag** filters display those
+questions with comments or flags, respectively.
+The answered questions, as the name suggests, are all those that
+have an answer. The invalid filter displays those questions that
+failed a validation check (e.g., range, consistency with other
+responses, etc.). The supervisor’s filter yields those special
+questions that only the supervisor sees and can answer.
+The enabled and hidden filter returns questions that are
+available to be answered based on the skip logic of the
+questionnaire and answers provided to key questions.
The center part of the screen (3) lists the questions and the
+answers of the content being reviewed.
The last column to the right (4) is where the supervisor reads
+comments from the interviewer and provides comments to the
The final components are the green approve button and red reject
+button (5). These important buttons determine whether the assignment
+is sent to headquarters for inclusion in the survey database
+(Approve) or returned to the interviewer for correction
Teams and Roles
Another component of the supervisor software is the Interviewer
+dashboard, opened through clicking on the Teams and Roles tab at
+the top of the screen.
This component is responsible for the small parts of human resource
+management that the supervisor handles. Headquarters determines which
+human resources are in which team. Supervisor is relegated to the role
+of managing the user accounts for their team. To do so, the supervisor
+clicks on the team member’s name.
The final major component of the supervisor software is the assignments
+tab. This is where the supervisor can see the assignments allocated from
+Headquarters and allocate the assignments to his/her team members. For
+more detailed information, refer to the
+Assignments article.
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index 00000000..20f9df13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/supervisor/distribute-an-assignment/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Distribute an Assignment
+to the list of the assignments to the team by clicking on
+the Assignments menu
+item at the top of the screen**. **Set
+the check box to the left of the assignment(s) to be assigned to an
+interviewer. (As a supervisor you can select multiple assignments to be
+assigned in a single action). Then, click on Assign and select an
+interviewer from the pop-up menu.
+will assign the selected assignments to the selected interviewer. The
+interviewer will see these new assignments on the dashboard of their
+tablet upon the next synchronization.
+necessary, you can use the filters at the left to narrow down the list
+of assignments to ones from a particular survey.
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index 00000000..1b676b11
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index 00000000..e11da307
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index 00000000..73afd8be
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index 00000000..6446c30a
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e2b8439c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/supervisor/find-an-interview/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Find an Interview
Use filters to
+narrow down your search—by questionnaire, by team member, and by
+survey status.
Keep in mind that after an interview has been approved by a supervisor
+and is sent to the headquarters users, the supervisor no longer sees the
+interview on the dashboard.
Click on the Interviews tab at the top of the screen:
By questionnaire
To filter by
+questionnaire, move your cursor to the Filter
+panel at the left of the screen. Then, click on the drop-down
+menu below Templates. Select the questionnaire whose survey
+assignments you want to see.
The results will be a list of only those assignments for that particular
+questionnaire, regardless of who is responsible for them or what their
+status is.
By assigned team member
To filter by the
+team member responsible, click on the drop-down menu below
+Responsible and select the team member whose assignments you want
+to see.
This will yield a list of all the assignments for that team member.
+The supervisor is also one team member that can be selected. Selecting
+the supervisor’s questions so will provide a list of all those
+assignments that have been sent to the supervisor by headquarters but
+not allocated to any other team members.
By status
To filter by
+status, click on the drop-down menu below Status and select the status of interest.
This will return the survey assignments that are in a given status. Of
+particular interest may be assignments whose status is Completed. The Completed cases need to be reviewed and
+approved or rejected by the supervisor.
An explanation of each survey status can be found in this
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The Survey Solutions tablet supervisor app opens a possibility for the in-field supervision
+without the need to utilize the internet.
A common use scenario is when a team of interviewers along with the supervisor work in a remote location for a prolonged time and no communication possible to exchange the data with the server. At the same time it is still desirable for the supervisors to control the work of his team. The app allows them to
To begin, click on the Interviews tab at
+the top of the screen**.**The supervisor application will then show the
+full list of interview cases.
Cases to be reassigned to another interviewer
You may need to change survey case assignments because of interviewer
+job performance issues, illness, and management of the team’s workload.
+For example, reassigning a survey case from an overloaded interviewer to
+an interviewer that has time.
+to the list of the assignments to the team by clicking on
+the Assignments menu
+item at the top of the screen**. **Set
+the check box to the left of the assignment(s) to be assigned to an
+interviewer. (As a supervisor you can select multiple assignments to be
+assigned in a single action). Then, click on Assign and select an
+interviewer from the pop-up menu.
Reportstab provides six different
+types of reports: Survey and Statuses, Team Members and
+Quantity,Speed, Map Report,
+Survey Statistics. Note
+that assignments do not have a status, and these reports only reflect
+the status of Interview cases. Interview cases only have their status
+reflected once an interview is created and completed from an assignment.
Use filters to
+narrow down your search—by questionnaire, by team member, and by
+survey status.
Keep in mind that after an interview has been approved by a supervisor
+and is sent to the headquarters users, the supervisor no longer sees the
+interview on the dashboard.
Click on the Interviews tab at the top of the screen:
By questionnaire
To filter by
+questionnaire, move your cursor to the Filter
+panel at the left of the screen. Then, click on the drop-down
+menu below Templates. Select the questionnaire whose survey
+assignments you want to see.
**Reports **tab provides four different types of reports: Survey and
+Statuses, Team members and Statuses, Quantity and Speed. For
+example, the Surveys and Statuses report (shown below), presents a
+summary of assignments by questionnaire. Details on each report type and
+ways to tailor each report are explained in the see the reports
During the survey, an interviewer may forget his or her password. To
+address problem, the supervisor can change the interviewer’s password.
Click on the Teams and Roles tab at the top of the screen.
Then, click on interviewer’s username whose password needs to be
Next, click on the Edit personal info link.
Lastly, compose a new password and confirm it. Click on the Update
+button at the bottom of the screen.
Lock an interviewer account
An interviewer may leave the survey for a variety of reasons, from
+illness to poor job performance. If such a situation arises, you may
+need to lock the interviewer’s account. But before locking the interviewer account,
+make sure that you have recovered all completely and partially complete
+interviews from the interviewer’s tablet.
When you are ready to clock the account, click on the Teams and Roles
+tab at the top of the screen.
Then, click on username for the team member whose account you would like
+to lock.
Next, click in the box next to Is Locked. Finally, click on the
+*Update *button to lock the account.
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
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index 00000000..60f6f4bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/supervisor/reassign-an-interview/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+Reassign an Interview
To begin, click on the Interviews tab at
+the top of the screen**.**The supervisor application will then show the
+full list of interview cases.
Cases to be reassigned to another interviewer
You may need to change survey case assignments because of interviewer
+job performance issues, illness, and management of the team’s workload.
+For example, reassigning a survey case from an overloaded interviewer to
+an interviewer that has time.
The protocol for changing assignments vary depending on the interview
+status. There are three possible scenarios:
To change the allocation of assignments that have not yet been
+synchronized with interviewer’s tablets, do so under the
+assignments tab.
To change the allocation of assignments that have been synchronized
+with interviewer’s tablets, follow the steps outlined in the
+Distributing Assignments
+article. You will then be prompted to confirm the change in
+assignments. Note that any data collected for these cases by the
+former interviewer will be lost.
To change assignments of completed interviews, select the interviews
+you want to reassign by clicking the checkbox. Reject these
+interviews by pressing Reject button on the toolbar, then reassign
+the interviews to another interviewer. To reassign the case, select
+the check box to the left of the survey case(s), then click on
+Assign and select an Interviewer from the pop-up menu.
Another similar scenario where this protocol can be applied is
+when the first interviewer has opened a number of assignments and
+needs the second interviewer to finish them, he/she should mark them
+as completed (even they are only partially filled out) and let the
+supervisor know to reject them to the second interviewer. In that
+case the data already collected to date will flow over to the second
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index 00000000..afb92fd7
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9409b764
Binary files /dev/null and b/supervisor/review-an-interview/images/772963.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b00ba763
Binary files /dev/null and b/supervisor/review-an-interview/images/841228.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8ca26d40
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0a3725cc
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..355a4b80
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..92542ebe
Binary files /dev/null and b/supervisor/review-an-interview/images/841247.png differ
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index 00000000..b453e17f
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..455eabf5
Binary files /dev/null and b/supervisor/review-an-interview/images/841249.png differ
diff --git a/supervisor/review-an-interview/images/interview flat view - on tablet, and on HQ or Supervisor.png b/supervisor/review-an-interview/images/interview flat view - on tablet, and on HQ or Supervisor.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..32c7a6f9
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..77d67be5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/supervisor/review-an-interview/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+Review an Interview
**The user interface for the interview details matches the Interviewer
+application. ** To make interview content clear, the interview details
+view renders questions and their answers just like the Interviewer
+application. In that way, Headquarters and Supervisors users see what
+Interviewer users do.
To navigate through the questionnaire content, use the the navigation
+pane with on the left with the list of the sections and subsections.
+This looks similar to the Tester/Interviewer applications. The different
+colors will indicate completion status of sections similar to the
+Interviewer application.Click on the “+” sign next to the left of a
+section, subsection, or roster to expand the element to navigate
+directly to an item in that section, subsection or roster.
The supervisor can further navigate through the questionnaire by using
+the filters on the left most pane. The filters that are available are:
+With comments, Flagged, No flag, Invalid, Valid, Answered, Not answered,
+For supervisor, For interviewer. You can select multiple filters.
The With comments and flagged filters display those questions with
+comments or flags, respectively. The invalid filter displays those
+questions that failed a validation check (e.g., range, consistency with
+other responses, etc.). The Answered questions, as the name suggests,
+are all those that have an answer. The Unanswered questions are those
+that do not have an answer. The For supervisor’s filter yields those
+special questions that only the supervisor can see and are supposed to
+answer. The *For interviewer *filter shows all the questions that the
+interviewers are supposed to record responses for. This will be the
+majority of questions.
The number in the parentheses next to each filter indicates how many
+questions in the interview for which that filter applies. Clicking on a
+filter will show a list of the filtered questions on the right for which
+the filter is true. For example, if you selected the “Invalid” filter,
+then you will see all the questions in the interview where there is an
+error. Clicking on the question in the right pane will take you to the
+question of interest. To reset all the filters and see all the questions
+in the interview, click on the View all (reset all filters)
+link below all the filters.
Add a flag
The supervisor will have review large amounts of information in each
+questionnaire. Flags enable the supervisor to mark a particular question
+as a place to return later, perhaps when comparing the consistency of an
+answer in an early module of the questionnaire with an answer in a much
+later module of the questionnaire. The supervisor can see these flagged
+fields quickly, as explained above, by clicking on the Flagged filter
+in the left most pane on the screen.
To add a flag, navigate to the question where you want to leave a flag,
+moving your cursor to the top left-hand side of the screen. Then, click
+on the flag icon. Once a flag has been added, the supervisor can click
+on the flagged filter to see the field or fields bearing a flag.
Add comments
Comments left by the interviewer will appear in pink text. The
+supervisor can leave a comment for any question for the interviewer. To
+leave a comment, click on the gray 3-dots on the top right corner of the
+question of interest and then select “Add comment.” A box at the
+bottom of the question will appear and the supervisor can then type in a
+comment for the interviewer in the box. After the supervisor finishes
+typing the comment, then he/she can then either press the** Enter**
+key on the keyboard or click on the “Post” button to add the comment.
+The supervisor can post multiple comments to any question. After they
+can be added, comments cannot be deleted but they can be hidden using
+the gray 3-dots on the top right corner of the question.
Approve, Reject
After reviewing the questionnaire, the supervisor should approve or
+reject the questionnaire based on the quality of the data collected by
+the interview.
The supervisor will use the buttons in the left most pane to approve or
+reject the interview. To approve, click on the green Approve
+button; to reject, the red Reject button.
Whichever button is selected, a pop up confirmation screen will appear
+with the opportunity to provide comments on the questionnaire as a
At this confirmation screen, click on the blue OK to confirm your
+approval or rejection. Click on the CANCEL button to go back to
+the interview details screen. Make sure
+you are sure of your decision before proceeding. There is no way to
+un-approve or un-reject a questionnaire unless it is rejected
+by Headquarters.
Returning to old interview details interface
Start in version
+the user interface for interview details for both Supervisor and
+Headquarters was completely re-designed to similar to that of the
+Interviewer application. We believe this will make navigation easier and
+more intuitive for users. However, if you would like to continue using
+the old interface, click on ***Old interview details ***to return to the
+old interface. The old interface can still be used for a few more
+months. However, we highly recommend users use the new Interview details
Review interviews in a flat, compact view
Interviewers and Supervisors may now review interviews in a flat, compact view. By clicking OVERVIEW, they can see a compact presentation of the interview. The purpose of the flat view representation both on tablets and on HQ is to offer to interviewers and supervisors an alternative and, for some users, more convenient way to review interviews. This feature was requested by Statistical Mauritius and other users.
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@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+See the Overall Progress of Data Collection
Reportstab provides six different
+types of reports: Survey and Statuses, Team Members and
+Quantity,Speed, Map Report,
+Survey Statistics. Note
+that assignments do not have a status, and these reports only reflect
+the status of Interview cases. Interview cases only have their status
+reflected once an interview is created and completed from an assignment.
Survey and Statuses
First, click on the Reports tab at the top of the screen and select
+“Surveys and Statuses” from the dropdown menu.
This will yield team-level summary of how many interview cases are in
+each status, by questionnaire.
Using the filter in the left-hand portion of the screen, you can select
+this same summary for individual team members. To do this, click on the
+drop-down menu below “Team members” and select the member whose summary
+you want to see.
Team Members and Statuses
First, click on the Reports tab at the top of the screen and select
+“Team members and Statuses” from the drop-down menu.
This report provides a summary of how many interview cases are in each
+status, by team member (including the supervisor).
To triage the counts in the table further, select the questionnaire for
+which you want to see summary statistics using the drop-down menu under
+the Template rubric of the Filters pane on the left of the screen. This
+will yield a summary of progress for the particular survey chosen.
The “Quantity” report provides the following reports for each
+questionnaire template.
Number of completed interviews: Provides the number of completed
+interviews for the supervisor’s data collection team. Interviews that
+have been rejected and then completed are counted as an additional
+completed interview.
Number of interview transactions by HQ: Provides the number of
+headquarters approvals and rejections for the supervisor’s data
+collection team.
To use these report, first select “Quantity” from the Reports menu.
+Then, select the “Type” of report and the questionnaire. Select a start
+date for the report (From). Next, define the time interval– day, week,
+or month (Period), and the number of time intervals that you would like
+to display in the report (Period count). The maximum period count that
+can be defined is 9.
The “Speed” report provides the following reports for each
Average interview duration: Provides the average time difference
+between the first recorded answer on a tablet and when the complete
+button is selected.
Average case assignment duration: Provides the average time difference
+between survey case assignment to an interviewer and the moment an
+interviewer sets the interview case as complete on a tablet.
To use these reports, first select “Speed” from the Reports menu. Then,
+select the “Type” of report and the questionnaire. Select a start date
+for the report (From). Next, define the time interval– day, week, or
+month (Period), and the number of time intervals that you would like to
+display in the report (Period count). The maximum period count that can
+be defined is 9.
Map Report
First, click on the Reports tab at the top of the screen and select “Map
+Report” from the dropdown menu.
Then, select the questionnaire and the GPS question that you want to
+render on the map.
The Survey Statistics report allows the creation of tabulation reports
+(frequency tabulation of categorical variables) with conditioning on
+values of other variables. For more detailed information on this type of
+report, please refer to this article.
First, click on the Reports tab at the top of the screen and select
+“Survey Statistics” from the drop down menu.
Use the filters on the left-hand side to define the questionnaire,
+question, and the condition question (if applicable).
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index 00000000..a8d927e0
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index 00000000..9fb46528
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3123777e
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5e2408c1
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index 00000000..d7abb8f7
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index 00000000..82604c96
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index 00000000..03dee1c8
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@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+Supervisor App
The Survey Solutions tablet supervisor app opens a possibility for the in-field supervision
+without the need to utilize the internet.
A common use scenario is when a team of interviewers along with the supervisor work in a remote location for a prolonged time and no communication possible to exchange the data with the server. At the same time it is still desirable for the supervisors to control the work of his team. The app allows them to
distribute assignments between the interviewers in that area;
review and comment the incoming interviews;
answer supervisor questions;
make a decision to approve or reject the completed interviews;
collect and store the interviews completed by all the members of the team, synchronize them with the server in a single synchronization session;
distribute the updates of the Interviewer application to the interviewers.
Importantly the supervisor app is working with the data stored on the supervisor tablet and does not require internet connectivity for the above functionality. Only synchronization with the server of the supervisor app requires the internet connection.
Vertical synchronization: the supervisor tablet must be connected to the WiFi or 3G or similar connection to the Internet to exchange the data with the server.
Horizontal synchronization: the tablets rely on the Bluetooth and WiFi-Direct technologies to find each other and exchange the data between themselves. Both are short-range communications, meaning the tablets must be in close proximity (meters away) to each other. During the horizontal synchronization the connection to other networks will be switched off (this may disconnect other applications installed on the tablet from the Internet) and such connection may be reinstated by Android automatically once the Survey Solutions synchronization is completed.
The supervisor app has the same hardware and software requirements as the interviewer app, so the
+same tablets may be used for both interviewers and supervisors. Yet the work load on the supervisor
+tablet may be larger, and with large amount of assignments/interviews the memory capacity of the
+tablet becomes critical.
While connected, e.g. in the office, start the browser and proceed to the page corresponding to the synchronization point, such as https://demo.mysurvey.solutions.
Login into his account with the supervisor credentials.
Click on his name in the right corner and select ‘Download supervisor app’, wait for the download to complete and start the installation.
Confirm the security settings if prompted.
Note that the supervisor app will accumulate data from multiple tablets, and will need to also carry the interviewer app to be distributed as updates to the interviewers. Thus the storage space consumed by the supervisor app is bigger than the interviewer app. Have at least 2GB free space when you install it and watch the available space closely as the survey progresses.
After the supervisor app is successfully installed and while still connected to the internet:
the supervisor should login with his supervisor credentials; one can utilize the QR-code
+displayed on the download page to quickly enter the address of the synchronization point;
each interviewer in his team should uncheck ‘Allow synchronization with Headquarters’ in
+the Interviewer app settings;
the supervisor app must be synchronized with the server (vertical synchronization).
in the supervisor app activate the synchronization with tablets (horizontal synchronization)
+in the supervisor app;
synchronize all the interviewers tablets with it one by one.
After the synchronization of the interviewer tablet with the supervisor tablet is successfully
+completed, the interviewer has no way of returning back to direct communication with the server.
+This flag will remain disabled in the Interviewer app settings after the first successful
Supervisor App Functionality
The supervisor app provides the following menu choices:
Tasks to assign – shows the list of assignments received from the HQ that need to be
+distributed between the interviewers of the team. The assignments are represented as cards with
+identifying information and the button, after clicking which the supervisor can select
+the name of the interviewer to complete the assignment.
Waiting for your action – completed interviews received from the interviewers will be shown
+on this page, each represented by a card with the ‘OPEN’ button. After reviewing the interview
+the supervisor can ‘APPROVE’ or ‘REJECT’ it.
Outbox – shows the page with the list of the assignments/interviews which have been processed
+by the supervisor and awaiting the synchronization with their recipients.
Sent to interviewer – shows the interviews and assignments that have been already received
+by the interviewers.
Color coding
The following colors are used to highlight the sides of the cards in the interface:
Gray - for new assignments;
Green - for completed interviews received by the supervisor;
Red - for completed interviews rejected back to an interviewer;
Cyan - for completed interviews approved and awaiting synchronization to the server (HQ).
Reviewing interviews
Interviews that have been submitted by the interviewers to the supervisor can be found seen at the
+‘waiting for your action’ page. The supervisor can view the interview details in exactly the same
+presentation as the interviewers see on their tablets. During the review the supervisors may leave
+comments to any questions and answer supervisor questions. Supervisors can’t change other
+(non-supervisor) questions.
The supervisor can open the interview many times and switch between multiple interviews before
+making a decision on whether to approve or reject an interview.
If the supervisor rejects an interview to the interviewer and it’s picked up, the supervisor still
+has access to the interview details and may continue reading the interview information with the
+understanding that it is potentially being modified at the same time by the interviewer.
The supervisor app shows all the commentaries in the chronological sequence of how they were left
+by the users.
Bypassing the supervisor
A direct assignment by the HQ users to the interviewers is possible even when the interviewer is
+synchronizing with the supervisor app. In such a case the interviewer receives the assignment
+after the following three actions are completed in this order: assignment is made by the HQ,
+supervisor synchronizes, interviewer in question synchronizes.
Reassignment is possible in the supervisor app. But it is important to coordinate the actions
+between the original and the new responsible interviewers to avoid duplicate interviewing. Make
+sure the original interviewer synchronizes after reassignment and before the second interviewer,
+so that his responsibility is taken off from him before the work starts.
During vertical synchronization the program is blocked and awaits for the synchronization to
+complete. During the horizontal synchronization the supervisor app keeps waiting for other
+tablets to connect, so that multiple interviewers can send data to the same supervisor at
+the same time.
The first version of the offline supervisor app addresses the most common tasks of our users
+working in remote areas without coverage. We had to forgo some of the online supervisors’
+functionality, which may be re-introduced at a later point. For the moment the offline supervisor
+does not contain any equivalent of the:
team display;
interviewer profiles and accounts management;
supervisor’s reports;
interview history display;
flagging of questions;
own account management.
The Supervisor App will receive all the updates from the server. We recommend to always update
+the Supervisor app immediately as the updates are received.
The interviewers working with the supervisor will see the updates during synchronization with
+the supervisor. Receiving updates in this way doesn’t consume additional traffic on the
+3G network, which supervisor utilizes and all the interviewers can be updated with the same
For consistency we recommend to update all interviewers at the same time and as soon as
+possible after the supervisor receives the update.
Common use scenarios and ideas
We have anticipated that the offline supervisor app would be useful for the following common
Distributions of assignments – the team is working in the remote area without connection and the distribution of the assignments between the interviewers may be done only in the area, hence the interviewers can’t travel with the assignments pre-synced to their tablets.
Replacements – the issuance of the replacement assignments in the remote areas
+where the number of replacements is limited (e.g. 3 replacements for 12 households in EA)
+and it is not a priori known which interviewers will need replacements.
Courrier function – the supervisor accumulates all completed interviews in his
+tablet, so that he can travel alone from a remote to the connected area and synchronize
+all of the completed interviews while the interviewers work on the next batch.
Partial synchronization for backup purposes – the supervisor receives and
+immediately rejects interviews back to the interviewer, retaining a snapshot of the
+interview for the cases when the interviewer device is lost, stolen or permanently
In-field review – when the feedback of the supervisor is critical to continue
+the interviewing process. For example, to check whether the enterprise was classified
+correctly as manufacturing enterprise, not services in an enterprise survey, or that
+the household is classified correctly as eligible for survey, based on the initial
+screening questions.
EA completion – making sure that all the data is collected and all the issues
+are resolved before the team leaves the EA.
Traffic saving – utilizing short-range wireless communication for direct transfer
+between Survey Solutions devices in the remote area. Customers synchronizing over
+satellite modems save on the satellite data costs because the traffic is not consumed for
+the reviewing purposes, updates of Survey Solutions interviewer app is downloaded only
+once per team and other apps installed on the interviewers’ tablets are not receiving
Control over the traffic – the whole data traffic to the Internet is happening
+through the supervisor device, so individual interviewers’ tablets do not need access
+to the internet and can thus achieve better security.
The interviewers that have switched to the synchronization with the supervisor app can not
+return to the original mode of direct synchronization with the server. For that the whole
+team needs to finish the work taken offline and synchronize to the server (so that all of
+their dashboards are empty). After that the applications may be cleared and reinstalled.
If the supervisor app is uninstalled or its data cleared using the Android OS, all the
+data stored in the supervisor tablet will be irrecoverably lost.
The same will happen if the supervisor tablet is lost, stolen or destroyed.
Synchronize the supervisor tablet to the server whenever the opportunity arises to secure the collected data!
Relinking the interviewer tablets working in the synchronization mode with the offline supervisor may lead to undesirable consequences, as the supervisor app knows nothing about the relinking happened on the server.
Interviewer tablets synchronizing data through the supervisor app will not receive operating system patches and updates and prolonged work with no updates is undesirable for security reasons. Periodically connect interviewer tablets to Internet when opportunity arises to allow them receive updates for the OS and other installed applications.
The Supervisor app is actively developed at the moment. If you have interesting ideas or suggestions, feel free to post them to our user forum: https://forum.mysurvey.solutions
The original 2018-article announcing the Supervisor App is linked here.
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cbff6fd0
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4e458724
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4ce27682
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..36520816
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index 00000000..78aa4780
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@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Supervisor: Browsing the Completed Interview
Show current location / navigate to extent of the data / navigate to the extent of the map.
Control map zoom level and rotation.
Current location of the supervisor.
Map area with markers corresponding to assignments and interviews and overlayed boundary file.
Status line indicating source of the map data.
Active map and boundaries
An active map can be an online or offline map source. The following online maps are available:
Online: imagery;
Online: imagery with labels (English only);
Online: open street maps (OSM, with labels in local language based on location)
Offline: World Map (this low resolution map is installed automatically with the app);
Offline: Other user-uploaded maps in supported raster map formats.
The boundaries are uploaded to the Headquarters as shapefiles. They can then be assigned to
+interviewers or supervisors.
While the supervisor map dashboard may utilize online map sources for displaying the background
+map layer, the key advantage is that the supervisor may also utilize offline maps acquired from
+the data server (Headquarters) similar to how it is done by the interviewers for answering the
+geography-type questions or for their own map dashboards. This allows the Supervisor App to be
+autonomous from the internet connectivity and work in the areas where it is sporadic or not at
+all available. For that, the supervisor is given access to all the maps that are assigned to
+any of her interviewers (note, this could be a very sizeable amount of data for download, be
+careful with downloading over metered connection!) and further maps can now be assigned to
+supervisors directly. All of the offline maps the Supervisor App receives during the
+maps synchronization process, which is different from data synchronization process, and
+need to be performed in the Maps menu.
Map dashboard filters
Type of documents to show on the map dashboard - select assignments, or interviews, or both.
Select a questionnaire to restrict to assignments/interviews in that survey only or select “All questionnaires” to not filter by questionnaire.
Select status of interviews to be displayed on the map dashboard (this filter is not applied to assignments, since they don’t have a status).
Select person responsible for the interview/assignment (single select from all team members including the supervisor).
The status in filter 3 can be any one of the following:
All statuses;
Interviewer assigned;
Rejected by supervisor;
Supervisor assigned;
Rejected by headquarters.
Note that the map only shows items with known coordinates (from a survey with an identifying GPS question, which has been answered).
Map markers
The map dashboard is not just reporting instrument for the supervisor, but is an active environment
+for conducting common supervisory tasks. Clicking on a map marker brings a balloon with the
+information corresponding to the selected assignment or interview:
Map marker
Assignment number
Survey questionnaire and version
Name of responsible
Assignment size
Action button (reassign).
Map actions
change responsible for an assignment: the supervisor can click the reassign action
+(3-dots icon) in the balloon to access the reassign dialog and then specify the new responsible
+team member (which could be an interviewer or the supervisor herself).
reading incoming interviews: the supervisor can click on a particular interview and
+select the open action (blue dot icon) to view the content of that interview directly from
+the map dashboard. When the interview is open, the supervisor can further:
making a quality control/workflow decision: select the action to approve or reject
+it in the resolve section.
reassign interview to a new responsible: which could be another interviewer
+or the supervisor herself.
Note that the open, approve, and reject actions are only applicable to interviews
+and not available for assignments.
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@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+Data types
Survey Solutions uses C#
+for enabling and validation conditions. C# is a contemporary general
+purpose object-oriented programming language, widely documented. When
+writing expressions in C# language, and especially when using standard
+C# and custom Survey Solutions functions it is important to keep in
+mind the definitions of the various Survey Solutions objects.
Below the types of Survey Solutions objects are explained in terms of
+standard C# classes and types. Links are provided to the corresponding
+definitions on Microsoft’s site.
Note that in the definitions below a question mark indicates a nullable
Lookup tables are defined as dictionaries: Dictionary<int,
+class> where class is a dynamically compiled definition containing rowcode
+and all the fields present in a lookup table: class { int
+rowcode; double?
+field1; double?
+field2; …. }
These definitions have last been updated for version 5.25 on Feb 07,
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+Dealing with exceptions
An exception is a situation where the computer can’t proceed with a
+normal flow of commands. A common example is a division by zero. The result of this operation is
+not defined. In statistics a concept of a missing value is introduced,
+and we normally don’t bother about the process. We know the result of X
+divided by zero ;will be a missing.
In C# division by zero will cause the program to abort with an
+exception. The
+programmer can envelop the risky code into a wrapper, similar to how you
+capture { } a certain code in Stata. In Survey Solutions we always do
+this behind the scenes for the users, so when an exception occurs:
In enabling condition the question is considered disabled, and
In validation condition the answer is considered invalid.
To prevent an exception from happening you can use the logical
+conditions.For example, instead of writing
one can write:
(numpersons>0) && (income/numpersons>1000)
if numpersons is equal to zero, then the software will not continue
+evaluating the remainder of the expression as the result is
+automatically false. It matters especially in case where the conditions
+get more complicated:
(income/numpersons<1000) || (ispoor==true)
Here, if an exception occurs during the evaluation of the first part of
+the expression, the second doesn’t get evaluated. But, if we rewrite:
the second part of the expression will be evaluated in case numpersons
+is zero.
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+Forbidden type error
Survey Solutions uses C# language for writing the expressions, such as enabling
+or validation conditions. Yet, where we thought the language features may be
+misused to create vulnerabilities, we’ve restricted its use by disallowing
+certain C# data types, such as accessing files or network.
If you are getting a “Forbidden type” error (corresponding error codes are
+WB0272, WB0273, WB0274, WB0275) the expression you’ve written is probably
+following the correct syntax, but is not going to compile for the reason
+of security.
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+C# Language Basics
Survey Solutions uses C# language for writing the expressions, such as enabling
+or validation conditions. The C# language organizes classes of objects into
+namespaces. To use a class from a namespace the C# program must have access to
+the corresponding namespace. Survey Solutions provides access to the following
System (except these specific properties: DateTime.Now, DateTime.UtcNow, DateTime.Today)
You can click on the name of the namespace to see which classes, functions, etc.
+the namespace avails for the user. System.Linq.Queryable is technically a class,
+documented here.
Survey Solutions uses C# language for writing the expressions, such as enabling
+or validation conditions. Yet, where we thought the language features may be
+misused to create vulnerabilities, we’ve restricted its use by disallowing
+certain C# data types, such as accessing files or network.
If you are getting a “Forbidden type” error (corresponding error codes are
+WB0272, WB0273, WB0274, WB0275) the expression you’ve written is probably
+following the correct syntax, but is not going to compile for the reason
+of security.
Rosters are common survey instruments (ie household roster, assets
+roster, food consumption roster). Using Language Integrated Query (LINQ)
+and lambda expressions in the C# language, we are able to code enabling
+and validation conditions for rosters that can both:
Horizontally: Refer to the values of other variables for the current
Vertically: Refer to the values of the same variable for other items
+in the roster
In this article, we will cover the general syntax, common
+operators, provide a few examples on how to
+write enabling and validation conditions for rosters. Additionally, this
+article also provide links to more resources on LINQ
These are variables that are created by Designer to allow the user
+to refer to certain variables or lines in a roster in enabling
+conditions or
+conditions. More
+detail is provided below about useful system variables:
+self, @rowcode, @optioncode, and
For validation conditions, a very useful system generate
+variable is self. This
+variable denotes the value of the question being validated. Using self instead
+of the question’s variable name in a question’s validation conditions is
+advised because you will not have to change the variable name in the
+validation condition if the variable name for the question is changed.
Designer has built-in operators that can be used in enabling conditions
+or validations. This article explains the following operators that you
+can use in your instrument:
The following table shows the arithmetic operators supported by Survey
+Solutions. Arithmetic expressions are evaluated from left to right. For
+the example, assume A = 20 and B = 10
An exception is a situation where the computer can’t proceed with a
+normal flow of commands. A common example is a division by zero. The result of this operation is
+not defined. In statistics a concept of a missing value is introduced,
+and we normally don’t bother about the process. We know the result of X
+divided by zero ;will be a missing.
In C# division by zero will cause the program to abort with an
+exception. The
+programmer can envelop the risky code into a wrapper, similar to how you
+capture { } a certain code in Stata. In Survey Solutions we always do
+this behind the scenes for the users, so when an exception occurs:
Survey Solutions uses C#
+for enabling and validation conditions. C# is a contemporary general
+purpose object-oriented programming language, widely documented. When
+writing expressions in C# language, and especially when using standard
+C# and custom Survey Solutions functions it is important to keep in
+mind the definitions of the various Survey Solutions objects.
Below the types of Survey Solutions objects are explained in terms of
+standard C# classes and types. Links are provided to the corresponding
+definitions on Microsoft’s site.
August 9, 2016
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+Available C# Namespaces
Survey Solutions uses C# language for writing the expressions, such as enabling
+or validation conditions. The C# language organizes classes of objects into
+namespaces. To use a class from a namespace the C# program must have access to
+the corresponding namespace. Survey Solutions provides access to the following
System (except these specific properties: DateTime.Now, DateTime.UtcNow, DateTime.Today)
You can click on the name of the namespace to see which classes, functions, etc.
+the namespace avails for the user. System.Linq.Queryable is technically a class,
+documented here.
Some classes contained in the available namespaces are prohibited for security
+reasons, these include all of the following:
In Addition to the above C# namespaces Survey Solutions avails some specialized
+functions to the users, such as GpsDistance() or ContainsAny(), which are
+based in its own namespace.
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+Syntax Guide: Operators
Designer has built-in operators that can be used in enabling conditions
+or validations. This article explains the following operators that you
+can use in your instrument:
The following table shows the arithmetic operators supported by Survey
+Solutions. Arithmetic expressions are evaluated from left to right. For
+the example, assume A = 20 and B = 10
Addition: returns the sum
A + B = 35
Subtraction: returns the difference
A - B = 10
Multiplication: returns the product
A * B = 200
Division: returns the quotient
B / A = 2
Modulus: returns the remainder after an integer division
B % A = 0 (The remainder of 20 divided by 10 is 0)
Relational Operators
These operators compare two values and return either TRUE or
+FALSE. The following comparison operators are supported by Survey
Checks if the two values are equal. If values are equal, then the condition is true
20 == 10 returns FALSE
Checks if the two values are not equal. If the values are not equal, then the condition is false
20 != 10 returns TRUE
Checks if the left value is greater than the right value
20 > 10 returns TRUE
Checks if the left value is less than the right value
20 < 10 returns FALSE
Checks if the left value is greater than or equal to the right value
20 >= 10 returns TRUE. 10 >= 10 returns TRUE.
Checks if the left value is less than or equal to the right value
20 <= 10 returns FALSE. 10 <= 10 returns TRUE.
Logical Operators
Logical values returns either TRUE or FALSE. The following
+tables show the logical operators supported by Survey Solutions:
Logical AND operator. A && B returns true of both expression A and B are true.
These are other operators that you might want to use in your Survey
+Solutions instrument.
Conditional Expression/ The condition must evaluate to true or false. If condition is true, the first expression is evaluated and becomes the result. If condition is false, the second expression is evaluated and becomes the result. Only one of the two expressions is evaluated.
(10 < 2)? a:b will return b (10 > 2)? a:b will return a
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+Syntax Guide: System Generated Variables
These are variables that are created by Designer to allow the user
+to refer to certain variables or lines in a roster in enabling
+conditions or
+conditions. More
+detail is provided below about useful system variables:
+self, @rowcode, @optioncode, and
For validation conditions, a very useful system generate
+variable is self. This
+variable denotes the value of the question being validated. Using self instead
+of the question’s variable name in a question’s validation conditions is
+advised because you will not have to change the variable name in the
+validation condition if the variable name for the question is changed.
It is important to note that using self in the
+enabling condition will cause an compile error.
Example: You have a question “How many rooms does this house have?” with the
+variable name num_rooms. If
+the value 0 is not an acceptable answer for this question, then you can
+write either num_rooms>0or
+self>0 as a
+validation condition for this question. The two expressions are
This system generated variable allows you to reference specific rows
+within a roster. This variable can be used in enabling conditions and
+validations. Additionally, @rowcode can also be used to refer to certain
+rows in a look up table.
Example 1: Assume you have roster of items and you have a question that should only
+be asked of two of the items (item #110 and item #114). In this case,
+you would use @rowcode to
+refer to the item number. Then you would use @rowcode and
+write the enabling condition to be like below:
Example 2: Assume you have a roster of items that the household could have bought
+in the last 7 days. You want to check that the amount of money spent is
+not too high. Two of the items on the list are matches (item# 10) and
+cigarettes (item #11). Cigarettes are more expensive than matches
+so the largest amount that could be spent would be different for each
+item. Assume that you want an upper bound of 20 USD for matches and 100
+USD for cigarettes. You would
+use @rowcode to code the upper bound specific to that
+item. To code this check, you would write the validation
+condition to be like below:
This system generated variable, @optioncode, is used to filter answer
+options for single
+questions and
+questions. @optioncode refers to the numeric code for each answer
Example: Assume you have a question that asks when in the past calendar year a
+business has been in operation. You want to filter the answer options so
+that only the months in the past appears. For example, if the
+interviewer occurs in October, you do not want the month November and
+December to appear because those are months in the future. Assume you
+have a question that captures the the date of the interview (InterviewDate).
+You will use date time functions to code this filter. You should write
+the filter to look like below:
The code
+InterviewDate.Value.Month takes the numeric month value from the
+InterviewDate variable. The filter will be evaluated for every option
+code and it will only display the options that it evaluate to true. In
+this case, months in the future will evaluate to false and will not
+appear as an answer option.
This system generated variable, @current, is very useful in code to
+filter answer options. @current refers to the current line or occurence
+in the roster. For example, @current refers to the current household
+member that you are on in the household roster.
Example: Assume you have a question that asks the interviewer to select the ID of
+the spouse of the current household member. You want to filter the
+answer options based on the following criteria:
Do not show the current person
Only show household members of the opposite gender
Only show household members 10 years old or greater
This question is a single select linked to the household roster. For
+this example, assume that the variable for the gender of the household
+member is gender. You
+would write the filter for the answer options to look like this:
To see an example of this code in a public questionnaire.
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+Syntax Guide: Using LINQ Expressions for Conditions in Rosters
Syntax Guide: Using LINQ Expressions for Conditions in Rosters
November 21, 2016
Rosters are common survey instruments (ie household roster, assets
+roster, food consumption roster). Using Language Integrated Query (LINQ)
+and lambda expressions in the C# language, we are able to code enabling
+and validation conditions for rosters that can both:
Horizontally: Refer to the values of other variables for the current
Vertically: Refer to the values of the same variable for other items
+in the roster
In this article, we will cover the general syntax, common
+operators, provide a few examples on how to
+write enabling and validation conditions for rosters. Additionally, this
+article also provide links to more resources on LINQ
General Syntax
The general syntax for rosters is:
Name of the roster of interest to query. This is where to find the variables you are interested in.
Query Operator: The action that you want to be performed
Anonymous variable that captures the queried value. This is just a place holder and can be anything (eg a, b, person)
Variable(s) of interest for the query
The part of the syntax in the parentheses after the operator is called
+the “lambda expression.” The lambda expression specifies the query
+criteria for the LINQ expression. The value that is returned by the statement depends on the operator
+used. LINQ expressions can also be used to write more complex queries to
+a look up table.
Commonly Used Operators
There are many LINQ query operators that offer a range of query
+capabilities like filtering, sorting, projection, aggregation, etc. The
+most useful LINQ operators for Survey Solutions are:
All: Checks that all elements of the expression meet the query
+criteria. This operator returns true/false.
Any: Checks that at least one element of the expression meets
+the query criteria. This operator returns true/false.
Count: Counts the number of elements that meet the query
+criteria. This returns the count.
FirstOrDefault: Finds the first element that meets the query
+criteria. this returns the first element matching the query
+criteria. In most cases, this will be the first row that matches the
+search criteria If no element matches the query criteria, then it
+returns null.
Example 1
Assume we want to enable a section only if there are any woman 15-49
+years old in the household. For this enabling condition, we will be
+using the following variable names:
Age is the name of the variable recording the age of the household
Gender is the name of the variable recording the gender of the
+household member. Gender will have a value of 2 if the person is a
+woman (Gender==2)
hhroster is the name of the roster containing the age and gender
Using this information, we would code the enabling condition to be like
/* Enable only if there are any women 15-49 yo in the household */
+hhroster.Any(x=>x.Gender==2 && x.Age>=15 && x.Age<=49)
In words, the expression above says: in the hhroster roster, look to see
+if there is any household member who is a woman and is between the age
+of 15 and 49 years old. Since we used the operator Any, this
+expression will return true if there are any woman 15-49 years old in
+the household. It will return false if there are none. If instead we
+wanted to count the number of women 15-49 years old in the household,
+then we would use the Count operator.
Example 2
We want to check that the household contains one and only one household
+head. This is a common validation in many household surveys. For this
+approach, we would like to flag an error in the following cases:
There is more than one household head
There is no household head
We will be using the following variable names:
relat is the name of the variable name of the question recording
+the relationship to the household head. relat will have a value of
+1 if the person is the household head (relat==1)
hhroster is the name of the roster containing the questions about
+the household member
Since Designer allows for more than one validation conditions for each
+question, we will write a separate validation condition for each case so
+that we can provide more detailed error messages to the interviewers.
Case 1. There is more than one household head
For this case, we want to check that another person has not been listed
+as the household head if a household member has been identified as the
+household head. We will use the conditional expression
+to code this validation. It would be coded like:
// Is this person the household head?
+relat==1 ?
+ // If household head, check that there is only one household head listed
+ (hhroster.Count(x=>x.relat==1)==1)
+ // If not a household head, then do not do anything
+ : true
hhroster.Count(x=>x.relat==1) will return the number of household
+heads currently listed in the roster. Because we used a conditional
+expression, relat==1? makes it so that it will only check that there
+is only one head if the current person was recorded to be a household
+head. If the person is not listed as a household head, then no error
+will be flagged.
Case 2. There is no household head
For this case, we only want to run this check after question about the
+relationship to head has been answered for everyone because this
+validation will trigger for every person until the household head is
+listed. Similarly, we will use the conditional expression
+to code this validation. It would be coded like this:
// Has relationship to head been answered for all household members?
+hhroster.All(x=>x.relat!=null) ?
+ // If all information has been filled out, check for a head was listed
+ !(hhroster.Count(x=>x.relat==1)==0)
+ // If all information has not been filled, do not do anything
+ : true
hhroster.All(x=>x.relat!=null) checks that relationship to head of
+household has been filled out for every member. If that is true, then
+!(hhroster.Count(x=>x.relat==1)==0) will count the number of
+members that are listed as a household head and check that the number of
+household heads listed is not equal to 0. If not all the relationship to
+household head has not been filled out for every member, then no error
+will be flagged.
If you would like to learn more about and test out these two validation
+conditions, you can refer to this
+public questionnaire
+Case 1 is validation condition 1 in the question. Case 2 is validation
+condition 5 in the question.
+More resources on LINQ
For more information to write more complex LINQ queries in C#:
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+Functions Reference
Section functions (introduced in v19.02) are functions that may be used in Survey Solutions’ syntax to get some useful indicators about the completeness of the sections, such as to establish whether a certain section has been fully answered.
The following functions are defined for sections:
returns a boolean true if all the [enabled] questions in the section have been answered, and false otherwise.
returns the total number of questions currently enabled in the section.
returns the total number of questions that have not been answered in the section.
returns the total number of questions that have been answered in the section.
All of these functions must receive a certain section identifier as an argument, for example:
February 6, 2019
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+Section functions
Section functions (introduced in v19.02) are functions that may be used in Survey Solutions’ syntax to get some useful indicators about the completeness of the sections, such as to establish whether a certain section has been fully answered.
The following functions are defined for sections:
returns a boolean true if all the [enabled] questions in the section have been answered, and false otherwise.
returns the total number of questions currently enabled in the section.
returns the total number of questions that have not been answered in the section.
returns the total number of questions that have been answered in the section.
All of these functions must receive a certain section identifier as an argument, for example:
For example, if we want to enable section s2 only if at least half of the questions are answered in section s1, we can write the following expression for section s2:
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+Syntax Guide
For categorical single
+select and
+questions, Survey Solutions allows you to filter the answer options so
+that not all the answer options for the question will be displayed to
+the interviewer. Filtering answer options can help improve data quality
+so that an interviewer cannot select answer options that are either
+impossible or highly unlikely. For example, for a question where the
+interviewer has to select the household member’s father, you can filter
+the answer options so that anyone that is younger than the household
+member will not be displayed.
There are two types of multi-select questions. They differ not only in
+the way they appear, but in the way their answers can be referenced with
+Survey Solutions’ conditions language.
Click below on the type of multi-select question that interests you:
List questions are recorded as Tuple<decimal, string> data
Each item in a list question response consists of two elements. One is
+the item number, and the other is the accompanying text. For example, in
+the list question displayed. “Paul Smith” is the text element (Item2)
+and “2” is the number(Item1).
List of household members = [ {1, “Mary Smith”} {2, “Paul Smith”} {3, “Richard Smith”} ]
Responses to text questions are recorded as a string data
+type. The content for these types of
+questions consists of characters (e.g. the letter “A”), group of
+characters (e.g. “Mat”), or class of characters (e.g. white or empty
The following functions can be used in conditions for text questions:
There are two types of date questions: Calendar and Current time. Both
+of these questions are recorded as DateTime? data
Responses for the calendar data questions are recorded as {Year, Month,
+Day}. Meanwhile, responses to the current time questions are recorded as
+{Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second}.
Responses to numeric
+questions are recorded in the
+long data type for integer numbers and
+record in the double data type for real
+numbers (ie 1.5, 2.73, 15.25, 2.0).
The following functions and operators can be used in conditions for
+numeric questions:
Section functions (introduced in v19.02) are functions that may be used in Survey Solutions’ syntax to get some useful indicators about the completeness of the sections, such as to establish whether a certain section has been fully answered.
The following functions are defined for sections:
returns a boolean true if all the [enabled] questions in the section have been answered, and false otherwise.
returns the total number of questions currently enabled in the section.
returns the total number of questions that have not been answered in the section.
returns the total number of questions that have been answered in the section.
All of these functions must receive a certain section identifier as an argument, for example:
Survey Solutions uses C# language for writing the expressions, such as enabling
+or validation conditions. The C# language organizes classes of objects into
+namespaces. To use a class from a namespace the C# program must have access to
+the corresponding namespace. Survey Solutions provides access to the following
System (except these specific properties: DateTime.Now, DateTime.UtcNow, DateTime.Today)
You can click on the name of the namespace to see which classes, functions, etc.
+the namespace avails for the user. System.Linq.Queryable is technically a class,
+documented here.
Survey Solutions uses C# language for writing the expressions, such as enabling
+or validation conditions. Yet, where we thought the language features may be
+misused to create vulnerabilities, we’ve restricted its use by disallowing
+certain C# data types, such as accessing files or network.
If you are getting a “Forbidden type” error (corresponding error codes are
+WB0272, WB0273, WB0274, WB0275) the expression you’ve written is probably
+following the correct syntax, but is not going to compile for the reason
+of security.
Rosters are common survey instruments (ie household roster, assets
+roster, food consumption roster). Using Language Integrated Query (LINQ)
+and lambda expressions in the C# language, we are able to code enabling
+and validation conditions for rosters that can both:
Horizontally: Refer to the values of other variables for the current
Vertically: Refer to the values of the same variable for other items
+in the roster
In this article, we will cover the general syntax, common
+operators, provide a few examples on how to
+write enabling and validation conditions for rosters. Additionally, this
+article also provide links to more resources on LINQ
These are variables that are created by Designer to allow the user
+to refer to certain variables or lines in a roster in enabling
+conditions or
+conditions. More
+detail is provided below about useful system variables:
+self, @rowcode, @optioncode, and
For validation conditions, a very useful system generate
+variable is self. This
+variable denotes the value of the question being validated. Using self instead
+of the question’s variable name in a question’s validation conditions is
+advised because you will not have to change the variable name in the
+validation condition if the variable name for the question is changed.
Designer has built-in operators that can be used in enabling conditions
+or validations. This article explains the following operators that you
+can use in your instrument:
The following table shows the arithmetic operators supported by Survey
+Solutions. Arithmetic expressions are evaluated from left to right. For
+the example, assume A = 20 and B = 10
An exception is a situation where the computer can’t proceed with a
+normal flow of commands.
+A common example is a division by zero. The result of this operation is
+not defined. In statistics a concept of a missing value is introduced,
+and we normally don’t bother about the process. We know the result of X
+divided by zero ;will be a missing.
In C# division by zero will cause the program to abort with an
+exception. The
+programmer can envelop the risky code into a wrapper, similar to how you
+capture { } a certain code in Stata. In Survey Solutions we always do
+this behind the scenes for the users, so when an exception occurs:
Survey Solutions uses C#
+for enabling and validation conditions. C# is a contemporary general
+purpose object-oriented programming language, widely documented. When
+writing expressions in C# language, and especially when using standard
+C# and custom Survey Solutions functions it is important to keep in
+mind the definitions of the various Survey Solutions objects.
Below the types of Survey Solutions objects are explained in terms of
+standard C# classes and types. Links are provided to the corresponding
+definitions on Microsoft’s site.
For categorical single
+select and
+questions, Survey Solutions allows you to filter the answer options so
+that not all the answer options for the question will be displayed to
+the interviewer. Filtering answer options can help improve data quality
+so that an interviewer cannot select answer options that are either
+impossible or highly unlikely. For example, for a question where the
+interviewer has to select the household member’s father, you can filter
+the answer options so that anyone that is younger than the household
+member will not be displayed.
There are two types of multi-select questions. They differ not only in
+the way they appear, but in the way their answers can be referenced with
+Survey Solutions’ conditions language.
Click below on the type of multi-select question that interests you:
List questions are recorded as Tuple<decimal, string> data
Each item in a list question response consists of two elements. One is
+the item number, and the other is the accompanying text. For example, in
+the list question displayed. “Paul Smith” is the text element (Item2)
+and “2” is the number(Item1).
List of household members = [ {1, “Mary Smith”} {2, “Paul Smith”} {3, “Richard Smith”} ]
Responses to text questions are recorded as a string data
+type. The content for these types of
+questions consists of characters (e.g. the letter “A”), group of
+characters (e.g. “Mat”), or class of characters (e.g. white or empty
The following functions can be used in conditions for text questions:
There are two types of date questions: Calendar and Current time. Both
+of these questions are recorded as DateTime? data
Responses for the calendar data questions are recorded as {Year, Month,
+Day}. Meanwhile, responses to the current time questions are recorded as
+{Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second}.
Responses to numeric
+questions are recorded in the
+long data type for integer numbers and
+record in the double data type for real
+numbers (ie 1.5, 2.73, 15.25, 2.0).
The following functions and operators can be used in conditions for
+numeric questions:
ConsistsOf: Checks that the barcode consists of a
+specific set characters
Checks the number of characters.
This function checks the number of characters recorded.
Example 1
Assume that a survey is collecting the barcode of fertilizers farmers
+use (fertilizer_product). In this particular context you know that the
+barcode for these items must be 9 characters long. Therefore, the
+validation condition for this check would be:
Checks that the barcode starts with specific characters.
This function checks the barcode recorded starts with the values
+specified as value.
Example 1
Suppose that an agricultural survey is also collecting soil samples from
+household gardens during the interview. The sample is marked with a
+barcode that must be scanned into questionnaire. All barcodes provided
+must start with the numbers “842”.
Therefore, the validation condition for this check would be:
Checks that the barcode ends with specific characters.
This function checks the barcode recorded ends with the characters
+specified as value.
Example 1
Suppose that an agricultural survey is also collecting soil samples from
+household gardens during the interview. The sample is marked with a
+barcode that must be scanned into questionnaire. All barcodes provided
+must end with the numbers “989”.
Therefore, the validation condition for this check would be:
Checks that the barcode is a number .
This function checks that the barcode recorded is a number.
Example 1
Assume that a survey is collecting the barcode of fertilizers farmers
+use (fertilizer_product). In this particular context you know that the
+barcode for these must be a number. Therefore, the validation condition
+for this check would be:
Checks that the barcode is consists of a specific set of characters.
This function checks that the barcode recorded consists of a specific
+set of characters defined as value.
Example 1
Assume that a survey is collecting the barcode of fertilizers farmers
+use (fertilizer_product). In this particular context you know that the
+barcode for these must be a number. Therefore, the validation condition
+for this check would be:
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+Syntax Guide: Date questions
There are two types of date questions: Calendar and Current time. Both
+of these questions are recorded as DateTime? data
Responses for the calendar data questions are recorded as {Year, Month,
+Day}. Meanwhile, responses to the current time questions are recorded as
+{Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second}.
AddHours.Compute a date by adding a number of hours.
AddMinutes.Compute a date by adding a number of
Compare a calendar date with another using the relational operators.
Example 1
Assume there is a question (dateDeath) in your survey that asks for the
+date that a household member died. We want to check that the date
+selected is equal or after the household members date of birth.
For this check, we would write the validation condition for the question
+like this:
It can also be written using the variable name:
Checks if a value falls within a specified range.
This function will return true if a ≤ var ≤ b. Otherwise, it will
+return false. The values of a and b can either be numbers or variables.
+This function provides a more simple way to write the condition:
var ≥ a && var ≤ b
Example 1
Assume there is a question (dateMarriage) that asks for an individuals
+date of marriage. We want to check that the date selected is after the
+individual’s date of birth, but before the date of death.
For this check, we would write the validation condition for the question
+like this:
Computes full years between an earlier and later date.
FullYearsBetween(dateA, dateB)
This function will compute the full years between dateA and dateB. The
+values dateA and dateB can be either date variable or a defined new
Example 1
Assume there is a question (dateGraduation) that asks for the
+respondents date of high school graduation. We want to check that
+respondent was greater than or equal to 18 at their high school
For this check, we would write the validation condition for the question
+like this:
FullYearsBetween(dateBorn, dateGradudation)>=18
Computes full years between a later date with an earlier date.
dateB. FullYearsSince(dateA)
This function will compute the full years since dateA to dateB. The
+values dateA and dateB can be either date variable or a defined new
Example 1
Assume there is a question (dateMarriage) that asks for the respondent’s
+date of marriage. We want to check that respondent was greater than 15
+when he/she married.
For this check, we would write the validation condition for the question
+like this:
dateMarriage.FullYearsSince (dateMarriage)>15
Computes elapsed time in months with Century Month Code(CMC).
This function will compute the months from dateYear to dateMonth.
Example 1
Assume there is a question ageMonths that asks for an additional
+detail—months past the full years recorded (ageFullyears), for the age
+of household members, which are 5 years old and younger.
We want to make sure that the additional months reported in ageMonths is
+consistent with the number of months calculated from the dateMonth and
+dateYear questions that capture the household members date of birth.
For this check, we will need to implement the following:
This function enables you to add any number (numeric value) of years,
+months, or days to a calendar date variable.
Example 1
Assume that you are collecting information on food consumption in the
+past 7 days and you want to display the recall period date in the
+question. The recall period can be calculated from the interview date
+variable (interviewDate). To do this, you would create a string variable
+(recall) and use the following syntax to retrieve and calculate the date
+for the recall period:
The format to which the date is displayed can vary, pleaser refer to
+for other possible formats.
Then, in the consumption question use piping in the question text with
+the variable name (%recall%) to display the date calculated through the
Example 2
Suppose you have a follow up questions asking for the date a business
+enterprise began operating (operationDate) if it has been recorded in a
+previous question that a new business began operation in the last 12
+months (lastyrstart). You want to check that the operation date recorded
+falls within the last 12 months using the interview date question
For this check, the validation condition would be:
This function will allow you to extract the year, month, or day from a
+date question (qDate) for use in conditions.
Example 1
Assume there is a question asking the household head for the year that
+they took out a loan (yearLoan). You want to make sure that the reported
+year falls within a specific interval—from 2014 up until the year the
+interview is conducted. The interview date is also recorded as calendar
+date question at the start of the interview(interviewDate).
The validation condition for this question would be:
Example 2
Assume that you have a question asking for the date that the household’s
+harvest began (dateHarvest). You want to check that the date selected
+falls within November.
For this check, we would write the validation condition for the question
+like this:
New DateTime
Define a new date to use with conditions involving calendar date
new DateTime (year, month, day)
This function enables you to define a date (Year, Month, Day) or
+construct a date from variables.
Example 1
Assume there is a question asking when the household began the
+harvest(dateHarvest), and it is known that harvest could not have
+started before March 1, 2017.
For this check, we would write the validation condition for the question
+like this:
dateHarvest> (new DateTime (2017, 3, 1))
Example 2
Assume a date question is asking for the date the interview was
+conducted (InterviewDate), and there are three questions that asks for
+the year of birth (yearBirth), month of birth (monthBirth), and day of
+birth (dayBirth). We want to check that the birth date is prior to the
+date to which the interview is conducted.
The validation condition for this question would be:
Here we are using the prefix to “int” to change the data type to
+integer, which is the date question data type.
Confirms that a date recorded is in fact a calendar date.
IsDate(YearDate, MonthDate, DayDate )
This function checks that a date recorded in three variables is a valid
+calendar date. Returns true if a combination of the three date
+components makes a valid date, and false otherwise.
Example 1
Assume you have a series of 3 numeric questions asking for a household
+members date of birth, and you want check that the date recorded is a
+valid date.
This function retrieves the date from a current time variable to compare
+to calendar date variable or a new DateTime.
Example 1
Suppose you have a current time question at the start of the interview
+(interview_start), then you have a date of birth question for all
+household members (dob). You want to make sure that the date of birth
+recorded is after the interview date.
For this check, we would write the validation condition for the question
+like this:
Retrieve the hour from a current time question.
This function retrieve the hour from a current time variable.
Example 1
Suppose you have a current time question at the start of the interview
+(interview_start), and you want to make sure the interview is being
+conducted at a reasonable hour– at or before 9pm.
For this check, we would write the validation condition for the question
+like this:
Compute a date by adding a number of hours.
var_currentTime.AddHours(numeric value)
Compute a date by adding a number of hours (numeric value) to the date
Example 1
Suppose you have two current time questions, one at the start of the
+section(ModA_start) and another at the end of a section(ModA_end). You
+want to check that the module has not taken more than 1 hour to
We would write the validation condition for the question like this:
Compute a date by adding a number of Minutes.
var_currentTime.AddMinutes(numeric value)
Compute a date by adding a number of minutes(numeric value) to the date
Example 1
Suppose you have two current time questions, one at the start of the
+section(ModA_start) and another at the end of a section(ModA_end). You
+want to check that the module has taken at least 10 minutes to complete.
We would write the validation condition for the question like this:
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+Syntax Guide: Filtered Answer Options
For categorical single
+select and
+questions, Survey Solutions allows you to filter the answer options so
+that not all the answer options for the question will be displayed to
+the interviewer. Filtering answer options can help improve data quality
+so that an interviewer cannot select answer options that are either
+impossible or highly unlikely. For example, for a question where the
+interviewer has to select the household member’s father, you can filter
+the answer options so that anyone that is younger than the household
+member will not be displayed.
Using filtered answer options
You can define a filter to describe the conditions under which answer
+options will be displayed to the interviewer via the Filter field.
+Linked questions can also include a filter. In food consumption modules,
+questionnaire designers can limit answer options to those that make
+sense for each food item (e.g., weight units for solids, volume units
+for liquids). In demographic modules, you can filter a linked question
+that lists potential owners of the household’s dwelling to the set of
+age relevant household members. The Filter field contains a condition that is evaluated against each
+potential answer option. When the condition is true for a particular
+answer option, that answer option is displayed. When the condition is
+false (or yields an exception), that option is not displayed in
+Interviewer. In other words, the feature functions like an enabling
+condition for answer options, enabling only those answer options that
+satisfy the filter condition.
There are also two system generated
+variables that
+are only available in the Filter field. For non-linked questions, the
+provides a way to refer to the answer options for the current question.
+For linked questions, the keyword
+@current, used
+as a variable prefix, allows you to differentiate between the value of a
+variable for current roster row and that for all other rows in the
+current roster.
A question asks the interviewer to select the member in the household is
+the respondent’s mother. For this, you would want to filter the
+household members according to the following criteria:
Do not show the current person
Only show household members that are female
Only show household members that are at least 10 years older than
+the household member currently being interviewed
This question is a single select linked to the household roster. For
+this example, assume that the variable for the gender of the household
+member is gender and for age is age. You would write the filter for
+the answer options to look like this:
/* Filtered answer options feature */
+// Show only females
+gender==2 &&
+// Cannot select his/herself as mother
+@current.@rowcode!=@rowcode &&
+// And person's age is 10 years older than current person's age
+age >= (@current.age + 10)
To see an example of this code in the public questionnaire, see this
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+Syntax Guide: GPS questions
This function retrieves the longitude, latitude, accuracy or altitude
+from a GPS question. var_GPS is the variable name for the GPS question,
+followed by “.” and the name of the element that you want to retrieve.
Example 1
Suppose you are collecting data in Uganda and the household samples are
+along the equator. In a GPS question you are recording the coordinates
+of each household. You want to make sure that the GPS recorded is in
+fact along the equator.
For this check, we would write the validation condition for the question
+like this:
Example 2
For a GPS question recording the coordinates of a household you want to
+make sure that the accuracy is equal to or less than 15.
The validation condition for this question would be:
Confirm that a GPS coordinate falls within a rectangle defined by north,
+west, south, and east boundaries.
This function verifies that a coordinate (longitude and latitude) fall
+within the rectangle defined by the north, west, south, east corner
Example 1
Assume that you are conducting a study in Ethiopia and you want to make
+sure that the GPS coordinates recorded are within the country.
For this check, we would write the validation condition for the question
+like this:
Note that writing values so precisely makes no practical sense. As this
+indicates, “The fifth decimal place is worth up to 1.1 m: it distinguish
+trees from each other. Accuracy to this level with commercial GPS units
+can only be achieved with differential correction.”
Calculates the distance between two coordinates in meters.
This function calculates the distance in meters (m) between the
+coordinates gpsA and gpsB.
Example 1
Assume you have two GPS questions in your survey, one (gpsHome) for the
+coordinates of the household’s house, and another for the coordinates of
+their field (gpsField). You want to check that the distance between the
+two is at least 50 meters.
For this check, the validation condition would be:
Calculates the distance between two coordinates in kilometers.
This function calculates the distance in kilometers (km) between the
+coordinates gpsA and gpsB**.**
Example 1
Suppose you have two GPS questions in your survey, one for each visit to
+the household (visit1_gps and visit2_gps**)**. You want to check that
+the distance between the two is less than .5 kilometers.
For this check, the validation condition would be:
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+Syntax Guide: List questions
List questions are recorded as Tuple<decimal, string> data
Each item in a list question response consists of two elements. One is
+the item number, and the other is the accompanying text. For example, in
+the list question displayed. “Paul Smith” is the text element (Item2)
+and “2” is the number(Item1).
List of household members = [ {1, “Mary Smith”} {2, “Paul Smith”} {3, “Richard Smith”} ]
The following functions can be used in conditions for list questions:
Item2 . Refers to the text element of an item listed in a
+list question
Checks the number of items listed.
This function checks the number of items recorded in a list question
Example 1
Assume that there is a question asking for the number of household
+members (hholdNum). Elsewhere, in the questionnaire there is a question
+asking for a list of all household members(hholdList). You want to check
+to make sure the answers given in the list question are consistent with
+the previous question.
Or alternatively use the variable name:
hholdList.Length == hholdNum
Refers to the text element of an item listed in a list question.
This feature must be used in a more complex expression. Refer to example
+1 below for more information.
Example 1
Suppose you want to make sure that in a list question (hhold_list)
+recording the list of household members the text element meaning the
+name being recorded is at least 5 characters long.
For this check, the validation condition would be:
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+Syntax Guide: Multi-select questions
There are two types of multi-select questions. They differ not only in
+the way they appear, but in the way their answers can be referenced with
+Survey Solutions’ conditions language.
Click below on the type of multi-select question that interests you:
ContainsAny. Contains at least one of the specified
!ContainsAny. Contains none of the specified values.
+See the second example of ContainsAny
Count the number of values
Length. Computes the number of answers to a multi-select
Syntax explained
Checks whether the value a is among the answers to a tickBox–that
+is, is contained in the set of answers. Returns true if a is
+contained in tickBox’s answers. Returns false otherwise.
Often, the questionnaire designer wants to trigger certain behavior if a
+particular answer option is among those selected. In the example below,
+the interviewer needs to write a text description for the use of a
+loan/credit if “other (specify)” is one of the three answers recorded.
To put this in terms closer to the programming language solution, the
+questionnaire developer enables a text question if the code for “other
+(specify)” (10) is contained in the array of answers to the multi-select
+question. In code:
// enable text field to specify if "other" selected (among potentially other options)
+ hh_p10.Contains(10)
Single-value version:
Multiple-value version:
Checks whether the value a (a,b,c,…) is (are) the only answer(s)
+to tickBox. Returns true if a (a,b,c,…) is (are) the only
+answer(s). Returns false otherwise.
With multi-select questions, multiple answers are allowed. However, in
+some cases, two (or more) answers cannot be (logically) selected at the
+same time. That is, some answers may be mutually exclusive.
Consider the example below where the answer set includes several sources
+for start-up capital as well as “No start-up cost”.
Clearly, if “No start-up cost” is selected, some other option cannot
+also be selected. The contrapositive is also true: if a non-“No start-up
+cost” option is ticked, “No start-up cost” cannot also be ticked.
Translating intention to code, we can describe the valid set of answers
+to this multi-select question:
// either "No start-up cost" not selected...
+ !hh_n08.Contains(13)
+ ||
+ // ...or "No start-up cost" is the only answer provided
+ hh_n08.ContainsOnly(13)
Note: ContainsOnly also allows either a single value or multiple
+values to be specified. We leave to the reader the task of finding an
+appropriate example for using the multi-value version of ContainsOnly
Checks whether the values a,b,c,… are all contained in the set of
+answers to tickBox. Returns true if a,b,c,… are all selected
+answers to tickBox. Returns false otherwise.
Using Contains allows one to determine whether a certain answer is
+contained in a multi-select question’s array of answers.
To check for more than one answer, one would need to write something
+like the following
// the multi-select contains answers 4 and 5
+ multiSelect.Contains(4) && multiSelect.Contains(5)
To do the same in more compact form, one could also write the following:
// the multi-select contains all of the listed answers: 4 and 5
+ multiSelect.ContainsAll(4,5)
Checks whether any of the values a,b,c,… are contained in the set of
+answers selected for tickBox. Returns true if any of a,b,c,… are
+contained in tickBox’s answers. Returns false otherwise.
Sometimes, the questionnaire designer wants to implement the same
+behavior when one of several answers is selected–that is, if any
+element in a list of answers is contained in a multi-select question’s
+array of answers.
To make this abstract situation concrete, consider the excerpt from an
+agricultural questionnaire below.
Looking at the list of answer options, it is clear that the interviewer
+must specify a crop whenever an “other” option is selected. Several
+crops have other options: tobacco (10), groundnuts (16), rice (26), and
+other crops (48).
To do this, the there are two options. The first option:
// enable a text question if any "other" option is selected
+ crops.Contains(10) ||
+ crops.Contains(16) ||
+ crops.Contains(26) ||
+ crops.Contains(48)
The expression is valid. It does what we want. But it is inelegant and
+error-prone to write
The second option:
// enable a text question if any "other" option is selected
+ crops.ContainsAny(10,16,26,48)
This solution is more compact, more readable, and less prone to error.
Determines the length of the array of answers–that is, the count of
+answers selected for tickBox.
The length of a tick-all-that-apply, multi-select question yields the
+number of ticked answers.
While this information may not seem immediately practical, it often can
+be surprisingly useful. For some questions, the number of answers may
+useful in writing enablement or validation conditions.
Consider the questionnaire excerpt below:
Logically, the questionnaire developer wants either “no start-up cost”
+to be selected, or some other answer option–but never the two things at
+the same time. Earlier, we saw how to write this expression. Below, we
+revisit this example using the Length property of a multi-select
Using Contains and ContainsOnly, we wrote:
// either "No start-up cost" not selected...
+ !hh_n08.Contains(13)
+ ||
+ // ...or "No start-up cost" is the only answer provided
+ hh_n08.ContainsOnly(13)
Using Length we can write something similar:
// if a single answer is selected, it can be any option
+ hh_n08.Length==1
+ ||
+ // if more than 1 answer is selected, the set of answers cannot contain "no start-up cost"
+ (hh_n08.Length>1 && !hh_n08.Contains(13))
Series of yes/no questions
Technical introduction
This type of question consists of items, and for each item of a “yes”,
+“no”, or missing answer.
When the interviewer answers an item, the data are stored in the
+following way. For each state of an item’s answer, there is an array. In
+each array, one finds value of the item(s) with that state. In other
+words, there are the following arrays, with the following contents:
Yes. Contains the values of items with a “yes” answer.
No. Contains items with a “no” answer.
Missing. Containts the items without an answer–that is, without
+a “yes” or “no” answer. Before any item is answered, all items are
+in the Missing array. As items obtain “yes” or “no” answers, they
+move to the Yes or No array.
In addition to these three arrays, there is also an array All that
+containts the values of all items, whatever each item’s status.
To make things more clear, consider the following example.
In the image above, all items are answered with a “yes” or “no”. The
+“yes” answers are: Mortar/pestle (501), Bed (502), Chair (504), and
+Radio (507). The “no” answers are: Table (503), Fan (505), Air
+conditioner (506), Tape or CD/DVD player;HiFi (508), Radio with flash
+drive/micro CD (5081).
The items with a “yes” answer appear in the Yes array, those with a
+“no” in No, and the Missing array is empty, since all items were
+answered in this example
Common tasks
Find a particular value
Contains. Checks whether the answers to question
+contain a specified value.
ContainsAny. Contains at least one of the
+specified values
!ContainsAny. Contains none of the specified
+values. See the second example of ContainsAny
Count the number of values
Length. Computes the number of answers to a
+multi-select question.
Syntax explained
Where yesNo is the variable name of a Yes/No mode mutli-select
+question, and ArrayName is the name of the Yes/No mode arrays (see the
+technical introduction for more).
Checks whether the value a is among the values in the array
+ArrayName for the question yesNo. Returns true if a is contained
+in yesNo’s ArrayName. Returns false otherwise.
In excerpt below, the designer wants to capture a text description if a
+“Yes” answer is recorded for the “Other, specify” item.
Let’s think how this could be accomplished. First, one would need to
+know the code of the “Other, specify” item. Let’s assume this is 4.
+Then, one would need to know the where “Yes” answers are stored for
+Yes/No mode multi-select questions. According to the technical
+introduction, this is an array named Yes that is
+associated with any Yes/No mode, multi-select question.
Putting together these pieces,
// if the Yes array for question 19 contains "Other, specify", then enable this question
+ hh_n21.Yes.Contains(4)
Single-value version:
Multiple-value version:
Where yesNo is the variable name of a Yes/No mode mutli-select
+question, and ArrayName is the name of the Yes/No mode arrays (see the
+technical introduction for more).
Checks whether the value a (a,b,c,…) is (are) the only answer(s)
+in the array ArrayName assocatiated with the multi-select question
+yesNo. Returns true if a (a,b,c,…) is (are) the only
+answer(s). Returns false otherwise.
If the questionnaire designer wants only certain items to have “yes” or
+“no” answers, they may use ContainsOnly.
// ensure that only item 105 has a "no" answer
+ yesNo.No.ContainsOnly(105)
Where yesNo is the variable name of a Yes/No mode mutli-select
+question, and ArrayName is the name of the Yes/No mode arrays (see the
+technical introduction for more).
Checks whether the values a,b,c,… are all contained in the array
+ArrayName associated with the multi-select question yesNo. Returns
+true if a,b,c,… are all selected answers to yesNo. Returns
+false otherwise.
Suppose that the questionnaire designer wants to implement a validation
+rule about how tables and chairs are owned. The rule is as follows. If
+the household owns a chair, they may or may not own a chair. If the
+household owns a table, then they must also own a chair. A household
+never owns a table with a chair.
To move one step closer to implementation, let’s translate this intent
+into pseudo-code. If the code for “chair” appears in the Yes array,
+then “table” may also. If the code “table” apepars in the Yes array,
+then “chair must also appear. And it is possible that neither item
+appear in the Yes array.
Moving from pseudo-code to code,
// either table and chair are owned together...
+ hh_l01.ContainsAll(503,504)
+ ||
+ // ...or a chair is owned without a table...
+ hh_l01.Contains(504) && !hh_l01.Contains(503)
+ ||
+ // ...or neither a table nor chair is owned
+ !hh_l01.ContainsAny(503,504)
Where yesNo is the variable name of a Yes/No mode mutli-select
+question, and ArrayName is the name of the Yes/No mode arrays (see the
+technical introduction for more).
Checks whether any of the values a,b,c,… are contained in the
+ArrayName associated with the Yes/No mode question named yesNo.
+Returns true if any of a,b,c,… are contained in yesNo’s answers.
+Returns false otherwise.
Consider the following questionnaire excerpt:
Suppose that one wants to check that recorded asset ownership makes
+sense. In particular, the following rule: if a household owns basic
+assets, then they may or may not own luxury assets; if the household
+owns luxury assets, they must also own basic ones; and luxury assets
+cannot be owned without also owning basic assets.
For this example, basic assets can be considered as the following:
+mortar (501), bed (502), table (503), chair (504). Luxury goods can be
+considered to be: fan (505), air contioner (506), and radio (507). That
+is, basic assets can be any of a certain set, and luxury assets any of
+another set.
Using ContainsAny, one can write:
// if has basic assets, may have luxury assets...
+ ( hh_l01.Yes.ContainsAny(501,502,503,504) && hh_l01.Yes.ContainsAny(505,506,507) )
+ ||
+ // ... or may not have basic assets
+ ( hh_l01.Yes.ContainsAny(501,502,503,504) && !hh_l01.Yes.ContainsAny(505,506,507) )
Where yesNo is the variable name of a Yes/No mode mutli-select
+question, and ArrayName is the name of the Yes/No mode arrays (see the
+technical introduction for more).
Determines the length of the the array ArrayName associated with the
+question named yesNo–that is, the count of items in ArrayName.
Suppose that a questionnaire designer wants to ensure that food
+consumption information is properly recorded by interviewers. In
+particular, the designer believes that surveyed hosueholds, however
+poor, they will consume at least one cereal or cereal product in the
+last 7 days.
To do this, one needs to count the number of “yes” answers, and make
+sure that the count is greater than or equal to 1. In code:
// however poor the household, at least one food has a "yes" answer
+ hh_j01.Yes.Length>=1
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+Syntax Guide: Numeric Questions
Responses to numeric
+questions are recorded in the
+long data type for integer numbers and
+record in the double data type for real
+numbers (ie 1.5, 2.73, 15.25, 2.0).
The following functions and operators can be used in conditions for
+numeric questions:
This function will return ***true ***if a ≤ var ≤ b. Otherwise, it
+will return false. The values of a and b can either be numbers or
+variables. This function provides a more simple way to write the
var ≥ a && var ≤ b
Example 1
Assume there is a question (days_worked) that asks the respondent
+how many days in the last 7 days did they work at their primary job. We
+want to check that the response is between 0 and 7 days as a validation
For this check, we would write the validation condition for the question
+like this:
It can also be written using the variable name:
Example 2
A common check for numeric questions is a range check to verify that the answer
+to the question is within certain bounds. To verify, for example, that year of
+birth is within 1900 to 2020 range we write a validation condition for this
Checks if a value matches any of the values in a specified list.
This function will return true if var matches any of the
+arguments in the provided list. Otherwise, it will return false.
+The values in the list can either be numbers or variables. This function
+provides a more simple way to write the condition:
(var==a || var==b || var==c || var==d || ...)
Example 1
Assume you have a question (satisfied) that asks people to rank how
+satisfied they are with their life on a scale of 1 to 5 with 1
+being very unsatisfied and 5 being very satisfied. For people that
+answered 1 or 5, you want to ask them additional questions so you will
+need to have enabling conditions for them. For the follow up questions,
+you would code the enabling conditions like this:
Returns the absolute value of a number. The absolute value of a real
+number can be thought of as the distance of the number from zero.
The value for z can be an expression, a variable or a number. If you are
+using a variable or an expression with multiple variables, you will have
+to add .Value to the end of each variable to avoid a compile
Returns the smallest integral value that is greater than or equal to the
+value provided.
The value for z can be an expression, a variable or a number. If you are
+using a variable or an expression with multiple variables, you will have
+to add .Value to the end of each variable to avoid a compile
Returns the largest integral value that is less than or equal to the
+value provided
The value for z can be an expression, a variable or a number. If you are
+using a variable or an expression with multiple variables, you will have
+to add .Value to the end of each variable to avoid a compile error.
The value for z can be an expression, a variable or a number. If you are
+using a variable or an expression with multiple variables, you will have
+to add .Value to the end of each variable to avoid a compile error.
The value for z can be an expression, a variable or a number. If you are
+using a variable or an expression with multiple variables, you will have
+to add .Value to the end of each variable to avoid a compile
+error. Example
Returns a specified number raised to the power of another specified
The number a is raised to the power of b. The value for a and b can be
+an expression, a variable or a number. If you are using a variable or an
+expression with multiple variables, you will have to add .Value to
+the end of each variable to avoid a compile error.
You have two questions in your survey that ask for: 1) weight of a
+person in kilogram (weight) and 2) height of a person in centimeters
+(height). Both variables height and weight are real numbers
+(allows for decimal values) and not integers. You want to calculate the
+Body Mass Index
+of the person and make sure it is in a certain range to validate that
+the weight and height were entered correctly.
For this check, the code for the validation condition would look like
Rounds a specified value to the nearest integer value
The value for z can be an expression, a variable or a number. If you are
+using a variable or an expression with multiple variables, you will have
+to add .Value to the end of each variable to avoid a compile error.
Returns whether the value is negative, positive, or zero. If the value
+if negative, then it will return the value -1. If the number is
+positive, then it will return the value 1. If the number is zero, then
+it will return the value 0.
The value for z can be an expression, a variable or a number. If you are
+using a variable or an expression with multiple variables, you will have
+to add .Value to the end of each variable to avoid a compile
Returns the square root of a specified number. This will return an error
+if the specified number is negative.
The value for z can be an expression, a variable or a number. If you are
+using a variable or an expression with multiple variables, you will have
+to add .Value to the end of each variable to avoid a compile
Returns the integer part of a specified number. In other words, this
+returns the value of the number before the decimal point.
The value for z can be an expression, a variable or a number. If you are
+using a variable or an expression with multiple variables, you will have
+to add .Value to the end of each variable to avoid a compile
InRange. Checks if the selected answer falls within a
+range of user-specified values.
Comparison to a list of values
InList. Checks whether the selected answer is among the
+set of enumerated values.
IsNoneOf. Confirms that the selected answer is not
+among the set of enumerated values.
Count the number of values
CountValue. Counts the number of times a specified
+value is recorded as the answer to the set of enumerated questions.
Syntax explained
Checks if the selected answer falls within a range of user-specified
+values. Returns true if
a ≥ singleSelect ≥ b
. Returns false otherwise.
For numeric questions, InRange was a convenient way to determine whether
+a value fell within a well-defined interval. For single-select
+questions, the same is true. But the use case is for identifying the set
+of ajacent answer options that map to a certain survey behavior, for
+example a skip.
Consider the set of questions below.
For certain marital statuses, there is a follow-up question. For others,
+no such follow-up question is administered.
// administer B20 when the household member is married (i.e., answer 1 or 2 to B19)
When answer 1 or 2 is selected in B19, the question B20 is enabled. When
+any other answer is provided for B19, question B20 is disabled.
Check if the selected answer is part of the set of enumerated values.
+Returns true if
singleSelect ∈ {a,b,c,...}
. Returns false otherwise.
Example 1: Where InRange would also work
See the example in the InRange section above. This could also have been
+done with InList.
// administer B20 when the household member is married (i.e., answer 1 or 2 to B19 hh_b19.InList(1,2)
When the number of values in a range is small, InList may be roughly as
+effective a solution as InRange. When the number of values in the range
+is large, InRange is the better solution.
Example 2: Where InList is the better choice
While InList and InRange may sometimes be used interchangeably, there
+are moments when InList is the clear choice. See the excerpt below for
+such an example.
Let’s describe the conditions under which question 6 is answered. If the
+interviewer records option 1 for question 4, then question 6 is asked.
+If options 4 or 5 are recorded, then question 6 is also administered.
+Otherwise, the interviewer skips to later questions. To summarize, then,
+question 6 is enabled when options 1, 4, or 5 is recorded. Or, in code:
// enable question 6 when answer is 1, 4, or 5 is chosen for question 4
+ ag_q4.InList(1,4,5)
Checks that the selected answer is none of the listed values–in other
+words, is not part of the set of
+enumerated values. Returns true if
singleSelect ∉ {a,b,c,...}
. Returns false if singleSelect ∈ {a,b,c,…}.
Often, it is easier to say what should not be, rather than what should
+be. Consider the following example. Follow-up questions about firewood
+use are asked only if the household does not use firewood as its main
+source of cooking fuel.
Certainly, one could write the following enablement condition,
+identifying which answers lead the interviewer to F13.
// enable F13 if one of these answers selected for F12
+ self.InRange(3,10)
However, it may be more efficient, more compact, and more readable to
+write which answers will disable F13.
// enable F13 if no firewood option is chosen for F12
+ self.IsNoneOf(1,2)
Counts the number of times the value a is selected in the set of
+enumerated variables (i.e., singleSelect1, singleSelect2, ….). Returns
+the number of occurrences (as a long). Returns 0 if the value does not
+appear. Returns 0 if all variables are null or disabled.
Example: Number of yes answers
Sometimes, survey sections have not one but several screening questions.
+Typically, in that cases, the interviewer is asked to verify whether
+there is at least one “yes” answer in the series of screening questions.
Consider the labor module example below. Each household member is asked
+a series of yes/no screening questions (i.e., E06_1 - E06_6). If there
+is at least one “yes” answer, then more detailed labor questions are
+administered. If there is not a single “yes” answer, then interviewer
+administers a different set of questions.
To implement this enablement condition, we can use the CountValue()
/* enable the questions after E06_6 if there is at least 1 "yes" answer */
+ // count the number of "yes" answers, and verify that it is greater than 0
+ CountValue(1,hh_e06_1,hh_e06_2,hh_e06_3,hh_e06_4,hh_e06_5,hh_e06_6) > 0
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+Syntax Guide: Text questions
Responses to text questions are recorded as a string data
+type. The content for these types of
+questions consists of characters (e.g. the letter “A”), group of
+characters (e.g. “Mat”), or class of characters (e.g. white or empty
The following functions can be used in conditions for text questions:
“A text”: Checks that the
+response is exactly equal to a specified text (“A text”)
Contains: Checks that
+the response includes a specified text
ConsistsOf: Checks
+that the response includes one or more of the specified
+Checks that the response consists of latin characters
IsAlphaLatinOrDelimiter: Checks that the response consists of
+latin characters and delimiters
IsNullOrWhiteSpace: Checks that the response is null or
+consists of blank spaces
Checks the number of characters.
This function checks the number of characters recorded.
Example 1
Suppose, you are recording the head of household’s name in a text
+question, and you know that in this particular context the full name
+should be more than 10 characters long. Therefore, the validation
+condition for this check would be:
“A text”
Checks that the response is exactly equal to a specified text (“A
varText== “A text”
This function checks that the response recorded matches the defined text
+(**“**A text”).
Example 1
To check that the response recorded in question “brandName” is Nike, the
+validation condition would be:
Checks that the response includes a specified text.
This function checks that the response includes a specified sub-text
Example 1
To check that the present participle verb recorded in the text question
+“actionWord” includes “ing” , the validation condition would be:
Checks that the response includes one or more of the specified
This function checks that the response includes one or more of the
+specified characters (“aText”).
Example 1
Assume you are recording the home address of the interviewee (address),
+and you want to make sure that it only includes letters, numbers,
+delimiters, and spaces.
Checks that the response consists of alpha latin characters
This function checks that the text in VarText consists of latin
Example 1
Suppose, you are recording the first name of the respondent for Module
+A (firstname). The response for this question must only consists of
+latin characters.
Therefore, the validation condition for this check would be:
Or alternatively use the question’s variable name:
Checks that the response consists of alpha latin characters and
This function checks that the text in varText consists of latin
+characters and delimiters.
Example 1
Suppose, you have a questions asking for the head of household’s full
+name(hheadFullName), starting with the surname followed by a comma, and
+then the first name. For this check the validation condition would be:
Or alternatively use the question’s variable name:
Checks that the response is null or consists of blank spaces
This function checks that the string(text) in the question varText
+consists of blank spaces or is null.
Example 1
Assume you are recording the first name of the respondent for Module A
+(firstname). The response for this question must not include spaces or
+be null.
For this check the validation condition would be:
!( String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(self) )
or alternatively use the variable name:
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