Releases: twilio/twilio-video.js
2.7.3 (October 21, 2020)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where an iOS 14 Safari Participant is not heard by others in a Room after handling an incoming phone call. (JSDK-3031)
2.8.0-beta.1 (September 28, 2020)
New Features
- This beta release adds a new experimental API
to help test the connectivity with twilio servers.
The API connects two participants to the video room using supplied tokens. It publishes synthetic audio and video
tracks from one participant. It also ensures that other participant receives media on those tracks.
After successfully verifying the connectivity, it generates a report about statistics of the connection.
Few things to note:
- The tokens used for the connection must specify the room for the test. This must be a unique test room
and not to be used for regular operations. - Since the API connects participants to the room it would incur the typical cost for 2 mins of usage. The actual cost
would depend on the room type used. - This function uses web audio API's.
Browser's autoplay policies sometimes require user action before accessing these APIs. Please ensure that this API
is called in response to user action like a button click. preflightTest
event to indicate test failures. Please refer to
this guide
for interpreting common errors.
Report generated by preflightTest
on completed
can be used to determine the quality of connection. Some of the useful stats and their optimal values are listed below.
Stat | Explanation | Optimal values |
jitter | Packets delay variation on audio tracks | < 30ms |
packetLoss | Packet loss as a percent of total packets sent | < 1% |
networkQuality | Network quality score (1 to 5), available only for group rooms | > 3 |
rtt | Round trip time in milliseconds. | < 200ms |
We encourage you to reach out to us with any feedback with the usage of the API.
const Video = require('twilio-video');
const tempRoomName = 'test-room-' +;
const publisherToken = getAccessToken('alice', tempRoomName);
const subscriberToken = getAccessToken('bob', tempRoomName);
const preflightTest = Video.testPreflight(publisherToken, subscriberToken);
preflightTest.on('completed', function(report) {
console.log("Test completed in " + report.testTiming.duration + " milliseconds.");
console.log(" It took " + report.networkTiming.connect.duration + " milliseconds to connect");
console.log(" It took " + + " milliseconds to receive media");
// network score is available only for group rooms.
console.log(" Your network score was: " + report.stats.networkQuality);
preflightTest.on('failed', function(error) {
console.log("Test failed:" + error);
preflightTest.on('progress', function(progressState) {
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where LocalTrack event listeners were not being cleaned up after disconnecting from a room. (JSDK-2985)
2.7.2 (August 12, 2020)
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where a Participant in a large Group Room sometimes gets inadvertently disconnected with a MediaServerRemoteDescFailedError. (JSDK-2893)
Fixed a bug where
returned stats for only one of the temporal layers of a VP8 simulcast VideoTrack. Now, you will have aLocalVideoTrackStats
object for each temporal layer, which you can recognize by thetrackId
properties. (JSDK-2920)
async function getBytesSentOnLocalVideoTrack(room, trackSid) {
const stats = await room.getStats();
let totalBytesSent = 0;
stats.forEach(stat => {
totalBytesSent += stat.localVideoTrackStats
.filter(localVideoTrackStats => trackSid === localVideoTrackStats.trackSid)
.reduce((bytesSent, localVideoTrackStats) => bytesSent + localVideoTrackStats.bytesSent, 0);
return totalBytesSent;
- Added metrics about signaling server connections. This is internal change, and has no effect on the SDK API.
2.7.1 (July 28, 2020)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where, sometimes an iOS Safari Participant is not heard by others in a Room after handling an incoming phone call. (JSDK-2932)
- In version 2.6.0, we had introduced a workaround for this iOS Safari bug which causes your application to lose the microphone when another application (Siri, YouTube, FaceTime, etc.) reserves the microphone. This release refactors the workaround to work for iOS versions 13.6 and above. (JSDK-2928)
- Fixed a bug where, sometimes an iOS Safari Participant's
elements were paused after handling an incoming phone call. Because of this, RemoteParticipants could not be seen and/or heard. (JSDK-2899) - Fixed a bug where iOS Safari Participants stopped sending video frames after an incoming phone call. (JSDK-2915)
- Fixed a bug where audio only Firefox 79+ and Chrome Participants could not hear each other in a Peer to Peer Room due to this Chromium bug. (JSDK-2914)
- Fixed a bug where
for Android Chrome browser on Motorola phones. (JSDK-2878)
2.7.0 (July 8, 2020)
New Features
- Previously, if you wanted to change the MediaTrackConstraints of an audio or video LocalTrack that is published to a Room, you would have to unpublish it, create a new LocalTrack with the desired MediaTrackConstraints and publish it to the Room. Now, you can just
the LocalTrack with the desired MediaTrackConstraints. For details, please refer to the LocaAudioTrack.restart() and LocalVideoTrack.restart() documentation. (JSDK-2870)
Bug Fixes
- Restored es5 support which was broken in 2.5.0. (JSDK-2913)
2.6.0 (June 26, 2020)
- Worked around this iOS Safari bug which causes your
application to lose the microphone when another application (Siri, YouTube, FaceTime, etc.) reserves the
microphone. Now your application will regain the microphone after foregrounding. As a result of this, the
property will now point to the newly acquired MediaStreamTrack, and
event is fired again on the LocalAudioTrack. Theid
of the LocalAudioTrack is now no longer
guaranteed to be equal to theid
of the MediaStreamTrack. Also, if you want to listen to events on the
MediaStreamTrack, we recommend that you do so in thestarted
event handler, since it guarantees that you
are always listening to events on the most recently acquired MediaStreamTrack. (JSDK-2828)
const { createLocalAudioTrack } = require('twilio-video');
const localAudioTrack = await createLocalAudioTrack();
function onMute() {
console.log('MediaStreamTrack muted!');
function onUnmute() {
console.log('MediaStreamTrack unmuted!');
localAudioTrack.on('started', () => {
const { mediaStreamTrack } = localAudioTrack;
mediaStreamTrack.addEventListener('mute', onMute);
mediaStreamTrack.addEventListener('unmute', onUnmute);
localAudioTrack.on('stopped', () => {
const { mediaStreamTrack } = localAudioTrack;
mediaStreamTrack.removeEventListener('mute', onMute);
mediaStreamTrack.removeEventListener('unmute', onUnmute);
- Worked around iOS Safari bug where, when the application is foregrounded,
it sometimes does not resume playback of the HTMLMediaElements attached to RemoteTracks that are paused when the application
was backgrounded (JSDK-2879).
2.5.1 (June 5, 2020)
- Removed support for versions of Chrome (23 - 55) and Firefox (22 - 43) that support prefixed versions of the WebRTC APIs that have been deprecated.
will now returnfalse
for these browser versions. (JSDK-2832)
Bug Fixes
- Moved npm dependencies
. (JSDK-2848)
2.5.0 (May 27, 2020)
New Features
The client now retries connection attempts when
is called and the signaling server is busy. The client may attempt one or more connection attempts with a server specified backoff period. If the client exceeds all attempts the CancelablePromise is rejected with a SignalingServerBusyError. The status of the signaling connection can now be monitored by passing an EventListener in ConnectOptions as shown in the code snippet below. Each event is documented here. (JSDK-2777)const { EventEmitter } = require('events'); const { connect } = require('twilio-video'); const sdkEvents = new EventEmitter(); // Listen to events on the EventListener in order to monitor the status // of the connection to Twilio's signaling server. sdkEvents.on('event', event => { const { level, name } = event; if (name === 'waiting') { assert.equal(level, 'warning'); console.warn('Twilio\'s signaling server is busy, so we wait a little while before trying again.'); } else if (name === 'connecting') { assert.equal(level, 'info'); console.log('Connecting to Twilio\'s signaling server.'); } else if (name === 'open') { assert.equal(level, 'info'); console.log('Connected to Twilio\'s signaling server, joining the Room now.'); } else if (name === 'closed') { if (level === 'error') { const { payload: { reason } } = event; console.error('Connection to Twilio\'s signaling server abruptly closed:', reason); } else { console.log('Connection to Twilio\'s signaling server closed.'); } } }); connect('token', { eventListener: sdkEvents }).then(room => { console.log('Joined the Room:',; }, error => { if (error.code === 53006) { console.error('Twilio\'s signaling server cannot accept connection requests at this time.'); } });
Reduced connection times by acquiring RTCIceServers during the initial handshake with Twilio's signaling server rather than sending a HTTP POST request to a different endpoint. Because of this, the ConnectOptions properties
are no longer applicable, and they will be ignored. (JSDK-2676) -
Reduced connection times by removing a round trip during the initial handshake with Twilio's signaling server. (JSDK-2777)
The CancelablePromise returned by
will now be rejected with a SignalingConnectionError if the underlying WebSocket connection to Twilio's signaling server is not open in 15 seconds. (JSDK-2684)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where
was throwing an exception in a server-side rendering application. (JSDK-2818) - Fixed a bug where sometimes the publishing of a LocalTrack very quickly after another LocalTrack was unpublished never completed. (JSDK-2769)
- Fixed a bug in
where it did not return correct values forpacketsLost
for LocalTracks. (JSDK-2755, JSDK-2780, JSDK-2787)
2.4.0 (May 4, 2020)
New Features
- twilio-video.js now supports faster signaling reconnections due to network disruption or handoff. (JSDK-2739)
- twilio-video.js now supports faster media reconnections due to network disruption or handoff. (JSDK-2742)
Bug Fixes
- Worked around this Chromium bug,
which causes Android Chrome 81+ Participants to not be able to subscribe to H264 RemoteVideoTracks
in a Group or Small Group Room. (JSDK-2779) - Fixed a bug where
was returningtrue
for some browsers that
are not officially supported by twilio-video.js. (JSDK-2756)
New Features
events on Room and LocalParticipant are now fired asynchronously. (JSDK-2696)- twilio-video.js now raises
errors due to network disruptions quicker by not retrying after the first connection attempt fails. (JSDK-2682) - twilio-video.js attempts to reconnect to a Room only while the Participant's session is valid (typically 30 seconds after the
event) instead of using a fixed number of retries. (JSDK-2683) - A LocalParticipant will now have an additional
property which contains the geographical region of the signaling edge LocalParticipant is connected to. (JSDK-2687) - A Room will now have an additional
property which is where media is being processed. This property is not set for Peer-to-Peer Rooms because they do not use a central media server for routing and/or recording. (JSDK-2685)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where calling
on RemoteVideoTracks of RemoteParticipants that joined after the LocalParticipant had no effect. (JSDK-2707)