Difficulty Level: 1
Creation Date: June 10, 2020
Original Author(s): Thyago Mota
Contributor(s): João Marcelo
This lab is similar to lab-003 but instead of using a Nat gateway you are asked to use a Nat instance.
As mentioned before, this lab is very similar to lab-003 except that you will create a Nat instance instead of a Nat gateway. To do just that, when you create the EC2 instance in the public subnet (the one labeled B), make sure to choose an AMI that comes with pre-installed NAT software.
Repeat all of the steps described in lab-002, making sure that any references to lab-002 are replaced by lab-004. The security group for the instance in the private subnet (the one labeled B) must have an inbound rule that enables not only SSH but also HTTP traffic. For the EC2 instance in the public subnet (the one labeled A), follow the specific instructions described in the next step.
Search the community AMIs for one with NAT software pre-installed. After the instance is launched, make sure to enable port forwarding by disabling source/destination check.
Create a new route table with the Name tag private and with a default route to the NAT instance created in step 2.
Associate the newly created route table to the private subnet.
To validate this lab you need to access the EC2 instance in the private subnet (labeled as B) and from there try to access the internet, for example:
curl www.google.com