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Term References

import useBaseUrl from '@docusaurus/useBaseUrl'

:::caution The entire section on Terminology Engine v 2 (TEv2) is still under construction.
As TEv2 is not (yet) available, the texts that specify the tool are still 'raw', i.e. not yet processed.
readers will need to see through some (currently unprocessed) notational conventions. :::

This document specifies how you can use a term in a curated text while at the same time referring to the definition that defines its meaning. i.e. the syntax that you need to use in such texts. The way in which the term (and its definition) may be rendered depends on the artifact that is being generated. For example, when a term is rendered in a web-site, it may be enhanced, showing a popup that contains its definition when a reader hovers the mouse over it, and that hyperlinks to the page in the website that explains the term in more detail when the reader clicks on it. When a term is rendered in a PDF file, its definition may appear as an entry in a glossary that is added somewhere in the PDF. It all depends on the rendering tools that are being used, and this is out of scope for this specification.

This file specifies the syntax of Term refs. The TRRT describes how they are processed (resolved).

Term References (Original/Default Syntax) {#termref}

A term ref can be thought of as a Markdown link, but rather than linking to some URL or fragment, it refers/links to a specific descriptive text (e.g. a definition, purpose, or example) that is associated with (a specific version of) a (scoped) term, which is identified by its scope and the term (label, text).

Motivation for the chosen syntax

We want to enable authors to use term refs pervasively, which means it must be easy to use, and mistakes should be (relatively) hard to make, yet easy to detect, identify, and correct. Markdown links are of the form [show text](ref-text), where show text is the text that is rendered and emphasized so that a reader knows it can be clicked, and ref-text is a (relative or absolute) URL, or a heading ID, that identifies the resource (e.g. web page, or place therein) that is being referenced. So, we need a syntax for term refs that is
- sufficiently similar to a Markdown link,
- 'humanly interpretable' when it isn't processed by the TRRT,
- easy to use for authors, and
- sufficiently distinct from a Markdown link so that the TRRT will not process Markdown links yet will process the term refs.

Here is an example of a term ref: [definitions](definition@). When this text is rendered into a human readable form, it will show the text definitions (plural) enhanced, and it will link to the text that describes (or defines) the term definition (singular). If you would want to use this term as it is defined in the scope called essif-lab, you could do that by wrinting [definitions](definition@essif-lab) (provided that essif-lab is a defined scopetag within the scope that you operate in).

The complete, generic structure of a term ref is: [show text](id#trait@scopetag:vsntag). However, all of its elements (except for show text) are optional, so as to limit the 'extra work' that authors need to do to a minimum.

showtext {#showtext}

showtext is the text that will be highlighted/emphasized to indicate it is linked. It must not contain the characters @ or ] (this is needed to distinguish term refs from regular markdown links).

id {#id}

id is a text that identifies the (scoped) term in the part of the corpus that contains the terminology of a specified scope.
It must satisfy the regex [a-z0-9_-]+.

If omitted, its value is assumed to be derivable from showtext. At a minimum, this is the case if the id equals the result of processing showtext by first converting every character in the range [A-Z] to lower-case, and then replacing every sequence of characters specified by regex [^A-Za-z_-]+ with (a single) - character.

trait {#trait}

trait is a text that identifies a particular (kind of) characteristic (feature, attribute, particularity) that is associated with the term, and to a description of which is to be referred.
It must satisfy the regex [a-z0-9_-]+.

If omitted (in which case the preceding #-character may also be omitted), the term ref will by default resolve to the text of its glossary entry. While it is envisaged that trait must be a text from a predefined set of allowed/supported texts (e.g. purpose, criteria, example-3), the precise semantics remain to be specified.

:::info Editor's note The semantics of trait need to be better specified. :::

scopetag {#scopetag}

scopetag is a tag that identifies the scope of the terminology that contains the (scoped) term that is being referenced.
It must satisfy the regex [a-z0-9_-]+. Also, it must appear as such in the scopes section of the SAF of the scope within which the document containing the term ref is being maintained, or it must be the scopetag of the scope itself.

If omitted, a default scope will be used, which is the scope from which the TRRT is being called, which SHOULD be the scope within which the document containing the term ref is being maintained. Note that the preceding @ sign MUST NOT be omitted because as it serves the purpose to distinguish term refs from other markdown links.

vsntag {#vsntag}

vsntag is a versiontag that identifies the specific version of the terminology in the scope that contains the (scoped) term that is being referenced.
It must satisfy the regex [a-z0-9_-\.]+.

If omitted (in which case the preceding :-character may also be omitted), its value will be the default, which is determined by the curators of that scope (the MRG that has the terminology that contains the (scoped) term](scoped-term@) that is being referenced, is specified in the SAF of that scope, in the appropriate scopes.mrgfile-field). A vsntag is only valid if it appears as the value of the vsntag field or an element of the altvsntags field in one of the list-elements of the versions field in the SAF of the scope.

:::info Editor's note It has been suggested to provide term ref syntax that allows one to refer to a terminological artifact from a [terminology] that was 'current'/'latest'/... at a particular date. The SAF versioning specifications already cater for from and to dates, but everything else needs to be worked out. :::

Alternative notation {#termref-alt}

It is convenient for authors to be able to use the '@scopetag' part of a term ref immediately behind the show text within the square brackets ([ and ]), and leave out the parentheses and the text in between if all the other items are omitted.

This is particularly useful in the vast majority of cases, where the default processing of showtext results in id and trait is absent. Examples of this are [definition](@), or [term ref](@).

The usefulness becomes even greater as the TRRT also implements more sophisticated ways to derive a id from a show text, e.g. to accommodate for plural forms (of nouns), or conjugate forms (for verbs).

:::info Editor's note This alternative notation will assume that the showtext part of a term ref won't contain the @ character. However, it is likely that some authors will want to use an email address as the showtext part of a regular link, e.g. as in [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). However, since scopetags should not contain .-characters, [[email protected]] does not qualify as a showtext in our syntax. Authors should use angle brackets to link to email addresses, as in <[email protected]>. :::

This leads to an alternative notation that can be used in addition to the previously specified notation. Here is the alternative syntax and its equivalent counterpart:

Alternative syntax Equivalent regular syntax
[show text@] [show text](@)
[show text@scopetag] [show text](showtext@scopetag)
[show text@scopetag:vsntag](id#trait) [show text](id#trait@scopetag:vsntag)

In the last row of the above table, id and #trait are optional. Thus, [definition@]() is equivalent with [definition](@) and with [definition](@).