Before running the codes, we need to have some pretrained models, which can be achieved folloing the guidelines of the original TOFU repo. We also need to change the model_path and save_dir (icml/ by default) for the yaml files in config/ (e.g., config/forget.yaml and config/forget_ge.yaml)
run basher1.py for the original unlearning methods with different checkpoints, automatically saving into the folder named icml.
run basher2.py for the computation of g-effects for the save checkpoints, the results can be save to a particular file.
For example,
python basher1.py ga --model=llama --cuda_id=3 --setting=forget05 --hyper=2
python basher2.py ga --model=llama --cuda_id=3 --setting=forget05 --hyper=2 > ga_ge_log.txt
the current support methods are
ga, npo, ins_npo (tnpo), w_ins_npo (wtnpo), wga, rmu_[particular layer to be perturbed, e.g., rmu_32, rmu_21, rmu_10], idk (po)
the current supoort models are
llama, phi
the current support settings are
forget01, forget05, and forget10