- Checkin
- Build agenda
- Actions from last time
- Updates (what's progressed)
- Dweb Interview
- TinyShed (given no Dweb CA 2025)
- Social Layer https://app.sola.day
- [/] check time of next meeting with people
- make PR with CoC which is a fork of SSB's
- put in each repo?
- use Mix + Christians emails
- change tinySSB/tiny-shed-design#1
- to merge into
- to merge into
- review + merge: tinySSB/tiny-shed-design#2
- pull in past user flow work
- Terminology PR, needs tweaking
- progress Dweb interview
- report notes on https://qiqochat.com/ (schedule app used by IIW#39)
IA flow 0. they start in Feb (2 months before next step)
- Call for sessions / proposals
- enter into spreadsheet
- 32 cols
- 215 rows!
- many comments on each of the things
- organize the sessions by space (location) and theme
- taking into account related themes in the area, and equipment needs
- cluster/curate the themes they see emerging
- pass these along to the space stewards, see if it coincides with their theme + space reqs.
- each steward is responsible for a space and has a vision for the space
- each space has diffrent equipment available
- make sure there aren't double bookings of hosts!
- one person cannot be in 2 places at one time
Mostly use Google spreadhsheets
- collaborative
- can move things around
- comments on fields
- edit history / timeline
- Scheduling which is not talk related
- welcoming
- food mealtimes
- pull this all into Sched
- cleanup phase
- add speakers so they can edit their talks
- get feedback, iterate (now engaging people in the public chat on sched)
- turn on chat functionality in sched
- no export functionality
- sponsored links / branding
Pain points
- no comments
- no walking back edits
- something about air table
- seperate spreadsheet for
- tasks to do / done
- tracking who's doing what
- break things up multipe ways
- ticketing
- food
- logistics?
- wendy + 2/3 core
- another 10 curators
- space stewards are seperate
Learned some schema items
- Sessions
- Blocks of time that sessions can go into
There's a CSV export from sched we could look at. Would be nice if we could get the full import from google sheets -> sched. No automated synchronization between sheet<->sched.
would be a good to review the Terminology PRs, and SQLite mockup
This could be an opportunity
- could aim to support Dweb Brazil?
- could do something else?
- mix: I'm open to doing e.g. wildfire if that's a good match
- cft: I think there is a great opprtunity with scheduling
- low complexity
- low hanging fruit
- proven community need
- test case for "access-controlled shared data"
- nano:
- I think scheduling is a great demo app for tiny-ssb
- covers a lot of basic needs for any other problems
- firefighting is potentially very dangerous
- michael: in consent with what's been spoken
Nano: I'm perceiving a pain point where we have 2 groups working that are not coordinating / communicating (CFT students, tiny-ssb call).
CFT: nothing much has been done. They've been working on some low level stuff, we're gonna see if they're interested in what we're doing.
Nanomonkey: has questions about how databases works
- CFT: the SQLite database was only a prototype
- Nano: how is the database stored in Android?
- CFT: there is a log (append only file log, full (=tiny) packets kept to make replication easy). Each application then extracts "views" (from the stream of incoming log entries) which it stores in JSON Objects, kept in application memory and stored in the browser's HTML persistence module.
Mix: I notice we don't have working ep32 install stable at the moment. I'm interested in how we decide what our tasks are and how we're prioritising them?
- CFT: was interested in working with what Tyler was discussing doing things in browser. This is good for development, makes getting into it easier. We need to loop that back to Android though
- Mix: I feel there's a desire for coding some, but think we are lacking some coordination around code work?
- Nano: yeah I feel like I have gaps in how this works, what the design decisions were about how things work
- CFT: I could offer a blog example repo, which has some interesting access control questions. can work fully in the browser (some browsers allow broadcast info between tabs)
... we discussed using task tracking as a way to enhance coordination.
Decision: we're gonna try using Github Issues + Milestones/ Projects. Reflect on how this goes over the next couple months.
- Social Layer https://app.sola.day
- make PR with CoC which is a fork of SSB's
- put in each repo?
- use Mix + Christians emails
- change tinySSB/tiny-shed-design#1
- to merge into
- to merge into
- process the dweb interview => informed assessment
- request Data export from GoogleSheet / Sched import
- ask 2 students for their reflections on interview
- share demo application (running in standalone Chrome), show it next meeting
- independently: blog as a target mini-app? We have rough CRDT design for it (minimal access control: comments must be approved by blog owner). Could also be shopping-list mini-app, as an easy warm-up for programming?
- ask Tyler for his reflections on IA "DWeb camp program creation" session