Create a theme by inserting a new record into the SIP_theme
table. In order to make use of your new theme on a client update the theme_id
field in the SIP_client
table with the id of the new theme.
Templates are the individual screens that can be created. To create a new template insert a record into the SIP_template
table with a theme_id
, name
and code
. The code field should be a string that will be compiled using the handlebars templating engine. If you create a theme and don't provide a template for a screen then the theming engine will default to using the default template for that screen.
name | Description |
forgot-password-email | The email that is sent when a user completes the forgot password form successfully |
invite-email | The email that is sent when a new user is invited |
forgot-password-success | The success screen when a user completes the forgot password form |
forgot-password | The forgot password form |
reset-password-success | The success screen when a user completes the reset password form |
reset-password | The reset password form |
user-profile | The user profile edit form |
user-registration | The user registration form |
login | The login form |
end_session | The identity provider logout screen |
interaction | Any other OIDC interactions |
change-password | The change password form |
change-password-success-email | The email that alerts users that their password has changed |
email-settings | The email settings screen |
email-verify-success | The success screen users see after clicking the verify link from their email |
email-verify-email | The email address verification email |
change-email-verify-email | The email sent to the new address with a verify link after the user changes their email |
change-email-alert-email | The email sent to the old address with an alert that the user's email has changed |
For each template record in the SIP_template
table there is an options
json field. The only thing this is currently used for is that if you set this to {"subject":"hello"}
on an email template then the subject from your options object will be used when sending the email.
Layouts are the wrapping html that themplates are rendered into. Create a new layout by inserting a record into the SIP_layout
table with a name
and code
. The code field should be a string that will be compiled using the handlebars templating engine. Update template records by setting their layout_id
field in order to use your new layout.