expect-kt is a set of fluent assertions for Kotlin, for a better readability of your code than using kotlin.test
. Each type has a set
of extension functions that allow you to check certain specifics that relate to that type.
This project is a fork of https://github.com/kouphax/expect.kt. That project was abandoned (since 2012 without commits) and lacking a way to use with Gradle/maven. I updated it so I can use on some projects, and hope to improve some areas and add new features (like better messages and new extensions).
This is too a way for me to understand Kotlin and explore its features. The original project was inspired by FluentAssertions for .NET and now I’m inpired by AssertJ too.
- Gradle dependency
- Syntax
- Chaining
- Standard Assertions
- Logic Assertions
- String Assertions
- toBeEmpty/beEmpty
- toNotBeEmpty/beNotEmpty
- toHaveLength/haveLength
- toBeBlank/beBlank
- toNotBeBlank/notBeBlank
- toBeEquivalentTo/beEquivalentTo
- toStartWith/startWith
- toStartWithEquivalent/startWithEquivalent
- toEndWith/endWith
- toEndWithEquivalent/endWithEquivalent
- toContain/contain
- toContainEquivalent/containEquivalent
- toNotContain/notContain
- toNotContainEquivalent/notContainEquivalent
- toMatch/match
- Numeric Assertions (currently Int, Long, Double, Float)
- Collection Assertions (currently List)
- Extending expect-kt
expect-kt allows you to use two different approaches to define an assertion:
Expect syntax offers typical expect(something).toBeInACertainState
style of grammar that everybody uses. Like this:
expect-kt allows you to chain assertions to keep things really neat and tidy.
Or, in fluent syntax.
Or using blocks, because sometimes you want lots of checks.
expect("james") {
"james".should {
There are a few assertions that can be used on any type
Assert that the value should be equal to the other
Assert that the value should NOT be equal the other
Assert that the value is NOT null
Assert that the value is NOT true
Assert that a string is NOT empty ("")
expect(" ").toNotBeEmpty()
" ".should.beNotEmpty()
Assert that a string is of a certain length
Assert that a string is blank, in that it is empty or contains only whitespace
expect(" ").toBeBlank()
" ".should.beBlank()
Assert that a string is not blank, in that it isn’t empty or contains more than whitespace
Assert that a string is equal to another string regardless of case (ignore case comparation)
Assert that a string starts with another string.
Assert that a string starts with another string regardless of case.
Assert that a string ends with another string
Assert that a string ends with another string regardless of case
Assert that a string contains another string
Assert that a string contains another string regardless of case.
Assert that a string doesn’t contain another string.
Assert that a string doesn’t contain another string regardless of case.
Assert that a number is greater than or equal to another
Assert that a number is greater than to another
Assert that a number is less than or equal to another
Assert that a number is less than to another
Assert that a number is within the lower and upper bounds passed in
expect(2).toBeInRange(1, 3)
2.should.beInRange(1, 3)
Assert that the list don’t have any items
Assert that the list contain items
Assert that the list contains x items
expect(listOf("james", "cindy")).toHaveSize(2)
listOf("james", "cindy").should.haveSize(2)
Assert that the list contains the same of items as other list (same type or not)
expect(listOf("james", "cindy")).toHaveSameSizeAs(listOf(1, 2))
listOf("james", "cindy").should.haveSameSizeAs(listOf(1, 2))
Assert that the list contains this item
expect(listOf("james", "cindy")).toContain("james")
listOf("james", "cindy").should.contain("james")
Assert that the list contains all this items
expect(listOf("james", "cindy")).toContainAll(listOf("james"))
listOf("james", "cindy").should.containAll(listOf("james"))
Assert that the list contains a null value
expect(listOf("james", null)).toContainNull()
listOf("james", null).should.containNull()
Assert that the list does not contain null
expect(listOf("james", "cindy")).toNotContainNull()
listOf("james", "cindy").should.notContainNull()
Assert that the list does not contain this item
expect(listOf("james", "cindy")).toNotContain("tsu")
listOf("james", "cindy").should.notContain("tsu")
Assert that the list does not contain any of these items
expect(listOf("james", "cindy")).toNotContainAny(listOf("tsu"))
listOf("james", "cindy").should.notContainAny(listOf("tsu"))
Assert that the list contains any item that matches the lambda (predicate)
expect(listOf(1, 2)).anyToMatchLambda { it > 1 }
listOf(1, 2).should.anyMatchLambda { it > 1 }
Assert that all items in the list matches the lambda (predicate)
expect(listOf(2, 4, 6)).allToMatchLambda { it.mod(2) == 0 }
listOf(2, 4, 6).should.allMatchLambda { it.mod(2) == 0 }
Assert that the list does not have any item that matches the lambda (predicate)
expect(listOf(1, 2)).noneToMatchLambda { it > 2 }
listOf(1, 2).should.noneMatchLambda { it > 2 }
Assert that the list first item is this
expect(listOf("james", "cindy")).toStartWith("james")
listOf("james", "cindy").should.startWith("james")
Assert that the list last item is this
expect(listOf("james", "cindy")).toEndWith("cindy")
listOf("james", "cindy").should.endWith("cindy")
Assert that the list have a specific item at a position
expect(listOf("james", "cindy")).toHaveItemAt("cindy", 1)
listOf("james", "cindy").should.haveItemAt("cindy", 1)
Assert that the list contains an instance of this class at that index
expect(listOf("james", 1)).toHaveInstanceOfItemAt(String::class, 0)
listOf("james", 1).should.haveInstanceOfItemAt(String::class, 0)
Assert that the list does not contains duplicated items
expect(listOf("james", "cindy")).toNotContainDuplicates()
listOf("james", "cindy").should.notContainDuplicates()
Expectations in expect-kt are extension functions to Expectation
and Should
. If you want a expectation function that don’t already exist, you can create one in your files as this:
fun Expectation<Type>.toBeSomething(something: Type): ExpectationChain<Type> {
return ExpectationChain(this)
fun Should<Type>.beSomething(something: Type): ShouldChain<Type> {
return ShouldChain(this)
is the class you are testing. For example: Int, String, User (your own class), List<T> -
is the object ofType
that your expectation will run against -
Your method should return a ExpectationChain/ShouldChain for that type, so you can chain your calls
Your method can receive any number and any type of parameters
extensions usually just callExpectation
methods becauseShould
is a sugar aroundExpectation
You can check CustomExpectationTests.kt to see an example.