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User Manual - Overview |
User Manual |
tev2SideBar |
tev2 |
20220513 |
import useBaseUrl from '@docusaurus/useBaseUrl'
The entire section on Terminology Engine v 2 (TEv2) is still under construction.
As TEv2 is not (yet) available, the texts that specify the tool are still 'raw', i.e. not yet processed.
readers will need to see through some (currently unprocessed) notational conventions.
The Terminology Engine (v2) is a set of specifications and tools that caters for the creation and maintenance (i.e. curation) of terminologies, as well as for its subsequent use in publications of different types (e.g. websites, whitepapers) and formats (e.g. html, LaTex), as appropriate for different, individual scopes.1
Users participate in the following tasks:
- They contribute to the creation and maintenance of terminological artifacts, specifically in the definitions of concepts, use-cases, etc.
- They author documents that use (and/or refer to) terms from their terminology (or (or other terminological artifacts)), thereby using the mechanisms and conventions that the curators of (the scope of) the terminology have specified and made available.
- They check/proofread the authored documents to ensure that references to terms and/or other terminological artifacts are correct, i.e.: as intended by the author, and understandable by readers.
- They identify any specific needs or mechanisms that help them do the aforementioned tasks, and communicate these needs to their curators, or otherwise contribute to the further development of TEv2 so that such needs and mechanisms may be supported.
:::info Editor's note This section needs to be revised from here onward :::
TEv2 assumes that the curated data resides in an existing scope directory, and that curated files are expected to be processable by other tools, including, but not limited to github pages or Docusaurus, which are static site generators for web sites that document all sorts of guidance, specifications, etc. Such a scope directory must be set up in advance.
Thus, whenever a terms-community decided that some contribution is to be included in the part of the corpus that is maintained by that community, the curators of that community are tasked to
- create/maintain/update any scope-related administration in the scope directory that is needed for curation, as specified by a Scope Administration File (SAF);
- convert that contribution to (a set of) curated files, that comply with the specifications for such files;
- store them at the location as designated in the SAF;
- generate/update any artifact that the community wants to automatically maintain, which in particular includes the MRG and associated HRG.
This document provides an overview of the knowledge that curators may need to perform this task, which can be broken up in the following parts:
Setup/installation of a scope directory that is suitable for working with TEv2, and the creation of a SAF.
Curation of terminological contributions. This requires knowledge about the file structure of curated file.
generation of terminological artifacts. It is typical for a terms community to want to have a glossary of the terms they either have defined themselves, or are defined elsewhere but are to be used within that community. However, other artifacts may be generated as well (a dictionary, white papers, etc.) - this is all up to the community.
This document/website practices what it preaches in that it uses a terminology that is specific for dealing with terminologies in general. Details on how this is done can be found in the terminology pattern (and the references it contains). ↩