The faqbot is currently separate from the TWSS system, and provides a Natural Language interface to a SQL database
You'll need nltk and pattern on your PYTHONPATH to run, or you go via easy_install (part of setup tools) and then pip:
easy_install pip
pip install -U pyyaml nltk
pip install pattern
and you'll also need to install the nltk corpora - instructions should pop up as necessary
To run from the command line:
For development run sniffer in the faq directory for continuous integration, i.e. ongoing running of the unit tests (essential if making tweaks)
Through the faqbot you can create new tables like so:
"There is a course Probabilistic Graphical Models called PGM"
Which would create a table "courses" with columns "ident" and "name" and a single entry with ident "Probabilistic Graphical Models" and name "PGM". Further entries can be added using similar statements:
"There is a course Machine Learning called ML" <-- although at the moment the parser is not recognizing two letter acronyms ...
Which will add another row to the same table, with the expected contents. Additional columns can be added to table's like so:
"Probabilistic Graphical Models's instructor is Daphne Koller" "Machine Learning's instructor is Andrew Ng"
The system can then respond to queries such as
"Who is the instructor for Machine Learning?" "Which instructor teaches Probabilistic Graphical Models"
When a sentence fails to match either an assertion or query about an object and it's properties faq bot will fall back on an I feel lucky google search
It turns out the Natural Language interfaces for databases are an old and distinguished topic:
- Androutsuopoulos et al (1995) Natural Language Interfaces to Databases – An Introduction. Journal of Natural Language Engineering, Cambridge University Press
- Popescu et al (2003) Towards a Theory of Natural Language Interfaces to Databases. In IUI ’03
Which are (or at least were) the 2nd and 3rd hits in this Google Scholar search:
There are also various patents in the area: