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CK edited this page Mar 24, 2022 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the SW5E FoundryVTT wiki!

For those volunteering to help with development please see the following.

The master branch holds the current stable build for the system.

This is the source for the manifest link.

The beta branch holds the upcoming release for testing.

This can be downloaded to bang on and see what falls out. Please report any bugs via the Issues here or on the SW5E Foundry Dev Discord.

The #.x branch holds the upcoming major feature release build for the system.

This branch is for major feature updates (i.e. SotG, Modular Items, Character Importer etc.). Any work being done on this branch is discussed in the channels under the Jedi Temple category on the SW5E Foundry Dev Discord

The x.# branch holds the minor feature/patch build for the system.

This branch is for minor features and patches (i.e. Compendium additions, Artwork, Hotfixes, etc.)

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