Transitive closure extraction
; ; test fragment of top-level classes of phylogenetic Tree Of Life
; ;
(def types
'[alive eubacteria eukaryotes archaea cyanobacteria xenococcus rivularia
archaeplastida green-plants rhodophyta embryophytes spermatopsida polypodiopsida conifers
unikonts opisthokonts animals fungi amoebozoa])
(def hierarchy
'[[alive eubacteria]
[alive eukaryotes]
[alive archaea]
[eubacteria cyanobacteria]
[cyanobacteria xenococcus]
[cyanobacteria rivularia]
[eukaryotes archaeplastida]
[archaeplastida green-plants]
[archaeplastida rhodophyta]
[green-plants embryophytes]
[embryophytes spermatopsida]
[embryophytes polypodiopsida]
[spermatopsida conifers]
[eukaryotes unikonts]
[unikonts opisthokonts]
[opisthokonts animals]
[opisthokonts fungi]
[unikonts amoebozoa]])
(def expected-closure
'[[0 #{alive}]
[1 #{eubacteria alive}]
[2 #{eukaryotes alive}]
[3 #{archaea alive}]
[4 #{eubacteria cyanobacteria alive}]
[5 #{eubacteria xenococcus cyanobacteria alive}]
[6 #{eubacteria rivularia cyanobacteria alive}]
[7 #{archaeplastida eukaryotes alive}]
[8 #{archaeplastida eukaryotes green-plants alive}]
[9 #{archaeplastida eukaryotes alive rhodophyta}]
[10 #{archaeplastida eukaryotes green-plants alive embryophytes}]
[11 #{archaeplastida eukaryotes green-plants spermatopsida alive embryophytes}]
[12 #{archaeplastida eukaryotes polypodiopsida green-plants alive embryophytes}]
[13 #{archaeplastida eukaryotes green-plants spermatopsida alive conifers embryophytes}]
[14 #{eukaryotes unikonts alive}]
[15 #{eukaryotes unikonts alive opisthokonts}]
[16 #{eukaryotes unikonts animals alive opisthokonts}]
[17 #{eukaryotes fungi unikonts alive opisthokonts}]
[18 #{eukaryotes amoebozoa unikonts alive}]])
(def collect-transitive-closure
(fn [val incoming]
(reduce into val incoming))))
Graph generator & validation
(defn test-graph
[types hierarchy]
(let [g (f/compute-graph )
vspec {::f/collect-fn collect-transitive-closure}
verts (reduce
(fn [acc v] (assoc acc v (f/add-vertex! g #{v} vspec)))
{} types)]
(doseq [[a b] hierarchy]
(f/add-edge! g (verts a) (verts b) f/signal-forward nil ))
(defn valid-closure?
[g] (= expected-closure (fu/sorted-vertex-values (f/vertices g))))
(deftest test-transitive-closure
(let [g (test-graph types hierarchy)]
(is (= '([0 #{alive}] [1 #{eubacteria}] [2 #{eukaryotes}] [3 #{archaea}]
[4 #{cyanobacteria}] [5 #{xenococcus}] [6 #{rivularia}] [7 #{archaeplastida}]
[8 #{green-plants}] [9 #{rhodophyta}] [10 #{embryophytes}] [11 #{spermatopsida}]
[12 #{polypodiopsida}] [13 #{conifers}] [14 #{unikonts}] [15 #{opisthokonts}]
[16 #{animals}] [17 #{fungi}] [18 #{amoebozoa}])
(fu/sorted-vertex-values (f/vertices g))))
(let [res (f/execute! (f/scheduled-execution-context {:graph g}))]
(prn :scheduler res)
(is (= :converged (:type res)))
(is (valid-closure? g)))))
(deftest test-transitive-closure-sync
(let [g (test-graph types hierarchy)
res (f/execute! (f/sync-execution-context {:graph g}))]
(prn :sync res)
(is (= :converged (:type res)))
(is (valid-closure? g))))
(deftest ^:async test-transitive-closure-async
(let [g (test-graph types hierarchy)
notify (chan )]
(let [res (<! (f/execute! (f/async-execution-context {:graph g :auto-stop true })))]
(prn :async res)
(is (= :converged (:type res)))
(is (valid-closure? g))
(>! notify :ok )))
#?(:clj (<!! notify) :cljs (take! notify (fn [_] (done ))))))
#? (:cljs
[cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go go-loop]]))
[ :as f]
[ :as fu]
[[clojure.test :refer :all ]
[clojure.core.async :refer [go go-loop chan close! <! <!! >!]]]
[[cemerick.cljs.test :refer-macros [is deftest with-test testing done]]
[cljs.core.async :refer [chan close! <! >! take!]]])))
#?(:clj (taoensso.timbre/set-level! :warn ))