From our initial list of mantid dependencies, we can extract our conda depenendices and source approairate versions from conda forge. These dependnecies are consumed in three ways: (1) By our local environment files used to build mantid (2) By the conda-build meta.yaml file used to speicify our build, host and runtime requirements of our mantid package. And lastly, when creating an installer we create a construct.yamlf file, which defines our python dependencies.
graph TD
A[Mantid dependencies] -->|Parse requirements| B(Create conda environment files)
B -->|mantid-developer.yaml| D[Local conda environment]
B -->|meta.yaml| E[Conda build recipe]
D --> |used by| I[Local build]
D --> |used by| H[CI build]
I --> O[Local use]
I --> |install|P[local install]
E --> |creates| G[mantid-framework]
E --> |creates| J[mantid-qt]
J <--> |uses| G
J --> |used by| K
E --> |creates| K[mantid-workbench ]
G --> MM[conda packages]
J --> MM[conda packages]
K --> MM[conda packages]
LL[build scripts] --> E[conda-build]
P -->|CPack| BB[Standalone installer]
CC[conda constructor] --> BB
B -->|construct.yaml| CC