- Materials in this module include resources collected from various open-source online repositories.
- You are free to use, change and distribute this package.
- If you found any issue/bug for this document, please submit an issue at tulip-lab/sit742:
- Pull requests are welcome:
- Point of Contact 👉 : Prof. Gang Li
Prepared by SIT742 Teaching Team
Prepared by 🌷 TULIP Lab, Australia
You are recommended to use Cloud platform to run the materials, such as:
- Google Colab: which will be used in SIT742 practical classes.
- Databricks - Community version: the original contributor to Apache Spark.
The sister repository of this one can be found at (key resources are password protected, only available in CloudDeakin):
, which is more frequently updated with the Readings than CloudDeakin SIT742 site, but it tailored out all the key Cloud-First content.
Module | Category | Topic | Module Notebooks |
1️⃣ | Preliminary | Unit Induction | |
2️⃣ | Preliminary | Python | |
3️⃣ | Core | Big Data | |
4️⃣ | Core | Data Manipulation | |
5️⃣ | Core | Data Analytics | |
6️⃣ | Advanced | Advanced |
Thanks goes to these wonderful people 🌷
Made with contributors-img.