All code starting with a $
is meant to run on your terminal.
All code starting with a >>>
is meant to run in a python interpreter,
like ipython.
Terra SDK can be installed (preferably in a :ref:`virtualenv <setup_environment>`)
using pip
as follows:
$ pip install terra-sdk
If you run into problems during installation, you might have a broken environment. See the troubleshooting guide to :ref:`setting up a clean environment <setup_environment>`.
In order to interact with the Terra blockchain, you'll need a connection to a Terra node. This can be done through setting up an LCDClient:
from terra_sdk.client.lcd import LCDClient
terra = LCDClient(chain_id="columbus-5", url="")
It's time to start using Terra SDK! Once properly configured, the LCDClient
instance will allow you
to interact with the Terra blockchain. Try getting the latest block height:
>>> terra.tendermint.block_info()['block']['header']['height']
Terra SDK can help you read block data, sign and send transactions, deploy and interact with contracts, and a number of other features.