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Simon Kuenzer edited this page Dec 17, 2018 · 42 revisions

UCC2018 Unikraft Tutorial

Testing Infrastructure

For this tutorial you need a KVM and a Xen host in order to run Unikraft. We have prepared a pair of hosts for you to play with. Get login data from the tutorial staff.

  • When using Linux, you can simply login to your machine pair with:
ssh [email protected] -p <PORT>
  • Windows users can use PuTTY to do a login. Set the hostname to and the port according to your coupon. You should get asked for the username (type root) and password when opening the connection.

Cloning Repositories

You can easily build Unikraft Unikernels on your Linux host. If you have all tools and libraries installed to compile a Linux kernel you are ready to do this with Unikraft, too. Alternatively, you can directly compile Unikraft on the testing infrastructure that you got access too. It has compiler, tools, and necessary libraries pre-installed.

A Unikraft build is mostly consisting of a combination of multiple repositories. We differentiate them into: (1) Unikraft, (2) external libraries, (3) application. The build system assumes them organized in the following structure as default:

├── apps/
│   └── helloworld/
│   └── webserver/
├── libs/
│   ├── lwip/
│   └── newlib/
└── unikraft/

Clone the following repositories with Git (git clone <URL> <DESTINATION PATH>):

  • Unikraft base repository directly under your workspace root: Use this fork of the upstream repo for this tutorial.
  • External libraries into a libs subdirectory:
$ git checkout staging

Make sure that the directory structure under your workspace is exactly the same as shown in the overview ahead (e.g., call the folder of the cloned Unikraft repository unikraft)

Your first Unikernel


After you cloned the repos, go to the helloworld application and run make menuconfig for running the configuration. Unikraft uses the same configuration system as the Linux kernel (Kconfig). We will build Unikraft images for Xen, KVM, and Linux, so first step would be to go to Platform Configuration menu and make the following changes:

  • select Xen guest image
  • select KVM guest
  • select Linux user space Under Library configuration we also need to choose a scheduler: select ukschedcoop.


Afterwards, save your configuration and build the image with typing make. The build system will create three binaries, one for each platform:

$ ls -sh build/
 88K helloworld_kvm-x86_64
 40K helloworld_linuxu-x86_64
 72K helloworld_xen-x86_64


Lets execute our Unikernel.

  • The easiest is the one that we built as Linux user space application. It should execute on any Linux environment (your Linux machine, or on the machine pair we gave you):
$ build/helloworld_linuxu-x86_64
Welcome to  _ __             _____
 __ _____  (_) /__ _______ _/ _/ /_
/ // / _ \/ /  '_// __/ _ `/ _/ __/
\_,_/_//_/_/_/\_\/_/  \_,_/_/ \__/
                  Titan 0.2~10ce3f2
Hello world!
  • You can execute the KVM image (helloworld_kvm-x86_64) on the KVM host. If you did not build the image on your KVM host, either scp it over or build it there again. For simplification we deployed a script there to start the virtual machine quickly:
$ kvm-guest -k helloworld_kvm-x86_64

With the -D parameter you can have a look to the qemu command line that is generated by the script.

  • The procedure for Xen is similar. Get the Unikernel image on the Xen host and start the virtual machine there:
$ xen-guest -k helloworld_xen-x86_64

The parameter -D is showing you the generated xl machine configuration by the script.


After Hello world! is printed, our Unikernel is shutting down directly. We do not have a chance to see that a VM was actually created, so lets modify the source code. Open main.c your favorit editor (nano, vim, emacs) and add the following busy loop accordingly within the main function:

for (;;);

Rebuild the images with make and execute them. The shell prompt should not return. With a second shell your can check that the Unikernel is still executing:

  • Use top or htop for Linux and KVM.
  • Use xl top in Xen.

Note: You can terminate the KVM and Linux Unikernel with CTRL + C. For xen-guest it is CTRL + ].

External Libraries

The helloworld application uses a very minimalistic libc implementation called nolibc. It is small but also quiet limited in terms of functionality. nolibc is part of the Unikraft base repository and because of this it is called an internal library. They are located within the lib directory of Unikraft.

In order to enhance the functionality provided by the Unikraft, external libraries can be added to the build. In the following we want to exchange nolibc with newlib, a standard libc implementation that you can find in various Linux distributions and embedded environments.

We need to add newlib to the library includes. Edit the Makefile of the helloworld application. Please type make properclean before. This will delete the build directory (but not your configuration) and will force a full rebuild later.

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 UK_ROOT ?= $(PWD)/../../unikraft
 UK_LIBS ?= $(PWD)/../../libs
-LIBS :=
+LIBS := $(UK_LIBS)/newlib

        @make -C $(UK_ROOT) A=$(PWD) L=$(LIBS)

When we do now make menuconfig, newlib appears in the Library Configuration menu. Select it, and select also vfscore (unfortunately this dependency is currently not automatically selected in the upstream repository). Afterwards type make. Unikraft's build system will download the newlib's sources and build it together with all the other Unikraft libraries and application. Our newlib repository consists only of glue code that is needed to port newlib to the Unikraft.

You will notice that the built Unikernels are bigger than before. Try to run them again.


Debugging a Unikernel can be similarly done as debugging an application. In the following we are looking into print-based debugging and GDB.

Print-based Debugging

Unikraft provides support for debug printing with the internal libukdebug library. Code needs to be instrumented but the advantage is that the library automatically removes all print calls as soon as you disable debug printing.

We enable them by going to Library Configuration and ukdebug. Here we can change the logging level but also enable or disable various types of additional debugging features (e.g., assertions).

  • Change Debug message level to have the Show all types of debug messages value
  • Enable Print bottom address of stack in debug messages
  • Change Message redirection to have the Kernel messages on debug output value


With support from the virtualization platform and its toolstack (e.g., qemu on KVM, xl on Xen), a gdb process can be attached to the instances. In the following we will try it out with Xen:

As first, we must ensure that debug symbols are generated when building Unikraft. For this you have to run make menuconfig again and go to the Build Options menu. The following needs to be changed:

  • Optimization level: No optimizations
  • Debugging information:
    • Debug information level: Level 3
  • Unselect Strip final image Type make clean and then make. We want to make sure that every object file is rebuild with debugging information.

Webserver Example

As last task, we are going to build a small webserver that replies with a single page. It is using lwip for creating a socket and accepting incoming connections. Go to the webserver application directory. Have a look to webserver.c: It is a really short program and looks the same as you would write it for Linux. Its dependencies are defined within Having this, there is actually not much left to configure. Mandatory options are locked in make menuconfig. We just need to select our target platforms, select network drivers, save the config, and type make.

For now, we support virtio for networking only (but more is coming). You can enable the driver by going to the KVM platform configuration and select Virtio PCI device support and Virtio Net device.

The image can be started on the KVM host. Remember to add a virtual network device attached to the bridge virbr0:

$ kvm-guest -k build/webserver_kvm-x86_64 -b virbr0

This Unikernel is asking for an IPv4 address with DHCP. Luckily a DHCP server is running on the testing nodes. It should assign to it. In case you enabled ICMP in the lwip configuration, you should be able to ping the host from a second terminal.

$ ping

For debugging, you can also try to enable Debug messages in lwip and increase the debug output with libukdebug (see Debugging chapter; we need to enabled all debug messages). With this you are able to have a deeper look to the network stack.

If networking is working well, you can use the text-based browser lynx to see the web page served on a second terminal:

$ lynx
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