This folder hosts the RESTful oriented features of the mORMot Open Source framework, version 2.
REST stands for REpresentation State Tranfer, and is a way of communicating between clients and servers. Our framework uses JSON for the REpresentation of data between two ends. In practice, you will use HTTP/HTTPS or WebSockets as communication layer of the REST process. But our parent TSQLRest
class is abstract for any actual mean of communication, and could actually involve a direct in-process call.
The framework has a REST orientation, but is not trully RESTful. You could let mORMot publish the ORM layer over REST, but it is better not to be used on production, for obvious security and design reasons. So the framework will offer a REST set of services, which will be defined as methods-based-services or interface-based-services - the later being the most efficient and clean way of defining endpoints. Depending on how those services are defined, they be more RPC (Remote-Processing-Call) oriented than REST (resource) oriented.
JSON has been found out to be a simple but very powerful mean of data representation, and our framework tries to leverage its usage from the ground up. For instance, the ORM layer (from mormot.orm.core.pas
) is able to create efficient JSON from the lowest level of the supported Database engines, and the client side can consume this JSON with very few resource consumption, on all possible platforms - including JavaScript.
One goal of the mORMot 2 rewrite was to follow the SOLID principle.
Our REST approach publishes a TRest
class, and its Client and Server inherited classes, which offers:
- Object-Relational-Mapping via its
interface field; - Service-Oriented-Architecture via its
field; - Threading abilities in its
field; - REST-specific features are isolated also in this
class, like URI routing and execution, authorization and authentication, and sessions support.
Shared Types and Definitions for Abstract REST Process
- Customize REST Execution
for Multi-Thread ProcessTRestRunThreads
Multi-Threading Process of a REST instanceTRest
Abstract Parent Class- RESTful Authentication Support
REST URI DefinitionsTRestThread
Background Process of a REST instanceTOrmHistory
Modifications Tracked Persistence
Client-Side REST Process
- Client Authentication and Authorization Logic
Routing SchemesTRestClientURI
Base Class for Actual ClientsTRestClientLibraryRequest
Server-Side REST Process
Access to the Server-Side ExecutionTRestServerRoutingREST
Requests Parsing SchemeTAuthSession
for In-Memory User SessionsTRestServerAuthentication
Implementing Authentication SchemesTRestServerMonitor
for High-Level Statistics of a REST ServerTRestRouter
for efficient Radix Tree based URI MultiplexingTInterfacedCallback
Abstract REST ServerTRestHttpServerDefinition
Settings for a HTTP Server
Standalone REST In-Memory Server Using JSON or Binary Persistence
Standalone REST ORM EngineTRestServerFullMemory
Standalone REST Server
REST Server and Client Using an Embedded SQlite3 Database Engine
REST Server with Direct Access to a SQLite3 DatabaseTRestClientDB
REST Client with Direct Access to a SQLite3 Database
Client-Side REST Process over HTTP/WebSockets
Parent ClassesTRestHttpClientWinSock
REST Client Class over SocketsTRestHttpClientWebsockets
REST Client Class over WebSocketsTRestHttpClientWinINet
Windows REST Client ClassesTRestHttpClientCurl
REST Client Class over LibCurl
Server-Side REST Process over HTTP/WebSockets
RESTful ServerTRestHttpRemoteLogServer
to Receive Remote Log Stream
Web Server using Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern and Mustache
- Web Views Implementation using
- ViewModel/Controller Sessions using Cookies
- Web Renderer Returning Mustache HTML5 Views or JSON
- Application ViewModel/Controller using