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506 lines (469 loc) · 15.9 KB

File metadata and controls

506 lines (469 loc) · 15.9 KB

Output Format


protoc-gen-json exports two main resources in its output file:

  • An index which maps the Fully-Qualfied Name (FQN) of any object (Message, Field, Enum, Enum Value, Service, Method, etc.) to an index entry, which details:
    • Type
    • Collection (see below)
    • File
      • Where the object was defined
    • Parent
      • Object within which this object was defined
      • EG, a Field's parent is its Message.
        • Enums and Messages could either have no parent (defined at top level of file), or their parent could be a Message.
  • A set of collections, one for each type of object (files, messages, fields, services, methods, enums, enum_values)
    • Note: files is the only collection which is not indexed by index.

The Index

The index is a flat map, representing every single object defined in all compiled protobuf files. This means every message, field, enum, enum value, etc.

index can be used to resolve references across all boundaries.

For example, a message has an array of fields, which is simply a list of strings: the fully-qualified names of the field objects which this Message defines.

For example, the following protobuf message:

syntax = "proto3";

package index_example;

message Foo {
  sint64 bar = 1;
  bool baz = 2;

Results in the following file:

  "index": {
    "index_example.Foo": {
      "type": "message",
      "collection": "messages",
      "file": "test2.proto",
      "parent": ""
    "": {
      "type": "field",
      "collection": "fields",
      "file": "test2.proto",
      "parent": "index_example.Foo"
    "index_example.Foo.baz": {
      "type": "field",
      "collection": "fields",
      "file": "test2.proto",
      "parent": "index_example.Foo"
  "messages": {
    "index_example.Foo": {
      "name": "Foo",
      "full_name": "index_example.Foo",
      "description": "",
      "fields": [
      "messages": [],
      "enums": []
  "fields": {
    "": {
      "name": "bar",
      "full_name": "",
      "label": "LABEL_OPTIONAL",
      "type": "sint64",
      "full_type": "sint64",
      "description": ""
    "index_example.Foo.baz": {
      "name": "baz",
      "full_name": "index_example.Foo.baz",
      "label": "LABEL_OPTIONAL",
      "type": "bool",
      "full_type": "bool",
      "description": ""

The Collections

Besides index, the following arrays are exported at the root of the JSON document:

  • files
  • services
  • methods
  • messages
  • fields
  • enums
  • enum_values


Given the following input file, test.proto:

syntax = "proto3";

import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";

package trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test;

// Test of a field extension
extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions {
  optional bool bool_option = 50000;

// Just a simple, hardworking enum
enum TestEnum {
  // Foo's value is 0. Foo indeed.
  FOO = 0;
  // Bar's value is 1. We don't like bar.
  BAR = 1;

// A message which is referenced as the field type for
// a field in another message
message TestReferencedMessage {
  // A string field
  string test_string_field = 1;

// A message
message TestMessage {
  // A message which is defined in another message
  message TestSubMessage {
    // A field in a message which is defined in another message
    // ( the bottom of the sea)
    int64 test_sub_field = 1;

  // A field with a type pointing to a message defined in another message.
  // This field also has a custom field option set on it.
  TestSubMessage test_sub_message_field = 1 [(bool_option) = false];

  // A field with a type pointing to a message defined externally
  TestReferencedMessage test_ref_field = 2;

  // A field with a primitive type
  int64 test_primitive_field = 3;

  // A field with an enum type
  TestEnum test_enum_field = 4;

// A message which is the input to a Method
message TestInputMessage {
  sint32 test_input_field = 1;

// A message which is the output of a Method
message TestOutputMessage {
  bool test_output_field = 2;

// A service
service TestService {
  // A method defined in a service
  rpc TestMethod              (TestInputMessage)             returns (TestOutputMessage);

Will generate the following file:

  "index": {
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestEnum": {
      "type": "enum",
      "collection": "enums",
      "file": "test.proto",
      "parent": ""
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestEnum.BAR": {
      "type": "enum_value",
      "collection": "enum_values",
      "file": "test.proto",
      "parent": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestEnum"
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestEnum.FOO": {
      "type": "enum_value",
      "collection": "enum_values",
      "file": "test.proto",
      "parent": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestEnum"
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestInputMessage": {
      "type": "message",
      "collection": "messages",
      "file": "test.proto",
      "parent": ""
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestInputMessage.test_input_field": {
      "type": "field",
      "collection": "fields",
      "file": "test.proto",
      "parent": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestInputMessage"
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestMessage": {
      "type": "message",
      "collection": "messages",
      "file": "test.proto",
      "parent": ""
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestMessage.TestSubMessage": {
      "type": "message",
      "collection": "messages",
      "file": "test.proto",
      "parent": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestMessage"
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestMessage.TestSubMessage.test_sub_field": {
      "type": "field",
      "collection": "fields",
      "file": "test.proto",
      "parent": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestMessage.TestSubMessage"
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestMessage.test_enum_field": {
      "type": "field",
      "collection": "fields",
      "file": "test.proto",
      "parent": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestMessage"
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestMessage.test_primitive_field": {
      "type": "field",
      "collection": "fields",
      "file": "test.proto",
      "parent": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestMessage"
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestMessage.test_ref_field": {
      "type": "field",
      "collection": "fields",
      "file": "test.proto",
      "parent": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestMessage"
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestMessage.test_sub_message_field": {
      "type": "field",
      "collection": "fields",
      "file": "test.proto",
      "parent": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestMessage"
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestOutputMessage": {
      "type": "message",
      "collection": "messages",
      "file": "test.proto",
      "parent": ""
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestOutputMessage.test_output_field": {
      "type": "field",
      "collection": "fields",
      "file": "test.proto",
      "parent": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestOutputMessage"
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestReferencedMessage": {
      "type": "message",
      "collection": "messages",
      "file": "test.proto",
      "parent": ""
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestReferencedMessage.test_string_field": {
      "type": "field",
      "collection": "fields",
      "file": "test.proto",
      "parent": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestReferencedMessage"
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestService": {
      "type": "serviceProto",
      "collection": "services",
      "file": "test.proto",
      "parent": ""
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestService.TestMethod": {
      "type": "methodProto",
      "collection": "methods",
      "file": "test.proto",
      "parent": ""
  "files": {
    "test.proto": {
      "name": "test.proto",
      "package": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test",
      "description": "",
      "services": [
      "methods": [
      "messages": [
      "fields": [
      "enums": [
      "enum_values": [
  "services": {
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestService": {
      "name": "TestService",
      "full_name": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestService",
      "description": "A service",
      "methods": [
  "methods": {
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestService.TestMethod": {
      "name": "TestMethod",
      "full_name": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestService.TestMethod",
      "input_type": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestInputMessage",
      "output_type": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestOutputMessage",
      "description": "A method defined in a service"
  "messages": {
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestInputMessage": {
      "name": "TestInputMessage",
      "full_name": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestInputMessage",
      "description": "A message which is the input to a Method",
      "fields": [
      "messages": [],
      "enums": []
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestMessage": {
      "name": "TestMessage",
      "full_name": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestMessage",
      "description": "A message",
      "fields": [
      "messages": [
      "enums": []
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestMessage.TestSubMessage": {
      "name": "TestSubMessage",
      "full_name": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestMessage.TestSubMessage",
      "description": "A message which is defined in another message",
      "fields": [
      "messages": [],
      "enums": []
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestOutputMessage": {
      "name": "TestOutputMessage",
      "full_name": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestOutputMessage",
      "description": "A message which is the output of a Method",
      "fields": [
      "messages": [],
      "enums": []
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestReferencedMessage": {
      "name": "TestReferencedMessage",
      "full_name": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestReferencedMessage",
      "description": "A message which is referenced as the field type for\na field in another message",
      "fields": [
      "messages": [],
      "enums": []
  "fields": {
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestInputMessage.test_input_field": {
      "name": "test_input_field",
      "full_name": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestInputMessage.test_input_field",
      "label": "LABEL_OPTIONAL",
      "type": "sint32",
      "full_type": "sint32",
      "description": ""
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestMessage.TestSubMessage.test_sub_field": {
      "name": "test_sub_field",
      "full_name": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestMessage.TestSubMessage.test_sub_field",
      "label": "LABEL_OPTIONAL",
      "type": "int64",
      "full_type": "int64",
      "description": "A field in a message which is defined in another message\n( the bottom of the sea)"
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestMessage.test_enum_field": {
      "name": "test_enum_field",
      "full_name": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestMessage.test_enum_field",
      "label": "LABEL_OPTIONAL",
      "type": "TestEnum",
      "full_type": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestEnum",
      "description": "A field with an enum type"
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestMessage.test_primitive_field": {
      "name": "test_primitive_field",
      "full_name": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestMessage.test_primitive_field",
      "label": "LABEL_OPTIONAL",
      "type": "int64",
      "full_type": "int64",
      "description": "A field with a primitive type"
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestMessage.test_ref_field": {
      "name": "test_ref_field",
      "full_name": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestMessage.test_ref_field",
      "label": "LABEL_OPTIONAL",
      "type": "TestReferencedMessage",
      "full_type": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestReferencedMessage",
      "description": "A field with a type pointing to a message defined externally"
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestMessage.test_sub_message_field": {
      "name": "test_sub_message_field",
      "full_name": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestMessage.test_sub_message_field",
      "label": "LABEL_OPTIONAL",
      "type": "TestSubMessage",
      "full_type": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestMessage.TestSubMessage",
      "description": "A field with a type pointing to a message defined in another message.\nThis field also has a custom field option set on it.",
      "options": {
        "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.bool_option": false
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestOutputMessage.test_output_field": {
      "name": "test_output_field",
      "full_name": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestOutputMessage.test_output_field",
      "label": "LABEL_OPTIONAL",
      "type": "bool",
      "full_type": "bool",
      "description": ""
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestReferencedMessage.test_string_field": {
      "name": "test_string_field",
      "full_name": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestReferencedMessage.test_string_field",
      "label": "LABEL_OPTIONAL",
      "type": "string",
      "full_type": "string",
      "description": "A string field"
  "enums": {
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestEnum": {
      "name": "TestEnum",
      "full_name": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestEnum",
      "description": "Just a simple, hardworking enum",
      "values": [
  "enum_values": {
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestEnum.BAR": {
      "name": "BAR",
      "full_name": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestEnum.BAR",
      "description": "Bar's value is 1. We don't like bar.",
      "value": 1
    "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestEnum.FOO": {
      "name": "FOO",
      "full_name": "trinsic.protoc.gen.json.test.TestEnum.FOO",
      "description": "Foo's value is 0. Foo indeed.",
      "value": 0