- Introduction
- Configuration Options
- Additional Splunk Documentation
- Key Performance Indicators for EAA
This document describes how to configure Splunk in order to receive data from ULS. The recommended way (in order to minimize network/encryption overhead) is the TCP connector. Nevertheless, ULS has been tested with UDP, TCP & HTTP output module towards Splunk.
It is recommended to use ULS default format (JSON) and Splunk Source_type: _json for best user experience. In search commands it might be neccessary to add the "SPATH" abstraction to search within the json fields:
index=akamai source=uls_etp_threat | spath | top event.actionName
Splunk also works perfectly with the ULS provided monitoring data
Splunk ingestion via HTTP towards the SPLUNK HEC can be done via multiple ways:
This method required JSON parsing on the INPUT - minimizing the HTTP payload size. Payload example:
The required ULS settings look as follows:
{"event": [{logevent1},{logevent2},{...}]}
bin/uls.py \ -i eaa \ -f access \ -o http \ --httpurl https://splunk-URL:8088/services/collector/event \ --httpauthheader '{"Authorization": "Splunk 123-321-456"}'
This method allows a raw ingestion of the data, increasing the HTTP payload size. Payload example:
The required ULS settings look as follows:
{"event": {logevent1}}{"event": {logevent2}}{"event": {...}}
bin/uls.py \ -i eaa \ -f access \ -o http \ --httpurl https://splunk-URL:8088/services/collector/event \ --httpauthheader '{"Authorization": "Splunk 123-321-456"}' \ --httpformattype SINGLE-EVENT
Splunk search queries provided as examples, feel free to customize them as you see fit.
If you are willing to share them feel free to update this document and open a pull request.
index="uls_eaa" source="uls_eaa-conhealth" | spath
| search reachable = 1 status = 1 dialout_total = 0
Each EAA application consume dialout connection on the EAA connector attached it. Floor, ceiling and step can be configure to make your environment, 99% of the time the default value should be fine. It is good to keep an eye on the idle dailout, if they are close to zero, the application may not be able to respond.
index="uls_eaa" source="uls_eaa-conhealth"
| eval dialout_free_ratio=dialout_idle/dialout_total
| search dialout_free_ratio<=0.10
Action: Increase the dialout ceiling in the Advanced Settings tab of the application configuration.
When Active / (Total - Idle) gets greater than 1 we use multiplexing (feature introduce with dialout v2)
index="uls_eaa" source="uls_eaa-conhealth" | spath
| eval dividend=( if(isnull(dialout_total), 0, dialout_active) - if(isnull(dialout_idle), 0, dialout_idle))
| eval highdo_ratio=if(dividend>0, -1, if(isnull(dialout_active), 0, dialout_active) / dividend)
| search highdo_ratio > 1
| table _time, name, dialout_active, dialout_total, dialout_idle, highdo_ratio
index="uls_eaa" source="uls_eaa-access" | spath
| search internal_host="-"
| eval status=case(like(status_code,"1%"),"1xx",like(status_code,"2%"),"2xx",like(status_code,"3%"),"3xx",like(status_code,"4%"),"4xx",like(status_code,"5%"),"5xx")
| stats count by apphost, status
index="uls_eaa" source="uls_eaa-access" | spath
| search NOT internal_host="-"
| eval status=case(like(status_code,"1%"),"1xx",like(status_code,"2%"),"2xx",like(status_code,"3%"),"3xx",like(status_code,"4%"),"4xx",like(status_code,"5%"),"5xx")
| stats count by apphost, status
The performance may need to be filtered by application type (clientless vs. cliented), and also by application.
index="uls_eaa" source="uls_eaa-access" | spath
| search NOT internal_host="-"
| bin _time span=30m
| stats perc50(total_resp_time) perc75(total_resp_time) perc95(total_resp_time) perc99(total_resp_time) by _time
index="uls_eaa" source="uls_eaa-access" | spath
| search NOT internal_host="-"
| stats count as access_count by apphost
index="uls_eaa" source="uls_eaa-access" | spath
| search NOT internal_host="-"
| stats count as access_count by internal_host
index="uls_eaa" source="uls-eaa-access" | spath
| search NOT username IN ("-", "anon-user")
| stats dc(username)
Depending on your configured settings, SPLUNK could fail determining the line breaks correctly.
Many messages might appear as "one" event within splunk.
To fix this, please follow the instructions below:
Add the following to the file $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/props.conf
Example source name = uls_eaa-access
But you can also use a wildcard for all source types
The default linebreaker LINE_BREAKER = ([\r\n]+)
configuration should perfectly match.
More information on props can be found here