OFX MS Money
Use CSV so we can reorder transactions to match the UI.
using duckdb:
CREATE TEMP TABLE ace AS SELECT * FROM read_csv_auto ('csvdata.csv');
.mode csv
.headers on
# nb this will overwrite the file
.once csvdata.duck.csv
select '' as Num,strftime(column0, '%d/%m/%Y') as Date,column2 as Payee,'' as Category,'' as S,
case when column1::numeric(18,2)<0 then abs(column1::numeric(18,2)) else '' end as Withdrawal,
case when column1::numeric(18,2)>0 then column1 else '' end as Deposit,
column3 as Total,
'' as Comment
from ace order by rowid desc;
using sqlite:
CREATE TABLE "csvdata" (
"Date" TEXT,
"Amount" TEXT,
"Payee" TEXT,
"Balance" TEXT
.mode csv
.import csvdata.csv csvdata
.headers on
# nb this will append to the file
.once csvdata.ace.csv
# order desc so balance is correct
select "" as Num,Date,Payee,"" as Category,"" as S,iif(cast(Amount as decimal)<0,abs(cast(Amount as decimal)),"") as Withdrawal,iif(cast(Amount as decimal)>0,Amount,"") as Deposit,Balance as Total,"" as Comment from csvdata order by rowid desc;
From a View Transactions extract (file.csv) using duckdb
# create table so we have a rowid
CREATE TEMP TABLE file AS SELECT * FROM read_csv_auto ('file.csv');
.mode csv
.headers on
# nb this will overwrite the file
.once file.ace.csv
with trans as (select strptime(column1, '%d %b %Y') as Date
, column2 as "Transaction Details"
, cast(replace(replace(column3, ',',''), ' ','') as DECIMAL(18,2)) as Amount
, cast(replace(replace(column4, ',',''), ' ','') as DECIMAL(18,2)) as Total
from file order by rowid desc)
null as Num,strftime(Date, '%d/%m/%Y') as Date,
"Transaction Details" as Payee,null as Category,null as S,
case when Amount<0 then abs(Amount) else null end as Withdrawal,
case when Amount>0 then Amount else null end as Deposit,
null as Comment
from trans;
Use MS Money (QIF)
Export CSV and use duckdb to reverse order the transactions so the balance matches the UI:
CREATE TEMP TABLE ace AS SELECT * FROM read_csv_auto ('Transactions_*.csv');
.mode csv
.headers on
-- nb this will overwrite the file
.once transactions.ace.csv
select '' as Num,strftime("Transaction Date", '%d/%m/%Y') as Date,Narration as Payee,'' as Category,'' as S,
abs(Debit) as Withdrawal,
Credit as Deposit,
Balance as Total,
'' as Comment
from ace order by rowid desc;
Export CSV (nb: set the UI to order from oldest to latest).
using duckdb:
CREATE TEMP TABLE ace AS SELECT * FROM read_csv_auto ('trans211224.csv');
.mode csv
.headers on
-- nb this will overwrite the file
.once trans.ace.csv
select '' as Num,strftime(Date, '%d/%m/%Y') as Date,
-- format by stripping out leading transaction type and using it as a comment bellow
Description, '^(Visa Purchase( O/Seas)?|Visa Credit( Overseas)?|Osko Withdrawal|Osko Deposit|Sct Deposit|Eftpos Debit|Eftpos Credit|Tfr Wdl BPAY Internet|Atm Withdrawal( -Wbc)?)\s+\S+\s',''
-- normalise by striping out trailing reference numbers
'\d{4,}$', ''
) as Payee,
'' as Category,'' as S,
Debit as Withdrawal,
Credit as Deposit,
Balance as Total,
Description, '^(Visa Purchase( O/Seas)?|Visa Credit( Overseas)?|Osko Withdrawal|Osko Deposit|Sct Deposit|Eftpos Debit|Eftpos Credit|Tfr Wdl BPAY Internet|Atm Withdrawal( -Wbc)?)'
) as Comment
from ace
order by rowid asc;
~/Dropbox/scripts/cnab ~/Downloads/Transactions.qif
By default, Acemoney will not have access to the Downloads Folder on macOS. Grant access via Security & Privacy - Full Disk Access.
env WINEPREFIX="/home/tekumara/.wine" wine .wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/AceMoney/AceMoney.exe`
There is no Windows program configured to open this type of file
When opening a file from Finder with Acemoney, this error will occur if the file has a space in the name.