diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml index 25c3204..3f9e390 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/ci.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ # WARNING: Do not edit this file manually! Edit ci/spec.yml and run ci/regen-workflow.py. -{"name": "CI", "on": ["push", "pull_request"], "defaults": {"run": {"shell": "bash"}}, "jobs": {"lint": {"runs-on": "ubuntu-latest", "strategy": {"matrix": {"python-version": [3.7, 3.8]}}, "steps": [{"name": "Set up repo", "uses": "actions/checkout@v2"}, {"name": "Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}", "uses": "actions/setup-python@v2", "with": {"python-version": "${{ matrix.python-version }}"}}, {"name": "Set up cache", "uses": "actions/cache@v2", "with": {"path": "~/.cache/pip\n~/.cache/pipenv\n", "key": "${{ matrix.python-version }}"}}, {"name": "Install pipenv", "run": "pip install pipenv"}, {"name": "Install manager dependencies", "working-directory": "./manager", "run": "pipenv install --dev --deploy"}, {"name": "Install orchestrator dependencies", "working-directory": "./orchestrator", "run": "pipenv install --dev --deploy"}, {"name": "Install router dependencies", "working-directory": "./router", "run": "pipenv install --dev --deploy"}, {"name": "Install shell dependencies", "working-directory": "./shell", "run": "pipenv install --dev --deploy"}, {"name": "generate shell signing keys", "working-directory": "./manager", "run": "sudo mkdir -p /etc/director-shell-keys/etc/ssh\nsudo chown -R $USER:$(id -gn) /etc/director-shell-keys\npipenv run ../scripts/generate-rsa-key.py 4096 /etc/director-shell-keys/shell-signing-token-pubkey.pem /etc/director-shell-keys/shell-signing-token-privkey.pem\npipenv run ../scripts/generate-rsa-key.py 4096 /etc/director-shell-keys/shell-encryption-token-pubkey.pem /etc/director-shell-keys/shell-encryption-token-privkey.pem\nssh-keygen -A -f /etc/director-shell-keys\n"}, {"name": "Check shared formatting with format.sh", "run": "cd manager && pipenv run ../shared/scripts/format.sh && cd ../shared && test -z \"$(git status --porcelain=v1 .)\""}, {"name": "check shared formatting with check.sh", "working-directory": "./manager", "run": "pipenv run ../shared/scripts/check.sh"}, {"name": "Check manager formatting with format.sh and static_templates_format.sh", "working-directory": "./manager", "run": "pipenv run ./scripts/format.sh && pipenv run ./scripts/static_templates_format.sh && test -z \"$(git status --porcelain=v1 .)\""}, {"name": "Check manager formatting with check.sh", "working-directory": "./manager", "run": "pipenv run ./scripts/check.sh"}, {"name": "Check orchestrator formatting with format.sh", "working-directory": "./orchestrator", "run": "pipenv run ./scripts/format.sh && test -z \"$(git status --porcelain=v1 .)\""}, {"name": "Check orchestrator formatting with check.sh", "working-directory": "./orchestrator", "run": "pipenv run ./scripts/check.sh"}, {"name": "Check router formatting with format.sh", "working-directory": "./router", "run": "pipenv run ./scripts/format.sh && test -z \"$(git status --porcelain=v1 .)\""}, {"name": "Check router formatting with check.sh", "working-directory": "./router", "run": "pipenv run ./scripts/check.sh"}, {"name": "Check shell formatting with format.sh", "working-directory": "./shell", "run": "pipenv run ./scripts/format.sh && test -z \"$(git status --porcelain=v1 .)\""}, {"name": "Check shell formatting with check.sh", "working-directory": "./shell", "run": "pipenv run ./scripts/check.sh"}]}, "test": {"runs-on": "ubuntu-latest", "strategy": {"matrix": {"python-version": [3.7, 3.8]}}, "services": {"redis": {"image": "redis:latest", "ports": ["6379:6379"], "options": "--entrypoint redis-server"}}, "steps": [{"name": "Set up repo", "uses": "actions/checkout@v2"}, {"name": "Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}", "uses": "actions/setup-python@v2", "with": {"python-version": "${{ matrix.python-version }}"}}, {"name": "Set up cache", "uses": "actions/cache@v2", "with": {"path": "~/.cache/pip\n~/.cache/pipenv\n", "key": "${{ matrix.python-version }}"}}, {"name": "Install pipenv", "run": "pip install pipenv"}, {"name": "Install manager dependencies", "working-directory": "./manager", "run": "pipenv install --dev --deploy"}, {"name": "Install orchestrator dependencies", "working-directory": "./orchestrator", "run": "pipenv install --dev --deploy"}, {"name": "Install router dependencies", "working-directory": "./router", "run": "pipenv install --dev --deploy"}, {"name": "Install shell dependencies", "working-directory": "./shell", "run": "pipenv install --dev --deploy"}, {"name": "generate shell signing keys", "working-directory": "./manager", "run": "sudo mkdir -p /etc/director-shell-keys/etc/ssh\nsudo chown -R $USER:$(id -gn) /etc/director-shell-keys\npipenv run ../scripts/generate-rsa-key.py 4096 /etc/director-shell-keys/shell-signing-token-pubkey.pem /etc/director-shell-keys/shell-signing-token-privkey.pem\npipenv run ../scripts/generate-rsa-key.py 4096 /etc/director-shell-keys/shell-encryption-token-pubkey.pem /etc/director-shell-keys/shell-encryption-token-privkey.pem\nssh-keygen -A -f /etc/director-shell-keys\n"}, {"name": "install Kerberos", "run": "sudo apt install -y krb5-user"}, {"name": "copy manager secret.py", "working-directory": "./manager", "run": "cp director/settings/secret.sample director/settings/secret.py"}, {"name": "run Manager test suite", "working-directory": "./manager", "run": "pipenv run coverage run manage.py test"}, {"name": "run Orchestrator test suite", "working-directory": "./orchestrator", "run": "pipenv run coverage run -m unittest discover"}, {"name": "run Router test suite", "working-directory": "./router", "run": "pipenv run coverage run -m unittest discover"}, {"name": "run Shell test suite", "working-directory": "./shell", "run": "cp shell/settings/secret_dev.py shell/settings/secret.py\npipenv run coverage run -m unittest discover\npipenv run coverage combine\n"}, {"name": "Combine coverage reports", "run": "pip3 install coverage\ncoverage combine manager/.coverage orchestrator/.coverage router/.coverage shell/.coverage\n"}, {"name": "Report combined coverage report to Coveralls", "env": {"GITHUB_TOKEN": "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}", "COVERALLS_FLAG_NAME": "${{ matrix.python-version }}", "COVERALLS_PARALLEL": true}, "run": "pip3 install coveralls\ncoveralls --service=github\n"}]}, "finish_success": {"needs": ["lint", "test"], "runs-on": "ubuntu-latest", "steps": [{"name": "Tell Coveralls that parallel jobs have finished", "uses": "coverallsapp/github-action@master", "with": {"github-token": "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}", "parallel-finished": true}}]}}} \ No newline at end of file +{"name": "CI", "on": ["push", "pull_request"], "defaults": {"run": {"shell": "bash"}}, "jobs": {"lint": {"runs-on": "ubuntu-latest", "strategy": {"matrix": {"python-version": [3.8]}}, "steps": [{"name": "Set up repo", "uses": "actions/checkout@v2"}, {"name": "Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}", "uses": "actions/setup-python@v2", "with": {"python-version": "${{ matrix.python-version }}"}}, {"name": "Set up cache", "uses": "actions/cache@v2", "with": {"path": "~/.cache/pip\n~/.cache/pipenv\n", "key": "${{ matrix.python-version }}"}}, {"name": "Install pipenv", "run": "pip install pipenv"}, {"name": "Install manager dependencies", "working-directory": "./manager", "run": "pipenv install --dev --deploy"}, {"name": "Install orchestrator dependencies", "working-directory": "./orchestrator", "run": "pipenv install --dev --deploy"}, {"name": "Install router dependencies", "working-directory": "./router", "run": "pipenv install --dev --deploy"}, {"name": "Install shell dependencies", "working-directory": "./shell", "run": "pipenv install --dev --deploy"}, {"name": "generate shell signing keys", "working-directory": "./manager", "run": "sudo mkdir -p /etc/director-shell-keys/etc/ssh\nsudo chown -R $USER:$(id -gn) /etc/director-shell-keys\npipenv run ../scripts/generate-rsa-key.py 4096 /etc/director-shell-keys/shell-signing-token-pubkey.pem /etc/director-shell-keys/shell-signing-token-privkey.pem\npipenv run ../scripts/generate-rsa-key.py 4096 /etc/director-shell-keys/shell-encryption-token-pubkey.pem /etc/director-shell-keys/shell-encryption-token-privkey.pem\nssh-keygen -A -f /etc/director-shell-keys\n"}, {"name": "Check shared formatting with format.sh", "run": "cd manager && pipenv run ../shared/scripts/format.sh && cd ../shared && test -z \"$(git status --porcelain=v1 .)\""}, {"name": "check shared formatting with check.sh", "working-directory": "./manager", "run": "pipenv run ../shared/scripts/check.sh"}, {"name": "Check manager formatting with format.sh and static_templates_format.sh", "working-directory": "./manager", "run": "pipenv run ./scripts/format.sh && pipenv run ./scripts/static_templates_format.sh && test -z \"$(git status --porcelain=v1 .)\""}, {"name": "Check manager formatting with check.sh", "working-directory": "./manager", "run": "pipenv run ./scripts/check.sh"}, {"name": "Check orchestrator formatting with format.sh", "working-directory": "./orchestrator", "run": "pipenv run ./scripts/format.sh && test -z \"$(git status --porcelain=v1 .)\""}, {"name": "Check orchestrator formatting with check.sh", "working-directory": "./orchestrator", "run": "pipenv run ./scripts/check.sh"}, {"name": "Check router formatting with format.sh", "working-directory": "./router", "run": "pipenv run ./scripts/format.sh && test -z \"$(git status --porcelain=v1 .)\""}, {"name": "Check router formatting with check.sh", "working-directory": "./router", "run": "pipenv run ./scripts/check.sh"}, {"name": "Check shell formatting with format.sh", "working-directory": "./shell", "run": "pipenv run ./scripts/format.sh && test -z \"$(git status --porcelain=v1 .)\""}, {"name": "Check shell formatting with check.sh", "working-directory": "./shell", "run": "pipenv run ./scripts/check.sh"}]}, "test": {"runs-on": "ubuntu-latest", "strategy": {"matrix": {"python-version": [3.8]}}, "services": {"redis": {"image": "redis:latest", "ports": ["6379:6379"], "options": "--entrypoint redis-server"}}, "steps": [{"name": "Set up repo", "uses": "actions/checkout@v2"}, {"name": "Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}", "uses": "actions/setup-python@v2", "with": {"python-version": "${{ matrix.python-version }}"}}, {"name": "Set up cache", "uses": "actions/cache@v2", "with": {"path": "~/.cache/pip\n~/.cache/pipenv\n", "key": "${{ matrix.python-version }}"}}, {"name": "Install pipenv", "run": "pip install pipenv"}, {"name": "Install manager dependencies", "working-directory": "./manager", "run": "pipenv install --dev --deploy"}, {"name": "Install orchestrator dependencies", "working-directory": "./orchestrator", "run": "pipenv install --dev --deploy"}, {"name": "Install router dependencies", "working-directory": "./router", "run": "pipenv install --dev --deploy"}, {"name": "Install shell dependencies", "working-directory": "./shell", "run": "pipenv install --dev --deploy"}, {"name": "generate shell signing keys", "working-directory": "./manager", "run": "sudo mkdir -p /etc/director-shell-keys/etc/ssh\nsudo chown -R $USER:$(id -gn) /etc/director-shell-keys\npipenv run ../scripts/generate-rsa-key.py 4096 /etc/director-shell-keys/shell-signing-token-pubkey.pem /etc/director-shell-keys/shell-signing-token-privkey.pem\npipenv run ../scripts/generate-rsa-key.py 4096 /etc/director-shell-keys/shell-encryption-token-pubkey.pem /etc/director-shell-keys/shell-encryption-token-privkey.pem\nssh-keygen -A -f /etc/director-shell-keys\n"}, {"name": "install Kerberos", "run": "sudo apt install -y krb5-user"}, {"name": "copy manager secret.py", "working-directory": "./manager", "run": "cp director/settings/secret.sample director/settings/secret.py"}, {"name": "run Manager test suite", "working-directory": "./manager", "run": "pipenv run coverage run manage.py test"}, {"name": "run Orchestrator test suite", "working-directory": "./orchestrator", "run": "pipenv run coverage run -m unittest discover"}, {"name": "run Router test suite", "working-directory": "./router", "run": "pipenv run coverage run -m unittest discover"}, {"name": "run Shell test suite", "working-directory": "./shell", "run": "cp shell/settings/secret_dev.py shell/settings/secret.py\npipenv run coverage run -m unittest discover\npipenv run coverage combine\n"}, {"name": "Combine coverage reports", "run": "pip3 install coverage\ncoverage combine manager/.coverage orchestrator/.coverage router/.coverage shell/.coverage\n"}, {"name": "Report combined coverage report to Coveralls", "env": {"GITHUB_TOKEN": "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}", "COVERALLS_FLAG_NAME": "${{ matrix.python-version }}", "COVERALLS_PARALLEL": true}, "run": "pip3 install coveralls\ncoveralls --service=github\n"}]}, "finish_success": {"needs": ["lint", "test"], "runs-on": "ubuntu-latest", "steps": [{"name": "Tell Coveralls that parallel jobs have finished", "uses": "coverallsapp/github-action@master", "with": {"github-token": "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}", "parallel-finished": true}}]}}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ci/spec.yml b/ci/spec.yml index de12125..13e8b3e 100644 --- a/ci/spec.yml +++ b/ci/spec.yml @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ defaults: .anchors: python_versions: &python_versions - - 3.7 - 3.8 python_setup: &python_setup diff --git a/orchestrator/.coveragerc b/orchestrator/.coveragerc index 84f3fa2..18397c1 100644 --- a/orchestrator/.coveragerc +++ b/orchestrator/.coveragerc @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ [run] branch = True source = ..,orchestrator - +omit = + **/Dockerfile