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Machine Readable Glossary (MRG)
MRG (Machine Readable Glossary)

import useBaseUrl from '@docusaurus/useBaseUrl' import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';

:::caution The entire section on Terminology Engine v 2 (TEv2) is still under construction.
As TEv2 is not (yet) available, the texts that specify the tool are still 'raw', i.e. not yet processed.
readers will need to see through some (currently unprocessed) notational conventions. :::

Every scope has (at least) one Machine Readable Inventory1 (that we call a Machine Readable Glossary or MRG), that renders the terminology of a specific scope into a specific, well-defined format that is described in this document. An MRG is meant to be used by the tools from the toolbox, e.g. for creating a HRG, or to help resolve term refs. A scope may have multiple MRGs, each of which represents a specific version of its terminology.

We use mrg.<vsntag>.yaml as the default name for MRGs, where <vsntag> is the value of the vsntag-field in the versions section of the SAF that specifies the MRG's contents.

:::info Editor's note: We may need to revise the MRG-file naming conventions. :::

MRG structure

A Machine Readable Glossary (MRG) is a YAML (or JSON) file that has three sections:

Example of sections `terminology` and `scopes`
terminology: # the fields below must match the corresponding data in the SAF
  scopetag: tev2 # scope, the terminology of which is contained in this MRG
  curatedir: terms
  vsntag: v0.9.4
  altvsntags: [ latest ]
scopes: # mappings of scopetags that are used, and their scopedirs
  - scopetag: essiflab
  - scopetag: ctwg
entries: # here follows an (unsorted) list of MRG-entries

The following fields are defined for the sections terminology:

Name Req'd Description
scopetag Y Scopetag of the scope in which the MRG is defined. This is the scopetag that the curators of the scope have chosen for this scope.
Must satisfy regex [a-z0-9_-]+.
scopedir Y URL that locates the scope directory associated with that scope.
curatedir Y Path to the directory where all curated files are located. This directory may contain subdirectories to allow curators to organize the files in any way they see fit. Full URL is <scopedir>/<curatedir>.
vsntag Y versiontag by which the terminology of this MRG can be distinguished from the other versions of the terminology (in other MRGs). Its value MUST match the vsntag field of the corresponding versions section in the SAF
altvsntags n List of alternative versiontags that can be used to identify this version. Each of the values MUST be in the list of versiontags in the altvsntags field of the the corresponding versions section in the SAF.
license n File that contains the (default) licensing conditions. Full URL is scopedir/license. Its value MUST match the license field of the corresponding versions section in the SAF, or if that isn't specified, the license field of the scope section in the SAF.

The following fields are defined for the section scopes:

Name Req'd Description
scopetag Y Scopetag of a third-party scope, the MRG of which contains MRG entries that have been imported into the MRG. This scopetag has been chosen by the curators of the scope of which the MRG is part, to refer to that particular third-party scope. This scopetag may differ from the scopetag that the curators of that third-party scope have chosen for this scope
Must satisfy regex [a-z0-9_-]+.
scopedir Y URL that locates the scope directory associated with that third-party scope.

MRG Entries - Common Fields

An MRG consists of a list of MRG entries, the purpose of which is that the various tools can find all data that is relevant for the purpose that such a tool serves.

MRG entries are typed, and each type has its own MRG entry structure. However, all MRG entries have a common set of fields, as follows:

Name Req'd Description
scopetag Y Tag of the scope from which the MRG entry and its description are obtained. We need this because an MRG not only contains terminological artifacts that are defined in the scope itself, but also terminological artifacts that are defined in other scopes. The scopes section in the MRG SHOULD contain a mapping between the scopetag and its associated scope directory.
Must satisfy regex [a-z0-9_-]+.
id Y Text that identifies the MRG entry within the context of the MRG. Resolution of a term ref is done by matching the id-field of that term ref with the id fields of MRG entries, and selecting the (single) MRG entry if a match is found. It is typical (but not required) that terminological artifacts of the type concept, term and relation have this id field identical to the termid field of the MRG entry if that does not result in ambiguities. For other termtypes, or in case of ambiguities, this field would typically be of the form <termtype>-<termid>, which would be pattern-terminology for the terminology-pattern.
Must satisfy regex [a-z0-9_-]+.
termtype Y Text that identifies the kind of terminological artifact that this MRG entry refers to. Typical values would be concept, relation, pattern (or mental-model), term (or alias), or usecase.
Must satisfy regex [a-z0-9_-]+.
termid Y Text that identifies an instance of the terminological artifacts of the type specified in the termtype field of this MRG entry.
Must satisfy regex [a-z0-9_-]+.
formphrases n List of texts that are used to convert the show text parts of term refs into ids, for the purpose of accommodating plural forms (for nouns) or conjugate forms (for verbs).
Must satisfy regex (?:\[\s*([a-z0-9_-{}]+)\s*(?:,\s*([a-z0-9_-{}]+))*\s*\])?.
grouptags n List of grouptags, each of which identifies a group of terminological artifacts of which the terminological artifact that this curated text describes, is a member.
Each grouptag must satisfy regex [a-z0-9_-]+.
status n Text that identifies the status of the term. (Communities of) scopes may specify values for this field. An example is the status tags used by ToIP.
created n Date at which of the term-related data was created, in the date format as used within this scope.
updated n Date at which of the term-related data was last modified, in the date format as used within this scope.
vsntag n Versiontag that identifies the version of the terminological artifact that this MRG entry documents (not to be confused with the version of a terminology of which this terminological artifact is a part).
Must satisfy regex [a-z0-9_-\.]+.
commit n Versiontag that is a (git/gitlab) commit hash of the latest update of the terminological artifact.
contributors n Text that shows (or refers to) the people that have contributed to the texts related to this term.
locator n Text that identifies the file that holds the curated text of the terminological artifact that this MRG entry describes. The full URL of the curated text is scopedir/curatedir/locator, where scopedir and curatedir can be found in the SAF (which is in the root of scopedir). Note that locator may contain a path.
navurl n URL that locates a human readable, rendered version of the curated text of the terminological artifact that this MRG entry describes. This URL is used to resolve term refs that refer to this terminological artifact.
headingids n List of texts that can be used as a markdown 'heading-ids' field.

MRG Entries - Type-specific fields

The MRG can hold MRG entries of different types, each of which has its particular set of fields to describe the MRG entry.

<Tabs defaultValue="concept" values={[ {label: 'Terms', value: 'term'}, {label: 'Concepts', value: 'concept'}, {label: 'Relations', value: 'relation'}, {label: 'Mental Models', value: 'pattern'}, ]}>

Header fields for termtype: concept

Concepts are the ideas/thoughts behind a classification of entities (what makes entities in that class 'the same'). A good description - which would include a good definition - allows us to reason about everything in the class as if it were one thing. Curated texts of type concept intend to provide such descriptions. Also, they specify a default name (term) by which the class, as well as unidentified instances thereof, can be refered to.

The header fields that are specific for concept-type descriptions are as follows:

Name Req'd Description
isa n id of the terminological artifact of type concept for which this is a specialization.
term Y Text that is used to identify the concept (in the context of the MRG, and also to represent arbitrary instances of that concept in human readable documents, such as a HRG.
Example: 'terminological artifact'.
fullterm n Text that can be used as the complete form of the text mentioned in the term field.
Example: 'terminological artifact (of a scope)', or '(scoped) terminological artifact'.
shorterm n Text that can be used as an abbreviated form of the text mentioned in the term field.
Example: 'artifact'.
synonyms n List of (optionally quoted) words and/or (quoted) phrases, that are considered to have the same meaning as the text specified in the term field.
glossaryText Y Text that can be used as the (raw) contents for the entry of this term in a human readable glossary. Note that this text SHOULD be allowed to contain term refs.
hoverText n Text that can be used as the contents of a popup that shows as the term is rendered in a web browser and the reader hovers over the term with its mouse.

Header fields for termtype: term

A term is a word or phrase that is used in a scope in a specific meaning, typically referring to a specific concept, or a relation between concepts. This meaning may deviate from the meanings that this word or phrase has in other scopes, and in everyday language.

Terms do not generally need to be documented as a curated text when they are already specified as the default name in the curated text that describes the concept, relation, or other terminological artifact. In specific cases, however, words or phrases need to be assigned to existing curated texts, for example, a scopetag is a specialization of a grouptag, and can hence be documented as (a specialization of) a grouptag that has the (additional) property of grouping all terms defined in the scope that it identifies.

:::info Editor's note header fields for term termtypes need to be discussed. :::

Name Req'd Description

Header fields for termtype: relation

:::info Editor's note This section needs to be discussed as relation is introduced as a new termtype. :::

Relations are what associates concepts with one another. For example, the concept terms community and the concept scope are linked by the relation curate, that signifies that instances (i.e. entities in the class) of curators may curate (instances of the class) scope. Relations are typically modelled as (subject, predicate, object) triples. A relation typically has constraints, such as multiplicities,2 but other constraints exist as well.

A good description - which would include a good definition of the relation - allows us to reason about everything related to the relation. Curated texts of type relation intend to provide such descriptions. Also, they specify a default name (term) by which the relation, as well as unidentified instances thereof, can be refered to.

Name Req'd Description
subject y concept that the relation relates with the concept specified by object. If the relation is a so-called triple (i.e. a (subject, predicate, object)-relation, it is the subject.
object n A concept, or a data-variable, that the subject of the relation relates to.3
pragma n text, with placeholders for subject (and object if appropriate), that can be used to construct example sentences.4
smult n multiplicity associated with the subject concept. If not specified, its value is [0..n].
omult n multiplicity associated with the object. If not specified, its value is [0..n].
endo n For homogeneous relations, i.e. relations where subject and object are the same, e.g. as in (Person, is a parent of, Person), constraints may hold that are typical for endo relations, such as reflexive, irreflexive, symmetric, asymmetric, antisymmetric, transitive.
constraints n Comma separated list of texts, each of which specifies a constraint that the relation must always satisfy.
glossaryText Y Text that can be used as the (raw) contents for the entry of this term in a human readable glossary. Note that this text SHOULD be allowed to contain term refs.
hoverText n Text that can be used as the contents of a popup that shows as the term is rendered in a web browser and the reader hovers over the term with its mouse.

Header fields for termtype: pattern

A pattern (also called mental model or conceptual model) captures a limited set of concepts (ideas), relations between them, and constraints, such that together they form a coherent and consistent whole. They have been crafted so that they may serve as a basis for architecting, designing, and implementing IT processes, It components and their governance- and management processes.

A good description - which would include a formalized model - allows us to explain to others how concepts and relations work together and can be used in practice, in such a way that such others can demonstrate that they understand all that. Curated texts of type pattern intend to provide such descriptions. Also, they specify a default name (term) by which the pattern can be refered to.

:::info Editor's note header fields for pattern termtypes need to be discussed. :::

Name Req'd Description



  1. The MRG is an Inventory rather than a glossary, because it contains all terminological artifacts that are curated within the scope: apart from terms, it also include e.g., mental models and use cases. We choose to maintain the term "Machine Readable Glossary" (MRG), because most of us would view it - initially, at least - as a list of terms and their definitions.

  2. The terms 'multiplicity' and 'cardinality' are often confused. In short: 'multiplicity' is at the (conceptual) class-level what 'cardinality' is at the instance level, and both use notations such as 0..1, 1, 0..*, *, 1..*, and n..m). Consider the relation curates (specified as "terms community - [0..1] --- [1..n] - scope"). The [0..1] and [1..n] are multiplicities. They signify that every terms community curates one or more scopes, and every scope is curated by at most one terms community respectively. This sets constraints on the (operational) cardinalities, i.e. the number of elements that a particular terms community (e.g. CTWG) curates (that cardinality is 2, becausse CTWG curates the scopes ctwg and toip).

  3. In a relation such as (Person, loves, Person), Person is a (concept) class. However, in a relation such as (Person, has lived, years), years is not a concept (idea), but a data-variable, that has a specific value, in this case a number (of years).

  4. For a relation (terms community, curates, scope), a pragma could be "Terms community subject curates the scope 'object'.", allowing the construction of phrases such as "Terms community CTWG curates scope 'ctwg'."