- Check Preserve Aspect in Image option
- Make a same size for every images in conversation window
- In TalkManager, each sentence is organized as
"<character name>;<sentence>;<character image index>"
- Use TalkManager in GameManager with
talkName.text = talkData.Split(';')[0]; portraitImg.sprite = talkManager.GetPortrait(id, int.Parse(talkData.Split(';')[2]));
- Make choices by clicking the question mark
- Use collider names for each conversation
else if (hit.collider.name == "su25") { Destroy(hit.collider); Talk(2500); talkPanel.SetActive(isAction); question25_4 = true; whereAmI = 2500; hit.collider.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0); }
- After the codes above, the codes below execute because
else if (question25_4) { Talk(whereAmI); talkPanel.SetActive(isAction); //choices if (talkIndex == 2 && typeEffect.onSelect) { question25_4 = false; qu25cho1.SetActive(true); qu25cho2.SetActive(true); } }
- Functions for two choices - use talkIndex
public void qu25fir() { talkIndex += 1; Talk(whereAmI); talkPanel.SetActive(isAction); qu25cho1.SetActive(false); qu25cho2.SetActive(false); question25_4 = true; } public void qu25sec() { talkIndex += 2; Talk(whereAmI); talkPanel.SetActive(isAction); qu25cho1.SetActive(false); qu25cho2.SetActive(false); question25_4 = true; }
- Use collider names for each conversation
- Use ObjData
- Do not have to check collider names
and change question marks to transparent for invisibility- Fix null error and use
to decide the flowvoid Update() { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.GetRayIntersection(ray, Mathf.Infinity); ObjData objData; if (second) { Talk(whereAmI); talkPanel.SetActive(isAction); } if (hit.collider != null) { //Teleport if (hit.collider.name == "enter1") { player.Teleport(-16.52f, -18.210f); } else if (hit.collider.name == "out1") { player.Teleport(-16.52f, -1.829295f); } //Talk else if (hit.collider.GetComponent<ObjData>() != null) { objData = hit.collider.GetComponent<ObjData>(); if (objData.isObject) { portraitImg.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0); whereAmI = objData.id; ObjExplain(whereAmI); talkPanel.SetActive(isAction); second = true; } else { Debug.Log(objData.id); portraitImg.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); Destroy(hit.collider); whereAmI = objData.id; Talk(whereAmI); talkPanel.SetActive(isAction); hit.collider.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0); second = true; } }
- Is GameObject on?
<game object name>.activeSelf
- Mouseover events
- Script for non-button
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data.SqlTypes; using UnityEngine; public class OvertheMouse : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject thisObject; void OnMouseEnter() { thisObject.SetActive(true); } void OnMouseOver() { thisObject.SetActive(true); } void OnMouseExit() { thisObject.SetActive(false); } }
- For buttons - add
Event Trigger
under Button option
- Script for non-button
unsigned reference exception
- Check the connection inside Unity
- There must be
- If button click doesn't work
- Make a new
- Do not delete
- Make a new
- If UI doesn't fit your screen
- Inside
→Canvas Scaler
→Change UI Scale Mode
toScale With Screen Size
- Inside