layout | banner_title | banner_subtitle | background_image | page_url | favicon | twitter_username | github_username | about_button | about_button_label | portfolio | portfolio_description | cta | cta_description | cta_button | cta_button_label | |
hello-default |
hello for github pages |
a minimalist template for personal websites |
/images/background.jpeg |
/hello |
/assets/ico/favicon.ico |
notsaragong |
saragong |
saragong |
get hello |
work |
you can include a portfolio showcasing your work and organize your portfolio's items into a custom layout, all without adding any CSS. |
connect |
questions, comments, or concerns? please don't hesitate to reach out. |
mailto:[email protected] |
contact |
hello is a minimalist template that lets you design a beautiful website or portfolio on GitHub Pages - without installing a Ruby development environment, learning to use Jekyll, or even typing a single line of code. It's ideal for GitHubbers who want to start building their personal website on GitHub Pages, but maybe aren't so familiar with web development.
The default layout of hello is a streamlined single page with three major customizable sections: a required "about" section, an optional portfolio, and an optional CTA. Using Liquid variables declared by in the config and index files, hello offers an easy-to-use design where all customizations necessary for a basic personal website can be written in Markdown.
hello is adapted from Twenty, a responsive, mobile-friendly theme by HTML5 Up.