20180330 - Initial Release
- Event driven and timed updates
- Subscribes to DeviceTracker state update events
- State display options are (default "zone, place"):
"zone, place, street_number, street, city, county, state, postal_code, country, formatted_address"
- If state display options are specified in the configuration.yaml file:
- The state display string begins as a null and appends the following in order:
- 'zone' - as defined in the device_tracker entity
- If 'place' is included in the options string, a concatenated string is created with the following attributes
- place_name,
- place_category,
- place_type,
- place_neighbourhood,
- street number,
- street
- If 'street_number' and 'street' are also in the options string, they are ignored
- If 'place' is NOT included:
- If 'street_number' is included in the options string, the 'street number' will be appended to the display string
- If 'street' is included in the options string, the 'street name' will be appended to the display string
- If specified in the options string, the following attributes are also appended in order:
- "city"
- "county"
- "state'
- "postal_code"
- "country"
- "formatted_address"
- If for some reason the option string is null at this point, the following values are concatenated:
- "zone"
- "street"
- "city"
- Whenever the actual 'state' changes, this sensor fires a custom event named 'places_state_update' containing:
- entity
- to_state
- from_state
- place_name
- direction
- distance_from_home
- devicetracker_zone
- latitude
- longitude
- Added Map_link option to generate a Google or Apple Maps link to the users current location
20180509 - Updated to support new option value of "do_not_reorder" to disable the automatic ordered display of any specified options
- If "do_not_reorder" appears anywhere in the list of comma delimited options, the state display will be built
using the order of options as they are specified in the options config value.
ie: options: street, street_number, do_not_reorder, postal_code, city, country
will result in a state comprised of:
<street>, <street_number>, <postal_code>, <city>, <country>
without the "do_not_reorder" option, it would be:
<street_number>, <street>, <postal_code>, <city>, <country>
- The following attributes can be specified in any order for building the display string manually:
- do_not_reorder
- place_type, place_name, place_category, place_neighbourhood, street_number, street, city,
- postal_town, state, region, county, country, postal_code, formatted_address
Notes: All options must be specified in lower case.
State and Region return the same data (so only use one of them).
- Also added 'options' to the attribute list that gets populated by this sensor (to make it easier to see why a specific state is being generated)
20180510 - Fixed stupid bug introduced yesterday. Converted display options from string to list.