Welcome to the repository for deploying Kratix on GKE.
These manifests are designed to be used alongside the video demo and related docs.
These docs assume:
- You have the
CLI installed and are currently logged in - You have created a GCP bucket you want Kratix to write to
Given these manifests require permissions to both your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) account, you will need the following environment variables set:
Defaults which may work for you are:
export DIR_GCLOUD_CONFIG="${HOME}/.config/gcloud"
export DIR_EXAMPLES=$(pwd)
export BUCKET_NAME="kratix-$(whoami)-${RANDOM}"
For the Bucket environment variables, you can create a new bucket in the GCP and then create a key here.
There are a number of manifests that require updating with the environment variable values.
Some of this data is sensitive. For that reason, the files have been added to
. You should not include these if you push your changes to a remote repository.
mkdir -p ${DIR_EXAMPLES}/secrets && rm ${DIR_EXAMPLES}/secrets/**
sed \
-e s/BASE64_ACTIVE_PROJECT_ID/$(sed -n -e 's/^project = //p' ${DIR_GCLOUD_CONFIG}/configurations/config_$(cat ${DIR_GCLOUD_CONFIG}/active_config) | base64 -w0)/ \
-e s/BASE64_CREDS/$(cat ${DIR_GCLOUD_CONFIG}/application_default_credentials.json | base64 -w0)/ \
${DIR_EXAMPLES}/secrets.template/promise-secret.yaml > ${DIR_EXAMPLES}/secrets/promise-secret.yaml
sed \
-e "s@BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY@$(echo -n ${BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY}|base64 -w0)@" \
-e "s@BUCKET_SECRET_KEY@$(echo -n ${BUCKET_SECRET_KEY}|base64 -w0)@" \
${DIR_EXAMPLES}/secrets.template/bucket-secret.yaml > ${DIR_EXAMPLES}/secrets/bucket-secret.yaml
sed \
-e "s@BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY@$(echo -n ${BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY}|base64 -w0)@" \
-e "s@BUCKET_SECRET_KEY@$(echo -n ${BUCKET_SECRET_KEY}|base64 -w0)@" \
${DIR_EXAMPLES}/secrets.template/bucketstatestore-secret.yaml > ${DIR_EXAMPLES}/secrets/bucketstatestore-secret.yaml
sed \
${DIR_EXAMPLES}/secrets.template/bucket.yaml > ${DIR_EXAMPLES}/secrets/bucket.yaml
sed \
${DIR_EXAMPLES}/secrets.template/bucketstatestore.yaml > ${DIR_EXAMPLES}/secrets/bucketstatestore.yaml