All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
3.75 - 2018-05-28
- Fixed Issue 11, Scrolling through Pen Sets
3.74 - 2018-05-28
- mouse_point(), displays corrdinates of mouse location in console. Useful for locating vanishing points
- key binding to mouse_point()
- grid() moved to Misc and cleaned up
- save_jpg() moved to Image_Tools
- CHANGELOG, changed extension to md
3.73 - 2018-02-03
- Dynamic "Path Finding Modules". PFMs allow multiple artisic looks to be contained in its own file.
- PDF exports for individual pens
- Factor and bias support for convolution function
- Scaling and printing of convolution kernels
- Un-sharpen convolution kernel
- Links to latest released version and previous versions
- Boarders can now be stacked
- Allow for key combinations
- Remapped keyboard for displaying individual pens
- Most keyboard shortcuts now support up to 10 pens
- Log messages are now more verbose
3.72 - 2017-12-29
- Globals to overide the gcode decimal seperator
- Globals to set default digits to the right of the decimal point
3.71 - 2017-12-18
- Fixed broken SVG code
3.7 - 2017-07-06
- SVG output
- Convolution kernels