- using zc.recipe.deployment.
- using new buildout recipes.
- using conda environment.yml
- possible to edit job caption in monitor view.
- monitor view allows tagging of jobs and filter with tags.
- using special tag "public" to set job as public accessable.
- monitor: only show progress for running jobs.
- Update user_guide.rst
- fixed catalog search filter (#91)
- fixed keywords display of thredds servcices (#91)
- pinned mongodb=2 ... update pywps=3.2.6
- added default password
- pinned netcdf4=1.2.2 and added ioos channel to conda part
- update twitcher 0.1.7
- display process metadata in processes view.
- ncwms, solr and pycsw are now optional build parts and moved to advanced.cfg.
- by default using the catalog based on MongoDB ... optionally one can use pycsw.
- update to pyramid 1.7
- using service_name for wps from twitcher registry.
- restart job from monitor view (using linage info).
- using lineage info from wps protocol for input parameters.
- added public access for jobs.
- enabled guest account.
- added filter and pagination in monitor view.
- using twitcher security proxy.
- updated mongodb: using non default port.
- added solr search in wizard.
- index thredds services to solr in settings.
- auth settings page added.
- fixed swiftlogin.
- allow edit of user emails.
- fixed wizard favorites loading.
- fixed account validation form.
- show username in navigation bar.
- cleaned up nginx template.
- added user option for supervisor, nginx.
- cleaned up default layout.
- enabled https.
- added Phoenix login
- added GitHub login
- added LDAP login
- refactored
- register thredds catalogs.
- bugfixes.
- added thredds as source in wizard.
- added supervisor view.
- refactored.
- Added help button pointing to phoenix documentation on readthedocs.
- Now possible to use shared anaconda installation.
- sets x509 proxy certificate in processes.
- using TimedRotatingFileHandler for logging.
- esgf search is by default not distributed.
- default log-level set to info.
- map disabled (needs refactoring)
- calling dispel workflow on malleefowl
- skipped esgf file selection ... file search is done in dispel workflow
Utrecht Release
- sends email to admin users on user login failure.
- uses user name from openid parameters.
- added provider for each contry to esgf login page.
- shows last login in users settings.
- shows unregistered users in dashboard.
- using buildout 2.x.
- Fixed start problems with supervisor:
csw, wps and mongodb are now initialized on first request (not on start time)
- Using Makefile from birdhousebuilder.bootstrap to install and start application.
- Fixed signin urls on register page.
Paris Release
- moved code to github
- choose licence: apache license version 2.0 http://www.apache.org/licenses/
- setup proxy for openlayers and js to access thredds, esgf-search ... https://github.com/gwaldron/godzi-webgl/blob/master/tests/proxy.php http://trac.osgeo.org/openlayers/wiki/FrequentlyAskedQuestions#ProxyHost http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpFastcgiModule
- configure base malleefowl wps + additional wps from catalog service
- use simple wps calls in wizard for listings etc ...
- use wps chain for restflow process
- reduce number of wps initialisations in wizard
- uses datetime json renderer:
http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid/en/1.5-branch/narr/renderers.html#json-renderer * dashboard added * refactored wizard
- time selection does not filter mon cordex files in esg file search
- init of wps fails (e.a when wps is registered but not avail)
- fix port 80 config (browserid ...)
- notes and tags missing in job list
Helsinki Release
- added ipython notebook tutorials
Hamburg Release