- some sort of tabbing system that works while keeping nerd-tree open ?
- Learn how to size nerd tree
Find way to pass file to swiftlint autocorrect --format
... add a --std-in option swiftlint
and then compiling my own binary ...
Lets explore how to get this working needs:
- Jump to Definition
- Function syntax bubble above OR autocompletion for brackets, and function calls etc..
- If .swift, maybe have way to toggle on/off tokenized auto-complete, and prefer LSP/Standard Library stuff.
- Figure out key combinations and other things the COC Offers
- Research deoplete, and omnifunc etc..
- https://bluz71.github.io/2017/05/15/vim-tips-tricks.html vim-grepper + Ripgrep + quickfix + cfdo (if needed) + unimpaired
- Have them load into the quickfix list ??
- Find way to rebuild from VIM, are partial build supported ? or build on save ?
- might need to try this
- read articles at the bottom of - https://github.com/reedes/vim-pencil
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XA2WjJbmmoM&feature=youtu.be
- Word wrap, default to wrap, and make JK default to move lines that are wrapped.
- Remove repo's that are not submodules
- maybe add seperate work-space area for downloading and compiling from source