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Setup and configuration

Terje Io edited this page Oct 26, 2021 · 9 revisions

Download a executable from here or if you want to try a bleeding edge version - from here .

Optional command line parameters:

The executable is named ioSender.exe, create a shortcut to that and add one or more of the follwing command line parameters to alter the default startup behaviour.

-inifile <path to file>

<path to file> is the full path to the configuration file to use, default is to use App.config in the application folder. If the configuration file does not exist it will be created on first startup.

-locale <locale>

<locale> is the locale/language to use for the UI. Default is read from the OS on startup and can be overridden by this parameter. If the OS locale is not supported en-US is used.

-language <language>

<language> is the language to use for Grbl settings and error mapping files. Default is en_US. Currently no other languages are supported. Deprecated.

-port <port>

<port> specifies which port to connect to on startup, some examples:

COM74:115200,N,8,1 - connect to serial port COM74 with explicit parameters.

The first parameter after the colon is the baud rate.
The second is the parity: N - None, E - Even, O - Odd, M - Mark, S - Space
The third is number of data bits and the fourth is number of stop bits.

COM74 - connect to serial port COM74 with default parameters 115200,N,8,1. - connect to telnet port 23 at IP

ws:// - connect to websocket port 80 at IP


Select port to connect to on startup - currently only serial ports can be selected. Cannot be used in combination with -port.

Configuration file:

If not specified on the command line the configuration file App.config can be found in the application folder. This is a xml-file containing a number of configuration options for camera, gcode viewer, lathe mode and port to use for streaming.


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