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Asgardeo Auth Angular SDK & Samples

Repository containing the source of Asgardeo Auth Angular SDK & Samples.

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Table of Contents


Asgardeo's Auth SDK for Angular allows Angular Applications to use OIDC or OAuth2 authentication in a simple and secure way. This SDK is built on top of @asgardeo/auth-spa.

Integration with @angular/router of this SDK will help the developers to add identity management to their Angular Applications in a jiffy.


Create an organization in Asgardeo if you don't already have one. The organization name you choose will be referred to as <org_name> throughout this document.


Package Version
@asgardeo/auth-angular npm

Try Out the Sample Apps

1. Create an Application in Asgardeo

Before trying out the sample apps, you need to create an application in Asgardeo.

  1. Navigate to Asgardeo Console and click on Applications under Develop tab.

  2. Click on New Application and then Single Page Application.

  3. Enter Sample as the name of the app and add the redirect URL(s). You can find the relevant redirect URL(s) of each sample app in the Running the sample apps section.

  4. Click on Register. You will be navigated to management page of the sample application.

  5. Add https://localhost:3000 to Allowed Origins under Access tab and check Public client option.

  6. Click on Update at the bottom.

  7. Copy the Client ID.

2. Running the sample apps

  1. Download the sample from the given link.

  2. Update configuration file src/config.json with your registered app details.

Note: You will only have to paste in the clientID(OAuth Client Key) generated for the application you registered.

Read more about the SDK configurations here .

    "clientID": "",
    "baseUrl": "<org_name>",
    "signInRedirectURL": "https://localhost:3000",
    "signOutRedirectURL": "https://localhost:3000"
  1. Build and deploy the apps by running the following command at the root directory.
npm install && npm start
  1. Navigate to https://localhost:3000.

a. Basic Angular Sample

b. Angular Sample With Router

Getting Started

1. Installing the Package

Install the Asgardeo Auth Angular SDK from the npm registry.

npm install --save @asgardeo/auth-angular

2. Import AsgardeoAuthModule and Provide Configuration Parameters

Add the AsgardeoAuthModule to the imports array of your root app module. Pass the config object to the forRoot function. See the list of available configurations here.

// app.module.ts

import { BrowserModule } from "@angular/platform-browser";
import { NgModule } from "@angular/core";
import { AppComponent } from "./app.component";

// Import Auth Module
import { AsgardeoAuthModule } from "@asgardeo/auth-angular";

    declarations: [
    imports: [

        // Provide the configs (See API Docs)
            signInRedirectURL: "https://localhost:3000",
            clientID: "clientID",
            baseUrl: "<org_name>"
    providers: [],
    bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

3. Use AsgardeoAuthService for Authentication Functions

Developers can directly import AsgardeoAuthService to take advantage of wide array of authentication functions. Find out more here.

// app.component.ts

import { Component } from "@angular/core";
import { AsgardeoAuthService } from "@asgardeo/auth-angular";

    selector: "app-root",
    templateUrl: "./app.component.html",
    styleUrls: ["./app.component.css"]
export class AppComponent {
    constructor(private auth: AsgardeoAuthService) { }

    // Use this function in a login button to simply sign-in.    
    handleSignIn(): void {

    // Use this function in a logout button to simply sign-out.
    handleSignOut(): void {

4. Use AsgardeoAuthService to access Authenticated state.

state$ could be used to access the user's authenticated user's state. Click here to see which attributes are exposed from $state object.

// app.component.ts

import { Component } from "@angular/core";
import { AsgardeoAuthService } from "@asgardeo/auth-angular";

    selector: "app-root",
    templateUrl: "./app.component.html",
    styleUrls: ["./app.component.css"]
export class AppComponent {

    public isAuthenticated: boolean;

    constructor(private auth: AsgardeoAuthService) { }

    ngOnInit() {
            .subscribe((state: AuthStateInterface) => {
                isAuthenticated = state.isAuthenticated;



This is the top-level Angular module for the SDK. This module provides following components and services.


Pass configuration parameters for authentication into AsgardeoAuthModule using forRoot method.

This SDK currently supports following configuration parameters defined in @asgardeo/auth-spa

Attribute Required? Type Default Value Description
signInRedirectURL Required string "" The URL to redirect to after the user authorizes the client app.
signOutRedirectURL Optional string signInRedirectURL will be used if this value is not provided. The URL to redirect to after the user is signed out
clientHost Optional string Origin of the client app obtained using window.origin The hostname of the client app. eg: https://localhost:3000
clientID Required string "" The client ID of the OIDC application hosted in the Asgardeo.
clientSecret Optional string "" The client secret of the OIDC application
enablePKCE Optional boolean true Specifies if a PKCE should be sent with the request for the authorization code.
prompt Optional string "" Specifies the prompt type of an OIDC request
responseMode Optional ResponseMode query Specifies the response mode. The value can either be query or form_post
scope Optional string[] ["openid"] Specifies the requested scopes.
baseUrl Required string "" The origin of the Identity Provider. eg:<org_name>
endpoints Optional OIDCEndpoints OIDC Endpoints Default Values The OIDC endpoint URLs. The SDK will try to obtain the endpoint URLS
wellKnownEndpoint Optional string "/oauth2/token /.well-known/ openid-configuration" The URL of the .well-known endpoint.
validateIDToken Optional boolean true Allows you to enable/disable JWT ID token validation after obtaining the ID token.
clockTolerance Optional number 60 Allows you to configure the leeway when validating the id_token.
storage Optional Storage SessionStorage The storage medium where the session information such as the access token should be stored.
resourceServerURLs Required if storage is set to webWorker or if the built-in auth interceptor is used string[] [] The URLs of the API endpoints. This is needed only if the storage method is set to webWorker. When API calls are made through the httpRequest or the httpRequestAll method, only the calls to the endpoints specified in the baseURL attribute will be allowed. Everything else will be denied.
requestTimeout Optional number 60000 (seconds) Specifies in seconds how long a request to the web worker should wait before being timed out.
skipRedirectCallback Optional boolean false Stop listening to Auth param changes i.e code & session_state to trigger auto login.
enableOIDCSessionManagement Optional boolean false Flag to enable OIDC Session Management. Set this flag to true to add single logout capabilities into your application.


In the components, AsgardeoAuthService can be used to take advantage of all of supported authentication features provided. This service inherits from the IdentityClient of the @asgardeo/auth-spa.


Authenticated state of the user that is exposed as an Observable. You can subscribe to this.auth.state$ end extract the attributes exposed by the SDK.

constructor(private auth: AsgardeoAuthService) { }

ngOnInit() {
        .subscribe((state: AuthStateInterface) => {
            // Access the state from here. ex: state.isAuthenticated, state.username etc.


signIn(config?: SignInConfig, authorizationCode?: string, sessionState?: string): Promise<BasicUserInfo>


  1. config?: SignInConfig (optional) An object that contains attributes that allows you to configure sign in. The forceInit attribute of this object, allows you to force a request to the .well-known endpoint even if a request has previously been sent. You can also pass key-value pairs that you want to be appended as path parameters to the authorization URL to this object. To learn more, refer to SignInConfig. This object is needed only during the authorization-url-generation phase.

  2. authorizationCode?: string (optional) The signIn method can be passed the authorization code as an argument, which will be used to obtain the token during the token-request phase of the method. This allows developers to use different response modes such as form_post. To learn more about the form_post method refer to the Using the form_post response mode section. If you're using the query method, then the signIn method automatically obtains the authorization code from the URL.

  3. sessionState?: string (optional) The signIn method can be passed the session state as an argument, which will be used to obtain the token during the token-request phase of the method. This allows developers to use different response modes such as form_post. To learn more about the form_post method refer to the Using the form_post response mode section. If you're using the query method, then the signIn method automatically obtains the session state from the URL.


As the name implies, this method is used to sign-in users. This method will have to be called twice to implement the two phases of the authentication process. The first phase generates the authorization URl and takes the user to the single-sign-on page of the identity server, while second phase triggers the token request to complete the authentication process. So, this method should be called when initiating authentication and when the user is redirected back to the app after authentication themselves with the server.

The sign-in hook is used to fire a callback function after signing in is successful. Check the on() section for more information.


signInWithRedirect(): Promise<boolean>


This method signs in and redirects the user back to the route where the authentication flow was initiated. To use this function following steps need to be fulfilled.

  • app-routing.module.ts

Register AsgardeoSignInRedirectComponent for a unique route.

// app-routing.module.ts

import { AsgardeoSignInRedirectComponent } from "@asgardeo/auth-angular";

const routes: Routes = [
    { path: "signin/redirect", component: AsgardeoSignInRedirectComponent },
  • signInRedirectURL

Change Sign In Redirect URL as follows.

// app.module.ts

    signInRedirectURL: window.location.origin + "/signin/redirect",


trySignInSilently(): Promise<BasicUserInfo | Boolean>


A Promise that resolves with the user information after signing in or with false if the user is not signed in.


This method allows you to sign in silently. First, it sends a prompt none request to see if there is an active user session in Asgardeo. If there is one, then it requests the access token and stores it. Else, it returns false.

⚠️ Since this method uses an iFrame, this method will not work if third-party cookies are blocked in the browser.


signOut(): Promise<boolean>


This method ends the user session at Asgardeo and logs the user out.

The sign-out hook is used to fire a callback function after signing out is successful. Check the on() section for more information.


isAuthenticated(): Promise<boolean>


isAuth: Promis<boolean> A promise that resolves with a boolean value that indicates if the user is authenticated or not.


This method returns a boolean value indicating if the user is authenticated or not.


getBasicUserInfo(): Promise<BasicUserInfo>;


A Promise that resolves with BasicUserInfo.


This method returns a promise that resolves with the information about the authenticated user obtained from the id token as an object. To learn more what information this object contains, refer to the BasicUserInfo section.


getAccessToken(): Promise<string>;


A Promise that resolves with the access token.


This returns a promise that resolves with the access token. The promise resolves successfully only if the storage type is set to a type other than webWorker. Otherwise, an error is thrown.


getIDToken(): Promise<string>


A promise that resolves with the ID token.


idToken: Promise<string> This method returns the id token.


getDecodedIDToken(): Promise<DecodedIDTokenPayload>


A promise that returns with the DecodedIDTokenPayload object.


This method returns a promise that resolves with the decoded payload of the JWT ID token.


getOIDCServiceEndpoints(): Promise<OIDCEndpoints>


A Promise that resolves with an object containing the endpoints. To learn more about what endpoints are returned, refer to the OIDCEndpoints section.


This method returns a promise that resolves with an object containing the OIDC endpoints obtained from the .well-known endpoint.


refreshAccessToken(): Promise<BasicUserInfo>;


A Promise that resolves with the BasicUserInfo object.


This refreshes the access token and stores the refreshed session information in either the session or local storage as per your configuration. Note that this method is not required to be used when the storage type is set to webWorker since the web worker automatically refreshes the token, and there is no need for the developer to do it.


revokeAccessToken(): Promise<boolean>


This method revokes the access token and clears the session information from the storage.

The end-user-session hook is used to fire a callback function after end user session is successful. Check the on() section for more information.


on(hook: Hooks, callback: (response?: any) => void, id?: string): Promise<void>


  1. hook: Hooks The name of the hook.
  2. callback: () => void The callback function that should be fired.
  3. id?: string An id for the method. This is required only when the hook type is custom-grant.


The on method is used to hook callback functions to authentication methods. The method accepts a hook name and a callback function as the only arguments except when the hook name is "custom-grant", in which case the id of the custom grant should be passed as the third argument. The following hooks are available.

If you are using TypeScript, you may want to use the Hooks enum that consists of the following string literals instead of directly inputting the string value.

Hook Method to which the callback function is attached Returned Response
Hooks.SignIn signIn() The user information. See BasicUserInfo for more details.
Hooks.SignOut signOut()
Hooks.Initialize initialize() A boolean value indicating if the initialization was successful or not.
Hooks.HttpRequestStart httpRequest() (Called before an http request is sent)
Hooks.HttpRequestFinish httpRequest() (Called after an http request is sent and response is received.)
Hooks.HttpRequestError httpRequest() (Called when an http request returns an error)
Hooks.HttpRequestSuccess httpRequest() (Called when an http requests returns a response successfully)
Hooks.RevokeAccessToken revokeAccessToken() A boolean value indicating if the process was successful or not
Hooks.CustomGrant customGrant() Returns the response from the custom grant request.

When the user signs out, the user is taken to the identity server's logout page and then redirected back to the SPA on successful log out. Hence, developers should ensure that the Hooks.SignOut hook is called when the page the user is redirected to loads.


requestCustomGrant(config: CustomGrantConfig): Promise<HttpResponse | BasicUserInfo>;


  1. config: CustomGrantConfig A config object to configure the custom-grant request. To learn more about the different attributes that can be used with config object, see the CustomGrantConfig section.


A Promise that resolves either with the response or the BasicUserInfo.


This method allows developers to use custom grants provided by their Identity Servers. This method accepts an object that has the following attributes as the argument.

The custom-grant hook is used to fire a callback function after a custom grant request is successful. Check the on() section for more information.

const config = {
    attachToken: false,
    data: {
        client_id: "{{clientID}}",
        grant_type: "account_switch",
        scope: "{{scope}}",
        token: "{{token}}",
    id: "account-switch",
    returnResponse: true,
    returnsSession: true,
    signInRequired: true

        // console.log(response);
        // console.error(error);


httpRequest(config: HttpRequestConfig): Promise<HttpResponse>;


  1. config: HttpRequestConfig A config object with the settings necessary to send http requests. This object is similar to the AxiosRequestConfig.


A Promise that resolves with the response.


This method is used to send http requests to Asgardeo. The developer doesn't need to manually attach the access token since this method does it automatically.

If the storage type is set to sessionStorage or localStorage, the developer may choose to implement their own ways of sending http requests by obtaining the access token from the relevant storage medium and attaching it to the header. However, if the storage is set to webWorker, this is the ONLY way http requests can be sent.

This method accepts a config object which is of type AxiosRequestConfig. If you have used axios before, you can use the httpRequest in the exact same way.

For example, to get the user profile details after signing in, you can query the Me endpoint as follows:


const requestConfig = {
    headers: {
        "Accept": "application/json",
        "Content-Type": "application/scim+json"
    method: "GET",
    url: "https://localhost:9443/scim2/Me"

return this.auth.httpRequest(requestConfig)
    .then((response) => {
        // console.log(response);
    .catch((error) => {
        // console.error(error);


httpRequestAll(config: HttpRequestConfig[]): Promise<HttpResponse[]>;


  1. config[]: HttpRequestConfig[] An array config objects with the settings necessary to send http requests. This object is similar to the AxiosRequestConfig.


A Promise that resolves with the responses.


This method is used to send multiple http requests at the same time. This works similar to axios.all(). An array of config objects need to be passed as the argument and an array of responses will be returned in a Promise in the order in which the configs were passed.


    .then((responses) => {
        response.forEach((response) => {
            // console.log(response);
    .catch((error) => {
        // console.error(error);


AsgardeoAuthGuard can be used to protect routes from unauthorized access.

To ensure the user has been properly authenticated before accessing, add the canActivate guard to any route as follows. (Add canActivateChild guard to protect a child route.)

// app-routing.module.ts

import { AsgardeoAuthGuard } from "@asgardeo/auth-angular";
import { ProfileComponent } from "./profile/profile.component";

const routes: Routes = [
        path: "profile",
        component: ProfileComponent,
        canActivate: [AsgardeoAuthGuard]


This is an angular HTTPInterceptor that automatically attaches the access tokens to outgoing HTTP requests, when using the built-in angular HttpClient @angular/common/http.

Note: AsgardeoAuthInterceptor can only be used if the storage type is set to sessionStorage or localStorage. If the storage type is set to webWorker, promise based httpRequest or httpRequestAll methods must be used to call API endpoints of the identity provider.


Add AsgardeoAuthInterceptor to the providers array in the app root module and list down the required API endpoints in resourceServerURLs array,

// app.module.ts

import { HttpClientModule, HTTP_INTERCEPTORS } from "@angular/common/http";
import { NgModule } from "@angular/core";
import { BrowserModule } from "@angular/platform-browser";
import { AsgardeoAuthInterceptor, AsgardeoAuthModule } from "@asgardeo/auth-angular";
import { AppComponent } from "./app.component";

    declarations: [
    imports: [
            baseUrl: "<org_name>",

            // Add the correct scope(s) required by the API here
            scope: ["internal_login"],

            // Access token will be attached to calls that start with these base URLs
            resourceServerURLs: [
    providers: [
        // Add the http interceptor to the providers array
            provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS,
            useClass: AsgardeoAuthInterceptor,
            multi: true
    bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

An access token will be attached as an Authorization header, for the requests sent by the built-in angular HttpClient, to the API endpoints that start with URLs defined in the resourceServerURLs array.

Query the Me endpoint to get the user profile details after signing in as follows:

// app.component.ts

import { HttpClient, HttpHeaders } from "@angular/common/http";
import { Component } from "@angular/core";
import { Observable } from "rxjs";

    selector: "app-root",
    templateUrl: "./app.component.html",
    styleUrls: ["./app.component.css"]
export class AppComponent {
    constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }

    // Send http requests with built-in angular HttpClient
    sendHTTPRequest(): Observable<any> {
        const url = "https://localhost:9443/scim2/Me";
        const httpOptions = {
            headers: new HttpHeaders({
                "Accept": "application/json",
                "Content-Type": "application/scim+json",
        return this.http.get(url, httpOptions);

Learn more about using APIs in Asgardeo from here.


Asgardeo allows the session information including the access token to be stored in four different places, namely,

  1. Session storage - Storage.SessionStorage
  2. Local storage - Storage.LocalStorage
  3. Web worker - Storage.WebWorker
  4. Browser memory - Sorage.BrowserMemory

Of the four methods, storing the session information in the web worker is the safest method. This is because the web worker cannot be accessed by third-party libraries and data there cannot be stolen through XSS attacks. However, when using a web worker to store the session information, the httpRequest method has to be used to send http requests. This method will route the request through the web worker and the web worker will attach the access token to the request before sending it to the server.



Attribute Type Description
email string The email address of the user.
username string The username of the user.
displayName string The display name of the user. It is the preferred_username in the id token payload or the sub.
allowedScopes string The scopes allowed for the user.
sessionState string The session state.
sub string The uid corresponding to the user to whom the ID token belongs to.


Method Required/Optional Type Default Value Description
fidp Optional string "" The fidp parameter that can be used to redirect a user directly to an IdP's sign-in page.
forceInit Optional boolean false Forces obtaining the OIDC endpoints from the .well-known endpoint. A request to this endpoint is not sent if a request has already been sent. This forces a request.
key: string Optional string | boolean "" Any key-value pair to be appended as path parameters to the authorization URL.


Method Type Default Value Description
authorizationEndpoint string "/oauth2/authorize" The authorization endpoint.
tokenEndpoint string "/oauth2/token" The token endpoint.
userinfoEndpoint string "" The user-info endpoint.
jwksUri string "/oauth2/jwks" The JWKS URI.
registrationEndpoint string "" The registration endpoint.
revocationEndpoint string "/oauth2/revoke" The token-revocation endpoint.
introspectionEndpoint string "" The introspection endpoint.
checkSessionIframe string "/oidc/checksession" The check-session endpoint.
endSessionEndpoint string "/oidc/logout" The end-session endpoint.
issuer string "" The issuer of the token.


Attribute Required/Optional Type Default Value Description
id Required string "" Every custom-grant request should have an id. This attributes takes that id.
data Required any null The data that should be sent in the body of the custom-grant request. You can use template tags to send session information. Refer to the Custom Grant Template Tags section for more details.
signInRequired Required boolean false Specifies if the user should be sign-in or not to dispatch this custom-grant request.
attachToken Required boolean false Specifies if the access token should be attached to the header of the request.
returnsSession Required boolean false Specifies if the the request returns session information such as the access token.

Custom Grant Template Tags

Session information can be attached to the body of a custom-grant request using template tags. This is useful when the session information is not exposed outside the SDK, but you want such information to be used in custom-grant requests. The following table lists the available template tags.

Tag Data
"{{token}}" The access token.
"{{username}}" The username.
"{{scope}}" The scope.
"{{clientID}}" The client ID.
"{{clientSecret}}" The client secret.


Method Type Description
aud string | string[] The audience.
sub string The subject. This is the username of the user.
iss string The token issuer.
email string The email address.
exp number ID token expiry time.


Attribute Type Description
allowedScopes string Scopes in the Token.
displayName string User's display name
email string User's email.
isAuthenticated boolean Is the user authenticated or not.
isLoading boolean Is the authentication requests still loading.
username string Username of the Authenticated user.



  • Node.js (version 10 or above).
  • npm package manager.

Installing Dependencies

You can install the dependencies by running the following command at the root.

npm install


You can build the project by executing the following command.

npm run build

Ivy Build

For development builds, use the following command to build the project in ivy mode. This will help you resolve error occurred when using npm link.

npm run build:ivy

Helpful Links


Please read Contributing to the Code Base for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

Reporting Issues

We encourage you to report issues, improvements, and feature requests creating Github Issues.

Important: And please be advised that security issues must be reported to security@wso2com, not as GitHub issues, in order to reach the proper audience. We strongly advise following the WSO2 Security Vulnerability Reporting Guidelines when reporting the security issues.


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file for details.