- Adventuring Gear
- "Ammo-feedBelt"
- All Prosthesis
- "Bottle"
- "Bucket"
- "Chest"
- All Clothes
- "ComputerSpike"
- "CreditChip"
- "EmergencyRaft"
- "EmergencyRation-oneday's"
- "EmergencyShelter"
- "FireExtinguiser"
- "Flask"
- "GravityGenerator"
- "Holocron" need to decide to use either sith or jedi version
- "Jug"
- "PersonalTranslator"
- "Pitcher"
- "Pot"
- "Ram-portable"
- "Rocketpack"
- "Sack"
- "SecuritySpike"
- "Tankard"
- "Tent-two-person"
- "UnderwaterRespirator"
- "Vial"
- "VocoderMask"
- "WaterSuit"
- Ammo
- Cartridge
- Corrosive
- Electrifying
- Gas
- Power Cell
- Cryo
- Deafening
- Incendiary
- Calibrator
- Deafening
- Electrifying
- Oscillation
- Panic
- Collimator
- Deafening
- Electrifying
- Flux
- Panic
- Dart
- Deafening
- Electrifying
- Panic
- Flechette Clip
- Fragmentation
- Ion
- Plasma
- Flechette Mag
- Fragmentation
- Ion
- Plasma
- Missile
- Incendiary
- Ion
- "PowerGenerator"
- Projector Cannister
- Corrosive
- Projector Tank
- Corrosive
- Cryo
- Incendiary
- Rocket
- Fragmentation
- Incendiary
- Ion
- "Snare"
- Torpedo
- Fragmentation
- Plasma
- Cartridge
- Archetypes
- "MechanistTechnique-Companion"
- Consumables
- "Deuterium-Pyro"
- "Mummergy"
- "NovanianGrog"
- "Raava"
- "Spicebrew"
- "Tihaar"
- "Tsiraki"
- "Vayerbok"
- Enhanced Items
- Explosives
- Charge
- Plasma
- Grenade
- Corrosive
- Cryo
- Deafening
- Electrifying
- Flash
- Incendiary
- Panic
- Plasma
- Mine
- Corrosive
- Cryo
- Deafening
- Electrifying
- Flash
- Gas
- Incendiary
- Ion
- Panic
- Stun
- Charge
- Feats
- "ArmorExpert"
- "ClassImprovement"
- "Commando"
- "FormfightingDabbler"
- "MulticlassImprovement"
- "PowerChanneling"
- "SplashclassImprovement"
- "SupremeAptitude"
- "SupremeDurability"
- "WeaponFocused"
- "WeaponSupremacist"
- Implements
- Kits
- "Archaeologist'sKit"
- "Artillerist'sKit"
- "BioanalysisKit"
- "Brewer'sKit"
- "MunitionsKit"
- "ScavengingKit"
- "Spicer'sKit"
- Lightsaber Forms
- "AqinosForm"