Note The main source of truth is always in
, with lots of details in the comments.
is an experiment to modularize shell.nix
es in this repo, and is subject to break at the moment. shell.nix
is the original, old-school one that I use in production for now.
$ nix-shell
This will drop to a shell with Elixir, Erlang, Phoenix, and PostgreSQL installed, and a
latter server will already be spun up. From there
one can use all the familiar Mix commands.
(See shell.nix
es for the version numbers.)
A .nix-shell
folder will be created that will
contain all PostgreSQL- and Mix-related files with
appropriate environment variables set up.
This project is like a hammer; all I needed is to get a development environment ready fast, whenever starting to hack away on a project.
For a more sophisticated and granular approach, please take a look at the cw789/elixir_nix_seed repo. It is also very educational when one wants to learn more about Nix and how to organize Nix scripts.
0.1 About _backup
some issues installing Hex on my NixOS laptop,
so if the _backup
folder is present, shell.nix
will just copy an offline save of Hex and Phoenix
1.4.9 to the project.
If the folder is deleted, then the usual install
routine will run (i.e., mix local.hex
and mix archive.install hex phx_new
Tried this on recent install of Ubuntu, no problems there.
If the issue is with not being able to connect to PostgreSQL, definitely try these:
Full error message:
psql: error: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
I spend about 30-60 minutes each year debugging this issue, so finally adding this section as a reminder to self.
First off, check if PostgreSQL is running (which is highly likely):
By filtering
:$ ps ax | grep postgres 20777 ? Ss 0:00 /nix/store/n4j3p6qq48292kr3ri7kgm7ldvm74mzi-postgresql-13.4/bin/postgres -D /home/toraritte/clones/shell.nixes/lofa/.nix-shell/db -c unix_socket_directories=/home/toraritte/clones/shell.nixes/lofa/.nix-shell/db -c listen_addresses=* -c log_destination=stderr -c logging_collector=on -c log_directory=log -c log_filename=postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log -c log_min_messages=info -c log_min_error_statement=info -c log_connections=on 20779 ? Ss 0:00 postgres: logger 20782 ? Ss 0:00 postgres: checkpointer 20783 ? Ss 0:00 postgres: background writer 20784 ? Ss 0:00 postgres: walwriter 20785 ? Ss 0:00 postgres: autovacuum launcher 20786 ? Ss 0:00 postgres: stats collector 20787 ? Ss 0:00 postgres: logical replication launcher 21503 pts/18 S+ 0:00 ag --hidden postgres
or via
:$ nc -zv localhost 5432 Connection to localhost (::1) 5432 port [tcp/postgresql] succeeded!
If PostgreSQL is running, the usually the solution is using -h localhost
, --host=localhost
, -h $PGDATA
, or --host=$PGDATA
with every PostgreSQL command (e.g., psql
, createdb
). (All the listed forms are equivalent.)
The answer lies somewhere in man psql
and 19.1. The pg_hba.conf File but forgot to write it down years ago when I figured it out...
Obviously, Nix's purpose is to automate these manual configurations (such as changing a port, and changing any dependent app configs with it), so figure it out.
Uncomment the line below the comment
, and use another port (e.g., 5433). -
Update the used Mix environment's config file. For example,
:config :anv, ANV.Repo, username: "your_username", password: "postgres", database: "db_name", # ... port: 5433
(Optional) If one wants to connect to the PostgreSQL console:
$ psql --host=$PGDATA --username=your_username --dbname=db_name --port=5433 # This will usually suffice for testing: $ psql --host=$PGDATA --username=$(whoami) --dbname=$(whoami) --port=5433
See the
doc for more.
Using 1.3. Creating a Database with -h | --host
$ createdb db_name --host=$PGDATA
# or
$ createdb $(whoami) --host=$PGDATA
Another server is already running on the machine,
hence port 4000 is taken. Either stop that, or edit
according to this
Stackoverflow answer:
Edit your
and change the Endpoint http port like the following:config :my_app, MyApp.Endpoint, http: [port: System.get_env("PORT") || 4000],This allows the port to be set, or left as the default
:$ PORT=4002 mix phx.server $ PORT=4002 iex -S mix phx.server # will run on port 4000 $ mix phoenix.server
For example, needed Google Cloud Storage for one project, and just added the following somewhere below shellHook =
shellHook = ''
# ...
# Allow access to Google Cloud APIs
# See
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=`cat ./service_account.json`
# ...
$ nix-shell
Whichever method one uses below, always edit
the appropriate environment config file (e.g.,
) with the correct PostreSQL
credentials. The default is
config :anv, ANV.Repo,
username: "postgres",
password: "postgres",
but the username should be one's own username.
$ mix .
This will infer the main module's name from the name of the current directory, and drop everything into the project root.
Subsequent nix-shell
calls will automatically
invoke mix deps.get
and mix ecto.setup
in mix.exs
; create & migrate repo and run
Delete _backup
directory if you have no Hex
install issues, and may want to put shell.nix
, unless modified with project specific
$ mix a_project
This will create a sub-directory, and just cd
it; all commands will work.
The automatic Mix commands won't run (shell.nix
only looks for a mix.exs
in the local directory),
but either modify shell.nix
with one's project, or
do it manually.