- Fix for Dockerfile Build when applying OpenLDAP Patches to be displayed correctly
- Fix with ppm.conf generation for bad characters
- Stop relying on slapd.conf on first time initialization
- Properly apply ACLs for ppolicy
- Generate Wordlist for ppm.so
- Automatically generate check_password.conf and ppm.conf
- Fix for ACLs not applying on initial boot
- Add alternative Password Checking Module ppm.so
- Provide Default Configurations for check_password.conf and ppm.conf
- Stop being so thorough with exiting script when replicating - Fixed cont-init.d/10-openldap prematurely exiting with error 20
- Zabbix Monitoring Fixup
- Add a sanity checker for Replication errors if hostname doesn't exist in DNS or malformed IP address which causes container start fail on 2nd try
- Cleanup Config Pass item
- Rewrite entire image
- Alpine 3.8
- Compiled from source
- ppolicy-check module included
- Fix Replication
- Add Custom Assets
- Base update w/ S6
- Add Fail2Ban
- Script Cleanup
- Fix Daily Backup Routines
- Update Zabbix Checks
- Fix Cron Backup
- Added Dyanmic Zabbix Ports for LDAP Checking
- Full Rebuild From Ground Up - Simplified Dockerfile and Code
- Self Signed Certs only at present
- Added nginx for dummy site to take advantage of Lets Encrypt SSL Certs
- Added man, vim
- Rebase with new Baseimage
- Added Zabbix Agent