Ask for an account by sending an email to [email protected].
Add the following information in your email.
Note that a (short) support letter from your advisor is mandatory to get approved.
It should normally take 1-2 days.
to access GPU nodes.
The head node has GPUs. You can debug your code there for 15 min.
module load CUDA
module load cuDNN
Pick the version you want for CUDA by looking at what's available module avail CUDA
srun -u --pty --time=HH:MM:SS -p gpu bash -i
maximum of 5 days (120:00:00)
-p gpu
get a node with GPUs
However, the preferred way of interacting with the job queue is to submit a job using the interactive session:
srun --time=HH:MM:SS -p gpu
slurm will provide a job id. Use that id if you want to remove yourself from the queue with scancel [job id]
See which nodes are available:
sinfo -p gpu
See who is in the queue:
squeue -p gpu
You will be allocated free space 200GB on your home folder.
There are also temporary storage space and project space available. Check this page.
You can monitor your credits through accinfo
, which gives an overview of your account information and your credit budget, or accuse
which shows your monthly usage.
Make sure that you don't have a credit of 0, otherwise ask Boy Menist [email protected] to fix your account.
At first, 10k credits are assigned to new users. If you run out of credits (i.e. negative number), ask the helpdesk for more credits and put Boy Menist on cc.
One hour of computation on a GPU node is equivalent to 48 credits.
Read the starting guide for more info.