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Using unreleased versions of tools early

Novus Nota edited this page Jul 11, 2024 · 17 revisions

Dev versions of Tact with Blueprint

Dev versions of Tact are published with the next tag on npm.

To make sure everything works, make sure you don't have a local version of Tact linked or globally installed:

cd /local/path/to/tact/repo
yarn unlink # or something like that for NPM

npm uninstall -g @tact-lang/compiler

We provide instructions for npm and yarn below. The instructions are in the form of shell scripts, so you can copy-paste the steps and reproduce those in your setting. Note that those are incompatible, because the ways of overriding dependencies for the two package managers are different and also, npm supports using tags like next for specifying overrides, but yarn does not do it.

yarn package manager

Using resolutions

yarn create ton -y -- TestTactFromNext --type tact-empty --contractName Test
cd TestTactFromNext
rm -rf node_modules yarn.lock
cat <<< $(jq '. += { "resolutions": { "@tact-lang/compiler": "1.4.0-dev.20240710" } }' package.json) > package.json
yarn install
echo 'import "@stdlib/deploy"; contract Test with Deployable { get fun foo(): Address { return newAddress(0,0) } }' > contracts/test.tact
yarn blueprint build && yarn blueprint test
yarn tact --version

To learn the current next release version used in the above, i.e. 1.4.0-dev.20240710, you can use the following shell command:

yarn info @tact-lang/compiler --json | jq '.data."dist-tags".next'

Using yarn link

  1. Locally clone this (Tact compiler) repository somewhere convenient
  2. Run yarn clean && yarn gen && yarn build
  3. Run yarn link, to make Yarn linkage available
  4. Go into your Blueprint project folder (how-to create one) and run yarn link @tact-lang/compiler

Now, you should have your Blueprint's Tact compiler set to the one freshly built in your local tact repo. To keep getting newest updates straight from the GitHub, don't forget to do git pull and command from the second step above from time to time.

If you wish to reset to the default compiler version specified in Blueprint's dependencies, simply run yarn unlink @tact-lang/compiler in your Blueprint project folder.

npm package manager

npm create ton -y -- TestTactFromNext --type tact-empty --contractName Test
cd TestTactFromNext
rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json
cat <<< $(jq '. += { "overrides": { "@ton/blueprint": { "@tact-lang/compiler": "next" } } }' package.json) > package.json
npm install
echo 'import "@stdlib/deploy"; contract Test with Deployable { get fun foo(): Address { return newAddress(0,0) } }' > contracts/test.tact
npx blueprint build && npx blueprint test
npx tact --version   # should output something like 1.4.0-dev.20240710

VS Code

Extensions folder

Extensions are installed in a per user extensions folder. Depending on your platform, the location is in the following folder:

  • Windows: %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions
  • macOS: ~/.vscode/extensions
  • Linux: ~/.vscode/extensions

(originally described here)

Simplest way to reach that folder without going to terminal is via Command Palette in VSCode (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + P), then typing Open Extensions Folder.

From there, one can manipulate the installed extensions and even replace some files on the fly.

Updating the Tact grammar

For example, to get the latest VS Code highlighting in the KonVik's VS Code extension for Tact:

  1. Find it in the extensions folder. On Linux and macOS: ~/.vscode/extensions/konvik.tact-lang-vscode-1.3.0/ (version numbers change between releases)
  2. Open that folder in the terminal or in a file explorer
  3. Replace the syntaxes/tact.json file with the latest one from the tact-vscode repo. Alternatively, the package/Tact.tmLanguage.json file from tact-sublime can be taken, but make sure to rename it to tact.json when replacing.

To get continuous updates of the said syntax, one may symlink one of those files mentioned above from tact-vscode or tact-sublime repos cloned locally to your extension folder. On Linux and macOS, it would look like this (assuming you've deleted the tact.json file from the local extension folder):

# Note, that -1.3.0 version suffix may be different in your case, releases happen :)
ln -s \
      /place/of/local/tact-vscode/syntaxes/tact.json \                       # source file to link to
      ~/.vscode/extensions/konvik.tact-lang-vscode-1.3.0/syntaxes/tact.json  # link you're making
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