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167 lines (114 loc) · 7.2 KB


App description goes here.


  • Tauri prerequisites
    • Apt package manager: sudo apt update && xargs sudo apt install -y < environment/apt_packages.txt
  • Install NodeJS via nvm (Windows with no-admin should install NodeJS from
    1. Install nodeJS via nvm or nvm-windows
      • nvm: curl -o- | bash
      • nvm-windows: nvm-setup.exe
    2. Open up an elevated command prompt (Windows) or a normal terminal on non-Windows OS
    3. Run nvm install --lts
    4. Run nvm use lts (--lts on non-Windows)
  • Install pnpm using corepack enable
  • Run pnpm install to install frontend dependencies
  • For testing, you need to cargo install tauri-driver, Install Selenium IDE, and on Windows add msedgedriver.exe x64 to your Path environment variable.
    • A good place to store msedgedriver.exe is C:\Windows if you have administrative privileges
    • If tests are hanging on Windows, you will need to update msedgedriver.exe to the latest version
    • Use the Selenium IDE to open and save to the test/app.side file


Purpose Related

Enter resources for contributors that is related to the applications purpose. For example, a cryptocurrency wallet, you would list some things related to understanding said cryptocurrency.



App Icons

pnpm tauri icon path\to\image.ext --output .\src-tauri\icons\

This will overwrite images in .\src-tauri\icons so ensure you are using git

System Tray Creating Ico Files

This only applies when your source icon is not an ico. I suggest keeping source images in the git repo.

pnpm tauri icon .\src-tauri\icons\SystemTray1.png --output .\src-tauri\icons\SystemTray1

After running this, simply rename the ico file in the new directory and move it one level up. All .\src-tauri\icons\SystemTray*\ directories are ignored in .gitignore

Implementing Auto-Update

Watch Tauri Part 10

These sample projects/code are licensed under CC0 1.0 so you do not need to worry about violating my copyright. The backends can convert a github releases API response into a Tauri-Updater friendly JSON response with a 5 minute cache and room for custom logic.

If you are using private repositories, you will need an API key from GitHub otherwise you will get 403ed.

There are notes in the code for where to place custom version and platform checking logic. An example of custom logic is if you want to return the latest version only for certain app versions and another version for older app versions.

To test if auto-update works, in your tauri.conf.json file, add a localhost url like "http://[::1]:5001/tauri-releases/google-keep-desktop/{{target}}/{{current_version}}" to the start of the endpoints array. Your app version MUST be lower than the latest available version since the Tauri updater will perform a version on any valid json response.

Calling Rust from the Frontend

fn command1(window: tauri::Window) {
  println!("I was invoked from JS!");

fn command2(arg: String) -> String {
  println!("I was invoked from JS!");
  return "hi frontend".into();

  // ...
  .invoke_handler(tauri::generate_handler![command1, command2])
  // ...
import { invoke } from '@tauri-apps/api/tauri'
// or const invoke = window.__TAURI__.invoke
// in an async function...
await invoke('command1');
await invoke('command2', {arg: 'two'}).then(msg => console.log(msg));
// ...

How to Upgrade Mantine?

pnpm upgrade --pattern *mantine*

Playing Audio and Video

If your app plays audio/video you need to enable tauri.conf.json > tauri > bundle > appimage > bundleMediaFramework. This will increase the size of the AppImage bundle to include additional gstreamer files needed for media playback. This flag is currently only supported on Ubuntu build systems.

Scripts in package.json

pnpm dev

An alias for pnpm tauri dev which runs pnpm start and opens a debug enabled window app that renders the frontend

pnpm test

Run integrated tests using selenium-webdriver on a release build of the application

pnpm rls

An alias for pnpm tauri build which builds the frontend and bundles it into a Tauri release build

pnpm update

Upgrades packages/crates in ./packages.json and ./src-tauri/Cargo.toml. This will also cleanup rust builds

pnpm build

A performance optimized build of the front-end intended for use in production. Output is the build folder.

pnpm start

Run the app in the development mode and opens http://localhost:3000 in your browser. The page should reload when you make changes. You may also see lint errors in the console

pnpm serve

Serve /build with the global serve package

npm test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode. See the section about running tests for more information.

Tips and Trouble Shooting

  • Slow computer / low storage / Frontend edits only? pnpm start
    • no Tauri API access of course
  • Publishing to the web? Edit package.json, index.html, manifest.html
  • Don't want to Alt-Tab? Set alwaysOnTop to true in tauri.conf.json
  • Broken npm sub-dependency? Use resolutions: {subDependency: version}
  • Add "devtools" to Tauri features in Cargo.toml to get devtools in a production build
  • If a cookie is not being set from cross-site, add SameSite: 'lax' when setting cookies
  • Use cd src-tauri && cargo clean to fix abnormal bugs or issues
  • Windows VSCode pnpm install dependency installation issues: close not reload all VS Code windows and retry
  • Use npx --yes npm-check-updates to check which packages to upgrade, check their changelogs, and then perform updates