Long story short, JUCE is a framework which solves many common problems a developer might face during the creation of any kind of application. It hides away a lot of complexity, which normally is not very fun to work with. This includes cross platform window creation, file I/O, networking and so on. JUCE also comes with a collection of user interface widgets, such as buttons, combo boxes, menus, tabbed views and much more. A complete list can be found in the JUCE documentation. Components
as they are called in JUCE form the basis of all user interaction in a JUCE application. The appearance is easily customizable. If the ones provided by JUCE don't fit your needs you can also create your own, just create subclass from the juce::Component
you want to customize and of you go.
- Wraps all common plug-in types.
- VST3
- AU
- DSP Building Blocks
- Gain
- Filters (IIR, FIR, StateVariable)
- Panner
- Reverb (Freeverb Implementation)
- Oscillator
- Waveshaper
- Convolution
- Oversampling
- Many math functions
- Analysis
- RMS & Peak
- Vector instructions (SIMD) for x86_64 and ARM
- Easily use C++ for both Android & iOS
- Use native features