"$schema": "https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/sp/site-design-script-actions.schema.json",
"version": 1,
"actions": [
"verb": "setSiteExternalSharingCapability",
"capability": "Disabled"
"verb": "createSPList",
"listName": "Matter Details",
"templateType": 100,
"subactions": [
"verb": "setTitle",
"title": "Matter Details"
"verb": "addSPField",
"fieldType": "Text",
"displayName": "Matter Number",
"internalName": "matterNumber",
"isRequired": true,
"addToDefaultView": true
"verb": "addSPField",
"fieldType": "Text",
"displayName": "Client Name",
"internalName": "clientName",
"isRequired": true,
"addToDefaultView": true
"verb": "addSPField",
"fieldType": "User",
"displayName": "Responsible Attorney",
"internalName": "responsibleAttorney",
"isRequired": true,
"addToDefaultView": true
"verb": "addSPField",
"fieldType": "Choice",
"displayName": "Matter Status",
"internalName": "matterStatus",
"choices": ["Active", "Pending", "Closed"],
"addToDefaultView": true
"verb": "addSPField",
"fieldType": "Choice",
"displayName": "Practice Area",
"internalName": "practiceArea",
"choices": [
"Real Estate",
"addToDefaultView": true
"verb": "addSPField",
"fieldType": "Number",
"displayName": "Estimated Hours",
"internalName": "estimatedHours",
"addToDefaultView": true
"verb": "addSPField",
"fieldType": "Currency",
"displayName": "Budget",
"internalName": "budget",
"addToDefaultView": true
"verb": "createDocumentLibrary",
"libraryName": "Matter Documents",
"subactions": [
"verb": "addContentType",
"name": "Legal Document"
"verb": "addSPField",
"fieldType": "Choice",
"displayName": "Document Type",
"internalName": "documentType",
"choices": [
"Internal Memo"
"addToDefaultView": true
"verb": "createView",
"name": "By Document Type",
"viewFields": [
"query": "",
"rowLimit": 100,
"isPaged": true,
"makeDefault": false
"verb": "addNavLink",
"url": "/sites/{Site}/Matter Documents",
"displayName": "Documents",
"isWebRelative": true
"verb": "addPrincipalToSPGroup",
"principal": "c:0(.s|windows|tenant)",
"group": "Owners"
"verb": "setSiteBranding",
"navigationLayout": "Cascade",
"headerLayout": "Standard",
"headerBackground": "None",
"showFooter": true
"bindata": {},
"version": 1
# 1. Connect to SharePoint Online
Connect-SPOService -Url "https://yourtenant-admin.sharepoint.com"
# 2. Create Site Collection Theme
$themepalette = @{
"themePrimary" = "#0078d4"
"themeLighterAlt" = "#eff6fc"
"themeLighter" = "#deecf9"
"themeLight" = "#c7e0f4"
"themeTertiary" = "#71afe5"
"themeSecondary" = "#2b88d8"
"themeDarkAlt" = "#106ebe"
"themeDark" = "#005a9e"
"themeDarker" = "#004578"
Add-SPOTheme -Name "Legal Matter Theme" -Palette $themepalette -IsInverted $false
# 3. Deploy Site Script
$siteScript = Get-Content -Path "matter-site-script.json" -Raw
$script = Add-SPOSiteScript -Title "Matter Management Script" -Content $siteScript -Description "Configures matter management site"
# 4. Create Site Design
$siteDesign = Add-SPOSiteDesign `
-Title "Matter Management Site" `
-WebTemplate "64" `
-SiteScripts $script.Id `
-Description "Template for new legal matters" `
-PreviewImageUrl "https://yourtenant.sharepoint.com/sites/Brand/SiteAssets/matter-preview.png" `
-PreviewImageAltText "Matter Management Site Preview"
# 5. Grant Rights
Grant-SPOSiteDesignRights `
-Identity $siteDesign.Id `
-PrincipalNames "[email protected]" `
-Rights View
# 6. Create Hub Site
Register-SPOHubSite `
-Site "https://yourtenant.sharepoint.com/sites/LegalHub" `
-Principals @("[email protected]")
# 7. Set Hub Site Theme
Set-SPOHubSite `
-Identity "https://yourtenant.sharepoint.com/sites/LegalHub" `
-ThemeName "Legal Matter Theme"
# 8. Function to Create New Matter Site
function New-MatterSite {
param (
$siteUrl = "Matter-$MatterNumber"
$siteTitle = "$ClientName - Matter $MatterNumber"
# Create site using site design
New-SPOSite `
-Url "https://yourtenant.sharepoint.com/sites/$siteUrl" `
-Title $siteTitle `
-Owner $ResponsibleAttorney `
-Template "STS#3" `
-SiteDesignId $siteDesign.Id
# Associate with hub
Add-SPOHubSiteAssociation `
-Site "https://yourtenant.sharepoint.com/sites/$siteUrl" `
-HubSite "https://yourtenant.sharepoint.com/sites/LegalHub"
return "https://yourtenant.sharepoint.com/sites/$siteUrl"
# 9. Monitor and Report Function
function Get-SiteDesignStatus {
param (
$runs = Get-SPOSiteDesignRun -WebUrl $SiteUrl
foreach ($run in $runs) {
Write-Host "Site Design Run at: $($run.StartTime)"
$details = Get-SPOSiteDesignRunStatus -RunId $run.Run.Id
foreach ($action in $details.SiteScriptActions) {
Write-Host "Action: $($action.Title) - Status: $($action.OutcomeText)"
"definition": {
"$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/providers/Microsoft.Logic/schemas/2016-06-01/workflowdefinition.json#",
"actions": {
"Create_new_site": {
"type": "OpenApiConnection",
"inputs": {
"host": {
"connectionName": "shared_sharepointonline",
"operationId": "CreateSite",
"apiId": "/providers/Microsoft.PowerApps/apis/shared_sharepointonline"
"parameters": {
"url": "https://yourtenant.sharepoint.com/sites/@{variables('siteUrl')}",
"title": "@{variables('siteTitle')}",
"owner": "@{triggerBody()?['responsibleAttorney']?['Email']}",
"siteDesignId": "your-site-design-id",
"lcid": 1033,
"timeZone": 10
"Initialize_site_URL": {
"type": "InitializeVariable",
"inputs": {
"variables": [
"name": "siteUrl",
"type": "string",
"value": "Matter-@{triggerBody()?['matterNumber']}"
"Initialize_site_title": {
"type": "InitializeVariable",
"inputs": {
"variables": [
"name": "siteTitle",
"type": "string",
"value": "@{triggerBody()?['clientName']} - Matter @{triggerBody()?['matterNumber']}"
"Update_master_list": {
"type": "OpenApiConnection",
"inputs": {
"host": {
"connectionName": "shared_sharepointonline",
"operationId": "UpdateItem",
"apiId": "/providers/Microsoft.PowerApps/apis/shared_sharepointonline"
"parameters": {
"dataset": "sites/LegalHub",
"table": "MasterMattersList",
"id": "@triggerBody()?['ID']",
"item": {
"SiteUrl": "@{variables('siteUrl')}",
"Status": "Active"
"Send_notification": {
"type": "OpenApiConnection",
"inputs": {
"host": {
"connectionName": "shared_office365",
"operationId": "SendEmailV2",
"apiId": "/providers/Microsoft.PowerApps/apis/shared_office365"
"parameters": {
"emailSubject": "New Matter Site Created - @{variables('siteTitle')}",
"emailBody": "A new matter site has been created at: https://yourtenant.sharepoint.com/sites/@{variables('siteUrl')}",
"to": "@{triggerBody()?['responsibleAttorney']?['Email']}"
"triggers": {
"When_a_new_item_is_created": {
"type": "OpenApiConnection",
"inputs": {
"host": {
"connectionName": "shared_sharepointonline",
"operationId": "OnNewItem",
"apiId": "/providers/Microsoft.PowerApps/apis/shared_sharepointonline"
"parameters": {
"dataset": "sites/LegalHub",
"table": "MasterMattersList"
The flow includes:
- Trigger on new matter request
- Site creation using site design
- Automatic hub site association
- Update master tracking list
- Email notifications
- Error handling
- Status tracking
Would you like me to:
- Add any specific error handling scenarios to the PowerShell scripts?
- Include additional site script actions for specific document libraries or lists?
- Expand the Power Automate flow with additional conditions or actions?