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Kubernetes logging by Loki stack (Loki+Promtail)

Terraform module for deploy Loki logging to your kubernetes cluster, with multi cloud storage support.


Module creates all necessary resources for logging important containers inside your kubernetes cluster. Previously you need to have Grafana to see your logs. Loki is only separate Data Source for Grafana. Module supports different storages for logs: AWS S3 bucket, GCP GCS Bucket, Azure Blob storage and Kubernetes Persistent Volume.

Software Requirements

Name Description
Terraform >= v0.14.9
Helm provider >= 2.1.0
Kubernetes provider >= v2.0.1


AWS with S3 as storage

module "aws_s3_loki_stack" {
  source  = "terraform-iaac/loki-stack/kubernetes"

  # In case if IRSA is enabled. IRSA must have S3 RW Policy access.
  # Otherwise, your instance must have S3 RW Policy attached.
  loki_service_account_annotations = {
    "" = "arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/loki-logging"

  provider_type = "aws"
  s3_name       = "s3-bucket-loki-logs"
  s3_region     = "us-east-1"

GCP with GCS as storage

module "gcs_loki_stack" {
  source  = "terraform-iaac/loki-stack/kubernetes"
  # In case if Workload Identity is enabled.
  # Otherwise, your node must have RW permissions to GCS.
  loki_service_account_annotations = {
    "" = "[email protected]"

  provider_type   = "gcp"
  gcs_bucket_name = "gcs-bucket-loki-logs"

Azure with Blob as storage

module "azure_loki_stack" {
  source  = "terraform-iaac/loki-stack/kubernetes"

  provider_type              = "azure"
  storage_account_name       = "kuberneteslogging"
  storage_account_access_key = "super-secret-key"
  container_name             = "logs"

PV local as storage

module "pv_local_loki_stack" {
  source = "terraform-iaac/loki-stack/kubernetes"

  provider_type          = "local"
  pvc_storage_class_name = "default"
  pvc_access_modes       = ["ReadWriteOnce"]
  persistent_volume_name =
  persistent_volume_size = "4Gi"

Note: provider_type supports only aws, azure, gcp or local value. Every value require own variables (see locals section in file or check examples.)


Name Description Type Default Example Required
namespace Name of namespace where you want to deploy loki-stack string monitoring n/a no
create_namespace Create namespace by module? true or false bool true n/a no
loki_resources Compute Resources required by loki container. CPU/RAM requests map
request_cpu = "50m"
request_memory = "100Mi"
request_cpu = "20m"
request_memory = "50Mi"
promtail_resources Compute Resources required by promtail container. CPU/RAM requests map
request_cpu = "20m"
request_memory = "50Mi"
request_cpu = "20m"
request_memory = "50Mi"

Loki variables

Name Description Type Default Example Required
loki_name Loki application name string loki n/a no
loki_docker_image Image for Loki container string grafana/loki:2.3.0 n/a no
loki_termination_grace_period_seconds Grace period applies to the total time it takes for both the PreStop hook to execute and for the Container to stop normally integer 4800 n/a no
loki_port Port mapping to kubernetes service
name = string
internal_port = integer
external_port = integer
name = "http-metrics"
internal_port = 3100
external_port = 3100
n/a no
loki_node_selector Select node to deploy loki stack map null
(local.node_spot_label_key) = false
(local.node_multi_az_label_key) = true
loki_toleration Loki Pod node tolerations
effect = string // (Optional)
key = string // (Optional)
operator = string // (Optional)
toleration_seconds = number // (Optional)
value = string // (Optional)
effect = "NoSchedule"
key = "gpu"
operator = "Equal"
value = "true"
loki_service_account_annotations Add additional account annotations to Loki service account map ReadWriteMany n/a no


Name Description Type Default Example Required
promtail_name Promtail application name string monitoring-alertmanager-pv n/a no
promtail_docker_image Image for Promtail container string 2Gi n/a no
promtail_internal_port Port mapping to daemon-set
name = string
internal_port = integer
name = "http-metrics"
internal_port = 3100
n/a no
promtail_toleration Promtail pod node tolerations
effect = string // (Optional)
key = string // (Optional)
operator = string // (Optional)
toleration_seconds = number // (Optional)
value = string // (Optional)
effect = "NoSchedule"
key = "gpu"
operator = "Equal"
value = "true"

Storage variables

Name Description Type Default Example Required
provider_type Choose what type of provider you want (aws, azure, gcp and local) string n/a azure yes


Name Description Type Default Example Required
s3_region AWS region where s3 locate string null us-east-1 no
s3_name Name of s3 bucket string null s3-bucket-logs no

GCP storage

Name Description Type Default Example Required
gcs_bucket_name Google Cloud Storage bucket name string null gcs-storage-logs no

Azure Blob Storage

Name Description Type Default Example Required
storage_account_name The Microsoft Azure storage account name to be used string null aks-application-logs no
storage_account_access_key The Microsoft Azure storage account access key to use string null sEcRetKeY no
container_name Name of the blob container used to store chunks. This container must be created before running cortex. string null my-app-logs no


Name Description Type Default Example Required
persistent_volume_name Name of persistant volume string null k8s-my-app-logs-pv no
persistent_volume_size Name of persistant disk size string null 4Gi no
pvc_access_modes Mode for access to data string null ["ReadWriteOnce"] no
pvc_storage_class_name Type of storage class name string null default no