- Clone/download the Pattern Library package repo (not the source repo)
- Add the supporting asset directories to your site. They contain the compiled assets needed to have a basic HTML site "just work" within the framework.
- Add the CSS and supporting assets JS to your html head, as provided in the example HTML file.
- Use the page samples, page templates, and component HTML as samples for your code. Cut and paste into your HTML pages as needed.
- Update the HTML content as required by your business. Be sure to address each HTML item's complete metadata for proper SEO and accessibility support.
Supporting asset directories:
- CSS /public/css/*
- JS /public/js/*
- Fonts /public/fonts/*
Note: Supporting assets / packages loaded with NPM are defined in the package.json file at the root of the source repo.
HTML Page Sample
See the HTML Page sample in /public/examples/HTML/index.html (in the package repo) or /source/examples/HTML/index.html (in the source repo). They are the same code and are packaged for delivery with Gulp tasks from the source repo.