Clone this repo and change "Tweet-EA" below to the name of your project
git clone Tweet-EA
Enter into the newly-created directory
cd Tweet-EA
You can remove the existing git history by running:
rm -rf .git
See Install Locally for a quickstart
: The endpoint you want to use. Supported enpoints below.
- User Timeline endpoint:
: The id of the Twitter usertweetHash
: The Keccak256 hash of the tweet textcount
: (optional) The amount of tweets to fetch from the user timeline, starting with the latest one. Default is 1.
- Tweet lookup endpoint:
: The Keccak256 hash of the tweet user id + tweet texttweetids
: An array of tweet ids
"jobRunID": "9ec03b54-437b-4b69-abe0-a80dcf466b7b",
"result": { "hashCheck": true, "tweetArray": [] },
"statusCode": 200
- Using the user timeline Job. Must provide userId and tweetHash
- oracle address: 0x521E899DD6c47ea8DcA360Fc46cA41e5A904d28b
- jobId: e5ce0aaf603d4aa2be36b62bb296ce96
- fee = 0.1 * 10 **18
- Using the tweet Lookup Job. Must provide tweetids and tweetHash
- oracle address: 0x521E899DD6c47ea8DcA360Fc46cA41e5A904d28b
- jobId: 438fb98017e94736ba2329964c164a6c
- fee = 0.1 * 10 **18
Contract_Example Job_definitions
Install dependencies:
Run the local tests:
yarn test
Natively run the application (defaults to port 8080):
yarn start
Takes in a userid and a hash and looks up the users' latest tweet, hashes the text and compares it with the inputed hash.
Task creation for testing purposes: "1","0xB498e4A7E01ADbBfd5Ce0Ea5bC67eB208cd5f1dC","1395461422121984004","0x62a2BA2cf2DeAabA6CdBF4E49765575d13Fc6083","1000000000000000000","1634218319","1638392085","1","0x83da950bf0a928aed2c5167ac121d7d59ac9e0a0efa3f4e54ff94218ca6a6a8f"
Takes in a tweet id and fetches the tweet text and author username, hashes it and compares with inputed hash.
curl -X POST -H "content-type:application/json" "http://localhost:8080/" --data '{ "id": 0, "data": {"endpoint": "Discord" } }'
curl -X POST -H "content-type:application/json" "http://localhost:8080/" --data '{ "id": 0, "data": {"taskId": "0", "timeWindowStart": "1634218319", "timeWindowEnd": "1638392085", "taskData": { "promoterId": "1395461422121984004","taskHash": "0x83da950bf0a928aed2c5167ac121d7d59ac9e0a0efa3f4e54ff94218ca6a6a8f", "platform": "Twitter", "metric": "like_count", "endpoint": "UserTimeline" } } }'
curl -X POST -H "content-type:application/json" "http://localhost:8080/" --data '{ "id": 0, "data": {"taskId": "0", "timeWindowStart": "1634218319", "timeWindowEnd": "1638392085", "taskData": {"taskHash": "0x83da950bf0a928aed2c5167ac121d7d59ac9e0a0efa3f4e54ff94218ca6a6a8f", "platform": "Twitter", "metric": "like_count", "endpoint": "Public" }, "userAddress": "0xB498e4A7E01ADbBfd5Ce0Ea5bC67eB208cd5f1dC", "user_id": "1395461422121984004" } }'
curl -X POST -H "content-type:application/json" "http://localhost:8080/" --data '{ "id": 0, "data": {"taskId": "0", "promoterId": "1395461422121984004", "timeWindowStart": "1637218319", "timeWindowEnd": "1638392085", "taskHash": "0xbe611fa9e3a341d1f59df049685fb42c9d7d2dadc0765019c5490335f21f9818", "endpoint": "UserTimeline" } }'
curl -X POST -H "content-type:application/json" "http://localhost:8080/" --data '{ "id": 0, "data": {"taskId": "0", "promoterId": "1395461422121984004", "timeWindowEnd": "1638392085", "taskHash": "0xbe611fa9e3a341d1f59df049685fb42c9d7d2dadc0765019c5490335f21f9818", "endpoint": "UserTimeline" } }'
curl -X POST -H "content-type:application/json" "http://localhost:8080/" --data '{ "id": 0, "data": {"taskId": "0", "promoterId": "1395461422121984004", "timeWindowEnd": "1638392085", "taskHash": "0xbe611fa9e3a341d1f59df049685fb42c9d7d2dadc0765019c5490335f21f9818", "endpoint": "something" } }'
curl -X POST -H "content-type:application/json" "http://localhost:8080/" --data '{ "id": 0, "data": {"tweetIds": "1278747501642657792,1255542774432063488", "tweetHash": "0xbe611fa9e3a341d1f59df049685fb42c9d7d2dadc0765019c5490335f21f9818", "endpoint": "TweetLookup" } }'
curl -X POST -H "content-type:application/json" "http://localhost:8080/" --data '{ "id": 0, "data": { "tweetids": "1447545650925682696", "tweetHash": "536c3cb79ae5a519c525dca22f9f166e6067b253178557ea579aec649eb5fd0c", "endpoint": "tweets?ids=" } }'
Same as above but with multiple tweet ids
curl -X POST -H "content-type:application/json" "http://localhost:8080/" --data '{ "id": 0, "data": { "tweetids": "1447545650925682696,1440043399961219074", "tweetHash": "536c3cb79ae5a519c525dca22f9f166e6067b253178557ea579aec649eb5fd0c", "endpoint": "lookup.json" } }'
If you wish to use Docker to run the adapter, you can build the image by running the following command:
docker build . -t external-adapter
Then run it with:
docker run -p 8080:8080 -it external-adapter:latest
After installing locally:
zip -r .
- In Lambda Functions, create function
- On the Create function page:
- Give the function a name
- Use Node.js 12.x for the runtime
- Choose an existing role or create a new one
- Click Create Function
- Under Function code, select "Upload a .zip file" from the Code entry type drop-down
- Click Upload and select the
file - Handler:
- index.handler for REST API Gateways
- index.handlerv2 for HTTP API Gateways
- Add the environment variable (repeat for all environment variables):
- Key: API_KEY
- Value: Your_API_key
- Save
If using a HTTP API Gateway, Lambda's built-in Test will fail, but you will be able to externally call the function successfully.
- Click Add Trigger
- Select API Gateway in Trigger configuration
- Under API, click Create an API
- Choose HTTP API
- Select the security for the API
- Click Add
If using a REST API Gateway, you will need to disable the Lambda proxy integration for Lambda-based adapter to function.
- Click Add Trigger
- Select API Gateway in Trigger configuration
- Under API, click Create an API
- Choose REST API
- Select the security for the API
- Click Add
- Click the API Gateway trigger
- Click the name of the trigger (this is a link, a new window opens)
- Click Integration Request
- Uncheck Use Lamba Proxy integration
- Click OK on the two dialogs
- Return to your function
- Remove the API Gateway and Save
- Click Add Trigger and use the same API Gateway
- Select the deployment stage and security
- Click Add
- In Functions, create a new function, choose to ZIP upload
- Click Browse and select the
file - Select a Storage Bucket to keep the zip in
- Function to execute: gcpservice
- Click More, Add variable (repeat for all environment variables)
- VALUE: Your_API_key