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178 lines (124 loc) · 6.35 KB

File metadata and controls

178 lines (124 loc) · 6.35 KB



  • changePassword: Add method to update the wallet password
  • createSeed: Add method to generate a wallet seed
  • createWallet: Add method to make a new wallet
  • deleteFailedPayAttempts: Add method to remove failed payment attempt data
  • deleteFailedPayments: Add method to remove failed payment data
  • disableChannel: Add method to mark a channel as forwarding disabled
  • disconnectWatchtower: Add method to remove a connected watchtower
  • enableChannel: Add method to signal forwarding enabled to a peer
  • getConnectedWatchtowers: Add method to list watchtowers that are connected
  • getPathfindingSettings: Add method to fetch configuration for pathfinding
  • isDestinationPayable: Add method to deterrmine if a destination can be paid
  • probeForRoute: Add method to probe to find a route to a destination
  • subscribeToWalletStatus: Add method to get updated on wallet lock status
  • unlockWallet: Add method to decrypt and start a wallet
  • updateConnectedWatchtower: Add method to edit a connected watchtower
  • updatePathfindingSettings: Add method to edit route finding heuristic configuration


  • getWalletVersion: Add support for LND 0.13.1-beta
  • fundPsbt: Add support for min_confirmations


  • subscribeToForwards: Add secret attribute to settle forward events


  • getNode: Return to fallback channels lookup when version commit hash is unavailable
  • getWalletVersion: Add support for builds that do not report a commit hash


  • getNode: Return to fallback channels lookup when version check is unavailable


  • getNode: Optimize channel lookup speed on LND 0.13.0


  • getWalletVersion: Add support for LND 0.13.0


  • pay: Fix error when paying a zero amount invoice but specifying mtokens
  • subscribeToInvoices: Fix restart timeout to add longer default timeout


  • On payment requests, validate millitokens maximum fee is either a string or undefined


  • subscribeToForwards: Correct output value documentation and type definitions


  • broadcastChainTransaction: Add method to publish a raw transaction
  • cancelPendingChannel: Add method to abort a channel open
  • closeChannel: Add method to close a channel
  • fundPendingChannels: Add method to add funding to opening channels
  • fundPsbt: Add method to create a funded PSBT
  • getChainBalance: Add method to retrieve the on-chain funds amount
  • getChainFeeEstimate: Add method to estimate a chain-fee to send an on-chain tx
  • getChainFeeRate: Add method to get a chain fee rate estimate
  • getChainTransactions: Add method to list on-chain transactions
  • getPendingChainBalance: Add method to retrieve the unconfirmed on-chain balance
  • getSweepTransactions: Add method to list transactions related to sweeps
  • getUtxos: Add method to list unspent coins
  • lockUtxo: Add method to lease an unspent coin
  • openChannel: Add method to create a new channel
  • openChannelsAdd method to create multiple new channels
  • prepareForChannelProposal: Add method to prepare for a channel proposal
  • proposeChannel: Add method to propose a channel
  • sendToChainAddress: Add method to send on-chain funds to an address
  • sendToChainAddresses: Add method to send on-chain funds to multiple addresses
  • setAutopilot: Add method to set the autopilot configuration
  • signPsbt: Add method to sign a funded PSBT
  • subscribeToBlocks: Add method to subscribe to blockchain progression
  • subscribeToChainAddress: Add method to subscribe to chain address events
  • subscribeToChainSpend: Add metthod to subscribe to chain UTXO spend events
  • subscribeToTransactions: Add method to subscribe to local on-chain transactions
  • unlockUtxo: Add method to release a lease on an unspent coin
  • updateChainTransaction: Add method to update metadata on a chain tx


  • authenticatedLndGrpc: Allow not specifying a macaroon


  • getAccessIds: Add method to list access ids
  • grantAccess: Add method to generate a macaroon
  • revokeAccess: Add method to revoke a macaroon
  • signMessage: Add method to sign a message
  • verifyMessage: Add method to verify a message signature


  • addPeer: Add method to add a peer
  • cancelHodlInvoice: Add method to cancel an invoice
  • createHodlInvoice: Add method to create a HODL invoice
  • createInvoice: Add method to create an invoice
  • diffieHellmanComputeSecret: Add method to derive a shared secret
  • getInvoice: Add method to lookup an invoice
  • getInvoices: Add method to fetch past invoicies
  • getPeers: Add method to list connected peers
  • removePeer: Add method to disconnect a connected peer
  • settleHodlInvoice: Add method to settle an accepted HODL invoice
  • signBytes: Add method to sign arbitrary bytes
  • signTransaction: Add method to create a transaction signature
  • subscribeToInvoice: Add method to subscribe to updates to an invoice
  • subscribeToInvoices: Add method to subscribe to invoice updates
  • verifyBytesSignature: Add method to validate a signature over arbitrary bytes


  • emitGrpcEvents: Cancel subscriptions when websocket connection is lost


Support for versions of LND lower than v0.11.0 is ended due to security issues with those releases.

Breaking Changes

  • authenticatedLndGrpc: Eliminate router_legacy


  • authenticatedLndGrpc: Adjust for changes to LND proto files
  • unauthenticatedLndGrpc: Adjust for changes to LND proto files


  • authenticatedLndGrpc: Fix support for hex encoded macaroons


  • authenticatedLndGrpc: Add support for version RPC server

Breaking Changes

  • authenticatedLndGrpc: LND 0.9.2 and below: router is now router_legacy
  • emitGrpcEvents: arguments renamed to params
  • grpcRouter: arguments renamed to params
  • lndGateway: arguments renamed to params


  • emitGrpcEvents: Support large responses


  • emitGrpcEvents: Add method to create a gateway websocket emitter


  • grpcRouter: Add method to create a gateway proxy for Express servers
  • lndGateway: Add method to create object that can use a gateway proxy


  • authenticatedLndGrpc: Fix macaroon attachment


  • Add typescript support


  • Add authenticatedLndGrpc to access authentication required gRPC LND methods
  • Add unauthenticatedLndGrpc to access no-auth gRPC methods