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99 lines (73 loc) · 9.33 KB
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Curated Texts
Curated Texts

import useBaseUrl from '@docusaurus/useBaseUrl'

:::caution The entire section on Terminology Engine v 2 (TEv2) is still under construction.
As TEv2 is not (yet) available, the texts that specify the tool are still 'raw', i.e. not yet processed.
readers will need to see through some (currently unprocessed) notational conventions. :::

A curated text is a text that documents a terminological artifact within a specific scope, the most common kind of which is the concept (sometimes also called 'term'). However, other kinds of such artifacts can also be documented, such as mental models, use-cases, and more.

People that actively contribute to the creation and maintenance of curated texts within a specific scope, including those that do the actual curation of such texts - the curators - form what we call the terms community of that scope.

Every terminological artifact is associated with a term that identifies the artifact within its scope, and that hence can be used to refer1 to the artifact or specific attributes thereof, such as its definition, the purpose(s) that it serves, etc.


A curated text resides in a file which we call a curated file. All curated files of a scope are expected to live in (a subdirectory of) its scope directory, as specified in the scope's administration file SAF. Curated files are expected to be processable using the terminology tools. However, curators may decide that they are also to be processable by other, third party tools, e.g., for the purpose of making rendered versions of such files available to some public. Examples of such tools include Docusaurus v2, or github pages.


Every curated text consists of two parts: a (YAML) header, and a (markdown) body. The header is a set of key-value pairs that contain meta data about the curated text and/or data that could also have been part of the body, but is so small that it doesn't warrant to have a dedicated section for it. Here is an example

Compact example
id: "concept-curated-text"
title: "Curated Texts"
termtype: "concept"
termid: "curated-text"
grouptags: [ tev2, management ]

A curated text starts with three dashes `---`.
This indicates the start of its (YAML) header.
Typically, the header consists of a sequence of key-value pairs.
The header is terminated with onother three dashes and a new line.

The body of the curated text starts behind the header block.
It is typically markdown, but other constructs may be inserted
that contribute to the rendering of these texts in a (static) website.
An example of this is [MDX](
A discussion on these other constructs is outside the scope of this document.

While part of the structure of a curated text is common for all of them, another part of it depends on the kind of terminological artifact that it describes: obviously, a curated text that defines a concept is quite different from one that describes a mental model, or a use-case.

TEv2 assumes that the header of a curated text contains a generic part that is always there, regardless of the kind of terminological artifact that the text documents, and a type specific part that contains header fields that are specific for the kind of terminological artifact that the text documents.

Generic Header Fields {#generic-header-fields}

This section describes the generic header fields of a curated text, i.e. the fields that must, or may appear in the header of every curated text. The header fields that are specific for a particular kind of terminological artifact are specified in the document of that particular artifact (e.g. for concepts).

The following table specifies the generic header fields:

  1. Name contains the field name;
  2. Req'd specifies whether (Y, or Y*) or not (n) the field is required to be present as a header field. The Y* signifies that currently, the field is required, but that we envisage it to become optional when tooling becomes more mature, and will be able to automatically create the specified default value.
  3. Default If the field is NOT required, this specifies what TEv2 tools SHOULD assume that the value is. If the field IS required, you must provide it according to the specified value.
  4. Description specifies the meaning of the field, and other things you may need to know, e.g. why it is needed, a required syntax, etc.
Name Req'd Default Description
id Y* <termtype>-<termid> Text that identifies this curated text within the context of the scope. The value of this field can be used as the id-field of a term ref that refers to the terminological artifact described by this curated text.
Must satisfy regex [a-z0-9_-]+.
scope n Scopetag that identifies the scope within which this document is being curated. The purpose of specifying this field is that it enables tools to check that resolving any term refs within this document will use this to identify the default scope.
Must satisfy regex [a-z0-9_-]+.
termtype n concept Text that identifies the kind of terminological artifact that this curated text describes. Typical values would be concept, relation, pattern (or mental-model), term (or alias), or usecase.
Must satisfy regex [a-z0-9_-]+.
termid Y Text that, together with the value of the termtype field, identifies this curated text within the context of this scope.
Must satisfy regex [a-z0-9_-]+.
formphrases n List of texts that are used to convert the show text parts of term refs into ids, for the purpose of accommodating plural forms (for nouns) or conjugate forms (for verbs).
Must satisfy regex (?:\[\s*([a-z0-9_-{}]+)\s*(?:,\s*([a-z0-9_-{}]+))*\s*\])?.
grouptags n List of grouptags, each of which identifies a group of terminological artifacts of which the terminological artifact that this curated text describes, is a member.
Example: [tev2, management].
Must satisfy regex (?:\[\s*([a-z0-9_-]+)\s*(?:,\s*([a-z0-9_-]+))*\s*\])?.
status n proposed Text that identifies the status of the term. (Communities of) scopes may specify values for this field. An example is the status tags used by ToIP.
created n Date at which of the curated text was created, in the date format as used within this scope.
updated n Date at which of the curated text was last modified, in the date format as used within this scope.
vsntag n Text that identifies the version of the terminological artifact that this curated text describes.
Must satisfy regex [a-z0-9_-]+.
contributors n Text that shows (or refers to) the people that have contributed to this curated text.

Type-specific Header Fields {#type-specific-header-fields}

Every curated text documents a terminological artifact of a specific type, as specified by the termtype field of the generic TEv2 front-matter. Depending on the value of that termtype field, additional front-matter may be specified. This is the case for the following termtypes:


  1. While this is true in most cases, it may happen that two artifacts that are curated in the same scope, yet are of different kinds, are associated with the same term. For example, 'ownership' can be described as a relation and/or a concept (and/or a mental model). From the perspective of human readability, this is not expected to produce difficult problems, as humans can typically disambiguate such terms from the context in which they appear, or the (human readable) texts can readily be adapted. However, from the machine readable perspective, such ambiguities can only be resolved by ensuring that every artifacts is associated with an id that the TEv2 tools can use to identify the (single) artifact as it is intended, and requiring that authors use that id whenever needed. This id must be specified in the id-field of the header of a curated text.