Flunkey Mirror is a open source Python and Vue.js powered smart mirror project inspired by other smart mirror project like @evancohen's one.
Most of open source smart mirror projects are based on heavy frontend frameworks like Angular or as combination of a lot node modules. This project seperates frontend and backend and uses lightweight frameworks to be easy expandable. The backend language is Python because there are a lot of open source modules for using system tools and also modules for a simple implementation of face model calculation and recognition. Vue.js as a frontend technology is very lightweight, flexible and easy of use compared to the for this usecase overloaded Angular.
Flunkey is based on four components flunkey-glass, flunkey-api, flunkey-utils and the flunkey-app.
flunkey-glass is the component which is responsible for the presenation of information on the mirror.
Technically it is a electron-vue app running in fullscreen on a Raspberry Pi 4. Every visible widget on it is a Vue.js Component, which loads data from the flunkey-api.
flunkey-api is the component with the main logic. Technically it's a Flask App with Blueprints and represents a api based middleware. The exposed endpoints will gather their information by requesting to remote API's like Spotify, Hue, FritzBox, OpenWeatherMap. The flunkey-api also interacts with the Mongo Database for configuration and uses system tools via Python Modules like vcgencmd (Switch on/off HDMI).
flunkey-utils is a collection of Python scripts for Face Model Training and Recognition and other related scripts and systemd unit files.
flunkey-app is a web interface to see and manage configuration objects.