This folder holds the (Micro)Services/Daemons and Applications related features of the mORMot Open Source framework, version 2.
Daemons are the POSIX way of creating background executables, which are called Services under Windows. Since "Service" is more tied to SOA in our framework, we rather use "Daemon" to refer such background executables, which can easily be implemented as cross-platform by those units.
MicroServices are a specific kind self-sufficent and uncoupled SOA servers. mORMot excels in implementing such services, as a stand-alone and self-configuring daemons. In particular, SOA endpoints can be implemented via interface-based services, and SQLite3 local database(s) could be used for local persistence.
Some Features Dedicated to Console Apps
for Parsing Command Line Arguments
Daemon (e.g. Windows Service) Stand-Alone Background Executable Support
- Parent Daemon Settings Class
- Parent Daemon Application Class
Launch, Watch and Kill Services or Executables from a main Service Instance
Sub-Service Settings and ProcessTSynAngelize
Main Service Launcher and Watcher