- setup esgf-archive for tests (test_dispel_dummy etc won't work otherwise)
- fix python search path: buildout malleefowl should overwrite anaconda malleefowl
- add opendap access
- check opendap urls
- esgserach: filter files by start/end also when temporal search is not active
- esgsearch: fix case when esgsearch has no resuls
- fix esgsearch process datetime parameters
- handle multiple wget downloads (mabe same file): maybe wget does this already or use python lockfile https://pypi.python.org/pypi/lockfile
- add literal input with value range[(0,100)] ... see pywps doc
- token service ... sets simple username/password for wps https access
- check WebSockets and wps
https://pypi.python.org/pypi/gevent-websocket * test suite with nose
- search with replica=True returns nothing:
constraints: [('project', 'CMIP5'), ('model', 'MPI-ESM-LR'), ('variable', 'ta'), ('cmor_table', 'Amon'), ('experiment', 'historical'), ('ensemble', 'r1i1p1')] * dispel workflow: exception after esgsearch with many result files: Failed to execute WPS process [dispel]: HTTP Error 413: Request Entity Too Large * owslib can not handle some exception reports: for example: <Exception exceptionCode="NoApplicableCode">
<ExceptionText>'Failed to execute WPS process [visualisation]: (returncode:1) cdo showdate: Open failed on >./pywpsInput5A4aF4<nNo such file or directoryn'</ExceptionText></Exception>
- install of project emu etc will fail if malleefowl conda dependencies are not already installed. Check projects depending on malleefowl.
- wget on debian does not work for esgf downloads
https://bugs.launchpad.net/linuxmint/+bug/1335174 * pywps key-value request does not work if data-input has an @ sign * set egg_cache: python-eggs is writable by group/others ... (set PYTHON_EGG_CACHE environment variable)
- check couchdb, sqark, ElasticSearch http://couchdb.apache.org/ pypi/buildout_couchdb http://www.elasticsearch.org/ pypi/django-simple-elasticsearch http://spark.apache.org/
- check cache for downloads
conda caching buildout caching https://code.google.com/p/python-cache/
- add support for bounding box
- patch: encode complexinput parameters which are inline of the wps request
- patch: sync wps request