pyv is an utility to manage python distributions and related virtualenvs
% pyv l
# distributions
from_path:Python 3.6.6:/home/thomas/local/pyv/venvs/default/bin
Python-2.7.14:Python 2.7.14:/home/thomas/local/pyv/distributions/Python-2.7.14
Python-3.6.8:Python 3.6.8:/home/thomas/local/pyv/distributions/Python-3.6.8
Python-3.7.0:Python 3.7.0:/home/thomas/local/pyv/distributions/Python-3.7.0
*Python-3.7.2:Python 3.7.2:/home/thomas/local/pyv/distributions/Python-3.7.2
# virtualenvs
*default:Python 3.6.8:/home/thomas/local/pyv/venvs/default
EasyAVR:Python 3.6.8:/home/thomas/local/pyv/venvs/EasyAVR
test:Python 3.6.8:/home/thomas/local/pyv/venvs/test
create venv ($1) symlink for the current or specified pyv venv ($2).
usage is : pyv link [venv target name] [pyv venv name]
- venv target name, by default is venv
- pyv venv name, by default is the current pyv virtualenv
% pyv l
% pyv link
% ls -l
venv -> /home/thomas/local/pyv/venvs/test
% pyv link .env
% ls -l
.env -> /home/thomas/local/pyv/venvs/test
venv -> /home/thomas/local/pyv/venvs/test
You can use custom distribution that can be used to build Python with.
For example, during build process, you can force the openssl distribution to use, by setting the PYV_BUILD_DISTS variable.
After a build of openssl:
./config --prefix=/usr/local/openssl-1.1.1v --openssldir=/usr/local/openssl-1.1.1v/ssl
make install
You can use the custom openssl build with:
PYV_BUILD_DISTS=/usr/local/openssl-1.1.1v pyv build 3.9.18
To build with many specific distribution you can separate each custom lib with a ':' :
PYV_BUILD_DISTS=/usr/local/openssl-1.1.1v:/custom/path/sqlite-3440000 pyv build 3.9.18