- check what i had in the old thing? like cooler fringes?
- git gutter fringes don't auto-reset themselves
- add: fringe indicator like sublime next to current file
- optimize: add a debounce for the current highlighting thing
- refactor: the font setting and separate out the hack for the git mode thing
- refactor: to see if can simplify and remove some overlays or something
- adjust: all the icon sizes
- adjust: all the icons
- adjust: all the icon colors
- adjust: the highlight factor
- adjust: the parent node highlight colors
- refactor: make the spacing vars dynamic / calculated on each other
- refactor: highlight mode to separate mode/file, but do it after all the colors and stuff is set just in case
- fix: get the parent node highlighting to work even when not visible
- add: mouse hover styles
- add: smooth hover animations
adjust: fix corfu tabbing behavior
adjust: fix corfu UI
consider: consider disabling when writing english like in comments and markdown and stuff
Get the shadow
Extra scroll bars or something looks weird
- adjust: the flycheck icons and things
- adjust: the vcs segment
- adjust: the filename and modified states and icons
- adjust: get more space between the line numbers and the actual content
- wish: smooth blinking cursor
- adjust: currently way too wordy in the echo area, can we suppress most of it or something
Things that i'm seeing in the echo area that i don't need:
- my keypresses (immediately)
- name of file path when i hover in treemacs
- response after running save buffer
- adjust: see if maybe eldoc can be tooltips or something idk
- fix: spacing gets wacky when you open something
- adjust: what do we want to actually display on the dash?
- add: can we get the reload/refresh to put us back where we were including the treemacs?
- add: can we auto open treemacs when we open a project?
- consult is not working everywhere, like project search - needs debugging
- better regexp / search replace thing with previews
- figure out how to properly use consult and embark etc
- better markdown mode live preview w/ within emacs ideally
- better syntax highlighting would be great
- there is still a bug that sometimes the line numbers show up in weird buffers
- inhibit copilot warnings when opening large buffers
- Get the shadow
- Make it pretty
- fixed width
Considering / watching
Watching Issues